Alexey Lugovtsov and Maxim. Singer Maksim told about the scandalous details of relationships with a former husband (photo)

Alexey Lugovtsov and Maxim. Singer Maksim told about the scandalous details of relationships with a former husband (photo)
Alexey Lugovtsov and Maxim. Singer Maksim told about the scandalous details of relationships with a former husband (photo)

In the fall of 2009, the wedding of the singer Maxim and Alexey Lukovtsov took place. They were in close relations for more than a year, when the singer learned that she was waiting for a child, young people decided to tie themselves as a marriage and play a wedding. Wedding celebration was celebrated with a few guests at the Sorry Moscow Club! Babushka, where the holiday lasted until late at night. For newlyweds, their friends were performed by the songs of "Diagel and Mongols", "GDR". The wedding of Marina Maximova with her husband Alexei Lugovtsov occurred when the couple had already eight-month-old daughter Sasha. Wedding was conducted in the Moscow church of all saints, in Krasnoselsky Lane. For the wedding, Ryazan Luke Patus with his choir arrived. They have long been familiar with Marina and Alexey, it was Luca who baptized their daughter. At the wedding ceremony there were only close friends and family relatives.

After the wedding ceremony, the couple went to the Luzhkov Bridge, where, like many newlyweds, they hung their symbolic castle of love, and the key was thrown into the Moscow River.

The famous singer Maxim married the father of his daughter and sound engineer Alexei Lukovtseva. The wedding passed with a wedding in one of the Moscow temples, and celebrated a solemn event in the restaurant "Sorry! Babushka", which only closest friends and relatives were invited. Initially, Marina Maksimova did not want a chic and magnificent wedding, they and her husband dreamed of celebrating this event modestly and quietly. But then the singer and her lover decided to hang and invite relatives to note the event.

Singer Maxim and Alexei Lukovtsova have a common daughter Sasha, a photo session with which we recently published. Couple acquainted trite, at work. Lesha came to samples of sound engineers to the group of artist, and young people immediately got a rapid novel.

Maxim, many consider the deliberate, because at the time of her meeting with Lugovtsov he was already married. However, the star itself does not consider itself, she assures that Alexei has long had problems in the family. Permanent quarrels and conflicts brought even then spouses on the thoughts on the divorce, they had just a statement to the registry office. And Marina became for Alexey real girlfriend in life and the faithful wife, who always and keeps her husband in everything.

A year after the start of the relationship of the singer Maxim and her sound engineer, the couple began to often notice near the paid clinic. The press instantly spread rumors about the pregnancy of artist, while the young people themselves preferred to be silent about the "interesting situation" Marina. Only after the birth of daughter, Maxim calmly and frankly spoke about their relationship with Lesha, and after some time he told the joyful news - they will have a wedding. Photos from this solemn event are published below.

It does not get tired of interested in ordinary people. Personal life of stars of show business, history and events occurring in their destinies. Under the sight of human curiosity, there are always satellites of famous people. One example is Alexey Lugovtsov - the first husband and father of the eldest daughter of the popular Russian singer Maxim. His name has met many times on the pages of magazines and newspapers, especially during the development of relations between Alexey and Marina Maximova.

The first superstar husband

Perhaps Alexey Lugovtsy would remain unnoticed and lived a calm quiet life in Zhukovsky near Moscow, from where he comes from, if fate did not reduce him with the popular singer Marina Maximova, serving at the Russian stage under the pseudonym Maxim. For several years, the novel of young people tracked secretly, but in the end they stopped hiding their relationships and got married. While the novel of the singer and her chosen one lasted, a lot of rumors went around their relationship. The press tried to figure out all the details of the personal life of Marina and Alexey, until they tried to hide them as carefully.

Acquaintance Alexey and Marina

Having moved from the Moscow region to Peter for the sake of study, Alexey Lugovtsov lived there for some time. At that time, in 2006, Maxim was at the peak of popularity. Her discs were sold by millions of editions, tours were taken, in different cities singer gave concerts. One of the speeches was planned in Lugovtsov, like thousands of fans of the singer, naturally, acquired a ticket for a concert. In the music team, at that time was a vacant place of sound engineer, and Alexey, finding out this fact, did not hesitate for a minute. Having appeared on the casting before the concert, he showed his abilities in the profession from the best side, and his own candidate for a vacant position was reviewed by the director with the singer. To take into a group of all applicants decided precisely Alexey. The defining word was, of course, for Maxim. And so the stars have developed, or the girl felt something, but a new sound engineer appeared in the group from this day, Alexey Lugovtsov.

History of love singer and sound engineer

There was time, new songs were recorded, which instantly became hits. The tempo of the musical team was mad, but it brought only happiness. Success, a favorite thing was attached to the Force with young people, inspiration often visited Maxim, from under the pen of a talented girl there were new and new lyrical songs, captivated by their simplicity and melodiousness.
And the cause of inspiration was, of course, tender feelings that were born between new colleagues and sturdy every day. The life of creative people involves the full return of work, does not separate life from the profession, so young people spent almost all their time together: working and resting. The relationship between the singer and the sound engineer was gradually flowed from professional in friendly, and then between them there were stronger feelings, which forced them to think about the further stay in the Alexey group, as a participant. It turned out that the service novel could not continue like this. Therefore, the lovers delivered their relationships beyond workers and continued to meet, no longer being colleagues.

Reproaches and condemnation of the press

Maxim and Alexey Lugovtsov kept his romance to Maxim and Alexey Lugovtsov, but they managed to hide their feelings from the public with great difficulty. Young people often saw together, and in an informal setting. Journalists at any interview asked Maxim about her relationship with Alexey, but the singer continued to deny everything. It became a rumor about the marital status of Alexei Lukovtsov, a photo of a young man with his real wife, that and something flashed on the pages of magazines and on sites on the Internet. There were scandals many times, and the press appeared reports that the famous singer behaves inappropriately, meeting with a married man.

Wedding Marina and Alexey Lukovtsova

The singer Maxim and Alexey Lugovtsov got married in 2008 on Bali. The decision to enter into a legitimate marriage was taken by young people after they became aware of the interesting position of the singer. It has long been engaged in a broken-separated process of sound engineer Alexei Lugovtsov, his photo often flashed in magazines. Maxim continued to hide in his interview the true state of affairs until it was possible. The wedding of young played modest, for this they went to the islands. According to the laws of the State Bali between Alexei Lugovtsov and Marina Maximova, an official marriage was registered. The ceremony was committed in all rules of the state, the priest read a prayer over a couple and announced their husband and his wife. Thus, the wedding of the popular Russian singer Maxim and the sound engineer Alexei Lukovtsov, the photo from the venue of the solemn rite they did not hide them, everyone can see them.

And returning to Moscow, in love a year later married all the laws of the Russian Orthodox Church. He held the father of Luka, singer. Wedding took place in Krasnoselsky Lane, the temple of all saints took a young couple under his arms, where the father blessed the newlyweds. There were also baptized and the little daughter of Marina and Alexey - Sashenka.

Alexei's daughter and Maxim

The long-awaited and desired child - Alexey and Marina daughter - Alexander was born on March 8, 2009. Happy parents took careful about the baby, Alexey helped his wife a lot, remained with her daughter during the lack of Mom, because the creative activity of the singer did not stop. Songs were now dedicated not only to the love of a man, but also the strongest feelings in the life of any woman - the feelings of the mother to their child. The emergence of a new man in the fate of Marina and Alexei changed a lot. Young parents decided to leave Alexey from the post of sound engineer, they found another person in his place. The motive of this act was the familiar relationship between the spouses, when a man becomes the main in the family, and he could not be in submission from his wife as an employee, he could not.

First cracks in relationships

After the birth of a daughter, a few months, a young mother was at home near the child, and his father worked as a sound engineer on television. Alexey came to go home in the evenings, where his favorite wife and her daughter and delicious dinner were waiting for him. But the time has come to go to work and marina, the creative life of the singer implies certain obligations that need to be performed. Before the spouses stood up a sharp question - with whom to leave the child. Alexey tried to be with his daughter independently, but quickly realized that it was not for an adult successful man. For the proposal of the wife, find a nanny Alexey reacted negatively. Perhaps that is why the first cracks in relations between spouses began to appear when love and heat are gradually inferior to misunderstanding and quarrels.

Collapse of family life

For several years of happy marriage, tenderness and affection gradually turned into a past. The family appeared jealousy, suspicions, conflicts and unwillingness to find out the causes of the split. Two loving people lost mutual understanding. Alexey jealous to his wife, angry because of the lack of her house, often left himself. The desire to preserve the family could not defeat the desires of both spouses to throw everything and part. Maxim and Alexey Lugovtsov got into this whirlpool, the divorce was the final point of their relationship. So often happens in young families, it was this collapse that was Maxim and Alexey Lugovts, the biography of both young people was replenished with several years of lovely love and a happy family life, which, unfortunately, did not have a happy end. During the time he spent together Maxim and Alexey Lugovtsov, the world heard many touching songs that were born at the time of the experiences of strong and real feelings. As a result of their love, another person was born - a little girl who took only good from both parents.

The 28-year-old Russian singer Maksim gave a frank interview in which he decided to tell why she divorced her husband Alexei Lugovtsev, and how he brings up a two-year-old daughter Sasha.

I saw Alexey for the first time when I chose a sound engineer to a group. The young man was taken, but at first Marina (the real name of the singer) was surprised by his uncompatory.

"He could approach me after the concert and say:" Now someone will get on the ass! " I was shocked and did not understand how this is so, "recalls the pop star.

Nevertheless, Alexey managed to charm Maksim with his charisma and kindness. At some point, they realized that they were not indifferent to each other.

Lovers got married on the island of Bali, soon they were born daughter Alexander. However, the pair began problems, and in 2011 they officially issued a divorce.

"I don't want to make a false impression that I am so unfortunate. Not! I, on the contrary, the feeling that I returned to life again. I feel a full-fledged mom, "said the singer Maksim in an interview with Hello Magazine!

The actress admitted that now she had inspiration again - she writes songs and prepare for the concert.

"We had crazy love, and it seemed that everything was very simple: if the insult, then we go and do not speak if they quarrel, then beat the dishes. And when a child appeared, through the attitude towards him, it became clear how differently we look at love, "said Maksim.

The singer believes that he took too much responsibility for himself, and the man is very hard to put up with it.

Then Alexey began to jealous to Marina, which also did not add romance to the relationship. It came to the point that he began to control the circle of communication of his wife.

"The difference in views on the concept of" family "became too obvious, and we decided to live separately," said the singer and clarified that it did not prevent them from continuing to respect and appreciate each other, because Alexey will forever remain a very important person in her life forever, The father of her daughter.

The singer noted that Sasha is absolutely not similar to it in nature: "It is always very attentive, warned, neat. Such a right real Mademoiselle. "

Maksim says he wants to be not just a mother, but a friend for Sasha "so that we can sit down and just chat, something to discuss something that we have no secrets from each other."

Recall, seven years ago, Maksim broke into the radio fleece with the song "Hard Age" and instantly occupied the first lines of hit parade. Her next song "Tenderness" 9 weeks held the leadership in the chart "Russian Radio".

In 2008, she was recognized as the most rotated Russian singer and played a solo concert in the Olympic.

Wednesday, April 13th, 2011

Husband said: "I still have children, but such as you, never". Perhaps Lesha thought it would deteriorate that I would understand how he loved me, and I would forgive him, but the opposite came around. The phrase turned out as a slap. As the frontier, after which you will not return anything, "says the singer Maksim. In an exclusive interview with "7d" she talked about her divorce.

- Marina, rumors that in your family is not everything smoothly, it has been going for a long time. But you constantly refuted them. Why?

At first, with Lesha, everything was beautifully beautiful. He seemed precisely that man who I was needed, I felt good and calm with him. When in our family began taking place, the least I wanted to know someone else, besides us. But there were too many "good" people who love to chat with the tongue that they were not concerned. Or maybe they did it with the benefit for themselves, I do not know ... at some point the amount of gossip, speculations and inconsistencies about us with Lesha passed conceivable and unthinkable limits, and I understood: it is better to tell everything as it is, how to allow unclean Journalists and further exercise in the dirty statements on my and Leshin account. I will say honestly, I am not accustomed to giving such an interview, but I was so uncomfortable to answer the hundredth time at sometimes completely incorrect questions of journalists and see how our loved ones are worried about us that I decided to give an interview "7 days" and Oksana Pushkin in the program "Women's Look." And I also want to say: the family is the most important thing in life. It must be able to keep it! Alas, I did not have enough wisdom ... After our wedding, thousands of letters came to us with Lesha, where people confessed how we helped them believe that love is. Wrote: "Thank you! Looking at you, we also decided to get married. " We gone bouquets and gifts. I now continue to think that real love still exists. Despite the fact that my own history of Heppi-End, unfortunately, did not work ...

Thursday, November 5th, 2009

In an interview with "My!" The singer told about his family and about the sensational quarrel with Dima Bilan

Before the speech of the singer McSim in the premises of the Voronezh Circus there came the circus on the water. By October 28, employees set the pool on the arena and poured it with water. Maksim had to be satisfied with a small platform in the middle of the pool. On this unusual scene, the girl came out with caution, having, when noted that the playground under it was slightly stupid.

On the water, I perform for the first time, "she told Correspondents" E! ". - It is very beautiful in here! But in the circuses I have to give concerts often. I remember, once I sang, and there were cells with crocodiles nearby ...
In a rather sharp form, the celebrity forbidden to photograph yourself during an interview. But the viewers of Marina reacted warmer than to journalists, and not tired admire: "This is such a public, such eyes rarely happens!"

To begin with, journalists talked to the singer on family affairs. After all, quite recently, the marina had a landmark event in his life - in one of the temples of Moscow, she married his child Alexei Luchovtsev.

Saturday, October 24th, 2009

Marina Maksimova and Alexei Lugovtsov had happened and celebrated the wedding in the last robbery day of October. The magnificent celebration did not arrange - they say "glamor" they are not close, "and called only the nearest relatives and friends.

Wedding passed in the temple of all saints in Krasnoselsky Lane. Luke's father, the abbot of one of the Ryazan temples, specially arrived in Moscow and brought his church chorus to make this rite, because a long time was familiar with Marina and Lesha. From the church, the wedding procession went to the Luzhkov Bridge next to the Swamp area. There, Marina and Lesha, like many newlyweds, they hung on the "tree of love" the castle, symbolizing their hearts, and the key from him was thrown into the Moscow River. Passers-by, enjoying the bride and groom, shouted "bitterly!", And approaching closer, exclaimed ashamed: "This is the singer Maksim!" And they could not believe their eyes ... In the evening, guests and young people moved to the Sorry club, Babushka, where the whole company was lit to late night. For Marina and Leshi sang their friends - the groups "Diagel and Mongols" and "GDR", the bride sang for the groom, and he performed for his favorite song, playing himself on the guitar. We met with Marina the next day her at home to learn about Her impressions from the wedding and how the love arose with Lesha.