Artem Pindouyur denied information about his caring from the MBand group. Vladislav Ramm: "We and I and Constantine Meladze will solve problems in court

Artem Pindouyur denied information about his caring from the MBand group. Vladislav Ramm:
Artem Pindouyur denied information about his caring from the MBand group. Vladislav Ramm: "We and I and Constantine Meladze will solve problems in court

Name:Vladislav Ramm (Vladislav RAMM)

Age: 23 years

Height: 193

Activity: Singer, participant of the group "MBand"

Family status: divorced

Vladislav Ramm: Biography

Favorite quotation Vladislav Ramma:

"Only in difficult moments you see who your true friend is."

Former participant popular group , with a scandal who left the team, met in his way of such people. The singer had supported and in creativity, and, as the fans are hoped, in their personal life. Going into solo swimming, Ramm proved that it has an inner rod, clearly knows where it moves, and it remains open and sincere guy.

Childhood and youth

Vladislav Ramm was born on September 17, 1995 in Kemerovo. The father was engaged in the education and formation of the character of the boy, thanks to whom Vladislav, according to him, comprehend the most men's concepts about life. His father Ramm believes best friend And infinitely respects.

Love for music boy got from mother who worked as an artist musical Theater.. ABOUT early Life The guy is known to little: since childhood Vlad sought to be fame and seriously fond of music. The boy chose himself life goal - become a musician and all possible methods tried to achieve it.

First, the guy studied in a music school game on piano, studying musical diploma. Later he studied vocals on private courses.

After school, Vladislav went in the footsteps of the mother and entered the Moscow Theater College, the Lelle's dream to become an artist. Study was given a guy easily, he moved to the hostel, in cheerful company Students educational institution. But on the 1st year, Ramm decided to leave the college, because he could not else be next to the girl who broke his heart.


His musical career Vladislav Ramm began with participation in a television project. April 30, 2014 famous composer And the producer announced the beginning of the casting in the realistic show "I want to Meladze." According to the results of the program from finalists, it was planned to create a male pop group. This project was a chance for Vladislav to get into the music industry.

Vladislav Ramm in the show "I want to Meladze"

On September 13, 2014, the debut performance of the Ramma on television took place. The guy decided to hit the public and the judiciary of an unusual act: he descended from the roof of the film hall with a bundle balloons and a bouquet of flowers.

The feat noticed and appreciated the judges of the competition, in particular, the ex-soloist without missed young artist on stage. Do not notice and not remember the state handsome man (Vlad's height - 194 cm, weight -76 kg) with a torso in the tattoo was simply impossible.

In the future, the attention of the audience turned out to be chained to Person Vladislav Ramma due to the information about his status of a married man. The 18-year-old performer told the audience that he was married to the Muscovite named Veronika. The girl came to the shooting several times to support her husband.

Vladislav Ramm in Realvest Show "I Want to Meladze"

During the project, the singer managed to visit the team, and then moved to the group, while the remaining participants of his team left the show. As a result, Vladislav became one of the winners of the competition, having received the opportunity to be part of the new "MBand" team together with, and.

November 24, 2014 The MBand group released the first single "she will return." A month later the same clip appeared on the screens. The team debuted at the concert "Big Love Show 2015", dedicated day All lovers in February 2015. In the future, the team became the owner of the title "Opening of the Year" and "Favorite Artist of the Year."

Vladislav Ramm and the group "MBand"

In June 2015, it was announced the start of the reality show "One day with MBand" for TV channel "STS Love". Within the framework of the Four Participants of the Group held time with 8 fans, which were selected during a large-scale casting in Russia.

Also, the singer managed to debut in the movies. Ramm played one of the main roles in the comedy "fix everything".

Group "MBand" - "She will return"

However, as part of MBand, Ramm stayed for a long time. The artist had a conflict with Meladze. At the end of 2015, the performer left the group. According to the producer, the guy is dismissed from the team for the professionalization. Ramm, on the contrary, argued that he left the group himself and that it was his personal initiative. Cause of care - the desire to make a solo career.

"I want to develop, engage in creativity and be an independent artist. I, like any man, must be established in this life, self-realize. "

For goodbye, the singer thanked through the "Instagram" of other participants and producer, who "gave EMY a ticket to this interesting world».

The producer himself immediately complained in an interview to the radio that people like the Ramma should not work in the team and generally appear on the scene. Meladze also stated that his decision to dismiss the Ramma was not sole and other participants of the group sighed with relief. Colleagues allegedly suffered late and other executors' misdemeanors. As a result, "one-log bars" wrote off everything for a star disease that overtook young guy.

Vladislav Ramm explained to leaving the group

The decision was also hasty, it was simply a statement by the performer through social networks was unexpected for his fans and fans of the group. One way or another, Ramm promised to return fans. And he did it in a year, although Konstantin Meladze threatened to leave the artist without a scene until 2021, until the artist was associated with a contract.

Vladislav's intentions to find creative freedom in court Meladze perceived with a grin. With absence human qualities And no court will help to become a star, the producer said. Hurried to dispel rumors that he allegedly substituted the friendly shoulder "squeezing boy." From his words, and also did not offer the Ramma help.

At the end of 2016, the joy of numerous fans, Vladislav Ramm presented his debut solo album called "# first". In January 2017, the album was pre-ordered and the track "Effect" in iTunes and Google Play..

In the first days of the release of the song hit the top charts in iTunes. After the premiere of the album, he also headed the iTunes top chart, and a few days later - and Google Play. Among the new songs are not only "influence", but also become popular "morning", "I will sound."

Vladislav Ramm - "Influence"

There are a young artist and clips in the arsenal. The speech in the group was removed on the songs "she will return" and "Look at me."

Personal life

As is the member of the male pop collective, whose target audience are women, the personal life of Vladislav Ramma filled with rumors and scandalous details. Before participating in the project "I want to Meladze", the guy met with Muscovite Veronica General. During the show, he stated that he was married, but no details about the wedding were known.

At the end of the show Ramm suddenly declared a divorce. In an interview with the magazine "Viva!" The artist later admitted that such a decision he accepted even before participating in the project, but decided to preserve intrigue to the end of the program.

On the shooting, Vladislav Ramm fell in love with a ballet dancer, with whom he had a novel. Per further development Events viewers followed a special care that a lot was heated interest in the person of the young performer. In the final of the show Ramm appeared in front of the cameras with Veronica and admitted that he changed her on the project, so they are forced to part. The girl in response reported her pregnancy.

Some rose to the side of the abandoned wife, however most of The fans of the artist only was delighted by the newfound freedom of the Ramma. He did not have a relationship with his dancer, after the end of the project, their path was separated, and in an interview with the guy stated that he did not count on serious and long-term relationships. December 2, 2014 ex-wife Ramma, Veronica, gave birth to a daughter Nicole.

In March 2015, rumors about Ramma Romane with a member of the group appeared in the press. VIA Gra". Young people attended festivals together and rested in Thailand, the artist laid out on the page in" Instagram " general photos. However, Vladislav himself argued that he liked to spend time with a girl in a friendly atmosphere. One way or another, after the departure of the ram from the group, young people broke up.

Vladislav Ramm now

In 2017 in creative biography Vladislav occurred new turn. Ramma to produce. The singer is friendly with the older children of Yana, and not only this fact pushed the woman to cooperate. Rudkovskaya liked the voice of the artist, sincerity and the desire to satisfy the requests of young listeners, even if she doesn't like something. In addition, Vlad wrote 2 songs for successfully sold on iTunes.

Yana is confident that joints with Ramm projects are waiting for the same recognition as in the case of Bilan. The producer gave an angry rewarding to the worships, who wrote unflattering comments in social networks, allegedly returns all the boomerang.

The first product of the new tandem was the song "Enough Spirit", and at the competition " New wave"Vladislav made a composition" Neither you nor me. " Both works are recorded with the son of Yana, Nikolai Baturin. A young man took the creative name of Kolyas. Rudkovskaya itself played the role of good faces in the clip "I-on".

Vlad Ramm Ft. Kolyas - "Neither you nor i"

In the clip "Neither, nor I" starred the model, the current Passasy Ramma. Beauty, similar to, previously met with the Russian national football team. Vladislav is morally ready for family lifebut ahead of serious goals, in the first place - work.

"I have to make a lot of things to do, first of all for my family!".

When journalists asked Rudkov's relations with the Velvet Music Production Center, which is now owned by Vladislav, Yana replied that he was ready for dialogue. Termination of the contract with the former team is a formality, and new songs are her property.

In 2018, Vladislav's album was published under the name "Lu4sh". Genre of songs - from "Klubnyak" to Sokula. One track is recorded in collaboration with Vadim Shirchov, protruding under the pseudonym of Valium. Ramm admitted that it was not focused on fancy or non-aridity concrete style, loves music in all its diversity, but aware that the audience prefers dance tracks. However, according to the inner sensation, the musician is closer "bold bit at an average pace."

Vladislav Ramm - Lu4sh (premiere of 2018)

In the "Internet", Fanata Vladislav Ramma created the original community. His members are named by "Rammers". In addition to the discussions of the singer's creativity, the participants are held before the New Year to carry out a share - the exchange of small souvenirs, and not virtual, and most of them are material: "Rammera" send notebooks, chocolates, postcards and other pleasant little things. The main thing is not a gift, but attention. The same exchange was held on the eve of 2019.



  • 2014 - "She will return" (Single)
  • 2015 - "Look at me" (single)

Solo albums

  • 2016 - "# first"
  • 2018 - "Lu4sh"

Vladislav Ramm burst into the domestic show business, descending from the roof of the building on a bundle of balloons. So the young man appeared on the casting of the show "I want to Meladze" and immediately caused great interest to his person.

Vladislav Ramm: Biography

Despite his star popularity, about the life of the singer before creative career Little is known. You have a few facts from the guy's personal life. He was born in Kemerovo on September 17, 1995. Since childhood, the boy dreamed of becoming a singer attended music school And engaged in vocals. At the time of participation in the project Meladze, the guy has already managed to relieve in the local lyceum number 89, according to some reports, he did not graduate. Vladislav Ramm was also married. Rather, he arrived at the show in the status of a "non-free guy", but the future career of the singer put everything in its place.

Interesting the fact that Vladislav Ramm, real surname whom Ivanov, already became a father, his former gave him a daughter Nicole. Media is not known whether the singer communicates with former spouse and daughter.

Debut in show business

Since childhood, Vladislav Ramm, whose biography, after arrival in the capital, became interested great amount His fans, dreamed of a "star" quarry of the pop artist. There is information that the young man even tried himself in several music projects, but unsuccessfully.

The fact that the guy was seriously aimed at Music Olympus, testifies to the change of his last name at 18, before that he was Ivanov. About the show "I want to Meladze" and finding new artists for a teenage musical male project The guy heard quite by chance, on the radio "Chanson". Nothing thinking, he decided to try his happiness and went to conquer the capital.

In the show, Vladislav Ramm appeared very effectively, which immediately made it a favorite among other participants. He descended to the site on the bundle of balloons and with a bouquet of roses. He dedicated this gesture by the leading casting faith Brezhneva. After the first selections and more dense acquaintances with the participants, it turned out that the young man is married, and it became "his chip" on the project.

Moreover, initially he told his friends that his second half would fully support him. But as it turned out, Vlad could not preserve the loyalty to Veronica and during the project changed her with one of the dancers. Right on the show played real family drama. Veronica came to the project and admitted to Vlad that was pregnant, but it did not stop him from a gap with the former beloved.

Work in mband.

After three months of personal and group castings, Konstantin Meladze decided on the composition of the participants of the new team, they became Vladislav Ramm, Nikita Kiosse, Anatoly Tsoi and Artem Pindouyur.

November 22, 2014 was officially announced the creation of a new MBand team under the leadership of Konstantin Meladze. The guys signed a contract with producer until 2021. Immediately began tight graph Concerts and work in the studio. Rehearsals replaced shooting, and so day after day.

It turned out that the work of the singer is not only in a sweet voice and lubricate appearance. The main component is a huge performance. During the year, the guys released several video clots and became a group of the year, and then the rumors had rumors about the difficult relations of participants inside the collective. And they were associated with an extraordinary Vladislav. The junction did not make himself wait long.


On the eve of the first anniversary of the team on the Ramma page in the "Instagram" information appeared that he leaves the team and goes "in solo swimming". A few days later, comments from the group's producer, who stated that Vladislav Ramm was dismissed from the collective due to the progenitivity.

The solo career guy will not begin, because he has a contract with the producer center Meladze concluded until 2021. Vladislav Ramm, whose photo is now quite often fled in the press, said that it was he who became the initiator of leaving the team, no one dismissed him.

Interesting the fact that former colleagues Ramma does not burn with the desire to communicate with the other, and even more so renew work with a guy. There are rumors that Vlad was nuts "Star Disease". He simply ignored the workflow, showing absolute disrespect for colleagues.

Ramm himself in an interview tells about the huge attachment to its colleagues and gratitude to Konstantin Meladze. Despite such frank statements, the guy is confident that the contract with the producer center will be able to challenge through the court.

Vladislav Ramm and his solo project

In the media, there were information that the guy wants to start a solo career already without the support of the producer, but some have already appealed to him famous people Metropolitan show business. Vladislav speaks of contacts with Igor Matvienko, but he himself does not want to cooperate with any of the producers, considering it wrong.

On the way to solo career For Ramma there are some obstacles, namely the current contract. The guy hopes to terminate him in court, if it is not possible to solve the problem "Pulley".

Meladze himself has already declared the absolute non-professionalism of the former ward and the absence of any moral principles and normal human qualities. Konstantin supported his wife Vera Brezhnev. The producer has already stated that the appeal to the court will not help the Ramma to terminate the contract, and even more so become a successful singer.

Literally ten days before the date of the day of the M-Band, the group from the quartet was transformed into a trio. Rumored about the fact that the group member Vladislav Ramm decided to complete his work in the team. This event was unpleasantly surprised by the group fans, causing social networks Sea of \u200b\u200bdiscussion on this topic. Society began to justify possible reasons The incident, going through all the imaginable and inconceivable versions of such a jewelry act that occurred, can be said at the peak of glory.

The picture began to clarify with the appearance on official page groups in the social network "VKontakte" reports that Vladislav Ramm dismissed in connection with the uniformity. This statement proceeded directly from the producer and head of the group of Konstantin Meladze, as well as the other participants of the Babe. Immediately additionally reported that the other day in exclusive interview On the air "Love Radio" will be diagnosed about the causes of the incident.

The singer on the page in his Instagram left a comment in which he wrote what leaves the group due to what he sees himself as a solo singerand therefore further intends to work independently. And in response to the comment by Meladze, the doubt was a doubt that Konstantin would hardly take into a group of originally unprofitable vocalist.

However, despite this, in principle, the simple and understandable explanation, the Internet users noted that Vlad unsubscribed from the pages of the producer of Konstantin Meladze and his wife faith Brezhneva, as well as from other group members, while removing all common photos. But no less strange phenomenon was a picture that former participant The groups laid out after the appeal written in a warm form in which he thanked all those who collaborated while working in the music team. It can be said that users surprised not so much picture as the inscription: "hypocrite. If you smile, do not rejoice, most likely it is not shot yesterday's mask. "

Subsequently, in the air "Love Radio", Konstantin Meladze outlined the cause of Ramma's care and confirmed that the decision took not only as a producer, but also the guys participating in the group. Participants in the Band - Art of Pindyura, Anatoly Tsoi and Nikita Kiosse - assure that they were the initiators of leaving the group of Vladislav Ramma.

Konstantin Meladze is confident that Vladislav only confirmed the correctness of the decision. And in turn reminded Vlad that signed by him contract, valid until 2021 and excludes the opportunity to engage solo Career. Nevertheless, in an interview former soloist M-Band reported on the intention to defend its right in court and hope to fulfill the dream.

So what happened? What caused the departure of the Ramma from the group? These issues still twist in the air, not giving calm down the fans of the group.

Here are a few assumptions.

  1. Perhaps it was pR move to raise the reason to talk once again about the team that this moment Busy shooting in a television show and film. Although unlikely, but still, very desired for fans, rather a fabulous version, which is assumed at the end of the group reunification.
  1. Collective donation for the sake of solo future . This is how Vladislav Ramm explains his departure, finally promising to return soon.
  1. Since the young executor is a Yarym fan of Zayn Malik, there is an assumption about his decision to pass the trail idol (Having achieved solo triumph), and apparently, it could become a push to the departure from the group.
  1. It is a sharp statement by Konstantin Meladze and the support of his wards gives a reason to think that the place has conflict But with whom (Meladze himself or with the participants of the Babe) remains only to guess. Suggest that such a decision followed after the Contractor did not come to a joint press conference dedicated to musicBox Awards 2015. Perhaps it was the last drop in the disagreements arising between the producer and the participants of the M-Band with Vlad.

Recall that Vladislav Ramm began his careerBy taking part in the promoted television project Realistic Show "I want to Meladze" in 2014. According to the results of the casting, the finalists were planned to create a group.

In order to attract attention, a guy decided to hit the audience and judges an unusual act, Going away from the roof of the filming hall with a bouquet of flowers and a bunch of multicolored balloons. This caused surprise judges and thus paid attention to himself. Especially impressed this act former soloist "Viagra" faith Brezhnev, who insisted miss a young performer out of turn.

During his stay in the project, Vlad visited Timothy and Sergey Lazarev teams. As a result, Ramm passed into the final and became one of winners of the project, having received a real opportunity to be a member of the newly created group M-Band. Currently, Vladislav is a romantic relationship with Misha Romanova, which is the ward former producer, soloist group "Viagra". We hope that disagreements with Konstantin Meladze will not be the reason for the breaking of the relationship of a young couple.

The Russian pop group "M-Band", which includes three pretty young people, was organized by the famous musical producer Konstantin Meladze. The team officially announced its creation in November 2014, immediately after the final show "I want to Meladze," which spoke brilliantly. The first single team, "she will return", in 2015 he became one of the most popular songs in Russia.

Birth group

Owned by your birth television show Group "M-Band". The composition of the collective was originally like this: Anatoly Tsoi, Artem Pindouyur, Nikita Kiosse and Vladislav Ramm. In 2014, these four young people took part in casting for guys from the CIS countries. The premiere of the new contest "I want to Meladze" simultaneously started in several countries. In Russia, it was broadcast by NTV, in Belarus - ONT, in Kazakhstan - the Seventh Canal.

First, the participants of the TV project were taken by members of the jury chaired by Konstantin Meladze. Also, the judges were: Anna Sedokova, Sergey Lazarev, Polina Gagarin, Timati, Vladimir Presnyakov and Eva Polna.

In the decisive round, when only two teams remained, the winner was chosen to the viewers. In Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Russia, the group "M-Band" won. The composition of the participants received votes less than opponents, only in Belarus. But according to the final results turned out to be the first.

The history of the team

His debut single group "M-Band", the composition of which was finally developed by the end of 2014, presented before the new year. It was the composition "she will return." It was from this song that the team spoke at the final of the show "I want to Meladze". Melody wrote the producer himself and the founder of the project, and one of the participants in the group - Artem Pindouyur became the co-author of words.

At the same time, a video clip was recorded, which for 5 months gathered about 10 million views. And in the chart-parade of the Golden Gramophone, the song was laid on the top line for two weeks.

The first large-scale speech before the public took place in 2015, for Valentine's Day. After that, the team began a saturated tour.

The second single came out already in May 2015. He was called "Give me." And the group was recognized as a musical breakthrough of the year at the prestigious festival. The final of a similar nomination "M-Band" got on the "MUZ-TV" premium, but the first place was not awarded to him.

In the summer of 2015, the group presented her clip "Look at me" on the air of the musical channel Ru.TV. The producer itself was attended by producer - Konstantin Meladze, who performed the role of the gardener.

Already in 2016, the group recorded two albums in the studio - "acoustics" and "without filters".

"Fit all"

Fame and popularity Musical team earned and quite in the original method. In 2016, the film "All Fix" came to the screens, in which participants of B BEDD played in high roles.

In the plot, the youth group "M-Band", the composition, photo of which decorated music magazinesfalls into a difficult position. The court decides not in favor of the collective - they are obliged in the near future to pay a huge cash fine of the pop star. If this is not done, then all the rights to the group will be departed. The role of the star went to Nikolay Baskov.

In order to find money, BRD agrees to fulfill a dubious order of a major businessman trying to divide his daughter with a guy who, in his opinion, she is not a couple.

In 2016, the Group recorded the official single to this picture. The director became Anton Kalinkin. According to him, the tape was focused on the spectators of 10-16 years. Easy, romantic film with familiar youth idols. So this comedy appeared.

In the box office she is collected slightly over 250 thousand dollars.

Nikita Kiosse

The most young participant of Boy-Benda is Nikita Kiosse. He is 18 years old, he is from Ryazan. Despite the young age, he has already managed to participate in such prestigious competitions as " Children's Eurovision"And" Children's New Wave ". In Ukraine, passed the selection in the television show" Voice. Children".

Nikita himself admits: when it was on the casting, he could not even assume that ultimately would work with one of the best music producers countries. For three months, during which the show took place, he found himself real friends and colleagues.

Nikita is a real sex symbol for young girls who are just idle. The young man notes: His heart is now free, but life priorities at this stage are placed in such a way that the career is above all.

Vladislav Ramm

Vladislav Ramm is another of the participants "M-Band." The composition of the group, the biography of Krasavtsa-Brunette today interests hundreds of fans. Without him, at first it was impossible to submit a team.

He was born in Kemerovo. On the show "I want to Meladze" invented for myself, perhaps the most spectacular appearance. He jumped from the roof of the filming pavilion, holding in his hands balloons and a bouquet of flowers. In this original way, he admitted the feelings for one of the stars of the project - faith Brezhneva. True, on the same day he shocked the audience once again, admitting that he was already married. On that moment young musician It was only 18 years old.

In order to fully devote himself to creativity and music, Vlad had to part with his wife. After that, he fully focused on work. All his life consists of concerts, tour, records and filming.

Artem Pindyura

Artem Pindouyur - Ukrainian member of the team "M-Band". The composition of the group, the biography of participants is what primarily interests all his fans.

Artem older than his colleagues was previously known in certain circles like hip-hop singer on the nicknamed Kid. This affected the blind listening when he decided to read Rap, which played his role. Sitting in the jury Timati gave him his voice. And in the future he became his personal mentor. However, ultimately, the Contractor was in the team of Sergei Lazareva, with which he won.

As with other members of the team, he had a romantic relationship. However, with a girl, with whom, the case almost reached the wedding, it was necessary to part. In the work she did not support her young man

Anatoly Tsoi.

Anatoly Tsoi is the most senior participant of the team. Now he is 27 years old. He is Kazakh, originally from Almaty. Performing on corporate and holidays began from 14 years. In his assets, the bronze medal of the Delphic Games (on them, unlike the Olympics, the participants compete in creative talents) in the nomination " Past vocals". On Casting, he conquered judges not only with his vocals, but also incendiary dance.

In the team of Lazarev, he, as well as Artem Pindouyur, was in front of the final. Before that, he was engaged at Anna Sedokova. He is the most experienced participant in the team - both in the musical, and in life plan.

New composition

In November 2015, it became known that one of the participants left BEND. Vladislav Ramma lost the group "M-Band". The composition was changed on the initiative of the producer of Konstantin Meladze. According to him, the reason for the work of the artist was the reason.

As Konstantin Meladze noted, the decision to part with Vladislav was not only his personal. The rest of the group were the same opinion. At the same time, the producer noted that the musician will not be able to start a solo career at least until 2021. Until this time, a contract was concluded, according to which Ramm will be obliged to work in the producer center Meladze.

The new composition of the group "M-Band", without Vladislav Ramma, is preparing for new performances, tours and records of fresh albums.

Sultious scandal flared around the departure of Vladislav Ramma from mBand groups. The producer of the collective argues that the guy was fired in connection with the uniformity, Vlad assures himself, which resigned himself. The message about the care of one of the brightest participants of Boysbend appeared on his page in Instagram.

My life in the MBand group approached the end. I am extremely grateful to every second spent in this team ... Very soon I will return to you, but already as an independent performer, I wrote Vlad.

He thanked the entire Velvet Music team, and especially Konstantin Meladze. "You gave me a journey to this interesting world," the singer turned to his producer.

However, Konstantin Meladze words of gratitude to Vlad in response did not say, but on the contrary, on the air Loveradio stated that the guy was fired. And this decision was taken by the members of the MBand group.

Such people should not work in such a team, and be on stage at all. The decision to remove it was not my sole, but the guys sighed with relief ... It was the decision of the team to remove him from work in the group. And it is not a spelling. He simply spoke out on the Internet with his statement, than once again confirmed the correctness of our step, "Meladze said.

Vladislav Ramm approves everything up to the opposite: he quit himself, why Meladze speaks differently - I do not know.

I am responsible for my words. This is my initiative. She was proposed and made me, "Vlad.

Solo career? Only after 2021!

Vladislav said that he left the team, as he feels solo performer. The guy delighted all the fans, saying that he would return to the scene "very soon." However, Konstantin Meladze has already managed to upset Vlad's plans. As it turned out, he concluded a contract with producer until 2021.

As for the statement about the solo career of Vladislav, then it cannot be about it, because he has a contract. He can't do a solo career until 2021 and working else's show business, "Meladze said.

But Vlad is not sad. The guy stated that he would meet with Konstantin Meladze in court, where all legal issues will decide.

Participants "MBand": Vlad just broke!

The light on this confusing history was shed a team member - Artem Pindouyur, Nikita Kiosse and Anatoly Tsoi. They confirmed that the initiative to remove Vlad from the group proceeded from them.

We have taken such a decision that Vlad leaves the group. IN lately We have already been the three everywhere, Vlad, unfortunately, was often late. This solution with your guys and the bones matured very, for a long time. The reason - he just broke, could not stand on the onslaught, "said MBand.

By the way, Vladislav Ramm consists in romantic relations with another ward of Meladze, Misha Romanova from VIA-Gra. We hope that creative disagreements with Konstantin Meladze will not affect the relationship of lovers.