The name of the event is about the shadow theater in the library. Theater Day event plan (senior preschool age)

The name of the event is about the shadow theater in the library. Theater Day event plan (senior preschool age)

"Children's puppet theater in the library"

Explanatory note

Recently, there has been a decline in the activity of children’s reading, computer technologies are increasingly replacing a child with a book, while providing information that does not always adequately reflect and interpret universal human values.

Large-scale informatization has changed the needs of the population. Children first of all absorb the good and the bad, not thinking how this can affect the formation of their personality. First of all, the family, the school should help them in this. But the statistics speak for themselves, parents do not know how or do not talk at all with their children. The house has a TV and a computer - having connected to the Internet, you can communicate in silence. And sometimes you don't need to write at school - just circle the number of the correct answer. As a result, it is difficult for a child to formulate and voice the simplest idea.

Formulation of the problem.

The relevance of this project lies in an active approach to the upbringing, education and development of a child by means of puppet theater.

Puppet theater is one of the best models of humanity. The qualities that distinguish puppet theater from other forms of theatrical art include durability and versatility. The characters of the puppet theater can live for centuries, and the museum doll, guided by the hand of an experienced puppeteer, can come to life at any moment, playing in front of us the very comedy that the audience admired a few centuries ago. The puppet theater is universal - its performances captivate both adults and children alike. Giving the adult the opportunity to plunge into childhood again, and the child to grow up a little, immersing him in the world of emotions and experiences transmitted at a level accessible to him, the puppet theater brings them together.

The creation of a puppet theater in the library will help maintain a steady interest in literature, theater, improve skills, embody certain experiences in the game, encourage the creation of new images, as well as attract the attention of the younger generation to the preservation of folk culture. Thanks to classes in the puppet theater, the life of the children will be more interesting and meaningful, filled with vivid impressions, interesting things, the joy of creativity.

An emotionally experienced performance will help children determine their attitude to what is happening, identify positive and negative characters. In the theater, the main thing is not a puppet, but a person's intention. It is thanks to man that the doll comes to life and functions.


Creation of a children's puppet theater aimed at introducing children to books and reading, at their aesthetic, emotional and moral education. Introducing readers to the foundations of Russian culture, to the knowledge of traditions, to the enrichment of theatrical experience.


Creation of conditions for the creative, intellectual, physical and personal development of children through the foundations of such an art form as puppet theater;

  • Creation of prerequisites for the identification, development of individual abilities in children and their improvement in the practice of working with dolls;
  • Teaching the basics of acting and developing memory, attention, imagination, thinking through puppet theater;
  • Formation of needs to show interest in folk art, to show the best traditions of the Russian people, to help pupils to better master their land, its culture and history through the example of studying the traditions of the Russian puppet theater;
  • Attracting as many readers as possible to the library, maximizing funds, instilling a love of reading.

The target audience: children from 3 years old, adolescents, youth and adults.

Action plan

Name of works

2017 year

Drawing up an action plan for the implementation of the project, informing about the project.

Involvement of children in the creation of the club "Visiting Petrushka". Creating a puppet mug. Purchase of floor and table screens with decorations and chintz curtains.

Choice of repertoire.

Selection and recording of musical accompaniment for performances. Scheduling of group and individual lessons with theater participants.

May June July

Making dolls.

Aug. Sept

Rehearsals for performances.

October, November, December

Premiere of the play. Show of performances.

The target audience:
children from 9-13 years old

Expected Result: The creation of the theater will help in attracting a new audience - parents and their children, as they will discover the unusual and wonderful world of the puppet theater. Modern children do not sufficiently represent the life of their ancestors, their way of life, traditions and customs. Festivities and merriments occupied a very prominent place in the life of the Russian people. The foundations of the future professional theater were born in fair festivities. Studying the history of Russian culture and participating in performances will help children better understand the traditions of their people.

On this day, you can hold the "Theatrical Stage" competition. This event helps to form students' activity, independence, the ability to quickly navigate. To participate in the competition, 5 people are determined in advance, they prepare a presentation of themselves (other students can help), they also bring with them any waste material for making a costume, and they will learn about other competitions at the event itself.

Evening "Theater Stage"

Evening progress

(The presenters come out to the sound of the song "Ah, this evening ...".)

Lead 1: Hello, dear spectators, fans and those who just looked into our cozy hall.

Lead 2: Today, on the international day of theater, we are announcing the start of the "Theatrical Stage" competition.

Lead 1: Leading this evening - ...

Lead 2: And ... (presenters introduce each other)

(Before the start of the competition, the presenters can tell a little about what theater is in general, when it arose, etc.)

Lead 1: We traditionally start with the introduction of our participants - these are the five most daring, creative students of our school. They have prepared a business card about themselves - this will be our first competition. We are the first to invite to this stage ...

(Participants are being introduced.)

Lead 2: We met our participants, you also know us, but we still forgot someone.

Lead 1: Of course, we forgot, we have not yet presented our arbiters of destinies - a fair and respected jury.

(Jury presentation.)

Lead 2: Well, now everyone is presented, and we are moving on to our second competition. It is called "Questions".

Lead 1: We invite all the participants to the stage and give them question cards. While they are reading the questions and thinking about how to answer them, I will explain to you that the questions were taken from literary works you know.

(Participants take turns reading the question out loud and answering it.)

Sample questions:

1. Which of the Russian writers and to which work gave the epigraph "There is no need to blame the mirror if the face is crooked." (N.V. Gogol "The Inspector General".)

2. From what silk fabric were the dresses of the merchant's daughters sewn in the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower"? (Atlas.)

3. Which Russian writer wrote three novels, the title of which begins with the letter "O"? (IA Goncharov "Break", "Oblomov", "An Ordinary History".)

4. What English economist did Eugene Onegin read? (Adam Smith.)

5. What event happened between Uncle Fyodor and his parents, and was the reason for leaving for Prostokvashino? (Argument.)

Lead 2: Great, the jury made a note of who answered the question correctly and we move on to the third competition, which is called "The Chewing Man".

Lead 1: It is important for an actor to play a pantomimic non-objective sketch. Now our participants are encouraged to eat the item so that it becomes immediately clear to everyone what you are eating. Each participant receives a card with those items that he needs to eat.

Lead 2: Each participant has three subjects. As soon as the music starts, you start to "eat" the first item, as soon as we say that the item changes, you move on to the second dish, and then, when we give the command, you move on to "eat" the third dish.

(Music sounds, participants show a pantomime, the following items can be used for the task: seeds, a wormy apple, bony fish, ripe watermelon, melting ice cream, not fried barbecue, spaghetti, semolina porridge, castor oil, ripe pear, banana, rice porridge with Chinese chopsticks, plum, hot baked potatoes, candy.)

Lead 1: Great, you ate so deliciously that I also wanted to have a snack.

Lead 2: The jury gives marks, and we listen to the results for three competitions.

Lead 1: The first results are clear and we are continuing the competition tasks. For the next competition, which is called "Theater starts with a hanger", the participants brought with them waste material.

Lead 2: Now the participants will be given cards with the names of the characters, the costume, which they have to make. Their friends can help prepare the costume backstage.

(To the music, the participants go backstage and prepare the costume of the following fairy-tale characters there: The Snow Queen; Koschey the Immortal; Baba Yaga; The Water One; Leshy. The costume can be demonstrated both by the participant himself and his assistant.)

Lead 1: While our members are behind the scenes, we will play a game with the audience.

(The hall, together with the presenter, pronounces the words and repeats his movements:

Came - came

(We go in place.)

Hedgehogs - hedgehogs

(We open our palms, squeezing and unclenching our fingers.)

Anchored - Anchored

(We bang fist on fist.)

Scissors - scissors

(Show scissors with our hands.)

Running in place - running in place

(We run in place.)

Bunnies - bunnies

(Showing ears.)

Come on, amicably! Well, together!

(All the girls shout out loud "Girls!", All the boys shout "Boys!")

The game is usually played 2-3 times.

As soon as the participants are ready, the presenters name the fairy-tale character to the music and the participants demonstrate their costumes. You can offer to demonstrate the costumes, and the jury in the hall should recognize the character.)

Lead 2: While our participants are taking off their costumes, we will listen to the results of the past competitions, which the jury will announce to us.

Lead 1: We have prepared another competition for our actors - "Mannequins". To participate in it, we invite all the actors to the stage.

Lead 2: They are asked to imagine the following situation: glass was broken in a clothing store and all the mannequins were ruined. The administration of this store turned to the theater for help, asking the actors to stand in the window until new mannequins were brought. Our participants need to freeze in various positions.

Lead 1: Great, as long as you do this assignment. But that is not the difficulty. While our actors are in the windows, they bring in new mannequins and they begin to change places, change their clothes. The task of the participants of the competition: to hold out in the chosen position, no matter what the circumstances.

Lead 2: If the actors are ready, then we invite loaders to our store.

(Music sounds, a group of stronger guys appears on the stage, dressed as loaders and having a certain imagination. They drag the frozen figures of the actors across the stage, put on their outerwear, possibly making whole compositions from "mannequins".)

Lead 1: Great, our actors have successfully coped with the role of mannequins.

Lead 2: Our next competition is "Skorovoristy". Professional actors must be able to speak quickly and clearly, so our participants need to pronounce the tongue twister, which is written on their card.

The options are:

Already the snakes are already in a puddle.

The weaver weaves fabrics on Tanya's shawls.

Frol walked along the highway to Sasha to play checkers.

The water carrier was carrying water from the water supply system.

Courier overtakes the courier into the quarry.

Lead 1: We realized that our participants are great at pronouncing tongue twisters, and what the jury thinks about the talents of the jury, we will now find out.

(The jury sums up the results of the past competitions and announces the total score for all competitions.)

Lead 2: We will applaud those participants who are in the lead, and we will support those who still have few points, do not be discouraged, there are still many contests ahead.

Lead 1: Very often the actors have to voice various radio performances or films, so our next competition is "Voice acting". Participants will have to voice the phenomena that are indicated on their cards.

(Participants receive cards containing two tasks each:

Mooring motor boat;

Downpipe in the rain;

Starting car engine;

Boiling kettle;

Siren howl;

Storm at sea;

Braking car;

Horse stomp;

The noise of an airplane taking off;

The cry of the seagulls.)

Lead 2: All the actors did a great job with the voice acting and we continue our competitions.

Lead 1: Competition "Situation". The ability to read poetry is important for an actor. But reading with a certain intonation is quite difficult. Participants should read the well-known poem by Agnia Barto "Our Tanya is crying loudly" in the proposed situations, which are indicated on the cards.

(You can use the following situations - for each participant two situations: on the street minus forty, and you are standing barefoot; you are chewing hot potatoes; you are an orator whom humanity listens to; you are a police officer drawing up a protocol; you are a child of three reading a poem in front of guests; you are a priest preaching in a church; at rush hour you take a minibus; you are a participant in a concert: working without a microphone in a large hall; you find fault with a small child; you have a heavy load on your back.)

Lead 2: We are moving on to the next competition. The hardest part of an actor's job is playing an animal. Indeed, for this you need to be very observant, especially since you cannot use words, but you need to accurately recreate sounds and movements. After all, animals know how to communicate with each other.

Lead 1: And now, here two animals will meet and talk to each other through the fence before our very eyes. All this will be portrayed by our participants in the Animal Conversation competition.

(For the competition, it is necessary to put up a screen so that the actors do not see each other. Each participant has the names of two animals on the card. The presenters name the bunks that will communicate in turn, they can be as follows: a rooster and a chicken; a small dog and a big angry dog ; lion and goat; ram and goose; pig and goat.)

Lead 2: We have turned out to be a wonderful zoo, but what our jury thinks about it, we will now find out.

(The jury announces the results for all competitions.)

Lead 1: The next competition is very serious, it is called "Helpline". Now a recording of a phone call of a person who asks for help in a given situation will sound, and the task of the participants is to orient themselves and give good advice to the caller.

The following situations can be used for the competition:

"I am ten years old. A kitten lives in our house. I got a deuce in math, and my mother promises to throw my kitten out into the street for this. What should I do, because I cannot quickly fix this deuce? "

“I am seventeen years old, I am in the eleventh grade, but have not yet decided what to do next - where to study or work. They say that you need to choose what you love, but what should I do if I only love sausage? "

“I am already twelve years old, but my grandmother continues to accompany me to school, my classmates laugh at me! What should I do?"

“I really like one boy from the parallel class, but he doesn't pay any attention to me. What should I do?"

“A friend betrayed me. We have been friends for eight years, and when it was necessary to choose with whom to sit at the desk, he chose the girl. What should I do?"

Moderator 2: Unfortunately, our competition is coming to an end and we ask the jury to sum up the results and designate the winners.

(Summing up, awarding the winners - 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.)

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Library plus theater

V.A. Stakheeva, head of the library

MOU Pervomaiskaya average comprehensive school The role of theatrical art in raising children is undeniable. For many centuries, mankind has been selflessly playing this magical game - theater. It is no coincidence that A.S. Pushkin exclaimed: "Theater is a magical land!" Many Russian teachers addressed the development of the amateur school theater. NN Bakhtin reveals his thoughts about the “teaching”, “educating”, “ennobling” role of the school theater, using the data of pedagogy, psychology of children's play and realistic acting. Analyzing some of the characteristic psychological features of children's play, Bakhtin raises the question of what brings it closer to the nature of performing arts and thereby creates natural prerequisites for practicing this art with children, and what, in turn, can give school-age children, in comparison with play, participation in pedagogically directed creative activities for the preparation of the performance. The specificity of stage activity, work on a play that is accessible and useful to children in educational terms, according to Bakhtin, “represents the discipline of this ability, submission to its will, a certain plan,” and such a natural ability should not be suppressed, but with the help of theatrical activities, it should be maintained and developed in children precisely for the purpose of the moral and aesthetic development of the individual. This position of Bakhtin echoes the thoughts of K.D. Ushinsky about the role of reading fiction and with the statements of N.K. Krupskaya about the importance of the creative activity of children, in particular theatrical amateur performance, for the acquisition and enrichment of moral experience, education of emotional responsiveness to someone else's joy or grief. Bakhtin pointed out the importance of the school theater for the deep mastering of literary works. He emphasized the great educational meaning of the participation of children in the creative process of the embodiment of the play at all its stages. Unlike an adult theater, a children's theater group becomes strong in everyday life, and sometimes for many years. This is the most important feature of the children's theater school collective is essential for today's pedagogy especially. The school theater, like none of the most remarkable teachers, manages to unite the most diverse children: by age, gender, intelligence, external data. Valentina Anatolyevna Stakheeva came to work as the head of the library at Pervomaiskaya secondary school with a diploma as a director of club events. In absentia, she managed to graduate from the St. Petersburg Academy of Culture and received the specialty of a librarian-bibliographer. Having mastered, Valentina Anatolyevna realized that she could use in her work previous experience, forms and methods of club activity, combine with library ones. Communicating with children of different ages, she noticed how, growing up, they often lose interest in fiction. This happens to grades 4-5. Schoolchildren often satisfy their cognitive needs through television, computers, reference books, which carry a huge flow of information. It undoubtedly contributes to rapid intellectual improvement, but against this background, there is a clear lag in emotional development. How to make the guys themselves want to read good books, not only grasp the plot, but understand what problems are being solved in the work, pay attention to artistic details, have their own opinion about what they have read, empathize with the characters? And this must be done unobtrusively, outside the box. Valentina Anatolyevna began to often hold matinees, contests, quizzes, games. The guys began to read a little more, but this did not solve the problem. How can you save the souls of children, help them see this wonderful and wonderful world? How to convey to them your admiration, teach them to love the book, to understand what they have read, and through this to penetrate deeper into the meaning of the experiences of others, or rather to understand the worries, desires, and actions of yours and your friends? Valentina Anatolyevna decided to create a school book theater at the library. Children endlessly play theater. The child finds a plot, selects the necessary furniture, things, assigns roles, chooses toys. The guys feel which of their peers is better able to fulfill this or that role. They strive to play for real, changing the movements, intonation of the voice, dressing up in different costumes. The theater of the book "Fantasy" has existed for fifteen years and already has its own repertoire. How many schoolchildren have stepped onto the stage during these 15 years, how many debuts have taken place! And many participants, having once performed in front of the audience, did not leave the stage for several years. The theater greets the smallest with a fairy tale. In fairy tales, amusement and morality are surprisingly organically combined. It is at a young age that the foundations of morality are laid, faith in good, in ultimate justice, a desire to help those in need. The repertoire of the small theater mainly includes fabulous performances and theatricalizations based on the works of children's writers: S.Ya. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, N Nosov, G. Uspensky, A.L. Barto, K. Chukovsky, V. Dragunsky and others. High school students draw inspiration from the works of A. S. Pushkin, Fonvizin. The theater has staged about ten New Year performances - fairy tales: "On the square of the silver clock", "The Adventures of Sasha and Shura", "Winter's Tale", "The Snow Maiden invites you" and others. Creation of a creative team of children. Everyone approaches this problem in their own way. Valentina Anatolyevna invites to play in the play even children who, for one reason or another, have difficulties in communicating with their peers and those who cannot find themselves in class. True, in order to go on stage, children need to work a lot and for a long time on their speech, imagination, plasticity - everything that is necessary in the theater and in life. But the students do this not in the classroom, not under the critical gaze of the teacher, but in their free time, together with the same children who still do not know how much, but are ready to help, to prompt, in order to become a team of like-minded people on the stage later. This is how a collective is born. The staff of the theater of the book "Fantasy" is constantly being renewed, first-graders come to replace the graduates. Polls of alumni who have played on stage at least once show that the most vivid episodes of their performance in performances remain in their memory from the years spent at school. When meeting with the head of the school theater, they are always interested in contemporary performances. The difficulty lies in the fact that literary works for children, even their favorite fairy tales, need to be able to stage, that is, to translate from the language of words into the language of action. They need to be carefully rethought and, with minimal losses, conveyed to the modern child - the performer and the child-spectator. Not every school theater leader is able to cope with this sufficiently. When staging a play, Valentina Anatolyevna always writes an exact schedule of her work: - time for rehearsals at the table (expressive reading of the text),

Rehearsal in the "enclosure" (conditionally expressed space),

Assembly rehearsals in blocks, - "running rehearsals" and - "dress rehearsals" (minimum 1-2). The children themselves and their parents are involved in making costumes and decorations. The decoration is also very important. The possibilities of the school are very limited. At the same time, we must not forget that even a talented performance of the role will be seriously devalued without a carefully selected costume, make-up and other simple auxiliary means. Rehearsals, even for a very small performance, give children a lot of pleasure. Scene decoration, unusual, colorful costumes deepen their experience. Valentina Anatolyevna says that while working on a play, they do not set goals, that any production is a performance for a performance. First of all, this is children's creativity, and its value lies not only in the result, but in the process itself. It is important that they create, create, exercise in the creative imagination and its embodiment. And the activities of the theater are organized in such a way that the children feel that they are playing for themselves, and are captured by this game. The guys' faces after performances after performances are happy. They get joy from their creativity, from communication with the audience. After the performance, they cannot leave for a long time and share their impressions. The staff of the theater of the book "Fantasy" is a constant participant in regional theater festivals and competitions. The following performances were especially noted: "Down the Magic River" by E. Uspensky, "The Cat's House" by S. Ya. Marshak, "Overcome-Grass" by Lyubimov, "Two Maples" by E. Schwartz, "Young Lady-Peasant" by A.S. Pushkin, “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends” by N. Nosov, “A Tale of Truth” by M. Aliger, “I will not ask for forgiveness” by S. Prokofiev, “A Light in the Wind” by T. Makarskaya. In total, the book theater has staged more than 30 performances. On the pages of the regional newspaper "Zarya Severa", there were more than once articles about the theater performances of the book "Fantasy". Here is what an admirer of the theater writes: “I have repeatedly had to be a spectator at performances staged by May Day actors. Looking at them, sometimes you forget that the action takes place on an ordinary district stage, because we must pay tribute to the ability of the guys to be in public, to get used to the images of the heroes. And you have to see how young artists rejoice if their performance resonates in the hearts of the audience. But for any artist, this is the main reward. The theater has brought up more than one generation of talented children. In 2005, "For acting" received certificates of honor Katya Gavritenko, Oleg Chernyaev, Marina Bushmanova. And even earlier, the same certificates were awarded to Olya Ryabeva, Natasha Shasherina, Olya Zharavina, Andrey Korepin, Kolya Lobov, Zhenya Nekipelov, Tanya Goryunova, Yulia Kazakova and others. The results exceeded expectations. Indeed, during the preparation of the performance, the work and work of the author, the era, life, costumes, customs are studied in detail; every act, movement, feeling of characters is analyzed; everyone learns by heart large excerpts from works and already in life, when communicating, use quotations from plays. When a person is surrounded by such a creative aura, he is not able to commit a bad deed, he succeeds in everything, he is ready, like a sponge, to absorb knowledge, feelings, and love, to share this wealth with others. To the question "What did the school theater give you?" the participant of the circle Marina Bushmanova answered: “The theater gave me a lot. It seems that it was he who led me on a new path of inspiration. I will create, I will perform. After all, it is on the stage that I can show what I am in my soul. " And here are the words of Katya Chernysheva: “Here we get a creative charge for the rest of our lives, no matter what profession we choose. The theater is an excellent teacher. This is the world of a beautiful and fabulous kingdom. " Two pupils of the school theater Kirkina E.M. and Kazakova O.A. continued the work of Valentina Anatolyevna, they created their own theatrical groups. This is especially pleasing: the business started at school found its continuation on a professional basis. To make readers fall in love with literature, poetry, help form an artistic taste, promote the development of creative abilities, instill a need for cognition of the beautiful - these are the tasks that the library must solve. The Russian teacher O. Galakhova, in her report on the impact of theatrical art on children, as early as 1916, stated: “Theater is a school of life. Its educational value is much broader than the effect of the book. " Library plus theater is a wonderful community that can bear fruit in the field of developing reading for children, adolescents, and even adult readers. Literature

    Study, generalization and dissemination of innovative library work experience. (Methodical recommendations to help the methodologist on the library fund). // School library - 2004.-№5.-p. 19-24. Yu.I. Rubina and others. Theatrical amateur performance of schoolchildren: Fundamentals of pedagogical leadership. A guide for teachers and leaders of theater groups.-M .: Education.-1983.-176s. Bondarev V.P. School theater is a means for self-realization of the personality of students. // Additional education.-2000.-№10.-p.42-43. Oparina N. School Theater: Organization and Direction. // Rural school. - 2003.-№3.-p. 64-69.



Based on the works of N. Nosov, V. Dragunsky, E. Uspensky, V. Golyavkin, B. Zakhoder.

For students in grades 1-4.




The librarian's daughter


Librarian: Good afternoon, dear children and dear adults!

Our meeting takes place in April. And as they say: all April - do not trust anyone, that is, April is associated with a joke, humor, invention.

And today we have a fun holiday, a humorous holiday.

Do you like humor?

Do you like magic and miracles?

As a librarian, I want to ask you: where can we read about miracles? In books and magazines.

For example, in the magazine "In the far-off kingdom."

There the heroes Tyukhtya, Master and Kolobrod introduce children to the best works of literature, getting to the most remote corners of the distant kingdom.

These woodsmen live in a small clearing in the forest.

Kolobrod has a book called Magic for Every Day. This is a special magic book. She can only be read when she wants to.

At the same time, the very sheet that she gives to read falls out of her, but the amazing thing is, the sheets in her never decrease.

And then one day a leaf fell out of the book. Lesovichok hastily unfolded it.

It was a map. Map of our Kichmengsky Gorodok.

(the forester ran to his friends).

Kolobrod: I have a map of Kichmengskiy Gorodok. It's time to hit the road.

Tyukhtya: And what good is there?

Kolobrod: How what? Today Kichmengsky Town turns into a Town of Miracles. The streets of the village are inhabited by heroes of humorous stories and poems.

Curiosity freaks out:

Sitting on the stove is not for the future,

And pushes and pushes

Early in the morning over the threshold.

And let me be a fidget!

And the road is far away!

Interesting conversation

More dear to me than pie.

Through ravines and swamps,

Through mountains and forests

And around every turn

Miracles await!

Master: Well, let's go to the gate.

(they bring out the gate, on it the inscription: "Where would you like?")

Kolobrod: (pointed at the map with his finger and read: Kichmengsky Gorodok.

(the gate opens and the heroes enter it).

Librarian: What do you think I found out about the woodsmen and about the town of wonders, which our Kichmengsky Town once turned into. And it was like this.

The librarian's daughter: One summer I climbed into the attic with my grandparents and noticed a chest. I wondered what was inside. I lifted the lid and saw that there were school books and notebooks. I looked at the textbooks, notebooks, marked with a red pencil and was about to close the lid when I saw another notebook at the bottom of the chest.

I opened it and read: "Authentic notes of Ani And Vanya about extraordinary travels in the City of Miracles." Of course, I was very interested in this and I brought this notebook to my mother and we read it.

Librarian: Yes, my daughter and I read the entire notebook. From these records, we learned that it turns out that one day the wizard of Books flew through our Kichmeng Town at night. He liked our quiet village from above. He decided to stay at least a day.

And we know that if there is a magician nearby, then miracles happen.

Yes, when the residents of Kichmengsky Gorodok woke up the next day, they did not recognize their streets. Our Kichmeng Township has been transformed into a Town of Miracles.

And when brother and sister Anechka and Vanechka woke up, they heard and saw this:

Lesovichki: - Have you seen a miracle yet?

Never seen a miracle?

Here's the trouble did not see the miracle.

So go and see.

You will see just a miracle

An amazing miracle!

Vanya: What a miracle?

Anya: I want to see a miracle!

Presenters: And our foresters took Anechka and Vanechka out into the street.

And on the street it was! It turns out that all the streets were renamed overnight.

Zarechnaya Street, on which our school is located, and this club became known as FANTAZER Street.

And the heroes of the beloved writer N. Nosov settled on it.

In general, you will see it all for yourself. It is to this street of "Fantasy" that the forest workers Kolobrod, Tyukhtya and Masterya Anechka and Vanechka lead.

Dramatization "Dreamers"

"Bobik visiting Barbos"

Anya: I would like to see what is on the other streets.

Tyukhtya: Go ahead then.

Host: While our heroes are running across the Imagination River, that is, across the Kichmenga River. I want to say that on Fantasy Street, that is, on Zarechnaya Street, we watched the staged story “Fantasy” and the story “Watchdog visiting Bobik” by N. NOSOV.

Vanechka: Here we are on Pervomaiskaya.

Master: No, this street is now called NICE.

Tyukhtya: And the heroes of Viktor Dragunsky's stories settled on it.

Staging stories:

"Enchanted letter".

"Fire in the wing, or feat in the ice."

"Main rivers".

"Where has it been seen, where has it been heard"

Kolobrod: We have already looked at the stories of Dragunsky. (Lists).

But my curiosity is rattling. Let's go further. If you look at our plan of the village, then we can get to Sovetskaya Street.

Vanechka: So it has not been renamed. So it remained Soviet.

Kolobrod: The magic book says that the heroes of Uspensky settled there. And if you tell at least one poem by E. Uspensky, the book will tell you what this street is called.

(Vanya and Anya joked. Vanya recites Uspensky's poem "Memory".

Kolobrod: The book says that Sovetskaya Street has turned into "MULTI-COLORED BOULEVARD"

Staging "Hunter".

"Academician Ivanov".

Tyukhtya: And now we will go down Central Street to the main square of Kichmengsky Gorodok.

Master: Again you are not talking by magic. Our plan of the village and the book says that we will walk along CHUDAKOV Avenue to the FUNNY square! Isn't it Kolobrod?

Kolobrod: Right. Let's just dwell a little on Chudakov Avenue and look at the heroes of B. Zakhoder

"Two and three."

Vanechka: I hear music, follow me to the Funny Square.

Song of Yura Navolotsky.

Kolobrod: The magic book says that only then will we be able to leave this square if one of us sings a song.

The song "Zvezdochka" by Gali Karacheva.

Tyukhtya: You also go to school. Well, while we go there, ask us some question.

Vanya: What is nine nine?

Tyukhtya: that's more than four.

Vanya: And how much more?

Craftsman: (spread his arms to the sides) Approximately that much.

Vanya: Shame. You don't know the multiplication table for 9!

Kolobrod: Why we don't know. I know everything, just look in the book for a minute.

Anya: I don't think this trick will help you. Nobody can learn to multiply in a minute.

Kolobrod: Do you want to know one of the secrets of oral counting?

Let's read what was written in the Magic Book: Place your hands in front of you and mentally number all your fingers. Let's say you need to multiply 3 by 9.

Anya: Why do I need this. So I know the multiplication table.

(Suddenly Golyavkin's heroes surround the forest men and brother and sister.)

Hello, you have come to visit us.

Let's get acquainted.

Tyukhtya, craftsman, Kolobrod, Vanya, Anya.

And we are the heroes of Golyavkin and settled on the AMAZING street.

Yes, we called your street Komsomolskaya Amazing Street. The truth is beautiful.

Staging: "How I deceived everyone."





Master: Guys, from the poems of my friends, you understand which author's street we approached?

And where the animals live, except for the zoo. Right in the forest.

So, which street did we come to ?.

That's right, to Lesnaya.

Only, if in our opinion, then on the WONDERFUL.

"Joiner Kushakov".

"Ivan Ivanovich Samovar".

Presenters: So the foresters drove our Vanya and Anya until they got tired and went to bed.

And the next day they wrote it all in this notebook.

And we can only guess whether they all saw it in reality, or whether they dreamed about it.

Music of the song "Town". All the heroes bow.

1. Generalization of the work experience of V.А. Stakheeva, head of the library of Pervomaiskaya secondary school ……………………… ..4

2. Scenario of the holiday "Town of Miracles" ......................................... 10

Irina Kryskiv
Theater Day event plan (senior preschool age)

Entertainment evening: "Trip to Theaterland... Rescue dolls theater"Golden Key"

Target theater, O theater professions.


Educational tasks:

To give children an idea of ​​the wardrobe, improve the skills of classification, comparison; to acquaint children with the professions of people who work in theater and with their place of work in theater;

Clarify the knowledge of children about emotions, explain the connection between emotion and the expression of a person's face (facial expressions);

Repeat the names of parts of a person's face;

Improve the skills of imaging activities;

Learn to guess riddles associated with theater.

Correctional - developing:

Develop general motor skills;

Develop imagination, thinking, memory, attention.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate interest; to cultivate friendly relations in the team.

Equipment: an envelope with a letter, Pinocchio, Karabas-Barabas, dolls Petrushka, Pierrot, Malvina, Artemon, signs with street names, pictures (ballet, opera, dramatic theatre, animal theater, puppet theatre, shadow theatre, tape recorder, etc.

2. Received a letter (a riddle in the letter).

In what fairy tale old

The theater was, there was Malvina

And there was a terrible Karabas,

Was he shaking his beard? -

In a fairy tale long ago and old -. ("The Adventures of Pinocchio")

3. Arrival of Buratino and a request for help (Karabas - Barabas stole Malvina, Pierrot, Artemon and other actors theater"Golden Key".

4. Travel to the city Theaterland.

5. Stop 1: Street Theatrical.

Target: develop children's ideas about species theater.

Exercise 1: guess which one theatre depicted in the picture (opera, ballet, dramatic theatre, animal theater, puppet theatre, shadow theatre).

6. Stop 2: Dressing lane

Assignment 2: Didactic game "Wardrobe".

Target: to give children an idea of ​​the wardrobe, improve the skills of classification, comparison, develop imagination, thinking.

Equipment: object cards depicting fairy-tale characters and clothes.

Game progress:

The teacher explains to the children the saying " Theatre starts with a hanger ", talks about such a place theater as a wardrobe and invites children to find the thing of each of the visitors theater for example, pick a hat for everyone character: Little Red Riding Hood, Santa Claus, Puss in Boots, postman Pechkin.

7. Stop 3: Rabochaya street.

Assignment 3: Didactic game "Professions"

Target: to acquaint children with the professions of people who work in theater and with their place of work in theater.

Equipment: pictures with professions: actor, illuminator, decorator, make-up artist, cloakroom attendant, director, pictures of the scene, dressing room, wardrobe, scenery, spotlights).

Game progress: The teacher shows pictures with different professions theater and suggests combining them with another picture, which depicts a place where a person of this profession works (illuminator - spotlights on the stage, etc.).

8. Stop 4: Ballet Square.

Physical education.

We walk merrily with you

V theater we go!

We are marching on the spot.

And we sing a song.

La-la-la-la, 4 claps.

V theater we go... Steps in place.

La-la-la-la, 4 claps.

We sing a song. Steps in place.

9. Stop 5: Little Actors Street

Didactic game "Emotions".

Target: to clarify the knowledge of children about emotions, to explain the relationship of emotion with the expression of a person's face (facial expressions, repeat the names of parts of a person's face, improve the skills of depicting activities, develop imagination.

Equipment: Human face templates, animal pictures.

Game progress:

The teacher explains that the actors in theater it is necessary to be able to portray various emotions. They do it with facial expressions. (facial expressions)... The teacher distributes face templates to children and offers to portray any emotion (fear, joy, anger)... Also, the teacher invites children to portray animals: fox, bunny, bear, rooster, etc.)

10. Stop 6: Karabas-Barabas street.

Exit Karabas - Barabas.

Mysteries of Karabas - Barabasa:

The artist on stage is a puppeteer,

And the spectator in the hall there is the people.

Everyone looks at the artist's hand,

What the theatre? (Puppet Theatre)

The artists work there,

And the audience claps them,

Performance in the circus - in the arena,

V puppet theater where? - On. (stage)

He's funny and funny

A crafty look, a big nose,

And the cap is red

Wears not in vain!

Loves to meet spectators

And shout a little.

Who is funny - just a darling -

Scream: "Hello! Ya.


Last time I was a teacher

The day after tomorrow - a machinist.

He must know a lot,

Because he.


Both the actress and the actor,

(Be ordinary he, or mim)

Very appearance changes

Skillful makeup - ...


He is a theater worker -

Productions "conductor",

Show manager -

It's right, …


11. Saved the dolls theater"Golden Key".

12. Dances with the rescued heroes.

Theater Day script.

Two buffoons appear on the stage:

Come in, honest people,

The theater invites you to visit.

First Lead:

Today we will show you how talented friends are,

Today we will reveal to you all the secrets of the craft.

Second presenter:

How good it is that there is a theater!

He was and will be with us forever.

Always ready to assert:

Everything in the world is human.

Everything is fine here -

Gestures, masks, costumes, music, play.

Here our fairy tales come to life

And with them a bright world of good.

First presenter:

The word "theater" - translated from Greek means "a place where spectacles take place." Theatrical art appeared more than 2, 5 thousand years ago. In ancient Greece, performances lasted for several days. Spectators came to them, stocking up on food. Huge crowds of people were seated on the dais. The action itself took place in an arena located right on the grass. On March 27, great holidays were held in Ancient Greece, they were accompanied by a cheerful procession, in which there were many mummers. And since 1961, on this day, the whole world began to celebrate the International Day of the Theater.

Second presenter:

What kind of theaters do you think there are? (Puppet show, drama, operetta, opera and ballet)

First presenter:

Theatre! Do you love theater? Since I love him. With all the forces of your soul, with all your enthusiasm With all the frenzy that a luxuriant youth is capable of, greedy and passionate for impressions of grace, or it is better to say whether you can not love theater more than anything other than good and truth. Which of all the arts possesses such powerful means to amaze the soul with impressions and to play it arbitrarily? In the theater, thousands of eyes are fixed on one object, thousands of hearts are beating with one feeling! Oh, go, go to the theater!

And we were visited by versatile, tragic, funny and simply mischievous artists. Greet them with loud applause.

The second presenter announces the name of the first production.

First presenter:

- The theater was born out of folk rituals, and the first actors in Russia were buffoons and puppeteers. They performed dramatic scenes and heroic songs, played various musical instruments, showed trained animals, told fairy tales, and presented acrobatic performances. For performance, they erected light buildings - booths. The buffoons gathered in special "gangs" - artels, to wander through the cities and villages and show their art.

(song performed: "We are wandering artists")

Second performance.

Second presenter:

Now let's check how familiar you are with the theater. (She makes theatrical riddles).

Third performance.

Music "Island of Bad Luck"

Populated with talents absolutely all
There is a theater competition in our school

On the face are beautiful, kind inside
We teach all the roles from night to dawn

Fourth performance.

First presenter:

Our actors have done a great job, and now let's check how attentive and artistic you are.


Understanding "To depict a song without words"1. "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"2. "Smile"3. "We wish you happiness"4. "Oh, frost, frost"- To hold the mise-en-scène "Show the picture"1. "Barge Haulers on the Volga"2. "Deuce again"3. "Alyonushka"- The ability to lead (campaigning for some action)1. For the construction of birdhouses2. Swimming in winter3. For admission to the circus school4. Going to the movies5. On a subbotnik

Fifth performance.

Music "No, I'm Not Crying"

Everyone is singing:
No, we don't cry or weep

We answer all questions openly!

That our life is a game, and who is to blame

That we are carried away by this game!

And to whom should we apologize?

We are offered - we cannot refuse!

And is it our talent and our warmth

Didn't deserve a modest fee ?!

Chorus: Let the cruel wind blow
In the fog of the learning seas

Our theater is playing so gifted
Against the background of everyday problems!