Musical Adventure Oliver Twist Tickets. Performance Life and Unusual Adventures Oliver Twist

Musical Adventure Oliver Twist Tickets. Performance Life and Unusual Adventures Oliver Twist

Yesterday, my daughter and 13) were in the music theater of Natalia Sats. For some reason, it was the Sats theater for me all the time remained out of sight - I myself was never in my childhood, and we "opened it" with children "quite recently, went to the Swan Lake.
I admired him again, I would even say, greatly: so huge, bright, beautiful, children's theater! Stunning!
Yesterday, almost a resident of the old England was celebrated on the lobby on the bridges :).
It is very cool invented, immediately adjusts to a certain way. As a lyrical retreat - probably, a typical modern teenager is not an ordinary reader at all, but a certain child of gadgets. Therefore, we were very very visited by the fact that the program is and very briefly formulated "the main idea" of the work, and a full-fledged libretto.
Baby has managed to get acquainted with the summary of the performance. However, before the curtain opened, Roksan Sats itself came to the scene and told about the musical.
I do not know, it is unlikely that every time, but now the musical is timed to the 205th anniversary of the birth of Charles Dickens ...

And finally the idea began. You know, very and very impressive well-supplied musical on a huge scene, in accompanied orchestra. Everything is wonderful - from the scenery (the world of old England), to the light. Music, naturally, above all silence: first, written by the famous Russian composer Alexander Tchaikovsky specifically on the order of the theater, and secondly, I repeat - the orchestra!
By the way, it suddenly turned out that the composer's name is familiar to me (and in general I'm full of ignorance) - not so long ago in the chamber theater. Pokrovsky watched Opera Fantasmagoria "Altist Danilov", also written by Alexander Tchaikovsky.

Yesterday they played: Oliver - Nasya Naumkin, deft Plut - Timofey Govorun, Handsome - Jan Libej, Fedin - Alexander Tselinko, Harry - Peter Sizov, Grimuig - Boris Shcherbakov, Montks - Timofey Hooks, Polismen - Igor Kuznetsov, Rose - Maria Smirnova, Nancy - Elena Chesnokova, Mom Oliver (voice) - Lyudmila Bodrov, Mr. Bumble - Yuri Dainequin, Mrs. Korni - Lyudmila Maxumova, etc. (very many actors, very).

Nastya Naumkin turned out to be a wonderful touching Oliver :). And the girl is definitely with good exposure and professionalism: Despite a couple of linings, she coped perfectly with the situation, so my daughter did not even notice one point :). Very, really liked the dexterous Plut (Timofey Govorun) - That's Bravo! Handsome (Jan Libeb) is also beautiful, and, that's great, really handsome :).

I was very impressed that the role of Oliver's mother in the program is prescribed by four surnames, "and the mother of Oliver is there - only a voice behind the scene! I, honestly, was sure that this is a record (well, just logically!) - And it turns out that there is no. I really liked Fedin (Alexander Tselinko), with him a hall almost dyed to dance :).

Two and a half hours flew quietly, we really liked it very much! In my opinion, this setting greatly transfers and the atmosphere of the work, and is generally ideal for exploring the history of Oliver. The only thing that is 12+ on the tickets, on the page of the 8+ theater, and in my opinion, the children under the age of ten will be tritely boring - just the story itself is not for babies. Although there were also a kinderbody in the hall.

By the way, a separate portion of my admiration for the theater for the organization of bowls and gift of flowers: at some point, the spectators with flowers were allowed on the stage and for a couple of minutes there was a joyful-flower corter, for there were a lot of flowers, and many artists.

Children's Music Theater named after Natalia Sats celebrates the 50th anniversary of the premiere of the musical "Life and Unusual Adventures of Oliver Twist." In our unauthorized times, Dickens is considered to be a writer for adolescents. Kholuku Georgi Isaakyan reasoned otherwise: "Roman of growing up" a little man is able to combine all generations. The world is famous for the Musical "Oliver!" British composer Lionel Barta - in the 60s he successfully walked on Broadway. However, our own "Oliver Twist" is an absolutely original work. Tell me

The scenery for this story is familiar: monumental layouts of London streets, the interiors of the English pubs, the famous Victorian living rooms are all that Charles Dickens described in his book, and all that they later tried to reproduce hundreds of theatrical artists. But as soon as the first artist comes on the scene, it becomes clear - surprises from this musical to wait!

This story about a street boy Charles Dickens told almost 200 years ago. Roman literally blew up the British public. For the first time the main acting face of the book became a child. But on the stage under the mask of a little Oliver, well-filtered adults were increasingly hidden. In this musical, everything is in place. Baby roles perform 25 young artists. Representatives of the older generation from such a neighborhood on stage a head slightly spinning.

"Being organic with them is very difficult. Because they turn to them how to adult, and he, in another dimension as if! They are characters, they are with characters, they act and, probably, will even go to the fore! " - Nikolai Petrenko speaks by the Honored Artist of Russia.

Young artists have passed serious tests. First, the casting, which was attended by about 400 children, then daily vocal classes, choreography, acting. In total, about a hundred guys took away for the musical, they will appear in several compositions.

"Even the last two rehearsal weeks is every day from morning to evening. They have a school, a house, parents, a family, a children's body is not adapted to a 24-hour stay in the theater, so they change, alternate, "explains the director of Georgy Isaakyan.

Oliver Twist plays ten-year-old Natasha Kaidalov. In the image of the boy, she for the first time. It was not easy to build. "It's very difficult to find a boy of such as Oliver. He is very kind, meek. He inside is not like everyone else! " - she clarifies.

Dynamic music for the performance created the composer Alexander Tchaikovsky, libretto and poems - Lion Yakovleva.

"I don't really like the musicals that are put as a show, although it's nice to look! But not more! And here I wanted to make sure that, as soon as the performance end, he went home and began to think about it, "the poet Lev Yakovlev said.

And after the musical will think about what. Charles Dickens in his immortal novel touched a lot of social problems - orphanhood, crime, child labor, indifference adults. Although the performance is still set aside as part of the English classics - he has an optimistic final.

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Musical "Oliver!" (Oliver!) Was written in 1960 by the British composer and librettist Lyonel Bart. How it happened more than once with the show that was destined to win the love of the public for many years, his author was not immediately able to find a producer. In the case of "Oliver!", Which is based on the first part of the Roman Dickens "Oliver Twist", London Impresario did not suit the too gloomy story. However, in the end, the 28-year-old Bart smiled at luck: the amateur recording of the musical performed by Lionel and his friends heard the producer Donald Albury. He immediately felt considerable potential in the musical and took up his production.

A young talented team worked on the performance. Impressive scenery and costumes, recreating the atmosphere of Victorian England, were invented by Kenny's tire. The director has jeoped Peter Cow. The rehearsal period became for the actors with real torment - did not go through the day so that changes were not made into the text or music. Nevertheless, the premiere took place on the scheduled day - June 30, 1960.

"Oliver!" Transfers viewers by more than a hundred years ago. The action begins in the shelter for orphans - it is a challenge house. Boys run to the dining table. They dream of delicious food, and only liquid oatmeal is obtained. Having reached his tiny portion, one of them - Oliver Twist - dares to ask for additives. The head of the shelter Mr. Bumble comes into rage and decides to sell a challenge boy in the disciples. Oliver buys Mr. Sauerbery, a coffin. The apprentice hired before Oliver is poorly drawn to the boy. Once, offended by the offend, the boy applied to his deceased mother, the boy gives me a passover. Oliver is punished, but he manage to escape, and, after a lot of days, he finds himself in London.

London stuns the boy with noise and bustle. Here Oliver takes under the wing of a skillful plut (artful dodger), one of the main thieves of the whole gang, which commands the Faigin's Pocket Wardrum. The plut seems that Oliver will suit them, and he invites him with him. In the lair of Thief, Oliver meets Feigin, which explains the Olive, what to do if he wants to stay with them - you need to learn how to smoke on your pockets. Boys show him how it is done. Beth and Nancy appear, a kind broken girl, a girlfriend of Grozny Vora Bill Sayx. Nancy sings that such a life is also beautiful, and the risk only gives her charms.

The next morning, Faigin sends his wards "to work" and tells them to return as soon as possible. Oliver begins his career of the criminal together with a skilled community, which pulls out a wallet from Mr. Brownlow. Vorishke manage to hide, and Oliver was captured by the police. Sykes is afraid that Oliver comes to the police on their whip, and orders Nancy to return it. Nancy loves Sayx, no matter what, so she, although reluctant, but agrees to find Oliver. Mr. Braunlo has achieved Oliver to be freed, and took it into his house in Bloomsbury. But this bright and joyful life lasts long. Oliver are sent with the instruction, and Nancy and Sykes catch it on the street. Oliver again turns out to Feagin.

Sykes takes the money from Oliver who gave him Mr. Brauno to fulfill the order, and threatens him, Nancy joined the boy. Sykes and Nancy join hot spores, Feigin is trying to calm them. He sends boys to work and begins to reflect, it is time for him to quit the life of the criminal.

Meanwhile, the widow of the roots, now - the wife of Mr. Bamble, will find out from the death words of one old woman that Oliver is the son of a rich woman who died as soon as he was born. On the nominal medallion it becomes known that she is the daughter of Mr. Braunlo, who escaped from the house. Bumble and widow of the roots decide to visit Mr. Braunloe and demand money for information about Oliver. Hearing the whole story, Mr. Brauno is outraged by their arrogance and greed and throws them out, swallowing that he will take care that they are dismissed from the office of the shelter.

Nancy decides to help Olive, without betraying at the same time. She comes to Mr. Brownlow and promises a secret to lead Oliver to convey the boy his grandfather. But before she managed to do this, Sykes, who mistakenly believes that she betrayed him, brutally kills the girl. Sykes takes Oliver to the hostage and runs to the faiga lair. Behind him begins the chase. Finally, Says killed, and Oliver acquires his home. Feigin disappears. Will he be a criminal or becomes an honest person?

"Oliver!" I did not go with the NEW Theater Theater (now albery now) for more than six years. By the time the show was closed in the assets, there were 2,618 views. This record managed to beat only the rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar". It is curious that four months after the closing of the show opened in another theater in a new, no less successful formulation.

Two years after the premiere in West End, the American producer David Mirca acquired the rights to perform; However, before presenting the musical to the Broadway public, he sent a show to a five-month round tour (total "Oliver!" was shown in eleven cities). In addition, an album with the participation of American actors was recorded on one of the Hollywood studios, although the musical was still not going on Broadway. Now the release of the recording preceding the production is the usual phenomenon, then it was a forced step. It was explained by the fact that pirated copies of the record of the London composition began to enter the country, and to satisfy the interest of the public to the Bart musical and the prepared production, it was decided to release a record with a record of the participants of the Broadway Show.

Premiere on Broadway took place on January 6, 1963. On this day, there are four participants of the original London composition on this day on the IMPERIAL THEATRE scene. The performance was shown 774 times until the advent of the "Evita" of Webber ranked first among British musicals in the number of ideas played by Broadway. "Oliver!" He was taken warmly not only by the public, but also criticism. Certificate of this - three Tony awards for 1963, which were awarded Lionel Barth (for music, libretto and lyrics), Donald Pippin (conductor and musical leader) and Kenny Shinn.

The most complex scenery of Kenny bus were made in London, as the American Designer Association refused to take the British Kenny bus in their ranks and he could not work in America.

In 1968, a film that secured the commercial and audience success of the musical was filmed. The picture received six awards to the American Film Academy.

"Oliver!" Brought world fame and condition to his author. However, when the Bart took funds to finance a new project, he sold all the rights to the musical. Later, in the 70-80s, Bart, addicted to drugs and alcohol, lived in poverty, while "Oliver!" put around the world.

Along with the "my beautiful lady" and a "roof violinist", "Oliver!" Still still remain one of the most popular and favorite musicals of the 60s. It is regularly placed in various cities of the world, including at home. The most ambitious return "Oliver!" In West End, it took place in December 1994, when a production with Jonathan Price was opened in London Palladium as Faigina, Sally Deckster in the role of Nancy and Miles Andersrton as Bill Sayx.

The show produced Cameron Macintosh, who at the beginning of his theatrical career was a participant of the choir, and, part-time, Assistant Assistant Director in the Tours "Oliver!" in 1965. He not only gave the audience a magnificent show, but also restored justice towards Lionel Bart, giving him the right to part of the revenue from the Musical. The director of the new version of the show was Sam Mendez, before that, the Pieces of Shakespeare in the Royal Shakespeare Troupe. Stephen Spielberg, who visited one of the ideas, was so impressed with his interpretation of a classic musical that several years later, Mendez invited Mendez to the painting "Beauty of American", which brought a huge number of awards, including Oscar and the Golden Globe.

"Oliver!" In the formation of Sam Mendez closed in 1998, after which the show went in the tour and then to Broadway.

The Roman Charles Dickens "Oliver Twist" began published in parts in the London magazine Bentley's Miscellaly in 1837. The novel was so popular that Dickens tried to finish him as soon as possible, and in 1838 a three-volume one came out. However, despite the release of the book, Oliver Twist continued to be published in the journal for another six months. In 1838, even before the book was completed, it was first staged by a performance that was set in the London theater St. James. Already next year, the play on the "Oliver Twist" was played in New York. Since then, more than 30 diagnostics of the novel went in the theater or became scenarios of movies. 250 young actors claimed the role of Oliver in the screening of the musical. As a result, the role remained for the nine-year-old Mark Lester. The following candidates were also considered on the role of Feigin, other than Ron Moody (Ron Moody), Laurence Olivier, Rex Harrison, Richard Burton, Peter O'Tool (Peter O'Toole), Danny Kay ( Danny Kaye), Lawrence Harvey (Laurence Harvey) and Peter Sellers.

The musical of my son has not yet seen, and the story is kind and famous, so it was pleasant that we were invited.

March 19, Sunday was outstanding gray and rainy. Perfect day to plunge into the bright world of the theater. At the entrance they met Alain mBL_CHERTYATA. With Egor and they made us a company, thank you. Spectators from balconies welcome the heroes of the musical. This is the tradition of the theater, and for us it was in the wonder, but how nice. I will say I immediately reviews I did not read about the theater, nor about the performance. And the strangest probably that we didn't read the work either. Therefore, this is the first, fresh impression.

In the lobby of children meets the Mishka-Postman.

Waiting for the performance can be admired on birds in a golden cell.

Live here multicolored parrots

Fabulous walls around

And wonderful wonderful wooden knight with a horse

The theater halls are very spacious and despite the large number of children and adults there is no crowd. True, a lot of temptations for children in the form of ice cream, toys and lotteries.

And the call sounds and we go to the hall. We had 41-42 places in the amphitheater 8 row on the right. It was clear perfect, the scene as on the palm. I noticed for the future that there are practically no bad places in the theater.

In front of the performance, the opening word said Roxan Nikolaevna Sats. Children whose parents were killed on this performance to defend our country.

And here the curtain rises and we are already in London in the 19th century. What is this story? This story of the life of the boy's sirester Oliver Twist, who from the very birth remained quite alone. His life did not regret. He lived in his birth in a orphan shelter, where he was Morious hunger, then opal in the funeral house, where he had to become a plasticist, and then met street vorays - Mazurikov. But nothing could "spoil" Oliver and in each situation he remained primarily a man. Oliver has some natural nobility and feeling it to him with good people. It is thanks to them that history has a good end - the boy finds a family where he loved.

The story is simultaneously sad and very good.

My impressions. Struck the scope of production. Many actors are involved. So on the scene more than 20 children. The impression of the performance strengthens live music performed by the whole orchestra. Bright costumes and literally the city on the scene. But it is rather the opera than the musical, because here the vocal is given more than the stage action. It seemed to me that the transitions between scenes were not quite smooth. And upset the game of the chief artist Oliver Twist. Only then came home in the program saw that the girl played this role (Natasha Kaidalov). And I thought everything, why Oliver seems to be shy of something. But perfectly played his role a dexterous Plut. From adult actors, Garria's voice performed by Vyacheslav Leontyev very much. And the brightest actor's game distinguished himself Alexander Cilinka fulfilled the role of Fedzhina. Action is a bit tightened for 2 hours 30 minutes with intermission, but children look with interest. Probably this is a wonderful performance to introduce a child with this famous work Ch.Dikkens

Son's impressions. I liked it very much. Especially acting Oliver and Mazurikov. I liked that everyone sang, although not everyone understood.

From myself I will say that in surprise the son looked with interest and in the intermission even read the libretto to the second part.

22. Judge - Vladimir Chernyshov