How to become a singer at 10 years old. The first steps of an aspiring singer: tips for organizing a creative career

How to become a singer at 10 years old.  The first steps of an aspiring singer: tips for organizing a creative career
How to become a singer at 10 years old. The first steps of an aspiring singer: tips for organizing a creative career

You are the owner of a magical voice, you can perform on stage absolutely without any problems, why not then study all the necessary information on how to become a singer? This can provide you with a future full of positive emotions and interesting work. Nowadays, modern society has created many opportunities to become famous and get rich by doing what you love!

How to become a singer?

First you need to know that a young girl aged 18 and older has a strong voice. In this age category, you can better study your abilities and understand if you have the necessary vocal abilities. How can you wait and understand that such a moment has come? How to be able to sing without any problems?
This is where your computer comes in handy. If you don't even know how to use special programs, contact your friends who can help. If you have tried, you like it, then continue in the same direction, try again, until you can find yourself a producer and perform in front of him with dignity.
You have another challenge - learn to show yourself in public in a more effective way. To do this, first of all, learn to move well, so that it is flexible and bright, so that everyone can envy you. To do this, you should turn to professionals for help: famous choreographers, models, singers, find out how they achieved such high results. They will help you understand how to become a singer. Look for any opportunities and go to your dream.
Try not to criticize yourself. Everyone has days when there is not enough strength even for what they love. You may be sick or tired. Pay attention to this, because if problems begin with your voice, it is very difficult to restore it later. Immediately take all measures to treat the problem, contact a specialist for help. Remember, your most important instrument is your voice, and you should give your full attention to it.

Rules to keep in mind!

1. Take care of yourself. Never go on a business that you don't like or, worse, will harm you. Find exactly the kind of person you can rely on in any situation. And, most importantly, you must be confident in him, otherwise it is better to refuse and look for another person for training and cooperation.
2. Do not forget that this profession is not easy. It has its own nuances and difficulties. Many believe that if they sang at some city concert once, they will be immediately noticed and invited somewhere. If everything were that simple, then every second would become popular. But in modern times, new opportunities have emerged to promote their candidacy. These are internet networks. Many people create their own sites on which they post their records, clips, make whole TV shows. Over time, your video will gain many views, and glory will come to you!
3. Before embarking on a vocal career, you need to decide if you have the data. You can learn a lot, but if by nature you are not given even the slightest ability, then, unfortunately, you should not even try.
4. It is necessary to obtain all the necessary knowledge in the field of music and musical literacy. It's great if in childhood you graduated from a music school or personally studied with a teacher. Extra knowledge never hurts. You will not face the same problems that beginners in this field usually stumble upon. It is necessary to learn how to use your voice correctly, to be able to listen to yourself, to be able to stop at the necessary moment.
5. Luck opens the way only for the best, so never give up, try something new, improve your abilities and strive to fulfill your goals.
Follow all of these instructions and you can easily learn how to become a high-class singer!

People are born capable of making sounds. Each has its own individual timbre, speech rate, and its own volume. Many are singing. These actions are similar to meditation, they introduce the body into a different state: either they calm down, or, conversely, add energy and liveliness. In ancient times, the ancestors believed that the soul itself sings in a person and that singing is its natural state.
People sing to themselves to express their feelings. Some people like to sing for others. And there is a group of people who simply need listeners, and singing is their life. Such people become singers in the modern world. But how?

American singer Taylor Swift

How to Become a Singer: Setting a Goal

Many of those who chose the stage for themselves grew up in a family of composers, producers, actors and musicians. From the family they gained a love for music, and in the family they received the first recognition and support. Since childhood, they studied music and vocals, went to a music school. And some grew up in ordinary families, where music was not a professional craft. But the vocation will find a person everywhere. Every family has a TV and a tape recorder, computers, and all this equipment brings sounds to us every day, and often - singing.
If someone wanted to become a singer or a singer (most often it is girls who want this), and there are all the prerequisites for the embodiment of the desire: voice, love for the stage, thirst for attention, you must first set a goal for yourself. To make it clear where to go next. Each person has his own level of ambition, dreams of small or great. Therefore, you need to clearly define from the very beginning: how high you want to climb and shine strongly. Some want to sing in bars, for others backing vocals are close, others want to go to the big pop stage, some like rock and can even perform on the street at first, the fifth dream of opera and they have a strong enough voice for this. Everyone sees themselves differently in the role of a singer. You need to decide: where you want to sing, after what time and how much money you want to earn with your voice. After the goal has been set, the means of achieving it are used.

Work on yourself

Reading the biographies of bright stars, you will notice that they were somewhat different from everyone else. Each has its own character, style, its own special showiness. But talented girls and women still have something in common. What allowed them to get to Olympus.
This is perseverance, the desire to go to the end and not stop before difficulties and obstacles. This is ultra-high efficiency, the ability to sleep 2-3 hours a day, achieving the desired effect. People are not capable of this if they are not possessed by a passion for a particular cause. It is the relentless craving for singing and music that can provide you with open doors on the way to conquering the stage and the sympathies of the listeners.
You need to develop volitional qualities in yourself, tune in to a positive course of events, learn to overcome fears and doubts.
It's still a good idea to work on external data: strictly assess your style, manners, movements; understand: how much all this corresponds to your image of the future singer.
Realize how developed your sense of rhythm is. It may be necessary to be like dance lessons or enroll in a dance school, because a modern pop diva is not only a voice, but also incendiary, attractive energetic or smooth movements.
Understanding the life that stars lead is also important. If a girl is ready to be on tour most of the time, to live in hotels, to be constantly traveling, flying, not getting enough sleep and overworking, observing the strict terms of the contract, then this work is for her. The existence of popular artists is also not complete without rumors, gossip, rivalry, a million fans, letters from them with declarations of love, and from some - even with threats. Choosing this profession, you need to accept that you no longer belong to yourself entirely, you belong to the public, the people, become a public person, in whose life more and more people will strive to get into.
It is necessary to prepare in advance both for great fame and attention, for the fact that your personal life will be public, and for the fact that a period (months and even years) may come in fate during which the audience and viewers can completely forget about you.

Also, each performer has her own special personality. The inimitable data includes the timbre of the voice - similar may be, identical - not (Voice is like fingerprints); appearance: face, physique; charm and history.
The story makes the artist interesting. The more interesting the story, the life of a person, the person himself, the more interesting his music and songs (the fruits of his creativity and experience), because, as we noted at the beginning of the article, the soul sings. Probably, they noticed that musical compositions that catch, fascinate, as if carried away to a fairy tale, are performed by unusual and creative and unique people, with vivid charisma and rich life or emotional experience. It turns out that the inner world of a pop artist breaks out and becomes noticeable to millions.
Conclusion: in order to come somewhere, you need to go through something, pass events through yourself, get enough of what is happening around.
Try to see the uniqueness in yourself and follow the path of your heart. Do what you're interested in, have fun with it, and don't limit yourself to a whole bunch of "impossible." Much should be possible for an artist, because he is the future idol of millions, an example and inspiration for exploits for others, because music is a drive. And it is for the sake of the feeling of freedom and ample opportunities that they listen to it.

Musical education

Every voice needs to be played. For this, there are music schools, lyceums and higher educational institutions. Self-practice is very important, but someone has to control and guide you on the path to excellence. If these are not relatives, musicians, then teachers in educational musical institutions. It is not enough to have a good and beautiful voice, you also need to learn how to use it as a serious instrument. Real professionals understand this and do not spare time and efforts for self-development.
You can't get on stage without putting your voice on stage.
In many biographies of famous pop performers, it is written that they graduated from a higher musical or theater education.

Vocal lesson

Let's turn to the experience of already well-known performers in order to understand: how important a specialized education is and whether it is possible to become a singer without it.
Prima donna - Alla Pugacheva.She graduated from the children's music school and entered the conductor-choral department of the music school. Ippolitova-Ivanova.
Taisiya Povaliy graduated from the Kiev muses. Glier School.
Have Zemfira behind him is a music school with honors and a music school.
Vera Brezhneva I played sports, danced and worked to love my face and body. The singer became a pop star without special musical education.
Zhanna Friske she was engaged in ballet, ballroom, sports dances, rhythmic gymnastics, acrobatics. She took part in school theatrical performances. Moscow Institute of Culture at the Department of Choreography.
Natasha Koroleva... Music school, choreographic studio of folk dance at the "Rope" choir. She graduated from the Kiev School, class "Pop Vocal".
Jasmine in childhood, he leaves school for muses after 3 years. At the age of 20, she decides to still learn vocals. He chooses Natalia Zinovievna Andrianova from the Gnessin School as a teacher.
Thus, it can be seen that from a random sample of singers, 2 out of 6 did not have a vocal education, while paying a lot of attention to dancing and physical development.

The conclusion can be drawn as follows. A singer is also an artist.
Either you need to learn how to create shows on stage from your performances, or have exceptional vocal abilities and work seriously in this direction, or both. Of course, musical education is highly desirable, but apparently not necessary.

Search for an investor or capital

An important step on the path to a singing career is finding an investor or producer. Money is needed for everything: to record the first song, to purchase outfits to create your own unique image. If you are recording songs on your computer on your own, then try first to promote your performances in your own way. The goal is to get as many people as possible to listen to your songs. Here your friends can help with advertising, or you should turn to special advertising Internet sites where they are engaged in the promotion of YouTube channels, social profiles. networks, etc. For relatively little money, you can get enough views. And if those who open your videos like the vocals and videos, they, in turn, will share their findings with friends and acquaintances. The statistics are as follows: if a person likes something, he shows or recommends it to 3-4 people in his environment. So they become popular on the net. The next step after that is to translate popularity into reality.

For this, there are TV shows where aspiring singers demonstrate their talent to everyone. And even if you took part in one of these programs, and did not reach the final, it is still a victory - you have already been on the TV screen and "lit up". You are already familiar with TV stars and can count on their advice and support anyway.
By taking steps on the path to success, you prove to yourself and others that intentions are serious. Therefore, having lit up on the TV screen, impressing friends and acquaintances with your courage and perseverance, even among them you can find an investor for your musical project.
When funds become available, you can move on to the next stage - recording the song in the studio and broadcasting it to the radio station. They say that if you like a song on the radio, then it will be released on the air for free.
A successful radio debut means celebrities will be interested in you. Then you are on the right track.

Glory and tenacity

The singer's fame comes after titanic work, for a huge number of overcome fears and experiences. Some stars light up quickly and go out just as quickly. Others burn for a long time, warming the hearts of the listeners.
How to shine on stage for a long time?
The first rays of glory can dazzle an aspiring singer. She thinks that the desire is fulfilled, the goal is achieved. You can happily reap the fruits of your labor. In fact, everything is more complicated.
The main thing is not to stumble over the apparent success at the very beginning. It is necessary to endure this positive test and understand that in the future it is necessary to work even more and more persistently. You should always understand that only moving forward and professional growth will provide you with the constant attention of the audience.
Not being afraid to experiment, to embody all your ideas musically, to organize PR campaigns, to find supporters and friends among a growing number of colleagues - this is the path that will continue to lead you to success on stage.


To become a singer, you must, first of all, set a specific goal for yourself: where, in what genre you plan to perform.
It is necessary to identify the data that will be the basis for building a career. This is a voice, hearing, a sense of rhythm, artistry. Evaluate your appearance and plasticity, improve yourself, love your strengths and weaknesses. Learn to overcome fears and obstacles.
Get a music education or find a good vocal teacher. Learn to approach life creatively.
Carry out large-scale advertising and, if any, your creations. Find financial support.
Having bathed in the rays of glory for the first time, do not lose your head, but persistently and boldly go further towards achieving your goals.
The support of an aspiring singer from relatives and friends is of great importance. Belief in yourself begins with belief in you in the family circle, then in the circle of other close people. Find someone who will believe in you no matter what and help you when things get tough. Sometimes others are able to discern more in a person than he himself and help him to believe in himself.

A singer is not just a beautiful cover girl, she is, first of all, a profession. If you want to succeed in it, you need to work a lot on yourself and on the basic qualities that a professional singer should have. So where to start:

  • Listen to a vocal teacher. This person will definitely determine whether you have musical abilities, talent, whether you need to practice singing or is it not yours. In addition, it will help you decide on the most suitable genre of performance (rock, pop, jazz, folk singing, etc.)
  • If the voice is in order, we are working on the development of charisma, charm and on the appearance / image, plasticity. A good voice should be presented beautifully and interestingly to the audience. You must become special, peculiar, unlike other singers. You must want to be seen and heard over and over again. A good example for you is Justin Bieber - a simple boy who became famous for his voice and charm, but really excelled after serious classes in a dance studio, gym and after a change of image.
  • Participate in amateur activities at the city level, gradually moving to the level of the district and the country. Take notes of your performances, analyze what you don't like and hone your skills.
  • Record a few songs in the studio and send them to all possible music companies, put the recordings on the Internet, try to break into local radio - you never know where luck will smile at you.
  • Develop persistence, will and faith in yourself. The singer's path is full of difficulties and setbacks. Only with true faith in success will you get into the music TOP.

How to become an opera singer

  • From an early age, train your vocal cords, sing in a classical choir and, if possible, study at a music school.
  • Listen to a collection of classical operas and learn about the history of the formation of famous opera singers.
  • Be sure to get a specialized music education at the conservatory, give preference to the old school and experienced, age teachers.
  • Learn foreign languages ​​and cultures for the most correct pronunciation while singing foreign songs.

How to become a singer for a child

In the case of children, a special burden and responsibility falls on the shoulders of the parents. It is very important here that the child himself wants to sing, and not his parents. If there is a desire to become a pop star, then there is little to do - give the child the opportunity to develop, to participate in song contests.

Find a good teacher who practices all kinds of creative travel and public music performances. Always be there and do not skimp on praise - this is the best charge for creativity!

How to become a pop singer

The pop singer is the image of an eternally young, successful, beautiful and singing woman. Not all pop singers can boast of outstanding talent today, but newspapers, fashion magazines constantly write about them, they are discussed on the Internet and on the radio. How can this be achieved?

  • Much attention is paid to the appearance and the frequent change of images.
  • Popularity is achieved not only through singing, but also through active activity outside the stage, PR, black PR.
  • Participation in various projects on television in order to reach the largest possible audience.

In other words, a pop singer must also be a versatile personality, be able to create intrigue, be unpredictable and always a little mysterious. Try on different looks, experiment, be a bit of an actress!

How to become a popular, famous singer

Unfortunately, neither a beautiful voice, nor the implementation of all of the above recommendations can guarantee popularity. In any case, promotion is needed. You can, of course, find an experienced producer or PR manager who will professionally promote your promotion, but this pleasure is very expensive. There is an alternative - on television there are many show programs in which you can declare yourself all over the country and become popular almost instantly.

Cheap and cheerful, but the result can exceed all your expectations! And also create a page and constantly upload your best works there and the popularity will not keep you waiting!