The most unusual people of the earth. The most amazing people of the world in the history of the abnormal people of the planet

The most unusual people of the earth. The most amazing people of the world in the history of the abnormal people of the planet
The most unusual people of the earth. The most amazing people of the world in the history of the abnormal people of the planet

Many people experience that there are no unique features in their appearance. However, there are individuals that the sense of own "mediocreness" made it seek extremely extravagant ways to attract the attention of others. And there are those who will be happy to stand out from the crowd, but the mother-Nature ordered them. Here is a list of the most unusual people in the world whose photos prove that they are not the fruit of something violent imagination.

30. Chinese Rapunzel

From residents of different countries that claim the title of the longest hair in the world, the Chinese come to mind one of the latter. However, according to the Book of World Guinness Records, Ksiye Kvipint from China's longest hair in the world. Their length at the time of measurement in 2004 reached 5.627 meters. She said that he began to grow her hair in 1973, that is, by the time of establishing a record, she did not cut 31 years.

29. Man with gigantic nails

Even if your nails are more reminiscent of the size of claws, the Indian's nails of the Sridhara chill alone.

He began to grow her nails in the early 1950s, because he saw a teacher who had a student who had broken the nail. In 62, the nails on his left hand have grown to a frightening length - 910 centimeters.

Due to such impressive nail sizes, a man could not get a job, and in everyday life he is hard. But the Guinness Records Book requires victims.

28. Woman with eagles pops

There is an expression "his (or her) eyes climbed from orbits." How it looks in fact can be seen by looking at the photo Jalisa Thompson. It can, without much effort to squeeze the eyeballs from the orbits, and then return them to the place intended by nature.

27. Elastic man

Elessa-Danlos syndrome causes a defect in the synthesis of collagen III type in the body, and there is no treatment from this disease. The British Harry Turner, the winner of the title "Man with the most elastic skin", has such a syndrome. He was able to pull the skin on his stomach at a distance of 15.8 centimeters from the rest of the body.

However, Elessa Dunlos syndrome is not fun at all, as it can lead to a break of blood vessels and, then, death.

26. People with the widest language

Byron Schlencker from New York in the width reaches 8.6 cm. The man became a local celebrity, because his tongue was wider than the iPhone 6.

Bairon's daughter, Emily, also has a language of impressive sizes, its width reaches 7.3 cm. This is more than any other woman in the world.

It is curious that Mrs. Schlenker has a normal size language.

25. Infinite plastic

The strangest people of the world do not necessarily have some diseases or congenital anomalies. Here is 61-year-old Cindy Jackson holds the title "Record holder in terms of plastic operations."

She had more than a dozen serious operations, including face tightening, rhinoplasty, liposuction, mining operations, installation of implants and countless smaller operations. There were more than 52 of them.

Jackson was included in the list of the most active customer cosmetic surgery in 2000, and it does not stop there, because ... just does not want.

24. Bolshaya

No one ever received more comments about his nose than Turks Mehmet Osprek, and all because he has the biggest nose in the world. At the time of measurement, the nose length of the mehmet was 8.8 cm at the time of measurement in the Guinness Book.

23. Too much teeth

Perhaps you looked at the photo above and thought that there was nothing special in it. Now take a look at her again, knowing that for people the norm is 32 tooth, and not 37, like a native of India named Vijai Kumar.

22. Modified person

Cala Caavi, who works by an artist-tattooer, decorated (or worn - everyone thinks in its own way) body and eyes with tattoos, piercing and even silicone horns on the head. And he also has the biggest ears tunnels in the world, their diameter is 109 mm.

21. Horned woman

In the Middle Ages, Kitanika Liang Szhin on the nicknamed "Woman Unicorn" could burn on a fire. Fortunately, modern science knows that such a skin horn on the head is not related to the devil, but a virus. This formation is dangerous for life, as it is subject to constant infections. Lyric in Liang reaches 13 cm in length and delivers unpleasant feelings. However, the surgical operation to remove the "horns" An elderly woman can simply not transfer.

20. Holes in the face

In the native of Germany Joel Miggler 11 holes in the face. He made huge tunnels in cheeks, and smaller tunnels on the upper lip, under the bottom lip, in the nasal partition and in the nose.

The first changes in their body Joel produced at 13 years old. It is unlikely that most teen parents will allow you to repeat such a "feat."

19. Osina Talia

Many women dream of a thin waist. However, Michel Cobc brought this dream to extremes. Using a special corset (almost without removing it) Cobc managed to reduce the waist to stunning 40.6 cm.

In the end, Michel stopped wearing corsets, because her waist has already reached the ideal and decided to return to normal life. She would grow up for several centimeters, but her waist still remains super-thin.

18. Ears hair

View of hair growing in the ears, few people consider a beautiful spectacle. However, Indian Radhakant Bajpay does not look like most people. He never cut his hair in the ears and they reached 13.2 cm long.

Bajpay is not going to remove hair from the ears, as he places them from 18 years old and believes that they symbolize good luck and prosperity. It even uses a special shampoo that the hair in the ears is smooth and silky.

17. Silicone Penis

A photo of one of the strangest people of the world looks like a porn dreamer. However, in reality, Misha Stases cannot have sex. Dreaming of a huge size phallus, he made himself four times the injections of silicone into a sex dick and scrotum. As a result, his dignity increased to 23 cm long and 9 cm wide. And it weighs 4.3 kg. But to the size of the owner Mishe is still far away.

16. Bloody tears

One day, 17-year-old Melanie Harvey flowed blood from the eyes and ears. Melanie and her mother, Catherine, appealed to several doctors, but doctors could not find the cause of this frightening phenomenon.

Bleeding became stronger, as doctors could not give recommendations for its termination. And now Melanie blemaches not only from the ears and eyes, but also from the nose and nails about five times a day.

15. A person who almost does not age

A resident of South Korea named Himung Shin is one of the strangest people on earth. He looks at 12 or 13 years old, but in fact he is 26.

The tire has a very rare state, which is known as the "Highlander Syndrome", that is, it does not grow up as quickly as an ordinary person. The tire is often not allowed into clubs, as the security believes that he has a fake passport. Even reporters could not believe that this "boy" had no need to go to school for a long time, but the tire was able to prove his age.

14. A man who has changed ras

The change of gender in our world no one will not be surprised, but what about the unsighted change of race? The elderly inventor from Krasnodar, hepatitis C and Cancer was diagnosed from Krasnodar. In one of the American clinics, he was transplanted by the liver of an African American and since then the appearance of the genderler changed dramatically. Simply put, he darkened. But Semyon is satisfied and claims that he opened a second breath. Perhaps because his transplanted liver is only 38 years old.

13. Put

Arm Westler Jeff Daib from Minnesota was born with massive forearms than a very reminiscent of the sailor likes from cartoons. He and the nickname appropriate. Difference Daeba Circle is 49 cm.

Doctors initially assumed that Jeff giantism or "elephant disease", but did not find these or other pathologies.

12. A man with a parrot head

Ted Richards, a 57-year-old man from England, has undergone a serious body transformation, which includes more than 100 tattoos and 50 piercing elements. He also removed the ears so that there was more space on the head for what it usually does not happen on human heads.

Richards has five parrots, which he loves very much, and now he seeks to be as much as possible on them. Richards is pleased with progress, and believes that this is the best thing that happened to him in life.

11. Barbie

Ukrainian Valeria Lukyanova did everything possible to turn himself into a live Barbie doll.

Some experts believe that such a transformation has become possible due to the achievements of plastic surgery. Others are confident that the case is in Skull Makeup, countless hours in the gym and the use of photo edits. In one experts agree: the Mammoplasty and the correction of the form of Nosa Valery accurately resorted.

10. Scary Angelina Jolie

Opens the top 10 most unusual people 19-year-old Iranka Sugar Tabar. She was so fascinated by the beauty of Angelina Jolie, which was facing 50 plastic operations to be similar to his idol. In addition, she sat on a strict diet, and with a rise of 150 cm weighs 40 kg. Alas, the result was frightening. Some even believe that sugar reminds the character from the cartoon "corpse of the bride".

Later, sugar stated that all these photos are the result of makeup and processing in a photo editor.

9. Boy with gigantic hands

This child named Calem suffers from a rare state, because of which his hands continue to grow with a rapid pace. Each of them is already more in size than a boy's head.

8. Little woman

Indiana Joti Amgi suffers from the disease known as Ahondroplasia, which limits its ability to grow. When she was 18 years old, Girl weighed 5.2 kg, and her growth did not exceed 62.8 cm. She -.

7. Huge breasts

Masseuse Christie Love earns $ 1300 a day, massaging customers. The massage includes the "subminding" of the breast and gliding to it with an oil-smeared body of the client. Each of the breasts of Christie weighs 7.17 kg, and the weight of the body of a woman is more than 140 kg.

6. Cat female

The secular lioness Joslin Wildenztein decided to resort to plastic surgery to achieve maximum similarity with the proud queen of beasts. Having passed through countless operations, Wildenshtein now looks as if she can be wildly soak before saying "Hello." Today it is among.

5. Halfone man

Patrick Dewel is, as well as a person who was able to throw over 300 kg of weight. At some point in the life of Patrick, his weight reached 510.75 kg and to deliver Edaki Mahine to the hospital had to break the wall at home.

After the surgery for the shunting of the stomach Dewel lost up to 170 kg, then again "drove up" to 254 kg and now its weight constantly fluctuates within 200 kg.

4. The biggest woman

Briton Susan Eman does not suffer from excess weight at all. She craves to become the most thick woman in the history of mankind, and her beloved, the chef in the profession is ready to help Susan in achieving the goal. Now it weighs 343 kg and will soon be worthy of competition number fifth in the top 10 of the most strange people.

3. Live Jessica Rabbit

A resident of Sweden Pixie Fox removed six ribs, pumped with silicone lips and breasts to achieve maximum similarity with a sexy jessica from the animation film "Who substituted Rabbit Roger?" Now she eats only liquid food and constantly carries a supporting corset. But beautiful.

2. The highest man

The growth of the Turk of Sultan Kösen is 251 cm. He. Straightening in full growth, it almost concerns the head of the basketball rings. Can you imagine my legs?

1. The strongest of people

The giant from Lithuania Lithuannas Savitskas brought the concept of "power" to a new level. He was able to sit with a weighing of a 400 kilogram and took the weight of one thousand kilograms in the force tray.

For obvious reasons, he is the strongest person from the world living in the world. Savitskas can easily raise the worst man or the biggest woman in the world.

In the list of extraordinary people, a woman with the finest waist in the world of Katie Jung, a legal gymnast Jen Briker and Iranian Mehran by Karim Nassare, 20 years living at France airport. Many of the unusual people are listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

On our big planet there is a lot of interesting and amazing. Some things seem to us anomalies that appeared as if from the parallel world. There are unique stories whose heroes are characterized by shocking, rare appearance due to violations in genetics or strange actions.

The most unusual people of the world are a phenomenon who are trying to solve dozens of years. Many of them are included in the Guinness Book of Records. They themselves sometimes regard their superpowers as a punishment, because they are so much attention to their body. In addition, often with them wish to take photos of completely unfamiliar people.

Unusual people, according to their confessions, most of all want to be "like everyone else." Although the "Little Sensation" and the title "Little Sensation" are getting used to and adapt to live in such conditions.

Mehran by Karim Nassari.

Figure 1. Mehran by Karim Nassarery

Mehran does not seem unusual at first glance. Iranian refugee, however, for 20 years he lives at the airport of Sh. De Nude in France. He survived torture in Iran, then he was expelled from the country. Attempts to find political asylum were not crowned with success in England, nor in France, anywhere.

On board a liner on the way to United Kingdom, all his documents were stolen. He had to fly back to France, where he could not even get refugee status. Without a passport, he gets a refusal without a passport, and it does not want to return to Iran to receive documents and cannot. That's how the circle closed for 20 years. And, probably, the same thing will continue.

Yakov Typerovich

Figure 2. Yakov Zipperovich in 2017

Jacob come from Belarus. Recently lives in Germany. In 1979, he survived the clinical death, which lasted more than 1 hour. For all medical standards, he is not something that would not have to live on, but also died already after 3 minutes.

However, Cyperovich woke up in a week. Then it became clear that something unusual happened to him. He was pursued by insomnia, he also could not lie down and lie. The body just fluttered up with any attempt to take a horizontal position.

In the mid-90s, Yakov began to engage in yoga and meditations. Strengthened practitioners helped him learn to lie down, but only 2-3 hours.

Now Yakov over 50 years old, but looks 25. And this feature does not change externally, he also acquired after the incident after the incident in 1979

Jen Brier

Figure 3. Jen Brick

Jen is worthy to be called an unusual girl. At birth, the mother refused her, because she had no legs. But the family of briquettes took to her upbringing. Jen from childhood a dream about becoming a gymnast. Her state of affairs did not embarrass her nor adoptive parents. She went to sports school. She coped with different difficulties, and eventually reached victories and heights.

It was also that her receptional mother of the maiden name Mosina, and the famous gymnast Dominic Mosina Canales is a native sister Jen.

Katie Jung

Figure 4. Katie Jung

A woman with the thinnest waist in the world, Katie Jung, is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. It is incredible, but her waist is only 38 cm!

She recalls that once, in a very young age she began to envy the dolls of Barbie and their volumes. Long reflecting how to achieve the same effect, she decided to use a simple tool - corset.

From 22 years old she carries a corset, without a minute without removing it.

Michael Leothito

Figure 5. Michael Leothito

Michelle - "The Eater is all that comes across the eyes." It all started at the same fair, when he said on the eyes of the amazed public: "Now I am completely free, I'll figure it out and eat it."

After what happened, he decided that he had a talent, and became an artist. In his stomach visited a lot:

  • television;
  • bed;
  • a computer;
  • telephone.

From 1959 to 1997 He ate, according to statistics, 9 tons of different items. And was introduced in Guinness Book. Doctors reported that he was absolutely healthy, and his body was accustomed to such a diet. However, I didn't have to live a long time for a long time. In 57 years, he is overtaking a heart attack.

Tim Cridland.

Figure 6. Tim Cridland

Zamor - pseudonym Tim. The audience called His "King of Torture" due to its incredible tolerance to pain. He poked himself with knives and swords, swallowed swords, lay on nails and soldered the most grand tricks.

The Guinness Book of Records also captured his name.

Doug Sus

Figure 7. Arc Sousse with Bear

This is the brightest of trainers who tames Grizzlyli. He is not afraid of any manipulation. He calmly puts his head in the mouth of the bear, while he time to smile into the chamber.

Together with his wife on Rancho, he already raised four predators with whom world-class actors starred:

  • Brad Pitt;
  • Jennifer Aniston;
  • Eddie Murphy.

Liv Tau Lin

Figure 8. Liv Tau Lin

A man-magnet has been 90 years old. On his body there are always metal objects. Some powerful power attracts them to him. It is able to even walk and hold the weight of 4 kg of metal on himself.

As it turned out, the whole thing in its skin. She knows how to "suck" different details. His sons inherited the same abilities.

Alex Lenkey

Figure 9. Alex Lenkey

Alex engaged in self-hypanosis since 16 years. When he had a surgical surgery, he abandoned anesthesia. 83 minutes of self-hypnosis - and Lenkey did not feel any pain!

During the intervention, it was cut into a brush, tendons and removed bone. He also helped his son once. To remove his pain, he conducted a session of successful hypnosis.

Harry Turner

Figure 10. Harry Turner

A man with the elastic skin is recorded in Guinness Book. His skin, like rubber, stretches in different directions. Harry was born with a dangerous disease: his skin was lacking collagen.

He does not bring problems with him. Very positive Harry shows everyone, it is capable of. One of the favorite classes: on stretched belly skin to put three beer mugs.


Top 10 most unusual and strange people (2018):

Man surprises everything that goes beyond the usual. But if the deeds cause others from others, then unusual abilities are only surprise, delight or disgust. Amazing people possess superpowers, talent, for nothing, and maybe something else? Where do they live? How are their destinies? And who is the most amazing people in world history?


The name of this musician is known all over the world, as he made a huge contribution to the development of music around the world. The works of Wolfgang Amadeu Mozart is an immortal classic and the cultural heritage of all mankind. Born in 1756 in West Austria. The child possessed a phenomenal hearing and memory. Wolfgang's father was a musician, the only sister was also fond of music. Parents have devoted a lot of time and dedicated to the home formation of young Mozart, but the main goal of the Father was made from the son of the Great Composer.

Mozart playfully played on all the tools of his time, although the pipe was afraid from childhood: her loud sound led him to horror. Already four years, Wolfgang wrote his first plays. In total, for its 35-year-old life, Mozart presented the world more than 600 works.

William James Sidis

Interested in the question of who the most amazing people of the world in history, we present to learn about the American Wunderkind, born in 1898. William James Sidis is considered the smartest person ever living on Earth. For a year and a half, William independently read the newspaper, until his eighth birthday, a small genius managed to write 4 books. Sydis's intelligence level was evaluated in 250-300 points, this record does not break and now.

In Harvard's history, William Sadis is as the youngest and gifted student who arrived at the university at 11 years old (earlier it was refused due to age). Its fellow students were amazing people and outstanding personals who have made a significant contribution to the development of physics, mathematics and other sciences. But young William stand out among them. He lectured, wrote treatises, studied languages. But his abilities caused envy and aggression from others: he was threatened with a physical violence, a prison and a clinic for mentally ill. Having matured, Sidis was forced to hide his genius and even dismiss from work every time I gave myself. This brilliant person died aged 42 years from

Cattle Flanswberg.

The most amazing people of the world live among ordinary people and in ordinary cities. For example, in California, you can meet Flanseberg cattle, known as a "Calculator". This American live has proven to millions of viewers, which is able to solve any mathematical actions faster than the usual calculator.

The brain section, which is designed to make mathematical calculations, in cattle is slightly higher and significantly larger in size than most people. Scientists are fighting over the question whether the abilities of mathematical genius are congenital or he was able to develop them to such an extent. In any case, today is the fastest of famous mathematicians-bills.

Robert Pokhing Wozlou

In order to become famous for the whole world, it is enough to be born smart, talented or high. American Robert Peshing Wodlow Thanks to his huge growth adjoins the list "Unusual and amazing people." The photo of Giant Waslow confirms his growth and the title of the highest person in history.

Robert was born in an ordinary family, where parents and other relatives did not differ in high growth. Yes, and he himself looked up to four years old as all his peers. But then the boy began to grow rapidly, and its growth has reached 254 cm to the majority, and the weight is 177 kg. Fortunately, Wozlou was already so famous that the shoes of the size of 37aa did it for free.

Of course, such changes could not but affect the health of the Giant. He had to suffer with crutches and deal with a number of parables. Doctors did everything possible to save the young man. Died aged 22 years in a dream. Compatriots remembered Robert as good giant. At its funeral there were 40,000 Americans, and the coffin carried 12 people.

Liquidnas Savitskas

To get to the category "Amazing People of the World", some had to make a lot of effort, primarily physical. Today, the current champion of various sports and owner of the title "The most powerful man of the planet" is Lithuanian weightlifter fluid Savitskas.

Sports Liquernas became interested in childhood, already at the age of 14 he decided that he wanted to be the leader at every day Lithuanian boys trained, step by step moving towards his goal. Of course, the prizes in world tournaments were not immediately given to him. But today he is known as a multiple champion and he performs squats, having 425.5 kg on its shoulders, and squeezes 286 kg from the chest.

Daniel Brauning Smith

Perhaps every person has some hidden abilities that could glorify it or just to benefit. But since many do not know about their talents, they do not believe in them or do not develop, the world is very closely following the individuals who managed to uncover and develop special abilities.

The most amazing people, according to the majority, are those who have the ability to distinguish them from the total mass - be it talent, mind, extrasensory or physical data. Daniel Smith, who was called the "Rubber Man", amazes the public with his flexibility than and became famous for the whole world.

Daniel was born in an ordinary American family, for the first time his abilities were discovered at 4 years in a game with other Tyventants. Boy's parents, who had noticed the features of the Son on time, showed him professionals, and, by their instruction, Daniel began to work day and night. In the family, labor was always revered, and the purposefulness of the future "rubber man" could be envied.

Today, Smith is doing dizzying tricks, bending and placed in the smallest spaces. But he does not like glory, the interview does not give, but only invites everyone to see his speeches to the circus.

Tim Cridland.

Daniel Smith hurts "to make shape" to the aquarium, it is difficult to submit, but to realize that it is possible to voluntarily expose his body to torture, and it is not possible at all. But it seems that Tim Crimed Physical pain does not scare at all. From school bench, he does not torment the physical injury to himself.

According to scientists, the threshold of Tim's pain is much higher than that of other people. Due to this, it does not feel or easier to transfers physical pain. Using such a "gift", Cridland took a scenic pseudonym "Zamora - the king of torture" and in the eyes of amazed and even shocked viewers swallowed fire, skeins himself with swords, drives the needle, needles under the skin. Thanks to this, he is a permanent participant in all lists, which includes only the most amazing people of the world.

Michelle Leothito

Glory to Leotito came as a true Frenchman through gastronomic addiction. Amazing people have not only super supporting, but also unusual ideas.

How could I come to the head of a 9-year-old boy to eat a glass glass to achieve the location of friends? Although this glass can be said, became the first dish in his unusual menu.

To date, Lotito has already ate a lot of "goodies" - bicycles, carts from shops, TVs, glass. Two years needed Michel to eat a plane ("Sessna-150")! All he needs is oil for throat and water. According to French statements, he does not have any discomfort and consequences from such dinners. Studies have shown that Mr. "Eat everything" stomach adapted and has the walls twice as thick as it should be. That's how hunger is not afraid.

Chuck Finie

The most amazing people of the world in history were glorified by different ways, having unusual data and abilities. But is not surprising to the generosity and kindness, which is demonstrated by some members of society towards others? In the modern world, where most can only argue about charity and injustice of the distribution of economic resources, there are people worthy of respect.

So, Chuck Fine Neh has no superposts, except for kindness, generosity and complicity are such. Its billionaire began its business from the lowest: selling alcohol with sailors, he quickly established his network. After a few years, he hired a fairly large number of employees and opened his points in different countries. His condition grew rapidly, but the lion's share was on charity.

Today is the finney 81 year. He donated to education, health care, support for the elderly and science of 6 billion dollars. Although he still had one and a half billion, the rich lives very modestly: on a removable apartment, without even cars. Chuck intends to sacrifice the remaining funds for charity.

With regard to Chuck Finney, it should be noted that this is a very modest benefactor. Fifteen years he gave his money anonymously. When it became impossible to do this, Chuck still "did not shine" and did not give an interview. The modesty of the Fernie destroys the stereotype that all amazing people want fame. By the way, the actions of Chuck inspired several richest people of the planet to follow his example.

Rachel Bequis

Another amazing little man who does not have any gift, but only a huge and kind heart - Rachel Bequis. This little girl did not have a condition that she could give in need, but she was able to not only donate what was expensive to her, but also to find a way to make adults to think and contribute to help children.

In the city of Seattle, where eight-year-old Rachel lived, a lecture was a lecture on the lack of drinking water and child mortality (up to 4.5 thousand babies dies every day). The girl was shocked by information and saw pictures on the lecture, and decided to somehow help.

On the Internet, Mom Rachel did a charitable page for his daughter. The girl in social networks called on relatives and friends the money they wanted to spend on a gift (Rachel's birthday approached), donate to charity. The girl hoped to collect 300 dollars to save 15 children, but managed to score only 220. Rachel was very upset, but he knew that the next birthday would gather more money. However, fate ordered otherwise.

A few months after the birthday of Nine-year-old Rachel went to rest along with his parents. They fell into a terrible accident, where more than 20 cars collided. Doctors tried to save the girl's life, but they did not succeed. Interestingly, besides Rachel in that accident no longer died.

This accident and history Rachel fell into the media, and people from different countries learned about the heroic and good girl, the last desire of which was to help dying children. Unfortunately, she could not celebrate his tenth birthday and collect the desired amount. But this amazing act and sincere human kindness united outsiders and gave a powerful impetus. The company that Rachel launched, became the most large-scale: in a short time a huge amount was entered. The money that came from different parts of the world in the name of the girl and to save children, managed to save more than 60 thousand human lives!

It is important to note that Rachel has always been a good and uniform child, and this is not the only contribution to the help of a stranger. At eight years, she arched a long braid several times to hand over their children with cancer and bald after chemotherapy. And after the tragedy Rachel became a donor: her organs saved a seriously ill child.

Amazing stories of amazing people fascinate, give the ground for reflection and appeals to action.

The authist from the UK Daniel Tammet (Daniel Tammet) is hardly saying, does not distinguish between the left and right, it does not know how to insert the plug into the socket, but at the same time it is easily in the mind of the most complex mathematical calculations.

"I represent the numbers in the form of visual images. They have a color, structure, form, - tells Tammet. - Numerical sequences appear in my consciousness as landscapes. Like pictures. In my head as if the universe arises with its fourth dimension. "

Daniel knows the number of 22514 numbers after the comma among the PI, and speaks for eleven languages: English, French, Finnish, German, Estonian, Spanish, Romanian, Icelandsk (learned for 7 days), Lithuanian (gives him her preference), Welsh And in the language of Esperanto.


A young man from Sacramento (California) - Ben Underwood (Ben Underwood) - was born an absolutely healthy child, but his eyes were removed surgically due to retinal cancer at a three-year-old. However, Ben continued to live a full-fledged life of a gloomy man.

Studies of doctors showed that the boy's rumor did not exacerbated as compensation for vision loss - he has a rumor of an ordinary average person - just Ben's brain learned to translate sounds to visual information, which makes a young man like a bat or dolphin - he is able to capture echo, and on The basis of this echo identify the exact location of objects.

Gutta-read boy

Daniel Smith (Daniel Smith) is a gutta-first man from the USA, which is a five-time record holder Guinness, began to unscrew his body at a four years of age, believing that he did nothing special. But soon Daniel realized how talent possesses, and at 18 he ran away from the house with a circus troupe.

Since then, the "rubber man" took part in many circus and acrobatic ideas, basketball and baseball matches, was a guest on most well-known television shows and programs. Among them: Men in Black 2, HBO "S Carnivale, CSI: NY, and others.

The most flexible person from all of the living things now exerted with his body incredible things: he does not work through the hole in the tennis racket and through the toilet seat, and also knows how to turn into incredible components and compositions, and move the heart on the chest. Doctors believe that incredible flexibility was given to Daniell since birth, but he himself brought it to the maximum possible limit.

Metal Eater

We have repeatedly wrote about this person.

The Frenchman Michael Lotito (Michel Lotito), born in 1950, opened his amazing abilities at 9 years old - to death by scaring his parents, he ate a TV. C 16, he began to entertain people for money, pumping metal, glass, rubber. Interestingly, no side effects have never been manifested in the body of Leothito, even when the eaten contained poisonous substances.

Usually, the object is disassembled into parts, cut into pieces, and the lessitis swallows them, drinking water. In the book of Records Guinness, omnivorous Michael, who received the nickname "Monsieur eat it all", got for the fact that he had eaten the plane "Sessna-150". He ate it for a whole two years - from 1978 to 1980, - by using approximately the kilogram of the aircraft per day.

The latter x-ray showed that there were still a piece of metal in the body of the organism. And he did not die only because the walls of his stomach are twice as thick as the average person.

Tooth king

Radhakrishnan Velu (Rathakrishnan Velu), known as the "Tooth King", also has a rare ability. This Malaysian is practiced in tugging vehicles.

On August 30, 2007, on the eve of the 50th day of Independence of Malaysia, this man broke his own record, pulling the train with his own teeth.

This time the train consisted of 6 wagons and weighed 297 tons. Harricrishnan managed to drag the composition by 2.8 meters.

Lipucca man

Liv Tou Lin is a magnet man. In her 70 years, the compatriot Harkrishnana Velo managed to drag the car using an iron chain attached to the iron plate on his stomach.

The ability to attract Metal Items Liv Tau Lin considers hereditary, since 3 of his son and 2 grandson are endowed with the same amazing and incredible gift.

Scientists in the meantime are trying to no avail to explain this phenomenon: there is no magnetic field around the Malaysian, and it is all right with the skin.


Tai Ngok (Thai Ngoc), 64-year-old Vietnamese, forgot what a dream is, after in 1973 he fell fever. It was since then Thai stopped sleeping. And at the moment does not sleep for 37 years, which is more than 13,500 sleepless nights.

"I don't know how insomnia affects health affects," he says, "but I am quite well and I can keep the farm not worse than others." The proof of NGOs mentions that every day wears two 50-kilogram bags with fertilizers a few kilometers from the house.

And during the medical examination, doctors did not find any diseases from Vietnamese, except for minor abnormalities in the liver.

King of torture

Tim Cridland - a person who does not experience pain. Even at the School "King of Torture" hit classmates when, without blinking the eye, he sicked up his hands with needles and painlessly kept any heat and cold.

And today Tim demonstrates terrifying things to the numerous public throughout America. To do this, he had to study anatomy for a long time. After all, when the admiring eyes of the audience look at you, safety is above all.

Scientific studies have shown that Tim has a much higher pain limit than an average person. Otherwise, he does not differ from ordinary people. Including - the degree of damage applied by pinches with pins, as well as the chance of death in these damage.

Cat man

Kevin Richardson (Kevin Richardson), relying on instinct, friendly with the Feline family, not only home, and predatory. Without the slightest fear for her life, Kevin can spend the night with lions.

Cheetahs and leopards, capable of breaking a person in a fraction, take a biologist for their own. Even unpredictable hyenas are so accustomed to Kevin that the female of the hyena, for example, allows him to take the hands of the newborn young.

"I rely on intuition, weighing your chances when communicating with animals. I never approach the beast, if I feel that something is wrong, "Richardson says. - I do not use sticks, whips or chains, only patience. It is dangerous, but for me it is a passion, not work. "


Claudio Pinto (Claudio Pinto) from the city of Belo Horizonte is known as a person with stacked eyes, because he is able to staring at 4cm, that is, 95% of the eye orbits.

Pinto passed a lot of medical examinations, and doctors say that they have never seen a man before, who can do it with eyes.

"This is a rather easy way to make money. I can draw my eyes on a 4 centimeter - this is a gift from God, and I feel happy," says Claudio.