The name Jules is true. Jules Gabriel Verne

The name Jules is true. Jules Gabriel Verne
The name Jules is true. Jules Gabriel Verne

Jules Verne. Biography and review of creativity

A popular French writer, who founded a scientific fiction genre, Jules Gabriel Verne was born on February 8, 1828 in Nante. His father was a very successful lawyer, and after graduation, Jules Verne went to Paris in order to continue family tradition - Study legal sciences. His uncle was widely known in the literary circles of Paris, where he entered his young nephew. After acquaintance with such outstanding figures Literature, like, for example, Alexander Duma-Son, the future of the young man was predicted. Although the fascination of literature did not prevent him from successfully finish the university and get a law cuisa. A great influence on the creative activity of the writer was the fact that in 1854 Sh. Bajler transferred the works of Edgar on french. Verne read it with his works, and in 1861 he wrote a "air balloon". Gradually, the novels of J. Verne became very popular. He met the publisher of the Etiem, with whom she collaborated to the end of his life. It is worth noting that Verne was neither scientist nor a traveler, so most He devoted to the collection of material for his works. Unlike fully fantasy works, for example, Alice in Wonderland ^ Carroll, Verne tried to make his work realistic and strictly followed scientific facts.

On January 10, 1857, J. Verne marries Neornya de Wian, who was a widowed mother of two children, with the right one they met at the wedding of his friend in Amiens. They lived in country house, traveled on the yacht. Three years later, she gave birth to the back of Michel's son, who later became famous cinematographer and shielded several novels of his father at the beginning of the XX century.

In 1867, J. Verne made a cruise through the Atlantic Ocean during which the United States visited the United States of America. And in 1878 he traveled on a yacht Mediterranean Sea.By visiting the majority of European states.

In this journey, he wanted to walk to St. Petersburg, but a strong storm changed his plans. In 1884, he made his last journey on a yacht by Mediterranean countries, visiting Algeria, Spain, Italy, Malta.

The end of his journey put a terrible incident - his mentally ill neglence shot him from the revolver.

In 1892, the writer became a cavalier of the Order of the Honorary Legion for outstanding literary merit.

The writer made a minimum of one novel a year. His books are always full of adventure, exciting travel through distant countries and lands. In the letter to the publisher, he wrote: "It seems, I'm going crazy. I got lost among the incredible adventures of my heroes. I regret only one thing: I can not accompany them *.

In their later works, the writer began to express concern that people would use the inventions of science not for the benefit, not for travel or scientific discoveries, but to harm, with mercenary goals. These works include the "Flag of Motherland", "The Lord of the World", " Unusual adventures Barsaka expeditions "- Roman completed the son of the writer Michel Verne.

Unpublished during the life of a manuscript writer continue to be released so far. For example, the manuscript "Paris in the 20th century" was found by the great-grandfathers of J. Verne and published in 1994, although it was questioned before that, its existence was questioned.

Shortly before his death, the writer completely lost sight, but continued to dictate the book to his son and his wife. J. Verne died on March 24, 1905

Having lived a long creative life, J. Verne became the author of 66 novels, more than 20 stories and more than 30 plays. All his work is permeated with faith in the future of progress, romantics of science and adoption before creative mind.

First Roman J. Verne came out of the press in 1863. It was a novel-trip "Five weeks in a balloon", which showed that the writer was interested not only technical, but also geographical discoveries, in particular, African research. Travel, truth is involuntary, the novel "Fifteen-year-old captain" (1878) is also dedicated to this continent. The heroes of this novel, as, however, always at J. Verne, clearly divided into brave, noble, insidious and evil. Everything positive heroes Romanov Verne is filled with positive emotions towards devoid and oppressed. Heroes of his novels are not burdened by any prejudices, and they easily go towards difficulties, successfully overcoming them. The negative heroes of his works sooner or later are punishable.

All works J. Verne is not just interesting fictionThey help become kinder, patient and bolder.

1. "Captain Grant Children"

The action of the first part of the novel begins in the summer of 1864, when the sailors of the yacht "Duncan", lord Gle-Narvanan, in the stomach caught by their fish discover a bottle with a message in three languages. The message says that a year ago, the ship "Britain" suffered shipwreck and survived only three crew members - this is the captain of Grant and two sailors. They managed to find shelter on one of the islands whose coordinates lie on the 37th parallels. Since the message has long lay in water, it was pretty spoiled, and installs * "The more accurate location of the saved people becomes impossible. Glenarwan, being a courageous patriot of his native Scotland, who was not able to reconcile with the fact that his native country was forever lost independence, decides to go in search of Captain Grant and his sailors, asking for pre-support from the Ministry navy England. However, the Admiralty refuses him to help (the true cause of refusal is that the missing captain Grant, as well as Glenarwan, actively fought for the independence of Scotland), and the captain collects an expedition to his own risk. The son and daughter of Captain Grant Captain's son and daughter of Captain Grant come to the house of the brave captain "Duncana". After negotiations with his team, Glenarwan decides to go in search of missing, following the entire 37th parallels of southern latitude, visiting all the continents and sailing through all the seas to not miss any, even the smallest island.

During the journey, the yacht crosses the water of the Atlantic, heading towards the shores of South America, after the Pacific and comes to Patagonia. Further travelers go down to the shore and cross the mainland on foot in search of the missing captain. Unfortunately, in South America, they can not find the missing, so they take them to the vessel at the other end of the island.

After that, the search group goes to the East, through the Indian Ocean. Visiting all the islands lying on the 37th parallels and the city of Amsterdam and not finding the captain of Grant there, they reach the southern part of Australia. There they find a farm that belongs to the kind and welcoming Irish, who cannot help them in search of the missing crew. One of the servants of Irish - Ayrton suddenly declares that he was a member of the team of the captain grant ship, but the ship was crashed on the east coast of the mainland, after which he himself was captured to local Aboriginal, from where he managed to run and hide on the Irish farm. Captain "Duncan" makes a decision to cross the Australian mainland, taking a loton with me as a conductor. The captain asks Pagany to write a letter to his assistant to the ship with a request to wait for them in the port of Eden on the opposite coast of Australia. However, it is very soon discovered that Airton is not at all a member of the grant team, but the leader of the runaway convicts, who decided to capture the yacht to grab the written order of Glenarwan. On foot reaching the port, Captain Glenarwan learns that his ship sailed in an unknown direction, apparently, under the leadership of Arton. The captain makes the decision to complete the expedition and go home, but the port does not turn out to be ships following in Scotland, and they are sent to the shores of New Zealand on a commercial ship.

On the shores of New Zealand, local aborigines capture them, hoping to use them as negotiators with the troops of England (the effect of the novel occurs during the war of the British and Aboriginal for island lands). After failed negotiations, the aborigines make decisions to eat prisoners, but they manage to escape and reach the port in Melbourne. To his vast surprise there, they detect the cruising along the shore of Duncan under the command of the assistant captain Tom Austin. It turns out that Airton handed him a letter, and the ship went on the road, but not to the port of Eden, but to the shores of New Zealand, since Pa-Ganel interpreted the place of arrival when he wrote a note. Ayrton takes into custody for tried to raise a riot on the ship, and concludes a contract with him: he tells everything that he knows about the team of Captain Grant, and it is planted on the island in the Pacific Ocean and are not issued by the English authorities.

Unfortunately, the convict knows nothing about the present location of the grant, as it was planted from his ship to west Bank Australia for trying to raise a riot on Britain. In order to plant a runaway convict on the deserted island of the Pacific Ocean, as agreed, Glenarwan is heading to the island of Tabor, "only this place located on the 37th parallels, they have not yet visited. There they find Captain Grant and are all returning to England together.

"Twenty thousand led under water"

In the next adventure novel, J. Verne - "Twenty Thousand League underwater" is actively sounding national liberation ideas. The main character Roman - Captain Nemo appears in the image not only a scientist, but also a revolutionary, in the personality of which the entire progressiveness of the views of J. Verne and the main direction of his literary creativity are most fully expressed. Through the plot, it turns out that captain Nemo, the past of which is shrouded in a lot of secrets and intrigues, in fact Indian Dakar, who dedicated his whole life fighting for the liberation of the birthplace from British colonizers. His stunning underwater ship is for him and home, and a scientific laboratory, and weapons in battle. On the ship, the captain has everything you need for work, the richest library and even a unique museum. In other words, there is everything for serious scientific training. Despite such a arrangement of "underwater life," the captain cannot live in his underwater asylum, knowing that there is so much evil and injustice on the surface. The captain continues to fight the conquerors and provides all the assistance to the people in need of it, who seeks to defend his freedom.

« Mysterious Island»

In the third large-scale novel of the writer "Mysterious Island" author intertwines two scene lines Romanov "Children of Captain Grant" and "Captain Nemo".

According to the story of the novel, the Smith engineer and his friends should seem to go through the way passed by humanity during its development - from the extraction of fire and the manufacture of primitive labor instruments to more complex works. They not only are engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture, but also build bridges, engage in melting metal, swamps dried and so on. Verne praises collective work here, friendly, well-coherent job. Heroes of the "Mysterious Island" armed scientific knowledge and experience: the author wants to say readers that free people On its own free land can do a lot if they work in a team, that is, each, making something for yourself, at the same time makes something for everyone. The educational role of the Roman is to convey to people all the joy of collective labor and the principle of "one for all and all for one", because the heroes of the novel do not work for money or other remuneration, but only for the good of the common cause.

In all novels, J. Verne fiction is adjacent to the paintings of the real position of enslaved peoples dependent on country colonizers. The author shows the readers all the horror of the slave trade, condemning the atrocities that are creating conquerors and colonists under the flag of "indulging" backward peoples.

J. Verne called the "poet of science" and "a poet-propagandist of democratic ideas, which all his life condemned the policy of conquest, conducted by capitalist states.

As a small child, Jules dreamed of truly take a world journey. He was born and lived in the town of Nantes, located at the mouth of the Loire River, which flows into the Atlantic Ocean. In the port of Nanta, huge multi-day sailboats arrived from various countries of the whole world. At 11 years old, he was secretly sinking to the port and asked one of the shkun to take his Jung on board. The captain gave his consent and the ship together with the young jeob departed from the shore.

Father, being famous in the city of the lawyer, in time he learned about it and went on a little ship in pursuit of the swimming schooner. He managed to take off her son and return home, just convinced the little Jules failed. He said that now forced to travel in his dreams.

The boy graduated from the Nantes of the Royal Lyceum, was an excellent student and was going to go in the footsteps of the Father. All his life they inspired that the profession of lawyer is very honorable and profitable. In 1847, he went to Paris and finished the school of jurisprudence there. Having received a lawyer's diploma, he was taught writing.

Start of writing activity

The Nante Dreamer staging his fodensions on paper. At first they were a comedy "broken straws". The work was shown in duma-senior and he agreed to make her stage in his own historical theater. The play has become successful, and the author praised.

In 1862, Verne finished work on his first adventure novel "Five Weeks in a Balloon" and immediately took the manuscript to PJER PJER to PJERT Etzel. He read the job and quickly cut down that in front of him is truly talented. With Jule, the contract was immediately concluded a contract for 20 years ahead. A beginner writer pledged two new works to publisher once a year. The novel "Five Weeks in a Balloon" quickly divided and was successful, and also brought his creator and fame.

True success and fruitful activities

Now Jules Verne could afford to fulfill the dream of childhood - to travel. He bought for this Yacht "Saint-Michel" and left for a long marine journey. In 1862, he walked under the sail to the shores of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. In 1867 he arrived in North America, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. While Jules traveled, he constantly made the record, and returning to Paris immediately returned to writing activities.

In 1864, they were written by Roman "Travel to the Center of the Earth", then "traveling and adventures of Captain Gatteras," next "from the ground to the moon." In 1867, the famous "Children of Captain Grant" saw the light. In 1870 - "20 000 lia under water." In 1872, Jules Verne "around the world for 80 days" and it was she who used the greatest success Readers.

The writer had everything you can dream of - glory and money. However, the noisy Paris is tired of him and he moved in a quiet amiene. He worked almost like a car, got up early at 5 am and wrote until 7 pm. Breaks were only on food, tea and reading. He chose himself a suitable wife who understood him well and provided him comfortable conditions. Daily writer visiting great amount Journals and newspapers, made cuttings and stored them in a card file.


In all his life, Jules Verne wrote 20 leaders, as many as 63 novels, and dozens of plays and stories. He was awarded the most honorary award for the time award - a large premium of the French Academy, hitting the "immortal". In the last legendary writer began to get blind, but writing activities did not graduate. He dictated his works until death.

The Son of the Writer was engaged in cinema and shielded several works of his father:

  • « Twenty thousand lions under water"(1916);
  • « Fate Jean Morane"(1916);
  • « Black India."(1917);
  • « South Star"(1918);
  • « Five hundred millions of ramble"(1919).

Grandson - Jean-Jules Verne (1892-1980), the author of the monograph on the life and work of his grandfather, over which he worked about 40 years (published in France in 1973, the Russian translation was carried out in 1978 in the publishing house "Progress"). Great-grand Jean Verne (r. 1962) known opera tenor. It was he who found a manuscript of the novel " Paris in the XX century", Which long years considered a family myth.

Study and creativity

The Son of Lawyer, Verne studied jurisprudence in Paris, but the love of literature prompted him to go on another path. In 1850, the play is true "broken straws" was successfully delivered in the "History Theater" by A. Duma. In 1852-1854, Verne worked as the Secretary of the Director of the Lyric Theater, then was a stock exchange broker, without stopping the comedy, libretto, stories.

Cycle "Unusual Travel"

  • "Five weeks in a balloon" (Russian translation - ed. M. A. Golovacheva, 1864, 306 s.; Called " Air travel across Africa. Compiled by memorials of Dr. Ferguson Julia Verne»).

The success of the novel inspired the writer. He decided to continue to work in this "key", accompanying the romantic adventures of his heroes more and more skilled descriptions of incredible, but, nevertheless, thoroughly thought out scientific "miracles", born with his imagination. The cycle continued novels:

  • "Journey to the center of the earth" (),
  • "Travel and Adventures of Captain Gatteras" (),
  • "From the ground to the moon" (),
  • "The Children of Captain Grant " (),
  • "Around the moon" (),
  • "Twenty thousand lion under water" (),
  • "Around the world in 80 Days " (),
  • "Mysterious Island " (),
  • "Mikhail Street" (),
  • "Captain at fifteen " (),
  • "Robur Conqueror" ()
and many others .

The creative heritage of Jules Verne includes:

  • 66 novels (including unfinished and published only at the end of the XX century);
  • more than 20 stories and stories;
  • more than 30 plays;
  • several documentaries and scientific works.

The Creativity of Jules Verne is imbued with the romantics of science, faith for progress, worship before the strength of man's thoughts. He sympathically describes the struggle of nations for national liberation.

In the Novels of the Writer, readers found not only an enthusiastic description, travel, but also bright and lively images of noble heroes (Captain Gatteras, captain Grant, captain Nemo), cute eccentric scientists (Professor Lidenbrok, Dr. Clodubony, Cousin Benedict, geographer Jacques Pagannel, astronomer Palmyren Rosets).

Later creativity

In his later works, there was a fear of the use of science in criminal purposes:

  • "Flag of the Motherland" ()
  • "Lord of the world" (),
  • "The extraordinary adventures of the Barsaka Expedition" (; Roman is finished with the Son of the writer Michel's right).

Faith in constant progress was replaced by anxious expectation of the unknown. However, these books never enjoyed such tremendous success as its previous works.

After the death of the writer left a large number of unpublished manuscripts that continue to be published and understood. So, Roman Paris in the XX century of 1863 was published only in 1994.


Jules Verne was not a "cabinet" writer, he traveled a lot in the world, including on his yachts "Saint-Michel I", "Saint-Michel II" and "Saint-Michel III". In 1859, he traveled to England and Scotland. In 1861 visited Scandinavia.

In 1867, Verne made a transatlantic cruise on a steamer "Great Eastern" in the United States, visited New York, in Niagara Falls.

In 1878, Jules Verne made a big trip to Saint-Michel III yacht on the Mediterranean Sea, visiting Lisbon, Tangier, Gibraltar and Algeria. In 1879, on the yacht "Saint-Michel III", Jules Verne again visited England and Scotland. In 1881, Jules Verne visited the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark on his yacht. Then he planned to reach St. Petersburg, however, it was prevented by a strong storm.

In 1884, Jules Verne committed his last big trip. At Saint-Michel III, he visited Algeria, in Malta, in Italy and other countries of the Mediterranean. Many of his trips subsequently formed the basis of "extraordinary travels" - "Floating City" (), "Black India" (), "Green Beam" (), "Lottery ticket number 9672" () and others.

Last 20 years of life

On March 9, 1886, Jules Verne hardly wounded in ankle, shot from a revolver, a mentally ill neglence Gaston Verne (son of the field). About travel I had to forget forever.

Shortly before the death of Verne, but everything continued to put the books.

  • "Mysterious Island" (1902, 1921, 1929, 1941, 1951, 1961, 1963, 1973, 1975, 2001, 2005, 2012, etc.).
  • Chinese jerseys in China ()
  • Mysterious Island of Captain Nemo (1973), under the name she went in the Soviet box
  • "20 000 lion under water" (1905, 1907, 1916, 1927, 1954, 1975, 1997, 1997 (II), 2007, etc.).
  • "Children of Captain Grant" (1901, 1913, 1962, 1996; 1936 CCCP, 1985, etc.),
  • "From the ground to the moon" (1902, 1903, 1906, 1958, 1970, 1986),
  • "Journey to the Center of the Earth" (1907, 1909, 1959, 1977, 1988, 1999, 2007, 2008, etc.),
  • "Around the world for 80 days" (1913, 1919, 1921, 1956 Oscar for best movie, 1957, 1975, 1989, 2000, 2004),
  • "Fifteen-year-old captain" (1971; 1945, 1986 of the USSR),
  • "Mikhail Stright" (1908, 1910, 1914, 1926, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1944, 1955, 1956, 1997, 1999).
  • Wolfgang Holbaine wrote the continuation of the stories about Nautilus, creating a series of books "Children Captain Nemo" ().
  • In the 60s of the XIX century, the Russian Edition of the Roman Zhul was prohibited in the Russian Edition, "Travel to the Center for Earth", in which spiritual censors have found antireligious ideas, as well as the danger of destroying confidence in the Holy Scriptures and the clergy.
  • In honor of the writer, the 16th issue is named operating system Fedora under the code name Verne.
  • At the eleven-year-old age, Jules almost escaped to India, hired by Jung on the schooner of Corali, but it was stopped on time. Being already famous writerHe confessed: "I must have been born a sailor and now every day sorry that the sea career did not fall on my share since childhood."
  • Michel Ardan's prototype from the novel "From the Earth on the Moon" became a friend of Jules Verne - Writer, artist and photographer Felix Tournashon, better known under the pseudonym Nadar.
  • Jules Verne could be at the desk literally from dawn to dawn - from five in the morning to eight in the evening. During the day he managed to write on a half of the printed sheet, which is equal to twenty-four book pages.
  • To write a novel "Around the World in Eighty Days" writer inspired a magazine article proving that if the traveler services are good vehicles, he will be able to drive around the globe in eighty days. Verne also counted that you can even win one day if you use the geographical paradox described by Edgar software in the "three Sundays for the same week".
  • American newspaper magnate Gordon Bennett asked Verne to write a story specifically for American readers - with the prediction of America's future. The request was executed, but the story entitled "in the XXIX century. One day of the American journalist in 2889, "never came out in America.
  • In 1863, Jules Verne wrote the book "Paris in the 20th century", in which the car, fax and electric chair described in detail. The publisher returned to him the manuscript, calling the idiot.
  • Jules Verne was the fifth after H. K. Andersena, D. London, Brothers Grimm and S. Perro by publication in the USSR foreign writer For 1918-1986: The total circulation of 514 editions amounted to 50,943 thousand copies.

see also

Write a review about Article "Verne, Jules"


  1. Newspaper "Book Review", № 3, 2012
  2. Wengerova Z. A. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  3. Schmadel, Lutz D. . - Fifth Revised and Enlarged Edition. - B., HEIDELBERG, N. Y.: Springer, 2003. - P. 449. - ISBN 3-540-00238-3.
  4. - In the document it is necessary to search Circular No. 24765 (M.P.C. 24765)
  5. . Checked July 17, 2012.
  6. . Checked July 17, 2012.
  7. Dmitry Zlotnitsky // World of Fiction. - 2011. - № 11. - P. 106-110.
  8. Leonid Kaganov. ""
  9. Heinrich Alto "The fate of the foresight of Jules Verne" // The world of adventure. - 1963.
  10. Vl. Nakov // If a . - 2007. - № 9.
  11. Grekulov E. F. Chapter VIII. Enlightenment and science /. - Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Scientific and popular series. - M.: Science, 1964.
  12. Book publishing the USSR. Figures and facts. 1917-1987 / E. L. Nemirovsky, M. L. Platov. - M.: Book, 1987. - P. 311. - 320 s. - 3000 copies.


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  • In the library Maxim Moshkov.
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Excerpt characterizing Verne, Jules

"But in order not to ruin the edge that we left the enemy," Prince Andrei said viciously. - it is very thorough; You can not allow robbery the edge and take the troops to the ladder. Well, in Smolensk, he also correctly judged that the French could get around us and that they had more strength. But he could not understand that - suddenly the prince of Andrei shouted with a thin voice, - but he could not understand that we were for the first time they fought there for Russian land, that in the troops there was such a spirit, which I never saw that I never see that For two days, the French were folded off the French and that this success was our strength. He ordered to retreat, and all efforts and losses were disappeared. He did not think about treason, he tried to do everything as best as possible, he thought it all; But it is not suitable for this. It is not suitable now precisely because it all thinks out very thoroughly and gently, as follows to any German. How would you say ... well, the father of your German Lackey, and he is a wonderful lacquer and will satisfy all his needs better than you, and let him serve; But if the father is sick with death, you will drive a lake and your unusual, awkward hands will go after my father and it is better to calm him than a skillful, but someone else's person. So done with Barclay. While Russia was healthy, she could serve someone else, and was a wonderful minister, but as soon as she is in danger; need your own native man. And you in the club invented that he is a traitor! In the fact that he was slandered by a traitor, only the fact that then, ashamed of their false complaint, will be made from the traitors suddenly the hero or genius, which will still be unfair. He is honest and very accurate German ...
"However, they say, he is a skillful commander," said Pierre.
"I don't understand what a skillful commander means that," said Prince Andrei with a mockery.
"Skilled commander," said Pierre, "well, the one who foresaw all the chance ... Well, the opponent's thoughts guess.
- Yes, it is impossible, "said Prince Andrei, as if about the long-term deal.
Pierre looked at him with surprise.
"However," he said, "after all, they say that the war is like a chess game.
- Yes, "said Prince Andrei," only with a little difference that in chess over each step you can think of how much you like that you are there outside the conditions of time, and with the difference that the horse is always stronger than pawns and two pawns are always stronger One, and in war one battalion is sometimes stronger than the division, and sometimes weaker than the company. Relative force The troops can not be known to anyone. Believe me, - he said, - that if he would have depended on the headquarters orders, I would have been there and did orders, but instead I have the honor to serve here, in the regiment here with these gentlemen, and I think that from us really will depend on tomorrow, and not from them ... success never depended and will not depend on the position, nor from weapons, nor even from the number; And the least from the position.
- And what about?
"From that feeling that is in me, in him," he pointed to Timokhin, "in every soldier.
Prince Andrei glanced at Timokhina, who looked frightened and wondered his commander. In contrast to his former restrained silence, Prince Andrei seemed agitated now. He, apparently, could not resist from the statement of those thoughts that suddenly came to him.
- The battle will win the one who firmly decided to win it. Why did we lose the battle under Austerlitz? We had a loss almost equal to the French, but we told themselves very early that we lost the battle, and lost. And we said this because we did not need to fight there: I wanted to leave the battlefield as soon as possible. "Lost - well, so run!" - We ran. If we were before the evening we did not say that, God knows what it would be. And tomorrow we do not say that. You say: our position, the left flank is weak, the right flank is stretched, "he continued," all this is nonsense, nothing is it. And what do we have tomorrow? One hundred million of a wide variety of accidents that will be resolved instantly in that they ran or will run away or ours that will kill that, kill another; And what is being done now - all this is fun. The fact is that those with whom you traveled in position, not only do not promote the general course of affairs, but prevent him. They are engaged only by their small interests.
- In this minute? - Pierre said ukriznarly.
"In this moment," said Prince Andrei, "for them it is only such a minute in which you can sink under the enemy and get an extra cross or a ribbon. For me, tomorrow here's what: the hundredsmatic Russian and hundredsmatic French troops agreed to fight, and the fact is that these two hundred thousand fights, and who will be evil to fight and regret themselves less, he will win. And you want, I will tell you that, whatever it was, whatever confused there at the top, we will win the battle tomorrow. Tomorrow, whatever it is, we will win the battle!
"Here, your creation, however, the truth is true," Timokhin said. - What to regret now! Soldiers in my battalion, believe it, did not become vodka, drink: not such a day, they say. - Everyone was silent.
Officers rose. Prince Andrei came out with them for the barn, giving the last orders to the adjutant. When officers left, Pierre went to the prince Andrei and just wanted to start a conversation, as the hoofs of three horses were careful, and, looking at this area, Prince Andrei found out Volzogen with Clauses, accompanied by the Cossack. They traveled close, continuing to talk, and Pierre and Andrei involuntarily heard the following phrases:
- Der Krieg Muss Im Raum Verlegt Werden. Der AnSicht Kann Ich Nicht Genug Preis Geben, [War must be transferred to the space. I can't praise this look (it.)] - said one.
- O JA, - said another voice, - Da der Zweck Ist Nur Den Feind Zu Schwachen, So Kann Man Gewiss Nicht Den Verlust Der Privatpersonen in Achtung Nehmen. [Oh yeah, because the goal is to weaken the enemy, then it is impossible to take into account the loss of individuals (it.)]
- O JA, [oh yes (it.)] - confirmed the first voice.
- Yes, Im Raum Verlegen, [transfer to space (it.)] - repeated, viciously snorted with his nose, Prince Andrei, when they drove. - Im Raum [in space (it.)] I have a father, and son, and sister in the Bald Mountains. It's all the same. Here it is what I told you - these gentlers will not win the battle tomorrow, but only they will be nagy, how many of their strength will be, because in his German head only reasoning, not standing eggs, and in the heart there is no fact that only one thing And you need to tomorrow, - what is in Timokhin. They gave all of Europe to him and came to teach us - glorious teachers! - again screamed his voice.
- So you think that tomorrow the battle will be won? - said Pierre.
"Yes, yes," said Prince Andrei absently. "One thing I did, if I had power," he began again, "I would not take prisoners." What are prisoners? This is a knighthood. The French ruined my house and go to ruin the Moscow, and insulted and insult me \u200b\u200ball a second. They are my enemies, they are criminals all, according to my concepts. And also thinks Timokhin and the whole army. We must execute them. If they are my enemies, they cannot be friends, no matter how they talked in Tilsit.
"Yes, yes," said Pierre, shining eyes looking at Prince Andrew, "I absolutely completely agree with you!"
The question that is disturbed by Pierre, who has been disturbed by Pierre, who has been disturbed by him completely clear and completely permitted to all this day. He now understood the whole point and the whole meaning of this war and the upcoming battle. All that he saw on this day, all significant, strict expressions of the people who saw it glimpse, lit for him with a new light. He understood that hidden (Latente), as they say in physics, the warmth of patriotism, which was in all those people he saw, and who explained him, why all these people are calm and as if they were frightly prepared for death.
"Do not take prisoners," Prince Andrei continued. - This one would change the whole war and would make it less cruel. And then we played the war - this is what is bad, we are generous and the like. It is generous and sensitivity - like generosity and sensitivity of the Baryn, with which there is a bad talker when she sees the calf calf; She is so good that he can not see blood, but she with an appetite eats this calf under the sauce. We are involved on the rights of war, about chivalry, parliamentary, sparing unfortunate and so on. All nonsense. I saw in 1805 chivalry, paritarian: we were inflated, we inflated. Rob to other people's homes, they allow fake banknotes, and worse everything - kill my children, my father and talk about the rules of war and generosity to enemies. Do not take prisoners, and kill and go to death! Who reached that, as I, the same sufferings ...
Prince Andrei, who was thinking that he was still, would take it or will not take Moscow, as Smolensk took, suddenly stopped in their speech from an unexpected cramps, grabbed him for the throat. He walked several times silently, but Tlaza his feverishly glistened, and the lip was trembling when he began to say again:
- If there was no gentleman in the war, then we would go only when it costs to go to the right death, as now. Then there would be no war for the fact that Pavel Ivanch offended Mikhail Ivanich. And if the war is like now, so war. And then the intensity of the troops would not be the one as now. Then all these Westphalts and Hesssets, who leads Napoleon, would not go to Russia, and we would not go to Austria and Prussia, not knowing why. The war is not courtesy, but the most appropriate thing in life, and it is necessary to understand this and not to play the war. It is necessary to take strictly and seriously this terrible necessity. All this: Fail off a lie, and the war is so war, not a toy. And then the war is the favorite fun of idle and frivolous people ... Military estate is the most honorable. And what is war, what is needed for success in military business, what morals of the military society? The purpose of the war is the murder, the war rights of the war - spying, treason and encouraging it, the ruin of residents, the robbery of their or theft for the food of the army; Cheating and lies called military hectares; The morals of the military estate are the lack of freedom, that is, discipline, idleness, ignorance, cruelty, debauchery, drunkenness. And despite this is the highest estate, revered by everyone. All the kings, except for Chinese, carry Military unifeds, and to the one who killed the people more, give a great reward ... It will meet, like tomorrow, to kill each other, they will switch, persecute tens of thousands of people, and then they will serve thanks for the fact that they broke Many Luden (whom the number is still added), and proclaim the victory, believing that the more people beaten, the more merit. How God looks from there and listens to them! - Thin, squeaky voice shouted Prince Andrei. - Oh, my soul, lately I was hard to live. I see that I began to understand too much. And it is not suitable for a man to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil ... Well, yes, not for a long time! - he added. "But you sleep, and I'm a pen, go to the slides," said Prince Andrei suddenly said.
- Oh no! "Pierre answered, frightened by the condoles-looking eyes looking at Prince Andrew.
"Go go, go: before the battle you need to sleep," Prince Andrew repeated. He quickly approached Pierre, hugged him and kissed him. "Farewell, go," he shouted. "See you, no ..." And he, hastily turning, went to the barn.
It was already dark, and Pierre could not disassemble the expression that was on the face of Prince Andrew, whether it was viciously or gently.
Pierre stood a few times silently, thinking, whether to go or go home. "No, he does not need! - Solved Pierre himself, - and I know that this is our last date. " He sighed heavily and drove back into the slides.
Prince Andrei, returned to the barn, lay down on the carpet, but could not sleep.
He closed his eyes. Some images were replaced by others. On one he long, happily stopped. He vividly remembered one evening in St. Petersburg. Natasha with a lively, agitated face told him how she was in the past summer, walking for mushrooms, lost in big forest. She incoherently described him and the wilderness of the forest, and his feelings, and talking to the pensioner, whom she met, and, interrupting himself in his story, said: "No, I can not, I don't say that; No, you do not understand, "despite the fact that the prince Andrei calmed her, saying that he understood, and really understood everything she wanted to say. Natasha was dissatisfied with his own words, "she felt that she did not come out that passionately the poetic feeling that she experienced this day and which she wanted to pull out. "This is such a beauty was this old man, and dark so in the forest ... and he has such good ... no, I don't know how to tell," she said, blushing and worrying. Prince Andrei smiled now by the same joyful smile he smiled then looking into her eyes. "I understood her," said Prince Andrei. - not only understood, but this mental power, this sincerity, this openness is a gentle, this soul of her, which seemed to connect the body, I loved this soul in her ... so much, so happily loved ... "And suddenly he remembered that his love ended. "He had nothing to do it. He did not see anything and did not understand. He saw in her a pretty and fresh girl, with whom he did not admire his fate. And I? And so far he is alive and cheerful. "
Prince Andrei, as if someone had burned him, jumped up and began to walk again in front of the shed.

On August 25, on the eve of the Borodino battle, the prefect of the Palace of the Emperor French, M R De Beausset and Colonel Fabvier arrived, the first of Paris, the second from Madrid, to the emperor Napoleon in his parking lot at Valuev.
Changed into the court uniform, M R de Beausset ordered the parcel to bear the emperor ahead and entered the first branch of Napoleon's tent, where, talking with the surrounding His Napoleon's adjutants, engaged on the drawer spreading.
Fabvier, without entering the tent, stopped, talking to familiar generals, at the entrance to it.
The emperor Napoleon has not yet come out of his bedroom and ended his toilet. He, the porceling and poking, turned, turned her thick back, which brushed in greasy breasts under the brush, which Vamdiner tried his body. Another chamelner, holding a finger to the flask, splashed out of the emperor to the emperor's worshiped body with such an expression that he said that he could know how much and where to sprinkle cologne. Napoleon's short hair was wet and confused on the forehead. But his face, at least the swollen and yellow, expressed physical pleasure: "Allez Ferme, Allez Toujours ..." [Well, even stronger ...] - He sentenced him, shaking and wrinkling, threatening the chainner. Adjutant, who entered the bedroom in order to report to the emperor about how much the prisoners were taken in yesterday, having passed what was needed by the door, waiting for the permission to leave. Napoleon, wonder, looked soaked at the adjutant.
"Point de Prisonniers," he repeated the words of the adjutant. - IL SE Font Demolir. Tant Pis Pour L "Armee Russe," he said. - Allez Toujours, Allez Ferme, [No prisoners. They make to exterminate themselves. Essently for the Russian Army. Well, even stronger ...] - he said, honeymoon and substituting his fat shoulders.
- C "Est Bien! Faites Entrer Monsieur De Beausset, Ainsi Que Fabvier, [Well! Let the De Boss goes out, and Fabvier too.] - he said the adjutant, nodding his head.
- OUI, SIRE, [I listen, sovereign] - and the adjutant disappeared into the door of the tent. Two Camneliner quickly dressed His Majesty, and he, in the Guards Blue Mundir, firm, quick steps came to the reception.
The boss at this time hurried with his hands, setting the gift from the empress brought to him from the empress on two chairs, right before the emperor entrance. But the emperor so unexpectedly wondered and came out that he did not have time to completely prepare a surprise.
Napoleon immediately noticed what they did, and guessed that they were not yet ready. He did not want to deprive them of pleasure to make him a surprise. He pretended that he did not see Mr. Boss, and called Fabvier. Napoleon listened, strictly frowning and silently, what Fabvier spoke to him about the courage and the devotion of his troops, who were fulfilled at Salamanca at the other end of Europe and had only one thought - to be worthy of his emperor, and one fear is not to please him. The result of the battle was sad. Napoleon did ironic remarks during the story of Fabvier, as if he did not intend to make it possible to go otherwise in his absence.
"I have to fix it in Moscow," said Napoleon. - A Tantot, [Goodbye.] - he added and called De Boss, who at that time had already managed to prepare a surprise, settling something on the chairs, and covered something covered.
De Bosse lowly bowed to those courtly French bow, who was able to bow only the old servants of Bourbon, and approached, feeding the envelope.
Napoleon had fun to him and picked it up for his ear.
- You hurried, very happy. Well, what does Paris say? He said, suddenly changing his before the strict expression on the most affectionate.
- SIRE, TUT PARIS REGRETTE VOTRE ABSENCE, [SOCLE, All Paris regrets your absence.] - As it should, De Bosse replied. But although Napoleon knew that the boss should say this or the like, although he knew in his clear minutes that it was not true, he was nice to hear from de Bosse. He again honored his touch for the ear.
"Je Suis Fache, DE Vous Avoir Fait Faire Tant de Chemin, [I am very sorry that made you ride so far." He said.
- SIRE! Je Ne M "Attendais Pas a Moins QU" A Vous Trouver Aux Portes de Moscou, [I was expected to find no less than you, the sovereign, at the gate of Moscow.] - said the boss.
Napoleon smiled and, absently raising his head, looked at the right. Adjutant floating in a flooded step with a gold tobackerka and substituted it. Napoleon took her.
"Yes, it happened good for you," he said, attacked the open to the nose, "you love to travel, in three days you will see Moscow." You, right, did not wait to see the Asian capital. You make a pleasant journey.
The boss bowed with gratitude for this attentiveness to his (unknown to this time) tendency to travel.
- BUT! what's this? - said Napoleon, noticing that all the courtiers looked at something covered with the bedspread. The boss with a court dexterity, without showing the back, made the way two steps back and stopped the bedspread at the same time and said:
- A gift to your Majesty from the Empress.
It was bright colors written by Gerard Portrait of a boy born from Napoleon and the daughter of the Austrian emperor, which for some reason they were called the king of Rome.
A very beautiful curly boy, with a view similar at the view of Christ in the Sistine Madonne, was depicted playing in Bilbok. The ball represented the globe, and the wand in the other hand portrayed a scepter.
Although it was not entirely clear that it was I wanted to express a painter, introducing the so-called King of Rome with a skewer ball with a stick, but this allegory, as well as everyone who saw the picture in Paris, and Napoleon, obviously seemed clear and very much liked.
- Roi de Rome, [Roman King.] - He said, graceful hand gesture pointing to a portrait. - Admirable! [Wonderful!] - with the ability to change an arbitrarily expression of the Italians, he approached the portrait and pretended to be a thoughtful tenderness. He felt that what he would say and would now, - there is a story. And it seemed to him that the best thing he could do now is that he is with his greatness, as a result of which his son in Bilbok played ground ballSo that he indicated, as opposed to this, the most simple deceo tenderness. His eyes turned his mind, he moved, looked at the chair (the chair jumped under him) and sat down against his portrait. One gesture of him - and all on tiptoe came out, providing himself and his sense of a great man.
After sitting a few times and touched, he himself is not knowing why, with hand to roughness, he glanced portrait, he got up and called the boss and duty again. He ordered to make a portrait in front of the tent, so as not to deprive the old guard, standing near his tent, happiness to see the Roman king, son and the heir of their adorable sovereign.
As he expected, while he had breakfast with Mr. Boss, who honored this honor, enthusiastic cliques escaped to the portrait of officers and soldiers of the old guard were heard before the tent.
- Vive L "Empereur! Vive Le Roi de Rome! Vive L" Empereur! [Long live the emperor! Long live the Roman king!] - enthusiastic voices were heard.
After breakfast, Napoleon, in the presence of the boss, dictated his army order.
- Courte et Energique! [Short and energetic!] - Napoleon said when he read himself immediately without amendments written to the proclamation. The order was:
"Warriors! Here is the battle that you wanted so much. Victory depends on you. It is necessary for us; She will deliver everything you need: comfortable apartments and a quick return to Fatherland. Act as you acted with Austerlice, Friedland, Vitebsk and Smolensk. Let the later offspring with pride remember your exploits to this day. May they say about each of you: he was in great Battle Under Moscow! "
- De La Moskowa! [Under Moscow!] - repeated Napoleon, and, inviting Mr. Boss, who loved to travel to his walk, he left the tent to saddled horses.

Verne Jules (1828-1905), French science fiction writer.

Born on February 8, 1828 in Nante. Son of lawyer and himself by education lawyer. In 1849, he began to prove in 1849 as a playwright, but did not use his play with his success.

The glory will return the first novel "five weeks in a balloon", which came out at the end of 1862 (although dated 1863).

Verne turned out to be an unusually prolific writer - he created 65 novels of a scientific and fantastic and adventure-geographical nature. Sometimes wrote satirical works, ridicuing the modern French bourgeois society, but they managed much less and did not bring the author of glory. A truly famous was made by "Journey to the Center of the Earth" (1864), "Children of Captain Grant" (1867-1868), "20 LLC Lie under water" (1869-1870), "Around the World for 80 days "(1872)," Mysterious Island "(1875)," Fifteen-year-old captain "(1878). These novels were translated into many languages \u200b\u200band were read with interest all over the world.

It is curious that the author of the books about traveling himself did not make a different travel and wrote, relying on the experience, but on knowledge and (mainly) to his own fantasy. Often Jules Verne did rather rough mistakes. For example, in his novels you can meet a statement about the existence of museums, where the skeletons of octopuses are exhibited; Meanwhile, octopus is an invertebrate animal. However, the entertainment of the stories of Jules Verne redeemed such flaws in the eyes of readers.

The writer adhered to democratic beliefs, rewritten with utopian socialists, in 1871 supported the Paris Commune.

Propaging science, he has repeatedly warned about the danger of using its achievements for military purposes. It was Verne who became the first creator of the image of a crazy scientist who dreams of world domination ("500 million raised", 1879; "The Lord of the World", 1904). Later fiction has repeatedly resorted to the characters of this kind. In addition to artistic works, Verne wrote popular books in geography and on the history of geographical research.

The writer has always been very popular in Russia - since in 1864 its first novel was translated into Russian (in Russian translation "air travel across Africa").

The name of Jules is faithful to the crater on the back of the moon. Died on March 24, 1905 in Amiens.

    Dyaki Vij Meni Doublecoming. So Meni B Pushchal Sulfare Read Delgua (that is not a spirit of Tsіkavu) bіograya ...

    For their life, Verne changed three yachts, called "Saint-Michel" - I, II and III. The first Saint-Michel was ordinary fishing barcas, the third - ocean yacht with a steam engine.

Jules Gabrielle Verne Biography
novel 2007-12-28 01:18:16

Jules Gabriel Verne (Verne, Jules Gabriel, 1828 - 1905) for 2005 there was a date noted by the literary and reader publicity not only France, but also many other countries. This year was 100 years since the death of the Great French writer Jules Gabriel, which is considered to be Millions of readers in various countries by its idol. Jules Verne was born on February 8, 1828 in the city of Nante, on one of the numerous islands in the bed of Loire. Nantes is a few dozen kilometers from the mouth of the Loire, but it has a large-scale largest trading sailboats. Pierre Verne, Father Verne, engaged in a lawyer. In 1827, he married Sophie Allot de la Fui, the daughters of the shipowners who lived next door. The ancestors of Jules Verne from the mother lead their origin from the Scottish Arrow received in 1462 to serve in the Guard Louis Xi and received the noblewood for the service provided by the King. For paternal lobes are descendants of the Celts who lived in antiquity in France. At the beginning of the 20th century, Verne moved to Paris. Family at that time were often many families, and together with the first-mention of Jules in the house of Rerin grew by Brother Paul and three sisters, Anna, Matilda and Marie. From 6 years, Jules goes to the lessons for a neighbor, widow captain far Swimming . At the age of 8, he comes first to the Seminary Saint-Stanislav, then in the Lyceum, where he receives a classic education, which included the knowledge of Greek and Latin, rhetoric, singing and geography. This is not the most beloved subject, although he dreams of distant countries and sailing ships. Jul tried to realize their dreams in 1839, when the secret of his parents got a secret to India three-person schooner "Corali". Fortunately, Jules's father managed to the local Piroskaf (steamer), at which he managed to catch up with Schoon, located at the mouth of the Loire, the Place of Pembaff and remove the junior jungle from it. Having promised the Father that he would never again repeat anything like this, Jules addically added that he would continue to travel only in dreams. Once parents allowed Julia together with his brother to ride Piroskafa down the Loire to the place of her sign into the bay, where the brothers first saw the sea. "In a few jumps, we descended from the vessel and rolled down the stones covered with a layer of algae to kill sea water and bring it to the mouth ..." But she is not at all salty, "I mumbled, pale. "Not at all salty," brother replied. - We were deceived! - I exclaimed, and a terrible disappointment sounded in my voice. What are we were fools! At that time, there was a tump, and from a small depression in a rock we drove the water Loire! When the tide began, the water seemed to us even more salty than we expected! " (Jules Verne. Memories of childhood and youth) Having received a bachelor's degree in 1846, Jul, agreed - under the high pressure of the Father - to inherit his profession, begins to study jurisprudence in Nante. In April 1847, he departs to Paris, where exams should pass for the first year of study. He leaves his native house without a broken heart - his love rejected Kuzina Carolina Tronson. Despite the numerous sonnets dedicated to the beloved and even a small tragedy in verses for the puppet theater, Jules did not seem like a suitable party. Running the exams in the law faculty for 1847, Jules returns to Nantes. His theater enthusiastly entails him, and he writes two plays ("Alexander VI" and "Powder plot"), read in a narrow circle of friends. Jules well understand that the theater is, above all, Paris. With great difficulty, he seeks to continue his studies from the Father to study in the capital, where and departs in November 1848. Jules is arranged in Paris on Ansen-Comeda Street together with his Nanntian friend Edward Bonami. In 1949, he receives the degree of licention of law and can work as a lawyer, but in no hurry to confuse the law office and, even more so, it does not break back to Nantes. He is enthusiastically attended by literary and political salons, where he gets to many famous writers, including the famous Alexander Duma-Father. He is intensively engaged in literature, writes tragedies, water and comic operas. In 1948, 4 plays appear from under his pen, the next year 3 more, but they all do not reach the scene. Only in 1850, the next his play "broken straws" was able to see (with the help of older duma) ramp lights. A total of 12 ideas of the play, bringing the jibling profits in 15 francs. This is how he tells about this event: "My first work was a small comedy in verses, written with the participation of Alexander Duma-Son, who was and remained one of my best friends to his very death. It was called "broken straws" and put on the scene of the historic theater, whose owner was Duma Father. The play had some success, and on the advice of Duma-senior I gave it to the seal. "Do not worry," he encouraged me. - I give you a complete guarantee that there will be at least one buyer. I will be this buyer! " [...] Soon I became clear that the dramatic works would not give me any glory, no means for life. In those years, I jutter in the attic and was very poor. " (From an interview with Jules Verne) how large was the limited means of the existence, which were faced by Verne and Bonami, can be submitted from the fact that they had only one evening fracture, and therefore they were chosen to secular techniques in turn. When, one day, Jules could not resist and acquired a collection of Pieces of Shakespeare, his beloved writer, then he was forced to fast for three days, as he had no money left for food. As his grandson Jean Jules Verne in his book writes in his book about Jules, during these years Jules had to seriously worry about earnings, because he could not count on a fairly modest income of the father. He is satisfied with the service in a notarial office, but this work does not leave him time to write, and he soon throws her. For a short time, it is satisfied with the banking clerk, and in free time Engaged in tutoring, scolding students of the law faculty. Soon "Lyrical Theater" opens in Paris, and Jules becomes his secretary. The service in the theater allows it to work in a popular journal of Mizu de Family, in which $ 1851 was published by his story "The first ships of the Mexican Fleet" (later called "Drama in Mexico"). The next publication on the historical topic took place in the same year in the same journal, where the story "Journey in the air balloon" appeared, a better known entitled "Drama in the air", under which he was printed in 1872 in the "Dr. Ox" collection. Jules Verne continues to develop the success of its first historical and geographical works. In 1852, he publishes the story "Martin Paz", whose action takes place in Peru. Then the fantastic novel "Master Zacharius" (1854) and a big story "wintering in ice" (1855) appear in the Muise (1855), which is not without reason can be considered the prototum of the novel "Travel and Adventures of Captain Gatteras". Thus, gradually refineed the circle of preferred for Jules Verne Topics: Travel and Adventure, History, Exact Sciences, Finally, Fantasy. And yet, the young Jules continues to spend the strength and time on writing mediocre plays ... During the 50s, a libretto of comedy operas and operetta, drama, comedy ... From time to time, some of the 50s from his feather They appear on the stage of the "lyrical theater" ("Zhmurki", "Margolen satellites"), but it is impossible to exist on these random earnings. In 1856, Jules Verne invited to the wedding of his friend in Amiens, where he meets the sister of the bride. This is a beautiful twenty-grade widow onorina Morel, nee De Wian. She recently lost her husband, and she has two daughters, but it does not interfere with the Julia to captivate with a young widow. In a letter home, he speaks of the intention to marry, but since the starving writer cannot give a future family of sufficient guarantees of a hazardous life, he discusses with his father the opportunity to become a stock exchange broker with his brother's brother. But ... to become a shareholder of the company, you need to make a round sum of 50,000 francs. After a short resistance, the father agrees to help, and in January 1857, Jules and Onorina bind their fate. Verne works a lot, but he has time not only for his favorite plays, but also for trips abroad. In 1859, he performs with Aristide Inonya (the author of the music to most operetta is correct) journey to Scotland, and in two years it goes with the same companion on the trip on Scandinavia, during which he visited Denmark, Sweden and Norway. During the same years, theatrical frames saw several new dramatic works of Verne - in 1860, the "Lyrical Theater" and the Buffe Theater are given by the comic operas "Hotel in Ardenns" and "Mr. Chimpanzee", and the next year in the theater "Waterville" with success There was a comedy in three actions "eleven days of siege". In 1860, Verne gets acquainted with one of the most unusual people that time. It is Nadar (so briefly called Gaspar Felix Tournashon, the famous Aeronaut, photographer, artist and writer. Verne has always been interested in the aeronautics - it is enough to remember his "drama in the air" and the essay of the creativity of Edgar software in which there is a lot of space for "aeronautic" novels revered by the great writer. Obviously, it affected the choice of the topics of his first novel, the work on which was completed by the end of 1862. Probably, Alexander Duma, the first reader of the novel "Five Weeks in a balloon" was the first reader, who became acquainted with Breache, who, in turn, presented the right one of the largest Paris-Jululy Paris-Julia Paris Paris. Etzel, who was going to establish a magazine for adolescents (later, who became widely famous called "Journal of Education and Entertainment"), I immediately realized that the knowledge and ability of Verne in many ways correspond to its plans. After small corrections, Etzel accepted the novel by publishing it in his journal on January 17, 1863 (according to some information - December 24, 1862). In addition, Etzel proposed to return to the constant cooperation, signing a contract with him for 20 years, according to which the writer was obliged to transfer three books for three books annually, receiving 1900 francs for each volume. Now Verne could breathe calmly. From now on he was although not too big, but stable incomeand he had the opportunity to engage literary laborwithout thinking what he will feed the family tomorrow. The novel "Five Weeks in Aircraft" appeared only in a timely manner. First of all, the general public these days was passionate about the adventures of John Specke and other travelers who were looking for the origins of the Nile in the unknown jungle of Africa. In addition, it is precisely for these years a rapid development of aeronautics; It is enough to say that in parallel with the next releases of the novel, the reader could follow the next issues of the novel, the reader could follow the flights of a giant (he was called - "Giant") balloon Nadar. So it is not surprising that Roman Verne won in France incredible success. Soon he was translated into many European languages \u200b\u200bbrought the author international fame. So, in 1864 his Russian edition called "Aircraft through Africa". Subsequently, Etzel, soon became a close friend of Jules Verne (their friendship continued to the death of the publisher), in financial relations with the writer always showed exceptional nobility. Already in 1865, after the publication of the first five Romans of Jules Verne, his fee was increased to 3,000 francs for the book. Despite the fact that, according to the terms of the contract, the publisher could freely manage the illustrated publications of books Verne, Etzel paid the writer for 5 bills issued by that time compensation in the amount of five and a half thousand francs. In September 1871, a new treaty was signed, according to which Verne was obliged to transmit to the publisher no longer three, but only two books annually; The fee of the writer from now on was 6,000 francs for that. Here we will not only stay on the content of everything that was written with a jelle correctly for the next 40 years, but we will not even list the names of its numerous - about 70 - novels. Instead of bibliographic information that can be found in books and articles E. Brendis, K. Andreeva and G. Gurievich, dedicated to Julia, and also in the budiography of the written writer Jean Jules, we will stop somewhat more in more detail. creative method Writer and his views on science and society. There is a very widespread opinion, a kind of myth that Jules Verne expressed in his works "The shock of man by the power of technology, hopes for her omnipotence," as his biographers were noted. Sometimes, however, they reluctantly admitted that by the end of their life the writer began to more pessimistically look at the ability of science and technology to make mankind. Pesssimism Jules Verne last years His life was due to his poor health (diabetes, loss of vision, injured foot, which caused constant suffering). Often, at the same time, as evidenced by the scandal view of the writer for the future of mankind, his big story called "Eternal Adam", written in the late 19th century, but for the first time published after the death of the writer in the collection "Yesterday and tomorrow", published in 1910. The archaeologist of the distant future discovers the traces of the disappeared highly developed civilization, thousands of years ago by the ocean destroyed by the ocean, flooding all the continents. Only on the land rising from the Atlantic after the catastrophe survived seven people who had the beginning of a new civilization that had not yet reached the level of previous one survived. Continuing excavations, the archaeologist reveals traces of an even more ancient deceased culture, apparently created by the Atlanta once, and with bitterness, awareness of the events. The grandson of the writer Jean Jules-Verne so determines the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe story: "... the efforts of a person are in vain: they prevent his briefness; Everything is transparent in this glossy world. Progress, as well as the Universe, seems to him infinite, whereas barely noticeable shudders of the fine earthly crust is enough to make all the achievements of our civilization. " (Jean Jul-Verne. Jules Verne) Even further, Jules Verne went to a posthumously published in 1914 the novel "Amazing Adventures of the Barsaka Expedition", which shows how a person uses scientific and technical achievements with a criminal goal, and how it can with the help of science Destroy what was created by it. Speaking about the views of Jules Verne to the Society of the Future, it is impossible not to say a few words still having a novel written in 1863, but found only at the end of the twentieth century and published in 1994. At one time, the Roman "Paris in the twentieth century" did not actively like the Etzel, and after long discussions and discussions were left by a jet-made true and thoroughly forgotten. The value of the novel of the young faith is not in the spherical, sometimes surprisingly precisely guessing technical details and scientific discoveries; The main thing in it is an image of a future society. Jules Verne skillfully highlights the features of modern capitalism and extrapolates them, bringing to the absurdity. He foresees the population and bureaucratization of all segments of society, the emergence of strict control not only for behavior, but also for the thoughts of citizens, predicting the emergence of the state of the police dictatorship. "Paris in the twentieth century" is a novel-warning, real anti-nightopia, one of the first, if not the first, in a number of famous Zamytina, Platonova, Huxley, Orwell, Efremova and others. Another myth about the life of the writer states that he was an avid decomed, and very rarely and reluctantly performed small trips. In fact, Jules Verne was a tireless traveler. Above, we have already mentioned several of its travels 1859 and 1861 in Scotland and Scandinavia; Another exciting journey he made in 1867, having visited North Americawhere Niagara Falls visited. On his yacht "Saint-Michel-III" (three yachts have changed under this title - from a small checked, simple fishing barcas, to a real two-volume yacht with a length of 28 meters, equipped with a powerful steam engine), he doubled the Mediterranean Sea, visited Portugal, Italy, England, Scotland, Ireland, Denmark, Holland, Scandinavia. Observations and impressions received during these travels were constantly used by the writer in his novels. So, the impressions of the trip to Scotland are clearly visible in the "Black India" novel, which tells about the life of the Scottish miners; Traveling in the Mediterranean Sea served as the basis for bright descriptions of events taking place in North Africa. As for swimming in America on a steamer "Great Eastern", he is dedicated to a whole novel called the "floating city". Jules Verne really did not like when he was called the predictor of the future. The fact that the descriptions of scientific discoveries and inventions contained in the novels of Jules Verne are gradually come true, the science fiction writer explained: "These are simple coincidences, and they explain very simple. When i'm talking about any scientific phenomenon, I pre-explore all sources available to me and draw conclusions, based on many facts. As for the accuracy of the descriptions, in this regard, I owe all sorts of extracts from books, newspapers, magazines, various abstracts and reports that I have been prepared by the future and urgent is replenished. All these notes are thoroughly classified and serve material for my ages and novels. No my book is written without the help of this card file. I carefully look at twenty with excess newspapers, diligently I read all the scientific messages available to me, and believe me, I always encompass the feeling of delight when I learn about any new opening ... "(from an interview with Julity) Writer throughout life They differed enviable hardworking, perhaps no less fantastic than the feats of his heroes. In one of the articles about Jules, the perfect connoisseurs of his life and creativity E. Brendis cites the story of the writer about his techniques of work on manuscripts: "... I can reveal the secrets of my literary cuisineAlthough it would not be decided to recommend them to anyone else. After all, each writer works in its own method, choosing it more instinctively than consciously. This, if you want, the question of technology. For many years, habits are produced from which it is impossible to refuse. I begin usually with the fact that I choose from the card all the extracts related to this topic; We sort them, study and proceed with regard to the future of the novel. Then I make preliminary sketches and make up a plan on the chapters. Following that I am writing a pencil to Chernovik, leaving wide fields - full-time - for amendments and additions. But this is not a novel, but only the frame of the novel. In this form, the manuscript enters the printing house. In the first proof, I correct almost every offer and often I am writing all the chapters. The final text is obtained after the fifth, seventh or, it happens, the ninth proof. I see the more clearly, I see the shortcomings of my essay, not in the manuscript, but in printed prints. Fortunately, my publisher well understands this and does not put any restrictions in front of me ... Thanks to the habit of daily work at the table from five in the morning until noon, I managed to write two books in a year for a long time. True, this routine demanded some sacrifices. So that nothing distract from the case, I moved from noisy Paris in a calm, quiet Amiens and live here for many years - since 1871. You ask, why did I choose Amiens? This city is especially expensive to me that my wife was born here and here we once met her. And the title of the municipal adviser Amiena I am proud of anything at all than literary fame. " (E. Brendis. Interview with Juhle Verne) end xi The century of the writer is increasingly overcome by the accumulated long life ailments. He has problems with hearing, strong diabetes, which influenced the vision - Jules Verne almost sees anything. The bullet left in his leg after a ridiculous attempt on his life (he shot a mentally sick nephew, who came to lend money) barely gives the opportunity to move the writer. "The writer is increasingly closed in himself, his life is strictly regulated: putting at dawn, and sometimes before, he is immediately accepted for work; About eleven watches, he comes out, moving extremely careful, for him not only badly with his feet, but also worsened eyesight. After a modest dinner, Jules Verne smokes a small cigar, snapped into the chair back to the light, so as not to annoy the eyes to which the shadow falls from the visor cap, and silently reflects; Then, inching, goes to the reading room of an industrial society ... "(Jean Jules Verne. Jules Verne) In 1903 in one of the letters to his sister Jules Verne complained:" I see worse and worse, my dear sister. Cataract operations have not yet been ... In addition, I forth on one ear. So, I'm able to now hear only half of the stupid and worship, which go through the light, and it consoales me a lot! " Jules Died at 8 am on March 24, 1905 during a diabetic crisis. It is buried near his house in Amiens. A few years after his death, a monument was put on his grave, depicting a science fiction writer with hand stretched out to the stars. Until 1914, they continued to leave the right book written by Jule (more or less significantly refined by his son Michel), once "extraordinary travels". These are the novels "Invasion of the Sea", "Lighthouse on the edge of the world", "Golden Volcano", "Agency Thompson and Co.", "Hunt for Meteor", "Danube Lotsman", "Shipwreck" Jonathana "," The Mystery of Wilhelm Tornyica "," The amazing adventures of the Barsaka expedition ", as well as a collection of stories called" yesterday and tomorrow. " In total, 64 books - 62 novels and 2 collection of stories entered the series "Unusual Travel". If we talk about the rest of the literary inheritance of Jules Verne, then it is worth 6 novels that are not included in "extraordinary travels", more than three dozen essays, articles, notes and stories that have not included in the collections, almost 40 pieces, capital scientific and popular works "Illustrated Geography of France and its colonies", "Scientific and Economic Conquest of Earth" and "History of Great Travels and Great Travelers" in three volumes ("Opening Earth", "Great Travelers of the XVIII century" and "Travelers of the 19th Century"). Veliko and the poetic heritage of the writer, numbering about 140 poems and romances. For many years, Jules Verne has been one of the most frequently published writers around the world. In the preface to the biography of Jules Verne, written by his grandson Jean Jul-Verne, Evgeny Brandis reports: "During the years of Soviet power in the USSR, 374 books are published in a total circulation of 20 million 507 thousand copies" (data of the All-Union Book Chamber for 1977) . According to the number of translations into the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the world, the book of Jules Verne in the late 60s - early 70s were in third place, yielding only the writings of Lenin and Shakespeare (UNESCO bibliographic reference book). Add that very full collection Works are true in 88 volumes beginning to go out in Russia in the publishing house Soykina, starting in 1906, that is, immediately after the death of the writer. In the 90s, several multi-volume collections are issued in Russian: in 6 (two publications), 8, 12, 20 and 50 volumes. In many countries, the societies of fans and fans of Jules are created actively work. In 1978, the Writer Museum was opened in Nante, and 2005, which marks 100 years since the death of a writer, declared in France by Jules Verne. Speaking about the amazing popularity of the Great Writer, it is impossible not to note the incredit meaning of Jules Verne, as one of the first science fictions in both French and in world literature. Famous modern French science fiction writer Bernard Verber said: "Jules Verne is a pioneer of modern French science fiction." Verne is fairly considered not only by the Creator of the "scientific" novel, but also one of her "founding fathers" with the Englishman Herbert Wells and American Edgar by. Shortly before the end of Verne wrote: "My goal was a description of the Earth, and not only the earth, but also the whole universe, because in my novels I sometimes drove the readers away from the ground." We must not recognize that the writer reached its grand target. Written by the right seven dozen novels form a real multi-volume geographic encyclopedia, containing the description of the nature of all the continents of the Earth. Having completed the Verne and the promise to carry his reader away from the ground, since from almost two dozen of his novels, with full right to apply scientific fiction, there are such as "from the gun on the moon" and "around the moon" that constitute the space "lunar" dilogy, as well as another space romance "Hector Servadak" about traveling Solar system On the Sushi fragment, knocked out with her comet from the ground. The fantastic plot is present in the novel "upside down" in which this is speech On trying to straighten the slope of the earth's axis. Not without reason, the geological epic "Journey to the Center for Earth", two novels about the conqueror of the air element of Robura, the novel "Mystery of Wilhelm Tororator" about the adventures of invisible and many others. However, specific feature Fiction is true is that it is usually not too fantastic; For example, the writer never said the word about the meeting of earthlings with aliens, did not affect the time traveling problem and many other fiction themes later became classic. In the middle of the twentieth century, fantasy would be called Fantastics of the near sight, to which the works of Hunnyov, Nemtsov, Adamov and many other representatives of fiction officially recognized by the Soviet state were true. Even putting forward a fantastic hypothesis, Verne tries to scientifically justify it, often with the help of mathematical calculations, or gives an explanation that does not contradict the basic laws of science. So, if Edgar ends his "story about the adventures of Arthur Gordon Pima" a mystical vision of a giant human figure in Savan, embodying the deadly horror, then in a written continued continuation, the novel "Ice Sphynx", the death for sailors, having iron items, carries Rock from magnetic ironcar. But it is impossible not to note that in many respects the fantasy of the fantasy may be assigned to Etzel, which has always considered the main task It is true to write not so much science fiction as scientific and popular books in which the adventure shell was skillfully combined with a geographic or historical filling, to which the elements of fiction sometimes added. According to the conviction of Etzel, the books are faithful primarily for the education and entertainment of the reader school age. Fortunately, the magic talent of Jules Verne allowed him to avoid creating boring and uninteresting scientific and popular lectures on natural science or historical topics. The masterfully built the fascinating adventurous plot fascinated the reader, imperceptibly fascinated him into the world, in which the science and fiction, adventure and literature, mystery and mathematical calculation ... Do not be it, hardly the writer's books read both children and adults a hundred years after him death ... That's how the secret of the immortality of Julie's books is explained, their growing popularity is even today, when most of the technical predictions of the writer turned out to be implemented, but in many ways and surpassed, french critic Jacques Sheny: "If Jules Verne and his extraordinary travels do not die, so it is only because they are - and with them and such an attractive nineteenth century - put the problems that could not leave the century of XX." I.Nydenkov

novel 2007-12-28 01:19:11

Quotes from Roman Jules Verne "Twenty Thousand League underwater", 1869 - 1870 Translation from French: N. Yakovlev, E.Korsh Who would have thought that no underwater ships created by fantasy would be fantasy To destroy "like" that fantastic words about the peace sea and the absence of a threat to destroying its inhabitants will be fantastic. The human mind is inclined to create majestic images of giants. - (Professor Aronax) The sea is not subject to despotam. On the surface of the seas, they can still replace lawlessness, lead wars, kill themselves like. But at the depth of thirty feet under the water, they are powerless, there are power of power! - (Captain Nemo) Nature does not create anything without a goal. - (Ned Land) In the fact that nature works wonders, there is nothing surprising, but something wonderful, supernatural and more wonderful, created by the human genius, - there is something to think about! - (Professor Arokonaks) In all countries of the world, you will understand that you need a person when he opens his mouth, clicks his teeth, chavits! On this score, the language is both in Quebec, and in Powmot, both in Paris and the antipodes: "I'm hungry! Let me eat!" - (Ned Land) The sea is all! His breath is pure, life-minded. In his boundless desert, a person does not feel lonely, for he feels the beating of life around him. - (Captain Nemo) genius does not have age. - (Captain Nemo) How to classifies fish? On edible and inedible! - (week Land) Take a look at the ocean, is it not a living being? Sometimes angry, sometimes gentle! At night, he slept like us, and so wakes up in good spirits after the late sleep! - (Captain Nemo) The world needs new people, and not new continents! - (Captain Nemo) For the game of imagination, you need some reason or pretext. - (Professor Aronaks)

Works Verne - Clas!
Albatross @ 2008-10-22 21:37:40

A wonderful fictory, whose fiction is scientifically substantiated and eventually came true. I like his works. I am writing creative on them.