WORLDREFEREE Football Statistics Statistics Service - Statistics issued yellow and red cards, appointed penalty referee. Statistics of yellow and red cards in football style of a game of concrete teams

WORLDREFEREE Football Statistics Statistics Service - Statistics issued yellow and red cards, appointed penalty referee. Statistics of yellow and red cards in football style of a game of concrete teams

Today, rates on yellow and red cards in bookmakers are not uncommon. If you can put it, it means that we are looking for a strategy how to put correctly. A big advantage for players is the fact that the bookmakers can not always objectively set the coefficients to such events than and to use. Agree if the rate goes to the statistical data of the game, then the coefficients can be set according to statistics. Yes, and who will spend time to figure out these yellow cards, especially since three kopecks put on such events.
As experienced wolves in sarcasm rates, we already know what rates according to statistics are slow death for the bank. Bookmakers margin will take one at the distance, i.e. The entire bank, well, as it usually happens.
In general, I thought for what strategy should be put on yellow cards in football. Let's look at how much it works.

To begin with, you will understand which events give us a bookmaker for betting on yellow cards. Here everything is standard, with respect to yellow boob cards give standard outcomes: odds, outcome and total. The outcome and shapes on the yellow cards are such a thing for rates, more precisely, I have no bet strategies for these events. But Thotal, as for me, the most it is.

Now we think about the strategy itself. What can affect the amount of yellow and red cards in the match?

  • weather;
  • match principle;
  • availability in teams of players who do not know how to cope with their emotions;
  • unequal forces of playing teams.
About each.
Suppose in the match there is snow or rain. Clearly, that in such conditions, any subframe can lead to a rough violation, and this is a yellow card, and a grandmother from the box office.

Match principle. Here, too, everything is clear, the top clubs play and nobody wants glasses. Derby, here too, we are always happy to break each other's legs. Just historically fundamental rivals. The guys beat each other's muzzles, we set the TB of yellow cards, the arbiter of the match distributes the yellow and red mustard pieces of rags of the beech of the White Day. To confirm the words, we throw the screen of the last Derby between Barça and Real:

Players who are easy to derive. Often about these players, the opponent's team knows better than us. Small fouls and dirty words addressed to such a player and he begins to burn. A dirty game begins on his side, fall, simulations, and here, half of one Okanda are ready to break the other half. Yellow cards are inevitable. An example can serve as the Ukrainian Derby of Shakhtar with Dynamo, when Srna loves to play dirty against the same Harmash or Hacheridi. These guys are often burning and brought to the case. Of course, the arbitrator distributes yellow cards with packs, we are happy, the beech is crying (in the brackets "no").
By the way, here is the screen of the last game between Shakhtar with Dynamo:

When the favorite is played against an outsider, then the second usually do not have time for the attacks of the favorite, and begin to foli. Folius it is not a ball from the grid, we are just for. The number of violations with yellow cards has directly proportional dependence. And, as always, Pruf in the studio. Milk Milan Crotone. Croton scored, Milan compared here and here ... TB yellow comes with a bang:

Gate. From this triple left only bet on the LCD. In football, players constantly violate the rules, but not always it pulls on the "mustard". Today we'll figure it out how to bet on such markets in order to be successful.

Winning rates on yellow cards are impossible without a competent approach. It is necessary to possess elementary knowledge about football, for example, it is obvious that defenders violate the rules and receive "mustard pieces" much more often attackers. Before moving to the analysis, you should deal with the types of rates on the LCD that offer offices.

What are the rates on yellow cards?

Card bets - one of the most sought-after markets for statistics. Players preferring this type of betting will always be where to choose the required outcome and the analysis is definitely not in vain.

Bets on the outcome

In any league there are "Terminators", which are obtained by the LCD almost in every second game. If they are on the field - this is in favor of TB. If there are no - in favor of TM.


Outsiders far from always earn more LC, rather than Grande. If the favorite in the course of the meeting begins to play, fouls becomes more than usual. Players are trying in every possible way to change the opposition, and this sometimes leads to frequent disorders. An example is the Match of PSG - Barcelona in the LCH, when the favorites, losing, began to folstin more often and "won" only on the LCD.

Previous games

Learn how many referee cards gave players in previous tours. If in several matches the LCD turned out to be more than usual, then expect TM in the following. And on the contrary: if for the last period they turned out to be little, it will definitely be TB. I think the referee has a peculiar "norm", for example, 3-4 "mustarder" per game.

Look at the statistics of the latest meetings. Suppose if the lower referee demonstrated an order of magnitude more than LC in order of magnitude, then the next round we boldly choose TM if this does not contradict other factors.


The key to successful rates on the LCD lies in understanding the manner of playing football players, a competent approach to the analysis and correct interpretation of statistics.

Yellow Football Cards: Successful Bar Strategies

Rates and strategies for yellow cards in football

In addition to the previously disassembled strategy of bets on the corner, consider another option of the game - on yellow cards in football. This type of betting also has a completely predicted foundation. No wonder many players successfully play yellow cards in football.

can help players reach profits.

In the ocean of a variety of statistics on which quotes are accepted in various bookmakers (in the line on football events), traditionally stand out yellow Card Bets. In fact, in a considerable number of matches in the game number 1, we also see the rustic and not always justified violations of the rules, the breakdown of a variety of attacks, many simulations and other events for the "feature" of the letter of the law. For such arbitrators, the so-called "mustard pieces" are often written out, that is, yellow cards. Separate benefits even choose a narrow "direction", and "specialization", playing exclusively on "yellow color" and only on such indicators. In this text, we will try to find out whether it is possible to successfully predict the number of "mustard pieces" and which specifically the options for betting on yellow in football is better to do in practice.

To begin with, consider an example of proposals that give off the office on options with yellow cards. What stakes open our gaze? .. These are options such as the opportunity to win by the number of yellow, the choice in favor of victory with the form in such an indicator, there is also a common total of "mustard" (both "more" and "less" ) And finally, the totals of an individual character.

There are such BCs that accept options for quotes on the fact that a footballer will accurately record yellow in his passive. And this is exactly specific suggestions. True, it should also be said that such options are completely hopeless.

Among other things, it is also possible to put on a total of "mustard pieces" specifically for forty-maphodes, there are quotes to even or odd totals in yellow. Options are offered and options for which from the match participating clubs will receive a warning first, to "issuing" LCD at intervals of time ... In many ways, such proposals are adventurous, if they do not say gross - frankly crazy options. In many ways, thanks to such markets, the BC is trying to doubt the player with doubt, spray his concentration of attention, to shoot down the battter with the right "path" in the formation of a choice, awaken the unjustified, artificial excitement, and also that in such situations the most unexpeted - multiply by the player's account ...

In this conversation, we will try to discuss much more realistic, in relation to the opportunities of such "science" as forecasting, yellow Card Bets.

Bets on yellow cards in football - to win

In this case, rates are accepted by various BCs on what the teams that participate in the duel will earn more yellow. It should be understood that the draw on the LCD here is not considered in principle, because it is equally difficult to predict such a scenario (or it is impossible), as well as the scenario of equal number of corner filed ...

How to properly predict which clubs can write more "mustard horses" in his passive?

You do not need to be seven spans in the forehead to understand - the number of "mustard" shown by the arbiter is always directly depends on how much napolit, how many times the rules of the match team participants will violate. If there is a lot of fouls in the game, and these disorders increase in their rudeness and explicit stiffness and even cruelty, which ultimately leads to the fact that the referee of the fight takes out yellow card from the pocket.

When one of the clubs, which possesses high-speed and technical performers, attacks more, the opponent of such a team, if he is more slow, confesses the power, athletic, football, will folk inevitably more and accurately "makes" more warnings. In fact, in each championship and competition there are such teams that are more or less, which is called "predisposed" to the maintenance of a rough game, to complete fouls and, as a result, the harvest of yellow cards. Of course, among the players such clubs there are always the so-called "Tafgai" - football players who play especially hard and get more than teammate partners, number of cards. If you contact the Statistics Study (and it is necessary to do this and certainly), and to the ratio of "chances" of opponents in a particular concrete match, often the players turn out to be correctly predicted "triumph" in the number of yellow.

Betting options for victory by the number of warnings, given the forces

If you have such a, at first glance, a simple alignment by the number of violations and LCDs, as a drawn advantage of one of the warning teams, it is no wonder that the level of the coefficient to Victoria in the number of "yolks" will be not very high. Do not forget that almost every BC has its own analytical centers, and they do not dreamed and do their jobs at a consistently high level. For an ordinary player, find a good option, the advantage over the proposed line, that is, what is called the Voyan bid, is not so easy. Therefore, if the level of quotes to "win" by the number of demonstrated cards are not very high, it can be enhanced if you take such a Victoria with a minus handicap (for form). Of course, with an increase in the level of the coefficient, risks increase. But when the player has a hazardous confidence that one or another team will largely exceed its more technical rival in terms of the number of yellow cards obtained, then such options should be taken even with foors.

Rate options for Totals in "mustard pieces"

Another promising bet on statistical indicators - a total of yellow cards as such. The choice in favor of such a bet involves what the total number of yellow cards that will be recorded in the passive of both teams will be more or less than a predetermined value of total.

If you decide to predict Total on the LCD, you must certainly calculate the "degree" of the disadvantage of the participants of the match participants, their mood for tough struggle, and the struggle is rude. In order for your scenario to be embodied, the teams that take part in the chosen game should be almost perfectly able to move very quickly into the attack, but at the same time, the defense of such commands cannot be sinless. It is better that the protection of such clubs makes a considerable number of violations to stop fast attacks of the opponent.

Of course, among other things, it is also necessary to evaluate and predict the plot of the match, in respect of which you want to choose a total of yellow cards. So, such commands undoubtedly need one or another, but - certainly high, the subject of motivation. If it is not very clear and is not high as a whole, then any player has no reason to be hungable and violate the rules more often than "usually", taking one or other limbs to each other. If you have such a fight, then in this case you need to seriously consider the betting option on the TM on the LCD.

If TB "attracts" you, but you must definitely allocate several matches that will meet the following criteria. It must be a derby or a game in which the clubs from the same region, the team, the fan groupings of which will not host the first day are opposed to each other. This kind of fight, even if there are no tournament motivation in them, often replete with a tough struggle, gross violations on the part of both teams and, of course, warnings in each direction.

Rates on the individual total teams on yellow cards

If we talk about the topic of the LCD as such, in fact, in front of the player there is a task to evaluate the prospects for a particular club (or clubs) to receive (in some cases, on the contrary, it is not a receipt), one or another "mustard pieces". When the conditional team plays in a rude manner, and Visavi is fast enough and techniques - it is precisely worth trying such an option as TB. But there are also such cases when one or another team plays the field "Pure" and expect a shipped degree of heat. Such a "script" automatically means that it is better to try the individual total total on the LCD, and on "less".

Of course, if you want to predict the totals on the LCD successfully and do a good "bank" on it, you must certainly tighten the knowledge of the "life" of the teams and analyze the statistical indicators of the participating teams of the fight. At the same time, it is important that you should look not only on the digital records of clubs in terms of statistics, but also take into account the third direction - meaning the arbitrators of the match.

We all know that there are referees that are generous to the "issuance" of cards more, and there are stimples in this regard servants of football chamids. Therefore, if in one fight all the "stars" converge, and you are sure that the incredible struggle, expressed on both sides, are rude, constant breakdowns attacks, and this game is also served by a harsh referee ... in a word, take TB and Do not think.

At the same time, we can not emphasize - do not underestimate the factor of the arbitrator as such! His work can be an essential aspect of the result of the game in relation to the number of cards. After all, it happens that even in the scenario, a very rough game from both teams, individual judges, which can be called "liberals", distribute "mustard pieces" is very reluctant. Therefore, in some cases it is possible and you need to make a choice in favor of good quotes into yellow for TM. At the same time, for the "basis" it is worth taking the statistics of the referee in the previous games.

In addition, before starting to make rates on Yellow Cards in Football, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the rules of the BC, which you "attracted". The fact is that in the subject of the LCD there are a lot of discrepancies, right up to completely unexpected interpretations. For example, many BCs, when a football player from the field is removed in two "mustard", count only one ...

On the principles of strategy of bets on "mustard pieces"

How to achieve maximum results, doing rates on the LCD? It is impossible not to allocate several major aspects that will accurately help in this matter. If you want to choose and put correctly, then yellow Card Strategy It should be such a "guide star" for you.

There are quite a few players who first pay great attention to individual, in their opinion, "special", teams. This is not a faithful point of view. Even if you follow one club and bet on it, gradually you will definitely find that the difference is exactly what the team is played, no. Much more important is another - who is the judge of the match. If the referee is an incorrigible "bad policeman," likes to swing the cards to the right and left, then such a guy will certainly find, what would be "to stick", even in harmless, maximum correct game. Therefore, your analysis with respect to one or another fight always start with familiarization with the statistical indicators of the arbitrator, which was appointed to the duel. Nowadays, find the deployed statistics on this or another "man in black" - no problem.

Another important point is as follows. If you decide to put on the yellow with a total of more, and this, for example, the index 3.5, remember the following. If the referee of this match, as a rule, is used to show, on average, five "mustard pieces" for one duel, then it does not mean at all that your bet "will". It happens that such arbitrators most often get two or three cards from his pocket, but in a separate game, this guy suddenly "broke out in the thunder" and showed a whole 12 "mustard pieces". Accordingly, the statistics of this referee were significantly "distorted." In order to understand whether you are right, you need to count the number of "goals" you need. If you put on an indicator, equal to TB3.5, count what the number of times in the percentage "came" this total. In order for the arbiter to meet the necessary "criteria", the passage should be more than 50 percent. In this case, the coefficient must be approximately 2.

On the eve of the resumption of games in the Russian Premier League, I propose to get acquainted with the statistical indicators of Russian referees and clubs.

According to the results of 20 rounds on the Games of the RFPL, 19 arbitrators worked as the chief judge. Most of all in the Federation trusted Roman Galimov, serving 13 matches. 12 games on the account of Vladimir Moskalev and Sergey Lappoughn. The Premier League referee was on average showed 3,68 yellow and 0.11 red cards. At the same time, the owners received 1.68 LCD, and guests of 2 LCD for a duel.

Top 3 Judges in Yellow Cards:

  1. Igor Fedotov - 6 games, 30 LCD (5.0 LCD on average)
  2. Alexey Matyunin - 5 games, 22 LCD (4.4 LCD on average)
  3. Artem cleaners - 6 games, 26 LCD (4.3 LCD on average)

Two more arbitrators show football players just over 4.0 LCD. This is Mikhail Vilkov (10 games) and Evgeny Turbin (8 games). It is worth noting Sergey Kulikov, who for three games showed 15 LCD, but with such a number of matches should not be concluded that the referee is a lovers of mustard. The remaining referee shows less than 4.0 LCD per match. At the same time, the lowest figure in the championship in Sergey Lapochekna, who warned the players only 30 times in 12 games, which corresponds to 2.5 LCD for a duel.

Top 3 judges on red cards

Here are three referees, which removed players from the field 2 times. Among them, Mikhail Vilkov (remember 90 minutes of the August game Zenit - Spartak?), Sergey Ivanov (Amkar - CSKA and Arsenal - Krasnodar matches) and Alexey Eykov (Spartak - Lokomotiv and Anji - Ska-Energy).

Among the judges, someone behind the shoulders are more than 10 games in the season, in terms of red cards, and rather there is no absence, it is possible to allocate the same Roman Galimov, who hoped the most of all RFPL 2017/2018 matches, and did not decide to remove anyone from the field.

In order to take a right decision at the cards on the cards in the Games of the Russian Premier League, it is necessary to take into account the statistically indicators of the clubs themselves.

RFPL leaders on yellow cards (average metrics per match):

  1. Ahmat - 2.4 LCD
  2. Amkar - 2.25 LCD
  3. Ufa - 2.15 LCD

The most disciplined clubs of the RFPL on yellow cards:

  1. Dynamo Moscow - 1.35 LCD
  2. FC Krasnodar - 1.4 LCD
  3. Anji, Lokomotiv - 1.45 LCD

As for red cards, only two clubs for 20 games have three removal - this is Moscow Spartak and Tosno. Footballers of Ahmat, CSKA and RUBIN early left the field twice. Not once, the referee was not removed from the green lawn players at once five teams - Arsenal, Rostov, FC Ufa, Lokomotiv and Moscow Dynamo.

What to put on Friday?

A prediction for the match, which will open the spring of the Premier League, is a bonus to the material. Let me remind you that tomorrow Ruby will be located in Kaspiysk, where he will meet at Anji-Arena with a local Anji.

Anji Match - Rubin Trusually Judging Muscovite Alexey Eskov, who, despite hitting the top 3 judges more than all the players from the field this season, the warnings do not really like to distribute warnings. Eskov for 9 distressed matches gave an average of 3.1 LCD.

As noted earlier, Anji is a team of disciplined (1.45 LCD), but Kazan has a more rude team, because his footballers are on average, almost two yellow cards are obtained from the referee. As a result, we get less than 3.5 warnings for two. Given that the Eskov gives players a little more than three mustard pieces, it can be assumed that 5 LCs in the match should not be exactly.

This material has long asked.

For many seasons, the game in Fantasy Football in the chat rooms of tournaments or in the comments under various posts, regulatory issues on disqualifications were often raised.

Why in the championship or submissance, someone misses the game for 5 J.K., and someone continues to play? How does the principles come to disqualification in France? In which countries zh.k. are summed up for the championship and the cup? You will receive answers to these and other questions below. Detailed regulations I, of course, will not lead. I will try to bring everything in an easy, accessible form that is necessary for the needs of Fantasy.


4 J.K.

kk (2 J.K. in the match)

10 J.K. - Second Sunday of April;

15 J.K. - until the end of the season.


Suppose some player for December 28 (Tour or Cup games) accumulated 4 J.K. If he gets 5 J.K., then skips the next game. If the same player held a tour without any warnings, and in the next round, passing on 1 or 2 January, received his total 5 J.K., then he will no longer skip the next nearest game, and will wait for the accumulation of 10 J.K. . up to the second Sunday of April.

Important to remember!

kk (2 J.K. in the match)

Series A.

5 J.K. 4 J.K., then after 3 J.K.. etc;

kk (2 J.K. in the match) - Skip the next match in the championship. For gross violations are possible additional sanctions in the form of several matches pass.

Cards in the championship and the Cup are considered separately for these tournaments, are not summed up.

La Liga

5 J.K. - Skip the next match in the championship;

kk (2 J.K. in the match) - Skip the next match in the championship. For gross violations are possible additional sanctions in the form of several matches pass;

Cards in the championship and the Cup are considered separately for these tournaments, are not summed up.


5 J.K. - Skip the next match in the championship;

kk (2 J.K. in the match) - Skip the next match in the championship. For gross violations are possible additional sanctions in the form of several matches pass;

Cards in the championship and the Cup are considered separately for these tournaments, are not summed up.

League 1 France

In France, specific regulations on disqualifications. Absolutely, I can't tell you. I will give only a few of your observations, as well as the statements of some familiar experienced fantasists.

The main feature is that the French Football Committee is adopted by disques. The player can get 3-4 J.K., play the next match, and only then skip the game. I also heard an opinion, and sometimes I once watched such that if the player gets 3 J.K. In the segment of 10 matches, he misses the game. But it is not entirely clear - the following or again will wait for the decision of the Committee.


5 J.K. - Skip the next match in the championship;

kk (2 J.K. in the match) - Skip the next match in the championship. For gross violations are possible additional sanctions in the form of several matches pass;

Cards in the championship and the Cup are considered separately for these tournaments, are not summed up.

Liga Nos Portugal

Disqualification occurs after receiving 5 J.K.The next comes after 4 J.K.;

kk (2 J.K. in the match) - Skip the next match in the championship. For gross violations are possible additional sanctions in the form of several matches pass;

Cards in the championship and the Cup are considered separately for these tournaments, are not summed up.

English championship

Disqualification occurs after accumulation in season 5, 10 and 15 warnings. There are limit deadlines for obtaining disciplinary sanctions as a result of accumulated warnings.

10 J.K. - Second Sunday of Martha;

15 J.K. - until the end of the season.

In order to easier to understand, I will give examples:

Suppose some player for November 28 (Tours or Cup games) accumulated 4 J.K. If he gets 5 J.K., then skips the next game. If the same player spent a tour without any warnings, and in the next round, passing on 1 or 2 December, received his total 5 J.K., then he will no longer miss the next nearest game, and will wait for the accumulation of 10 J.K . On time until the second Sunday of March.

Important to remember! Cards in the championship and cups are summed up. The player who received disqualification misses the nearest game in any of the tournaments.

kk (2 J.K. in the match) - Skip the next match in the championship. For gross violations are possible additional sanctions in the form of several matches pass.

2 kk, 3 kk In the season - respectively, the pass 2 and 3 matches.

In England, a review of warnings decisions are possible. Can both remove the disc, and, on the contrary, increase the ban.

Super League Turkey

4 J.K. - Skip the next match in the championship;

kk (2 J.K. in the match) - Skip the next match in the championship. For gross violations are possible additional sanctions in the form of several matches pass;

Important to remember! Cards in the championship and the Cup are summed up. The player who received disqualification misses the nearest game in any of the tournaments.

Eurocups (LF + Le)

Player who remove From the field, automatically gets disqualification for the next match In club tournaments under the auspices of UEFA. UEFA control and disciplinary instance can tighten this punishment.

As for disqualifications for yellow cards, then player misses the next match in the tournament, having received 3 Warnings in three different matches as well after each next odd warning (fifth, seventh, ninth, etc.).

Single warnings and disqualifications are always transferred either to the next stage of the competition, or to another UEFA club tournament of the same season.

In the form of exception All yellow cards or other disqualifications due to the bustling of warnings are canceled upon completion of the playoff round (approx.: Games). In the group stage, they are no longer taken into account. Yellow cards or hanging disqualifications due to the bustling of warnings in eurocups are annulled at the end of the season.

Yellow cardsobtained from the beginning of the group stage burned after the quarterfinals, that is, not tolerated in the semifinals.