Essay on the topic of beauty will save the world Dostoevsky. The world will save beauty? "Beauty will save the world" - who owns this statement? Lord Byron about the splendor of beauty

Essay on the topic of beauty will save the world Dostoevsky. The world will save beauty? "Beauty will save the world" - who owns this statement? Lord Byron about the splendor of beauty

Many people say that beauty will save the world. But, each person understands this expression in his own way.

I think the world can save not just beautiful people, such as modern models or cinema actresses. Of course, they are very attractive. But, they will not be able to make all the people of our planet. We are watching movies, and we are getting joyful and more fun. A, in countries where there is no electricity, such simple entertainment is not available.

Beauty surrounds a modern man everywhere, but he does not notice it. Adults are always hurrying to work or other important things. They have no time to turn around and look at the beautiful blue sky. People pay attention to nature only when raining begins or a strong wind. But, then they do not consider it beautiful, but quite the opposite.

Young people and children think that real beauty is a new super-aid mobile phone. They constantly watch only beautiful images on the screen, and do not want to see what is happening in the real world. The guys can admire beautiful photographs of kittens and dogs on the Internet, but indifferent to pass by a hungry homeless animal. If people wanted not only to see, but also create beauty themselves, the world would have become kinder.

Why are war on the whole world now? Because people do not see the beauty of the surrounding world, and do not take her at all. They are not impressive by majestic natural landscapes, and they ruthlessly dump the bombs on them. The soldiers do not lose the smile of a little child, do not respect the wrinkles of old men, and shoot them without the slightest regret.

In the hearts of people settled evil, which does not give beauty to penetrate the inside of man. Smaller and less adults and children go to museums to enjoy beautiful paintings and other works of art.

For the night of young children, fairy tales about beauty and good, more and more often show cartoons with ugly characters who do not teach anything good. What parent will grow from such a kid? Does he teach him to appreciate the beauty of his child?

But what to do in such a difficult situation?

If every person on the planet stops on a moment and will try to see at least something beautiful around him, he will not be able to harm any person nor wildlife.

I am sure that beauty will save the world, but only if people want to make efforts to this.

Writing reasoning Beauty will save the world
Beauty as weapons can be used in different purposes. I think that Dostoevsky spoke about such beauty that elevates, makes a person better. I saw, wondered and repented in all sins. Immediately became better and talking, and to do ... it may be the beauty of nature, from which even cry. It may be the beauty of the work of art, the same book, performance or statues ... But the beauty of a woman, in general, man. There are cases when the gangster sees a child or a girl and stops the massacre. It begins to help them, manifests their best qualities. Beauty can rise, it is in itself perfect.

But maybe destroy the beauty. If the beauty of some thing prompted the desire to steal, do something bad. Beauty can be confused. There was a normal person, and here fell in love, began to show himself "cool." Or even something stole something to hit. And people can consciously use their beauty to make others, use them in their bad purposes. Or make beautiful packaging for sweets, and they immediately harmfully harmful. Or just a beautiful product, and there are unbearable dyes.

In general, beauty will save, of course, the world, but for this she should be like this ... so to hit and exalt. It's not just fashionable something. Not just something cute or even low, but something with the inner light. If there are beautiful people, then they should have a beautiful, first of all, the soul. If about works of art, then there should be the idea of \u200b\u200bthe creator good. And nature is always elevated.

And there, with a beautiful content, a harmonious shell is needed. Not so that he is so holy, but so dirty and nasty. It is not that the idea is good, and the picture is written inactively ... everything should be in harmony, then the beauty will save.

  • Category: Writing in the Russian language

The power of beauty is limitless ... She is able to turn the feeling, inspire new accomplishment and give a number of pleasant impressions. You can admire and admire the usual things: sunrise, dandelion flower, neighbor's smile or even an unusual shape pebble on the road. You can get positive impressions from all this and give them to others.

Apparently, on the subconscious level, each person seeks to be beautiful. There are inadequate cases where artworks were able to change fate, and beautiful natural landscapes - calmed down in the moments of despair and inspired to life.

Since childhood, you instill love for the beautiful, because it is the key to the development of aesthetic tastes, it is a way to good and good actions. A person who admires the beauty of the surrounding world can not be angry, she is aimed and creativity and not for destruction.

People try to surround themselves with excellent items in everyday life, choose the most beautiful things to decorate themselves, pay attention to what makes her eyes, and all this is for the sake of beauty. Unfortunately, not everyone understands that beauty is different. External manifestations of beauty are not able to affect the improvement of life in the world, the most valuable is internal beauty. The most beautiful and man who has a beautiful soul. Such people are endowed with the best qualities that attract attention to: the ability to empathize, kindness, sincerity, devotion. Such people are able to give the surrounding a sense of pleasure to beauty, for it is precisely such manifestations of this quality and can save the universe.

We must try to be a beautiful soul, to have an attraction to perfection. This desire must be permanent, not temporary, in order to boast with their good qualities. If every person tries to add to life, even though the droplet is beautiful, the world will change for the better. Mountain, war and poverty disappear. And then, really, the Savior of the world will be beauty.

Many great people argued that beauty will save the world. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was also confident in this. The beauty is primarily expressed in two senses: the beauty of the human face and the wonderful inner world. This great phrase is today consumed quite often and even is the slogan of beauty contest. But I am sure that Fyodor Mikhailovich inserted a completely different meaning into it.

Today, beauty for many people plays a huge role in life. Recently, people, absolutely uninteresting inner world. Getting acquainted with man, everyone draws attention only to appearance, but, as it is known, the appearance is often deceptive. Dostoevsky called us to pay special attention to the depth of the human soul. This is shown in many of its works. A bright example is the novel "Crime and Punishment", where one of the heroines his deep inner world completely changes the main character. Sonechka Marmaladov, so the name of this very girl who changes the soul of Skolnikov, the main character. Sonya Marmeladova, a girl who swept over his loved ones through himself. The heroine was forced to make money unfavorably. She tried to change the state of his family, while practically, not leaving himself a penny. Rodion Raskolnikov sees in the Sona of a close and native person. It is her who he confesses to murder. Rodion trusts her from the first minutes of dating, and all because Sonya is also rejected in society. Sonya Marmeladova changes the worldview of Rodion Raskolnikov. She went with him to the cowboy only to support Rodion in a difficult moment. Raskolnikov had enough of her glance in order to feel better. Listening to the Sonya stories, Rodion begins to change. He takes the gospel and begins to believe in the existence of God. His soul passes cleansing from all actions, he begins to look at the world differently. Rodion becomes really happy.

In the work of "Idiot" Dostoevsky wanted to portray a "positively beautiful man", which is why he created the image of Myshkina, calling him "Prince of Christ". Myshkin acts as "Prince of Christ", because he completely lives entirely for other people. His motto: "Love your neighbor!", It is this phrase that was the main commandment of Jesus Christ. The prince of Myshkin himself is covered by passion for the sympathy of people, to the support of a thoughted person. In the novel "Idiot" of Myshkina nobody understood. Everyone considered him "not from the world of this." And the blame of everything was his kindness, an estate. Problems in love bring great suffering to Myshkin, but he suffers not because his desires are not satisfied, and because he becomes the reason for the misfortune of loved womens. I believe that Dostoevsky turned out the very image of a "positively beautiful man." In my opinion, Prince Myshkin is such. His soul, indeed, is beautiful, he is able to make human actions, despite the difficult end of this work, where the spiritual beauty of Myshkina dies, because he ruined Nastasya Philippovna his love. But it is precisely this that gives rise to the whole ideas of Dostoevsky in people, we understand that spiritual beauty will not be able to live in such a harsh world. dostoevsky beauty hero

The beauty of a person is expressed in the depths of his soul, it wanted to convey Fyodor Mikhailovich in his famous works. He said that beauty will save the world. I fully agree with him, because only deep mental people will be able to change our world for the better.

It is said that "the beauty will save the world." Everyone speaks about it, but who will say, what is beauty? What is she needed in life?
It seems to me that beauty surrounds a person constantly, but it needs to be learn to see. First of all, you need to be prepared in nature. Beautiful high mountains and blue sea, beautiful forests and meadows. But what is their beauty? Beautiful and unique every single tree, every twig, leaf, bladeing and flower under it. Beautiful in its own way and tiger, and the king of animals lion, but also beautiful and all other creatures of nature. You need to be able to see the beauty of the world with a heart and soul, you need to be able to surprise. In the soul of such a person, beautiful thoughts and feelings will be born, and he will not be able to raise his hand on another person, offend the animal, destroy the tree.
The beauty is internally inherent in the living and in general to the whole life, ranging from the atom and ending with the Universe, and we cannot resist what the endless history of the world is deeply embedded in us, because we are part of it.
With an increase in the relics of civilization, the desire of the highest global hierarchies to development increases, but also to chaos - too. How many people destroyed how much I created! And what can outweigh and outweigh the scales bowl, on one side of which the development of development, to another to chaos, is beauty. She will save the world! Because in the chaos of the destroyed nature, in one-sided, soulless-mechanical civilization there is no beauty. Without beauty, there is no life. And, perhaps, in general, no development is impossible outside the beauty, including non-living matter. That ugly - not vital, does not give its continuation; All that ugly is a dead end.
Beauty is a generalized, intuitive criterion for the truth of the path of development, given to human nature.
Beauty is checked new. If it is beautiful, then it is necessary and should, and will live. No wonder in our consciousness, from birth, the inner need of beautiful and subconscious of its criteria is laid. Beauty is the naturalness of life, its health, the sign of loyalty to evolution. All that ugly, the disease and death. And death is not a separate organism, which is the inevitable necessity, and the death of many as a result of the degeneration of significant sections of nature, civilization.
Regardless of the way to create our world - whether God created him or the case - no one can deny that beauty lives in the world, as the only possible its form. Will not, there will be no peace. And developing humanity can not not be considered with the laws of the universe built to him!
Beauty will save the world in both values \u200b\u200bof this word - WORLD and PEACE. When people create and protect beauty, they do not shoot and do not kill. Beauty needs humanity. Beauty is one of the primary life needs. Beauty makes people attractive, interesting, desirable and, as a result, calm, confident, positive.

Will the beauty save the world? Probably, it worries people no less than other important questions. Each of us understands the concept of "beauty" in different ways. For some, the beauty is more important than beauty, others are looking for inner, spiritual.

Expression: "Beauty will save the world" belongs to F. Dostoevsky, who believed that beauty is in each of us, you just need to understand it and find it. And then, when people will be guided by the best, which is in their souls, do good, then they will truly happy. And the world will be saved, and it will save him that beauty. I share the opinion of the Great Writer, because in reality the spiritual world of man, his inner beauty is much more important than an excellent appearance. Even to communicate with a person who is beautiful outwardly, but the ugly inside is unpleasant, such communication cannot continue for a long time - only until that time its essence appears. This is not only my own opinion. So many outstanding persons thought, for example, Gyu said: "No external suitability can be complete if it is not animated inner beauty." That's the way, the beauty of the soul is an invaluable treasure, which is endowed with each of us, and it is not so easy to get it. No wisdom says folk wisdom: "Don't look into the face in my heart," "don't look at the chub, look at the soul," "do not run for beauty, pulling the mind," "from the face of water do not drink" ...

What a smart one were our ancestors, it is worth listening to them, because they had a life experience. But today people often pay attention to the appearance, and then on the inner beauty. Of course, I agree that in a person everything should be beautiful, but "wrapper" is not the main thing. To understand a person, know her, it is necessary to look into her eyes, because the eyes - the mirror of the soul, and it is in them that you can read than this person lives and what she dreams about.

But speaking of beauty, one must not forget that beauty is a concept that concerns not only human appearance. The beauty of the surrounding world surrounding us nature, works of art is also a very important component of our life. And if we appreciate it and protect it, then our life will become more substantial and saturated. After all, today people pay very little attention to what they surround them. Who looks at the sky when it goes outside? And it is above us - blue, high, extremely beautiful and majestic ...

Therefore, the beauty is ambiguous, it is not something specific. Beauty is everywhere. In the depths of the blue sky, in the first spring flower, in a children's smile ... just need to be able to see her, feel and understand. Therefore, indeed, beauty can save the world, and it is in each of us, she is around - look around ...