Vaenga Nationality Gypsy. Ivan Matvienko - Producer and former husband Vaenga

Vaenga Nationality Gypsy. Ivan Matvienko - Producer and former husband Vaenga
Vaenga Nationality Gypsy. Ivan Matvienko - Producer and former husband Vaenga

Elena Vaenga married. The singer has already appeared in the wedding dress, and also shared a photo of wedding rings and her husband.

The popular singer Elena Vaenga was married on September 30. The star of Chanson and her beloved decided to tie their fate in one of St. Petersburg's registry offices.

As I managed to find out to journalists, the chief of her group Roman Sadirbayev became the orders of Vengy. They preferred not to advertise their relationship, motivating the fact that happiness loves silence. However, emotions in front of the registry office covered Elena with head.

"I know. Very, very close people know what happens to me. Girl state. Life, of course, not sugar honey, but the moments it is just incredibly cool! - wrote on the eve of the singer's ceremony in his microblog. - I think that I am a good person if good good soulful people love me ... And care for the child or sister ... Tomorrow ... tomorrow I'll hug everyone and I will cry Happiness ... Eh ... Life is beautiful ... Lord. Thank you".

The holiday turned out to be double. September 30, Babushka Vaenga was 90 years old. "I will cry tomorrow. My grandmother's hope of Georgievna is 90 years old. Probably after the birth of my son - this is the most significant event in my life, "Elena admitted. - She lived. We lived. Already now I bow to the legs of the girls for Titanic help in preparation. Julia, Ksyu, Mashulya, thank you! So much love, care, attention and good. I felt my own and close man. Tomorrow we will congratulate our grandmother. Gifts are ready. Waiting for tomorrow. 90 ... I again root. Who tomorrow with me, waiting and hugging. "

They say, it is from his now husband of Roman's artist gave birth to a son in August 2012. According to the mysterious coincidence of the circumstances shortly before the emergence of the child, Vaenga broke up with Ivan Matvienko, with which he lived in an unregistered marriage for 16 years. Interestingly, she called Son Ivan. However, the question of who his father, Elena, did not give a response.

A year later, the secret of the singer was recognized with a small media. The Star of Chanson first published a photo of Sadirbayev in Instagram. Commented on the picture she briefly: "And dad with a sword." Why did Elena decide to change his principle and still laid out a shot with her beloved? Is it waiting for a second child? There are also photos that the singer recently published. Not even a picture itself, but the signature to it. Vaenga laid out the image of a little girl and signed it like this: "# Waiting".

Note that the singer has repeatedly published a photo of a man, calling him "dad". That's just the faces of this "Pope" was never visible. The fans all walked: whom she means - his father or father of the little Vanya?

- In the tenth grade, on the night before graduation evening, I had a dream. I go on the rails, with the right and left of them from them - huge swamps, and they have all my relatives, friends, acquaintances, their friends. Someone by the ankle, others in the belt, and some were bogged down at all. And I, walking along the straight path, periodically pulling the hand of one, then the other, and without thinking, who is better who worse. And I say to everyone: "Clearly go for me, I will bring you." So we continued the way with a string ... Many times, then I remembered this dream, analyzed and came to the conclusion that it was a certain omen.

- Elena, in journalistic circles there was an opinion about you as a person quite sharp, with whom to communicate, to put it mildly, is not easy ...

- I just spend a clear line between the brought up people and the uncompatible. Yes, it is very difficult to communicate with me ... Fools and Hamam. I will tell one case. Recently, a journalist comes to me at the concert. Her first question: "How do you manage to make the people cry?" And then after him the following: "And what underwear do you prefer to wear?" I ask: "Baby, tell me honest, how old are you and what educational institution you

graduated? " It turned out that she was 19 and not learning about her anywhere. I looked at her and clearly uttered: "Get out of here!" After that, rumors are spreading that I do not communicate with journalists well. Looking with what. With normal people, I speak adequately. Do you think I somehow had to react to the dumpingness of that girl without journalistic education, which is cheeky in the dressing room for a 38-year-old tired woman who had already fallen 12 solo concerts, and spends her precious time on her stupid questions?! Perhaps I am not right and, as a person brought up, I had to just apologize politely, referring to employment, fatigue or bad well-being, but ... Firstly, I am a theater person, that is, with an accepted psyche actress. And secondly, I have so much time that I do not have time to even think about how you are intelligible to respond to rudeness, and I do not want to philosophize about something with such people. And perfectly I am aware that in their eyes I am getting an enemy, Grubian and I create a good glory about myself. Sometimes I wonder: "By and large, why am I so stupid behave?" And I do not find a response.

Here Julia Menzhsova, by the way, the smartest woman and a very good journalist, I recently told me: "Flax, you understand that sometimes you should not chop out a gossip, I would have somehow paste." In something, I agree with this, but on the other hand ... George the Victorious Piece with a spear sat on a horse, and not with a can. So somewhere you need to flow, but somewhere and prick. From my point of view, evil is still to resist specifically. Although this is a difficult topic. I know for sure: all the answers are in Orthodoxy, there everyone has already invented - both about humility, and about understanding. But I sincerely say, for me it is halftone. And in me from the children's years there is no halftone at all. If I'm angry, it means that I feel angry and understand that this is my problem. Surely I am not direct, but ... I am not Seraphim Sarovsky, not the mother of Teresa all-friendly, and not even Margaret Thatcher with her gift diplomacy. I am not diplomatic at all. Although how to say. Suppose, in your family just show the wonders of diplomaticity - all the truce, everyone will calm down and configure it right, so that we do not have scandals. And in general, it is very difficult to quarrel with me. I'm with

All their girlfriends for 20 years are friends, and they say: "With chrulev, unrealistic." But this is my close circle - family, beloved people, friends. It is quite another thing - outsiders.

With journalists, I started war in connection with my pregnancy. I was then attacked by a yellow press, even behind the garbage sat, shamelessly. I swear some nightmare. I asked passing by: "Are you comfortable there? It smells like a tank normally? " Most of all killed me that there were women among them. It's terribly ... I was literally pursued, drove out, they chased the heels, the Roadoma windows were filmed on the cameras. This brought to the frenzy, to the state of the ozberism. I just turned into an angry cat. The female defending his cub. Well, understand the cat hides, clogs into the angle to reproduce the kitten on the light, but I was not allowed to calmly give birth to a child. And the degree of my hatred, guys, has increased before ... Absolute. Already the teeth were knocked from anger. It was a hell ... midwives made me from the hospital backyards. I removed the apartment, hid with a baby in the courtyards, did not go to the street at all. And these were outraged: "Why is it building it, what's there? Other stars ... "Why do you measure me for other people?! Some journalists were therapeutically advised: "Lenochka, well, you already give us to the paws." I snatched: "And you don't want ships tomorrow?" With pride state: during this time I won 75 vessels. Well, not herself, of course, with lawyers.

- And for what reasons you stubbornly say nothing about your son's father?

- You see, at one time I have passed such hell with Ivan, my husband, that I want to avoid this with another person. Initially, I decided to protect against universal attention. I build my personal life as it is convenient for me. Moreover, everything is quite difficult in it. Perhaps the time will come - and I will change my attitude to this topic, but I can not yet. I repeat: me, a pregnant aunt with a belly, too much waspoled. You know, there is an expression "rape morally" ...

- I build a personal life as it is convenient for me. While everything is quite difficult in it. At one time I was such a hell with Ivan, my husband, that I want to avoid this with another person. Photo: Elena Ragiasna / From the personal archive of Elena Vaengi

- Something new was discovered after the birth of a child?

- digging in your own. Not self-called, namely what I said. It would seem that everything is clear: Mom, dad, spermatozoa - all this is obvious and fine, but ... Seeing your child, I realized that this is a miracle of nature. Deity.

Really, for me it is God. And, in contact with this clean creature, I wanted to become better. Kindly, calmer. I became one hundred percent. For example, learned how to extinguish anger. Actually, that it is already clear, I am angry - I break up instantly, flashing like a match, and this is a serious sin. It is meaningless to count to ten, after a pause, I explode even more, the sort of champagne effect - inside everything is shaking, boils, and then - to peak ... and the fireworks even more. But now I'm learning to behave differently.

- Susook with him or is it not in your character?

- Oh, to what extent! Sometimes it histed so that he was afraid - the bruises will remain on the Taurus. And do not forget, I am a female boring. The first child at 35 is something! Although, I hope there will be more. Oh, oh, knock on the tree!

"Lena, walks a lot of rumors about your parting with her husband, with whom you have lived in a civil marriage for many years, which produced you. Relations with Ivan Matvienko are really finally broken?

- What are you! Uncle Vanya (I call him at home) lives in my stairwell, the floor below. He will forever remain my relative, I will always be next to him, I will never bother. This is my life. To live 17 years in love and harmony is not a joke. My husband is a very good person, nothing bad happened between us. He is hardworking, economic, kind. Akchachy. Words a bad nobody will say. Voice will not increase. Not walked, did not drink. That's just joined smoking. Finally challenges stopped. And how much he did for me. Taking into my musical abilities, began to produce, although it was quite distant from this case, he is by the profession of the jeweler, watchmaking master.

"Is he invented you a pseudonym?"

- No, here Mom's merit. It happened that in fairness I concluded a contract with the Moscow producers, according to which it turned out, was deprived of the right to sing under his last name. To get out of the cable, it was necessary to compose a pseudonym. And Mom suggested - Vaenga. So, with an emphasis on the first syllable, called the river, on the shore of which was a hospital where I was born. In my opinion, beautiful. And Vanya approved.

- Why did you ever dissuade?

- We did not have children. One reason. In my 35 years it became a serious problem. And I left. And since the person I am conscientious, I was very bad then. For a long time, he considered himself a traitor, suffered because of this. And still in front of the uncle Vanya I repent, I apologize. But this, forgive, too personal theme ... Imagine when I gave birth to a child, Ivan gave me a luxurious fur coat, to her God, in the amount of the cost of the car, not less. I asked: "For what?" "And he replied:" deserved. " And also said: "Who, besides me, will give?" Here is such a soul person. Well, probably, I understood what was wrong, why I left him.

- It turns out, did you meet with your future husband very young?

- Immediately after school, I entered the St. Petersburg Music School named after Roman Corsakov. And soon we got acquainted with Ivan. I am 18 years old, he - 37. It turned out funny. I literally flew to the road - I was very in a hurry home from the school so that my grandmother was not worried, and almost ended up under the wheels of his car. In the next evening, he drove to me, as if invited to a date, and we already got into a terrible accident - a frontal clash on the Neva Embankment, near the summer garden. The man drove to the oncoming and just the forehead in the forehead crashed into our car. I was not fastened, and I was bouncer in the glass. Horribly. I found myself in the hospital, Vanya visited, cared for ... I fell in love with itless. And he initially treated me not seriously - well, diet and diet. But gradually somehow penetrated. From this, in fact, our relationship began.

- He then was a wealthy man?

- Due to the fact that Vanya is a gypsy nationality, I remember someone launched a stupid gossip that Ivan Matvienko is a Gypsy Baron and is unpretentiously rich. Unfortunate nonsense. For a long time, we lived on a removable apartment almost injunction, fried with water with water. And slept on the floor. In short, as they say, they ate salt together, although sometimes it was not in the house ... But I want to fix it again: at all times, Vanya treated me perfectly. The main thing, gave the opportunity to learn. Think, say? Do not-eat. What will happen to say the average right husband to young wife? "And where is the borsch, my dear? Why not removed in the apartment? " So far, finally does not arrive: "Why did I get married?!" But we had other relationships with Vanya. He understood that I need to get an education. Having finished the Museum, I went to the Baltic Institute of Ecology, Politics and Law, where the theatrical department was opened, for which many thanks, and entered the acting faculty. I think that I was very lucky, since the clan of stunning masters was gathered there. When I had this idea, Uncle Vanya did not object to anyone, on the contrary, said: "You need." The most incomprehensible, he originally knew that I would become a singer, although I did not have any thoughts. I said: "I will go to the theater!" Mystery went on the theatrical stage, was convinced that my vocation in this. What kind of music is that you!

- Log in 17 years in love and harmony is not a joke. Ivan will forever remain my relative, I will never bother him. With a former civil husband and producer Ivan Matvienko. Photo: Tatyana Kiseleva / From the personal archive of Elena Vaengi

- Ivan's families did not have?

- No, thank God, I avoided such problems. Another thing is that he had an adult daughter, almost my peer, but he was divorced for a long time. And I did not cause.

- With parents on the topic of novel with an adult man had to be explained?

"They didn't talk to me because of this for three years." They were outraged by my choice, her husband refused to recognize, and, in my opinion, fate brought me with the most wonderful man in the world. But after all, I can say, escaped from the house, what offended them, and they experienced this story very painful. Now I understand everything. But then I did it, in my own way, as I thought it was necessary. In general, bad was a daughter. Although sometimes I speak mom with dad: "You see if I had then behaved as you wanted, all that we now have, there would be no."

- Recognize wrong?

- Silent. But do not scold. By the way, Mom, I did not talk to Vanya for years, then every day in the church prayed for him ... yes, life is a cool thing. Family especially.

- Do you have a big family?

- Oh, we have a wonderful family, in it all embossed - both in professions, and in nationalities. Such internationalism! Grandma with mother's side from Vladikavkaz. Grandfather - her husband, Vasily Semenovich Zhuravel, - from Western Ukraine, from the village near Vinnitsa, was a submariner, counter-admiral of the Northern Fleet. And the great-grandmother had only three classes, but 16 children gave birth and was a man of the kindest soul. Father's parents are indigenous Petersburgers. Survived blockade. Grandma worked as a doctor in the hospital, grandfather was Zenitchik. Then he served as the chief at a large St. Petersburg plant. My dad is Russian, but with Tatar blood. Engineer, with a diploma Polytech. Northern man, always Galanten: "Lord", "I bow", "Honor" ... If he drinks, which happens rarely, he likes to peak: "I don't drink intellect," and I see every time it is. Mom - Hochlushka, by profession, chemist-organizing, graduated from the University Himfak in Rostov-on-Don. They worked in the north - the Murmansk region, the Kola Peninsula, - atomic submarines were repaired at the shipbuilding plant near Severomorsk. In those edges, in the village of Viazhny, I was born. In this connection, herself gave such a definition: I am a typical northern woman with South Blood. That is, by blood, I have a southerner on temperament, and the upbringing is north, restrained.

- Parents were strict?

- Scary strict, both. Tandem: Mom said "right" - Dad said "to the right", even if I considered that it was better to "left". And on the contrary, the same. In order not to disperse, the child does not demonstrate disagreements and be in general authority. And this, I tell you, ingenious. Parents should not diverge in opinions when children. But the upbringing was - tin. Everything is clearly regulated, the day of the day is scheduled for a minute, as in the army: charging, jogging, lessons, cleaning of the apartment, music school, sports sections ... I remember somehow relatives came to us from Ukraine. We have a bunch of relatives - a whole clan of Khrulevny. And now gathered in our apartment. I am 14 years old. When everyone was rushed over a big table, I got up and said toast: "I believe that my parents are monsters." Right from the heart spoke. Everything was just ash. My mother could not forgive me for years: "Daughter, yes what did you do? Well, the native, how can I pick up this word - "Monsters"? " And so, because I really got me. Ltd! All angles in the house were recalculated by me, and on the pope I received a rope, then a belt - he always hung in a prominent place.

Well, to do what child, such and education. Here is my sister - she suffers from me for seven years old - I never touched a finger. As a result, Tanya LSU graduated, the diplomatic faculty, works by a journalist Rosbalt. By the way, for three years it hid it from me - just in case, in order for the ricochet, because of my infurinal journalists. Tatiana is smart. I remember, once asked to check her exam tickets on political geography. I really wanted to help, but I could not even understand the meaning of the question - I did not know a single word. You can die from laughter. Only the hands spread: "Chrul, sorry, please ..."

Oh, I'll tell you a wonderful joke now about my sister. Somehow - she studied in the tenth grade - she fell into her and see that she wrote something to the right left. I ask: "What are you doing?" Says: "I'm learning Hebrew." - "What for?!" - "Just in case". Here is such a logic ... We have a Jewish center - by the way, I am very respecting this school, where Jewish children are taught not only to general educational subjects, but also the music of national, traditions ... So, my sister considered that she also needed there. I came, passed the exams, and they took it, afterwards she was still a soloist of the Jewish Choir. I could not prove to teachers that she was not a Jew. Fully absorbed the mentality, we were talking in general that I would marry just for the Jew. True, still not married - it can be seen, waiting for his Moisha. I'm serious.

- And why did you go to the guilty?

- Yes, I have an eternal problem - I climb where it is not necessary. Khrohulka - I had a nickname - I had to be burned beyond the younger, when the elders were offended, the truth-uterus in the eyes to cut. Well, it is asked why to poke your nose in the Patriotic business, where the boys themselves can figure out? But no, I certainly wanted to be in the thick of the events. Here in the fighting teams participated, and the briefcases on the head in the scuffle received, the Lord, all sorts of enough! Well, such a child that you can do. Inequity did not endure at all. In any way. There were clashes and teachers on this soil.

In the fifth grade, I studied for several months in Rostov-on-Don - I was left there at my grandmother. And here is autumn, grilled seeds are sold everywhere, everyone is hushed, the smell from them is awesome. Well, I sit in school at the lesson, rrybe seeds. Of course, it is bad. But, it would seem, how should the teacher do? Make a comment, set out the class, in the end. Instead, she quietly approached me, grabbed her head and ... varn about the desk. And all this happened instantly. How is this possible?! For what?! Even if I brought it. But I did not bring, I did not scoff at how sometimes many children come. Nevertheless, she specifically hit me, and it was a nightmare ... Here Elena Chruleva woke up. After the lesson, I approached her and ... scared so that she turned from fear, even the lips trembled. Of course, I was blufined, but she was unknown. Terrible, yes? Threaten the teacher! But nothing. But since then she went around me. So I repeat: in acute situations I do not encourage - not with a watering can, but with a spear. I did not even take me to the pioneers - the teachers believed that with the behavior of my just a catastrophe.

- To senior classes, did you somehow silent?

- It was the 1990s. In my life, my time is simply ragged, I literally infused. Lord, when I remember now, how do you regret my mother! Father did not see everything, he disappeared at work - doing business, earned a family. But the poor mother ... Well, what should she do if, from the side of his daughter, completely disobedience and a desire to do everything on the contrary. I do not know what happened to me, and while I don't understand why God wanted to be so. But I needed to stick out on the street, it is necessary. Could not be in four walls, I needed communication. I am now sociable, but what happened in my youth! I literally devoured people, just like a meat grinder. Sometimes not the best, which in street companies enough. I didn't have serious problems with alcohol, but what is hard to drink vodka in the gateway, I learned very well, believe me. Sometimes he could not control himself. As a result, it was caught up before that I was excluded from school. I, Pyaterochka, who went to the medal, was in the children's room ... It was hell.

But honestly, the situation provoked one reason. Not from scratch, I rebelled. Alcohol exposes the truth, "In Vino Veritas" is really so ... one of our teacher, according to philosophy, was a terrible anti-Semitica and did not hide it. And I am a Russian girl Lena Khrulevu - it is cobbled. And I still believe that the anti-Semitic teacher should be expelled from any Russian school. In short, I decided that the Jews would protect. And, as she could, defended. For that she just grooved me in his lessons, and I had to suffer for the entire people of Israel. So, one day on the school disco, I, pretty drinking, expressed her everything that I think about her, and without any philosophy and far from a literary language. Also climbed to fight. Called police. We were spread, but from school they were excluded. Thank you, my teacher in literature is a very distinguished person - came up for me and took on the bail. It can be seen, I saw something in me. But I actually from childhood was the identity of creative, participated in all sorts of competitions, Baha, Mozart played on the piano. Honestly, in my music school, I had watch concert programs.

- I did not have serious problems with alcohol. But what is hard to drink vodka in the doorway, I learned very well. Photo: Elena Ragiasna / From the personal archive of Elena Vaengi

- Lena, and besides the struggle for justice and creative success, something else happened in your life - for example, did they fall in love?

"There was a terribly in love, from five years to the boys wade." Until now, I remember about everyone with gratitude, especially when I turn the girl's diary. At the age of 15, it fell in love with it madly. God, I loved this 16-year-old Maxim Gerashko no less than Juliet Romeo!

- Mutual at least there was love?

- Of course not. Alas, my loves were unrequited. The boys saw a girlfriend in me and did not understand what I want from them. I could not approach and say: "I love you." But over the years it came to the conclusion that, in fact, as they say, the repertoire must be taken in his hands, therefore, becoming older, already calmly took the first step. Of course, when I saw that I was not indifferent to a person. And I must say, I always surrounded the stunning men worthy of life. I mean those I chose both in my husband and friends. It is impossible to say a single bad word. And all unnecessary fell off like a mud.

- And what men did the impression on you - handsome?

- never paid attention to appearance. On the fig, forgive me please, me beauty? Labor, mercy and kindness - really needed for life. And beauty ... don't give a damn on it. In my understanding in a man in the first place should be his ability to work. I have a straight wolf nyuh about this score - immediately distinguishing from a nice, seeds from the husk. Do not accept men lying on the couch, from the category "I am looking for". Search, native, only leads to search without me. Why should I? I measure everyone on business. My man is my second half, and, it means that he should also have time to do on twenty cases per hour. And I will not shift all the things on men. Woman should help fully. True, it is unrealistic of our men now. After all, they must work cooler, because the heads of families. And the time is now not Soviet, when I came to the plant and got a salary - there is no, now they will work out, then you sing. Well, as one guy and the mortgage to raise, and buy a car, and for the education of children to pay, and go for shopping, and something else in the house repair, repair to do? In short, men must be supported. But only not to indulge their laziness, relaxation and not allow you to hang my noodles on your ears.

For example, my ears are completely not sharpened under the noodle, I have it right away with them immediately. Unlike many women who live on the principle of "I myself am deceived happy." Of course, all of us, as they say, love ears, but still as a result it is most important for me, but things. Do you know how to prick? Bonfire toggle? Baran roar? And to our children explain how to grow bread? Not? Free. Yes, I am such a person. I need my man to teach the Son to work, explained how to feed my family tomorrow.

Here I have a friend - a wonderful person. But he does not fit anything in his life, it does not fold. It does not work, and that's it. And sitting Sydney at home. And then it will also sit if something in itself does not change radically. I say: "Do you remember how my mother grows? She did a young lady of you in terms of work. " And he is scary to admit to himself. But it is necessary. I think, to every person, and the men especially, for years to thirty, it is very important to see their drawbacks - by inheritance they got or more acquired, to understand them and ... do not get frightened, do not sway: "Well, I'm not guilty!" - A mercilessly eliminate, cut, like a cancer tumor. Everyone, as Zadornov says, the grasshopper of his happiness. I am convinced: most often our problems come from ourselves, from character traits. And if you change yourself, life will change, and the world around is one hundred percent fact.

- I was always surrounded by stunning men worthy of. I mean those I chose both husbands and friends. And all unnecessary fell off like a mud. Photo: Elena Ragiasna / From the personal archive of Elena Vaengi

- Strange, you say that life has connected you only with beautiful men, and many of your songs are sad, they are told in the history of women not happy. Or are they not connected with your life? Well, take at least one of the most famous compositions - Curly.

- In my songs there are no assumptions and demagogue, there are facts - most often from my life or from the life of my girlfriends. Nothing invented. I more than once forgot betrayal, sprinkle, deceptions, but not always. When a person fully expressed his bad essence, I destroyed the relationship - chirk - and just crossed it out of my life. Yes, it hurts, but gradually the pain passed, and it was much better to pull it out than to live with this Mouth. And I'm sure: God must ask for him to open your eyes. I have one short poem

On this topic: "Let's drink juice and calm down, and it's better just to come out, so much tears and anxiety and inappropriate behind. And I'm glad I am satisfied, and in general I was well done - I finally found out that I loved a scoundrel ... "I thank the fate for the negative experience that I had. Be sure to see bad, know what the scoundrels are to learn how to separate the grains from the whores. And the song "Curly" inspired one story, which I don't want to remember. God judge to that man. There are people who do not understand what they are doing in relation to others. I did not fit in my head as a person, my close friend, whom I know for many years, could tell me such rudeness. And he just sent himself asked: "Wound!" Yes, rudely kicked out. What very much offended. I went out on the street, frost, completely alone. With the only cigarette in the hand, which was lit. There was nothing more, and the phone was discharged. And it was thought: "Yes, it doesn't matter what you said, because it doesn't matter what, and how ..." Then these words became the main phrase of the song. True, now I began to sing on the second buyout otherwise: "... After all, it doesn't matter what, and to whom ..." Because: I think a hundred times before throwing words that will insult a loved one. And in general it is necessary to think.

- Have you been jealous?

- There was such an experience. Somehow got "News": I found a husband in a car for women's shoes - not mine. Overwheel: Oh-oh, that's what it is! And firmly thought. And thinking, you know who accused? Himself. Because, fighting in yourself, wondered if I could remember when I showed interest to him, cared, looked in his direction? I did not remember. But pleased the whole list of your mistakes, for which could get and not such a little like shoes in the trunk. And so it was afraid that he immediately changed everything in his behavior towards her husband. I had enough tact, and brains, and strategies, so that everything is good, what was between us, carefully returned to your place. I live on such a principle: if something shy is happening to me, trying to find a reason in myself.

I do not want to impose stereotypes, I speak only about my life, but ... Why do we like to blame others? Because psychologically trying to answer responsibility. "It's guilty that my husband hurt! Bad, ugly aunt! " Yeah. And when was the last time your home pants with an elongated knee changed to the peignoir? When dinner covered him and sat down, admiring them and sentenced: "Lord, what kind of you are good!" And she is, there is a delibe, that is, most often for twenty years younger than you, that's how it does. From her he only hears: "You're so cool! And smart, and talented. The best ... "Well, think, socks scatter - great importance. "Yes, you throw them wherever you want!" So takes it.

But, in truth, I do not accept such a thing as "Rapid". My friends immediately stop when they start developing this topic. What kind of rainbits, I beg you. I don't, sorry, my relatives, we get around themselves what we deserve. And if the husband of the heading, the children of Hamyat and the nearby circle are bad - it means that they deserve. They reflect you. There are exceptions, but most often it is. Only we are to blame. And you do not need to lie in an excuse, it is better to ask myself a question: Isn't I dig in the fluff? Although, of course, this is also not a panacea. It happens, the woman is all the soul in the man puts, the children drags, herself works on three works, soaked worn so that the apartment is to take, and borsch wheels ... What are the manicures with hairstyles?! And as a result - Hop, and left, naughto for goodbye: "You look like a Caracatin ..." Well, a scoundrel! Of course, everything is difficult, but still a causal relationship everywhere can be found.

­ - I did not fit in my head, as my close friend could tell me: "I went out!" I went out on the street, frost, completely alone, with the only cigarette in my hand. Photo: Elena Ragiasna / From the personal archive of Elena Vaengi

- In the role of deliberate?

- I will not lie, I had such a situation. With the first man. The only justification: Initially, I did not know that he has Gerlfrend. Fortunately, they did not have children, there was a senior god. But still found itself in an unnecessary place in unnecessary time.

- Well, Gerlfrend is not a wife ...

- What's the difference! How many times I heard from my girlfriends: "I did not land, he just lived with her, she's not a legitimate wife." Quiet, quietly ... people live together, and where do you climb? Do not think about how it will happen, will it respond? Do not think. And after a while, suffering begins because of his side care. "Oh, how to do what to do?! It must be stopped! " Soon! Asks: "What are you surprised? You fell in love, I got married, but didn't you see something in your chosen one? At least that he came to you from his wife? Now, herself, beautiful, get. And how did you want? Boomerang is flying ... "

I have in the play "Free Couple" - my outlet, I'm talking there for two and a half hours, "there is an excellent phrase in the final. The Italian wife says: "Well, a fool, not a fool - I chose myself ..." This is me all: going married, we don't see who we take? We see, but we go on a compromise. Say, well, yes, Gulech, drinking, and but cheerful, the company ... Well, then in ten years, pouring vodka into the sink and looking for it at night, do not be surprised, do not go: "Mavel! Damn Alkash! " - You knew everything. And, it means that it was satisfied.

- Why didn't you want a wedding, register relationships?

- Unusual, yes? Well, I have such a life ... I did the offer eight times, but I never agreed. Everyone thought: "Why are these ceremonies? We must first equip the life, buy an apartment ... "I am a man pragmatic. In general, it believed that time did not come for this. But ... remember my word, that's when all my problems finally decide, I myself will offer my man to get married. And such a wedding I download!

- Are you satisfied with your life today?

- Now I am so happy! Ugh-pah-pah, I'm afraid to smooth out. My grandmother is alive, parents, there is a healthy child, the personal life is beautiful. I live in your own, bought apartment-earned apartment, I go to such a car on which I want to ride. Well, the truth is, everything is fine. And your favorite work is, in demand, a huge number of fans that I need, who listen to me. Two new album are ready, the third is written. In general, the work of the sea, Pasha as an ox, and, in fact, I need only one thing: push the day to add time.

- Lena, I wonder, how would you characterize yourself?

- You know, once I said so: the sweater, turned inside out. True, in my presentation it is. It seems unrealistic so walk, and I go. As already spoke, I'm incredibly explosive, angry, but at the same time very good. Absolutely believe in the law of boomeranga - it certainly returns everything, and bad, and good, and more than a thousand times more. Not everything is solved here, and there. And with God you will not be frowning, they say, I will do something good - and I will be rewarded for it. You just need to try to do it at the maximum. I am doing my best. Especially in relation to those who come to me with good.

Real name: Elena Khrulev

A family: Father - Vladimir Borisovich, Engineer; Mother - Irina Vasilyevna, Chemist; sister - Tatiana, journalist; Son - Ivan (2 years)

Education:he graduated from the St. Petersburg Music School. Roman Corsakov in the class of piano, theatrical faculty of the Baltic Institute of Ecology, Politics and Law (Specialty - "Dramatic Art")

Career: Repeated owner of the Golden Gramophone and Chanson Year of Music Prizes. Actress theater (play "Free Couple")

Who is Elena Vaengy's husband? - Personal Life Star Star

See all photos Name: Elena Vaenga Real Name: Elena Chruleva Patronymic: Vladimirovna Birthday: January 27, 1977.Place of Birth: . Severomorsk, Murmansk region. Zodiac sign: Aquarius East Horoscope: Snake Activity: Singer Facebook Instagram Wikipedia

Growth, weight, age. How old are Elena Vaenge

Height: 177 cm Weight: 63 kg

Elena Vaenga: biography

Elena Vaenga is a famous pop singer and actress. Elena is not only distinguished by a strong and heartfelt voice, but also by the unusual texts of the songs that Elena writes herself. According to rumors, Vaenga has written more than 800 songs. Despite such high productivity and recognized acting abilities, it does not particularly favor music clips: in the creative biography of the singer only five video clips.

Elena Khrulev, better known as Elena Vaenga, was born on January 27, 1977 in the port town of Severomorsk. Her parents worked at a ship repair plant, his father was an engineer, and the mother is a chemist. The girl grew along with the younger sister by Tatiana and the pivot sister in the first marriage of his father. All his childhood, the future singer spent in a small village of Welling at the place of work of the parents. Hruvevy family raised the future singer in rigor, putting her discipline. Days of the girls were literally painted by the clock: Charging, School

Elena Vaenga in childhood photo

Helen's talent began to manifest himself in early childhood. She studied to dance from three years. At the same young age, the girl with ease repelled the melody played on the piano, and their parents realized that they had a future star. In nine years, the child wrote his first song.

Parents sent a daughter for training in music school. Parallel Vaenga was engaged in a sports school, which helped her maintain a good physical form. After graduating from school, Elena moved to St. Petersburg to his grandmother to enter the university there. However, it turned out that she lacks one class for full secondary education, the girl was forced to go to school again to complete the eleventh grade.

Elena Vaenga in childhood photo

In 1994, Elena Vaenga entered the music school. N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, where he continued learning the game on the piano. Elena was hardly tuned, the level of her musical education did not reach St. Petersburg, she studied mainly on the Quartet. The future singer was diligently engaged in music, on the second year it was even translated from a paid branch to the budget.

After graduating from the school, Elena decided to realize his children's dream and go to study acting. Her choice fell the theatrical Academy (Ligitmik), where she entered the course of the city of Trostyanets. There, Vaenga studied only two months, having received an invitation from Moscow to record her musical disk.

Returning to St. Petersburg, Elena entered the Baltic Institute of Ecology, politics and rights to theatrical faculty. The girl was sure that the actress of the theater should become an actress. However, after graduating from the university with a red diploma, Vaenga returned to music again.

Music Elena Vaengi.

As a student of the theater Institute, Elena Vaenga went to Moscow at the invitation of the Music producer Stepan Razin on the record of his first album. But the plate was not published, and her work of Razin was sold to other executors of the Russian pop. However, Vaenga was not configured to sue the famous producer.

The girl was disappointed with the show business and again decided to become an actress, but her civil husband and producer Ivan Matvienko persuaded the artist again to return to the musical scene. Thanks to him in 2003, the world saw the first album Elena "Portrait". At the same time, Chruleva, on the advice of the mother, takes himself a creative pseudonym "Vamenta" on the name of the river near her hometown, is also the word in translated from Samsky means "deer". The disk is no longer under the real name of the singer. The plate was popularly popular only in St. Petersburg, but promising young singer was noticed and began to invite songs and contests of the song.

Watch Elena Vaenga on stage

Real fame and love of the listeners of Vaenga received, released in 2005 the Album "White Bird", which included such songs like "Taiga", "Wish," "Airport", "Chopin" and others. Many songs instantly became hits in Russia. Journalists massively wrote about the growth of the popularity of the singer and the phenomenon "Elena Vaengy", which was able to achieve serious success without the help of famous Russian producers, composers and influential relatives. Her songs were favorably distinguished from the fact that modern pop performers offered to the listener.

Soon the title of "Queen of Chanson" firmly entrusted to her. For the song "I smoke" in 2009, the singer received his first award "Golden Gramophone". After a year, her composition "Airport" received the "20 best songs" award, and the "Absinthe" track is the "Song of the Year".

Since 2011, Elena gave tour of the countries of the former CIS, Germany and Israel.

In 2012, the singer had to take a break in a concert tour, since Vaenga damaged voice ligaments and could not have to sing physically. The last time she spoke at home and temporarily went to maternity leave, after going to the stage only at the end of the year. Since 2012, Elena Vaenga sincerely received the title of singer of the year according to the Prize "Chanson Year" for five years.

In addition, in 2012, the song "Where Was" received prestigious songs "Song of the Year" and "Golden Gramophone", in 2013 "Golden Gramophone" received a new song of Vaenga "Bride", and in 2014 - recorded in a duet with intars of Bouusulis "Neva " The creative union with Busulis was not limited to one song. Together with the singer Elena Vaenga performed another composition called "Gravity".

In 2013, the singer spoke at the Slavic Bazaar festival. The event was remembered to fans of Elena by another interesting duet of the singer. Vaenga sang together with Alexander Malinin Song "Two Souls".

In 2014, Vaenga as a member of the jury took part in the showing show "Overcome" on the "First Channel".

At the end of 2015, Elena Vaenga gave a large solo concert in the Kremlin and performed both the best songs from the famous audience's public and completely new compositions. The speech in the State Kremlin Palace was timed to the exit of the new program and the new album of the singer.

In 2016, the Lady Di composition was nominated for the Russian National Music Prize in the "City Romance" category. Also this year, Elena has already traditionally participated in the Gala-concert of the National Prize "Chanson of the Year", where, together with Mikhail, a bagel sang a song "What we have done". The concert was broadcast on the "First Channel" ether.

December 2016 Elena Vaenga Speech at the annual New Year's concert "Neolgoboy Spark", where sang a duet with love Uspenskaya known to many since childhood "song Turtle Tortilet", and also performed with the Latvian pop singer Lime Vaikule. Elena shared together with the latter in his instagram and received many compliments to the festive type of artist.

In 2017, the singer went to the touring tour of the cities of Russia and the nearest abroad, but was forced to cancel or postpone some concerts due to the fact that he was hospitalized due to the flashes of the flu.

Personal life singers

With his civil husband, Ivan Matvienko Elena met in 1995 in St. Petersburg. Ivan by origin was Roma, which caused disapproval from the parents of the girl. However, the eighteen-year-old Vaenga chose the beloved opinion of his family. She almost immediately moved to Ivan, quarreling with relatives.

Elena Vaenga and Ivan Matvienko photo

Matvienko supported a talented spouse as he could: He was forced to leave the city to work to provide Elena the opportunity to record albums and buy scenic costumes. He became its first and subsequent album producer. Despite the almost perfect relationship, the couple broke up in 2011. According to Elena itself, the cause of the cessation of relations was the lack of children in this union. Nevertheless, she remained in excellent relations with Matvienko, they even live in neighboring apartments and continue to communicate to this day.

Elena Vaenga and Roman Sadirbayev photo watch

In 2012, Vaenga gave birth to a son, which called Ivan. Later she admitted that his father was a participant in her team Roman Sadirbayev. Maternity presented real happiness to Elena, although it seems with her son not so often due to the tight schedule of tour. Ivan's grandmother and grandfather, whom Vaenga sends every winter to live in Cyprus to his girlfriend. The singer tries to visit the Son as often as possible, and sometimes takes it with him on tour.

Elena Vaenga lost weight and changed the image to watch

In addition, this year, the singer has lost weight, causing the approval of fans. All changes of their appearance, Elena immediately shared with the subscribers in Instagram.

Elena Vladimirovna Vaenga (R.1977) - Russian singer Estrada and actress, composer and songwriter.

Parents and family

The real name of Elena - Chruleva, it appeared on January 27, 1977 at the military medical hospital of the small port town of Severomorsk, the Murmansk region. When Lena decided to tie his life with music and creativity, her mother picked up the pseudonym Vaenga for her. This was the name of the city of Severomorsk until 1951 and the river, which proceeds nearby.

Mom Lena in education and profession was a chemist, dad - engineer. In the northern village of the Welcome, which is now called Snezhnogorsk, they worked at the ship repairing plant "Nerpe", the company was classified and served underwater atomic boats. The native north and Pope Elena then dedicated the song: "You have the eyes of the northern colors."

Her mother has a maiden name Zhuravel. Grandfather Vasily Semenovich served as a counter-admiral on the Northern Fleet, mention of him is in the book "Famous People of St. Petersburg" and in some military encyclopedias. Grandmother Nadezhda Georgievna baptized Elena, with her singer all life a wonderful relationship. The grandmother came to all the St. Petersburg concerts of Vaenga, the hope of Georgievna even had its place in the 17th row of the October Concert Hall.

Grandmother and grandfather along the dad line were indigenous Petersburgers who survived the blockade. During the war, the grandfather served under Oranienbaum as a Zenitchik, and her grandmother remained in the blockade town of the doctor in the hospital.

Pope Elena is very strict man, he was one of the last time with the decision of his daughter to associate his life with the scene.

Lena has an even younger sister of Tanya and Soviet sister Inna (Pope's daughter from the first marriage).


On the coast of the Kola Peninsula in a small village of Welcome, with five thousand inhabitants, and the childhood of the future singer passed.

The girl was brought up in rigor. Daily at 6 am, dad went to the room, raised Lena, and they went together for a jog or ski training session. The exceptions became only those days when the Buraran was expected in the village, and a storm warning was announced.

Each day of her day was literally painted in minutes: Morning training with father, school, classes in circles, performing lessons.

Music talent began to manifest themselves at Lena, when she was still a very little girl. In three years she was taken to dance under the sounds of the vacuum cleaner and in the preschool age she had a dream - to become an actress.

Once the father played some melody on the piano, and Lena repeated her exactly, then the parents understood that it would be nice to give daughter to a music school.

Starting training in a secondary school, Elena was engaged in parallel in the ski and musical. And already at 9 years old I composed my first song "Polabi". With this composition, she won the All-Union competition of young composers, which was held on the Kola Peninsula.

Student years

After school in 1994, Lena went to St. Petersburg, where her grandmother lived. There she became a student of the Music School named after Rimsky-Korsakov, the girl decided to continue learning in the class of piano. Elena was very hard, its level of musical education clearly did not reach the St. Petersburg. Therefore, it was not necessary for "excellent" with her, I had to do much more and diligently.

Her efforts were not gone by a gift that the student was translated from a paid form of education on budget. Lena graduated from a music school with a teacher-accompanist diploma and herself determined the level of their skill: "I am a middle pianist, I am far from Richter, but I can be a good teacher".

But Elena's pianist did not see himself in the future. She wanted to be realized in the creative plan as a composer, and if he was lucky, then the famous pop singer. Therefore, the girl decided to learn further and became a student of the Leningrad Theater Academy on the course of the city of Trostyanetsky.

There were no two months of study, as Elena had to go to Moscow, a proposal was made to record the first album written by her songs. The producer became Stepan Razin, and the first video for the song "Long Corridors" was released under Nina's pseudonym.

The album was recorded, but not to release. Producer just sold all her creativity to other pop artists. Disappointment has sought a young talented girl to tears, she left back to St. Petersburg. Elena was offended by the entire show-business, the only consolation was the fact that she heard his compositions performed by the famous Russian pop singers: Tatyana Tishinskaya and Alexander Marshal, the groups "arrows" and "Ladybug".

Returning to St. Petersburg, Lena became a student of the Baltic Institute of Ecology, Politics and Law. The department of theatrical art was chosen, she fell on the course to Peter Veljaminov, who he considers his best teacher in life.

But Elena's music was not going to say goodbye. Along with the studies at the institute, she took part in concerts and contests:

  • "Year of the Year" (in St. Petersburg);
  • "Decent song";
  • "Spring Romance";
  • "Nevsky Breeze";
  • "Filter song over the free Neva."

The Baltic Institute Lena graduated with a red diploma, played at the final exam and still continues to go to the scene in the entrepreneurial production "Free Couple".

But the music still dragged her more than the theater. Huge support for Elena provided her civilian spouse and producer Ivan Matvienko. Much later, she will say that her parents and Ivan Ivanovich did her. He persuaded her professionally back to music, and thanks to Ivan Matvienko in 2003 he saw the first album of Vaenga "Portrait".

But the real love of listeners and popularity came to her after the "White Bird" disk, which was released in 2005. The compositions instantly became hits, they were twisted on the radio, and journalists in one voice stated that a new phenomenon was appeared on the Russian stage under the name of Vaenga Elena.

What is the phenomenon? She did not have influential parents, acquaintances of composers and producers who would pushed Lena on the Russian stage. And the songs differed noticeably from what constantly sounded from the TVs and on the radio.

In the fall of 2009, the "Golden Gramophone" was awarded the first in her life for the musical composition. A year later she repeated this success with the song "Airport" and in the same year the first time became the participant of the final festival "Song of the Year" with the composition "Absinthe".

In November 2010, the first solo concert of the singer at the State Kremlin Palace took place. He passed under the symbolic name "White Bird".

In the next year 2011, Lena participated in the Chanson Year in the Kremlin ceremony, and also won a deafening victory in the program "Music Ring" over Leonid Agutin.

In her life began the stormy period of concerts, posters and tour. Elena traveled throughout Russia, Israel, America and Germany.

The repertoire of the singer is very diverse, includes:

  • compositions of their own essay;
  • folk songs and ballads;
  • modern and old romances;
  • songs on the verses of Yesenin and Gumileva.

Sincere and honest, it never sings under the phonogram, with the audience shares josts and problems, considers them their best psychotherapists.

Elena Vaenga decided for himself as: if a person goes on stage to show himself and his outfits, this is not an artist. It is necessary to spend every concert as the first and last time, to invest in it with the whole soul, to go to the audience as to confession. Perhaps this is the success of a talented singer, which listeners are infinitely like.

Personal life

First love happened to Elena at the age of 17. She just came to St. Petersburg to her grandmother and was preparing to enter the music school. The feelings were so strong that, despite the removals of the parents, she gathered a suitcase and went to his beloved man.

Her chosen was Ivan Ivanovich Matvienko, Roma by nationality. In addition to the fact that he was older than Lena for 20 years, the man was still married and had a daughter for two years older Elena.

But all this did not make any obstacles for lovers, they really experienced a happy period. Even when there was a ball in a removable apartment, and it was necessary to walk to the institute because of the complete lack of money.

Parents are offended by Lena and almost three years have not spoken to her. This silence of loved ones and favorite people coincided with the most difficult and almost launched period in her life. But the songs were written in such a period like mushrooms grow after the rain. Elena even brought such a pattern: the worse she had a life situation, the better the music and poems are obtained.

To give the opportunity to make music with your favorite woman, record albums and acquire stage outfits, Ivan started the car business, which was a distance of cars from Germany. He became her first producer, his work and persistence brought Lena to the tops of the domestic show business, and she infinitely grateful to him.

Despite the practically ideal relationship, in 2011 the couple broke up. It happened quietly and peacefully, without scandals, screams and reproes, former civilian spouses continue to be good and friendly to communicate, live in neighboring apartments.

In 2012, Lena gave birth to Son Ivan. On the topic, who is the father of the boy, she does not like to communicate with journalists and often turns litigation with those who are trying to advise or assume the paternity of little Vanyushi.

To a greater extent, the boy is at his grandparents, as Mama-singer is constantly on tour, but, of course, as soon as Elena is issued free time, she tries to hold him with her son.

In 2016, the Star of Chanson, the singer Elena Vaenga (in the world of Chruleva), for the first time officially married. Her chosen was the father of her four-year-old son, Roman Sadirbayev.

However, before that, she lived in a civil marriage for many years with another man - Ivan Matvienko. This man believed in the talent of Elena, gave her the opportunity to learn and produced it. They dispersed because of the inability to give birth to children whom Vaenga really wanted. She still remembers the warmth of man, in many respects thanks to which she became the one who became.

Meet the "Uncle Vanya"

With Ivan Matvienko Vaenga met when she was 18 years old. Elena at the time studied at the St. Petersburg Music School. Roman Korsky.

She rushed home, moved the road and got under the wheels of his car. He took her home, and the next day I drove, invited a date. And they again fell into an accident! There was a frontal collision, in which Elena flew into the windshield.

Ivan visited, cared, but he seriously did not perceive. The difference in the age of 19 (Ivana at that time was 37) stopped the man.

Elena fell in love with her ears. Over time, Ivan also penetrated the girl. By profession, Ivan was a jeweler, but always believed in the talent of the singer. Since Ivan by nationality Gypsy, there were rumors that he was a rich man, almost the Gypsy Baron, but Vaenga denies this information.

Family life

They walked for a long time for removable apartments, it happened that they had a root flour, diluted with water, slept on the floor. But Elena reschently demolished all the difficulties, since Ivan belonged to her with great love and respect.

After graduating from the Museum, Elena was going to enter the Baltic Institute of Ecology, Politics and Law. Just at that time, the theatrical department was opened. Elena Razila Theater, dreamed of the sceneAnd Ivan supported her. "You need," he said, although they lived in love at that time very hard.

Elena's parents took the choice of her daughter in the bayonets. They simply did not talk to her daughter for three years. After all, she escaped from the house, than heavily offended relatives. However, years have passed, and life put everything in its place. Mom, who did not talk with Ivan, then every day put candles in the temple for his health.

Interesting notes:

Elena and Ivan lived for many 17 years (at the time of dating she was 18 years old). The couple had no children, and when Vaenge turned 35, she left Ivan. Worried very hard, felt like a traitor.

"Deserved," he said, "and then, who, besides me, will give you it." Ivan Matvienko still remains the producer of the singer and its best friend.

Mysterious Roman

In 2012, the press became aware that Elena Vaenga is pregnant. The singer recalls this time with horror: "Journalists were pursued everywhere, even around the garbage." She passed by and asked: "Conveniently / Are you there? It smells good from the tank? "

Elena stubbornly hid information about who the child's father and whether they live together. Rumored that she was pregnant from "Uncle Vanya", and he threw her, and Elena is going to raise a child alone. It was also said that the father of the child is a wealthy, married and influential person, and Vaenga will never open the mystery.

The maternity hospital was attacked by paparazzi. Elena, together with nurses and a newborn son in his arms came out through a black move. She left for a pre-removed in advance, not a famous apartment that would be the first days of their long-awaited maternity alone with a child.

The father of his Chad Elena carefully hid. The singer is known for its increasing communication with journalists, but not with everyone, but only with the "Hamami and Non-profesionals". At that time, Hamam and Non-profescionals were taken particularly cool.

And those journalists who managed to establish a dialogue with the singer, she answered: "Believe me, when I decide to get married, I myself will make my own man's offer, and I download such a wedding that everyone is accurately recognized."

Who is the Father?

Nor tried the sharks of the pen and cameras to declassify a new man singer, nothing worked. She did not appear anywhere with any men, and this was simply explained. As Gilbert Kijt Chesterton wrote, if you want to hide the leaf, hiding it in the forest. The chief of the singer was the musician of her own groups, drummer and percussionist Roman Sadirbayev.

All points over "I" put the wedding that Roman and Elena played in 2016. At the celebration, the closest, among whom - a good friend of singer Alexander Rosenbaum. Young, according to their usual, left the registry office through a black move. In the wedding trip, young went to Australia.

Spouse Elena was born in 1983 in Krasnodar. He graduated from the Krasnodar Music School, and after left to St. Petersburg, where he worked in Orchestra Surganova. Since 2008, he worked with Elena Vaengoy. How and when they started a novel, the couple silent.

Almost immediately after the birth of Elena Vaenga, which means that the novel returned to work. He looked after her son and grandfather, Elena's parents. Today, when the boy has grown, Mom makes all his free time to give his son, and even often takes him with him on tour

Photo of stars chanson