CHL 2 youngest group of card file. Comprehensive-thematic planning Reading fiction in the second youngest group

CHL 2 youngest group of card file. Comprehensive-thematic planning Reading fiction in the second youngest group
CHL 2 youngest group of card file. Comprehensive-thematic planning Reading fiction in the second youngest group

Natalia Samotoeva
Perspective planning for reading fiction in the second junior group


№1. Story Ya. Thai "Cube on a cube" Develop interest in reading and telling adult artworks; Attract attention to the rules of the game with other children of the group. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 29

№2. Story V. Stepanova "Game"Develop interest in reading and telling adult literary works; Call the desire to speak, join speech communication. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years Page 31

№3. Tale N. Pavlova "On the car"Develop auditory perception, interest and desire to listen to reading or telling an adult; Take part in a common conversation. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 32

№4. Tale V. SUTEEVA "Apple Develop auditory perception, interest and desire to listen to the reading of an adult; Acquire carefully consider illustrations, if necessary, ask questions, take part in a common conversation for the content of fairy tales. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 33

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№5. Belarusian folk fairy tale "Poy"Maintain interest in reading books; To develop the ability to listen carefully, consider illustrations, to be included in the discussion, responding to an adult question. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 34

№6. Petsheets about Petushka Develop auditory perception, interest and desire to listen to poetic speech, understand its main meaning; involve to memorize a small poem by heart; Acquire carefully consider illustrations. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 35

№7. Tale of V. Stepanova "House for Sparrow"Make the ability to listen to reading artistic work Together with the group of children, understand the main meaning; Develop emotional responsiveness, desire to participate in conversation. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 37

№8. Stories of V. Bianki "Belkin Sushilnya", Strvitsky, V. Chapina "Like a whitewash"To work carefully to listen carefully reading the artwork, understand the main meaning; Develop emotional responsiveness, desire to participate in conversation. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 39


№9. Tale S. Marshak "Used - Striped"Develop interest in reading books; improve auditory perception, emotional responsiveness; Call a desire to participate along with other children in some gaming actions. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 40

№10. Russian folk fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" (in arr. M. Bulatova) to develop the ability to listen to the told of the teacher together with the peer group; develop interest in fairy tales, emotional responsiveness, desire to participate in the conversation, answering simple questions. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 42

№11. Ukrainian folk fairy tale "Mitten" (in Per. E. Blagina) to develop interest in reading books, the ability to perceive text on rumor; Call the desire to accept the role of one of the characters, participate in a role-playing game. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 43

№12. Tale M. Danzkovsky "Hedgehog, which can be stroked" Call interest in reading books, an emotional response to the read work. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 44


№13. LullabyDevelop auditory perception, emotional responsiveness, interest in poetic Word; Create a game situation, which in the future children will be able to move into independent plot-role-playing games. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 45

№14. Story L. Voronkova " Snow goes» Develop an auditory perception, the ability to listen carefully to the descriptive text, understand the general meaning, cause a desire to answer questions; correlate the content of the work with personal experience Children. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 48

№15. Poems about birds Develop hearing attention, interest in poetic word; through literary works Enrich ideas about the life of birds in winter; Enrich the dictionary. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 49

№16. New Year's poems Learn to follow the development of action in short works; Correct the content of works with personal experience. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 52

№17. Poem E. Moshkovskaya "Zhardde"Develop interest in reading books, auditory perception, emotional response; accumulate experience in transferring the content of the work with gestures and actions; Relieve a negative attitude towards greed. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 54


№18. Folk Songs and Pestees about the cat and kitty To form interest in the poetic word, the ability to carefully consider illustrations to the text, relate their content with heard; Develop emotional responsiveness, the ability to transmit characters to gestures. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 56

№19. Polar Bear (stories E. Charushina and S. Sakharnova)Develop interest in reading, attention and concentration when listening to a descriptive nature story, understanding it general meaning With support for illustration. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 58


№20.Tale S. Kozlova "Lion and Turtle"Create conditions for literary characters, re-encounter with them via the cartoon view; Develop an emotional responsiveness, the desire to take part in common simulation actions, sinking. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 59

№21. Tale V. SUTEEVA "Cat - Fisherman"To form interest in reading books, attention and concentration when listening, understanding the general meaning of the work (based on the illustration); Develop a desire to answer questions, speak. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 61

№22. Tale V. SUTEEV "Different wheels" Develop interest in reading, the ability to listen carefully, understand the general meaning; give an idea of \u200b\u200ba spinning, well, mill; Enrich the dictionary with new words. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 62


№23. Fairy Tale K. Chukovsky "Fly Casting"Develop auditory and visual perception, interest and desire to listen to reading, emotionally respond to events taking place in the book, answer questions; Enter new words to the dictionary: Samovar, cowardly, brave, villain, win. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 63

№24. russian folk fairy tale "Wolf and Seven Cats" (in arr. A. Tolstoy) to develop a hearing and visual perception, an emotional response to fairy tale events; Call interest in reading books, the desire to respond to questions, speak. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 64

№25. Sun, show (folk songs and fun) Develop the interest of children to the genre of folklore, an emotional response, the desire to take part in the conversation; Acqualing carefully consider illustrations, correlated flow text with a pattern, noticing small parts, arguing about what he saw. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 66

№26. Tale K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr" Develop interest in the book, reading; Emotional responsiveness to the literary work, the ability to carefully listen to the reading of an adult, the desire to speak out in the meaning of read; Acquest to consider illustrations, correlating them with the text of the work. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 68

№27. We meet birds Develop auditory attention, understanding the general meaning of poems; Enrich ideas about the life of birds. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 70


№28. Tale M. Pleazkovsky "How two foxes Duri Deli"Develop emotional responsiveness; follow the development of action, transfer words, gestures common plot, anwser the questions. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 72

№29. E. Charushina "Sparrow"Develop emotional responsiveness to the literary work; Be able to relate to read with personal experience, tell about it. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 74

№30. Stories V. Charushina about animals Learning carefully listen to prosaic texts carefully, correlate the verbal description with illustrations, express your impressions; bring to guessing mysteries by verbal description. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 75

№31. Rain, rain, row, there will be a grass green Develop the ability to listen to poetic works, emotionally react to their content; Create conditions for various improvisations for read songs and speakers. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 77

№32. Russian folk fairy tale "Bull - Smolyan bar"Develop interest in the fairy tale, the ability to listen, understand the main content, to be included in a common conversation, responding to an adult; learn to change intonation and voice timbre, pronouncing text on behalf different characters. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 80

№33. Poem S. Marshak "Good day"Learning carefully listen expressive reading poems, understand its meaning, follow the development of the plot; Correct content with personal experience, tell about it. N. E. Vasyukova Artistic literature for children 3-5 years old p. 82

Reading fiction in 2 youngest group is great way For intellectual I. aesthetic education Smart generation. It affects positively on communicative qualities, as well as on the development of speech skills.

Significance of reading in preschool age

The collective reading of fiction literature in 2 youngest group allows the educator to open through poetic and artistic images his pupils of the world of relationships and human feelings, the beauty of nature, the features of life in society. It is it that enriches emotional world children contribute to the development of their imagination, introduces amazing images literary Russian language. Such images differ by the mechanism of influence on the psyche of the child.

For example, reading fiction in 2 younger group in the form of stories introduces children with accuracy and conciseness of the word. Poems give an idea of \u200b\u200bmusicality and rhythm.

Hygienic aspects

Reading the work of Moydodyr in 2 youngest group is directed not only to acquaintance of preschoolers with verses. Together with the guys, the educator highlights the foundations healthy image Life, forms hygiene skills in his wards. This work can be considered a desktop book for the first acquaintance with a human hygiene. Reading the work of "Moydodyr" in 2 youngest group can be carried out as puppet Theater.So that the guys not only heard, but also saw how to wash, not to be slightly people.

How best to carry out fiction literature? 2 Younger Group (a book file can be drawn up for convenience) is characterized by using large number Poems, fairy tales that will help the teacher to form a stable interest in the guys.

  • Fairy tales: "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Wolf and Seven Cats", "Gus-Swans", "Fox and Hare", "Snow Maiden", "Cat, Rooster and Fox".
  • Poems: "Herb-Moraga ...", "Finger-boy ...", "Sites Sites on a trolley ...", "Rainbow-arc ...", "Forty, forty ...", "Chiki-Chikichi ...", "like Our cat ... "," There are three chicken outdoors ... "," Zarya-Zaryaznitz ". "Lived at Babui ...", "Shadow, shadow, sweeping ...", "I'm going to the Baba, to my grandfather ...", "Tili-Bom! Tili-Bom! "

In addition to reading fairy tales, poems also in preschool institutions The educator uses for the development of creativity and communication qualities from his pupils memorable children's songs.

For example, at the time of learning the "Ship" songs, the guys form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe sea, the first acquaintance of kids with the world of professions is carried out.

  • "Washing with gadgets" Ya Baltvilks;
  • "Rain" A. Bossev;
  • "Hedgehog and drum", Vier;
  • "Sunny Hedgehog", P. Voronko;
  • "Pencil", N. scored;
  • "Who is more likely?", "Masha does not cry" C. Kaputikhana;
  • "Figure and gray clothes" L. Mileva.

List of prose works for preschoolers

Among the works of this literary genrerecommended for reading in preschool institutions, you can allocate:

  • "Capacity", author E. Behlerova.
  • "Frog in the mirror", author D. Bisset.
  • "Little duckling", author A. Karalychev.
  • "Ukhi-Tukhti", author B. Potter.
  • "In the store of toys," friends "," games "," scooter ", by C. Yangchansky.
  • Formation of humanity

    Reading fiction in 2 younger group, for example folk fairy tales, contributes to the acquaintance of preschoolers with an expressive Russian language, speech, humor, figurative comparisons. With the help of folk fairy tales, interest in the younger generation to the traditions of ancestors is formed, a sense of pride for their country is laid. Child who is preschool age It will learn to empathize literary heroeswill not experience problems when communicating with peers, adults. It is in the process of reading in the younger generation that such humane qualities are formed as kindness, sympathy, justice, care.

    What a matter of artistic reading? 2 Younger Group is the optimal age for the development of communicative skills, the formation of the foundations of citizenship.

    Aesthetic education

    With the help of an artistic word, children understand the beauty of the sound of Russian speech. It gives the guys an idea of moral qualitieswho must have a man. V. A. Sukhomlinsky spoke that reading is a path, according to which the thinking and intelligent teacher will find an approach to the heart of the child. Contributes to the formation of language forms in preschoolers, verbal characteristics of reading in children's garden. 2 Younger Group is a time when it is important to form a poetic vocabulary, emotional mood, metaphor, comparisons, epithets from the younger generation.

    Reading features

    Reading literature in 2 younger group performs an educational function. This process of children's psychologists consider complex mental activities, which combines emotional-volitional and intellectual motifs. As characteristic feature Perception of artwork can be distinguished by a mental transfer of the hero of the work in real life. Educators are often used in the process of reading role-playing games, emphasizing certain qualities of the main characters of the considered literary work.

    Methods of dating preschoolers with literary works

    Why is that great importance Has reading children in kindergarten? 2 youngest group is the time when psychologists recommend developing creative thinking. In order for the book to read the educator, it is interesting for children, you can use role-playing games, a puppet theater.

    During reading the book, the teacher changes intonation, making focus on positive and negative features Hero, highlighting certain scene lines. The obligatory element after reading the work is its discussion. The educator sets the guys questions, responding to which children form their speech skills. They not only learn to express their thoughts, but also develop communicative skills.

    How to turn in real performance Reading a fairy tale "Gingerbread House"? 2 Younger Group can take an active part in the "revival" of this work. With the help of facial expressions, movements, armed with soft toys, the guys can with the educator "Read" this work.


    What other functions read in 2 younger group? List of those works recommended by new federal educational standardsLet us give below, but we note that all books should contribute to the development of the communicative skills of the younger generation.

    The program of pre-school institutions implies the formation of a certain category of words in children, which denote the names of objects, elementary actions, phrases. All of them are present in the literary works belonging to the DOU program.

    Special attention is paid to the expansion of the orientation of preschoolers in existing reality. Short stories, Fees, verses considered during this period in classes, contribute to the development of active speech, the development of the ability to ask questions, transmit impressions of the artistic work of the artistic work.

    Role-playing games while reading

    Special speech development classes that are mandatory element Programs in preschool institutions, suggest the use of motor activity, self-role game. The use of visual means: living and non-living objects, images, toys, pictures are accompanied by words, replicas, allows the kids to enrich speech.

    Works of people oral creativity, artistic word, Fees, boosters, fairy tales - All this suggests the use of visibility in the younger preschool age. The tutor shows actions, movement using for this toy. The child, listening to a figurative speech, perceives movements in full compliance with the voiced text, reproduces small passages from the heard fairy tale or poem.

    Of particular importance is the use of pedagogical methodspromoting the development and improvement of independence of preschoolers. Gradually complicate those tasks that preschoolers must perform. For example, they do not just listen to a fairy tale, but also have to describe appearance Hero, list the qualities he possesses. Such tasks are developing in the younger generation logical thinking, form an imagination, learn to observe and analyze seen phenomena and events.

    While reading books that are complemented by bright and colorful illustrations, the educator focuses on the attention of pupils in the image, asks for children to describe the picture. After listening to the work, the educator offers children to reproduce passages of the read book. In addition, in the process of reading poems, the teacher uses a collective learning technique. Children repeat 1-2 lines of poem, by multiple progress, they memorize a small poem.

    Thanks to this technique of work, the teacher fully fulfills the task set by the GEF, namely, forms a harmoniously developed personality.

    During role-playing games The guys learn to communicate with peers, use speech to explain their own actions.


    In order for preschoolers to have a stable interest in reading, it is important to include in the program. preschool education Reading books of domestic and foreign authors.

    For example, you can read the poem by A. Bunny, then beat it, using soft toys. When acquaintance of kids with the poem K. Balmont "Komariki-Makariki", the educator simultaneously carries out the environmental education of its wards.

    D. Mamin-Sibiryak in his stories "Tale about brave hare - Long ears, oblique eyes, short tail "; "The parable of Mochka's milk, oatmeal and a gray quotier is paying special attention to the beauty of nature, the importance of respect for the environment. That is why his works are included in the list of books recommended for reading in 2 youngest group of kindergarten.

    What other works entered this list? This, for example, K. Ushinsky's stories: "Vaska", "Cockerel with family", "Lisa Patriyevna", "Skirk", "Wind and Sun".

    Without attention should not be left in kindergarten and works by A. S. Pushkin. For example, in this age the guys will be interested in his "Tale of dead princess And about seven heroes. "

    In the list of children's books recommended for the second younger groups dough, there are poems S. Marshak: "Giraffe", Zoo Zoosad, "Ostrichnok", "Zebra", "White Bears", "Penguin", "Lebedenok", "camel", "Eskimo dog", "Monkey", "Where did the sparrow dined?", "Tale of a smart mouse", "quiet fairy tale."

    All children's books teach kids careful relationship to the surrounding nature, other people contribute to the formation of harmony developed personality preschoolers.

    Purpose: Acquisition of children to fiction, through familiarization with the story of V. Suteev "Three Kitin" by integration educational regions « Speech development», « Cognitive development", "Physical development".



    • help children understand the content of the story of V. Suteeva "Three Kitin",
    • form an emotionally-shaped perception of the story,
    • teach children to answer the questions of the teacher on the text of the story,
    • calculate the children's meaning of soot words, samovar tube,
    • activate in the speech of children's words: flour, soot, samovar tube,
    • show through cognitive research, how in the story of the kittens changed color.


    • develop a dialogue
    • develop sound culture speech
    • develop attention, memory,
    • develop interest in educational research activities.

    educate interest in the fiction, the desire to listen to literary works,
    Relieve responsiveness (desire to help).

    Developing subject-spatial environment for node:cartoon Character Toy "Kitten by Hav", Flanhelegraf, Characters from a story for flannelhemph, containers for each child with flour, with soot, with water, towels.

    An abstract of classes on fiction in 2 youngest group "Reading the story of SUYEEV" Three Kitten "

    Move node

    Creating motivation for upcoming activities.

    Song "I am a fluffy little kitten ...", the character appears in the group, the soft toy "kitten".

    - Guys, see who came to visit us (children's responses).

    I draw attention to the fact that children meet the proposal in the process of all direct-educational activities.

    - The kitten is the name "GAV". Let's say hello to him (children greet the character)
    "Guys, Kitten Gav whispered to me on the ear, that he doesn't have friends at all, he is bored and lonely.
    - Do you agree to help the kitten? (children's responses)
    - How can we help him? (children's responses)

    - If children find it difficult to answer, I propose. Let us introduce it to other kittens. I know shock and very curious kittens. Now I will show you and our guest one story that happened to these curious kittens. This story is called "Three Kitten", Vladimir Suteev wrote him. Together with our guest, listen, look and then, together with you, find out what happened to kittens.

    Show story on flannelhemph (with repeat).

    I explain to children the meaning of the word soot, samovar tube.

    - Guys Kitten Gava offers to play.

    Fizminutka "Marquis"

    It will drive, then will bring back, the leg will pull forward
    This makes the workout. Our Marquis is a fluffy cat.
    He scratches himself behind the eye, squeezes chicks and urchit (Moore, Moore).
    Marquis is all right: claws wool and appetite.

    - Children, did you like the story "Three Kitten"? Let's ask our guest, did it like him? (Children ask a kitten).
    - What color were the kittens at the very beginning of the story? (children's responses)
    - Who saw and for whom they chased kittens in the story? (children's responses) If children find it difficult to make visual tips using images on flannelhemph.
    - Why are the kittens become white? (children's responses)
    - Why did the kittens become gray? (children's responses)
    - Why did the kittens become wet? (children's responses)
    - What color did they become when dried? (children's responses)
    - Kittens were curious, they knew the world.

    Do you want to turn into curious kittens and go through all their adventures? Then, I turn you into small kittens, pass and sit down at the tables.

    There are three tanks on each child (with flour, soot and water) and lie towels.

    - Guys, let's remember where the kittens first jumped? (children's responses) Lower the handle in flour. What are they in color? (children's responses)
    - Where are the kittens climbed when they chased a frog? (children's responses) What dirted in the sampering tube of kittens? (children's responses)
    - Lower the handles in Say. What are they in color? (children's responses)
    - And then kittens where they jumped? (children's responses)
    - Lower the handles into the water, what happened to our hands? (children's responses) And now I wipe your hands with a towel.
    - What happened to kittens when they jumped out of the water? (children's responses)
    - What color were the kittens when dried? (children's responses)

    Summing up activities

    - Children, did you like the story about curious kittens? (children's responses)
    - Guys Kitten tells you many thanks For the fact that you introduced him to kittens, now he has friends. Together they will play fun.


    On the table lie muffins kittens - funny, sad and neutral. I suggest children to choose any of the memory of how the kitten helped.

    Reading the literature contributes to the moral development of children and the correct perception of the surrounding world, form attention and abtends. It is important to select books by age, to explain to children actions of characters and the opposition of these actions.



    An exemplary list of references to read children in the 2nd younger group.

    Russian folklore

    Songs, sweatshops, shafts. "Finger-boy ...", "Zainka, baptize ...", "Night came, ..", "Forty, forty ...?" I'm going to the beach, to my grandfather ... "," Tili-bom! Tili-bom! ... "; "Like our cat ...", "squirrels sitting on a cart ...", "ah, kachi-kachi-kachi", "lived at babous ...", "Chiki-Chiki-Chicali ...", "Kisa-Murysenka ...", "Zarya-charge ..."; "Herbal Mravka.,", "Three chicken outdoors ...", "Shadow, Shadow, Potten ..", "Ryabushchka chicken ...", "rain, rain, forest ...", " ladybug.., "," Rainbow arc ... ".

    Fairy tales. "Kolobok", arr. K. Ushinsky; "Wolf and a kids", arr. A. N. Tolstoy; "Cat, cock and fox", arr. M. Bogolyubskaya; "Swan geese"; "Snow Maiden and Fox"; "Hall - black barrel, white hoofs", arr. M. Bulatova; "Fox and hare", arr. V. Daly; "Fear is great", arr. M. Serovoy; "Teremok", arr. E. Charushina.

    Folklore peoples of the world

    Songs. "Ship", "Bravetsy", "Little Fairies", "Three Zverlyov" English, arr. S. Marshak; "What a crash", per. With Latvian. S. Marshak; "Buy onions ...", lane. With Schotl. N. Tokmakova; "Talking frogs", "Failured Udod", "Help!" Per. With Cache. S. Marshak.

    Fairy tales. "Mitten", "Koza Dereza" Ukr., Obr. E. Blaginina; "Two greedy bear", weng., Arr. A. Krasnova and in, Wediev; "Stubborn goats", Uzb., Obr. Sh. Sagdullah; "Sun is visiting", per, from Slovak. S. Mogilev and L. Zorina; Lisa-Nyanka, Per. with Finsk. E. Soyny; "Kravets-well done", per. With Bulgarian L. Mushroom; "PY", Belarus, Obr. N. Mealik; "Forest Bear and Razbar Mouse", Latvian., Obr. Y. Vanaga, per. L. Voronkova; "Rooster and Fox", lane. With Schotl. M, klyagina-kondratyeva; "Pig and Korshun", the fairy tale of the peoples of Mozambique, lane. With Portugue. Yu. Chubkova.

    Works of poets and writers of Russia

    Poetry. K. Balmont. "Fall"; A. Block. "Bunny"; A. Koltsov. "Winds blow ..." (from the poem "Russian Song"); A. Plescheev. "Autumn has come ...", "Spring" (in Sokr.); A. Mikey. "Lullaby song", "Swallow has suffered ..." (from Novogreic songs); A, Pushkin. "Wind, wind! You are mighty! .. "," Our light, Sunny! "," Month, month ... "(from the" Fairy Tale about the dead princess and. Seven heroes "); S. black. "Break", "about Katyusha"; S. Marshak. Zoosad, Giraffe, Zebra, "White Bears", "Ostrichnok", "Penguin", "camel", "where dinner a sparrow" (from the cycle "Baby in a cage"); "Quiet fairy tale", "Tale of a smart mouse"; K. Chukovsky. "Putanaca", "Stolen Sun", Moidodyr, "Muha-Codochoha", "Hedgehog laugh", "Christmas tree", "Aibolit", "Miracle tree", "Turtle"; S. Grodetsky, "Who is it?"; V.Bestes. "Chicken chicken", "bull"; N. Zabolotsky. "How mouses with cat fought"; V. Mayakovsky. "What is good and what is bad?", "That neither page is an elephant, then a lioness"; K. Balmont, Komariki-Makariki; P. Kosyakov. "All she"; A. Barto, P. Barto. "Girl Chumazay"; S. Mikhalkov. "Song of friends"; E. Moshkovskaya. "Jadda"; I. Tokmakova. "Bear".

    Prose. K. Ushinsky. "Cockerel with family", "Point", "Vaska", "Lisa Patriceevna"; t. Alexandrova. "Burur Bear"; B. Zhitkov. "As we went to Zoological Garden," "As we arrived in Zoosad", Zebra, "Elephants", "as an elephant bought" (from the book "What I saw"); M. Zoshchenko. -Un bird "; G. Tsyferov. "About friends", "When there is not enough toys" from the book "About chicken, sun and a bear"); K. Chukovsky. "So not so"; D. Mamin-Sibiryak. "The fairy tale about the brave hare is a long ears, oblique eyes, a short tail"; L. Voronkova. "Masha-Crayman", "Snow goes" (from the book "Snow is coming"); N. nosov "Stairs"; D, HARMS. "Brave Hedgehog"; L. Tolstoy. "Bird Sweet Nest ..."; "Tanya knew the letters ..."; "Vari had chizh, ..", "Spring came ..."; V. Bianki. "Swimming Bashing"; Yu Dmitriev. "Blue Shalashik"; S. Prokofiev. "Masha and Okay", "When you can cry", "Tale of an uncompatible mouse" (from the book "Tales Machines"); V. Suteev. "Three kittens"; A. N. Tolstoy. "Hedgehog", "Fox", "Petushki".

    Works of poets and writers of different countries

    Poetry. E. Vier. "Hedgehog and drum", per. with Mold Ya. Akim; P. Voronko. "Sunny hedgehog", per. with ukr. S. Marshak; L. Mileva. "Figure and gray clothes", per. With Bulgarian M. Marinov; A. Miln. "Three foxes", per. from English N. Slepakova; N. scored. "Pencil", per. with ukr. 3. Alexandrova; S. Kapugikyan. "Who is more likely", "Masha is not crying" per. with arm T. Spendiary; A. Boss. "Rain", per. With Bulgarian I. Maznina; "Sings Checklets", lane. With Bulgarian I. Tokmakova; M. Karem. "My cat", per. With Franz. M. Kudinova.

    Prose. D. Bisset. "Frog in the mirror", per, with English. N. Shereeshevskaya; L. Moore. "Crazy raccoon and one who sits in a pond", per. from English O. Exodinova; C. Yangchansky. "Games", "Scooter" (from the book "The Adventures of the Bear Ears"), per. with Polish. V. Prikhodko; E. Behlerova. "Capacity", lane. with Polish. G. Lukina; A. Boss. Three, Per, Bulgarian. V. Viktorova; B. Potter. "Ukhi-Tukhti", per. from English O. Exodinova; J. Chapek. "Difficult day", "in the forest", "Yarinka doll" (from the book "The Adventures of Pesca and Nets"), per. . Czech. G. Lukina; O. Alfaro. "Kozlik-hero", lane. With Span T. Davyantz; O. Punk-Yat. "The late night, Dukha!", Per. With Romanian. M. Olsufyeva, "not only in kindergarten" (in Sokr.), Per. With Romanian. T. Ivanova.

    Approximate list for learning by heart

    "Finger-boy ...", "like our cat ...", "Okuchechik, Ozerechik ...", "Mice water dance.,.", Rus. nar. Songs; A. Barto. "Bear", "Ball", "Ship"; V. Berestov. "Petushki"; K. Chukovsky. "Christmas tree" (in Sokr.); E. Ilina. "Our Christmas tree" (in Sokr.); A. Plescheev. "Rural Song"; N. Sakonskaya. "Where is my finger?".

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  • Details Published: 04/27/2014 19:37 Views: 28826

    An exemplary list of references to read children in the 2nd younger group.

    Russian folklore

    Songs, sweatshops, shafts. "Finger-boy ...", "Zainka, baptize ...", "Night came, ..", "Forty, forty ...?" I'm going to the beach, to my grandfather ... "," Tili-bom! Tili-bom! ... "; "Like our cat ...", "squirrels sitting on a cart ...", "ah, kachi-kachi-kachi", "lived at babous ...", "Chiki-Chiki-Chicali ...", "Kisa-Murysenka ...", "Zarya-charge ..."; "Herbal Mravka.,", "Three chicken outdoors ...", "Shadow, Shadow, Potten ..", "Ryabushchka chicken ...", "rain, rain, forest ...", " Ladybug .., "," Rainbow-arc ... ".

    Fairy tales. "Kolobok", arr. K. Ushinsky; "Wolf and a kids", arr. A. N. Tolstoy; "Cat, cock and fox", arr. M. Bogolyubskaya; "Swan geese"; "Snow Maiden and Fox"; "Hall - black barrel, white hoofs", arr. M. Bulatova; "Fox and hare", arr. V. Daly; "Fear is great", arr. M. Serovoy; "Teremok", arr. E. Charushina.

    Folklore peoples of the world

    Songs. "Ship", "Bravetsy", "Little Fairies", "Three Zverlyov" English, arr. S. Marshak; "What a crash", per. With Latvian. S. Marshak; "Buy onions ...", lane. With Schotl. N. Tokmakova; "Talking frogs", "Failured Udod", "Help!" Per. With Cache. S. Marshak.

    Fairy tales. "Mitten", "Koza Dereza" Ukr., Obr. E. Blaginina; "Two greedy bear", weng., Arr. A. Krasnova and in, Wediev; "Stubborn goats", Uzb., Obr. Sh. Sagdullah; "Sun is visiting", per, from Slovak. S. Mogilev and L. Zorina; Lisa-Nyanka, Per. with Finsk. E. Soyny; "Kravets-well done", per. With Bulgarian L. Mushroom; "PY", Belarus, Obr. N. Mealik; "Forest Bear and Razbar Mouse", Latvian., Obr. Y. Vanaga, per. L. Voronkova; "Rooster and Fox", lane. With Schotl. M, klyagina-kondratyeva; "Pig and Korshun", the fairy tale of the peoples of Mozambique, lane. With Portugue. Yu. Chubkova.

    Works of poets and writers of Russia

    Poetry. K. Balmont. "Fall"; A. Block. "Bunny"; A. Koltsov. "Winds blow ..." (from the poem "Russian Song"); A. Plescheev. "Autumn has come ...", "Spring" (in Sokr.); A. Mikey. "Lullaby song", "Swallow has suffered ..." (from Novogreic songs); A, Pushkin. "Wind, wind! You are mighty! .. "," Our light, Sunny! "," Month, month ... "(from the" Fairy Tale about the dead princess and. Seven heroes "); S. black. "Break", "about Katyusha"; S. Marshak. Zoosad, Giraffe, Zebra, "White Bears", "Ostrichnok", "Penguin", "camel", "where dinner a sparrow" (from the cycle "Baby in a cage"); "Quiet fairy tale", "Tale of a smart mouse"; K. Chukovsky. "Putanaca", "Stolen Sun", Moidodyr, "Muha-Codochoha", "Hedgehog laugh", "Christmas tree", "Aibolit", "Miracle tree", "Turtle"; S. Grodetsky, "Who is it?"; V.Bestes. "Chicken chicken", "bull"; N. Zabolotsky. "How mouses with cat fought"; V. Mayakovsky. "What is good and what is bad?", "That neither page is an elephant, then a lioness"; K. Balmont, Komariki-Makariki; P. Kosyakov. "All she"; A. Barto, P. Barto. "Girl Chumazay"; S. Mikhalkov. "Song of friends"; E. Moshkovskaya. "Jadda"; I. Tokmakova. "Bear".

    Prose. K. Ushinsky. "Cockerel with family", "Point", "Vaska", "Lisa Patriceevna"; t. Alexandrova. "Burur Bear"; B. Zhitkov. "As we went to Zoological Garden," "As we arrived in Zoosad", Zebra, "Elephants", "as an elephant bought" (from the book "What I saw"); M. Zoshchenko. -Un bird "; G. Tsyferov. "About friends", "When there is not enough toys" from the book "About chicken, sun and a bear"); K. Chukovsky. "So not so"; D. Mamin-Sibiryak. "The fairy tale about the brave hare is a long ears, oblique eyes, a short tail"; L. Voronkova. "Masha-Crayman", "Snow goes" (from the book "Snow is coming"); N. nosov "Stairs"; D, HARMS. "Brave Hedgehog"; L. Tolstoy. "Bird Sweet Nest ..."; "Tanya knew the letters ..."; "Vari had chizh, ..", "Spring came ..."; V. Bianki. "Swimming Bashing"; Yu Dmitriev. "Blue Shalashik"; S. Prokofiev. "Masha and Okay", "When you can cry", "Tale of an uncompatible mouse" (from the book "Tales Machines"); V. Suteev. "Three kittens"; A. N. Tolstoy. "Hedgehog", "Fox", "Petushki".

    Works of poets and writers of different countries

    Poetry . E. Vier. "Hedgehog and drum", per. with Mold Ya. Akim; P. Voronko. "Sunny hedgehog", per. with ukr. S. Marshak; L. Mileva. "Figure and gray clothes", per. With Bulgarian M. Marinov; A. Miln. "Three foxes", per. from English N. Slepakova; N. scored. "Pencil", per. with ukr. 3. Alexandrova; S. Kapugikyan. "Who is more likely", "Masha is not crying" per. with arm T. Spendiary; A. Boss. "Rain", per. With Bulgarian I. Maznina; "Sings Checklets", lane. With Bulgarian I. Tokmakova; M. Karem. "My cat", per. With Franz. M. Kudinova.

    Prose. D. Bisset. "Frog in the mirror", per, with English. N. Shereeshevskaya; L. Moore. "Crazy raccoon and one who sits in a pond", per. from English O. Exodinova; C. Yangchansky. "Games", "Scooter" (from the book "The Adventures of the Bear Ears"), per. with Polish. V. Prikhodko; E. Behlerova. "Capacity", lane. with Polish. G. Lukina; A. Boss. Three, Per, Bulgarian. V. Viktorova; B. Potter. "Ukhi-Tukhti", per. from English O. Exodinova; J. Chapek. "Difficult day", "in the forest", "Yarinka doll" (from the book "The Adventures of Pesca and Nets"), per. . Czech. G. Lukina; O. Alfaro. "Kozlik-hero", lane. With Span T. Davyantz; O. Punk-Yat. "The late night, Dukha!", Per. With Romanian. M. Olsufyeva, "not only in kindergarten" (in Sokr.), Per. With Romanian. T. Ivanova.

    Approximate list for learning by heart

    "Finger-boy ...", "like our cat ...", "Okuchechik, Ozerechik ...", "Mice water dance.,.", Rus. nar. Songs; A. Barto. "Bear", "Ball", "Ship"; V. Berestov. "Petushki"; K. Chukovsky. "Christmas tree" (in Sokr.); E. Ilina. "Our Christmas tree" (in Sokr.); A. Plescheev. "Rural Song"; N. Sakonskaya. "Where is my finger?".