Why passed Ramm. Ex-soloist MBand will sue Meladze

Why passed Ramm. Ex-soloist MBand will sue Meladze

According to friends of Vladislav Ramma, rumors about his close relationship with men spread offended bab

According to friends of Vladislav Ramma, rumors about his close relationship with men spread offended bab

The MBand's MBAND group did not have time, created within the framework of the NTV project "I want to Meladze," to note the first anniversary of the existence, as the news was separated about the departure of one of the four soloists - 20-year-old Vladislav Ramma. He himself announced in "Instagram", which decided to start the solo career. However, the producer of the group of Konstantin Meladze on the air "Love-Radio" reported, they say, Ramm was dismissed for the uniformity and until the end of the contract concluded until 2021, will not be able to work on the scene. Other versions of what happened - more intricate and scandalous were expressed in the near-disconnect circles.

- Fans have long paid attention to a very ambiguous relationship. Vlad Ramma With the youngest soloist of the group - 17-year-old Nikita kiosse- Hang Mara Belyak, Member of the Internet Community dedicated to MBand. - Many have the impression that they were not just friends, but lovers. Of course, clearly guys did not show this. But according to their views, gestures ... And when it became known that Vlad was left of MBand, immediately arose assumptions that it was the reason for his dismissal. "Ramm burned their relationship with a kiosis, and under the backside of the stirrer," the fans wrote. - Meladze No need for noise that boys from his group are gay. "
True, it is not entirely clear why one expelled, and the second was left. After all, it was possible to ask them to not show anything superfluous in public. It is not clear and two-wheel behavior of the kiosse, who, together with other participants, MBand hurried to accuse Ramma in treason. How he could renounce him so quickly, when he even recently hugged him at all, headed for him in different situations and told him how he loved him and how they lived in a friend Andrei Vitrertsky?!

- Yes, after the project, Vladislav and Nikita really lived with me, - confirmed the participant of the show "I want to Meladze" and "House-2" Withersky. - Guys are not Muscovites. Own housing in the capital has not yet acquired. Then Kostya helped them to rent an apartment. They could not take the first thing. They needed something good. And while the appropriate option was found, I sheltered them. But no other relations, except for purely friendly and workers, Vlad and Nikita are not associated. Everything else that they say about them - no confirmed Internet rumors. The guys are completely normal, traditional. Meladze, who has already had a sad experience with one of the soloists of the Bis Group, precisely for such a principle and selected them.
Nikita is generally a schoolboy. He has no serious relationship with anyone. And Vlad meets with Misha Romanova From the new composition of the group "VIA Gra". This is not a PR at all. They have everything really. Vlad and the child is - Nicole's daughter. With Mother Baby - Veronica General - He recently broke up. Just love passed. Maybe she now dismisses rumors about his relationship with men? Offended Baba always says, they said, not because she was not so, but due to the fact that the man is not like that.
As far as I know, the decision to leave the group Vladislav accepted himself. You see, all participants in MBand are complex characters. Everyone actually tries to pull the blanket on itself. Just someone continues to play the game called "Here we are so cool guys, we are all together." And Vlad had the courage to openly declare his ambitions.

Misha Romanova from "Via Gra". Photo:

Care from the popular MBand team of one of the participants - Vladislav Ramma - shocked fans. The fans of the youth team, which won popularity after the wing of Konstantin Meladze, blew up the social networks of hashthegami # owned by and # Meladzeverevlada, and the Ukrainian producer himself called the left 20-year-old singer. In an exclusive interview, Vladislav Ramm spoke about the causes of MBand and relationships with colleagues and producer.

Why did you decide to leave the group?

You know, I will be a few. I started thinking about it not so long ago, because I realized that I want to develop, engage in creativity and be an independent artist. I, like any man, must be established in this life, self-realize.

Being as part of the team, you could not work creatively?

All our popularity is the merit of Konstantin Meladze. Unfortunately, I see myself as a solo unit. Although, most likely, fortunately - for whom.

I think those people who had to understand him, they understood. You see, there are fans, there is a group, and I am not a supporter to take sorrows from the hut.

Konstantin Meladze said in an interview that the band members sighed with relief when you left. Did you have a conflict?

For me, this is also a little incomprehensible. I am not a judge and guys, too, do not judge. Condemn someone and reason who sighed. I can say for myself that it was my decision. I voiced it on the eve and guys, and Konstantin.

How did they react when you announced your decision?

We have enough democratic views and work and work on our team. Of course, there were our subtleties, but everyone responded on male, worthy.

In one of the interviews, Meladze said that you have a contract with him until 2021. Will you continue to work in his production center?

I can say that these are court cases, legal, I do not like them. I do not consider it necessary to endure this at the bottom so that our fans will spend their nerves and think about these problems. Everything will decide in court, by law. We live in the XXI century and everything will be solved by yourself.

Will you be submitted to the court?

I still do not comment on litigation. Everything will be solved somehow, but I once again say that I want to be an independent artist. Apparently, we will not work with Constantine, since I turned out to be unprofitable for him.

Why did he call you a professionable?

For me it is also unclear. I do not react to this, this is his personal opinion. He is a professional and very respected in this area, but with all respect for him, I do not think that it would be initially working with a professional artist for the year. And the people who chose us on the project ("I want to Meladze." - Approx. Red.), I would also not commit mistakes.

The Russian pop group "M-Band", which includes three pretty young people, was organized by the famous musical producer Konstantin Meladze. The team officially announced its creation in November 2014, immediately after the final show "I want to Meladze," which spoke brilliantly. The first single team, "she will return", in 2015 he became one of the most popular songs in Russia.

Birth group

His birth is obliged to television show Group "M-Band". The composition of the collective was originally like this: Anatoly Tsoi, Artem Pindouyur, Nikita Kiosse and Vladislav Ramm. In 2014, these four young people took part in casting for guys from the CIS countries. The premiere of the new contest "I want to Meladze" simultaneously started in several countries. In Russia, it was broadcast by NTV, in Belarus - ONT, in Kazakhstan - the Seventh Canal.

First, the participants of the TV project were taken by members of the jury chaired by Konstantin Meladze. Also, the judges were: Anna Sedokova, Sergey Lazarev, Polina Gagarin, Timati, Vladimir Presnyakov and Eva Polna.

In the decisive round, when only two teams remained, the winner was chosen to the viewers. In Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Russia, the group "M-Band" won. The composition of the participants received votes less than opponents, only in Belarus. But according to the final results turned out to be the first.

The history of the team

His debut single group "M-Band", the composition of which was finally developed by the end of 2014, presented before the new year. It was the composition "she will return." It was from this song that the team spoke at the final of the show "I want to Meladze". Melody wrote the producer himself and the founder of the project, and one of the participants in the group - Artem Pindouyur became the co-author of words.

At the same time, a video clip was recorded, which for 5 months gathered about 10 million views. And in the chart-parade of the Golden Gramophone, the song was laid on the top line for two weeks.

The first large-scale speech before the public took place in 2015, for Valentine's Day. After that, the team began a saturated tour.

The second single came out already in May 2015. He was called "Give me." And the group was recognized as a musical breakthrough of the year at the prestigious festival. The final of a similar nomination "M-Band" got on the "MUZ-TV" premium, but the first place was not awarded to him.

In the summer of 2015, the group presented her clip "Look at me" on the air of the musical channel Ru.TV. The producer itself was attended by producer - Konstantin Meladze, who performed the role of the gardener.

Already in 2016, the group recorded two albums in the studio - "acoustics" and "without filters".

"Fit all"

Glory and popularity Music team earned a very original way. In 2016, the film "All Fix" came to the screens, in which participants of B BEDD played in high roles.

According to the story, the M-Band youth group, the composition of which the music magazines decorated, falls into a difficult position. The court decides not in favor of the collective - they are obliged in the near future to pay a huge cash fine of the pop star. If this is not done, then all the rights to the group will be departed. The role of the star went to Nikolay Baskov.

In order to find money, BRD agrees to fulfill a dubious order of a major businessman trying to divide his daughter with a guy who, in his opinion, she is not a couple.

In 2016, the Group recorded the official single to this picture. The director became Anton Kalinkin. According to him, the tape was focused on the spectators of 10-16 years. Easy, romantic film with familiar youth idols. So this comedy appeared.

In the box office she is collected slightly over 250 thousand dollars.

Nikita Kiosse

The most young participant of Boy-Benda is Nikita Kiosse. He is 18 years old, he is from Ryazan. Despite the young age, he has already managed to participate in such prestigious competitions as "Children's Eurovision" and "Children's New Wave". Ukraine passed the selection in the TV show "Voice. Children."

Nikita himself admits: when it was on the casting, it could not even assume that ultimately would work with one of the best musical producers of the country. For three months, during which the show took place, he found himself real friends and colleagues.

Nikita is a real sex symbol for young girls who are just idle. The young man notes: His heart is now free, but life priorities at this stage are placed in such a way that the career is above all.

Vladislav Ramm

Vladislav Ramm is another of the participants "M-Band." The composition of the group, the biography of Krasavtsa-Brunette today interests hundreds of fans. Without him, at first it was impossible to submit a team.

He was born in Kemerovo. On the show "I want to Meladze" invented for myself, perhaps the most spectacular appearance. He jumped from the roof of the film balloon, holding balloons in his hands and a bouquet of flowers. In this original way, he admitted the feelings for one of the stars of the project - faith Brezhneva. True, on the same day he shocked the audience once again, admitting that he was already married. At that time, the young musician was only 18 years old.

In order to fully devote himself to creativity and music, Vlad had to part with his wife. After that, he fully focused on work. All his life consists of concerts, tour, records and filming.

Artem Pindyura

Artem Pindouyur - Ukrainian member of the team "M-Band". The composition of the group, the biography of participants is what primarily interests all his fans.

Artem older than his colleagues was previously known in certain circles like hip-hop singer on the nicknamed Kid. This affected the blind listening when he decided to read Rap, which played his role. Sitting in the jury Timati gave him his voice. And in the future he became his personal mentor. However, ultimately, the Contractor was in the team of Sergei Lazareva, with which he won.

As with other members of the team, he had a romantic relationship. However, with a girl, with whom, the case almost reached the wedding, it was necessary to part. In the work she did not support her young man

Anatoly Tsoi.

Anatoly Tsoi is the most senior participant of the team. Now he is 27 years old. He is Kazakh, originally from Almaty. Performing on corporate and holidays began from 14 years. In his assets, the bronze medal of the Delphic Games (on them, unlike the Olympics, the participants compete in creative talents) in the nomination "Pop Vocals". On Casting, he conquered judges not only with his vocals, but also incendiary dance.

In the team of Lazarev, he, as well as Artem Pindouyur, was in front of the final. Before that, he was engaged at Anna Sedokova. He is the most experienced participant in the team - both in the musical, and in life plan.

New composition

In November 2015, it became known that one of the participants left BEND. Vladislav Ramma lost the group "M-Band". The composition was changed on the initiative of the producer of Konstantin Meladze. According to him, the reason for the work of the artist was the reason.

As Konstantin Meladze noted, the decision to part with Vladislav was not only his personal. The rest of the group were the same opinion. At the same time, the producer noted that the musician will not be able to start a solo career at least until 2021. Until this time, a contract was concluded, according to which Ramm will be obliged to work in the producer center Meladze.

The new composition of the group "M-Band", without Vladislav Ramma, is preparing for new performances, tours and records of fresh albums.

Three days ago, the Velvet Music film show "Generation M" appeared on the official channel of the Velvet Music, where the full version of the bright performance is presented.

As you know, a month ago from the group was dismissed, and now the guys are in three. Fans of the soloist were very difficult to survive the departure from the Ramma team, and even arranged Flashmob "Vlad Return!" On social network. Until now, all the details are unknown why MBand and Konstantin Meladze participants accepted such a decision. Recall that Vlad announced the decision to do a solo project, but Konstantin Meladze explained that there could be no speech about any "independent swimming", and the young man dismissed from the group for the uniformity will remain working in the production center according to the terms of the contract.

In the MBand video concerned, which appeared on December 7 on the producer channel, Vlad Ramm also flashes on the stage, since the record was held before the young man was fired. However, it is noticeable that many episodes with an artist were cut off when installed.

In discussions of the group's fans, there were hot disputes about whether Konstantin Meladze was properly entered, dismissed Ramma, or not. Most fans outraged the fact that they cut out as much as possible from the video: dignity you are people! Cut wet! I don't do this

... I decided to watch the video and even see the last concert with Vlad, and they took and so got it out of the video

Not a single close-up with Vlad, on the video at the beginning cut out ... why do it? What did they prove it? But, they did not take into account one that they will not be able to "cut down" the hearts of each "gangster", "Cut"

The opponents of the defender of Vlad lead their arguments, noting that the recent times the Ramm was not enough laid out on the stage, and it was striving only to piano at the expense of the others: I always unwitted me, I had come to the group at all. Many other good feathers in HKM. He himself is guilty that he was sanded from the group.

In this concert, Vlad Ramm worked without desire and as it seemed to be specially done on evil, everything was not so, from the filing of the song (constantly unfolded by ass) to not simultaneous movements in dance. I am confident of this concert K. Meladze would not allow for 4 -You and rehearsals were enough and not to polish ordinary movements in dancing? !! Nonsense, for such a project "I want to meladze kicked up." So here not only the guys are to blame, and Vlad is more, whatever relationships should be forgotten, it's not a scene and put out normally, and not as Vlad did, as if they were forced. Vlad is in the group outlorn. Titoned.

© http://mband.ru/

Vladislav Ramm decided to leave the MBand youth group. About his decision, Vladislav reported on Thursday evening on his page in Instargam. He stated that care was associated with his desire to start a solo career.

In his appeal, he thanked the guys from the group and the entire team with which he worked in the MBAND group. Special thanks said to Konstantin Meladze, who gave him a journey into the world of show business.

My life in the MBand group approached the end. I am extremely grateful to every second conducted in this team. Tolik, Nikita and Artem will forever remain in my soul. We became friends, they will remain, but not on the stage, but in ordinary life. I want to say a huge thanks to the whole team of Velvet Music. Liana Meladze, Alena Mikhailova, Denis Orlov and Makin Sasha. I wondered to communicate and work with you and under your wing. Thanks for the warmth and care. Lowned members MBand Musicians are incredibly steep guys! Roma, Serega and Seryoga! Thank you! And of course, Konstantin Meladze's sign for me. Unlimited Human Thank you! You gave me a ticket to this interesting world. I believe in Gopnik, schoolchild and Korean! I have no doubt that MBand will be the best group on the planet! I, in turn, start the solo career. Bandits, of course, the most important words of gratitude, I want to tell you! You are in my heart! Thanks for the love! For devotion! For spending! Thanks for the sip of Euphoria. Very soon I will return to you, but already as an independent artist.

© https://www.facebook.com/Vladislav-ram

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Many embarrassed the picture attached to the message. It was the following statement: "Hypper. If you smile, do not rejoice, perhaps it is not a shot yesterday's mask.

© https://instagram.com/p/9_t55oesaq/

After the publication of Vladislav Ramma, many questions appeared. Namely: "What was the reason for sustainable care?", "Whose decision was it?", "Solo career or a professional perception served as a solution?".

Love Radio took a comment from the producer of Konstantin Meladze to find out whose one was the solution: his or team mband. To which Meladze answered the following:

Such people, of course, should not be in such a wonderful team, and on stage at all. The decision to remove it from work in the group, it is not mine, naturally. And solely the guys sighed with relief.

Konstantin Meladze about the departure of Vladislav Ramma

So, if we heard solo works of Vladislav Ramma, or departure from the group - the end of his musical career?