Relations with colleagues in the team. Relationships at work with colleagues: what can be and how to support

Relations with colleagues in the team. Relationships at work with colleagues: what can be and how to support
Relations with colleagues in the team. Relationships at work with colleagues: what can be and how to support

Good relationships in the working team not only form a pleasant atmosphere, but also capable of directly affecting the increase in efficiency as each individual employee and the organization as a whole. The establishment of relations in the team between different representatives of the company is, first of all, the task of managers. However, even if you are still at the bottom of the hierarchy of your company's positions, the following tips can be extremely helpful to you. Try to offer them for consideration by your direct supervisor. NameWoman's tips are based on the idea of \u200b\u200bestablishing mutual assistance and mutual support. So, if you want one to work at work for everyone and everything was for one, and the common thing is hard and developed, do the following:

1. Enter practice QBQ business

QBQ (The Question Behind The Question - "Question Question") - a special strategy of personal responsibility, actively promoted by John and Karen Miller. John Miller is a well-known business coach, founder of the Consulting company QBQ, the author of the methodology for the development of personal responsibility. Karen Miller - his spouse and like-minded people, the mother of seven children and co-author of John on the book "Rules of happy families."

QBQ strategy with equal success is applicable both in work and in personal life. Everything is very simple to take responsibility for what is happening (poor child behavior, distribute or lack of motivation inside the team of your organization) and ask yourself "what your actions led to an existing problem "," Where to start youTo change it. " Regardless of your position in the company you can start with small, in the morning until the start of the working day ask your colleagues or a manager, stressing the importance of the atmosphere and success of the organization for you, "What do you do in order to become a more useful employee / how to contribute to the development of more trust relationships / than or how to help colleagues in work. " This principle will help you start changing the world and the atmosphere with yourself - forming confidence, positive thinking. The destructive principles of the search for the guilty and the like are compared.

2. Play the ring of mutual assistance

In a certain sense, this can be associated with QBQ strategy, make it deep reflection. Ring of mutual assistance - exercise and business tool invented by the married couple Wayne and Cheryl Baker for Humax. Collect together a small group of employees (15-30 people) and invite each of them to contact the rest with any request. It can be both related to the work (the search for a mentor or the need for information that will help career growth), and no (request of the Council, where to go on vacation, or search for a tutor for a child), the main requirement - it should be meaningful. The rest should try to solve the voiced problem, using their resources, knowledge and connections.

Personally, after the game in the "Ring of mutual aid" with managers, managers and employees of many companies, such asIBM,Citigroup,ESTee.Lauder,UPS,Novartis I.Boeing, was affected by a variety of completed requests: from work inGoogle and help in finding a mentor to receiving autograph from a favorite professional football player. But before it happened, many participants of the game strongly doubted that someone would have the help they needed. And every time I said: "You just underestimate the number of altruists in our ranks."

Adam Grant, "Take or give?"

3. Help others and yourself increase the attractiveness of labor to multiply selflessness.

Another advice, brightly illustrated by Adam Grant in the book "To take or give away?" In 2011, a certain Jay (president of the transnational trading company) sent all E-mail employees about the assignment of each extensive mission, the details of which were to be voiced at a personal meeting - with an eye on the eye. At a meeting of Tet-A-Tet \u200b\u200bwith each employee, Jay asked about the interests, hobbies and places of his subordinates and asked what they would devote their working time with the greatest pleasure. After that, explained that a confidential project is a personal development that the employee can do with pleasure with the benefit for himself and others. The personal project of each should have complied with the following conditions:

To be attractive at least for one person in the company;

The implementation of the project should be no cost (constitute a realistic vision of changes in working conditions, increasing its attractiveness);

You need to start the project yourself.

During the year, Jay tracked how the staff with the mission entrusted to them. Two thirds tried to fulfill the task entrusted to them, half of them succeeded. One of the successful examples was a book club, where employees read books, and then discussed the themes of interest to them personally and useful for work.

4. Run the support and gratitude program "Giving"

A strong team of a successful company consists of people configured to give and supported in this excellent initiative. Even little good deeds are desirable not to leave unnoticed, the project for their support can be at all expensive. Take a special gratitude board to which you can mount small leaves, where anyone can note how anyone helped him. Such knowledge of appreciation will be able to read all employees of the company, they will strengthen the reputation of the "giving", will serve as self-esteem and simply raise the mood in the team.

5. Support useful informal communication

The common cause and total leisure comes closer, so there are general trainings in serious companies, there are holidays with the invitation of native employees, carry out exit events with team games. All this in competent conduct contributes to the establishment of relations inside the collective. But such programs are organized only from time to time, while regularity and frequency are very important. Make a joint breakfast system before the start of the working day or special coffee breaks. They are enough to spend once a week - on Monday or Friday. Start with planning, who will answer for. Anna organizes a snack, Lena covers on the table, Kirill briefly will tell about the latest achievements of the company and how they will affect everyone, Ivan Petrovich will celebrate those whoever distinguished themselves in the last week. Give everyone a minute to mark the most positive and most difficult moments over the past period. Take advantage of this time for a very brief presentation of the useful literature or a new film "In the topic", for the weekly launch of the rings of mutual assistance.

Maria Koshenkov

based on books "Rules of happy families" John and Karen Miller

And "Take or give?" Adam Granta

Modern people spend at work a significant part of their free time, so such factors are of pleasure from work and material benefits, which are obtained from this work. In addition, there is a huge role of the team that surrounds you, because the society of friendly people contributes to the qualitative performance of official duties. It is not necessary to go far for example, because in almost any office work process with graphs, numbers and balances is accompanied by tea and gossip.

The disadvantage of such an atmosphere are conflicts arising on the soil of gossip, after which the employees are dismissed or go into deaf defense. In the women's team, such disadvantages are reflected more than all, therefore, the recommendations of psychologists who help continue to work in it are specifically designed for it.

To survive and move on the service staircase, you must remember the tune on the result. If you take care of the productivity of work, self-improvement and professional development, then concentrate exactly on this, and not on survival in that snake club, in which you got.

Strategy for behavior

First of all, consider the strategy of behavior, but since in the women's team to please everyone will not work immediately, then think first of all about your own comfort. It is necessary to prepare in advance for what you have to take part in the gossip, ask questions and answer the questions of others, because your employees are interested in many things that are associated with you and abstract. A well-thought position will help prevent errors, because even those that are not related to work will be convicted and criticized.

Also, it is not necessary to strongly spread about your personal life, and than it is more successful, the more personal achievements you have, the less about it to tell, especially less successful colleagues. It is also worth remembering that all colleagues need to pay approximately equal attention and not allocate anyone.

It is better not to attract attention to himself, it's brightly dressed and actively expressing, it is also not worth it to express my opinion through Chur, it is better to stay within the Golden Middle. If you look bright or, on the contrary, sulfur, it is possible to bring the negative to yourself with an equal success, because envy and condemnation are equally unpleasant. When you just came to a new team, listen more and speak less, do not hurry with the manifestation of individuality.

Gossip and redistribution

For women's teams, the addiction to the joint sawing of tea is mainly due to the fact that after that new gossip may appear. Therefore, it is new to behave very carefully at this time, so as not to become a victim of the Obid. You should not forget that the main gossips are often the most, at first glance, friendly colleagues, they demonstrate their location, and then they discuss them behind them. Therefore, even with the benevolers, it is not necessary to excessively spread about yourself or their views on leadership, salary, talk about their ambitions.

Often, the female team is divided into components, each of which can try to include new ones in their ranks. In such a situation, it is better not to succumb to persuasion and not make hasty decisions. Ideal it would be preserved neutrality and not participate in the frontier of power.

Starting to work in the women's team, it is worth remembering that you came to work there, and not to build relationships with colleagues. Therefore, it is at work that it is worth emphasizing, because the service promotion will help you to get exactly knowledge and experience, not friends and gossip.

It is worth treating everyone with respect, contact colleagues by name and patronymic. You should not get closer to colleagues, that is, men are better not to make novels at work, of course, perhaps it is there you will find your destiny, it is always worth keeping attention and intelligibility, and women do not expect to find the best girlfriend, because women's friendship in such a team will most likely be One-sided and short-lived.

If you have become a victim of the Obiden, it is better to save indifference, show that you are indifferent to the gossip about you, show intelligence and educationalness.

Remember that the best strategy will be calm, confident and indifferent behavior.

How to survive in the women's team?

So, the team in your work consists mainly of women. Is this good or bad? Neither one nor the other. The women's team has its own characteristics that need to be considered. And their knowledge will help "survive" in the workplace.

The main feature of the lady team is that women have a greater need for verbal communicationthan men. No wonder in most cases, girls begin to talk before the boys. Women need communication - and communication is not virtual, but alive.


Hence the first factor that needs to be taken into account is always spoken here. About the work and superiors, about children and problems with husbands, shopping and hairstyles ... and that's good. You always have the opportunity to discuss urgent questions: from a quarrel with her husband to a better store to buy new shoes. But this feature has a reverse side.

First, while suffering the workflow. Especially if you recently work in the company and have not yet accustomed to plan working time, taking into account mandatory conversations and tea drinking.

Secondly, conversations here often become commondom - and therefore it is very easy to spoil relations with colleagues or bosses, once by taking part in their discussion. Yes, and in such conditions you can easily become a hero of gossip - it is enough to tell a little about your personal life.

Against whom are friends?

Also, women are peculiar feeling community - To be together with someone more cozy than one. Therefore, certain interest groups are often formed at the workplace. This is a normal situation, if interests are not related to work. But if one group, for example, supports the boss and uses it located, and the second - no, not to avoid conflict. It is possible to exacerbate the relationship between groups, and the usual misconception of opinions, manifested during the conversation about trifles.

Observe the rules!

In the women's team, there are always rules. The problem is that these rules are usually not spelled out in the Regulations. There is an unlawful routine of the day, there is an informal leader and it is worth abiding for some oral obligations acting inside the collective - for example, an agreement on reconnaissance in case of illness, about the delivery of money on the birthdays of employees, about joint celebrations of holidays, etc. Refuse to comply with these segless rules is the easiest way to cause the host of the team.

Emotion Amendment

First, pay the closest attention of the work being performed - then the misfortunes will not be able to find fault to you or "hang up."

Secondly, try not to spill emotions - calm and politeness have more chances to support. In addition, in the absence of a reaction, the attacks can be stumbled on their own.

I wonder what to stop the conflict may ... a man. It was noticed if a representative of a strong sex appears in the women's team, the ladies change their behavior - they become softer, agreed, they begin to pay more attention to appearance, while the struggle for power goes into the background.

Maybe here it is the ideal way to combat the negative features of the women's team - to invite a man ...

How to establish relations in the women's team, how to establish relations in the men's team, how to establish relations in the mixed team. How to communicate with a woman leader perfectly.

Psychology of work in the team

Whatever our position, profession and experience, we work, as a rule, in the team. And those who work at home, one way or another communicate with the employer, in many ways depend on it, and sometimes from other colleagues, even if unfamiliar with them personally. The role of these relationships is extremely important. They affect the career growth, and on the psychological comfort of the workflow, and ultimately, whether you will continue to work in this company, or you need to urgently look for a new place.

The team with whom a profession or case related to you may be as large or small, homogeneous for one or another parameters or different. But in any case, it consists of women and men. Sometimes it is a purely female or purely male team, each of which has unique features and work in which oh, how difficult. And mixed groups (whom most still most) are still consisting of small groups of women and men. Finding out their features, it will be easier for you to simulate your own model of behavior.

Already from birth, the boys are in many ways different from girls. The boys are more active, more often scream and with a greater hunt examine the world around.

You ask, what attitude of the golden childhood has to career growth? The most direct one. After all, children's games are a model of the same work. In the games of boys there is always a conflict and competitive start. They learn to fight opponents and put up with them. And most importantly: boys usually play in advance the rules. They try to follow the letter of the rules, but certainly violently argued about their essence with each other.

Girls most often play games without rules, for example, mother's daughter. Here the main thing is not a victory, but maintaining good relations. So conflicts rarely happen, and the kids simply do not have the skills to exit complex situations. And in groups of girls, there is usually no rigid hierarchy inherent in the majority of boy's teams.

When boys and girls turn out to be together, the boys usually capture power. The same happens in the service - women invariably turn out to be on the second roles.

Due to the established traditions, a woman in society has long been brought up in the spirit of subordination and aware of themselves as weak sex, since childhood, absorbing the landmark on such values \u200b\u200bas hard work and humility of the Will of the Men. A feature of the domestic mental can be considered passivity and care from the conflict. In modern conditions, women also seek to avoid direct confrontation and, unlike men, show more restraint and tact.

It should be recognized that the world of business is created by men and is managed by them. Men relate to work with the same attitude, which goes to sports competitions. Game, Sport, Business are managed with the help of unwritten rules familiar to most men, but, unfortunately, almost unsubscribed by women. Therefore, if you want to force men to listen to your opinion and reckon with you as an equal partner, you need to learn several key moments.

But first consider the opposite situation when colleagues are surrounded solely with you at work.

Female team. Problems and difficulties of working in the women's team

In the ladies' reserves against the background of friendly tea drinking, endless conversations on the "burning" and far from the production needs of the topic typically grow poisonous shoots and intrigue. And if the situation in the women's team develops favorable, the real battles of characters and ambitions are flared up. Therefore, if fate brought you into a purely Vienna company and you intend to succeed in a career, and keep peace of mind, - first of all, you should look at the main figures that defines the course of the game.

Let's start with the head of the company, for the leading frames, and especially ladies-leaders, decide everything.

SAMONUR. If, at the head of the women's team, there is a shavy person with a hysterical character, there are especially ill-violent games without rules. Decisions on appointments, premium and other benefits, it takes, guided by an extremely momentary mood. It is distinguished by the titon temper and insane vanity. She enjoys his authority over defenseless employees and self-afforded, humiliating subordinates. She adores compliments, always claims increased attention and does not tolerate that someone, besides her, was in the center of events. He likes to present banalities as a kind of revelation and is terribly surprised if someone thinks differently. The main thing is to study its weaknesses and do not touch them in any way. Try to make compliments to her new hairstyle, new shoes and face color. You can implement your ideas in life, only by convincing her that she was still thinking, and you only voiced her ingenious ideas. In no case can not demonstrate her discontent. True, from time to time you can hurt and complain to achieve a salary increase. Thus, she will have an extra reason to self-afford and feel like a benefactor.

Commissioner. The boss, as a rule, an unfair feminist, who knows the case and ruling in the women's team by the railway. It does not tolerate foreign interference, is categorical and very tough, especially with those who at least somehow deviates from its requirements. Penalties, reprimands - her favorite management ways. The rare type of boss, which almost does not attach the values \u200b\u200bof the relationship. So wait from it to connect about his absence at work due to a relative illness - an empty occupation. She is a real workaholic, hairstyles and spend the night at work, which is the meaning of life for her. Try and you pretend that work for you is all. Show Iron health, the lack of household and family problems, the company's dedication and faith in the strategic line conducted by the bosses. It can be consistent with it, but to argue - in no case. Manage the initiative, but do not impose anything to her. She appreciates professionalism and primarily encourages good specialists. Therefore, increase your competence, attend different courses and use any convenient case to demonstrate your skills. Then the world with Shephine, career and, by the way, the patronage on her parties are provided.

Dushka. The principle of her leadership is complete non-interference in the affairs of the company. It may be rightly believed that the case will not help with raven activity, you can only spoil everything. Subordinate wisers, everyone knows themselves. And if you do not know - they can be quietly fired. It is with it that the struggle for power and income, rivalry of "groups" for informal leadership is actively unfolded. In matters and relationships - full chaos, because in the women's team there is no one to engage in the establishment of conflicts, control compliance with the discipline - everything solves the circumstances and actively applying to the power of the rival.

In no case should not be seated on such a boss, Donmya, her requests. All liability is entirely on you, you and decide. In principle, you can generally do nothing at all, except to constantly depict the rapid activity. At the very least, the psychological climate will not suffer from this. At best, you will quickly go to the increase (if you do not too active), at worst - she will go to the promotion. The main thing is not to become a victim of the intrigue victim in the women's team. Therefore, in some price to refrain from participation in conspiracies and other promotions inspired by particularly active employees.

Secretary.. Very important person. It depends largely on how deeply the intrigue infection can hit the team. If the secretary is a young self-confident girl who admits five spelling errors in one line and says on the phone: "You call ...", it's not so difficult to navigate. It does not have any formation or intrigues, nor ingenuity for sophisticated tricks and intrigues. Communication with it requires a large patience and courage. Try not to show irritation even in response to frank nonsense, whose streams are collapsed from time to time. Otherwise, she can be offended, and then you will deal with the leadership, since this "fun girl" is likely to be a daughter or granddaughter of any of the presidents of the company.

If the secretary is a bright representative of the tribe of the personnel workers of the Soviet type, a seeming evil fury, excellently cope with its duties, then it is better to stay away from it. As a rule, she considers its duty to collect compromising on all employees. Suspicious and incredulum, it can see the crime even in the expression of your face, regardless of due, you are serious or smile. It is necessary to handle it perfectly politely and called by name-patronymic, while observing the distance - better than a meter three or four.

The most dangerous type of secretaries is a pickling gossip, having a tendency to weaving secret networks. She is friendly, caring, always asks about the family and personal problems and try to establish a confidence tone. But be alert! Your frankness of the next day may well turn if not dismissal, then a fair deterioration of relations with colleagues. And all the details of your personal life - with some distortions, of course, will become the property of the entire female team. Hold on with it is friendly, but speak only for neutral themes. No information about yourself or someone else.

In any company, it is necessary to have its own "crusts", "beech" and "grumble." They can hold a position from the director to the accountant and even to the cleaner. They do not need to be afraid (after all, they only count on it), quarrel with them harmful, at least for health, to perseverate such - useless. Hold ones with them as neutralized, say less, do more. It is better to repeat a calm and benevolent tone 20 times: "It must be signed" or "This needs to be done for further work" than to be allowed to explain and debate. And one more weapon is modesty and shyness. As a rule, they do not have arguments against this.

One of the main topics discussed in the women's team is appearance and clothing. It is extremely important here to withstand the desired tone. Do not attract unnecessary attention to yourself is emphasized by expensive toilets and accessories. Office is not a place for defile. But also to another extremes should not be paid. Therefore, an adjusted suit, tights in hooks and jeans with stretched knees better donate in favor of the poor.

A favorite plot and at the same time a reason for a wife envy - love peripetics. If you are still safe on this front, the stories about the lucky moments in the arms of the partner can cause an unpredictable reaction from colleagues derived by male attention. Therefore, you should not give your colleagues with the details of your dizzying novel with a superman or paintings of family happiness with a caring and loyal husband. Try to spare feelings of those who are not so lucky in life as you.

Very dangerous, but quite common in the women's team the topic - "On whose party" and "against whom are friends." If you are trying to provoke or confuse, impose the role that you do not want to play, specify the details and circumstances. Who is warned - armed. And most importantly - hold on to any goat.

The appearance of a man in the women's team is also dangerous - it can be a serious reason for the discord. Although sometimes the presence of individual representatives of heavy sex is only for the benefit of the ladies who walked in their close and soul community. If, for example, a man is hanalen and attentive, while holding a distance and does not show any preferences - it is superbly refreshing the production atmosphere. But this is an almost unreal character.

The man, who turned out to be in the "flower bed", or tries to keep on the sideline, shipsfully at the appearance of a fellow soldier, or voluntarily or unwittingly begins to behave as a lovelace. Feeling his relevance fully, he flirts alternately with all capable ladies. If he is not married and externally attractive, serious passions flared up around him.

The employee, solely captured his attention, has to be disadvantaged. It is beginning to be exposed to urastricism, in her work they find an inconceivable number of "Lyapov", and the manager may well dismiss it because of the uniformity. Therefore, accept for yourself the rule that such men do not exist for you.

But even if you dare to start a novel at work surrounded by "ardent benevolence", be prepared to courageously demolish numerous quirks and attacks. After all, envy and jealousy hide and keep extremely difficult. And these feelings are the most fertile environment for the development of intrigues and wells. Therefore, even if you "chose" to the role of your beloved girl in front of the native female team, transfer the main scenes for the scenes. It's nice, of course, lose all the nose to them, but peace and tranquility in the walls of the office, where you spend most of your life, stand dear.

Male team. How to work successfully in the male team

If you dreamed all my life to be the only rose among the thistle and expect every minute, care and support, then in vain. Usually, work in the male company is comparable to military actions, overcoming the bar of obstacles or aspiration on the highway. Prepare for the fact that in addition to the main duties, you will have another concern - survival in a tough and harsh environment, with your rules, pace and specific relationships.

It should be noted that men in the service, especially when there are many of them, is not at all the fact that men after work. For some reason, women were accustomed to believe that a real man is a necessarily a gallant knight, who must take care of the lady in every way, knowing that it is a weak creature, protect it from all troubles and misstains in service. Reality is likely to be different. Deciding to come to the men's team full employee, a specialist, you in the eyes of the Male colleagues cease to be a weak creature, become, like everything, the team player to which the same strict requirements will be presented as well as all. These are the conditions of the game where you are going to play.

You will not forgive misses and failures only because you are a woman. At work you are the same employee, a specialist, a professional, like all those who work with you. A woman who will not understand and will not accept this simple cut, "will lose. So that this does not happen, try to comprehend the psychology of work in the male team.

First of all, it is a tough competitive struggle in which they do not regret the weak. Requiring a special relationship, you risk getting an irritable, coarse reaction from colleagues. Do not provoke them to it. The optimal behavior line is to show your professional abilities, become a colleague and a strong player. The ability to demonstrate their successes and take special postures - an important game skill. Do you tell me what behavior looks like a belligence and dishonesty? But for men it is a completely normal style of communication. They love to brag.

Therefore, just after organizing a job in a men's team, in any case, do not tell you that your goals and interests are good relationships in the team, corporate events, etc. Only work, profits, result!

Do not expect colleagues appreciate your talents and competence. You yourself must convince them of their skills. Delete your competence and act confidently. Before you say, "I do not know how", remember about my achievements. After all, you coped with the most different things about so many times! If in response to a new offer or appointment you do not ask confusion: "How is it done?", And the vigorous report: "There are no problems!" - You have a chance to quickly get a reputation as an energetic and promising employee.

Do not substitute! If you strive to look like a competent person, less often mention your mistakes. To do this, you do not need to lie or remunely, you just should not demonstrate your missions in the public. By the way, you have to forget about habit to apologize about and without it. It is not very polite, but ... Men consider unnecessary apologies to "advertising their mistakes."

Often working women have to make a choice between the house and the career. Men, as a rule, do not like to be processed, but do not suffer from this as women. It is understandable, after all, they are waiting for caring wives with hot dinner and clean tailors. You will be expected at home kitchen stove and iron, hungry children and husband, which without you can not even smear a sandwich. To make a career in a company where working time is not rationed, you will have to work for a long time. So you will need to choose between work and household responsibilities. Men in such a situation usually reduce the time of staying at home, and women are working hours. If you are not satisfied with such rules of the game - look for another job.

Another difficulty is that women often do not know how to maintain contacts with business partners or customers. How do you feel to invite a bore from a subsidiary to a tennis court just because the contract signing depends on it? What do you think about dinner with the "right people"? The prospect of such a drinking is a sufficiently severe test. In general, it is much more difficult for women than men, withstand communication with non-care people. But if your company is customary to spend additional efforts to attract customers - you will have to come with it. Or create such a niche for itself, which no one, besides you, will not be able to fill.

What to choose a clothing style for work in the men's team?

Work clothes style is better to choose business , no extravagant outfits, expensive and causing jewelry. If, when you first appear at work, your outfit can really attract universal attention, it still will not continue to continue, even if you start changing dresses several times during the working day. Men are passionate about the work, they will not pay attention to such trifles, gradually adapting to the diversity of your outfits. Therefore, no finish extravagant and exclusive dresses should not be at work. A lady in a long evening dress or, on the contrary, the ultrashort skirt on the background of men in business suits, looks rather strange. Try to change your wardrobe so that some individual elements of men's clothing have been present in your dress in your dress - jacket, trousers, vest. Business style, appropriate in the office, and a similar to men in the trifles will serve you a good service. For example, tie in consciousness and even subconscious of a man is a phallic symbol. And if you are not ready to wear a male tie, the neck scarf is its analogue, a symbol of your business equality.

In an effort to establish himself in the men's team, a woman can sometimes believe that it will be able to achieve the goal of typically feminine means. A little pounding, shoots eyes, and all of her colleagues will certainly rush to care for her and may be offered hand and heart. This probably happens, but much more often comes out quite the opposite.

No need to think that men have no gray substance between ears. They have already discussed all your advantages on the first day of your receipt to the service. But providing attention signs in the service from men, especially if it is not one person, a smart woman should be considered as a provocation or test. Men by nature are careful. If there is something to notice, they have already noticed it. Now study. Therefore, for a start, it is worth paying more attention to not to search for adorable, but acquiring knowledge in their specialty. Even the most challenging colleagues are always respected to professionals in their business, regardless of whether a woman is or a man. So you will still have a chance to adopt.

And now learn to be friends with men. Do not hurry to take attention signs. Income to work. Do not be afraid of men: it annoys it. Men at work are aimed at achieving the goal, the tasks, so they are much more concerned, which is a lady as a specialist as it is useful in work.

If you are starting to flirting with you, to call you with diminutive names, "baby", "baby", do not try to scandal, it only seven the familiar colleague. It is better to express indulgence surprise. Let him better look like an uncompatible child than you are offended by a girl.

The same applies to some degrading assignments. For example, when you are the only woman among the male colleagues and exactly you will certainly ask to brew tea or make coffee. Clearly, you show, "Who is the owner in the house."

Alas, a sharp refusal is usually ineffective. Where better to take the situation under control. For example, to offer coffee before you will be asked to bring it.

Then it will look like just as the courtesy.

So refuse flirts, flirting, prohibited techniques. God you want to fuck with the chief! You will automatically become an enemy for all. It is written about the service novels so much that it is pointless to mutate this topic, it is only necessary to add that if the situation in the team is heated, then most often the woman is fired.

There is another extreme in which ladies fall into, seeking to conquer a worthy place in the men's team. For some reason, they believe that they will achieve career growth, if they immediately forget that they are women, and quickly turn into tough, threaten business Vumen. Such women seek to adopt the style and manner of behavior, rigidity in communicating in their colleagues men. They are even changing outwardly: short haircut, men's costumes, strong cigarettes, male style communication. Nevertheless, despite all efforts, the lady will still not be able to become the end of his in a purely male team.

No matter how strange it was none, but men feel false subconsciously. They understand that this behavior is largely taller, unnaturally, is not typical for a woman, so they will avoid her. Meanwhile, the attempts to become a man in the skirt take a huge amount of energy. The payback comes later in the form of early aging, stunned nerves, loneliness. Therefore, this path is unproductive. Do not forget that you are still a woman. So, softer, tolerant, even more in communication than a man. You are capable of your charm to withstand the hard world of male aggressiveness.

But no matter how hard you try, you should not hope easily and just find a common language with male colleagues, and even more so - to make devotees of devotees. Work is not the place where you should look for friends. For men, their work is a place where they can assert themselves to self-realize as specialists, professionals. This is the territory of the competitive struggle, sometimes tough, for the possibility of moving up the career ladder. Therefore, at work, relations are formed rather at the level of the correct professional interaction of all team members, but do not become genuine friendly. Hardly such a union can be said as a real friendship. You should not count on the fact that as soon as you sincerely tell a colleague about all your problems and begin sympathetically to ask about his affairs, he will immediately become your devoted friend. Men do not seek friendship at work. They are especially frightened by the emotionality of the expression of feelings, which is characteristic of women. Men try so clearly their emotions.

If the lady is constantly and very violently to demonstrate his joy or sadness, the men's part of the team will simply consider it hysterical, and therefore, learn to control emotions, do not puzzle the interlocutor with your own problems with family, health, children. A man will take your revelation as a request for help.

For the same reasons, forget about the despondency and complaints. Colleagues men fierce when they see that we don't complain about life. In the end, it is for this occasion that you can meet with your beloved girlfriend, whose vest so sweet to cry.

Do not try to get into the men's soul yourself. Men, as a rule, do not like unnecessary attention to their own personal life, do not like them and continually discussing the behavior and personal qualities of colleagues.

Do not fond of it. But your ability to substitute your shoulder, tactfully and silently, a man will definitely appreciate.

Hide emotions, even faced with frank rudeness from someone from colleagues. Many women believe that if a voice has raised or simply spoiled, it is impossible to silence. The offender should be answered by the same coin or just praise, trying to call him remorse. Probably, someone will cause the expected reaction, but it may be so that neither cry, nor tears stop your cheap. Just once again, everyone surrounding will be convicted in your weakness, in the fact that you can not be viewed as a full-fledged player in the male team.

In no case do not show the enemy that he got you, even if it really is. No one ever should see your tears! It is very important in such a situation to maintain a composure, not to give yourself to a meaningless scandal.

Stay, respond to an emphasized tone. This will cool the aggressiveness of your opponent. Speak quietly, it will force your offender to reduce the volume. Make pauses between phrases, it will take time to think and feel your condition at the moment. In any controversial situation, a person who owns his emotions looks more worthily. Sometimes rudeness is a provocation, the desire to "show your place". Often, hard men can not withstand pressure or do not know how to hit. The female advantage is that you do not expect courage and durability.

Psychologists noticed one feature of female psychology: if men after a major conversation quickly move away, forgetting about the quarrel, then women, on the contrary, are able to once again and re-come back to an unpleasant episode, scrolling it in the head and continuing to be angry. This is a dead end. The vindictability is only wasting nerve cells. Do not copy anger, do not be malicious - it harms first of all.

Surely you know the expression: "Listen to the woman and draw on the contrary." It is clear that only a man could come up with, and therefore draw conclusions, especially if you try to get along in the men's team. Conclusion is simple: men are extremely sensitive to all tips emanating from women. They just do not like them. Men perceive your advice as criticism as a statement of their professional insolvency. By the way, for most men, there is only one woman who has the right to indicate them - Mother.

The advice is especially annoyed when someone is very generously sharing with everyone in a row. Hence such an extremely hostile attitude towards the impaired advice. In order not to be the number of such people, try to not criticize anyone, not advise anyone, and if you express your opinion, then only when you are asked about it. Whatever they say, but people do not like critics from whom it would come. On the contrary, a friendly assessment, praise, compliment is a significant psychological support for any representative of a strong sex. Having received it from you, he will soon have to seek advice.

Problems and difficulties that awaiting a woman in the men's team, so much that there may be a persistent belief: a woman simply will not be able to exist normally in this male world. It's not like that at all. Your colleagues hope that you are your knowledge and skills to strengthen their team that you

you will be initiative and persistent in achieving common goals, you will not excessively annoyed by them with your complexes and, of course, recognize their genius.

Mixed team

This is the most common option. But the pitfalls here can be the following: to you, especially if you are new, from the arrival atmosphere and for the sake of diversity will begin to show the attention of men, and for it will be a woman's tooth. Therefore, men are better not to be fluttered with men, do not rush to suggestions, and women do not quarrel and bring "bridges of love and friendship." But after you like the female half and get laired in general, you can behave as you like, now there is no longer a nobody nobody forcing you. Simply, if you do not instantly make wide eyes and a cute smile in response to any male compliment and dining with everyone in turn, men and women and women are equally concerned.

Work in the team involves constant communication and contact with absolutely different people. This means that you will not always be able to find a common language absolutely with all the colleagues and you will have to work hard that establishing relationships at work with colleagues and bosses. Our secrets from office old-timers will help you.

How to establish relationships at work in the team

In the labor team, as in any other, without conflicts can not do. However, if you know how to find a common language with any person, you will be much easier to avoid conflicts or at least substantially soften them.

To do this, think about it and divide all colleagues to the types:


Such people cannot be content with just well-performed work - they need an ideal. Any deviation from the flawless sample causes indignation at the perforation.

He imposed to all colleagues, including to himself. Remember that it is very difficult to find a common language with such a person, especially if he is the boss. Its requirements for work are practically unrealistic to fulfill, which means that every time you hear reproaches that something could be done better.

To establish relationships at work with a perfectionist, do not dwell on the comments of this person. Often, dissatisfaction with others is caused by dissatisfaction with their own person, because he places such overestimated requirements not only to others, but also to himself. If your supervisor is dissatisfied with your work, try to reasonably and calmly explain to him that it is not always possible to bring the case to the ideal.

"I should not do this"

Such employees can be found in any team. These are the people who, under any pretext, refuse to perform even easier task. Their duty phrase is often "it is not in my duties." With such employees, it is difficult to communicate and especially to establish relationships at work, because they always believe that they carry out someone else's work, make someone's favor and the like.

You can stimulate such employees to fulfill work, because almost all of them seek to build a good career. In this case, the performance of work that is supposedly not included in their duties should contribute to the recruitment of the career ladder.


Also a fairly common type in any team. These people love to cut rumors in the team in anticipation of a response or just to attract attention to themselves. To establish relationships at work with such a person, remember that gossips to some extent seek power over the colleagues, after all, owning information and outbill gossip, they can easily lead to conflict in the workplace, spoil the working atmosphere.

If rumors bloom about you, and you know about it. The best option will tell the true facts with your colleague. Thus, interest in the gossip will be lost, because colleagues found out truthful information from you, which means they no longer need to come up and get lost in guess.

What to do if there are no relationships with colleagues

It has long been proven that our thoughts can materialize. This means that any person from the team that offends you, you need to imagine a good person. Try to reconsider your attitude towards people around you. In every person, if you wish, you will find some good qualities. So do the focus on them, try not to notice the negative.

Your task will now translate the negative in positive. During a conversation with a man not very pleasant for you, try not to express your hostility, try to keep yourself in your hands. Think how from the side will look if you are sad and rude. This can not be done in any way. Hell listen and hear what they tell you.

On the very first day of your stay at the new workplace immediately think about how to establish relationships with colleagues. Here you can not hesitate, otherwise you risk a lonely on the list. To establish relationships at work, do not try to stand out from the very threshold. Try to show your skills in your work, show that you are a good and responsible worker.

Ask questions regarding your work, if you know how to help colleagues at work, then support them in matters in which you are competent. If you are busy with something, and you came to you with some kind of question, tactfully ask for a little bit, while you are not free.

You are more interested in colleagues, listen to their stories without interrupting. To establish relationships at work, in a conversation with the interlocutor, more often smile friendly, look in your eyes your own companion. Show that you are not indifferent to what is going on.

Very well, if you can easily establish a trusting relationship with that person who is an authority, the leader in the team. Then it will be easier for you to communicate with the whole team. After all, everyone trusts this person, listen to his opinion.

How to establish relationships with the boss

The working team is a certain social group in which relations and communication between members of the Group are very important. And there is a good relationship with the head - and more important.

It affects the atmosphere in the team and your personal progress in your work. But how to establish relationships at work with the boss, if the head, gently say, is a difficult person? How to find a common language with the boss in order not to enjoy the swing?

From how well there was a relationship in the team and with the bosses, it depends on. How successfully you will perform your duties and how long you will still hold on your position. If the conflicts in the team can only lead to moral discomfort, then misunderstanding in communication with the boss can lead to a decrease in position or to dismissal. Therefore, several basic rules should be remembered to know exactly how to establish relationships with the bosses.

1. Do not take everything too close to the heart.

None of the work cannot be avoided and disapproval from the authorities. Therefore, you should not perceive any remark from the head as the end of the world or the announcement of the war.

To establish relationships with the boss, it is better to listen to his words, perhaps it will really help you correct some errors. If his claims are not argued, and he is simply displeased with everything, then there is no point in loaning in his words. Therefore, you do not need to criticize your head in the team, condemn it for pickiness and rigor. It is possible that you will do on the site of the head as well.

2. No need to be afraid

Whatever the despot was your boss - you should not be afraid of him and avoid communicating with him. If you do not decide to put the document made by you, on the signature director, it can conclude that you do not work. If you try to show your eyes as little as possible, they will conclude that you simply do not work or hide something.

It will correct to communicate with the director, to seek contact with him, as closely can be shown to his eyes. Thus, he will see in you an active, initiative employee, and therefore your value will rise.

3. Do not overdo it with communication

Constantly be in front of the bosses is also not the best option. In all, as you know, you need to know the measure, so you should not turn into an annoying fly and follow the heels behind the chief. Too often, your appearance before the eyes of the authorities can also cause suspicion.

4. Be careful

Try to carefully examine your boss. Start from the first day at the new job. Slide its habits and features of character. If you exactly know that in the morning it is not necessary to approach important issues, and it is best to do it after lunch, then you can avoid many conflicts. It is always useful to know which words soothe people, and what actions can take it out of themselves. This information will always be useful to you in finding a common language with the bosses.

At any work there is your team. And it is very important not to stay away from him, you need to know how to establish relationships with colleagues at work. From how comfortable you will feel in the team depends on how long you will work in this company.

Indeed, if you do not work with the team, if conflicts will constantly arise at work, most likely, you will soon have to quit and look for a new job. So that this does not happen, start from the first minutes of staying in a new place to establish relationships with the team.