Judge Master Chef Children. Dmitry Gorovenko became a bachelor: an exclusive interview

Judge Master Chef Children. Dmitry Gorovenko became a bachelor: an exclusive interview
Judge Master Chef Children. Dmitry Gorovenko became a bachelor: an exclusive interview

Andrey Shmakov

Adept of the new Nordic Kitchen, Estonian of St. Petersburg origin Andrei Shmakov became the brand chief of the Metropol Hotel in 2013. Prior to that, he managed to work on passenger airliners in Europe and in Tallinn's restaurants - Mona Lisa, Le Bonaparte, as well as hotels in Grand Hotell and Radisson Sas, was a chef of a prestigious restaurant Kadriorg in the same name of the historic palace in Tallinn and Lapland in St. Petersburg is one of the first restaurants of the new Nordic cuisine in Russia. Andrei passed internships in the legendary Noma in Copenhagen and Chez Dominique in Helsinki. In 2015, in the building of the Metropol Hotel, Andrei Shmakov opened the Savva restaurant. He was named after the founder of the hotel - the legend of Savva Mamontov, the patron and the author of many ideas that changed the face of Moscow at the beginning of the 20th century. The concept of the restaurant is the elegant balance of Nordic cuisine and high Moscow traditions, mixed on a fine understanding of the technician of the classic French gastronomy. Restaurant SAVVA innovative and elegant, respectful and to the age-old traditions of Moscow and Metropol.

Alexander Belkovich

With a smile, Alexander Belkovic recalls his first culinary experiences: how at six years he prepared a home yogurt and made a sandwich from Darnitsky bread with sausages. He thought about the career of the chef only after the ninth grade, and by moving to Moscow, began to actively conquer the kitchen of her restaurants.

The main school for the future chef was the network of restaurants Correa ", where, under the guidance of experienced mentors, he mastered the basics of culinary skill. Soon the promising cook was invited to head the kitchen of the new restaurant Terrassa in St. Petersburg. From here, Alexander's path began in Ginza Project. In the future, he opened Restaurants like Mansard, Moscow, Riby, Volga-Volga, Foodpark, Plushkin, Marivanna in New York and London, lunch buffet. Today, Alexander Belkovich oversees the kitchen 5 holding restaurants. And also, in October 2015, together with Ginza Project Sasha Opened the restaurant of his author's cuisine called "Protein".

He is a winner of international cook contests and the author of two books on gastronomy. In his opinion, success in culinary art largely depends on the appetite.

"I really love. Just adore this occupation. Of course, now I have completely different taste receptors, but I always loved to eat. From my brutal appetite, in general, everything started. "

Dmitry Levitsky

The famous Moscow restaurant Dmitry Levitsky in the industry has been almost two decades, and his career began, as he himself says, with chance: in 1998, being a student, he got a bartender in T.G.I. Fridays, where he called his friend. At first, Dmitry perceived it as a temporary part-time job, and eventually gained experience and caught fire with a desire to open his own restaurant. After graduating from the university, he postponed his idea for a while and began to work in retailers. In 2002, together with partners, he opened a consulting company - first trained retail, then added the restaurant direction. Getting on your feet Financially, Dmitry returned to his idea and opened the first restaurant. Now he is the owner of Hurma Management Group, which includes a network of restaurant bar "Dear, I'll call you back ...", Meat Puppets Bar & MeaTarea, Restaurant Wine "in" UD and others.

The role is performed by: Dmitry Levitsky

Alexander Zilinsky

Sasha leads a culinary program on the Cable TV channel of St. Petersburg. Engaged in figure skating for 5 years and can perform complex elements even in the kitchen! In addition, he is interested in karate, plays chess.

The project "Chephs say" Confidently expands the horizons and borders of professional communication. Meet the young ambitious chef from Ukraine, a member of the Chefs Association of Chefs of Russia and Ukraine. Personalized by his business man, with ITRESS telling about his way into a profession, hobbies and philosophy of food. I got acquainted with Dmitry on forum Horeca & Retailtech For professionals in the production of beverages, trade, restaurant and hotel business, on which he gave the master - a class of molecular kitchen.

Tasha: Good afternoon, Dmitry. It is very nice to get acquainted with the cook, which presents such an interesting direction as molecular kitchen.

Dmitriy:Good afternoon, Tasha. Immediately I want to emphasize that I can not imagine molecular cuisine, I use elements from this kitchen for decorating the finished dish. If we talk about my direction of definition, then it can be called "cooking food at low temperatures"

Tasha:unexpected recognition. Let us leave him on the conscience of the forum logistics and let's talk about your professional path.

Dmitriy:i started my way in the cook with the profession of the waiter. Then I prepared my first dish: Zrazy "Khreshchatyk". However, this study began the kitchens of Kiev restaurants "Egoist", "Concord" and "Marital".

Tasha: and where did it go?

Dmitriy: Improve your skill I went to Moscow, in the cult institutions Vogue-Cafe and GQ Bar (GQ Bar and Vogue-Cafe - Restaurant projects Arcadia Novikova, approx. Author). Then there was a job in the Moscow CantineTta Antinori. In "Cantinet", it works, in my opinion, one of the best Moscow cooks - Mauro Panebianko. A person who is masterly addressed to Tuscan home cooking, be it hamching bread, burract with tomatoes or beef steak.

Tasha: I know that your heart is given ....?

Dmitriy: Italian cuisine is an inexhaustible source of inspiration and a huge bridgehead for creativity. My novel with Italian cuisine continues now. I think that it is the Italian, as well as other Mediterranean cuisine are an excellent basis for the introduction of the ideas of final decoration of food elements of molecular kitchen.

Tasha: And what is a dream from the culinary world at Gorovenko - consumer?

Dmitriy:sushi and Sashimi on a naked woman (laughs)

Tasha: Tell me a little about your mentors?

Dietri: I had a lot of good teachers, thanks to which I received the base that I have now. This is Volodya Yadlovsky, with whom I met in the restaurant "Egoist", and Denis Kuznetsov, the chef of the Concord restaurant. But most of all the knowledge I learned from Serge Belika (Restaurant "Marokan") and Yura Rozhkov (Restaurant "Vogue Caf", Moscow).

Tasha:you are a rather public person. Tell me about the most stupid question that you were asked?

Dmitriy: What will I eat on my last day on this earth?

Tasha:what kitchen for you is the most exotic?

Dmitriy:kitchen Ecuador. Once I happened to prepare a cold tomato soup with seafood. This is a cross between Gaspacho and Sevs, is served with rice.
Tasha: a question that is interesting to the overwhelming number of readers: you have been feeding stars.

Dmitriy: In fact, I do not care anyone to feed. Star is a completely incoming state, but a man who loves and understands food to meet much harder. But I can say about those people in which these two categories coincided: the group "Defas", Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, Oleg Violin. My guests are my friends and up to 45% of time spent on the hall, communicating with people and listening to their wishes criticism.

Tasha:tell your free time.

Dmitriy: Swimming, electronic music, fishing, cooking for lifting mood. From professional hobbies - collecting technological techniques and "chips" for cooking.

Tasha:award that you are most proud of?

Dmitriy:i entered the number 25 of the top chefs of Ukraine.

Tasha: Tell me about your professional philosophy

Dmitriy:often we do not think that we do what we eat. We do not think about food. It is bad, because with meals we absorb positive or negative energy. The wise and experienced chef will never give a charged bad food. Being in the kitchen, he will try to bring a positive mood into the team. Sometimes it happens if someone is in the poor arrangement of the Spirit, then the chef sends him home. All this is done so that a person enjoys a meal.

Tasha: Finally, traditional wishes for readers

Dima: I'm the first time in your city and I want to say that Minsk is a very beautiful city: in which good people live and very beautiful girls. Stay like that.

A little less than a year ago, the Judge "Masterchef" on the channel Stb Dmitry Gorovenko acquainted everyone with his girlfriend. Christina accompanied the chef on the set, the couple went to joint journeys and attended all secular events in Kiev. And this spring, Dmitry even took Christine to Georgia, to acquaint his girlfriend with her daughter Eli and former wife - they live there for many years.

Read also

But recently there was information that Dima and Christine broke up. This confirmed Gorovenko himself.

"Yes, we broke up with Christina. It was a difficult solution for me. I can not even say that today I completely cooled to the present conversation, the feelings have not been fired. We diverged because Kristina's desires differ from action. One thing to want a family, and another thing is to do something for this. She is still very young (she is 24 years old), she wants to walk, she really wondered. The point is still in the age difference. But I know for sure that I go on. And this is a new page in my life. I'm open to new acquaintances. And I know that I want a family. I will even say that I want more children. Everything has its time..

Earlier in an interview with Stb Dmitry, it was mentioned that the reason for their parting was served by money:

"Unfortunately, the girl is now, in its 24-year-old, can not understand that relations are built not on her beauty and not for money. First, a person in the relationship is guided by the following things: I am beautiful, love me, because I just exist. And secondly, the girl is interested in money and all that is connected with them. That is, it is dependent on them, and if they are missing, she makes her conclusions. A person wants to rest, do nothing, do not work. I need partnerships, not those in which one person works to meet the needs of another. "

An ex-lover response did not make long wait. In his blog, Christina wrote the following:

"Here is a brief description of the financial situation in our house: Dima did not contain me, did not give me a" pocket money ", I ensured all my needs personally, because I earn about the news (!). Dima paid for a removable apartment in which we lived, yes, and for household moments, according to the type of products or at the expense in the cafe, when we chose somewhere ... And on this, my dear, all. These are all the golden mountains that I so immoral took advantage of, so you already forgive me of course, but if it is, and exclusively it is called mercantilence, then let me and I will. And you, at the same time, write to me and explain stupid, if it's not difficult, how then the financial side of the man looks correctly, because I apparently, my parents also raised somehow. What else ... am I beautiful? Sorry, the question for genetics. Oh yeah, I don't do anything in my bragland, I sit on the couch and finger on my finger for my whole life ... Ummm, well, I'm bachelor of philological sciences, graduated from a culinary academy, I have a musical education, possession of free 4 languages \u200b\u200bworked by vocalist, teacher, model, cook, lived in Germany and traveled 24 countries, and now (what Dima does not know about the University of course) I am going to the University of Europe, I'm going to move and start what it scares a little, because it At least not for bread go ... I can be accused of not an easy character or in the fact that I demand a lot of attention, but I certainly cannot be called a lackless hunt behind stools. So what was wrong? I did not go to the office every day? Or did I look too good? Traveled a lot, rested and rejoiced life in your 24? I live as I want to? I think the problem was that I loved my man too much, who unfortunately decided even after parting to hurt me. "

In the second season of the children's culinary show at Stb k, Dmitry Gorovenko joined K. Before that, we did not see it on television screens, although in the culinary plan of the judge "Masterchef Children-2" - a large track record.

"Sometimes it has to restrain, so as not to cry"

- Dmitry, before the "Customer Children" you did not participate in TV projects. How did television changed you?

Life changed. The popularity is growing not by day, but by the hour. Work in the kitchen and on television is two different drains. Television is a completely different work that I really like.

- Do you like popularity?

She does not interfere with me. I do not close from people who want to take a picture, just talk or ask a question. I try to be open.

- Do you like yourself in the frame?

I do not like everything. I look through all the issues and spend the work on myself. I do not always like how I say, as I hold my hands, how he behaves. I am engaged in special exercises for the muscles of the face to be beautiful and clearly talking.

- Children are not adults, with their tears it is harder to cope. How do you do it?

You have to console. I am a fairly sentimental man, sometimes it has to restrain himself to not cry.

- Watching the participants, as you think, many can become chefs?

The chef is not everyone can become, because they need organizational skills. And work in the kitchen is hell. This is a very difficult way, and you need to understand that they will have to recompulse themselves through their ambitions.

"The path to my heart lies through understanding"

- They say the path to the heart of a man lies through the stomach. And where is the track to the heart of the chef?

This is a social metaphor that we got well. I disagree with her. And the path to my heart lies through an understanding.

- When did you prepare the first dish?

I covered the first table for my family for the New Year. It was already aged 16-17 years. Mostly dishes were uncomplicated - Olivier, for example. But there were also Zrazy "Khreshchatyk" - few people know about them, but I always liked them.

At home I was not particularly allowed to prepare meals. There was no such thing that I would follow how my grandmother or mom is preparing. As a child, I loved to eat more more.

- Why not allowed - did not trust?

No, this is not the case. Just in the family were the principles that she prepares only her grandmother, only she answers for it. Naturally, I helped. Dumplings, for example, looked with the whole family. And when grandmother baked cakes, I was allowed to wash the dough.

Preparing for Pierre Rishar and de-Phazz

- There is no opinion that the chef house is not prepared. How are you?

I love what I do. Therefore, it does not matter where I am on the project, in the restaurant, at home, in nature. Of course, to cook for yourself less interesting than cooking for someone. But I cook at home quite often. And it is at home that I love to experiment with tastes.

- and borsch cook?

It happens. But I'm souping the bake. The original Ukrainian preparation technique is in the furnace, in ceramic dishes. I have at home, though there is no furnace on firewood. Therefore, the bake in the ceramic pot in the ordinary oven.

- I wonder if you eat in fast powders?

We are all people (laughs). But there is a difference between what and where to eat. Although the street food has become much better. Look at the same kiosks with Shawarma. If there was a fearful uncle before there, now the sellers of shawarma - in gloves, do not take products with their hands. It is clear that products there are low quality, but they are not prepared bad.

- For whom you prepared from celebrities?

For Pianist Caico Matsui, Pierre Rishara, De-Phazz Group ("De Phazz") ... I completely answered their meals during a tour and stay in Kiev. Cesecha Evora is generally a separate topic. I enlighted her work. And I happened to feed her twice. Once in Kiev, the second - in Odessa.

"I have a lady"

- You are a very well-kept and stylish person. Do you consider yourself a metrosexual?

Rather yes than no. If we proceed from this issue, the metrosexual is a person who monitors more than it is. And the normal man - the one whose nails are not cut, hands in the cracks, the fingers of the flabbing ... and if the man has no one, then it is already a metrosexual.

I go to the salons, rushing, shave, I have a beautician. All this is necessary to recover after filming. Need to follow. It's just a love for yourself.

- Do you have a sweetheart?

Yes, I have a lady with which we spend time together.

- She is not jealous of you to fans?

Not. She understands the specifics of my work.

About her daughter

- Your daughter Eleanor - 8. She is preparing?

Ale thoughts. I do not think she wants to make cooking professionally. Sometimes it works with the dough, sometimes something bakes with me, sometimes helps. For her, this is more game in food.

- What is your daughter fond of?

Learn multiple languages. Dances, sings, draws. Probably drawing her most likely.

- Are you strict dad?

Not. I'll tell you, I will explain, I will try to interest. Such a good teacher who gives the child the opportunity to make a decision.

From the dossier "KP"

Dmitry Gorovenko - Culinary with 19-year-old experience, works with French, Italian, Mediterranean and Pan-Asian cuisines. He is a developer of many well-known Ukrainian and foreign restaurant projects.


Photo: Flickr Via Papatia USA

Easter cupcake

This cupcake is the main dish for every big holiday in the family of Dmitry Gorovenko. Grandmother Dmitry was preparing him not only for Easter, but for all traditional feasts and called the "Cupcake raking".

Ingredients: 1 cup of milk, 2 eggs, 1.5 cups of sugar, 1 cup of thick jam (tasty everything, according to Dima, Cherry), pinch of salt, 1 tsp. without a slide cinnamon, 1 tsp. Soda, a couple of cups flour.

Cooking: Mix all the ingredients. Depending on the quality of flour, it may be needed to be different. As a result, the dough should be the consistency of thick sour cream. Pour the dough into shape and bake at 180 degrees 30-40 minutes. Readiness Check out a wooden skewer.

Mastery Children 2 season will be present Ector Himenes-Bravo, Tatyana Litvinova and new member jury chef Dmitry Gorovenko. On the show, Mastershef Children Dmitry came with a colossal experience, he cooks with a 19-year-old experience, developed many Ukrainian and foreign projects that became very famous.

Work Dmitry Gorovenko Connected from Italian, Mediterranean, French and Pan-Asian cuisines. Dmitry in his 26 years has developed many famous Ukrainian and foreign projects, he became the youngest, hit the list of rating 25 best chefs of Ukraine. Dmitry Gorovenko was awarded the Association of Chefs of Ukraine for his contribution to the development of cooking in Kiev.

How became the cook Dmitry Gorovenko

When Dmitry Gorovenko They asked where such a desire to become a cook, he told a simple story from his childhood. As a ten years old, he rested with his parents to the sea, familiar his parents, where they stopped, very much inspired cucumbers, Dmitry was very impressed.

Education Dmitry Gorovenko

After graduating from 9 classes, then he began to professionally engage in cooking. From the words of a member of the jury show, Mastershef Children Dmitry Gorovenko on his way there were good teachers, still experience in good restaurants, and of course my hardworking.

Maschef Kids Release Date

On the Channel Stb you can watch the Shawshef Kids show and how participants will fight for the main prize of 100,000 hryvnia and get the right to study in the best culinary school of the world. Do not miss the show master chef Children 2 season on the STB channel from January 31 every Tuesday and Wednesdays, start at 20 00.

Dmitry Gorovenko in Facebook.