Gravity Falls in reality: There is a city in fact. Is there really a city of gravity folls? Is there a city like gravity folls

Gravity Falls in reality: There is a city in fact. Is there really a city of gravity folls? Is there a city like gravity folls
Gravity Falls in reality: There is a city in fact. Is there really a city of gravity folls? Is there a city like gravity folls

Many of those who watched the cartoon about this locality, would like to know if there is a gravity of Falls in fact, or this is another fiction of the scriptwriters. To understand this issue, let's talk more about what is the city where it is in accordance with the plot of a cartoon picture.

Is there a gravity folster in real life?

Before answering the question, there is a gravity folse, let's turn to the information known to us from the cartoon. So, according to the plot of the cartoon painting, this settlement is located in the American state of Oregon, in terms of population and the total area it is quite small, that is, in fact, is a certain analogue of the cottage settlement or a provincial town. It was founded in 1842, after one of the characters fell from a horse in the same name with the name of the village of Valley. It does not occur in it significant from the point of view of world news of events, and it is practically not known to anyone, except for the inhabitants of this settlement. According to the plot, a certain mystical creatures live in gravity and its surroundings, with which the heroes are contacted.

Now we will deal with whether the town of Gravity Falls is actually. So, if we look at the list of settlements in the state of Oregon, we will not find a similar settlement. Of course, many believe that it is so small that it is simply not included in similar lists, but looking at the US detailed maps, we also make sure it is simply not.

The scenario themselves also recognize that the city of gravity Folz exists only due to their imagination, and you will not find such a settlement in any American state. Of course, some similar features of this town and real settlements you can detect can be detected, but it is nothing more than coincidence. When creating a script, the authors did not set themselves the task to copy the real settlement, on the contrary, they wanted to come up with an unusual and mysterious town. To fully avoid certain coincidences with real cities and natural zones, they, of course, failed, because there are many provincial settlements similar to each other as 2 drops of water. Therefore, if you wish, you can find a very similar settlement, but, which is real, and not invented, for example, such towns like Vortex and Boring, located all in the same state of Oregon.

In this article you will learn:

"Gravity Falls" is an animated television series of the studio "Disney". The cartoon series at first sight seems nursery, but after several episodes it becomes clear that adults will find a lot of interesting things here. Inimitable humor, many references to popular culture, high-quality animation and, of course, an incredible number of mysteries and secrets - this is what the animated series love thousands of fans worldwide.

The plot of the works revolves around two main characters - children named Dipper and Maber. Parents send twins on the summer holidays to the cousin by name, in the town of Gravity Falls in Oregon. The city itself and the surrounding area contain a huge number of abnormal phenomena and creatures, and riddles and secrets accompany the heroes all the time.

History of the founding of gravity Falls

Gravity Falls is a small town on the unaccluents of the United States of America, or rather, somewhere in the middle of the state of Oregon. The settlement is no different from hundreds of those across the country, except that all the abnormal events of the United States are concentrated here (if not the whole world).
The secret of this is shrouded in the fog of the past.

True Founder Gravity Falls

It is reliably known that the city founded Quentin Trimble. This extravagant man is known for the age of eight and a half president of the United States. The eighth and a half, because the fact of the country's revenue itself was hidden. And this is due to the fact that the president was amazingly stunning.

So, the city of Gravity Folz was founded by Tramblibs at the moment when the unlucky president rode a horse. Backwards. Naturally, such a style led to a fall - with a pretty high hill. The place in which Quentin Tramblbles landed, he called gravity Falls (literally - "gravitational fall", "drop from gravity").

The head of the United States of America was unpleasant surprised by the next anticipation of the eighth of the eighth of a half president, so the fact of the foundation of the city was saturated. For descendants, the founder of gravity Falls became Nathaniel Natvest, which marked the beginning of the genus of Naturestov - the rich city. The descendant of Nathaniel is his great-grandfather of Pasigique, one of the main opponents of Mail.


Main places of the city

The main attraction of Gravity Falls is a hut wonderland - The building in which the main characters arrived to and come for the summer. The hut miracles is at the same time home, and a souvenir shop, and a museum. Paradoxically, but here, in the center of the Mystical Town of the United States, fakes and tricks for curious tourists are collected. Stan earns on visitors as soon as it can, while constantly deceiving them and lucavie. Wendy and Sousse also works in the hut store. However, the building itself is paying much more mysteries than it may seem at first glance.

Hut miracles

Falls gravity forest contains an overwhelming part of the miracles of the town. The forest surrounds the settlement from all sides, and the most amazing creatures live in its depths. Among them: Dwarfs, men (half men - half brands), giant spiders, volatile skulls and many others!

Lake Graviti Folz is very close to the city. It is surrounded by high cliffs, and on the one hand has a sandy beach. Many residents are resting here or engaged in fishing. According to the legend, Lake lives in the lake. In the center of the reservoir is the island - a head-shaped island-beast - on which the colony of Bobrov is located.

General view of gravity folls

Creatures from the series

The animated series shows a huge number of fictional creatures - funny and really terrible, harmless and dangerous. Here are the most interesting of them:

  • Gnomes. Merry dwarfs wishing to make Mabel your queen. Curly, but can create a giant gnome from their bodies.
  • Mugotaurs. Allusion on minotaurovs, fastened on the courage of semi-semi-semi-semi-punching. Aggressive, but ready to help the dipper become more courageous.
  • Zombie. Disgusting decomposing creatures that can be defeated by triple symphony. Very aggressive and dangerous.
  • Dinosaurs. They were sharpened in amber in the mine under the city. High temperatures melted amber, releasing monsters to freedom.
  • Bow-shaped island beast. The giant head in the form of the island, flying behind the dipper and mail in the mini-episode. Gemini managed to escape.
  • Multi-bear. Two injured bodies with four legs and hands and eight heads. The dipper defeated the bear, proving his courage, but did not kill him.
  • Shail Shifter. Dangerous monster who can take any appearance. Found heroes in the cave, subsequently frozen and neutralized.
  • Bill cipher. A powerful demon in the form of a yellow triangle, which can obey the mind of people. The main antagonist of history.

Gnome of gravel Falls

Urban holidays

In Gravity, Falls love to celebrate the holidays. The main ones are:

  • Day opening of the fishing season. Almost the entire city flows down to the lake on this day, when the time of fishing is officially opened. In the episode of the series, the heroes are trying to unravel the mystery of the allegation, allegedly living in the lake.
  • Party in miracles hut. The largest disco of the city, which is satisfied with Stan Pines in order to draw attention to its goods. During the party, the dipper clones itself (repeatedly).
  • Return of miracles hut. Meeting dedicated to the opening of the store for the second time after the victory over Gydon Gliful. Zombies appear in the series, whom dipper, Mail and Uncle Stan are overcome.
  • Letoin. The holiday, which the townspeople celebrate June 22, as summer Halloween. Instead of pumpkins in summer, lights from watermelons are cut. The episode shows the creepy Letowinsky Lovkach.

Day of Pioneers - Another Holiday Gravity Falls
  • In the US, there is a place that wears a very similar to gravity folse name. This is a city named Oregon Volze. It is possible that the authors of the series referred to him.
  • The main characters of the animation series - Dipper Pines and Mabin Pines - Gemini. They were "sketched" from the main author of Gravity Falls Alex Hirsha and his twin sister named Ariel.
  • Another connection with Ariel - a girl in childhood dreamed of his own piglery. That is why Mailed and got a pig in the series.
  • Some of the television series characters differ in that they have four fingers on each hand. At the other heroes, everything is in order - five fingers. The creators of the series explain this aesthetics. Just some heroes looked well with four fingers, while others - with five.
  • The final of the series is still far away, but the authors have already rebelled that in the last series the final departure of the twins from Gravity Falls home will be shown.
  • In the end of each episode, an incomprehensible set of letters appears. In fact, this is an encrypted message that belongs to either the last series or next. You can decipher the phrase by carefully listening to the whisper, which sounds at the end of the initial screensaver. Scriming the whisper with the ass in advance, you will get the key to the cipher.
  • In gravity, Falls literally each frame is a cipher, reference or "Easter egg". On the Internet there are a lot of thematic forums, in which participants are trying to solve the secrets of the series and predict the plot.

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Section: Blog / Date: 17 July, 2017 at 11:13 / Views: 7893

The animated series "Gravity Falls" gathered a lot of fans, as a result of which they had a question about whether the city was there in reality. Or is it a common fruit of script fictionaries? To find out this moment, it is worth contacting the plot of the series and the place where his action unfolds.

Information from the same name of the same name

According to the plot of the animated series, two twins named Dipper and Meibean Pines spend a vacation with their cousin Stan in Gravity Falls. Stan himself is the owner of a tourist souvenir shop, like our souvenir, which sells an attribute of gravel fouls:, or integers. Under the title "Huts of Miracles".

Teens are missing for some time, but then we find that in the city and its surroundings there are strange phenomena. They are found with the description of all sorts of anomalies of the town. Heroes are trying to solve all the secrets of the town of Gravity Falls.

From that moment on, their adventures begin, during which they fall into various mysterious places and there are various creatures.

The location of the plot of the cartoon is Oregon. The prototype of the city could serve as Boring, located in the same state where the action of the animated series is unfolding. Town Boring is located near Portland next to Cascade Mountains.

The town was founded in 1842 to the eighth and a half US President Kentin Trimble. But as stated in the plot, Nathaniel Natvesta was indicated by the founder of the city. President Trambli was drawn out of the list of presidents and coated the fact of his participation at the base of the town.

Brief history of the city in the plot of the cartoon

As mentioned above, the city was founded in 1842. Earlier in these places, the indigenous population was inhabited, which was forced to leave them due to the predictions of their fashion shaman about the upcoming strangeddone (end of the world). Then the vallee settled gold kits, navigating the place of the "damned land" due to frequent cases of the appearance of UFOs and strange mystical beings.

Then the Tramblib arrived in these places, and after one unsuccessful ride to the horse decided to establish a settlement here. He himself came up with the name of the town.

The place was originally a small village and flourished in the Golden Fever Epoch. Then the so-called flannel fever occurred. Both events in the history of the city fit in one year. Then the places left the gold kits, frightened by dinosaurs in local mines.

In the 60s. The XIX century settlement survived the population growth boom. And 1883 was marked by a series of incidents, ranging from the disappearance of the founder of the city and ending with the so-called great flood and the great crash of the train.

What is known about the city actually?

Significant information about the existence of gravity Falls in real life is unknown. Even if you look at the map of the United States, it does not have any settlement with such a name. The fact of fiction is confirmed by the cartoon scripts. They explain that as a pre-edge of the city was not taken some particular settlement.

It is interesting for the origin of the name of the town, which was invented by scripts. The name Gravity Falls can literally be translated from English as "gravity falls." This is a word game invented to create an atmosphere of mystery and mysteriousness of a place where the series occurs.

Many cartoon lovers find a certain similarity of gravity fouls with really existing in Oregon towns. We are talking about mentioned above the place of Boring and the town of Vortex. Both settlements, according to some sources, are paranormal zones. However, there is no official proof of this fact.

If you look at any photo of the terrain in the state of Oregon, then you can stumble upon similar to the scenery of the cartoon places. Most likely, the creators really took as a place where the plot, real state of the United States unfolds. And the image of the town turned out to be asserted from the number of numerous settlements of the country. It can accurately declare that the gravity of Falls in real life does not exist.

Weave fiction and real facts

In the cartoon, the place of action is the Valley of Gravity Falls (or Gravity Falls, which is closer to the original writing). On no territory marked with such a name. Consequently, the name of the valley is fictional.

The plot says that the UFO landing took place in these parts, which also does not fit with real facts. But it is worth noting that the cases of observation of UFOs in Oregon still had a place. It is possible that the scripts took into account this data when the animated series is selected.

Another fact proving that the gravity of Falls in real life is not, speaks of the history of its foundation. It is completely fictional because:

  • in the entire history of the United States there was no president named Quentin Trimble, as well as Nathaniel Natvesta;
  • the eighth US president was Martin Wang Buren;
  • an indication in the series on the eighth and a half US president is a fiction and a joke of the scenario;
  • the town could not be founded in 1842 by the eighth US president, because In those years, the 10th President John Tyler was in power.

The creators of the series were made reference to the work of Joan Rowling about Harry Potter's wizard. The name of Quentin Trimbley resembles the modified name of Quentin Trimbla, which was one of the directors at Hogwarts School from the Romanov series about Harry Potter.

Since 2012, the animated series of gravity Falls (or gravel Falls, which will more comply with the original writing) gained wide popularity among the youth and adult audience. At the moment, the creators presented two seasons and the official ending, which, although it has hints to continue, does not give hope to fans on the third season.

In contact with


As you know, this cartoon is famous for its secret messages., ciphers and references that spectators love to solve. At the end of each series, the code is dictated by the code, and during the cartoon on the background or individual frames you can see the order of numbers. Thus, adding proposals or words, you can get tips on the next series or enable fans to fantasize about the secret meaning of gravel fouls.

Despite the fact that after officially the creators of Gravity Folz revealed all the cards and put a list of all Cartoon ciphers, lovers consider - a cartoon keeps many more secrets. Every day on the Internet appears More and more different theories, easter eggs and other "conspiracy", which come up with fans. One of the favorite topics for discussion in the narrow circles of fans is the origin and the existence of the city of Gravity Falls - a small area, which is sisit of various supernatural beings and monsters.

From the moment the animated series began to go to the TV screens, many began to think about whether there is a gravity folse actually?

Is there a city actually

As if he could not be aware ofBut this city is indeed fictional for the project. Many fans placed false information that the city is in Oregon (as it was said in the cartoon) and set fake photos of alleged objects that were presented in the cartoon. At least, it is impossible to say that the city lives as it was in the animated series is impossible.

But you can consider another interesting fact. In fact, gravity Folz is a jambler several little-known and small towns. Some fans have repeatedly reflected over this theory and concluded that you can really notice some of the coincidences with Vortex and Boring, which, by the way, is also located in Oregon. Towns are famous for their paranormal incidents and local residents come up with interesting legends about different creatures that they live there.

If you remember the plot of the original cartoon, the city was created as a result of landing the spacecraft. In the state of UFO, it was never observed, so this once again proves the impossibility of the existence of gravity of Falls in reality. But so far, some fans have noticed interesting places, remotely or even very openly resembling some background terrain of the city from the Cartoon.

The creators of this project themselves admitted that they came up with the city completely out of the head and find exactly the same village would not be able to any of the states. Of course, it is impossible to avoid completely Some coincidences and stories with other locations, but the real gravity of Falls is unlikely to be found.

Characters Gravity Falls in real life

Another mystery for lovers of this animated series is the reality of the characters shown in the project. If we talk about the main characters in the cartoon, then this is:

  • Twins Maibl and Dipper Pines.
  • Stanford Pines.
  • Wendy.

Secondary characters:

  • Robbie Valentino.
  • Gideon.
  • Fidford McGakket.
  • Bill cipher.
  • Thomson Larkins.
  • Jadan Hikster Nate.
  • Tambouri Fanlyc.

Guys often face With secondary characters, who also greatly influenced the development of the cartoon plot as a whole. The question of whether these characters are real ambiguous. In fact, naturally, neither the dipper, nor MAYBLE, nor uncle Stan exists in fact, but the Creator of Gravity Falls - Alex Hirsch - on one of the interviews admitted that many habits, relationships were taken from real life. For example, Geib and Dipper twins he wrote off from himself and his sister.

Also in one of the series it is possible to recall that the dipper has moles in the form of the constellation of a large beast. Hirsche laughed and replied that in his school years he had a friend who had a lot of acne on his face. Once a friend came with exact location Big Goat on the forehead, which was the highlight in the image of the dipper.

Secrets and Easter Mercer Series

As mentioned earlier, in gravity Falls you can see a lot of interesting and hidden messages that fond of even adults. Indeed, if some time sit on the cartoon, carefully look at the details, then some references to the next series can be seen.


First of all inquisitive viewer Select the cipher that accesses at the beginning, for the series and at the end of the series. Having done simple manipulations with the alphabet, you can get some information about the city or characters. At the end, the cipher-tip is always hidden to the subsequent series, which is very pleased with the fans during the release of the series.


Each person who listened to a popular melody from the animated series noted the mysterious whisper at the end of the screensaver. With slow playback, you can clearly hear "I'm still here." Some lovers occurred to Put the recording in the opposite direction, thus receiving the offer "three letters back". Such cipher used Caesar, applying the next third of the third time instead of the original letter. Sometimes the phrase changes in the screensaver and makes it possible to understand which cipher to use. So, in two seasons it was possible to apply the Atbash cipher, substitution cipher and a virus cipher.

For lovers to search for riddles and secrets, decryptions are independently recommended to browse the cartoon in the original voice acting, as the translation very often lost the hidden messages to the audience and it was not always possible to notice the Easter.

Thus, gravity folls And his characters are an unequivocal fiction of the creators of the animated series, but their quality reproduction of the project and the responsible approach to work allowed us to create a real masterpiece, which will certainly remain the leading "best animated series" for a long time.