Methods for resolving pedagogical conflicts. Pedagogical conflicts and ways to solve them

Methods for resolving pedagogical conflicts. Pedagogical conflicts and ways to solve them

Course work on the topic:

Conflict as a pedagogical problem


Chapter 1. Essence of the conflict in the pedagogical process

1 Concept and features of pedagogical conflicts

2 Types and groups of pedagogical conflicts

3 Causes of Pedagogical Conflict

Chapter 2. Settlement and resolution of pedagogical conflicts

1 Settlement of pedagogical conflicts

2 Methods and methods for resolving pedagogical conflicts




Conflicts permeate our society - and it does not need evidence. This fate and social institute did not pass, what is the school. It will not be an exaggeration to say that conflicts of different intensity are characteristic of most Russian schools. Since the pedagogical sphere is a combination of all types of targeted socialization of the individual, and its essence is to transmitting and mastering social experience, then it is here that favorable social and psychological conditions are needed, providing mental comfort to teacher, a student and parents.

Problems of conflicts in the school environment should deal with such a science as the sociology of the pedagogical conflict.

The sociology of the pedagogical conflict is a fairly developed diversified discipline, which explores the causes, essence, form and dynamics of conflicts, as well as ways of their permission and warnings. Its object is the conflict in all its forms, and the subject is universal, which characterizes the emergence, development and completion of any conflict.

Now, more than ever, it is important from the children's years to educate in children attentive attitude towards others, prepare them to a friendly attitude towards people, to teach cooperation.

For this, the teacher must be good to master the skills and the skills of the prevention and resolution of conflict situations, since the problem of the interaction of participants in the pedagogical process is becoming increasingly acute for the modern school.

In numerous publications about the problems of modern school, it is often noted that her main trouble is the lack of interest among the child's personality, reluctance and inability to know his inner world, from here and conflicts between teachers and students, school and family. This, above all, does not show not so much the unwillingness of teachers as their inability, helplessness in the resolution of many conflicts.

In this paper, an attempt was made to consider the main types of pedagogical conflicts and possible paths of their permission.

Thus, the purpose of this course robot is to study the concept and essence of the pedagogical conflict, the causes of the occurrence and methods of settlement.

The following tasks flow out of the goal:

Study of features, species, types and groups of pedagogical conflicts;

Studying the causes of conflicts in school;

The study of methods and methods for resolving and resolving pedagogical conflicts.

The subject of the course work is a pedagogical conflict.

The subject of my work is teachers and students.

The object of this work is the relationship that arise between teachers and students.

Chapter 1. Essence of the conflict in the pedagogical process

.1 The concept and features of the pedagogical conflict

Pedagogical communication is a collective system of socio-psychological interaction. Moreover, the communication lines are in constant interaction, intersect, interpenette, etc. In pedagogical activities, the collectivity of communication is not just a communicative background of activities, but the most important pattern of pedagogical communication.

To date, a significant stock of facts and observations has been gained in the theory and practice of pedagogy for attempting to raise the issue of the design of theoretical direction - pedagogical conflictology, as an independent field of research on education science. The problem of pedagogical conflicts relates to the field of scientific knowledge having its place in all sciences of both social and technical.

The conflict in psychology is defined as "a collision of oppositely directed, incompatible trends, a separate episode in consciousness, in interpersonal interactions or interpersonal relations of individuals or groups of people associated with negative emotional experiences."

The conflict in pedagogical activities is often manifested as a teacher's desire to approve its position and as a protest of the student against unfair punishment, an incorrect assessment of its activities, a deed.

In pedagogical situations, the teacher is most clearly the task of managing the work of the student. With her decision, the teacher should be able to get up to the point of view of the student, imitate his reasoning, to understand how a student perceives the current situation, why he did this.

In the pedagogical situation, the teacher comes into contact with students about its concrete act, actions.

Pedagogical situations may be simple and complex. The first are allowed by the teacher without the opponation of students through the organization of their behavior in school. During the school day, the teacher is included in a wide range of relationships with students in different reasons: stops the fight, warns the quarrel between students, asks to help prepare for the lesson, it turns on in a conversation between students, showing sometimes resourcefulness.

In difficult situations, the emotional state of the teacher and the student, the nature of the established relationship with accomplices of the situation, the influence of students present at the same time, and the result of the decision always has a certain degree of success due to the difficult projected student's behavior, depending on many factors, to consider which the teacher is almost impossible .

It is difficult for a student every day to fulfill the rules of behavior in school and the demands of teachers in lessons and change, so natural disorders of general order are natural: after all, the life of children in school is not limited to study, quarrels, resentment, mood change, etc. are possible.

The correctly reacting to the behavior of the child, the teacher takes the situation under its own control and restores the order. Having satisfying in estimates, the act often leads to errors, causes indignation from the student injustice from the teacher, and then the pedagogical situation goes into conflict.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky so writes about conflicts at school: "The conflict between the teacher and the child, between the teacher and parents, the teacher and the team - a big trouble of the school. Most often the conflict arises when the teacher thinks about the child unfairly. Think about the child fairly - and there will be no conflict . The ability to avoid conflict is one of the components of the teacher's pedagogical wisdom. Warning conflict, the teacher not only protects, but also creates the educational power of the team. "

Conflicts in pedagogical activities will long violate the system of relationship between the teacher and students, cause a deep stressful state from the teacher, dissatisfaction with their work. This state is exacerbated by the consciousness that success in pedagogical work depends on the behavior of students, the state of the dependence of the teacher from the "mercy" of students appears.

Some features of pedagogical conflicts. Among them can be noted as follows:

Teacher's professional responsibility for pedagogically correct resolution of the situation: After all, the school is a model of society, where students assimilate the social norms of relations between people;

Conflict participants have a different social status (teacher-student) than and determined by different behavior in conflict;

The difference between the age and life experience of the participants breeds their positions in conflict, generates a different degree of responsibility for errors in solving them;

Various understanding of the events and their reasons for the participants (the conflict "of the eyes of the teacher" and the "eyes of the student" sees differently), so the teacher is not always easy to understand the depth of the child's experiences, and the disciple - to cope with its emotions, subordinate to the mind;

The presence of other students in conflict makes them from witnesses to the participants, and the conflict acquires an educational meaning and for them, it is always necessary to remember the teacher;

The professional position of the teacher in the conflict obliges him to take the initiative in its resolution and in the first place to be able to put the interests of the student as a formal personality;

Any teacher's mistake in resolving the conflict generates new situations and conflicts in which other students are included;

The conflict in pedagogical activity is easier to prevent than to successfully resolve.

Reflection of contradictions between participants of joint activities is an interpersonal conflict. It represents a certain situation of interaction of people who either pursue mutually exclusive or unattainable targets at the same time, or aspire incompatible values \u200b\u200band norms in their relations.

Three phases of conflict flow in the pedagogical situation can be distinguished:

phase - a conflict sharp beginning with an obvious violation of socially valuable norms and values \u200b\u200bby one of the participants in the situation;

phase - the opponent's response, from the form and content of which the end of the conflict depends;

phase is a relatively fast and radical change in extensive norms and values \u200b\u200bin two different directions - improvement or deterioration of previously established relations.

1.2 Types and groups of pedagogical conflicts

The education system as a social institution interacts with all spheres of public life. Therefore, at the macro level, contradictions and conflicts in the socio-pedagogical process arise between the education system and society.

At the average level of the contradictions pass:

between the administration (a different level of leadership in the education system), on the one hand, and teachers (teachers) on the other;

between administration and parents;

between the administration of educational institutions and students.

At the lower level, the contradictions are held along the Lines "Teacher - Student" and "Parent - a student".

All of the above conflicts can be conditionally attributed to vertical conflicts.

In addition to vertical conflicts at each level of the socio-pedagogical process, there are also horizontal conflicts. For example, at the macro level, contradictions and conflicts may arise in the public education, education, between the main part of the citizens (civil society), on the one hand, and the highest senior structures (by the state) on the other.

At the average level, both vertical conflicts are possible (between different levels of management subsystems in the education system) and horizontal (between the administration of various educational institutions).

To the average level, horizontal conflicts of the "Teacher - Parent" type can also be attributed, "Teacher - Teacher", "Parent - Parent".

At the lower level, horizontal conflicts of the "student - student" type arise. The indicated contradiction lines most correspond to the main types of interaction in the general secondary education system.

Types of pedagogical situations and conflicts. Among potentially conflicting pedagogical situations, you can select the following:

situations (or conflicts) of activities arising about the fulfillment of student learning activities, academic performance, outside of training activities;

situations (conflicts) of behavior of actions arising about the violation of the student of the rules of conduct in school, more often in the lessons, outside the school;

situations (conflicts of relationships) arising in the sphere of emotional personal relations of students and teachers in the field of their communication in the process of pedagogical activities.

Teachers, assessing the actions of students, are not always responsible to the consequences of such assessments for the student and not carefully take care of how such assessments will affect the subsequent relations of the teacher with the student.

Based on the external perception of the act and the simplified interpretation of its motives, the teacher often gives an assessment not only a act, but also the personality of the student, which causes reasonable outrage and protest from students, and sometimes the desire to behave as like a teacher to justify his expectations. In adolescence, this leads to a conflict in behavior, blind imitation, when the student does not make it difficult for himself by the desire to "look into herself", to evaluate his act.

Teachers are often treated to take measures, punish students, not believing with their position and self-esteem act, as a result, the situation loses its educational meaning, and sometimes goes into conflict.

Conflicts of relations often arise as a result of the inept resolution of the teacher of situations and have, as a rule, a long time.

Conflicts of relations acquire personal meaning, give rise to a long hostility or hatred of the student to the teacher, for a long time violate the interaction with the teacher and create an acute need for protection against injustice and incomprehension of adults.

The teacher is difficult to judge the nature of the relationship with students of the class: among them there are consonants with the teacher, neutral, following the majority, and opposing, disagree with the teacher.

Heavyly experienced by teachers of the conflict of relationships, when it happens not with one student, but with a group supported by students of the whole class. This happens if the teacher imposes their own nature of relationships, expecting response love and respect from them.

Pedagogical conflicts can be divided into three large groups.

In the first group - motivational conflicts. They arise between teachers and students, due to the fact that schoolchildren either do not want to learn, or learn without interest, forced. Having at its base the motivational factor, the conflicts of this group grow and ultimately between teachers and guys arise dislike, confrontation, even the struggle.

In the second group - conflicts associated with a bad learning organization at school. Here are meant four conflict periods through which students undergo in school learning.

The first period is the first class: there is a change of leading activities, with the game for training, new requirements and obligations appear, adaptation can last from 3 months to 1.5 years.

The second conflict period is the transition of 3 in grade 5. Instead of one teacher, the guys are engaged in different subject teachers, new school subjects appear.

The third period - at the beginning of the 9th grade, a new painful problem arises: it is necessary to decide what to do after the 9th grade - go to the secondary special educational institution or continue studying in grade 10-11. For many young people, grade 9 becomes a feature behind which they are forced to start adulthood.

The fourth conflict period is the end of the school, the choice of the future profession, competitive exams in the university, the beginning of a personal and intimate life.

The third group of pedagogical conflicts - conflicts of interactions of students among themselves, teachers and schoolchildren, teachers with each other, teachers and school administrations. These conflicts occur due to a subjective nature, personal characteristics of conflicting, their target attitudes and value orientation.

1.3 Causes of Pedagogical Conflict

Eternal problems of the pedagogical process - what to teach and how to learn are global problems for the entire global education system. Especially they aggravated on the eve of the XXI century. Currently, the whole world education system is experiencing a crisis. The essence of the crisis is that the current system of education and education is not able to effectively perform the functions of socialization of new generations. One of the options to exit the global crisis is to create a new education and education system that meets the requirements of modern society.

Consider the most characteristic of the Russian education system of the problem and the causes of various kinds of conflicts.

At the interaction level society - Education The following contradictions can be distinguished:

The absence of a holistic and consistent concept of a new educational policy (development strategy for the education system);

The lack of financial and logistical support of the education system (the Russian economy is in decline and is not able to allocate the necessary resources for the needs of education);

The poverty of the funds allocated leads to such negative consequences as:

socio-labor conflicts, strikes, rallies, picketing of public institutions, hunger strikes and other forms of protest;

closure of educational institutions due to lack of funds for their maintenance (heating, electricity, repair, etc.);

reducing government subsidies for school lunches, textbooks, equipment and other needs;

extreme dissatisfaction of education workers to the material remuneration of their work. The low level of wages forces education workers to look for additional earnings, which negatively affects the pedagogical process.

The age periodization and the allocation of situations and conflict characteristic of each age give the teacher to navigate the reasons that violate the interaction with students.

In general, such reasons may be actions and communication of the teacher, the personality features of the student and the teacher, the overall situation at school.

We give examples of causes of conflicts:

small teacher's opportunity to predict the behavior of students;

the surprise of their actions, often violates the planned course of the lesson, causes a teacher annoyance and striving by any means to remove "interference";

the disadvantage of information about the reasons of what has happened difficult to choose the choice of optimal behavior and the corresponding setting of the collapse;

the witnesses of situations are other students, so the teacher seeks to maintain his social status with any means and thereby often brings the situation to conflict;

a teacher, as a rule, is estimated not to separate a student's deed, but his personality, such an assessment often determines the attitude to the disciple of other teachers and peers (especially in elementary school);

the student's assessment is often built on the subjective perception of his act and a small awareness of his motives, the features of the individual, living conditions in the family;

the teacher makes it difficult to analyze the situation that has arisen, rushes strictly to punish the student, motivating this by the fact that excessive severity in relation to the student will not hurt;

incidentally important is the nature of the relationship between the teacher and individual disciples;

personal qualities and non-standard student behavior are the cause of constant conflicts with them;

the personal qualities of the teacher are also often caused by conflicts (irritability, rudeness, vitality, complacency, helplessness, etc.)

Additional factors advocate the prevailing mood of the teacher when interacting with students, the lack of pedagogical abilities, interest in pedagogical work, the vital disadvantage of teachers, the general climate and the organization of work in the pedagogical team.

The cause of many conflicts, school leaders consider the low level of pedagogical communication of teachers who cannot stop in time, avoid sharp words, do not blame for the disadvantage in the family, do not emphasize negative qualities, do not make fun of peers. These are well-known provisions, but they often violate many teachers.

Many of the teachers find it difficult to conduct a dialogue with disciples of different ages. The teacher's dialogue with students is often conducted on the command and administrative level and contains a set of stereotypical expressions, reproaches, threats, discontent with the behavior of the student. Such communication continues for many years of schooling in school, and for older school age, many of the students produce a response style of communication with teachers.

Conflicts arise when students are alone with a teacher (in the presence of foreign or administration of the School of Conflict, there is no conflict), therefore the administration is difficult to assist him in their prevention and resolution.

In the field of national education, it is customary to allocate four subjects of activity: a student, teacher, parent and administrator (leaders of various levels: director, widens, etc.).

You can highlight 10 types of confrontations:

Student - student;

Student - teacher;

Pupil - parents;

Pupil - Administrator;

Teacher - teacher;

Teacher - parents;

Teacher - Administrator;

Parents are parents;

Parents are administrators;

Administrator - administrator.

Conflicts among students occur quite often. The main occasions of conflicts between students are rudeness, rudeness, cruelty, gravit. But most often such conflicts are found at primary and secondary school students. Conflicts between senior senior students are uncommon; They are older and turned different resentment; more friendly with their school comrades; They have enough other problems. The reason for such conflicts has the following grounds:

personal hostility of each other;

inadequate assessments and self-esteem;

tactlessness in communication, envy to the successes of the other, etc.

The most common among the "student is a student" of leadership conflicts, in the middle classes conflict groups of boys and girls.

The second type of conflict "Student - Teacher". The causes of such confrontation and conflict are:

insults from students;

non -actic behavior;

disrespectful attitude towards teachers;

unpreparedness of homework;

systematic (without valid reasons) passes of classes;

differences in value orientations;

dependent attitude to study, laziness, reluctance to learn;

weak preparation for lessons, lack of independent thinking, lower level of general education;

lack of interest in study;

violation of discipline in class and others.

And if you consider the conflict from the point of view of students, the reasons may be the following:

insults from teachers;

non -actic behavior;

binding when issuing estimates;

owning requirements;

uninteresting lesson by teacher and others.

Conflicts in the interactions of the "Teacher - Student" in addition to motivational, conflicts of moral and ethical can be blocked. Most of the conflict situations whose participants are a teacher and a student, characterized by a mismatch, and sometimes both the exact opposite of their position in relation to studies and rules of behavior in school. An undisciplinedness, racking, a frivolous attitude towards studying a student and excessive authoritarianism, intolerance of the teacher - the main causes of acute interpersonal clashes.

The reason for many conflicts is also the disrespectful attitude of teachers to their students, unwillingness or inability to see in the student of the ally and partner in joint activities. Interpersonal and group conflicts among school students are commonplace. The socialization process (adaptation, self-identification, etc.) implies various kinds of conflicts not only in the school environment. The problem is that the structure of building a modern mass school on the principle of coented and opposition - "Teacher - a student", "Senior - Jr.", "strong - weak", "successive - poor" - and this all stimulates children's conflict, which It gives rise to cruelty, burglariness, rudeness in group and interpersonal relations of schoolchildren.

The conflict "Student is a parent." Conflicts of this kind most often arise due to misunderstanding from parents or unfavorable atmosphere in the family (drunkenness, fights between parents). The causes of such quarrels can be:

children teach little lessons at home;

do not always listen to parents, do everything in their own way;

due to bad studies;

children spend a lot of time on the street or in the yard;

listen to a lot of tape recorder, watch TV;

do bad behave in school;

due to the choice of the future profession;

do not remove your belongings;

little read, etc.

As can be seen, the main causes of conflicts of children with parents are studying and misunderstanding each other.

Conflicts in the teacher's environment: "Teacher - Teacher", "Teacher - Administrator", "Administrator - Administrator". These conflict types are hidden, imperceptible to others. In fact, are typical organizational conflicts. They may arise for the following reasons:

Non -actic attitude towards each other;

Due to an uncomfortable schedule of classes;

Shifting responsibilities to each other;

Administrative abuses;

Uneven distribution of pedagogical load.

The largest number of conflicts in the teacher's environment causes the problem of training load. Teachers consider it the main reason within school conflicts, while they are not satisfied with both excess and its disadvantage.

The reason for the growth of tensions and conflicts in the teacher's environment is also the vulnerability of a teacher from unfair accusations from other participants in the socio-pedagogical process: school administrations, employees of higher education bodies, parents of schoolchildren and students themselves. At the same time, teachers showing a deep interest in their work, more often enter the conflict with representatives of the administration and other colleagues, which formally relate to their duties, and the last more often conflict with schoolchildren and their parents and, accordingly, their more "conscientious" colleagues.

Intense atmosphere and conflicts in school groups create both unreasonable benefits and privileges, which are used by certain categories of employees. They may be: "Pets" director or width; those who persistent require; teachers who have the title; one who works better; Members of school trade union committees and others.

If we summarize the causes of conflicts that have a place in the teacher's environment, they can be reduced to two grounds:

Problems of communication, for example, lack of tact, hot temper, intolerance to the disadvantages of other, overestimated self-esteem, psychological incompatibility, etc.;

An outdated administrative management system of school institutions, built on the principle of "boss - subordinate", in which there is almost no place for normal human communication.

Conflicts between teachers may arise for various reasons: from the problems of school schedule before the collision of intimate personal order.

In the interaction of the Teacher-Administration, there are conflicts caused by the problems of power and subordination.

Conflicts between teachers and parents. The cause of this confrontation is children (school students). In this conflict, as a rule, it is not necessary without the administrator intervention. Bowl of all parents believe that with their child, the teacher is poorly drawn; It is impertuous assesses: it makes fault, it understed. Often, parents accuse teachers in incompetence. Teachers, in turn, accuse the family, parents in self-esteem from the learning and education process, i.e. All communication and upbringing parents are shifted on the shoulders of teachers.

Interpersonal conflicts arising between teachers and students can be business and personal in their content.

The frequency and nature of conflicts depend on the level of development of the class team: the higher this level, the less conflict situations are created. In the cohesive team, there is always a common, supported by all its members a goal, and in the course of joint ventures, general values \u200b\u200band norms are formed. In this case, the advantage of business conflicts between the teacher and students, which arise as a consequence of objective, subject contradictions of joint activities. They have a positive character, as aimed at determining effective ways to achieve a general group target. However, such a conflict does not exclude emotional tensions, a pronounced personal attitude towards the subject of disagreements. But personal interest in general, success does not allow the conflicting parties to reduce the scores, to be approved by the humiliation of the other. In contrast to a personal conflict after a constructive solution to the issue that has given the business conflict, the relationship of its participants is normalized.

Chapter 2. Settlement and resolution of pedagogical conflicts

.1 Settlement of pedagogical conflicts

The pedagogical process is impossible without various kinds of conflicts. Moreover, in a certain case, the conflict is a prerequisite for solving the muscles.

In conflict management, an important role is played by the effective use of the principles of social regulation, the skillful use of its techniques and methods. Conflict management and social regulation are closely interrelated. On the one hand, the Office is one of the types of social regulation aimed at overcoming tension and prevent collisions. On the other hand, the methods and techniques of social regulation are part of the technology of preventing and overcoming the conflict.

Settlement means bringing something in line with the established rules, rules. If there are no such rules and rules, then the settlement loses any meaning. It is impossible, for example, to regulate the relationship in the pedagogical process, without having an idea of \u200b\u200bwho and what should do.

Conflict management steps.

The first effect on the management of the conflict should be considered its institutionalization. With the institutionalized conflict (flowing within the limits established norms and rules), it becomes at least predictable. The uninstitutionalized conflict is characterized by the lack of any principles or rules and most often is a natural and unnecessary explosion of discontent.

But, speaking of institutionalization, it is necessary to affect the question of how good these norms and rules speakers in the form of laws, decrees and even ordinary oral agreements are necessary. That is, its legitimization can be called as the next conflict management phase. After all, the problem of the institutional procedure, from the point of view of conflictology, is not reduced to the form of this procedure, but to the presence of voluntary consent, the readiness of the participants in the pedagogical process to comply with one or another order.

Another important stage of conflict management is structuring conflicting groups. If the Office implies activities aimed at bringing incompatible interests in accordance with some order, then there is a need to formulate the issue of these interests. When the presence of some interest is recorded objectively, then its subject is unclear, it is not necessary to talk about optimization of the conflict. On the contrary, in the future we should expect its exacerbation. If the groups are structured, then the possibility of measuring their power potential appears. This allows you to establish an informal hierarchy in society, which restrains the escalation of intergroup conflict. Of course, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the participants in the pedagogical process are sooner or later detected by themselves. But the skillful conflict management can activate this process and thereby speed up the achievement of the final positive result.

The final stage of conflict management is reduction, that is, a consistent weakening of it by transfer to another level. It is advisable to use the scale as an initial tool for the implementation of this procedure, covering the possible levels of tension in the conflict. For example, the French explorer J. Fove allocates such levels as "cooperation relationships - relations of reconciliation - relations of opposition - the relationship of contradictions is irreconcilable relations." And the American political scientist M. Amstutz includes the following elements in the conflict space: tensions - disagreement - rivalry - dispute - hostility - aggressiveness - war - violence. Other options are also applied, the most simple of which is this: a friend - an ally - partner - an employee - an opponent - an opponent.

In this case, the scale is needed in order to understand how realistic the task of the conflict reduction is, which involves its transfer to the next step.

In addition, the pedagogical conflict can also be used as a tool for opening latent contradictions that interfere with a normal organization or relationships of people. Therefore, it is necessary to change the attitude towards the conflict as a negative phenomenon. The conflict may have both negative and positive consequences. The problem is to determine the real reasons for the conflict and find the most optimal ways to resolve it.

There is also a problem associated with the culture of communication. The overwhelming number of conflicts are a consequence of the nontactual behavior of the participants in the pedagogical process. Settlement and solving problems depends on the personal and professional culture of each of them. The problem is that in relationships with each other we see, first of all, a student, teacher, director, etc., and it is necessary to see a person with all his problems and features.

In the process of resolving the pedagogical conflict, the initiative should belong to the teacher as a more professionally prepared. The role of the teacher is especially great in cases where during the pedagogical process, a conflict triangle "Teacher - Pupil - Parent" is formed.

In this case, the following options may be the emergence of conflict:

the teacher in the Union with his parents act against the student;

parents with a student - against the teacher;

teacher with a student - against parents;

all - against all;

every man for himself.

If the conflict fails to be resolved in a timely manner, new participants can be involved in it, for example, the administration of the educational institution, which can be borne by the arbitrator position in conflict, or to defend one of the parties, and then the number of possible options for the development of the conflict will increase significantly.

With any version of the development of the conflict, the task of the teacher is to turn the opposition of the parties in relationship, destructive conflict - in constructive. To do this, you need to do a number of consecutive operations.

To achieve adequate perception of each other opponents. Conflicting people are usually unfriendly tuned towards the opponent. Emotional excitement prevents them to adequately assess the situation. Controlling their emotions, teacher need to reduce emotional tension in relations with a student, parents, colleagues. For this you can use such techniques:

Do not respond to aggression aggression;

Do not insult and do not humiliate the opponent;

Allow the ability to opponent;

Try to express your understanding and complicity;

Do not make the spelling conclusions;

Offer an opponent to discuss the problems that have arisen in a relaxed atmosphere.

If, as a result of the listed actions, it was possible to convince opponent that you are not enemy and ready to cooperate, you can move to the next step of resolving the conflict.

Dialogue can be considered as a goal and as a means. In the first stage, the dialogue is a way to establish communication between opponents. The second is a means for discussing controversial issues and finding acceptable ways to resolve the conflict.

During the dialogue, opponents clarify relationships, positions, intentions, each other's goals. They become more informed and better represent the established conflict situation. If you managed to find out and designate sources and causes of the dispute, you can move to the final step.

Interaction - in fact, includes perception, and dialogue, and other types of joint activities and communication. Interaction is the joint activity of all opponents aimed at resolving and resolving the conflict.

During the interaction, opponents clarify the range of problems and the options for their solution; distribute types of work; Assign the timing of their execution and define the control system.

So, the adequacy of the perception of the conflict, the willingness to discuss problems, the creation of an atmosphere of mutual confidence and joint activities to resolve existing problems contribute to the transformation of opponents in allies and even friends.

2.2 Methods and methods for resolving pedagogical conflicts

Methods for resolving the conflict, especially if he did not go far, are known and accessible to everyone - this is tenderness, humor and joke. In more complex situations, teachers resort to a compromise, making concessions, each other, or their own analyzes, seeking to understand themselves and their actions, and only in exceptional cases use coercion and temporary separation. The teacher does not have the right to make a conflict, if it does not own the conflict resolution technology.

The conflict is created at that time or communicated to this level when the mutual need for its resolution occurs. Most of the conflict situations whose participants are a teacher and a student, characterized by a mismatch, and sometimes both the exact opposite of their position in relation to studies and rules of behavior in school. An undisciplinedness, racking, a frivolous attitude towards studying a student and excessive authoritarianism, intolerance of the teacher - the main causes of acute interpersonal clashes. However, the timely revision by their positions can eliminate the conflict situation and do not allow it to grow into an open interpersonal conflict.

A variety of possible conflict situations in the classroom and methods of conflicting interaction requires the teacher to find the optimal ways to resolve the conflict. The timeliness and success of its permission are the condition that the business conflict does not go into personal.

The productive resolution of the conflict can only be in the event that the teacher carries out a thorough analysis of the reasons, the motives that led to the current situation, the goals, the likely outcomes of a particular interpersonal collision, the participant of which he was. The ability of the teacher to be objective is an indicator not only its professionalism, but also the value attitude towards students.

The most effective way to resolve conflicts are negotiations.

Constructive capabilities of negotiations and mediation are extremely high. One of the essential advantages of this method is that its use is possible as with vertical conflicts ("vertical negotiations": a teacher - a group of students; students - the school administration), and with horizontal ("horizontal negotiations": a group of students - a group of students) . In the case of a special acute conflict situation or the inability to negotiate, as an addition to the method of negotiations, mediation technology is used.

The mediation procedure involves an independent neutral third party, a mediator who contributes to negotiations between the parties in an informal setting and helps them find an acceptable agreement and achieve it. The basic principles of mediation are:

neutrality (emotionally intermediary is not joined by some side);

an impartiality (not interest in winning one of the parties).

The mediator is not responsible for decisions to which the parties will come, its function is to organize the negotiation process.

However, there are dysfunctional consequences of the negotiation process. The negotiation method is effective as part of a certain corridor, who leaving for which the negotiation process loses its effectiveness as a method of resolving the conflict and becomes a way to maintain a conflict situation.

The negotiations have its own sphere of positive action, but they are not always the optimal way to resolve the conflict. Tightening negotiations, time benefits for the concentration of resources, disguise negotiations of destructive actions, the disinformation of the opponent in the negotiations is the negative points of the negotiation process.

Thus, it can be concluded: an effective negotiation strategy is, first of all, the strategy of consent, search and multiply of common interests and the ability to combine them in a way that will not subsequently call the desire to violate the agreement achieved. In real life, teachers often simply lack the culture of the negotiation process, negotiating skills, the desire to enter into communications with the opponent.

Considering the main methods of resolving conflict situations, we can say that they are divided into two groups:

Negative, including all types of struggle, pursuing the goal of achieving the victory of one side over another;

Positive, when used, they are supposed to maintain the basis of the relationship between conflict entities - a variety of types of negotiations and constructive rivalry.

The difference in negative and positive methods conditionally, they often complement each other.

The choice of methods for resolving the conflict situation determines the behavior strategy in conflict. The teacher can elect the tactics of the rest of the conflict, smoothing it, compromise, coercion, or a rejection of someone else's position. The main way to apply a rational intuitive approach to the conflict management is to consider any conflict situation as a problem or a potential problem that is waiting for its solution.

The appropriate method of solving problems is then selected, using the arsenal of possible strategic conflict control measures.

The main link in resolving the pedagogical situation is to conduct its psychological analysis. In this case, the teacher can reveal the causes of the situation, prevent its transition to a long conflict, i.e. To some extent to learn how to own the situation, using its cognitive and educational functions.

However, it should not be considered that psychological analysis will allow all problems in relationships. His holding will only reduce the number of errors that admit teachers immediately applying measures to affect the student during the situation. Such an analysis is only the basis for developing independent decisions.

The main purpose of the psychological analysis of the situation is to create a sufficient information basis for the adoption of a psychologically reasonable solution to the situation. A hurried response of a teacher, as a rule, causes an impulsive student's response, leads to the exchange of "verbal blows", and the situation becomes conflict.

Another, no less important purpose of such an analysis is to switch attention from the perturbation of the student's act on his personality and its manifestation in activities, actions and relationships.

The analysis helps the teacher to avoid subjectivism in assessing the behavior of students. When parsing a deed, a student is often guilty, a student is often guilty, who is less sympathetic to the teacher, and therefore teachers are surprisingly well remembered even the minor violations of the discipline by these students. Such a position of the teacher leads to the fact that it replaces the objective study of the personal qualities of the student with a list of those misconducts in which he was noticed earlier: a good student remembers good actions and a little attachment is bad, and the "difficult" student remains guilty.

Psychological analysis makes it possible to see a positive "bad" student and "dilience" in the behavior of the exemplary and thereby correctly resolve the situation.

Compeated psychological analysis will help the teacher find not only permission options, but also possible ways to prevent or repay conflict.

There are also gaming conflict resolution methods.

The introspection method is that a person puts himself in place of another, and then in his imagination reproduces the thoughts and feelings that, in his opinion, this particular is experiencing in this situation.

The empathy method is based on the technique of understanding the experiences of another person. If he is emotional, inclined to intuitive thinking, then this method will be useful. It is important to remember that the method makes it possible to achieve high results.

The method of logical analysis is suitable for those who are rational, who relies on thinking. To understand the partner in interaction.

Although conflict resolution skills do not guarantee their full permission in all cases, they can provide new opportunities for the expansion of knowledge about themselves and others.


pedagogical conflict management permission

Education as a sociocultural technology is not only a source of intellectual wealth, but also a powerful factor in the regulation and humanization of social practice and interpersonal relations. Pedagogical reality, however, generates many contradictions and conflict situations, the exit of which requires special training of social teachers.

Teachers and schoolchildren often face conflict situations. However, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the conflict takes place in the business sphere and did not flow into personal.

It was established that since the conflict is often due to a contradiction subordinate to certain patterns, social teachers should not be afraid Conflicts, but, understanding the nature of their occurrence, use specific mechanisms for the impact for their successful permission in a variety of pedagogical situations.

It should be remembered that every teacher's mistake in resolving situations and conflicts is replicated in the perception of students, remains in their memory and has long affected the nature of relationships.

Understanding the reasons for the occurrence of conflicts and the successful use of management mechanisms are possible only if there are knowledge of the knowledge and skills of the corresponding personal qualities in future social teachers.

When talking with children, the teacher should clearly know what to say (the selection of content in the dialogue), how to say (emotional support of the conversation), when to say to achieve the goal of a speech facing child (time and place), when they say and why say ( Confidence as a result).

It was stated that the practical readiness of the social teacher to resolve conflicts among students is an integral personality education, the structure of which includes the motivational value, cognitive and operating and performing components. As the criteria for this readiness, measure, the integrity and measure of the formation of its main components.

It is shown that the process of forming the practical readiness of a social teacher to resolve conflicts among adolescents is individual-creative, phased and systemically organized. The content and logic of this process is due to structural components of readiness and relevant educational technologies.

Each pedagogical situation has an educational impact on its participants: the student is included in the situation with one installations, and comes out of it with another assessment of its own act, the assessment of itself and in adult participants in the situation.


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Pedagogical conflicts and ways to resolve them

Conflicts are an integral part of modern life. Speaking of conflicts, we most often associate them with aggression, disputes, hostility. However, many conflicts contribute to the adoption of informed solutions, the development of relationships, help identify hidden problems. In any case, conflicts must be resolved. Insufficient attention to disagreements, leads to the fact that children and teachers cease to trust each other, attribute responsibility for the misunderstanding of the personal qualities of the opponent. This leads to mutual hostility and consolidation of stereotypes of conflict behavior.

You can relate differently to the conflict. In everyday human life, the attitude towards him is negative. And it is psychologically understanding: people are too tired of endless conflicts, wars, problems and stresses. A normal healthy person wants to live in a calm, cloudless world, in Lada with him and surrounding. However, conflicts always existed and, unfortunately, or fortunately, there are and will exist in the future.

Teach children to a positive solution to conflict situations is the most important function of the school educational environment. It is extremely necessary to engage in the timely diagnosis and prevention of conflicts in school groups.

First, the prevention of conflicts will undoubtedly contribute to improving the quality of the educational process. Pupils and teachers will spend intellectual and moral forces not to combat opponents, but on their main activities.

Secondly, conflicts have a noticeable negative impact on the mental state and the mood of conflicting. Stress arising during conflicts may be the cause of dozens of serious diseases. Therefore, timely preventive measures should be positively influenced by the psychological and physical health of students and teachers.

Thirdly, it is in school that a child, a teenager is formed by the skills of resolution of contradictions in interpersonal interaction, which happen in the life of each person.

The conflict is a clash of multidirectional purposes, interests, positions, opinions or views, expressed in an exacerbated, tough form.

The concepts of "conflict" and "conflict situation" should be distinguished, the difference between them is very significant.

According to a number of researchers, the conflict situation precedes a conflict itself, its constituent entities and the object of conflict with all their relations and characteristics.Thus, the conflict pedagogical situation can be adopted as a set of objective and subjective conditions arising in school society and creating a certain psychological stress, due to which the rational control of subjects of communication is weakened and their emotional perception of the established contradictions is activated. In order for the conflict of the situation to conflict, an incident is required. The incident is a reason for conflict, a concrete circumstance, which is a "launcher" generating the development of events. The incident is not always aware fact. He often acts as a reason for confrontation. It is the incident that contributes to the transition of a conflict situation into conflict interaction.

Consider the causes of school conflicts. With all their diversity, you can come to certain ideas about the most common causes.

According to experts, they are:

Insufficient teacher's ability to predict the behavior of children at the study lesson.

Indeed, the teacher, planning a lesson, even with the richest intuition cannot predict emerging situations. Unexpected acts can not only interrupt the lesson plan, but in general, bring the educational process to breakdown. It gives rise to irritation and the desire to solve the problem to return to the planned plan. With this course of events, an objectively teacher must respond quickly, having a shortcoming information about the causes of what is happening. This cannot but lead to errors, choosing inadequate behavior and inappropriate atmosphere of pedagogical techniques; The teacher estimates, as a rule, not a separate act of a child, but his personality. Such personal assessments affect the self-esteem of the child, forming an attitude towards him from other people (teachers and peers).

The pursuit of the teacher to preserve social status, guided by his idea that it appeared to do to the teacher, but what is not allowed or humiliating. Save your authority Sometimes for the teacher it turns out to be more important than the consequences of the conflict for children.

Often the assessment of the teacher of the child is built on the subjective perception of its act and the insufficient understanding of its motives, individual-typological features, conditions and problems in the family.

Often, the teacher finds it difficult to analyze the situation, hurry to punish, believing that excessive rigor will not hurt. Of course, such pedagogical installations are characteristic of teachers who adhere to an authoritarian style of communicating with children.

Certain situations of the conflict are generated by the measure of incompatibility of various personal qualities (character, temperament) of students and teachers.

An extraordinary behavior of the student, too, can actually cause a conflict relationship from the teacher.

Separate features of the teacher's personality can be a source of a number of conflicts (for example, overall conflict in communication with people, inadequate forms of response in problem situations: irritability, rivalry, inability to search for a compromise and cooperate, etc.)

The cause of pedagogical conflicts may be lack of professional teacher, ignorance of the foundations of conflictology, lack of necessary communication abilities, dependence on their own problems and moods. The teachers are often due to low professionalism turn out to be in captivity of erroneous pedagogical delusions, they reproach children, they use sharp words, go to the person, ridicule in front of the class. Well-known recommendations for pedagogical cycling are far from always applied in practice.

In school, we face the most diverse conflict situations, which, depending on the participants, can be divided into the following groups:

1. Conflicts between the teacher and the student.

2. Conflicts between teacher and group of children (sometimes in a whole class).

3. Conflicts between the teacher and the parent (parents).

4. Conflicts between children.

5. Conflicts in the pedagogical team.

6. Insepass conflicts at the student, the consequences of which are manifested in his school life.

At the same time, in content, all these conflicts can be business or personal. In conflictology, pedagogical conflicts are customary to divide the content of their occurrence onconflicts of activities, conflicts of behavior and conflicts of relationships.

Conflicts of activity There are between the teacher and the student and manifest themselves in the student's refusal to perform a learning task or with its bad fulfillment. This can happen for various reasons: fatigue, difficulty in learning the training material, and sometimes a failed teacher's remark instead of a specific assistance to the student. Such conflicts often occur with students experiencing difficulties in the assimilation of the material, as well as when the teacher teaches in class a short time and relationships between him and students are limited to academic work. Such conflicts are smaller in class teachers and primary school teachers, when communication in the lesson is determined by the nature of the established relations with students in another situation. Recently, there is an increase in school conflicts due to the fact that the teacher often places overestimated student requirements, and the marks use as a means of punishment for those who disrupt discipline.

Conflict behavior . The pedagogical situation can lead to a conflict if the teacher was mistaken when analyzing the student's act, did not find out its motives or made an unreasonable conclusion. After all, the same act can be dictated by various motifs. The teacher is trying to adjust the behavior of students, sometimes assessing their actions in case of insufficient information about the reasons that caused them. Sometimes he only guess about the motives of actions, does not delve into relations between children - in such cases, errors are possible when evaluating behavior. As a consequence, quite justified disagreement of students with such a situation.

Conflicts of relationships Often arise as a result of an inept resolution of the teacher of problem situations and have, as a rule, a protracted character. These conflicts acquire personal painting, give rise to a long-lasting dislike of the student to the teacher, the interaction is long disturbing.

By type of behavior in conflict it is possible to distinguish three fundamentally different approaches:

1) change the situation;

2) change attitudes towards the situation;

3) change yourself.

These three types of interactions are carried out withinstyles conduct in the conflict allocated by American scientists, W. Tomas and H. Kilmen.They distinguish the following teacher's behavior strategies in conflict situations:

1. Care from conflict. This strategy can be useful when the problem is presented to the teacher of a non-essential, not worthy of attention, and it prefers to save time, strength and other resources to solve more important, in his opinion, tasks. On the other hand, it can lead to a significant exacerbation of the conflict situation. Even if the teacher is removed from the conflict, it ignores it, most likely, from the fear of confrontation, the response of students in the form of the same care of the problem has probably, which eliminates the possibility of the pedagogue on the course of development of the situation, joint development of the decision. Sometimes the teacher's choice of such a strategy is an attempt to punish students or change their attitude towards conflict, but such actions rarely lead to positive results. There are various form of care from conflict:


demonstrative removal of the student from the class;

refusal of the lesson (as a variation - "offended care");

covered angry;


ignoring conflict generations from students (words, gestures, action);

transition to purely formal relationships, disinfection; Leading lesson "Through the brine of teeth", etc.

This strategy is quite common, including among teachers. It is based on the "displacement" mechanism described in psychoanalysis. Similarly, how a person tries to displace all the disturbing, incomprehensible, frightening, causing sharply negative emotions, and in his real life, he tries to escape from the need to solve a complex problem with unpredictable consequences, risk, voltage, anxiety.

2. Conference ("Win / lose"). This strategy is aimed at satisfying exclusively of its own goals and interests without taking into account the goals and the interests of the other party. The application of such a strategy can give positive results when organizing a teacher of various contests, competitions or in the case of any acute situation, when the teacher must bring order for the sake of universal well-being. However, when resolving interpersonal conflicts, the confrontation strategy usually leads to negative consequences, and then the opposition acquires a destructive nature ("victory at any price"). The preference for this strategy is explained by the subconscious desire of many teachers to protect themselves (fear of losing authority, power over students, to show weakness, etc.). In accordance with the mentioned strategy, teachers use the following tactical techniques: threats, intimidation of punishments, which will be canceled if students agree with the requirement of a teacher; persistent beliefs; nigmental marking; Student delay after lessons, ridicing a student before others, etc. Of particular interest is the tactics of the alternation of techniques on the principle of "bad and good policeman". In this case, one employee of the school (teacher, teacher, manager) in relation to a specific student uses threats, sharp criticism, various kinds of punishment, and the other - on the contrary, keeps into the course of personal charm, cares, persuades to accept the extended conditions. These two roles can be combined in one person.

When implementing the second strategy, it should be borne in mind that its effectiveness is extremely low, the most likely result of its application is the escalation of the conflict. In psychoanalysis, the confrontation strategy corresponds to the regression mechanism in which a person goes to more primitive levels of thinking and behavior (thirst for revenge, aggression, desire for superiority, to power over people, egoism, etc.).

3. Strategy of concessions. When resolving the conflict, the teachers can use the following tactics within this strategy: adaptation, compromise, achievement of "status quo", attracting an intermediary (representative of the administration, parent, another teacher or student, etc.).

To adapt, the concessions are characterized by the interests of the other side, up to complete submission to its requirements. The concessions can be perceived differently: as a demonstration of goodwill (in this case, weakening of tensions in relations and the fracture of the situation for the better) or as a manifestation of weakness (can lead to the escalation of conflict). This strategy is commonly used when teachers are either not confident in their own, either indifferent to students and the results of their work (the so-called connoisseable style of leadership), or in the extremely acute situation seek to reduce passions.

Compromise requires certain negotiating skills, allowing to come into account the interests of the parties involved in the conflict, their mutual concessions. Ideally, the compromise is the satisfaction of the interests of each of the parties, which is called, "by justice." However, in a real situation, some of the opponents, as a rule, have to go on great concessions, which can later lead to a new exacerbation of relations. Therefore, it is often a compromise is only a temporary measure, because none of the parties can practically be fully satisfied. Most often, the so-called zero option, or the "status quo", is used as a compromise, when the conflicting parties are returned to the initial positions. Attracting the representative of the administration as an intermediary in rare cases brings positive fruits in the settlement of school conflicts. The teachers who resorted to this tactic, for the most part losing authority in the eyes of students, seem to be incompetent, weak, who are not able to solve problems themselves. However, in the system, the teacher is a parent - a student mediation may be fruitful.

4. Cooperation. Cooperation is to meet the interests of both parties. This strategy is characterized by a desire for rapprochement of positions, goals and interests, finding the most acceptable solution for the teacher and students, the development of which strengthens and improves relationships with students, intellectual and emotional efforts of the parties, time and other resources are needed. To implement this strategy, follows:

determine the interests and needs of all participants;

take possible actions for their satisfaction;

recognize the values \u200b\u200bof others, as well as their own;

strive for objectivity, separating the problem of personality;

search for creative extraordinary solutions;

do not spare the problem, spare people.

The cooperation strategy is greater in a psychoanalytic theory of sublimation mechanism (in a broad sense). If a person be able to the energy of his negative emotions and instinctive aspirations (outrage, anger, offense, thirst for revenge, superiority, aggression, etc.) send to the search and implementation of common ideas, interests, values, then it will reach the maximum effect on this path.

Maintenancerecommendations teachers to manage conflicts with students may be reduced to the following psychological rules:

Rule 1.

Learn to focus on the actions (behavior), and not on the identity of the student. Describing the student's behavior, use a specific description of the act that he made, instead of appraisal comments in his address.

For example:

"Are you stupid at all, you behave?" - An estimated statement, represents a threat to the student's self-esteem, does not contain information about what he does wrong, but, therefore, does not know what to change.

"I don't like what you threw a notebook on the floor" - the saying contains a description of the behavior, reports the information to the student that it is not like a teacher who does not like and that schoolboy needs to be changed in his behavior.

Rule 2.

Take care of your negative emotions. If you feel that you can not cope with anger, then pass the pause, which is necessary to cope with it.

Effective tool to cope with their anger is humor. Look at the situation on the other hand, note its absurdity for yourself. Match her.

Rule 3.

Do not enhance the voltage of the situation. The following actions of the teacher can lead to voltage gain:

- excessive generalization, label hanging: "You are always ...";

- sharp criticism: "You don't listen to me again";

- repeating reproaches: "If not for you ...";

- determined setting of conversation boundaries: "Everything is enough. Now stop! "

- threats: "If you don't choke now ...".

Rule 4.

Discuss the offense later. For example, you can discuss what happened after the lesson. This will eliminate the presence of the "viewers" in the person of other students, which, for example, in the case of demonstrative behavior, it is important, since it deprives the discipline of the public attention to his offense: "Come to me after the lesson, we can discuss everything in detail."

Rule 5.

Let the student "save face". Do not require public remorse from the student in his act. Even if he understands his wrong, confessing this is publicly difficult even to an adult person. Teacher's task is not to prove "who is the main thing here!", And find a way to resolve the situation. Therefore, the teacher's statement will be appropriate: "Now get to the place and take the task, and we will discuss what happened later."

Rule 6.

Demonstrate the models of positive behavior. Calm, balanced behavior and the benevolent attitude of the teacher, regardless of the situation, is the best way to teach students how to behave in conflict situations.

The first thing that will be benefited when the problem is abandoned, it is calm.

The second point is the analysis of the situation without becoming.

The third important point is an open dialogue between the conflicting parties, the ability to listen to the interlocutor, calmly present his opinion on the problem of conflict.

The fourth, which will help come to the desired constructive result - the exercise of the common goal, how to solve the problem to achieve to this goal.

The final, the fifth point will be the conclusions that will help avoid mistakes to communicate and interact in the future.

So, what is the conflict? Good or evil? Answers to these questions lies in the method of solving tense situations. The lack of conflicts at school - the phenomenon is almost impossible. And they will still have to decide. A constructive solution pulls confidence relations and the world in the classroom, destructive - spits offenses and irritation. Stop and think at that moment when I smeared irritation and anger - an important point in choosing your way of resolving conflict situations.

That's whyfrom teacher's pedagogical tact , the ability to see the problem in time (in study, upbringing, communication, etc.), find the right word, see the person in each student, depends on the psychological climate of the class team and the establishment of contact with children and parents of students. The magic key to the resolution of any, the most complex and most conflicted conflict is the assertion:"Understanding is the beginning of consent."

In conflicts, students with teachers most often the wrong. Estimate student's experience, its knowledge, worldview, communication skills with the surrounding world much less than the teacher. The teacher must remain higher than the conflict and resolve natural and inevitable problems in relationships with students without negative emotions.

Introduction .................................................................................... ..3.

Chapter first.

1.1 Determination of the conflict, content, types and methods of leakage .............................................................................. .4

1.2. Conflicts in conditions of training activities ................................. 14

Chapter Second.

The specificity of the settlement of pedagogical conflicts ..............................................................................................................17

Conclusion ........................................................................... ... ..24

List of references ........................................................................ 25


At the moments of public cataclysms, we all celebrate the growing of fierce, envy, intolerance to each other. This is due to the disappearance as a result of the so-called restructuring of the prohibition system, upbringing, strict compliance with laws, which leads to the manifestation of low-lying instincts and (which was afraid of Dostoevsky) - to permissiveness, aggressiveness.

Aggressiveness - interference in the formation of relations, morality, public activity of people. Administrative measures this problem is not solved.

Now, more than ever, it is important from the children's years to educate in children attentive attitude towards others, prepare them to a friendly attitude towards people, to teach cooperation.

For this, the teacher must be good to master the skills and the skills of the prevention and resolution of conflict situations, since the problem of the interaction of participants in the pedagogical process is becoming increasingly acute for the modern school.

In numerous publications about the problems of modern school, it is often noted that her main trouble is the lack of interest among the child's personality, reluctance and inability to know his inner world, from here and conflicts between teachers and students, school and family. This is primarily manifested by as much unwillingness of teachers as their inability, helplessness in the resolution of many conflicts.

In this paper, an attempt was made to consider the main types of pedagogical conflicts and possible paths of their permission.

1.1. Deflict definition, content, types and methods of leakage.

In order to skillfully use the conflict in the pedagogical process, it is necessary, of course, to have a theoretical database: it is good to know the dynamics of it and all its components. It is useless to talk about the technology of using the conflict, a person who has only everyday idea of \u200b\u200bthe conflict process.

The conflict is a form of social interaction between two or more subjects (entities can be represented by an individual / group / themselves - in the event of an internal conflict), arising due to the incomprehension of desires, interests, values \u200b\u200bor perception.

Speaking otherwise, the conflict is a situation where two or more subject interacts in such a way that a step forward in the satisfaction of interests, perception, values \u200b\u200bor desires of one of them means a step back for another or others.

We consider the pedagogical conflict, that is, the conflict, the subjects of which are the participants of the pedagogical process.

Typological division of conflicts:

- "genuine" - when the collision of interests exists objectively, is aware of the participants and does not depend on what-l. easily changing factor;

- "Random or conditional" - when conflict relationships arise due to random, easily changing circumstances, which are not realized by their participants. Such relations may be discontinued in the case of awareness of actually available alternatives;

- "displaced" - when the perceived causes of conflict are only indirectly associated with objective reasons underlying it. Such a conflict may be an expression of true conflict relationships, but in some symbolic form;

- "incorrectly assigned" - when conflict relationships are attributed to not to those parties between which a valid conflict is played. This is done either deliberately in order to provoke a clash in the enemy group, "composing" thereby conflict between its true participants, or inadvertently, due to the lack of truly true information on the existing conflict;

- "hidden" - when conflict relations due to objective reasons must occur, but are not updated;

- "false" - a conflict that does not have objective grounds and resulting from false ideas or misunderstandings.

The concepts of "conflict" and "conflict situation" should be distinguished, the difference between them is very significant.

The conflict situation is such a combination of human interests that creates the ground for a real confrontation between social constituents. The main feature is the emergence of the subject of the conflict, but as long as the absence of an open active struggle.

That is, in the process of collision development, the conflict situation is always preceded by conflict, is its basis.

There are four types of conflicts:

Intrapersonal, reflecting the struggle of approximately equal to the strength of the motives, deposits, personal interests;

Interpersonal, characterized in that the acting persons seek mutually exclusive goals in their vital activity;

Intergroup, characterized in that social groupings are speaking conflicting parties, haunting incompatible goals and prevent each other on the path of their implementation;

Personal group - arises in the event of a non-compliance of the behavior of the personality by group standards and expectations.

To predict the conflict, you must first figure out whether there is a problem that arises in cases where there is a contradiction, the mismatch of something with something. Further establishes the direction of development of a conflict situation. Then the composition of the conflict participants is determined, where special attention is paid to their motives, value orientations, distinctive features and manners of behavior. Finally, the content of the incident is analyzed.

There are signals warning conflict. Among them:

· Crisis (during the crisis, ordinary norms of behavior lose force, and a person becomes capable of extremes - in his imagination, sometimes in fact);

· The misunderstanding (caused by the fact that some situation is associated with the emotional tension of one of the participants, which leads to distortion of perception);

· Incidents (some trifle can cause temporary excitement or irritation, but it takes place very quickly);

· Voltage (a state that distorts the perception of another person and actions of his actions, feelings change to the worst, the relationship becomes a source of continuous anxiety, very often any misunderstanding can grow to conflict);

· Discomfort (intuitive feeling of excitement, fear that is difficult to express in words).

Pedagogically important to track signals indicating the emergence of the conflict.

In practice, the social teacher is more interested in not so much the elimination of the incident, how much analysis of the conflict situation. After all, the incident can be drowning by "push", while the conflict situation is maintained by taking a protracted shape and adversely affecting the vital activity of the collective.

They look at the conflict today, as a very significant phenomenon in pedagogy, which cannot be ignored and to which special attention should be paid. Neither the team nor the person cannot develop conflict, the presence of conflicts is an indicator of normal development.

Considering the conflict with an effective means of the educational impact of the individual, scientists indicate that overcoming conflict situations is possible only on the basis of special psychological and pedagogical knowledge and their corresponding skills. Meanwhile, many teachers negatively evaluate any conflict as a phenomenon indicating failures in their educational work. Most teachers still have a wary attitude towards the very word "conflict", in their consciousness this concept is associated with a deterioration in relationships, disruption of discipline, the phenomenon is harmful to the educational process. They seek to avoid conflicts with any ways, and if they are being presented to extinguish the external manifestation of the latter.

Most scientists believe that the conflict is an acute situation that arises as a result of a person's collision with generally accepted standards. Others determine the conflict as a situation of interaction between people or pursuing mutually exclusive or unattainable targets at the same time, incompatible values \u200b\u200band norms to implement in their relationships and norms such a contradiction between people, which is characterized by confrontation as a phenomenon creating a very complex psychological atmosphere in any team of schoolchildren, high school students especially As a difficult contradiction, associated with acute emotional experiences as a critical situation, that is, the situation of the impossibility of implementing the subject of the internal necessities of its life (motives, aspirations, values, etc.); As an internal struggle generating external, objectively data contradictions, as a state that gives birth to the whole system of motives, as a contradiction between the needs and capabilities of their satisfaction.

Based on the above, we can conclude that for a long time there were no uniform views on the nature and causes of conflicts; The fact of the existence of contradictions and conflicts was not recognized; The very presence of conflicts was perceived as a negative phenomenon that interferes with the normal functioning of the pedagogical system and causing its structural disorders.

It has been established that contradictions arising from adolescents does not always lead to conflict. Depends on the skillful and sensitive pedagogical leadership, whether the contradiction will increase or find its permission in the discussions and disputes. Successful resolution of the conflict depends sometimes on the position that the teacher occupies with respect to it (authoritarian, neutral, avoiding conflicts, expedient interference in conflict). Manage the conflict, predict its development and be able to resolve - a peculiar "safety" pedagogical activity.

There are two approaches in the preparation for conflict resolution:

- study of the existing advanced pedagogical experience;

- the second - mastering the knowledge of the patterns of development of conflicts and the methods of their prevention and overcoming; (The path is more laborious, but more efficient, as it is impossible to give "recipes" to all sorts of conflict types).

V.M. Aphonkova argues that the success of pedagogical intervention in students' conflicts depends on the position of the teacher. Such positions may be at least four:

· The position of neutrality - the teacher tries not to notice and not interfere in collisions arising among pupils;

· The position of avoiding the conflict - the teacher is convinced that the conflict is the indicator of his failures in educational work with children and arises due to ignorance, how to get out of the situation;

· The position of expedient intervention in the conflict - teacher, based on good knowledge of the team of pupils, relevant knowledge and skills, analyzes the causes of the conflict, makes a decision or suppress it, or give the opportunity to develop to a certain limit.

The actions of the teacher in the fourth position allow you to control and manage conflict.

However, teacher often lacks culture and techniques of interaction with pupils, which leads to mutual alienation. A person with a high technique of communication is characterized by a desire not only to correctly resolve the conflict, but also to understand its causes. To resolve conflicts among adolescents, the method of conviction as the path of reconciliation of the parties is very appropriate. It helps to show adolescents the inexpediency of some forms that they use to resolve the conflict (fights, assigning nicknames, intimidation, etc.). At the same time, teachers using this method allow for a typical error, focusing only on the logic of their evidence, without considering the views and opinions of the adolescent itself. Neither logic nor emotionality achieve the goals if the teacher ignores the views and experience of the pupil.

The theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical conflictology leads to the following preliminary conclusions:

The conflict is based often on an explanatory contradiction, and the conflict itself can be constructive and destructive;

Most teachers keep a wary attitude towards conflicts among students;

Conflicts should not be "afraid" because they are natural;

Conflicts among adolescents due to their age features are the phenomenon common and usual;

The conflict often leads a high emotional "heat" in communication;

The cause of the conflict can be the approval of its "I";

Intrapersonal conflict may cause interpersonal conflict;

It is advisable to interfere in the teachers to conflict not so much in order to eliminate it, how much to assist the teenager in the knowledge of yourself, his comrade, its training team;

Before interfere in the conflict, it is necessary to know the causes of its occurrence, otherwise intervention can acquire pedagogically negative character;

Conflict situation and conflict when used by the use of management mechanisms can become effective means of educational impact;

Social teacher requires deep special knowledge for successful conflict management among adolescents.

Conflicts can be initiated not only objective, but also subjective conditions. The objective circumstances refers to what exists more or less independently of the pedagogical process, and which creates the potential conflict opportunity. Subjective conditions constitute the level of educational and development of children, awareness of the degree of conflict of the situation by its participants, their moral and value orientation.

In their direction, conflicts are divided into the following types:

Socio-pedagogical - they are manifested in relations between groups and with individual people. This group is based on conflicts - disorders in the field of relationship. Causes of relationships may be as follows: Psychological incompatibility, i.e. Unconscious, no reason for the rejection of man by a person who is causing one of the parties or at the same time each of them is unpleasant emotional states. The reasons may be a struggle for leadership, for influence, for a prestigious position, for attention, supporting others;

Psychological and pedagogical conflicts - they are based on contradictions arising in the educational process in the conditions of a shortage of harmonization of the relationship in it;

Social conflict - situational conflicts on occasion;

Psychological conflict - occurs outside of communication with people, occurs inside the person.

Allocate conflicts by the degree of their reaction to what is happening:

Functurate conflicts are characterized by a large emotional paint, extreme manifestations of the negative attitude of conflicting. Sometimes this kind of conflicts end with heavy and tragic outcomes. At the heart of such conflicts most often lie features of the nature, mental health of the personality;

Acute long-term conflicts - arise in cases where the contradictions are sufficiently stable, deep, hard-grain. Conflicting Parties control their reactions and deeds. Allow such conflicts are not easy;

Low-way sluggish conflicts are characteristic of contradictions that are not very acute, or for clashes in which only one of the parties is active; The second seeks to discover clearly his position or avoids, as far as possible, open confrontation. The resolution of this kind of conflict is difficult, much depends on the initiator of the conflict.

Low-way fast conflicts are the most favorable form of collision contradictions, but it is easy to predict the conflict only if it was the only one. If, after that, such conflicts appear externally flowing gently, the forecast may be unfavorable.

There are conflict pedagogical situations in time: constant and temporary (discrete, disposable); According to the content of joint activities: educational, organizational, labor, interpersonal, etc.; on the sphere of psychological flow: in business and informal communication. Business conflicts arise on the basis of incomprehension of opinions and actions of members of the team in solving them of a business problem, and the second - on the basis of contradictions in personal interests. Personal conflicts may concern perception and evaluation by people of each other, real or apparent injustice in assessing their actions, performance results, etc.

Most conflicts are subjective by their nature and are based on one of the following psychological reasons:

Not enough good knowledge of man;

Misunderstanding of his intentions;

Invalid idea that he actually thinks;

Erroneous interpretation of the motives of perfect actions;

Inaccurate assessment of the relationship of this person to another.

From a psychological point of view, the emergence of any of these reasons, any of their combination leads in practice to humiliate the dignity of a person, generates a fair reaction in the form of a resentment, which causes the same offender reaction, while neither the other person is not able to Understand and realize the causes of mutually hostile behavior.

All subjective factors affecting the conflict may be: characteristic and situational. The first is the sustainable qualities of the individual, the second - overwork, dissatisfaction, poor mood, sense of unnecessaryness.

In conflict situations, their participants resort to various forms of protective behavior:

Aggression (manifests itself in conflicts on the "vertical", i.e. between the student and the teacher, between the teacher and the school administration, and the like; it can be directed to other people and itself, often takes the form of self-evidence);

Projection (reasons are attributed to all others, their drawbacks are seen in all people, it allows you to cope with excess internal stress);

Fantasy (which fails to perform in reality, begins to be achieved in dreams; achieving the desired goal occurs in the imagination);

Regression (the purpose of the target; the level of claims is reduced; at the same time, the motives of behavior remain the same);

Replacement of the goal (psychological stress is sent to other areas of activity);

Care from an unpleasant situation (a person unconsciously avoids situations in which failed or could not carry out the fulfillment of the intended tasks).

There are a number of stages in the dynamics of conflict development:

1. The imposing stage is associated with the emergence of conditions under which the clashes of interest may arise. These conditions include: a) a long-term conflict state of the collective or group, when everyone is considered free, they do not carry any responsibility to others, sooner or later there is a desire to look for guilty; Everyone considers itself the right side, offended unfairly, then breeds the conflict; conflict development is fraught with conflicts; b) permanent overload caused by overloads that lead to stress, nervousness, excitability, inadequate reaction to the simplest and harmless things; c) inforation and sensory hunger, lack of vital information, long lack of bright, strong impressions; The basis of all this is the emotional oversaturation of everyday everyday life. The lack of necessary information in a wide social scale provokes the emergence of rumors, speculations, generates anxiety (adolescents - passion for rock music, such as drugs); d) different abilities, opportunities, living conditions - all this leads to envy to a successful person. The main thing is that in any class, the team, the group nobody felt deprived of, "the second grade man"; e) the style of organizing life and management team.

2. The stage of the birth of the conflict is a collision of the interests of various groups or individuals. It is possible in three main forms: a) a fundamental collision, when satisfaction of one can be implemented definitely only by infringement of the interests of others; b) the clash of interests that affects only the form of relations between people, but does not touch their material, spiritual and other needs seriously; c) there is an idea of \u200b\u200bthe collision of interests, but this is an imaginary, apparent clash, not hurting the interests of people, members of the team.

3. The stage of maturation of the conflict - the collision of interest becomes inevitable. At this stage, the psychological installation of participants of the developing conflict is formed, i.e. Not aware of the readiness to act in one way or another to remove the sources of the uncomfortable state. The state of psychological stress encourages the "attack" or to "retreat" from the source of unpleasant experiences. The surrounding people can guess the concerning conflict faster than its participants, they have more independent observations, more free from subjective judgment assessments. The psychological atmosphere of the collective, groups may also testify about the maturation of the conflict.

4. Stage of awareness of the conflict - the conflicting parties begin to realize, and not only feel the clash of interests. Here are a number of options: a) both participants come to the conclusion about the inexpediency of conflicting relationships and are ready to abandon mutual claims; b) one of the participants understand the inevitability of the conflict and weighing all the circumstances, ready to give up; Another participant goes to further exacerbation; considers the federation of others. Parties as weakness; c) Both participants come to the conclusion about non-symptoms of contradictions and begin to mobilize forces to solve the conflict in their favor.

Objective content of the conflict situation.

1. Conflict participants. In any conflict, the main operating persons are people. They can act in conflict as individuals (for example, in family conflict), as officials (vertical conflict) or as legal entities (representatives of institutions or organizations). In addition, they can form various groupings and social groups.

The degree of participation in the conflict may be different: from direct counteraction to indirect influence on the course of the conflict. Based on this, the main participants in the conflict; support groups; other participants.

Main participants in conflict. They are often referred to as the parties or opposing forces. These are those conflict entities that directly make active (offensive or protective) actions against each other. The opposing parties are a key link of any conflict. When one of the parties leaves the conflict, it stops. If in an interpersonal conflict, one of the participants is replaced by a new one, then the conflict changes, a new conflict begins.

2. The subject of conflict. It reflects the collision of the interests and goals of the parties. The struggle occurring in the conflict reflects the desire of the parties to resolve this contradiction, as a rule, in its favor. During the conflict, the struggle can exacerbate and sink. It subsides to the same extent and aggravates the contradiction.

The subject of the conflict is the contradiction, due to which the sake of the permission of which the parties come into confrontation.

3. The object of conflict. The object is deeper and is the core of the problem, the central link of the conflict situation. Therefore, sometimes it is considered as a cause, a reason for the conflict. The object of the conflict may be material (resource), social (power) or spiritual (idea, norm, principle) value, to possession or use of which both opponent seek. To become an object of conflict, an element of a material, social, or spiritual sphere should be at the intersection of personal, group, public or state interests of actors who seek to control it. The condition for the conflict is the claim at least one of the parties on the indivisibility of the object, the desire to consider it indivisible, fully owning them. For constructive resolution of the conflict, it is necessary to change not only its objective components, but also subjective.

4. Micro and macros. When analyzing the conflict, it is necessary to allocate such an element as the conditions in which the conflict participants are also available, that is, micro- and macro-industrial under the conflict arose.

Important psychological components of the conflict situation are the aspirations of the parties, strategies and tactics of their behavior, as well as their perception of a conflict situation, that is, those information models of the conflict that are available in each of the parties and in accordance with which participants organize their behavior in conflict.

Conflicts in training activities

For school, various kinds of conflicts are characteristic. The pedagogical sphere is a combination of all types of targeted personality formation, and its essence is activities for the transfer and development of social experience. Therefore, it is here that favorable social and psychological conditions are needed, providing mental comfort to the teacher, a student and parents.

Conflicts between students in school

In the field of public education, it is customary to allocate four subjects of activity: a student, teacher, parents and administrator. Depending on which subjects enter into interaction, the following types of conflicts can be distinguished: student - student; student - teacher; Pupil - parents; Pupil - Administrator; Teacher - teacher; Teacher - parents; Teacher - Administrator; Parents are parents; Parents - administrator; Administrator - administrator.

The most common among students in leadership conflicts, which reflect the struggle of two or three leaders and their groupings for the championship in the classroom. In medium-sized classes, a group of guys and a group of girls conflict. There may be a conflict of three or four teenagers with a whole class or break up a conflict confrontation of one schoolchild and class.

The identity of the teacher has a great influence on the conflict behavior of schoolchildren. Its impact may manifest itself in various aspects.

First, the teacher's interaction style with other students serves as an example for reproduction in relationships with peers. Studies show that the style of communication and pedagogical tactics of the first teacher have a noticeable effect on the formation of interpersonal relations of students with classmates and parents. Personal style of communication and pedagogical tactics "Cooperation" determine the most conflictial relations of children with each other. However, this style owns a slight number of young teachers. Initial teachers with a pronounced functional style of communication adhere to one of the tactics ("dictate" or "guardianship"), which increase the tension of interpersonal relationships in the class. A large number of conflicts characterizes relations in the class of "authoritarian" teachers and in high school age.

Secondly, the teacher must interfere in the conflicts of students, regulate them. This, of course, does not mean their suppression. Depending on the situation, administrative intervention may be necessary, and maybe it's just a good advice. A positive impact has the involvement of conflicting in joint activities, participation in the resolution of the conflict of other students, especially class leaders, etc.

The process of learning and education, as well as all development, is impossible without contradictions and conflicts. Concondition with children, the living conditions of which cannot be called favorable today, is a conventional part of reality. According to M.M. Fisherman, among the conflicts between the teacher and the student, the following conflicts are allocated:

Activities arising about the academic performance of the student, fulfilling extracurricular tasks;

Behavior (actions) arising about the violation by the student of the rules of conduct in school and outside it;

Relations arising in the sphere of emotional personal relations of students and teachers.

Conflicts of activity arise between the teacher and the student and manifest themselves in the disclaimer to fulfill the learning task or its bad fulfillment. Such conflicts often occur with students experiencing difficulties in studies; When the teacher leads the subject in the classroom, short-term time and relationship between him and student are limited to academic work. Recently, there has been an increase in such conflicts due to the fact that the teacher often places overestimated requirements for the assimilation of the subject, and the marks use as a means of punishment of those who violate the discipline. These situations are often caused to care from school capable, independent disciples, and the rest decreases the motivation to the teaching at all.

Conflicts of actions Any teacher's mistake in resolving conflict generates new problems and conflicts in which other students are included; The conflict in pedagogical activity is easier to prevent than to successfully resolve.

It is important that the teacher knows how to correctly determine his position in the conflict, since if the class team appears on his side, it is easier for him to find the best way out of the current situation. If the class begins to have fun together with a discipline violator or occupies a dual position, it leads to negative consequences (for example, conflicts may acquire a permanent character).

Conflicts of relations often arise as a result of inept resolution of the teacher of problem situations and have, as a rule, a long time. These conflicts acquire personal meaning, give rise to a long-term dislike of the student to the teacher, for a long time violate their interaction.

Features of pedagogical conflict

Among them you can select the following:

The responsibility of the teacher for pedagogically correct resolution of problem situations: after all, the school is a model of society, where students assimilate the norms of relations between people;

Conflict participants have different social status (teacher - student) than and determined by their behavior in conflict;

The difference in the life experience of participants gives rise to a different degree of responsibility for errors in resolving conflicts;

A different understanding of the events and their reasons (the conflict "of the eyes of the teacher" and the "eyes of the student" see different), so the teacher is not always easy to understand the depth of the child's experiences, and the disciple - to cope with emotions, subjugate their mind;

The presence of other students makes them from witnesses to the participants, and the conflict acquires an educational meaning for them; It is always necessary to remember the teacher;

The professional position of the teacher in the conflict obliges him to take the initiative in its resolution and in the first place to be able to put the interests of the student as a formal personality;

Controlling their emotions, be objective, to enable students to justify their claims, "release steam";

Do not attribute your student my understanding of his position, go to "I-statements (not" You cheat me, "and" I feel deceived ");

Do not insult the student (there are words that, sounding, cause such damage to the relationship that all subsequent "compensating" actions cannot correct them);

Try not to expel the student from the class;

If possible, do not contact the administration;

do not respond to aggression aggression, not affect his personality,

give an assessment only by its specific actions;

Give yourself the right to make a mistake, not forgetting that "only one who does nothing" is not mistaken;

Regardless of the results of the resolution of the contradiction, try not to destroy relationships with the child (express regret about the conflict, express their location to the student);

Do not be afraid of conflicts with students, and take the initiative of their constructive permission.

The specificity of the settlement of pedagogical conflicts.

There is little problems between people or groups of people who could be solved in one moment.

Successful conflict resolution Therefore, usually include a cycle consisting of determining the problem, its analysis, actions to resolve it and evaluate the result. In any particular situation, the source of the conflict should be identified before developing policies to resolve them.

First of all, you need to find out what happened. What is the problem? At this stage, it is important to state the facts so that everyone agrees with the definition of the problem. Feelings and value estimates should be clearly separated from the facts. And the manager must submit an ideal decision for its part. Facts.

Then ask all interested persons: what feelings do they experience and what would you like to see as an ideal solution? Perhaps several options.

When the conflict is analyzed, you can proceed to the search for steps in the spirit of cooperation to bring everyone to reconciliation.

Conflicts are destructive and constructive. Destructive - when he does not concern important working problems, shares the team into groups, etc.

Constructive conflict - when an acute problem opens, leads to a collision with a real problem and ways to solve it, helps to improve. (You can compare: truth is born in the dispute.)

When resolving conflicts between teacher and students, in addition to analyzing the causes of the conflict, take into account the age factors

Along with business conflict situations, the "student teacher" is often contradiction and personal character.

As a rule, they arise because of the adolescence that has arisen in adolescence and the desire to recognize themselves as such, and on the other hand, the lack of grounds for the teacher to recognize him equal to themselves. And in the case of incorrect teaching tactics, it is capable of sustainable personal mutual dislike and even enmity.

Finding into a conflict situation, the teacher can direct its activity or to better understand his interlocutor, or to regulate his own psychological state in order to repay the conflict or its prevention. In the first case, the resolution of the conflict situation is achieved by establishing mutual understanding between people, eliminating the shortcomings, inconsistencies. However, the problem of understanding another person is quite complicated.

Experienced teachers know that it should be said (the selection of content in the dialogue), how to say (emotional support of the conversation), when to say to achieve the goal of a speech facing child (time and place), when they say and why say (confidence).

In the communication of the teacher with students, not only the content of speech, but also its tone, intonation, facial expansion. If, when communicating adults, intonation can carry up to 40% of the information, then in the process of communicating with the child, the impact of intonation increases significantly. It is fundamentally important to be able to listen and hear the student. It is not so easy to do for a number of reasons: first, it is difficult to wait from the student of a smooth and connected speech, due to the fact that adults often interrupt it, the more make it difficult to say ("Okay, everything is clear, go!"). Secondly, teachers often have no time to listen to the student, although that there is a need to talk, and when the teacher needs to know something, the student has already lost interest in the conversation.

The actually emerging conflict between the teacher and the student can be analyzed at three levels:

From the point of view of the objective features of the organization of the educational process at school;

From the point of view of the social and psychological characteristics of the class, the pedagogical team, the specific interpersonal relations of the teacher and the student;

From the point of view of age, genital, individual psychological characteristics of its participants.

The conflict can be considered productive permitted if there are real objective and subjective changes in the conditions and organizations of the entire educational process, in the system of collective norms and rules, in the positive installations of the subjects of this process in relation to each other, in prepaid for constructive behavior in future conflicts.

The real mechanism for establishing normal relations is seen in reducing the number and intensity of conflicts by transferring them to the pedagogical situation, when the interaction in the pedagogical process is not violated, although such work is related to certain difficulties for the teacher.

In social psychology and pedagogy, five types of relationships are allocated:

Dictate relations are strict discipline, clear requirements for order, to knowledge with official-business communication;

Neutrality relationship - free communication with students on the intellectual - informational level, the passion for the teacher with their subject, erudition;

Target relationships - care to obsessions, fear of any independence, constant contact with parents;

Confrontation relationship - hidden dislike for students, constant discontent with work on the subject; negligently business tone in communication;

Cooperation relationships - complicity in all matters, interest in each other, optimism and mutual confidence in communication.

It is much more difficult to talk with the child than with adults; To do this, it is necessary to be able to adequately evaluate the external manifestations of his contradictory inner world, to anticipate its possible response emotional reaction to the word addressed to him, its sensitivity to falsehood with adults. The word teacher acquires a convincing effect only if he knows the student well, showed attention to him, he helped him, i.e. I installed the appropriate relationship with him through joint activities. Meanwhile, novice teachers tend to believe that their word in itself should bring the child to obedience and the adoption of their requirements and installations.

To make the right decision, the teacher often lacks time and information, he sees the fact of the course of the lesson, but it is difficult for him to understand what it is caused by that this preceded, which leads to the wrong interpretation of actions. Teenagers are usually more informed about the causes of what is happening usually silent about it, and when trying to explain to the teacher, to make clarity, he often stops them ("I'll figure it out"). The teacher is difficult to adopt new information contrary to the stereotypes that have established him to change the attitude towards what has happened and its position.

The objective causes of the occurrence of conflicts in the lesson can be: a) fatigue of students; b) conflicts in the previous lesson; c) responsible testing; d) a quarrel on change, the mood of the teacher; e) his skill or inability to organize work in the lesson; e) health condition and personal qualities.

The conflict often grows out of the teacher's desire to approve its pedagogical position, as well as from protest a student against unfair punishment, improper assessment of its activities, a deed. Rightly reacting to the behavior of a teenager, the teacher takes the situation under its control and thereby restores the order. Sensity in estimates of what is happening often to errors, causes indignation from students injustice, causes conflict to life.

Conflict situations in the lessons, especially in adolescent classes, most recognized as typical, natural. To solve them, the teacher should be able to organize the collective educational activities of adolescence students, strengthening the business relationship between them; It comes to conflict, as a rule, with a student who has a bad successful, "difficult" behavior. It is impossible to punish the behavior of bad marks on the subject - it leads to a protracted personal conflict with the teacher. In order for the conflict situation to be successfully overcome, it must be subjected to psychological analysis. Its main purpose is to create a sufficient information basis for the adoption of a psychologically reasonable solution in the face of the situation. A hurried response of a teacher, as a rule, causes an impulsive student's response, leads to the exchange of "verbal blows", and the situation becomes conflict.

Psychological analysis is also used to switch attention from the perturbation of the student's act on his personality and its manifestation in activities, actions, relationships.

Significant assistance to the social teacher may be predicting the responses and actions of students in conflict situations. This was pointed out by many teachers researchers (B.S.Germanshung, V.I. Zagyzhansky, N.N. Blobanova, M.I.Potashnik, M.M.Rybakov, L.F.Pirin, etc.). So, M.M.Teadnik recommends either forced to try on, adapt to the situation, or consciously and purposefully influence it, i.e. Create a new one.

M.M.Rybakova proposes to take into account the responses of students in conflict situations as follows:

The description of the situation, conflict, actions (participants, the reason and place of occurrence, the activities of the participants, etc.);

Age and individual features of the participants in the conflict situation;

Situation through the eyes of a student and teachers;

Personal position of the teacher in the situation that has arisen, the real objectives of the teacher when interacting with the student;

New information about students who were in a situation;

Options for repayment, prevention and resolution of the situation, adjusting the behavior of students;

The choice of means and techniques of pedagogical impact and the definition of specific participants in the implementation of the goals set currently and on the prospect.

It is known from the literature that the resolution of the conflict situation is advisable to carry out the following algorithm:

Analysis of data on the situation, identifying the main and related contradictions, the formulation of the educational purpose, the allocation of the hierarchy of tasks, the definition of actions;

Determination of funds and ways to resolve the situation taking into account possible consequences based on the analysis of interaction educators - student, family - student, student - class team;

Planning the course of pedagogical impact, taking into account possible response actions of students, parents, other participants in the situation;

Analysis of results;

Adjustment of the results of pedagogical impact;

Self-assessment of the class leader, mobilization of their spiritual and mental forces.

The main condition for the resolution of a constructive conflict, psychologists consider open and effective communication between conflicting parties, which can take various forms:

Statements that transmitting how a person understood words and actions, and the desire to obtain a confirmation that he understood them correctly;

Open and personal painted statements regarding the state, feelings and intentions;

information containing feedback as to how the conflict participant perceives the partner and interprets his behavior;

Demonstration that the partner is perceived as a person in spite of criticism or resistance to its specific actions.

The actions of the teacher to change the course of the conflict can be attributed to the actions warning it. Then the conflict actuators can be called non-constructive actions (to postpone the decision of the conflict situation, to add, contradict, etc.) and compromise actions, and conflict - repressive actions (contact the administration, write a report, etc.) and aggressive actions (break the work of the student , ridiculous etc.). As you can see, the choice of actions to change the course of the conflict situation has a priority value.

We give a number of situations and the behavior of the social teacher in their occurrence:

Failure to comply with learning orders due to the absence of skills, knowledge of the motive (change the forms of work with this student, teaching style, correction of the level of "difficulties" of material, etc.);

Incorrect implementation of learning orders to adjust the assessment of the results and the course of teaching, taking into account the reasonable reason for the incorrect assimilation of information);

Emotional rejection of the teacher (change the style of communication with this student);

Emotional impassable student (soften tone, style of communication, offer assistance, switch the attention of other students).

In resolving conflict, much depends on the teacher himself. Sometimes it should be resorted to the self-analysis in order to better realize what is happening and try to put the beginning of changes, thereby having a border between the underlined self-affirmation and self-critical attitude towards himself.

The conflict settlement procedure is as follows:

Perceive the situation as it really is;

Do not make hasty conclusions;

When discussing, the opinions of opposite parties should be analyzed, avoid mutual accusations;

Learn to put yourself in place of the other side;

Do not give conflict to grow up;

Problems should be solved by those who created them;

Respectful to people with whom they communicate;

Always look for a compromise;

Overcome the conflict can have a total activity and permanent communication between communicating.

The main forms of completion of the conflict: permission, settlement, attenuation, elimination, outstanding into another conflict. The resolution of the conflict is the joint activity of its participants aimed at stopping countering and solving the problem that led to a collision. The resolution of the conflict involves the activity of both parties to transform the conditions in which they interact to eliminate the causes of the conflict. To resolve the conflict, it is necessary to change the opponents themselves (or at least one of them), their positions that they defended in the conflict. Often, the resolution of the conflict is based on changing the relationship of opponents to its object or to each other. The resolution of the conflict is different from the resolution of topics, the third party takes part in the elimination of contradictions between opponents. Its participation is possible both with the consent of the opposing parties and without their consent. Upon completion of the conflict, it is not always resolved a contradiction underlying it.

The damping of the conflict is a temporary cessation of counteraction while maintaining the main signs of conflict: contradictions and intense relations. The conflict moves from the "explicit" form in the hidden. The damping of the conflict usually occurs as a result:

Depletion of resources of both parties necessary for the struggle;

Loss of motive to fight, reducing the importance of the object of conflict;

Reorienting the motivation of opponents (the emergence of new problems, more significant than the struggle in conflict). Under the elimination of the conflict, such an impact on it understands, as a result of which the main structural elements of the conflict are eliminated. Despite the "non-constructiveness" of elimination, there are situations that require rapid and decisive impacts on the conflict (the threat of violence, the death of people, the shortage of time or material opportunities).

Elimination of the conflict is possible using the following ways:

Seizure from the conflict of one of the participants;

Excluding the interaction of participants for a long time;

Elimination of the conflict facility.

Earthings to another conflict occurs when a new, more significant contradiction arises in the relations of the sides, and the object of conflict is changed. The outcome of the conflict is considered as a result of the fight against the point of view of the state of the Parties and their relationship to the object of the conflict. The outcomes of the conflict may be:

Elimination of one or both sides;

Suspension of conflict with the possibility of renewing it;

The victory of one of the parties (mastering the object of conflict);

Division of the object of conflict (symmetric or asymmetric);

Consent about the rules for sharing the object;

Equivalent compensation of one of the parties for mastering the object by the other party;

Refusal of both sides of the encroachment on this object.

Termination of conflict interaction is the first and obvious condition for the start of the permission of any conflict. Until those parties to strengthen their position or weaken the position of the participant with violence, it cannot be about resolving the conflict.

The search for common or close to the content of contact points in order, the interests of the participants is a bilateral process and assumes the analysis of both its goals and interests and the goals and interests of the other party. If the parties want to resolve the conflict, they must focus on the interests, and not on the identity of the opponent. When resolving the conflict, a sustainable negative ratio of the parties to each other remains. It is expressed in a negative opinion about the participant and in negative emotions in relation to it. To start resolving the conflict, it is necessary to soften this negative attitude.

It is important to understand that the problem, due to which the conflict arose, it is better to solve together, combining the effort. This contributes, firstly, a critical analysis of its own position and actions. The identification and recognition of their own mistakes reduces the negative perception of the participant. Secondly, it is necessary to try to understand the interests of the other. Understand - Does not take or justify. However, this will expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe opponent, make it more objective. Thirdly, it is advisable to allocate a constructive start in behavior or even in the intentions of the participant. There is no absolutely bad or absolutely good people or social groups. In each there is something positive, it is necessary to rely on the resolution of the conflict.


Education as a sociocultural technology is not only a source of intellectual wealth, but also a powerful factor in the regulation and humanization of social practice and interpersonal relations. Pedagogical reality, however, generates many contradictions and conflict situations, the exit of which requires special training of social teachers.

It has been established that since the conflict is often due to the contradiction subordinate to certain patterns, social teachers should not "be afraid of" conflicts, but, understanding the nature of their occurrence, use specific mechanisms for the impact for successful permission in various pedagogical situations.

Understanding the causes of conflict and the successful use of management mechanisms are possible only if there are knowledge and skills of the corresponding personal qualities, knowledge and skills in future social teachers.

It was stated that the practical readiness of the social teacher to resolve conflicts among students is an integral personality education, the structure of which includes the motivational value, cognitive and operating and performing components. As the criteria for this readiness, measure, the integrity and measure of the formation of its main components.

It is shown that the process of forming the practical readiness of a social teacher to resolve conflicts among adolescents is individual-creative, phased and systemically organized. The content and logic of this process is due to structural components of readiness and relevant educational technologies.

List of used literature.

Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A. Personality development in the process of vital activity // Psychology of the formation and development of the individual. - M., 1981

Aleshina Yu.E. Problems of the theory and practices of mediation of participants // Personality, communication, group processes: Sat. Reviews. - M.: Inion, 1991. - P. 90-100

Andreev V.I. Basics of pedagogical conflictology. - M., 1995

Bern E. Games in which people play. Psychology of human relationships; People who play games. Psychology of human destination / per. from English - St. Petersburg., 1992

Zhuravlev V.I. Basics of pedagogical conflictology. Textbook. M.: Russian Pedagogical Agency, 1995. - 184 p.

Materials website

Materials website

Mudrick A.V. Teacher: skill and inspiration. - M., 1986

Ponomarev Yu.P. Gaming models: mathematical methods, psychological analysis. - M.: Science, 1991. - 160 p.

Prutchenkov A.S. Training communicative skills. - M., 1993

Fisher R., Yuri W. Path to consent or negotiations without defeat - M.: Science, 1990 - 158 p.

Shipilov A.I. Socio-mental features of conflicts between chiefs and subordinates in the division: dis. ... Cand. psycho. Science - M., 1993. - 224 p.

The study showed that adolescents most often presented strategies for rivalry and cooperation, and the avoidance strategy is practically not found. 2.5 Recommendations for teachers to resolve conflicts in adolescence in small groups from all of the above, it follows that adolescents have an increased level of aggressiveness and conflict, most of them are not ...

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Methods for resolving pedagogical conflicts


1. Deflict definition

2. Conflicts under training activities

3. Features of pedagogical conflict

4. Specificity of the settlement of pedagogical conflicts




At the moments of public cataclysms, we all celebrate the growing of fierce, envy, intolerance to each other. This is due to the disappearance as a result of the so-called restructuring of the prohibition system, upbringing, strict compliance with laws, which leads to the manifestation of low-lying instincts and (which was afraid of Dostoevsky) - to permissiveness, aggressiveness.

Aggressiveness - interference in the formation of relations, morality, public activity of people. Administrative measures this problem is not solved.

Now, more than ever, it is important from the children's years to educate in children attentive attitude towards others, prepare them to a friendly attitude towards people, to teach cooperation.

For this, the teacher must be good to master the skills and the skills of the prevention and resolution of conflict situations, since the problem of the interaction of participants in the pedagogical process is becoming increasingly acute for the modern school.

In numerous publications about the problems of modern school, it is often noted that her main trouble is the lack of interest among the child's personality, reluctance and inability to know his inner world, from here and conflicts between teachers and students, school and family. This is primarily manifested by as much unwillingness of teachers as their inability, helplessness in the resolution of many conflicts.

In this paper, an attempt was made to consider the main types of pedagogical conflicts and possible paths of their permission.

1. Definition of conflictingtA

In order to skillfully use the conflict in the pedagogical process, it is necessary, of course, to have a theoretical database: it is good to know the dynamics of it and all its components. It is useless to talk about the technology of using the conflict, a person who has only everyday idea of \u200b\u200bthe conflict process.

The conflict is a form of social interaction between two or more subjects (entities can be represented by an individual / group / themselves - in the event of an internal conflict), arising due to the incomprehension of desires, interests, values \u200b\u200bor perception.

Speaking otherwise, the conflict is a situation where two or more subject interacts in such a way that a step forward in the satisfaction of interests, perception, values \u200b\u200bor desires of one of them means a step back for another or others.

We consider the pedagogical conflict, that is, the conflict, the subjects of which are the participants of the pedagogical process.

Typological division of conflicts:

- "genuine" - when the collision of interests exists objectively, is aware of the participants and does not depend on what-l. easily changing factor;

- "Random or conditional" - when conflict relationships arise due to random, easily changing circumstances, which are not realized by their participants. Such relations may be discontinued in the case of awareness of actually available alternatives;

- "displaced" - when the perceived causes of conflict are only indirectly associated with objective reasons underlying it. Such a conflict may be an expression of true conflict relationships, but in some symbolic form;

- "incorrectly assigned" - when conflict relationships are attributed to not to those parties between which a valid conflict is played. This is done either deliberately in order to provoke a clash in the enemy group, "composing" thereby conflict between its true participants, or inadvertently, due to the lack of truly true information on the existing conflict;

- "hidden" - when conflict relations due to objective reasons must occur, but are not updated;

- "false" - a conflict that does not have objective grounds and resulting from false ideas or misunderstandings.

The concepts of "conflict" and "conflict situation" should be distinguished, the difference between them is very significant.

The conflict situation is such a combination of human interests that creates the ground for a real confrontation between social constituents. The main feature is the emergence of the subject of the conflict, but as long as the absence of an open active struggle.

That is, in the process of collision development, the conflict situation is always preceded by conflict, is its basis.

There are four types of conflicts:

intrapersonal, reflecting the struggle of approximately equal to the strength of the motives, deposits, personal interests;

interpersonal, characterized in that the acting persons seek mutually exclusive goals in their vital activity;

intergroup, characterized in that social groupings are speaking conflicting parties, haunting incompatible goals and prevent each other on the path of their implementation;

personal group - arises in the event of a non-compliance of the behavior of the personality by group standards and expectations.

To predict the conflict, you must first figure out whether there is a problem that arises in cases where there is a contradiction, the mismatch of something with something. Further establishes the direction of development of a conflict situation. Then the composition of the conflict participants is determined, where special attention is paid to their motives, value orientations, distinctive features and manners of behavior. Finally, the content of the incident is analyzed.

There are signals warning conflict. Among them:

· Crisis (during the crisis, ordinary norms of behavior lose force, and a person becomes capable of extremes - in his imagination, sometimes in fact);

· The misunderstanding (caused by the fact that some situation is associated with the emotional tension of one of the participants, which leads to distortion of perception);

· Incidents (some trifle can cause temporary excitement or irritation, but it takes place very quickly);

· Voltage (a state that distorts the perception of another person and actions of his actions, feelings change to the worst, the relationship becomes a source of continuous anxiety, very often any misunderstanding can grow to conflict);

· Discomfort (intuitive feeling of excitement, fear that is difficult to express in words).

Pedagogically important to track signals indicating the emergence of the conflict.

In practice, the social teacher is more interested in not so much the elimination of the incident, how much analysis of the conflict situation. After all, the incident can be drowning by "push", while the conflict situation is maintained by taking a protracted shape and adversely affecting the vital activity of the collective.

They look at the conflict today, as a very significant phenomenon in pedagogy, which cannot be ignored and to which special attention should be paid. Neither the team nor the person cannot develop conflict, the presence of conflicts is an indicator of normal development.

Considering the conflict with an effective means of the educational impact of the individual, scientists indicate that overcoming conflict situations is possible only on the basis of special psychological and pedagogical knowledge and their corresponding skills. Meanwhile, many teachers negatively evaluate any conflict as a phenomenon indicating failures in their educational work. Most teachers still have a wary attitude towards the very word "conflict", in their consciousness this concept is associated with a deterioration in relationships, disruption of discipline, the phenomenon is harmful to the educational process. They seek to avoid conflicts with any ways, and if they are being presented to extinguish the external manifestation of the latter.

Most scientists believe that the conflict is an acute situation that arises as a result of a person's collision with generally accepted standards. Others determine the conflict as a situation of interaction between people or pursuing mutually exclusive or unattainable targets at the same time, incompatible values \u200b\u200band norms to implement in their relationships and norms such a contradiction between people, which is characterized by confrontation as a phenomenon creating a very complex psychological atmosphere in any team of schoolchildren, high school students especially As a difficult contradiction, associated with acute emotional experiences as a critical situation, that is, the situation of the impossibility of implementing the subject of the internal necessities of its life (motives, aspirations, values, etc.); As an internal struggle generating external, objectively data contradictions, as a state that gives birth to the whole system of motives, as a contradiction between the needs and capabilities of their satisfaction.

Based on the above, we can conclude that for a long time there were no uniform views on the nature and causes of conflicts; The fact of the existence of contradictions and conflicts was not recognized; The very presence of conflicts was perceived as a negative phenomenon that interferes with the normal functioning of the pedagogical system and causing its structural disorders.

It has been established that contradictions arising from adolescents does not always lead to conflict. Depends on the skillful and sensitive pedagogical leadership, whether the contradiction will increase or find its permission in the discussions and disputes. Successful resolution of the conflict depends sometimes on the position that the teacher occupies with respect to it (authoritarian, neutral, avoiding conflicts, expedient interference in conflict). Manage the conflict, predict its development and be able to resolve - a peculiar "safety" pedagogical activity.

There are two approaches in the preparation for conflict resolution:

- study of the existing advanced pedagogical experience;

- the second - mastering the knowledge of the patterns of development of conflicts and the methods of their prevention and overcoming; (The path is more laborious, but more efficient, as it is impossible to give "recipes" to all sorts of conflict types).

V.M. Aphonkova argues that the success of pedagogical intervention in students' conflicts depends on the position of the teacher. Such positions may be at least four:

· The position of neutrality - the teacher tries not to notice and not interfere in collisions arising among pupils;

· The position of avoiding the conflict - the teacher is convinced that the conflict is the indicator of his failures in educational work with children and arises due to ignorance, how to get out of the situation;

· The position of expedient intervention in the conflict - teacher, based on good knowledge of the team of pupils, relevant knowledge and skills, analyzes the causes of the conflict, makes a decision or suppress it, or give the opportunity to develop to a certain limit.

The actions of the teacher in the fourth position allow you to control and manage conflict.

However, teacher often lacks culture and techniques of interaction with pupils, which leads to mutual alienation. A person with a high technique of communication is characterized by a desire not only to correctly resolve the conflict, but also to understand its causes. To resolve conflicts among adolescents, the method of conviction as the path of reconciliation of the parties is very appropriate. It helps to show adolescents the inexpediency of some forms that they use to resolve the conflict (fights, assigning nicknames, intimidation, etc.). At the same time, teachers using this method allow for a typical error, focusing only on the logic of their evidence, without considering the views and opinions of the adolescent itself. Neither logic nor emotionality achieve the goals if the teacher ignores the views and experience of the pupil.

The theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical conflictology leads to the following preliminary conclusions:

the conflict is based often on an explanatory contradiction, and the conflict itself can be constructive and destructive;

most teachers keep a wary attitude towards conflicts among students;

conflicts should not be "afraid" because they are natural;

conflicts among adolescents due to their age features are the phenomenon common and usual;

the conflict often leads a high emotional "heat" in communication;

the cause of the conflict can be the approval of its "I";

intrapersonal conflict may cause interpersonal conflict;

it is advisable to interfere in the teachers to conflict not so much in order to eliminate it, how much to assist the teenager in the knowledge of yourself, his comrade, its training team;

before interfere in the conflict, it is necessary to know the causes of its occurrence, otherwise intervention can acquire pedagogically negative character;

conflict situation and conflict when used by the use of management mechanisms can become effective means of educational impact;

social teacher requires deep special knowledge for successful conflict management among adolescents.

Conflicts can be initiated not only objective, but also subjective conditions. The objective circumstances refers to what exists more or less independently of the pedagogical process, and which creates the potential conflict opportunity. Subjective conditions constitute the level of educational and development of children, awareness of the degree of conflict of the situation by its participants, their moral and value orientation.

In their direction, conflicts are divided into the following types:

socio-pedagogical - they are manifested in relations between groups and with individual people. This group is based on conflicts - disorders in the field of relationship. Causes of relationships may be as follows: Psychological incompatibility, i.e. Unconscious, no reason for the rejection of man by a person who is causing one of the parties or at the same time each of them is unpleasant emotional states. The reasons may be a struggle for leadership, for influence, for a prestigious position, for attention, supporting others;

psychological and pedagogical conflicts - they are based on contradictions arising in the educational process in the conditions of a shortage of harmonization of the relationship in it;

social conflict - situational conflicts on occasion;

psychological conflict - occurs outside of communication with people, occurs inside the person.

Allocate conflicts by the degree of their reaction to what is happening:

functurate conflicts are characterized by a large emotional paint, extreme manifestations of the negative attitude of conflicting. Sometimes this kind of conflicts end with heavy and tragic outcomes. At the heart of such conflicts most often lie features of the nature, mental health of the personality;

acute long-term conflicts - arise in cases where the contradictions are sufficiently stable, deep, hard-grain. Conflicting Parties control their reactions and deeds. Allow such conflicts are not easy;

low-way sluggish conflicts are characteristic of contradictions that are not very acute, or for clashes in which only one of the parties is active; The second seeks to discover clearly his position or avoids, as far as possible, open confrontation. The resolution of this kind of conflict is difficult, much depends on the initiator of the conflict.

low-way fast conflicts are the most favorable form of collision contradictions, but it is easy to predict the conflict only if it was the only one. If, after that, such conflicts appear externally flowing gently, the forecast may be unfavorable.

There are conflict pedagogical situations in time: constant and temporary (discrete, disposable); According to the content of joint activities: educational, organizational, labor, interpersonal, etc.; on the sphere of psychological flow: in business and informal communication. Business conflicts arise on the basis of incomprehension of opinions and actions of members of the team in solving them of a business problem, and the second - on the basis of contradictions in personal interests. Personal conflicts may concern perception and evaluation by people of each other, real or apparent injustice in assessing their actions, performance results, etc.

Most conflicts are subjective by their nature and are based on one of the following psychological reasons:

not enough good knowledge of man;

misunderstanding of his intentions;

invalid idea that he actually thinks;

erroneous interpretation of the motives of perfect actions;

inaccurate assessment of the relationship of this person to another.

From a psychological point of view, the emergence of any of these reasons, any of their combination leads in practice to humiliate the dignity of a person, generates a fair reaction in the form of a resentment, which causes the same offender reaction, while neither the other person is not able to Understand and realize the causes of mutually hostile behavior.

All subjective factors affecting the conflict may be: characteristic and situational. The first is the sustainable qualities of the individual, the second - overwork, dissatisfaction, poor mood, sense of unnecessaryness.

In conflict situations, their participants resort to various forms of protective behavior:

aggression (manifests itself in conflicts on the "vertical", i.e. between the student and the teacher, between the teacher and the school administration, and the like; it can be directed to other people and itself, often takes the form of self-evidence);

projection (reasons are attributed to all others, their drawbacks are seen in all people, it allows you to cope with excess internal stress);

fantasy (which fails to perform in reality, begins to be achieved in dreams; achieving the desired goal occurs in the imagination);

regression (the purpose of the target; the level of claims is reduced; at the same time, the motives of behavior remain the same);

replacement of the goal (psychological stress is sent to other areas of activity);

care from an unpleasant situation (a person unconsciously avoids situations in which failed or could not carry out the fulfillment of the intended tasks).

2. Conflicts in training activities

For school, various kinds of conflicts are characteristic. The pedagogical sphere is a combination of all types of targeted personality formation, and its essence is activities for the transfer and development of social experience. Therefore, it is here that favorable social and psychological conditions are needed, providing mental comfort to the teacher, a student and parents.

Conflicts between students in school

In the field of public education, it is customary to allocate four subjects of activity: a student, teacher, parents and administrator. Depending on which subjects enter into interaction, the following types of conflicts can be distinguished: student - student; student - teacher; Pupil - parents; Pupil - Administrator; Teacher - teacher; Teacher - parents; Teacher - Administrator; Parents are parents; Parents - administrator; Administrator - administrator.

The most common among students in leadership conflicts, which reflect the struggle of two or three leaders and their groupings for the championship in the classroom. In medium-sized classes, a group of guys and a group of girls conflict. There may be a conflict of three or four teenagers with a whole class or break up a conflict confrontation of one schoolchild and class.

The identity of the teacher has a great influence on the conflict behavior of schoolchildren. Its impact may manifest itself in various aspects.

First, the teacher's interaction style with other students serves as an example for reproduction in relationships with peers. Studies show that the style of communication and pedagogical tactics of the first teacher have a noticeable effect on the formation of interpersonal relations of students with classmates and parents. Personal style of communication and pedagogical tactics "Cooperation" determine the most conflictial relations of children with each other. However, this style owns a slight number of young teachers. Initial teachers with a pronounced functional style of communication adhere to one of the tactics ("dictate" or "guardianship"), which increase the tension of interpersonal relationships in the class. A large number of conflicts characterizes relations in the class of "authoritarian" teachers and in high school age.

Secondly, the teacher must interfere in the conflicts of students, regulate them. This, of course, does not mean their suppression. Depending on the situation, administrative intervention may be necessary, and maybe it's just a good advice. A positive impact has the involvement of conflicting in joint activities, participation in the resolution of the conflict of other students, especially class leaders, etc.

The process of learning and education, as well as all development, is impossible without contradictions and conflicts. Concondition with children, the living conditions of which cannot be called favorable today, is a conventional part of reality. According to M.M. Fisherman, among the conflicts between the teacher and the student, the following conflicts are allocated:

activities arising about the academic performance of the student, fulfilling extracurricular tasks;

behavior (actions) arising about the violation by the student of the rules of conduct in school and outside it;

relations arising in the sphere of emotional personal relations of students and teachers.

Conflicts of activity arise between the teacher and the student and manifest themselves in the disclaimer to fulfill the learning task or its bad fulfillment. Such conflicts often occur with students experiencing difficulties in studies; When the teacher leads the subject in the classroom, short-term time and relationship between him and student are limited to academic work. Recently, there has been an increase in such conflicts due to the fact that the teacher often places overestimated requirements for the assimilation of the subject, and the marks use as a means of punishment of those who violate the discipline. These situations are often caused to care from school capable, independent disciples, and the rest decreases the motivation to the teaching at all.

Conflicts of actions Any teacher's mistake in resolving conflict generates new problems and conflicts in which other students are included; The conflict in pedagogical activity is easier to prevent than to successfully resolve.

It is important that the teacher knows how to correctly determine his position in the conflict, since if the class team appears on his side, it is easier for him to find the best way out of the current situation. If the class begins to have fun together with a discipline violator or occupies a dual position, it leads to negative consequences (for example, conflicts may acquire a permanent character).

Conflicts of relations often arise as a result of inept resolution of the teacher of problem situations and have, as a rule, a long time. These conflicts acquire personal meaning, give rise to a long-term dislike of the student to the teacher, for a long time violate their interaction.

3. Features of pedagogical conflict

Among them you can select the following:

the responsibility of the teacher for pedagogically correct resolution of problem situations: after all, the school is a model of society, where students assimilate the norms of relations between people;

conflict participants have different social status (teacher - student) than and determined by their behavior in conflict;

the difference in the life experience of participants gives rise to a different degree of responsibility for errors in resolving conflicts;

a different understanding of the events and their reasons (the conflict "of the eyes of the teacher" and the "eyes of the student" see different), so the teacher is not always easy to understand the depth of the child's experiences, and the disciple - to cope with emotions, subjugate their mind;

the presence of other students makes them from witnesses to the participants, and the conflict acquires an educational meaning for them; It is always necessary to remember the teacher;

the professional position of the teacher in the conflict obliges him to take the initiative in its resolution and in the first place to be able to put the interests of the student as a formal personality;

controlling their emotions, be objective, to enable students to justify their claims, "release steam";

do not attribute your student my understanding of his position, go to "I-statements (not" You cheat me, "and" I feel deceived ");

do not insult the student (there are words that, sounding, cause such damage to the relationship that all subsequent "compensating" actions cannot correct them);

try not to expel the student from the class;

if possible, do not contact the administration;

do not respond to aggression aggression, not affect his personality,

give an assessment only by its specific actions;

give yourself the right to make a mistake, not forgetting that "only one who does nothing" is not mistaken;

regardless of the results of the resolution of the contradiction, try not to destroy relationships with the child (express regret about the conflict, express their location to the student);

do not be afraid of conflicts with students, and take the initiative of their constructive permission.

4. Specificity rulespedagogical conflict

There is little problems between people or groups of people who could be solved in one moment.

Successful conflict resolution Therefore, usually include a cycle consisting of determining the problem, its analysis, actions to resolve it and evaluate the result. In any particular situation, the source of the conflict should be identified before developing policies to resolve them.

First of all, you need to find out what happened. What is the problem? At this stage, it is important to state the facts so that everyone agrees with the definition of the problem. Feelings and value estimates should be clearly separated from the facts. And the manager must submit an ideal decision on its part of the facts.

Then ask all interested persons: what feelings do they experience and what would you like to see as an ideal solution? Perhaps several options.

When the conflict is analyzed, you can proceed to the search for steps in the spirit of cooperation to bring everyone to reconciliation.

Conflicts are destructive and constructive. Destructive - when he does not concern important working problems, shares the team into groups, etc.

Constructive conflict - when an acute problem opens, leads to a collision with a real problem and ways to solve it, helps to improve. (You can compare: truth is born in the dispute.)

When resolving conflicts between teacher and students, in addition to analyzing the causes of the conflict, take into account the age factors

Along with business conflict situations, the "student teacher" is often contradiction and personal character.

As a rule, they arise because of the adolescence that has arisen in adolescence and the desire to recognize themselves as such, and on the other hand, the lack of grounds for the teacher to recognize him equal to themselves. And in the case of incorrect teaching tactics, it is capable of sustainable personal mutual dislike and even enmity.

Finding into a conflict situation, the teacher can direct its activity or to better understand his interlocutor, or to regulate his own psychological state in order to repay the conflict or its prevention. In the first case, the resolution of the conflict situation is achieved by establishing mutual understanding between people, eliminating the shortcomings, inconsistencies. However, the problem of understanding another person is quite complicated.

Experienced teachers know that it should be said (the selection of content in the dialogue), how to say (emotional support of the conversation), when to say to achieve the goal of a speech facing child (time and place), when they say and why say (confidence).

In the communication of the teacher with students, not only the content of speech, but also its tone, intonation, facial expansion. If, when communicating adults, intonation can carry up to 40% of the information, then in the process of communicating with the child, the impact of intonation increases significantly. It is fundamentally important to be able to listen and hear the student. It is not so easy to do for a number of reasons: first, it is difficult to wait from the student of a smooth and connected speech, due to the fact that adults often interrupt it, the more make it difficult to say ("Okay, everything is clear, go!"). Secondly, teachers often have no time to listen to the student, although that there is a need to talk, and when the teacher needs to know something, the student has already lost interest in the conversation.

The actually emerging conflict between the teacher and the student can be analyzed at three levels:

from the point of view of the objective features of the organization of the educational process at school;

from the point of view of the social and psychological characteristics of the class, the pedagogical team, the specific interpersonal relations of the teacher and the student;

from the point of view of age, genital, individual psychological characteristics of its participants.

The conflict can be considered productive permitted if there are real objective and subjective changes in the conditions and organizations of the entire educational process, in the system of collective norms and rules, in the positive installations of the subjects of this process in relation to each other, in prepaid for constructive behavior in future conflicts.

The real mechanism for establishing normal relations is seen in reducing the number and intensity of conflicts by transferring them to the pedagogical situation, when the interaction in the pedagogical process is not violated, although such work is related to certain difficulties for the teacher.

In social psychology and pedagogy, five types of relationships are allocated:

dictate relations are strict discipline, clear requirements for order, to knowledge with official-business communication;

neutrality relationship - free communication with students on the intellectual - informational level, the passion for the teacher with their subject, erudition;

target relationships - care to obsessions, fear of any independence, constant contact with parents;

confrontation relationship - hidden dislike for students, constant discontent with work on the subject; negligently business tone in communication;

cooperation relationships - complicity in all matters, interest in each other, optimism and mutual confidence in communication.

It is much more difficult to talk with the child than with adults; To do this, it is necessary to be able to adequately evaluate the external manifestations of his contradictory inner world, to anticipate its possible response emotional reaction to the word addressed to him, its sensitivity to falsehood with adults. The word teacher acquires a convincing effect only if he knows the student well, showed attention to him, he helped him, i.e. I installed the appropriate relationship with him through joint activities. Meanwhile, novice teachers tend to believe that their word in itself should bring the child to obedience and the adoption of their requirements and installations.

To make the right decision, the teacher often lacks time and information, he sees the fact of the course of the lesson, but it is difficult for him to understand what it is caused by that this preceded, which leads to the wrong interpretation of actions. Teenagers are usually more informed about the causes of what is happening usually silent about it, and when trying to explain to the teacher, to make clarity, he often stops them ("I'll figure it out"). The teacher is difficult to adopt new information contrary to the stereotypes that have established him to change the attitude towards what has happened and its position.

The objective causes of the occurrence of conflicts in the lesson can be: a) fatigue of students; b) conflicts in the previous lesson; c) responsible testing; d) a quarrel on change, the mood of the teacher; e) his skill or inability to organize work in the lesson; e) health condition and personal qualities.

The conflict often grows out of the teacher's desire to approve its pedagogical position, as well as from protest a student against unfair punishment, improper assessment of its activities, a deed. Rightly reacting to the behavior of a teenager, the teacher takes the situation under its control and thereby restores the order. Sensity in estimates of what is happening often to errors, causes indignation from students injustice, causes conflict to life.

Conflict situations in the lessons, especially in adolescent classes, most recognized as typical, natural. To solve them, the teacher should be able to organize the collective educational activities of adolescence students, strengthening the business relationship between them; It comes to conflict, as a rule, with a student who has a bad successful, "difficult" behavior. It is impossible to punish the behavior of bad marks on the subject - it leads to a protracted personal conflict with the teacher. In order for the conflict situation to be successfully overcome, it must be subjected to psychological analysis. Its main purpose is to create a sufficient information basis for the adoption of a psychologically reasonable solution in the face of the situation. A hurried response of a teacher, as a rule, causes an impulsive student's response, leads to the exchange of "verbal blows", and the situation becomes conflict.

Psychological analysis is also used to switch attention from the perturbation of the student's act on his personality and its manifestation in activities, actions, relationships.

Significant assistance to the social teacher may be predicting the responses and actions of students in conflict situations. This was pointed out by many teachers researchers (B.S.Germanshung, V.I. Zagyzhansky, N.N. Blobanova, M.I.Potashnik, M.M.Rybakov, L.F.Pirin, etc.). So, M.M.Teadnik recommends either forced to try on, adapt to the situation, or consciously and purposefully influence it, i.e. Create a new one.

M.M.Rybakova proposes to take into account the responses of students in conflict situations as follows:

the description of the situation, conflict, actions (participants, the reason and place of occurrence, the activities of the participants, etc.);

age and individual features of the participants in the conflict situation;

situation through the eyes of a student and teachers;

personal position of the teacher in the situation that has arisen, the real objectives of the teacher when interacting with the student;

new information about students who were in a situation;

options for repayment, prevention and resolution of the situation, adjusting the behavior of students;

the choice of means and techniques of pedagogical impact and the definition of specific participants in the implementation of the goals set currently and on the prospect.

It is known from the literature that the resolution of the conflict situation is advisable to carry out the following algorithm:

analysis of data on the situation, identifying the main and related contradictions, the formulation of the educational purpose, the allocation of the hierarchy of tasks, the definition of actions;

determination of funds and ways to resolve the situation taking into account possible consequences based on the analysis of interaction educators - student, family - student, student - class team;

planning the course of pedagogical impact, taking into account possible response actions of students, parents, other participants in the situation;

analysis of results;

Adjustment of the results of pedagogical impact;

Self-assessment of the class leader, mobilization of their spiritual and mental forces.

The main condition for the resolution of a constructive conflict, psychologists consider open and effective communication between conflicting parties, which can take various forms:

statements that transmitting how a person understood words and actions, and the desire to obtain a confirmation that he understood them correctly;

open and personal painted statements regarding the state, feelings and intentions;

information containing feedback as to how the conflict participant perceives the partner and interprets his behavior;

demonstration that the partner is perceived as a person in spite of criticism or resistance to its specific actions.

The actions of the teacher to change the course of the conflict can be attributed to the actions warning it. Then the conflict actuators can be called non-constructive actions (to postpone the decision of the conflict situation, to add, contradict, etc.) and compromise actions, and conflict - repressive actions (contact the administration, write a report, etc.) and aggressive actions (break the work of the student , ridiculous etc.). As you can see, the choice of actions to change the course of the conflict situation has a priority value.

We give a number of situations and the behavior of the social teacher in their occurrence:

failure to comply with learning orders due to the absence of skills, knowledge of the motive (change the forms of work with this student, teaching style, correction of the level of "difficulties" of material, etc.);

incorrect implementation of learning orders to adjust the assessment of the results and the course of teaching, taking into account the reasonable reason for the incorrect assimilation of information);

emotional rejection of the teacher (change the style of communication with this student);

emotional impassable student (soften tone, style of communication, offer assistance, switch the attention of other students).

In resolving conflict, much depends on the teacher himself. Sometimes it should be resorted to the self-analysis in order to better realize what is happening and try to put the beginning of changes, thereby having a border between the underlined self-affirmation and self-critical attitude towards himself.

The conflict settlement procedure is as follows:

perceive the situation as it really is;

do not make hasty conclusions;

when discussing, the opinions of opposite parties should be analyzed, avoid mutual accusations;

learn to put yourself in place of the other side;

do not give conflict to grow up;

problems should be solved by those who created them;

respectful to people with whom they communicate;

always look for a compromise;

overcome the conflict can have a total activity and permanent communication between communicating.

The main forms of completion of the conflict: permission, settlement, attenuation, elimination, outstanding into another conflict. The resolution of the conflict is the joint activity of its participants aimed at stopping countering and solving the problem that led to a collision. The resolution of the conflict involves the activity of both parties to transform the conditions in which they interact to eliminate the causes of the conflict. To resolve the conflict, it is necessary to change the opponents themselves (or at least one of them), their positions that they defended in the conflict. Often, the resolution of the conflict is based on changing the relationship of opponents to its object or to each other. The resolution of the conflict is different from the resolution of topics, the third party takes part in the elimination of contradictions between opponents. Its participation is possible both with the consent of the opposing parties and without their consent. Upon completion of the conflict, it is not always resolved a contradiction underlying it.

The damping of the conflict is a temporary cessation of counteraction while maintaining the main signs of conflict: contradictions and intense relations. The conflict moves from the "explicit" form in the hidden. The damping of the conflict usually occurs as a result:

* exhaustion of resources of both parties necessary for the struggle;

* loss of motive to fight, reducing the importance of the object of conflict;

* reorientation of the motivation of opponents (the emergence of new problems, more significant than the struggle in conflict). Under the elimination of the conflict, such an impact on it understands, as a result of which the main structural elements of the conflict are eliminated. Despite the "non-constructiveness" of elimination, there are situations that require rapid and decisive impacts on the conflict (the threat of violence, the death of people, the shortage of time or material opportunities).

Elimination of the conflict is possible using the following ways:

* Withdrawal from the conflict of one of the participants;

* elimination of the interaction of participants for a long time;

* Elimination of the conflict facility.

Earthings to another conflict occurs when a new, more significant contradiction arises in the relations of the sides, and the object of conflict is changed. The outcome of the conflict is considered as a result of the fight against the point of view of the state of the Parties and their relationship to the object of the conflict. The outcomes of the conflict may be:

* Elimination of one or both sides;

* suspension of conflict with the possibility of its resumption;

* victory of one of the parties (mastering the object of conflict);

* division of the object of conflict (symmetric or asymmetric);

* Consent about the rules for sharing the object;

* equivalent compensation of one of the parties for mastering the object by the other party;

* Failure to both sides of the encroachment on this object.

Termination of conflict interaction is the first and obvious condition for the start of the permission of any conflict. Until those parties to strengthen their position or weaken the position of the participant with violence, it cannot be about resolving the conflict.

The search for common or close to the content of contact points in order, the interests of the participants is a bilateral process and assumes the analysis of both its goals and interests and the goals and interests of the other party. If the parties want to resolve the conflict, they must focus on the interests, and not on the identity of the opponent. When resolving the conflict, a sustainable negative ratio of the parties to each other remains. It is expressed in a negative opinion about the participant and in negative emotions in relation to it. To start resolving the conflict, it is necessary to soften this negative attitude.

It is important to understand that the problem, due to which the conflict arose, it is better to solve together, combining the effort. This contributes, firstly, a critical analysis of its own position and actions. The identification and recognition of their own mistakes reduces the negative perception of the participant. Secondly, it is necessary to try to understand the interests of the other. Understand - Does not take or justify. However, this will expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe opponent, make it more objective. Thirdly, it is advisable to allocate a constructive start in behavior or even in the intentions of the participant. There is no absolutely bad or absolutely good people or social groups. In each there is something positive, it is necessary to rely on the resolution of the conflict.


Education as a sociocultural technology is not only a source of intellectual wealth, but also a powerful factor in the regulation and humanization of social practice and interpersonal relations. Pedagogical reality, however, generates many contradictions and conflict situations, the exit of which requires special training of social teachers.

It has been established that since the conflict is often due to the contradiction subordinate to certain patterns, social teachers should not "be afraid of" conflicts, but, understanding the nature of their occurrence, use specific mechanisms for the impact for successful permission in various pedagogical situations.

Understanding the causes of conflict and the successful use of management mechanisms are possible only if there are knowledge and skills of the corresponding personal qualities, knowledge and skills in future social teachers.

It was stated that the practical readiness of the social teacher to resolve conflicts among students is an integral personality education, the structure of which includes the motivational value, cognitive and operating and performing components. As the criteria for this readiness, measure, the integrity and measure of the formation of its main components.

It is shown that the process of forming the practical readiness of a social teacher to resolve conflicts among adolescents is individual-creative, phased and systemically organized. The content and logic of this process is due to structural components of readiness and relevant educational technologies.

FROMpikov used literature

1. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A. Personality development in the process of vital activity // Psychology of the formation and development of the individual. - M., 1981

2. Aleshina Yu.E. Problems of the theory and practices of mediation of participants // Personality, communication, group processes: Sat. Reviews. - M.: Inion, 1991. - P. 90-100

3. Andreev V.I. Basics of pedagogical conflictology. - M., 1995

4. Bern E. Games in which people play. Psychology of human relationships; People who play games. Psychology of human destination / per. from English - St. Petersburg., 1992

5. Zhuravlev V.I. Basics of pedagogical conflictology. Textbook. M.: Russian Pedagogical Agency, 1995. - 184 p.

6. Mudrik A.V. Teacher: skill and inspiration. - M., 1986

7. Ponomarev Yu.P. Gaming models: mathematical methods, psychological analysis. - M.: Science, 1991. - 160 p.

8. Prutchenkov A.S. Training communicative skills. - M., 1993

9. Fisher R., Yuri W. Path to consent or negotiations without defeat - M.: Science, 1990 - 158 p.

10. Shipilov A.I. Socio-mental features of conflicts between chiefs and subordinates in the division: dis. ... Cand. psycho. Science - M., 1993. - 224 p.

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Methods for resolving the conflict, especially if he did not go far, are known and accessible to everyone - this is tenderness, humor and joke. In more complex situations, teachers resort to a compromise, making concessions, each other, or their own analyzes, seeking to understand themselves and their actions, and only in exceptional cases use coercion and temporary separation. The teacher does not have the right to make a conflict, if it does not own the conflict resolution technology.

The conflict is created at that time or communicated to this level when the mutual need for its resolution occurs. Most of the conflict situations whose participants are a teacher and a student, characterized by a mismatch, and sometimes both the exact opposite of their position in relation to studies and rules of behavior in school. An undisciplinedness, racking, a frivolous attitude towards studying a student and excessive authoritarianism, intolerance of the teacher - the main causes of acute interpersonal clashes. However, the timely revision by their positions can eliminate the conflict situation and do not allow it to grow into an open interpersonal conflict.

A variety of possible conflict situations in the classroom and methods of conflicting interaction requires the teacher to find the optimal ways to resolve the conflict. The timeliness and success of its permission are the condition that the business conflict does not go into personal.

The productive resolution of the conflict can only be in the event that the teacher carries out a thorough analysis of the reasons, the motives that led to the current situation, the goals, the likely outcomes of a particular interpersonal collision, the participant of which he was. The ability of the teacher to be objective is an indicator not only its professionalism, but also the value attitude towards students.

The most effective way to resolve conflicts are negotiations.

Constructive capabilities of negotiations and mediation are extremely high. One of the essential advantages of this method is that its use is possible as with vertical conflicts ("vertical negotiations": a teacher - a group of students; students - the school administration), and with horizontal ("horizontal negotiations": a group of students - a group of students) . In the case of a special acute conflict situation or the inability to negotiate, as an addition to the method of negotiations, mediation technology is used.

The mediation procedure involves an independent neutral third party, a mediator who contributes to negotiations between the parties in an informal setting and helps them find an acceptable agreement and achieve it. The basic principles of mediation are:

Neutrality (emotionally intermediary is not joined by some side);

An impartiality (not interest in winning one of the parties).

The mediator is not responsible for decisions to which the parties will come, its function is to organize the negotiation process.

However, there are dysfunctional consequences of the negotiation process. The negotiation method is effective as part of a certain corridor, who leaving for which the negotiation process loses its effectiveness as a method of resolving the conflict and becomes a way to maintain a conflict situation.

The negotiations have its own sphere of positive action, but they are not always the optimal way to resolve the conflict. Tightening negotiations, time benefits for the concentration of resources, disguise negotiations of destructive actions, the disinformation of the opponent in the negotiations is the negative points of the negotiation process.

Thus, it can be concluded: an effective negotiation strategy is, first of all, the strategy of consent, search and multiply of common interests and the ability to combine them in a way that will not subsequently call the desire to violate the agreement achieved. In real life, teachers often simply lack the culture of the negotiation process, negotiating skills, the desire to enter into communications with the opponent.

Considering the main methods of resolving conflict situations, we can say that they are divided into two groups:

1. Negative, including all types of struggle, pursuing the goal of achieving the victory of one side over another;

2. Positive, when used, they are supposed to preserve the basis of the relationship between conflict entities - a variety of types of negotiations and constructive rivalry.

The difference in negative and positive methods conditionally, they often complement each other.

The choice of methods for resolving the conflict situation determines the behavior strategy in conflict. The teacher can elect the tactics of the rest of the conflict, smoothing it, compromise, coercion, or a rejection of someone else's position. The main way to apply a rational intuitive approach to the management of the conflict is to consider any conflict

situation as a problem or a potential problem that is waiting for its solution.

The appropriate method of solving problems is then selected, using the arsenal of possible strategic conflict control measures.

The main link in resolving the pedagogical situation is to conduct its psychological analysis. In this case, the teacher can reveal the causes of the situation, prevent its transition to a long conflict, that is, to some extent to learn how to own the situation using its cognitive and educational functions.

However, it should not be considered that psychological analysis will allow all problems in relationships. His holding will only reduce the number of errors that admit teachers immediately applying measures to affect the student during the situation. Such an analysis is only the basis for developing independent decisions.

The main purpose of the psychological analysis of the situation is to create a sufficient information basis for the adoption of a psychologically reasonable solution to the situation. A hurried response of a teacher, as a rule, causes an impulsive student's response, leads to the exchange of "verbal blows", and the situation

it becomes conflict.

Another, no less important purpose of such an analysis is to switch attention from the perturbation of the student's act on his personality and its manifestation in activities, actions and relationships.

The analysis helps the teacher to avoid subjectivism in assessing the behavior of students. When parsing a deed, a student is often guilty, a student is often guilty, who is less sympathetic to the teacher, and therefore teachers are surprisingly well remembered even the minor violations of the discipline by these students. Such a position of the teacher leads to the fact that it replaces the objective study of the personal qualities of the student with a list of those misconducts in which he was noticed earlier: a good student remembers good actions and a little attachment is bad, and the "difficult" student remains guilty.

Psychological analysis makes it possible to see a positive "bad" student and "dilience" in the behavior of the exemplary and thereby correctly resolve the situation.

Compeated psychological analysis will help the teacher find not only permission options, but also possible ways to prevent or repay conflict.

There are also gaming conflict resolution methods.

1. The introspection method is that a person puts himself in place of another, and then in his imagination reproduces the thoughts and feelings that, in his opinion, this particular is experiencing in this situation.

2. The empathy method is based on the technique of understanding the experiences of another person. If he is emotional, inclined to intuitive thinking, then this method will be useful. It is important to remember that the method makes it possible to achieve high results.

3. The method of logical analysis is suitable for those who are rational, who relies on thinking. To understand the partner in interaction.

Although conflict resolution skills do not guarantee their full permission in all cases, they can provide new opportunities for the expansion of knowledge about themselves and others.

It should be remembered that every teacher's mistake in resolving situations and conflicts is replicated in the perception of students, remains in their memory and has long affected the nature of relationships.

Of course, there are no two identical schools, identical students and teachers and therefore it is impossible to foresee every situation or develop a universal reception of its permission.

Conflicts arise when students are alone with a teacher (in the presence of foreign or administration of the School of Conflict, there is no conflict), therefore the administration is difficult to assist him in their prevention and resolution.

Each pedagogical situation has an educational impact on its participants: the student is included in the situation with one installations, and comes out of it with another assessment of its own act, the assessment of itself and in adult participants in the situation.

When talking with children, the teacher should clearly know what to say (the selection of content in the dialogue), how to say (emotional support of the conversation), when to say to achieve the goal of a speech facing child (time and place), when they say and why say ( Confidence as a result).

Teachers and schoolchildren often face conflict situations. However, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the conflict takes place in the business sphere and did not flow into personal.

The conflict may also serve as a stimulus to change and the impetus for progress.

Resolution contradictions leads to qualitative changes. To do this, it is necessary to know the reasons, the conditions for the occurrence of conflicts, their nature, ways to prevent and permission.

The frequency and nature of conflicts depend on the level of development of the class team: the higher this level, the less conflict situations are created. In the cohesive team, there is always a common, supported by all its members a goal, and in the course of joint ventures, general values \u200b\u200band norms are formed.

V.M. Aphonkova argues that the success of pedagogical intervention in students' conflicts depends on the position of the teacher. Such positions may be at least four:

· The position of neutrality - the teacher tries not to notice and not interfere in collisions arising among pupils;

· The position of avoiding the conflict - the teacher is convinced that the conflict is the indicator of his failures in educational work with children and arises due to ignorance, how to get out of the situation;

· The position of expedient intervention in the conflict - teacher, based on good knowledge of the team of pupils, relevant knowledge and skills, analyzes the causes of the conflict, makes a decision or suppress it, or give the opportunity to develop to a certain limit.

The actions of the teacher in the fourth position allow you to control and manage conflict.

However, teacher often lacks culture and techniques of interaction with pupils, which leads to mutual alienation. A person with a high technique of communication is characterized by a desire not only to correctly resolve the conflict, but also to understand its causes. To resolve conflicts among adolescents, the method of conviction as the path of reconciliation of the parties is very appropriate. It helps to show adolescents the inexpediency of some forms that they use to resolve the conflict (fights, assigning nicknames, intimidation, etc.). At the same time, teachers using this method allow for a typical error, focusing only on the logic of their evidence, without considering the views and opinions of the adolescent itself. Neither logic nor emotionality achieve the goals if the teacher ignores the views and experience of the pupil.

The theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical conflictology leads to the following preliminary conclusions:

The conflict is based often on an explanatory contradiction, and the conflict itself can be constructive and destructive;

Most teachers keep a wary attitude towards conflicts among students;

Conflicts should not be "afraid" because they are natural;

Conflicts among adolescents due to their age features are the phenomenon common and usual;

The conflict often leads a high emotional "heat" in communication;

The cause of the conflict can be the approval of its "I";

Intrapersonal conflict may cause interpersonal conflict;

It is advisable to interfere in the teachers to conflict not so much in order to eliminate it, how much to assist the teenager in the knowledge of yourself, his comrade, its training team;

Before interfere in the conflict, it is necessary to know the causes of its occurrence, otherwise intervention can acquire pedagogically negative character;

Conflict situation and conflict when used by the use of management mechanisms can become effective means of educational impact;

Social teacher requires deep special knowledge for successful conflict management among adolescents.

Conflicts can be initiated not only objective, but also subjective conditions. The objective circumstances refers to what exists more or less independently of the pedagogical process, and which creates the potential conflict opportunity. Subjective conditions constitute the level of educational and development of children, awareness of the degree of conflict of the situation by its participants, their moral and value orientation.

The topic of pedagogical conflicts Nowadays, the question of the quality of education is significant not only for school, but also for society as a whole, is particularly relevant. The Russian educational system, by virtue of the socio-economic and political conditions established in the country, was in a difficult situation, and the life of the pedagogical team often simply permeated with conflict situations.

The life of the pedagogical team is usually female in the composition of the multi-sided and diverse.

Teach children to a positive solution to conflict situations is the most important function of the school educational environment. And only a morally healthy pedagogical team is able to adequately implement the designated function.

Conflict, in Moscow Kodjaspirova, A.Yu. Kodjaspirova - a collision of multidirectional purposes, interests, positions, opinions or views, expressed in an exacerbated, tough form.

Experience shows that conflicts are most frequent in complex teams, including employees with specific, but closely interrelated functions, which generates difficulties in coordinating their actions and relations, both in the field of business and in the sphere of personal contacts. A pedagogical team includes such groups.

Alloy the essential causes of conflicts.

Violation by one of the members of the team of labor cooperation. Most conflicts are associated with violation of the standards of business interaction, i.e. Defended by functional reasons: unscrupulousness, abnormality. If the rules of cooperation are clearly fixed, then less conditions for the occurrence of conflict. The possibility of the occurrence of conflicts is reduced when the manager knows how to correctly perceive criticism, with the simplicity and modesty of communication of the head with subordinates, the ability to convince people to consult with subordinates, listening to their opinion, with the validity of the requirements imposed by the head of subordinate, clarity and sequence in the manual, the ability to clearly Organize labor activities subordinates.

To prevent intragroup interpersonal conflict among teachers, it is necessary:

- take into account the interests of each other;

- the ability to perceive the criticism of your colleagues;

- polite, tactful attitude towards each other, respect for colleagues;

- discipline in work.

To reduce conflict with subordinates, the manager needs:

- objectively assess the work of its subordinates;

- to take care of subordinates;

- Do not abuse your authority;

- effectively use the method of belief;

- Improve the style of your organization.

Emotional well-being in the team is determined by the style of leadership by this team by the administration.

The resolution of the conflict is a multistage process that includes an analysis and assessment of the situation, the choice of a method of resolving the conflict, the formation of an action plan, its implementation, evaluating the effectiveness of its actions.

Analytical stage involves collecting and evaluating information on the following issues:

the object of conflict (material, social or perfect; divide or indivisions; can be removed or replaced; what is its availability for each of the parties);

opponent (general data about him, his psychological features; relations of the opponent with management; opportunities to strengthen their rank; its goals, interests, position; legal and moral foundations of its requirements; previous actions in conflict made mistakes; what interests coincide, and in which - no, etc.);

own position (goals, values, interests, actions in conflict, made mistakes; in which - no, etc.);

own position (objectives, values, interests, actions in conflict; legal and moral foundations of their own requirements, their argument and evidence; mistakes and the possibility of their recognition to the opponent, etc.);

reasons and direct occasion that led to the conflict;

social environment (situation in the organization, social group; what tasks the organization solves, opponent, as conflict affects them; who and how to support each of the opponents; what is the reaction of the leadership, the public, subordinates, if they have opponents; what they know about conflict );

secondary reflection (submission of a subject about how he perceives me, my idea of \u200b\u200bconflict, etc.). Sources of information are personal observations, conversations with leadership, subordinate, informal leaders, their friends and friends of opponents, witnessed conflict.

Based on the study of psychological and pedagogical literature, the best practices of the work of universities, the analysis of various activities was identified ways to improve efficiency in the preparation of teachers to resolve conflict situations:

Intellectual: Give the concept of conflict; reveal the physiological nature of the conflict; psychological foundations of conflict; typology of conflicts, conflict personalities, their characteristics; prediction and prevention of conflicts; the emergence, development and course of conflict, exit conditions, conflict resolution; the art of negotiations; Settlement of conflicts with the participation of the third party (meditation).

Behanthened: to teach the psychological analysis of situations and conflicts, finding options for permission, ways to prevent or repay the conflict, learning how to effectively behavior in conflicts and their constructive permission. It involves a discussion of theoretical problems, discussions, disputes, business and personal-oriented games, imitation training, research assignments, scientific and practical conferences.

Self-knowledge and self-education of the individual (self-knowledge - getting knowledge about yourself, self-education - the formation by a person of his personality in accordance with the conscious goal).

For the prevention of conflicts, it is advisable to use such forms of work as:

pedagogical tips;

methodical associations;

individual work.

It can be noted that without a favorable climate in the pedagogical team it is impossible for the expedient training of our children.

Lecture 9. Interpersonal conflicts in the family

1. Weather conflicts.

2. Conflicts in the interaction of parents and children.

3.Shic consulting conflict families.

Family - the oldest institute of human interaction, a unique phenomenon. Its uniqueness is that several people interact in the most closely for a long time, numbering dozens of years, i.e., for the most part of human life. In such an intensive interaction system, disputes, conflicts and crises may not occur.

1. Sophisticated conflicts

Depending on the subjects of interaction, family conflicts are divided into conflicts between: spouses; parents and children; spouses and parents of each spouse; Grandparents and grandchildren.

Socratic conflicts play a key role in family relationships. They often arise due to dissatisfaction with the needs of spouses. Based on this, the main reasons for marital conflicts are distinguished:

· Psychosexual incompatibility of spouses;

· Disadvantage of the need to significantly "I", disrespect of a sense of dignity by partner;

· Disadvantage of need for positive emotions: no caress, care, attention and understanding;

· Advocation of one of the spouses to excessive satisfaction of your needs (alcohol, drugs, financial expenses are only on yourself, etc.);

· Disadvantage of the need for mutual assistance and mutual understanding on housekeeping, education of children in relation to parents, etc.;

· Differences in leisure facilities, hobbies.

In addition, factors that affect the conflict of marital relations are distinguished. These include crisis periods in the development of the family (S. Kratakhvilvan).

The first year of the married life is characterized by conflicts of adaptation to each other, when two "I" become one "we". The evolution of feelings occurs, love disappears and the spouses appear in front of another as they are. It is known that in the first year of the family's life, the probability of divorce is large, up to 30% of the total number of marriages (I. Dorno).

The second crisis period is associated with the appearance of children. Another faster system "we" is subject to a serious test. What lies in the basis of conflicts during this period?

· The possibilities of professional growth of spouses deteriorate.

· They have less opportunities for free implementation in personally attractive activities (hobbies, hobbies).

· Fatigue of his wife associated with child care can lead to a temporary decrease in sexual activity,

· Possible clashes of spouses and their parents on the issues of child education.

The third crisis period coincides with the average marital age, which is characterized by monotony conflicts. As a result of the repeated repetition of some and the same impressions of the spouses comes saturation to each other. This condition is called hunger of feelings when "satiety" comes from old impressions and "hunger" on the new (Y. Rurikov).

The fourth period of conflict of the relationship of spouses comes after 18-24 years of living together. Its occurrence often coincides with the approach of the Involution period, the emergence of the feeling of loneliness associated with the departure of children, increasing the emotional dependence of his wife, its experiences about the desire of a husband sexually express themselves on the side, "not too late" (S. Krathilvilvan).

Significant influence on the likelihood of marital conflicts are external factors: worsening the material situation of many families; excessive employment of one of the spouses (or both) at work; the impossibility of normal employment of one of the spouses; long lack of its housing; Lack of opportunity to arrange children in a children's institution, etc.

The list of family conflict factors would be incomplete, if not called macroblators, i.e. the changes occurring in modern society, namely: the growth of social exclusion; orientation to the cult of consumption; devaluation of moral values, including traditional norms of sexual behavior; Changing the traditional position of a woman in the family (the opposite poles of this change are the complete economic independence of the woman and the housewife syndrome); The crisis state of the economy, finance, social sphere of the state.

Psychologist studies show that in 80- 85% of families | There are conflicts. The remaining 15-20% records availability | "SSOR" for various reasons (V. Polycarpov, I. Zalgin). Depending on the frequency, depth and severity of conflicts allocate crisis, conflict, problem and neurotic families (V. Torochi).

Crisis family. The opposition of the interests and needs of spouses is acute and captures important areas of family life. Spouses occupy irreconcilable and even hostile positions in relation to each other, without agreeing on any concessions. The crisis marriage unions include all those that or disintegrate, or are on the verge of decay.

Conflict family. There are permanent spheres between spouses, where their interests face, generating strong and prolonged negative emotional states. However, marriage can be maintained thanks to other factors, as well as assignments and compromise conflict solutions.

Problem family. It is characterized by a long existence of difficulties capable of applying a tangible stability of marriage. For example, the lack of housing, the prolonged disease of one of the spouses, the lack of funds for the content of the family, condemnation for a long time per crime and a number of other problems. In such families, probably an aggravation of relationships, the phenomenon of mental disorders from one or both spouse

Neurotic family. Here, the main role is played by hereditary violations in the psyche of spouses, and the accumulation of the impact of the psychological difficulties, with which the family is found on their vitality. Spouses have increased anxiety, sleep disorder, emotions for any occasion, increased aggressiveness, etc.

Conflict behavior of spouses can manifest itself in hidden and open forms. The indicators of the hidden conflict are: demonstrative silence; a sharp gesture or a look talking about disagreement; boycott interaction in some sphere of family life; The underlined coldness in the relationship. An open conflict is manifested more often through: an open conversation in emphasized correctly; mutual verbal insults; Demonstrative actions (slamming of the door, beating the dishes, the stitching fist on the table), insult by physical actions, etc.

Psychotracting consequences. Family conflicts can create a psychotracting environment for spouses, their children, parents, as a result of which they acquire a number of negative properties of the individual. In a conflict family, a negative experience of communication is enshrined, faith is lost in the possibility of the existence of friendly and gentle relationships between people, negative emotions are accumulated, psychotrams appear. Psychotrams are more often manifested in the form of experiences, which, by virtue of severity, duration or repeatability, strongly affect the identity. Psychotioning experiences are distinguished as a state of complete family dissatisfaction, "family alarm", neuropsychic tension and state of guilt.

The state of complete family dissatisfaction arises as a result of conflict situations in which a noticeable discrepancy between the expectations of the individual in relation to the family and its actual life is manifested. It is expressed in boredom, colorlessness of life, lack of joy, nostalgic memories of time before marriage, complaints around the difficulties of family life. Accumulating from conflict to conflict, such dissatisfaction is expressed in emotional explosions and hysterics.

Family anxiety is more often manifested after a major family conflict. Signs of anxiety are doubts, fears, fears relating primarily to other family members.

Neriva-mental tension is one of the main psychotrauming experiences. It arises as a result:

· Creating for the spouse of situations of permanent psychological

pressure, difficult or even hopeless position;

· Creation for the spouse of obstacles to manifest important feelings for him, satisfying needs;

· Creating a situation of permanent internal conflict from the spouse.

It is manifested in irritability, poor mood, sleep disorders, rage attacks.

The condition of guilt depends on the personal characteristics of the spouse. A person feels a hindrance for others, the culprit of any conflict, quarrels and failures, inclined to perceive the relationship of other family members to themselves as accusing, strickers, despite the fact that in reality they are not so.

Warning of married conflicts. Many recommendations developed on the normalization of marital relationships, preventing the proximity of controversial situations into conflicts (V. Vladin, D. Kapustin, I. Dorno, A. Egydez, V. Levkovich, Y. Rurikov). Most of them comes down to the following: respect yourself, and even more so. Remember that he (she) is the closest man, father (mother) of your children. Try not to save mistakes, resentment and "sins", but immediately react to them. This will exclude the accumulation of negative emotions. Except sexual reproaches, as they are not forgotten. Do not comment to each other in the presence of others (children, acquaintances, guests, etc.).

Do not exaggerate your own abilities and dignity, do not consider yourself always and in all right. More trust and jealousy to minimize. Be careful, able to listen and hear the spouse. Do not go down, take care of your physical appeal, work on our shortcomings. Never avoid even the obvious flaws of the spouse, bring the conversation only about specific behavior in a particular situation.

Treat your hobbies with interest and respect. In family life, it is sometimes better not to know the truth than anything to try to establish the truth. Try to find time to at least sometimes rest each other. This will help relieve emotional psychological oversaturation with communication.

Resolution of conflicts between spouses. The design of the permission of married conflicts, as any other, depends first of all from the ability of spouses to understand, forgive and yield.

"One of the conditions for completing the conflict of loving spouses is not to seek victory. The victory due to the defeat of his beloved person is difficult to call the achievement. It is important to respect the other, whatever the fault lay on it. You need to be able to honestly ask yourself (and most importantly, honestly answer yourself), what you really worries. When arguing its position, try not to show inappropriate maximalism and categorical. It is better to come to mutual understanding themselves and do not pull into their conflicts of others - parents, children, friends, neighbors and acquaintances. Only from the spouses themselves depends on the well-being of the family.

Separately, it is worth staying at such a radical way to resolve marital conflicts, like a divorce. According to psychologists, he is preceded by a process consisting of three stages: a) an emotional divorce, expressed in alienation, indifference of spouses to each other, loss of confidence and love; b) physical divorce leading to separate accommodation; c) legal divorce requiring legal registration of termination of marriage.

Many divorce brings to get rid of hostility, non-recognition, deception and what is overshooted life. Of course, it has negative consequences. They are different for decaying, children and society. The most vulnerable to a woman who usually remains children. It is greater than a man is subject to non-psychic disorders.

Negative consequences of divorce for children are much more significant than the consequences for spouses. The child loses one (sometimes beloved) parent, for in many cases the mother impede the fathers to meet with children. The child often experiences peer pressure on the lack of one of his parents, which affects his nervous psychic state. Divorce leads to the fact that society receives an incomplete family, the number of adolescents with deviating behavior increases, crime is growing. This creates additional difficulties for society.

2. Conflicts in the interaction of parents and children

This variety of conflicts is one of the most common in everyday life. However, it is to a certain extent being uploaded by the attention of specialists.

Psychologists and teachers. We do not consider the problem of generation conflict, which is much wider and is actively developed by sociologists. Of the more than 700 psychological and pedagogical works on the problem of conflict, it is unlikely to gain a dozen-other publications, in the center of which there would be a problem of conflicts between parents and children. It is usually studied in the context of more extensive research; Family relations (V. Schuman), age crises (I. Kon), the influence of marital conflict on the development of children (A. Ushatykov, A. Spevakovskaya), etc. However, it is impossible to find such a family, wherever the conflicts between parents and children were missing. Even in prosperous families, conflict relationships (from a teenager's point of view) are noted in more than 30% of cases) with both parents (I. Gorkovskaya).

Why arise conflicts between parents and children? In addition to the general reasons that produce the conflict of the relationship between people, which are discussed above, allocate psychological factors of conflicts in the interaction of parents and children.

1. Type of intra-day relationship. Harmonious disharmonic types of family relations are distinguished. The harmonious family establishes a rolling equilibrium, manifested in the registration of the psychological roles of each family member, forming the family "We", the ability of family members to resolve contradictions.

The disharmony of the family is a negative nature of married relations, expressed in the conflict interaction of spouses. The level of psychological stress in such a family tends to increase, leading to neurotic reactions of its members, the emergence of a sense of constant anxiety in children.

2. The destructiveness of family education. The following features of destructive types of education are distinguished:

· Disagreements of family members on education issues;

· Contracted, inconsistency, inadequacy;

· Guardianship and prohibitions in many areas of children's lives;

· Increased requirements for children, frequent use of threats, condemnation.

3. Age crises of children are treated as the factors of their increased conflict. The age crisis is a transitional period from one stage of child development to another. In critical periods, children become naughty, capricious, irritable. They often come into conflicts with others, especially with their parents. They have a negative attitude towards previously implemented requirements that do up to stubbornness. The following age crises are distinguished:

· The first year crisis (transition from infancy to early childhood);

· Crisis "Three years" (transition from early childhood to preschool age);

· Crisis 6-7 years old (transition from preschool to younger school age);

· The crisis of puberty (the transition from the younger school to adolescent age is 12-14 years old);

· Teenage crisis 15-17 years old (D. Elkonin).