Graduation evening "Wester" School News "- a document. Report about our graduates with a solemn rule

Graduation evening "Wester" School News "- a document. Report about our graduates with a solemn rule

Scenario hold solemn part high school prom, Grade 11

1 Presenter: Good evening, dear parents, teachers, guests! Today in our gymnasium traditional and at the same time always special for the generations of graduates of the holiday - their prom! We congratulate everyone who came to this celebration, and, above all graduates and their parents. Graduate! How it sounds proud!
Invitation of graduates for the evening
2.The items! And now, dear guests! The solemn moment comes! For greetings, I ask everyone to get up! Meet, welcome cheerful, charming, brilliant, wonderful graduates of our school - graduates of 2016.
(applause, under the music includes graduates and occupy their places)

Here is behind the year of your studies ...
And the first takeoff, and the first fall ...
And this evening we wanted to
You would remember every moment ...
While you are together, class, even near ...
And ahead - far away, hard way.
And there is a good, gentle glance
Forgivers ask for something!
We wish you forces, inspiration,
Smaller failures and tears.
And in our difficult century - still patience!
And the execution of dreams of everyone and dreams!
So that you have found yourself something!
So that they will meet true love!
Forward, graduates, walk boldly,
You wish you happiness and good luck again

Report "Graduates of 2016"

This year, our school issues its best Pupils. This is a truly stardition. Among graduates there are diploma and winners of Olympiads and scientific and practical conferences, winners creative competitions and sports CompetitionThe guys were active participants in all contests, the Olympics.
And now this long-awaited graduation ball has come! Among all this fuss, you want to stop and remember how nine years ago you, having come with your parents by the hand in New beautiful formFor the first time heard the first call! As the first teacher, so kind, sensitive and attentive invited you to class. And there - the first acquaintance with classmates, then the first books, the first estimates, the first change. The first sympathy ...
Nine years! Nine years old, all such different together were happy together, got upset, together came up with scenarios, listened from the class head of morality, painted the wall newsnets, suggested those who stood at the board, and they themselves often needed a hint, wrote off and let them write off ...
Nine years! .. These long nine years will forever stay in your memory as an exciting, filled adventure events! So inspire this unforgettable school fragrance! Do not hurry to cross out everything is connected with her, because it will never happen again in your life never! Look back, standing in the corridor, schools: it's yours the last days Stay here as a student ... Feel like a childhood with a transparent elusive haze eludes you. Realize that you are parting with the need to see every morning with the usual, such different, but still your favorite classmates. Love all the teachers, at least for the fact that they will never be able to talk you and put two ... and let tears do not seem wonderful, because at this moment you are one whole - class, which in a few hours it will crumble on a lot of small pieces ...
We wish you to carry through the years and distances of that kindergarten dream, which originated here - in the walls of the school native for you!

Presentation of certificates

1. The days of the years are unnoticed -
Goodbye, school forever!
Know, a minute of parting this
You can never forget!
Put your dream try
And B. large life Breshing go!

2. In order to truck, do not doubt in yourself -
Waiting for success and happiness ahead!
Running already last call,
On a farewell note froze.
Only the most chief Lesson
Ahead, where all life is an exam.

1. In our time, it became fashionable to conduct awards on various nominations. Remember, for example, "Tefhi", "Nika", "Golden Gramophone", "Oscar" finally!
2. We decided not to lag behind these traditions, and in today's evening, winners will be announced in the following nominations.
1. The posts of the evening are respected parents.
2. Wake up attention, present in the hall young lady And gentlemen in the dresses from the best couture of the world!
1. But these are not high fashion days in our school, and the solemn ceremony of awarding certificates about the main formation of graduates of graduates of the municipal budget educational institution "Bluuman Main Community School"!
2. It would be necessary, for this day the guys walked almost 9 thousand lessons!
1. Transferred 18 thousand calls!
2. Alisolated at least halftone notebooks, spent 2 tons school chalk, 100 packs of powder powder for flushing devils, formulas and a variety of words school Parts.!
1. Look at what beautiful children grew up - your hope, your support, your future!
1. And the right to open our solemn evening and congratulate graduates with the end of grade 9 is provided to the Director of the Municipal Budget Educational Institution "Bluuman Main Communications School"! (congratulations, wishes, reading the order of deduction)

The first nomination is "School Pride"!

2. Head on the stage under the rapid applause of the winner's hall in this nomination - volitional, careful, perfect, immediate, lazy, prominent and beautiful, responsible ... this ... (presentation)

Presentation of certificates
2.And we continue the announcement of the nominations of our holiday evening and declare the nomination number 2, which sounds like this:

The second nomination "Modesty - Sister Talent"!

1.This smart person class
This is our most intellectual student!
This is a sort of erudite and intellectual and
To her shoulder the solution of the most difficult tasks!
The enthusiastic, fluttering, the head losing, fascinatingly adorable, uniquely interesting, irresistible, sophisticated, purposeful ... it is

Nomination Next "Sun class".

1.Niewly, what is the weather today,
Even if the street is on the street,
In the shower and heart easily in bad weather,
When with you next to the sun lives.
2. On the scene under your applause invited:
Fasculating adorable, uniquely interesting, irresistible, sophisticated and very purposeful ...

Nomination Next "Golden Middle"!

1. If you suddenly play what you need,
Scene will be arranged in VMIG,
And the talent will be lit.
Each student at school!

2. The prescriber in this nomination is invited: inimitable, honey, fantasy tireless, flexible and slim, all gifts worthy, bold, funny, clockwork, glorious is our ...

The next nomination "" The rest of them only dreams "!!!

1.This exactly about it.
About the one you call the start
and the "motor" of any company.
It is shine in the eyes and sea of \u200b\u200benergy
Won she is sitting next to you on the next chair!

2. On the scene invited the winner in this nomination: Forky, mocking, stubborn, polite, cheerful, cheerful, open and good ...

The nomination "A little more, a little bit ..."

1.Dell girls about princes since childhood,
And hey under the sail Alla is waiting,
Not noticing that with them together
Near the dreams of them in life go.
2. The winner in this nomination is invited to the scene: temperamental, individual, modest, unique, non-bank, impressive, and knightly gallant ....

The nomination "This day we brought out as could"

2. The scene is invited to the winner in this nomination: good-natured, excellent, merciful, approximate, impressionable, hospitable, expressive, initiative ...
Response word graduates
Let them say that time heals,
That days will not open the circle,
However, the evening comes -
And everything changes around.
The candle of the cooling age is dropped,
With a strange silence in Lada.
And suddenly wanted in the palm
To catch fallen star:
And between the future and the past,
Dream and childhood behind his back
Like bridge fragile, over
Today is the graduation evening.

1. From spring noise tired,
We broke through the exams.
And as if adult we became,
And the graduation ball gathered.
This holiday, he is wondering, magical,
Repeated each spring.
He is for school, let's not last
For me, he is the only one.

2. And we remember today lessons,
Where you tried to teach us
All sciences and important and necessary
Among them is the most important thing - how to live.

3. However, everything is expensive to us,
What is never to return.
School we will never forget
School, please: You do not forget us.

4. Also childhood in countries long,
Forever leaving your pier.

And at this hour the last breakdown,
Suddenly mixed and sadness.
You do not say childhood: "Goodbye",
And whispering after the short: "Goodbye".

5. Well, almost a minute silence,
Funny childhood - an imaginary school edge.
You do not say childhood: "Goodbye",
And whispering after the short: "Goodbye".

Graduates perform the song "Where childhood leaves."
1. Where childhood goes, in which cities
And find us a tool to get there.
It will take sickly until the whole city sleeps

Chorus: And in winter and in the summer of unprecedented wonders
There will be a childhood somewhere, but not here.
Both in winter and summer and puddles and streams
There will be someone to run, but not me.

2. Where childhood leaves where it gone
Probably in the edge of the wonderful where every day cinema
Where also at night a blue moonlight
But with you from now on there are no road there.

3. Where does childhood goes to unlucky edges
To the guys in the neighborhood, the same as I
It left silently until the whole city sleeps
And letters will not write and hardly calls.

Graduates - Readers:
6. We dreamed in childhood,
Your age is swearing
Most likely to become adults.
About the same dream again.

7. careless childhood, time is golden,
You don't turn your minutes.
The boy is another and the girl is different.
As we, it's late, will understand.

8. Beautiful mystery in the shower saving
Hiding her from the guys
Other boy and girl Other
For our Pathema sit.

9. Different friendship in everything helping,
Desperately love their class
The boy is another and the girl is different
Something similar to us.

10. Mile our teachers, ask you, relax a bit,
You are tired of standing so many years at the board.
Graduates every year wiring on the road
Not from whether the separation beat whiskey?

11. Deadly worship his knees,
Being a teacher is great!
Everything will pass, does not commemorate the nut
Only love, over which is not powerful
No year nor trouble nor
Everything is hidden, but believe
The teacher only for the type
Divided by a quarter heart.

12.The class is not a connoisseur of rest,
The keeper not memorized rules ...
Only the heart, dilgy with love,
Maybe the title "Teacher".

13. We often grieved
Seriously and trifles,
Although perfectly understood
What you do not sleep at night.

14. When sometimes at the lesson
Someone spinning
Ile, disturbing the lives time,
Smoking tried as big.

15.Good, learn the task
Shy. How will you call
You sculpted. In punishment
Play with myself will not take.

16. years of year, and we are growing up
Your hard work will disappear.
For all that we know and know how
Thank you all the soul.

17. Wish you want happiness,
Health, smiles, good,
To come tomorrow you were more beautiful
Than a week ago, than yesterday.

18.This in the shower of the heat did not fade,
To pound and knock
And such great happiness
To do not hug it with your hands!
27. Dear our, cute teachers of physics and mathematics, chemistry and biology: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thank you very much
For what you are for us
Have a good friend!
We will not forget you!

28. Let the children always draw up to you
Let always be full class,
And you sometimes remember us,
And we will remember you.

song on the melody "Student's Songs" (... on the French side ...)

1.I song many times
Performed people
Well, and we will sing now,
And be it, what will happen!
We will add a few words
About native school
And about the fact that here the people are
Smart and cheerful,
Oh what here we have
Super -Pedagogov!
They did not listen every time -
Well, just gods!
But it's time to go, alas,
Everyone now say goodbye
On the exam in university
Let's gather!
2. Like you bow from us
And a bouquet of flower!
Remember you every time
We will be with the class for sure!
If something is wrong,
You do not be offended
And so that always
Stay longer,
We promise, give
To learn children to you
So not for long we
Began to say goodbye!
The song came to the end,
Chlo in your hands,
Oh what class we have
Still good!
La La La La La La ... ..
Leads pull on the scene backpacks, bags. On them inscriptions: "Literature", "Geography", "History" and others. School subjects.

31. Where did you meet with things?
32. In a big way,
With the school breaking the connection.
33. What do you take?
Tell me mercy?

34. Yes, knowledge in which our power.
Let's look these things
And everything with you take them on the road.

Begin to disassemble backpacks. 1st takes textbooks with the words "Russian language" and "Literature".

31. We will remember every moment:
Our best friend - native language!
It is impossible to become cultural
With native literature!

32.Dear ...................!
From Lukomorye before the war and the world
We passed along with you a long way
And with humor, grotesque and satire
We managed to get a lot
And even if the mistakes were upset
But all of you managed to teach us
That the word can be and harder
And the word can be heal.

33. Thank you for what you have opened
For us, so many good, smart books
For the fact that you with love we gave us
Great and mighty our language
35. (pulls the textbook "History")
If in the class of silence,
Flies do not fly
Know the story of us
Someone is called.
If they rumbled everything,
Know the teacher moves
All cheat sheets should be hidden
And close all the books.

36. If you jumped up at night
Mom is not frightened:
It means daughter or son
With annthate disassembled.
In general, we are very
Love all the story!
If necessary - "Consider"
Any territory!
Thank you so much You for knowledge, dear ______________________________________.
37. It is difficult for us to imagine school life Without such objects, where our heads rested, and sometimes the soul rested, but even legs continued to work. We are very grateful to teachers of physical education, obzh, technology, music and visual arts. It's your efforts from us diversified person.
38. Here at all turns
We have never been alone.
We took new heights
With a diary, chewing days.
We studied sciences
Every year like new start,
Gradually grew
From their own old parties.

39. We studied, you learn,
That, swearing, then praise.
We suffered, we loved us
So many years of the teacher.
And now, at least late
Thank them for all,
If something is to blame -
We will be forgotten, and we will forgive.


40. Well, how we did not say today about those who have met us the first time at the school threshold, because these wonderful women, like moms gave us a part of their soul and love. Now we are talking about our first teachers.

41. Dear, our cute _______________________________________________________
We remember how we were first graders,
As we were instructed, scolded, taught,
Angry and still loved
But only the teacher is silent about it.

42. We will love our school forever,
Where would fate neither abandoned cool.
Tell me guys, but you can forget
Dwelling of good, and warmth, and comfort?
43. Today, dads and moms are satisfied.
It seems to them: everything! There are no more problems!
And school somewhere in the fog program
And school bows, and school buffet ...

Cute our parents! Whether we have words to express all our gratitude for your love and tenderness, for your sleepless nights And the all-friendly heart!

(Executed song " Parental house»)
1. Wherever we are, but still
Invariably confident
What will meet us with love and tenderness
Our pier parental house.
Chorus: The parent home began,
You are in the life of my reliable berth.
Parent home, let many years
Light in your windows good light.

2. And let our childhood will not end,
Although we have become adults,
Because parents want
So we stayed by children.

44. Well, another step is passed
We are removed from childhood,
We are removed from those
Who taught us stubbornly, long,
And who endured the year and two of us all.

45. Here the first call rang unstable,
Here is the first teacher, here the joy of dreams ...
No, the school is native, I do not say: "Goodbye!"
We say: "Favorite, wait! Bye!"

47. Thank you for joy beautiful moments,
As in a fairy tale, wonders open to us,
Over the years of labor, for moments of unrest,
For school winds in our sail!
All together perform the song "Let us God".

1 verse.
Give me a little more
Happiness and love.
And good friends too,
So as not tolerance.

Lunar at night Nose window
Revolat and pray.
Smile from the sky stars,
And sadness will disappear.

2 verse.
Give me God to be wiser
And to be stronger.
Give each other to be kinder
Teach to love.
1 bouquet.
On-on ...

48. It always pains to part.
It is always sad to part.
And with childhood, it is also hard to part.

But we will not be sad, we will wait new meeting with you…

Choir: Dear School!
("Farewell Waltz" from k / f "Raffle")
When we leave the school yard
Under the sounds of the unsatary waltz,
Teacher Conducts us to the corner
And again again and again he in the morning:
Meet, learn and break out again,
When we leave the school yard.

For us, the door is always open at school.
Say goodbye to her do not rush
But how to forget the call call droplets
And the girl who carried the portfolio.
Let then nothing will happen again
For us, the door is always open at school.

Much lived here and passed
There was a voice of timid, chalk trembled in his hand,
But you flew home with a victory.
And if suddenly luck is drunk,
Come on the quiet school floors.

Thank you for the end of the lessons,
Although with hope you expect a change,
But life is a special subject:
Tell questions new in response.
But you find a solution certainly,
Thank you for not the end of the lessons.

An exciting moment for hundreds of thousands of eleven-graders throughout Russia. Today they say goodbye to the school. Solemn rulers, a sea of \u200b\u200bflowers, a factor of teachers and, of course, the last call.

This year, for the first time, schools themselves chose a convenient date for solemn lines, so in some places they have already taken place, and somewhere to celebrate will be in the week. But the majority still traditionally celebrate on May 25.

Last bell rang today in Crimea. At school with international children's center "Artek" for graduates staged a ball. In Moscow, the place of the most large-scale festivities will be the Red Square, Vorobyev Mountains, Poklonnaya, as well as the VDNH. They say goodbye to the school and pupils of the boarding school named after Kolmogorov in Moscow.

On your last lesson They came without being late. And how didn't you want it to end! After all, today graduates were allowed to choose to some teacher to go. Every moment of this day they wanted to remember in the details, because they did not stop photographed for a second and once again they went through the whole school.

Girls will not appear - they are afraid to mock the ironed blouses and skirts. Boys help to fix ties and butterflies. The last day at school needs to be held on five with a plus.

This is the most exciting moment. School courtyard Polon. Parents and teachers freeze in anticipation, graduates are preparing for exit. The music will be somewhat, and the last call will be silent.

The right to carry the bell receive the most successful disciples, although they are not easy to choose them. To boarding school them. Kolmogorov receives only the best. But today they do not think about estimates and exams, but only they say how they will be bored.

"It is a pity to leave such an environment, to leave the guys, with whom we were so comforted here and became really relatives. It's sad to leave our teachers ... But, on the other hand, it is natural that we are growing up, and today everyone with such pride was put on the ribbons of graduates, and at this moment we felt that really, graduates, "says Graduate Sunz MSU Solmogorov Natalia Strelnikova.

"I will mostly miss the conversations that we led with friends, about mathematics, about physics," says graduate Sunz Jibril Mucigarbe.

School is forgiven so that they remember them for a long time. At the festive concert, each room is a dedication to one of the teachers. The voice was sometimes broken, and to restore the tears became more complicated.

"The festival is double - and joyful, and at the same time, of course, sad. Usually our graduates do not forget us often come, especially in the first year. We are missing, and we will meet them with pleasure, "says the Biology teacher of the Sunz MSU N. Kolmogorov Larisa Smirnova.

For graduates of this gymnasium, farewell to the school is also farewell to the house. More than half of them live in a hostel. They are not just friends, but native people. So many decide in one university and for one faculty.

"They will still be somewhere nearby, they will go to Moscow University, in other universities they will not be afraid. So they will support this connection all their remaining life, "the director of the Sunz MSU N. Kolmogorova Kirill Semenov.

Tomorrow they will again sit for textbooks. The first exams in geography and literature are already on Friday, and the school promises not to forget and all together come to the holidays.

Graduation Scenario

"Ether" School News ".

Rushing time in full swing,
Behind us calls us!
Flew year after year
Many days already, and now ...

MiG forgiven comes
Goodbye, goodbye ...

Every of you has your own dream, and everyone seeks to her ..

But today the last of your evening, when you are all together last time You have everything in common - this room, mood, music. And even today even a dream you will have a common!

Leading: Today, the school has its own television center.

And we are not just leading, and school TV speakers.

We occupy your places in front of the cameras. I ask you to your attention the news of the day, as well as in the breaks between the news, see our favorite TV shows.

___ Motor Doubles first.

And we declare the television program of the day.

Host: Good evening, briefly tell about today's report. So, the program opens a report from the assembly hall, where the solemn persons of the certificates about the end of the school passes.

Then, watching the series "Who is at the Hostep School."
Next - Program "For you, parents"

From the school canteen will be broadcast the transfer "Culinary duel"

For teachers of universities, the program - "Wait for us"

A retrospective showing of the TV shows "From the heart" will also not leave you indifferent.
At the end, he is offered to your attention the next series of the film about the class teachers - "My beautiful nanny".

So, "News of the Day" opens a report from the assembly hall, where the solemn presentation of the certificates about the end of the school passes. __________ You hear me, please tell us what is happening now in the Aidarlinsky assembly hall high School.

Good evening, Irina. Assembly Hall crowded by people, everyone came to spend our graduates in adult life. But now I don't see the graduates themselves, we will wait, Irina ... ..

Because now comes a solemn minute - the presentation of school certificates!


Leading: So, we start direct broadcast from the solemn meeting ________ secondary school. Presenter - the main character "Who is in the house of the owner" director ______________ High School ______________, the head of the school also takes part in the program ______________

Dear TV viewers, dear guests, I feel now myself by the conductor. My symbolic wrapping hand marks the beginning of the main event of your school life.
Welcome graduates of 2015!

Leading: Dear spectators, you have a unique opportunity to see the most solemn in the life of the school event - the presentation of certificates.
Word director
Presentation of certificates

Leading: We continue our television program. We bring to your attention the next series of T / s "My beautiful nanny" on the stage, our favorite teachers are invited to the scene, brilliating our own for many years important role. We meet!

(number-parody of T / s "My beautiful nanny", executed by teachers and class teachers)

Leading: We continue the program. On the air program - "From the heart"

Leading: With all souls by gentle words
About whom today we still say
How not about you who was so many years with us
Who taught us to read, write, count ...

Leading: Who led us deep and in wide knowledge
Who gave us to open
How hard to tell you: "Goodbye" ..
So not easy ... But this moment has come!

Words of gratitude to educators from graduates.

Leading: On TV broadcast "for you, parents"

Leading: Dear Parents! With you, we, of course, do not say goodbye, but our says goodbye to you school age, Our school joys and failures, our fives in physics and records in diaries.

Leading: You do not need to come to school more on the source. You have worked out nicely and deserve the delivery of the document -
Certificates of graduation ___ Series ___ from 200 ___ year.
Renovated chase. Parent with the overall surname of schoolchildren Class Pollolevich. This document make sure that you, together with your child, went to school № ___ at 19__ and together with him successfully completed school in 200__ in the course of training showed repeatedly deep knowledge And brilliantly passed the state exam. And also showed respect for teachers, helping them in everything.
School № ___

Leading: And now the word to the parents themselves.
(Conscription is read)

Receipt of parents

We, the undersigned parents of recent graduates of the school, the school is given a receipt that we do get in 200__ back their children, put into school in 199__ g, for temporary storage, education and training. Claims to school there, there is only an endless and sincere gratitude. There is, though the penalty: we handed over the children of small format, and we get back large. They know them, it is much more difficult to feed, shoe, dress up, and further teach ... Although, looking at their clever faces, we hope that the knowledge gained in school, our children will soon be given to the public, and society from these goods, stroking, And we will allocate something.

We thank and subscribe for SIM: Moms, Pope, Uncle, Aunt, Grandpa, Graduate Graduates of 2015

Leading: And now, dear TV viewers, turn on any program to your taste, as well as you can actively participate in such programs as "fingers losing" (banquet), dancing show "Dance, while young" and others.

Leading: And today we do not say goodbye to you, everything just begins!

Leading: Sixkov R. V., Shelkoplyas G. Yu

When approaching the column to Square:

Sounds beautiful music And the leading:

R. V.: Good evening, dear friends!

G. Yu: Hello, respected residents and guests of the Apsheron district, all those who will witness the solemn ceremony of presenting gold and silver medals "for special successes in the teaching" graduates of our district schools!

R. V. is already very soon main Square Victory Springle Solemn and festively come out ______ young and beautiful graduates (graduates) of 2015!

G. Yu. And of course those who rightly sewed next to them in the school steps these 11 years old - teachers, mentors.

R. V. And those native people who helped overcome this first life road - parents!

Again in June on white light,

On a school joyful planet.

Nature revives again:

Rings, blooms, fragrant!

We celebrate the holiday with you:

What kind of people we have gathered here!

Here is a sea of \u200b\u200bsmart, clean eyes,

Here youth charms us.

G. Y. Parian solemnly excitement,

The familiar joy,

For anyone who has long been waiting for this,

Yes, the holiday is born under the Thunder Fanfar!

Sound fanfare

It comes and lines around the perimeter of the square of the detachment of drummers

RV on the area are invited to high school graduates in 2015, awarded gold and silver medals "For outstanding achievements in teaching," and their parents!

G. Yu: And now graduates, teachers and parents Lyceum №1 are overlooking the square ...............

Report on schools (read during the construction of schools in the area)

Beautiful call signs

R. V. Dear graduates! The final chord of school symphony has observed exams. You added to the end difficult sentence His childhood - the time of happy discoveries, good and fun concerns.

Mr. Yu and today's holiday - a launching pad into a new life,
which gives you a team: "For takeoff!".

R. V. I am sure that graduates of 2015 in their flight reached star heights and will fit a lot of glorious pages in the history of their pedigree, their school, city, district, our mother - Kuban, and perhaps the whole of the great Russia!
G. Yu.a Other and can not be! After all, this year is a nice year. Russian history! This year we will celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino, the 770th anniversary of the victory of Prince Alexander Nevsky on Muddy lake, 340th anniversary of the emperor Peter 1.

R. V. In this year, the inhabitants of our region celebrate two main jubilee dates - 220 years since the county of the Cossacks of Kuban and the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Krasnodar Territory.

G. Yu. Traditional graduates! Be proud of your unique and distinctive history! Live, learn, create always and everywhere in glory Great Russia, in the glory of native Kuban!

R. V.Ped Sky over the country

It will be blue

Victory was enjoyed

Our Russian path!

Promult the history of Russia,

And for fragile Patriot be!

Thematic screensaver "Russia - We are your children!"

At the end of the screensaver graduates let go of the balls - Tricolor Russia

Solemn ceremony of awarding gold and silver medals.

Smallkley fanfare.

Drums are tired

The main action is waiting with you,

We are waiting for the awards ceremony

Higher reward over the years of exercise.

This is a great teacher labor

Genes that mom and dad give

It is the efforts of moms and fathers,

The work and perseverance of students.

Gold and Silver Grand Glitter

- this is the wedding of minds and talents,

Higher Runs - Honor Honor:

The best chosen is to count.

Call signatures sound

R. V. For the solemn ceremony of honoring graduates of secondary schools, the presentation of gold and silver medals, the announcement of gratitude to parents, the head of the municipality of the Apsheron district A. E. Kravchenko and Chairman of the Council of Municipal Education I. A.Vyodyanov

The chapter congratulates graduates with graduation, receiving certificates of secondary education, medalists to obtain high awards - gold and silver medals "For special merit in teaching".

R. V .. 1) For awarding a silver medal "For special successes in the teaching", the graduation is invited to the scene - __________________________________ (pause 3 sec.), To announce the chapter of the head of the municipality Apsheron district for invaluable parental labor and decent education of the daughter is invited _________________________________________________________________________________________

The graduate goes along the star path, he reads a report about him. G. Yu. Serious, independent, possessing a creative, analytical mind, ______ reached high results in the teaching. Her hobbies are mathematics, geography, English. He was awarded repeatedly diplomas for success in teaching and active public work in the classroom and school.

Sude a trip, parents go.)

The head of the district A. E. Kravchenko presents a graduate medal.

I. A.Vodyanov presents gratitude to parents (Father).

41 medalist

Honoring talented graduates, winners Olympiad

G. Yu. Today on our holiday, we celebrate graduates who throughout for long years successfully demonstrated knowledge of the sciences on zonal, regional and All-Russian Olympiads!

R. V.: You are your diligence, curiosity and painstaking work, they laid the way to success!

G. Yu.: You are always ready to solve the most complex tasks And go ahead to the intended goal! Your victories make up the diamond fund of our area.

Awarding graduates - the winners of subject olympiads.

G. Yu. Agree, Roman, all roads lead in childhood. Our graduates enter the adult life today, leaving the walls of their native school.

R. V. But it will take a little time, and the new generation of girls and boys will go to the country of Knowledge. Let the first call, the first teacher, and the first ball!

Choreographic composition "Cadets. First ball

Sounds Waltz for graduates - members of the governor's ball.

On the introductory chords the leaders read.

G. Yu.: Kuban, your youth is spinning in Walla!

And on the wing becomes like a bird.

But, scattering into distant edges,

She, back, of course, returns!

R. in ... you will be able to bring the glory

Your beauty and wealth set.

So that you, Kuban, could, like a garden blossom!

To prevent the Cossack to increase!

Waltz graduates and teachers.

G. Yu ... Dear adults, look like a young, beautiful, our graduates, and the air is full of beautiful dreams and expectation of a wonderful future!

RV So let each of your dreams now grow wings, and they are these blue balls rush up!

Song "Do not drop the ball!"

In the sky release medalists of stars and big blue balls

G. Yu. We, Absherrons, such a motto:

Graduates: To the stars, waking up, strive to swell!

Live and learn only on "five"!

The glory of Kuban native multiplied!

G. Yu .. Absheron district, we all since childhood native.

He tied us forever with a single destiny.

And where would fate threw you

Remember it every day, every hour!

P. .. emerald green forests and fields,

Nice, good and generous people.

Clean air, drunk at early dawn.

And be proud that you are born on this earth!

Final song "Above Absheron!"

Development of Prototype in the Class hour section and published 16th December, 2014
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In grade 11 23uchenika 8 boys i15devushek. Among them are excellent students and future medalist - Dean Dmitry and 11 percussionists: Dmitry Andrianov, Zvolsky Christine, Catherine Mishchenko, Korzhanoff Xenia, Anastasia Danilova, Olga Kuznetsova, Kuznetsov Pavel Bogomolov Natalia, Grebenshchikov Anastasia Zaritskaya Oksana, Nekrasov Jan.

They are members and prize-winners of school, district, regional Olympiads on subjects. Decal Dmitry took 1 place in the Olympics in the economy. Kuznetsova Olga 2 place in the district Olympiad english language. Danilova Nastya 3 place in the district Olympiad on history. Mishchenko Katya - 1st place in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Obzh and, together with Suigosui Nastya occupied 3rd place at the regional tourist and local lore conference "Fatherland".

The whole class participated in the All-Russian championships on subjects. Sosikovich Nadya, Susryovich Natasha, Bogomolova Natasha, Kuznetsova Olga, Danilova Nastya took part in the All-Russian Festival of Creative Works "Portfolio". Articles of Kuznetsova Olga were published in the regional newspaper "Echo Surprise".

Boys and girls participate in all school and district and regional competitions in all sports and take top places. Class Athletes: Andrianov Dmitry and the Ostrinskaya Olga Tennis players of the district scale, Murzintev Peter - Champion of Gewal Sport 2006, Kuznetsov Pavel and Streltsov Alexander -prizers of the Logkoatletic Competitions, Shdudko Evgeny took 1st place in the district competition on Lapta, Kuznetsov Valentin- Winner of the regional kickboxing tournament , Silver core pushing winner, champion in the area in the area, Chernyavsky Eugene took 1 place in the area of \u200b\u200bshooting, Decal Dmitry, Danilova Anastasia, Zvolskaya Christina, Medvedeva Victoria, Mishchenko Ekaterina - Basketball players, volleyball players, runners.

11th grade students showed a little interest public Life Schools. They took an active part in all school events: contests, concerts, festivals, evenings, campaigns, labor assaults, KVN Ah. in their class portfolio - dozens of well-deserved lime for prizes.

Boys and girls defended the honor of the school in the events of the district level.

Bright "stars", talented and creative personalities: an indispensable artist-designer-Ksenomanova Ksenia, KVNchiki Andrianov Dimai Decal Dmitry (Mr. KVN), actors - Grebenshchikov Anastasia, Kuznetsov Valentin, Kuznetsov Pavel, Mishchenko Ekaterina, Murzinsev Peter, Suigosui Anastasia, Eugene Evgeny, singers and musicians - Zarutskaya Oksana, Chernyavsky Evgeny. Zvolskaya Christina (winners of the competition of a guitar song).

Active assistants and advisers in solving classrooms and problems: Medvedeva Victoria (an indispensable class of class), Ostrinskaya Olga, Sosikovich Nadezhda, Susikovichnatalia, Nekrasova Yana, Rasseurhina Natalia.

Grade 11 was the winner of the in-school competition "Class of the Year - 2010".

Dick Olesya Vladimirovna ( classroom teacher Grade 11, Teacher of Russian Language and Literature of the 1st Qualification Category)