Words are part of the graduation from the parents. Best congratulations on graduation in verse and in prose: for class managers, graduates and their parents

Words are part of the graduation from the parents. Best congratulations on graduation in verse and in prose: for class managers, graduates and their parents

Here are the school days flying ...
I silent your last call,
And his melodic trills
Will not call you on the lesson.

In the sky, Xin stumbled the pigeon white -
Symbol of peace, freedom, love ...
It was for the first time you focused to school,
And now all the roads are yours.

Ahead - adult life page,
And friends, and love, and dreams.
Fill white birds in childhood,
And in a different direction - you.

Doors open for you
The world is big. It will become difficult more than once
You will move to the chosen goal,
As if at school from class you are in class.

This day will be sad little,
Not sad - with you friends,
And spends you to the threshold
Your school big family!

Graduation - Farewell to childhood,
New life stage.
I wish with interest
On the trail of fate to walk.

Let pleasant discoveries
Fill your life.
Fate Events
Will fit, on the shoulder.

In life, let your happen
True love.
Goals all to achieve
Honest to be with yourself.

Graduation - new life Beginning,
School age already behind.
But no need to tears nor sadness,
Beautiful is waiting for you ahead!

You will remember school years
And friends that went to your class.
You cheat sheets skillfully divided
Teachers hurt for you.

We wish you new success
And aspirations for a cherished dream.
Performances, love, achievements
And pleasant events in fate!

Most recently in grade 1
Mom's mother with dad spent
And now for the last time
You are book school books.

We wish you that start
Was inspirational and successful
Raising because of the school desk,
You walked confidently, slowly.

Let each of his pier find
Work on the soul
Let everyone hurt, will acquire
Good life will build your life!

Let them today are very big.
About you, as children, I will speak for a long time.
Ranked the call yesterday, but it's time
For you from school, saying goodbye to leave.
Parents have become a little older,
And you are much higher and stronger.
I wish you that way your way
It was especially easy to go easy.
Strong, reliable friends to you
Works are good, beloved!
Successful fate, unique!

Beautiful graduation congratulations in prose

But this does not mean that congratulations on graduation in prose will be less mental. Sometimes in your own words can be expressed more and meaningful than verses. Next, see the original congratulations on graduation in prose.

Well, it was perhaps one of the most important days in your life. High school graduation. So many paths are soothed around the school and so many roads opens into a new life. I wish you always with warmth to remember school years, school friends and of course teachers who gave for you such an important impetus to life, invested the most valuable and necessary. I wish you to make the right choice and get up on that road that will help you master your favorite and necessary profession, will help to get around all the failures, obstacles and acquire those good to which you are trying now, because your future depends on this. Strive, dare, go only forward and never retreat.

Today you leave your native school, and everything that awaits you in adulthood, now only depends on you. Here you have taught to be sincere, independent, responsible, responsive. Taught to be friends, defend your opinion, love science, carefully treat knowledge, that is, they gave the basis of that, without which it is impossible to become a real person with a capital letter! We wish you not to lose all this, but to increase, bring up the best qualities in yourself. We wish your dreams to be fulfilled. Good luck to you, luck, new achievements, happiness and success in the future life!

That ended the next stage in your life. You go to adulthood, more responsible. Therefore, we want to tell you the part -ile words. Go always for your dream and do not retreat, find happiness in life and do not miss it. Good luck and success, let you be on a difficult but very interesting life path.

Graduation - a memorable event in the life of everyone. Leaving the walls of the educational institution, we come into a new life. So let each of us can say with confidence that the future he will be light, and plans are grandiose. Let everything that wish us today will come true, and the people who have said warm words will not forget.

In this important and wonderful holiday, we wish to realize everything that is conceived about what is dreaming of. Ahead of the responsible life of an adult person. So let the paths and obstacles are not on the way. Remember your teachers, do not forget how much they have invested in every effort and labor!

Congratulations to graduates with graduation in school in 2018

Not only graduates are looking for good poems to congratulate each other and teachers with this sad holiday. Very often looking for congratulations to graduates from parents for graduation 2018. After all, congratulations to parents on graduation in grade 11 sounds like a parting with childhood. The child, leaving the school limits, dip in adult and independent life. Congratulations on graduation from parents sound like a farewell, as a reference point, what to rely on life. Therefore, with great pleasure, we publish congratulations on the graduation party from parents or congratulations to children on graduation.

Today, farewell to the school,
Gorda we are happy for you.
We remember the past years,
How did we be in the first class.

We wish to create and learn
Work, search, create:
It's no terribly mistaken,
Scary - do not dream at all.

Ended school years
Here is the graduation evening.
We wish in any weather
So that you come back home.

From parents take
Congratulations from the soul.
Long you studied at school
You could find out a lot.

And now ready new
Stage of life you start.
Before you all the roads.
Your business is to choose.

We wish you success
In this choice of fate.
Let luck help you
The path is worthy of your pass.

Well, school, your school
It will always be in mind.
Passed childhood in her and youth,
And around were friends.

Children grow imperceptible
And leave the house native ...
We are gorgeous on this day
In the most important holiday - graduation -
We wish you happiness, freedom,
Find calling, your way.
Go ahead, get involved in adversity,
In adult world it is easy to step!
Problems click like nuts,
Although there will be a pavement.
We believe in you. And love gently.
Let you, children, lucky!

So our kids rose,
School already behind his back
We, parents, congratulations
After all, today we have graduation.

This is a day and anxiety, and joy,
It's day and end, and started
Certificates to children handing
The school life start became.

We wish everyone success, good luck,
Let fate pick up
To kids happiness roads
They went through life only forward.

Our cute, our own children,
Split, like birds, you are in the world,
Who learn who wishes to work
Let none of your relatives forget.

There will be a way and smooth, and thorny,
May the heart be good, the conscience is clean,
And keep you in hearts and souls, and in minds
Memory of parents and teachers.

Congratulations to teachers and class teachers in the graduation party 2018

How does this touching day say "Thank you" to those who worked for 11 years, transmitting precious knowledge to their students. Congratulations to teachers for graduation - a modest opportunity to thank the soul for wisdom, invaluable experience and everything that schoolchildren's teachers fed. To this end, we have made a selection: congratulations to teachers for graduation party, congratulations to the classroom for graduation, as well as congratulations on graduation teachers from parents.

How much did for us
Do not convey all words.
We want to say at this hour:
Thank you for being with us!

Compared with Mamina Love,
Which you have awarded us.
Smiles, happiness, faith again.
And so that the relatives were nearby!

Be a teacher - a calling.
You have patience to save!
Let all your efforts
Fate generously rewards!

And health is limitless,
Happiness to flourish,
Live you - only on "excellent",
Disabled and the sorrows do not know.

Live in harmony, prosper
To envelop love.
At work - everything is in order,
Pupils obedient to you!

Grateful to you
Children, you are an example for them.
Let him live like in a fairy tale
Without sadness and loss.

Today, the memory time turns back -
Oh, how many joyful events!
For your invaluable work in a hurry to say
Thank you, our head is cool!

Thank you for always pushed us
Forward, forcing you to believe in force,
Rally managed our class friend
And the unchanging truths were taught.

Patriotism, honesty, good,
Love and mercy ... forever
Before you, our teacher, we are indebted
For giving us humanity.

Health to you, success day after day
Under the trill of the call the latter we wish!
And know that we will not let you down
What you remember, adore and miss!

You are from teachers for us more expensive,
After all, we fled to you with the troubles of our and happiness.
You rejoiced with us when I was success,
And they were satisfied with our disagreements.

Say goodbye to us more difficult
After all, so many years under your leadership
Our class studied friendship and work,
Patience, sciences, nobility.

We are grateful to you for your huge work.
Be sure that he was not in vain.
We wish you forces for many long years.
You call the head cool!

Thanks to all teachers
For condescension to our Chadam!
For patientity: noise and gam
Transfer - Health is necessary.

We walk-ferment work,
You - disclose talents.
Suddenly suddenly find
In the notebooks, in the souls of diamonds ...

And in this sense and the joy of life.
Let May be the call,
But the capricious continues
Lovely life lesson!

Congratulations to parents for graduation in 2018

In addition to favorite teachers, graduates at their celebration also want to express gratitude for sleepless nights, support, faith and unquestioned love the most expensive people. Therefore, without congratulations, parents do not do. Congratulations to the parents for graduation night will make sure the "highlight" and will turn the event to a mental holiday. Record congratulations to parents on the graduation grade 11.

Parents will tell thank you
For everything in my life there is.
Appreciate me you taught
Good, participation and honor.
Healthy be dear,
Always I am important to your advice.
For the warmth, I thank I,
There is no more expensive in the world in the world.

Dear you are good!
How thanks for all of you to say?
Nowadays, inconspicuously complex,
It is very difficult to raise children.
So we sometimes have happened, we were
Everyone would immediately like to us.
The strength was fully given away
Daughters to their and sons.
Dear you are our parents!
So what will love us?
Long-long live in the world
Wise, happily and good!

People most in the world
You kiss many times!
Your little children
Very, very love you!
With you, decent and beautiful,
We are ready to take an example:
Son - like dad, will be strong
Daughter - a master's house as a mother.
We will work themselves
And success to achieve
And at the same time dad with mom
Never forget!

For moms and dads, that best of all in the world,
For those who love us from all soul,
His "thank you" say children:
Solid, teenagers, kids.
They are alas! - so rapidly grow
Losing a thin thread with you,
And far from home are leaving
And they promise to call every day ...
And so in the summer summer flies.
You are waiting with them again and again.
Thank you, parents, for this:
For kindness, patience, love.
Let a kind angel leave you,
The soul always shines a quiet light,
Let children come to you more often
Caring and love giving in response.

Dad and Mom, what to pay
For all you did?
How to measure how to count
How much did love gave?
You brought up, you shrew
From evil, trouble and offense.
You always did everything you could
How do you thank you?
You showed me a good example
Honesty and kindness.
Everywhere and everywhere then and now
I remember my native features.
You gave me so much heat
That you can warm the world all.
Your concern and tenderness was
Only stronger with the course of years.
There is neither moms or pops weekends,
No holidays, vacations.
You can always disturb my relatives,
And you will not hear evil words.
I will always thank your
You, cute, bring.
Dad and Mom, I love you so much
Let God always keep you.

We hope our graduation congratulations will help choose the most touching and spending graduation 2018 in the warmest atmosphere. Happy holiday!

Photo: pixabay.com, open sources online

Students of graduation classes are waiting for the last call with hope and impatience, because they want to be as soon as possible to become adults and turn out of the wings of parents and teachers in an independent life. But parents, on the contrary, feel sadness and anxiety, watching their children leave school and full strength and confidence, go to free swimming. And on the last call, moms and dads seek to once again wish the children of success and future adulthood and give them a farewell to the road to success and happiness. And the words from parents graduates graduates of graders 11 and those students of grade 9, which go from school is both the wish of good luck and a good way, and a farewell to an honest and decent independent life. In words from parents, graduates sounded simultaneously and pride for grew up children, and sadness from the fact that the children matured so quickly and soon leave the parent nest. But the words from parents graduates of primary school, which also sound on the solemn line in honor of the last call, first of all the dads and moms make the emphasis on the fact that their children are already adults are already enough to come out from under the guardianship of the first teacher and go to the elder School requiring greater independence.

Words from parents graduates of primary school in verses and prose

It would seem that only recently parents led to the hands of funny kids in the first class and handed them into the caring hands of the first teacher. But 4 years of study in elementary school was very quickly, and it was time to farewell from elementary school. And on the solemn ruler, in honor of the end of the school year, the words of the parents are played by graduates of elementary school in verses and prose, in which representatives of the parental committee of the class give a farewell to children to further study and congratulate them with consideration and the transition to high school.

Increasingly, parents choose ridiculous and cool facilities for graduates of grade 4. Such kind and funny words will encourage children and give them confidence that after the summer holidays, their study at school will still be more fascinating, and leisure is more interesting.

Particular words from parents graduates 4 grades in verse

Here is a selection of parting words from parents on the last call to graduates of 4 grams in verses. These sincere, good and funny poems of full transmit all the hopes of parents on children and their sincere desire to have successfully successfully and harmoniously adults under the guidance of experienced senior school teachers.

The fourth class you completed

With the soul you congratulate you!

You got so much knowledge,

We wish new success

And also happiness to all big!

Do you let know the light you!

Let the fifth grade give a lot

Discoveries of different and victories!

The fourth grade is already over

Your graduation today, children.

We wish you great success,

Let the childhood manit a bright light.

Let all in their studies succeed

There will be good prize

Let the laugh of progress and smiles

Destroy on the path of interference.

Health to you, the aspirations of new

Big and small victories

We wish you beautiful very,

Such fun school years.

Passed 4 school years.

Guys, you matured.

You will find a wonderful road,

You are all just ahead.

Four years unnoticed

Have already passed, not to return them,

But there is still ahead

Get a considerable, important way.

Teacher your you free

Azam science taught.

Do not forget these years.

New stage you have come!

Passage from parents graduates of primary school in prose

Some parents prefer to congratulate graduates more officially, in prose. And for them there will be ideas here, how to make part -ile words from parents graduates in prose.

Our dear guys, congratulate you on the first significant achievement in school life, with the end of four classes. Now you go to the next step, now the doors to new subjects and knowledge will open for you. We wish you not to lose confidence and interest in learning, dilute your days with bright colors and emotions of happiness.

Congratulations, children, students of 4 classes, with graduation! You worked nicely for these 4 years. Ahead is a more saturated and interesting training path. Be healthy, active and attentive. We, your parents, wish you a great mood, a fun holiday and a lot of positive emotions!

The expensive guys will pass quite a bit of time and you will become fifth graders. Leaving primary school, accept our wishes of health, joy, success in the teachings, sports and public life of the school.

Touching words from parents with a set of graduates of grade 11 for the last call

If for parents of elementary school graduates, the last call in 4th grade is although the exciting, but not too significant event, then moms and dads graduates graduates on this day are experiencing anxiety, and pride in a child, and some fear. Words from parents graduates graduates on the last call are particularly touching and capable of impressing children to tears, because in these words the whole range of emotions of parents released their children in an independent life was transferred.

Cool and beautiful parting words from parents graduates

Graduates of graders 11 are no longer children, practically adult young men and girls who from now on will make important decisions and be responsible for their lives. Therefore, words from parents graduates are a farewell for adults, which also contains the wishes of good luck and success, and parent aspirations and hopes, and the Covenants of Mom and Dad about how to build their lives worthy.

And here you are chosen by the best parting words from parents to graduates on the last call. Among them are beautiful, and cool side fairs in verse and prose.

Dear our children

You are most expensive in the world!

With twos and validol,

But you finished school.

How much we did not sleep with you,

Works wrote.

And sometimes from the task

There was a lot of crying in the house.

We did not swear hard,

What could have been helped.

There is no greater joy,

Than native children successes.

You congratulate you today

We wish you a lot of happiness.

Our parent is a poem

Cute kids - Congratulations!

You have graduation today

Our child, you are now big.

On the threshold of a new life you are standing,

We hope you will surprise us!

To achieve a lot in life,

It will be necessary to work well.

You can achieve big heights

And the star in the sky will take up!

We wish you stubborn,

Smart brave sometimes agile.

Choose your right way in life,

We wish you - do not collapse!

Just yesterday was the first call,

Acquaintance with school, bouquets.

The first part of the first lesson,

And I gave you advice.

About life, friendship and even love,

And ton of homework.

And now you are already a graduate.

Attached so much effort.

In a new life, we do not fear.

On the best only hopes.

If suddenly it is difficult - say without taking

We will certainly support you!

You, dear, still all ahead.

A lot of life will bring tests.

But sadness, adversity will be all behind.

We are proud of you, you know!

Our dear children, today you go to an independent way to adulthood, in free swimming in the expanses of new interests and desires. We, your parents, always support you and firmly love, help the good advice and be proud of your achievements. We wish you in your graduation, our favorite, impeccable happiness, high aspirations, bright light of good and good luck on the life path.

Today, our children leave the school walls, and tomorrow will begin for them a new life, where there will be a place for independent decisions and thoughtful actions. Our dear children, let the knowledge presented with the wonderful teachers, will certainly help you make a successful start and successful jerk to new achievements. Thank you very much, dear teachers, for putting our strength and effort into the education and education of children. We wish you success, respect and good health for many, many years.

Beautiful words in verses and prose from parents graduates 9 class on the last call

Below is another selection, which includes touches to tears from parents graduates of grade 9 for the last call and graduation ball. These words will affect the hearts of both students who leave school after grade 9, and those who remain at school for another 2 years.

Our dear children, congratulate you on graduation. We wish that the first step in adulthood was successful and successful. Let everything be folded. Be healthy, children, happy and loved. We wish you a dedication and well-being. And we will always help you in the implementation of your desires and goals.

It seems only yesterday was on September 1 and the first call to you in your life! 9 years old flew unnoticed, all exams behind and today we celebrate your long-awaited graduation! Before you there is a difficult choice, continue to learn or start building a career, but regardless of your choice, I want to wish you success in all endeavors, happiness, courage, determination and sincere actions!

Class Ninth Behind

And slightly sad,

But it's time to go ahead

Early all feelings.

All guys, with graduation!

Earthly happiness

And lucky with him,

To rush to success!

Graduation in grade 9,

But in the eyes and sadness, and joy.

You are already graduates,

Life you disciple.

Let your life lead you

Let the fate of you will send you.

Be always people.

Happiness in life on the way!

The choice needs to be done

After the university to study?

There are different ways.

Maybe in college you go?

Everything now depends on you

Your life is in your hands.

Courage, perseverance to you

And assessments on affairs!

Funny and funny parting words from parents graduates

On the graduation ball and on the last call, funny and cool words from parents graduates graduates and elementary school are increasingly sound. Through good humor, parents want to encourage children and give them confidence in their power, and also make a holiday more fun and memorable. After all, graduates 11 and grade 9, which gathered to leave school, anxiously in the soul at the time of farewell to teachers and with childhood, and the funny words of parents and subside their mood, and show that mom and dad will always be there.

The end of the school is not only a holiday for the disciples themselves, but relief for their parents. Particular words to all graduates from their parents are not just words, but a "ticket" into a bright future, which each graduate does for himself. Parents have a lot what to say, and therefore their speech sometimes happens to be a mess. We tried to prepare a simple, but mental speech, so that you could pronounce it simply and without a special experience.

Dear our children, our graduates! Today for you, and for us, a significant event, because today you finish school, which means that you have become completely adults and independent. But for us you will forever remain small and your favorite kids.
In this solemn minute I want to wish you not to forget each other, if possible, always beside and together. After all, you were near eleven years old, and these years will not throw out of life just like that. Know that you are not just classmates, you are one small family that you will always have in mind.
You have your own way, your life and new friends. But you will be gathered together and arrange gatherings with memories of school and that it was in it.
In the meantime, there is still time before, we wish you to pass exams, enter universities and start building a new life!

When we led you to the first class, we were hard to imagine that eleven years will fly so fast, and you will be graduates.
Each of you was able to go through the whole school journey and go through it perfectly. Each of you earned respect for each other and our pride for you. Now you have the right to decide what you do next. Now we will not take you by the handle and do not take you to the university. Now you are independent adults people!
I, on behalf of all parents, I want to wish you to find your right life path. And tell you that whatever you were, for us you will forever remain young children. In a good way, our favorite graduates!

There is such an expression - live life, it is not a field to go! And this is clean, though, and we know about it not to be bleak.
Today, the last call will sound for you, which commemorates that one of your life is over and the other has come. We are proud that you were able to graduate from school that we could overcome all obstacles on this path. But you have even more difficult difficulties ahead, you have the most serious test, which is called a real life!
In this moment we, parents, we wish you not to look back, do not stop there, but go only forward and forth. Although you are already adults, but you are our children, and you will always help you. In a good way and good hour, our graduates!

So you rose, matured,
Leave the school walls
From the nest of chicks flew away,
To be happy to be sure.
You wish you conquer
All heights wanted,
And nests so you don't forget
From which you flew away!

Congratulations, my native,
School behind
And on a new road
Boldly come out.
Do not forget school lessons,
Friendship, first fights.
Skelo school will not forget
Yaryh Zakyak.

We wish you our own children,
So that nothing was afraid in the world,
After all, life is to live - do not go to the field,
And only going to go through everything.
Thank your teachers,
You sincerely "thank you" tell them,
They learned everyone for so many years -
Parents to you are second steel.

* * *
Here you are graduates -
Unnoticed as it happens;
And already scold you not with hands -
Your childhood forever sails ...
What to do? After all, it is always progress,
And although we love you from Burning,
We want to ask for heaven:
Let it not end this movement!
Our cute graduates
Our quiet, modest children!
Today we praise you with your hands:
Better you do not happen in the world!
If you are away,
Feel free to give yourself to people;
Well, we, even in full thank,
You always have a mother with a paphone!

Parents are fine you know -
The obstacles in the light of the set happens
And only the one who crosses them,
Something in this life reaches.
And there is one special oddity -
Life is difficult, accept you, as a given.
But if you smile more often in life,
You will enjoy it.

Here and the older you have become
And like chicks from the nest,
Rather in distant Dali,
With childhood running forever.
Here you like our:
The time of the game has ended
Remember you have become older
Be the same, children, wise!

Life live - not the field go.
Once we were taught parents.
We wish everyone my own way to find
To make the right you dedicated yourself.
Let you always be lucky in life, in everything.
Let your friendship last infinitely.
Let school lessons kindness
In the souls of your remains forever.

The huge world will open in front of you
Live in a hurry, you must all have time,
And in this muddle try
Friends do not betray, sorry native.
With honor, pass on the way of life,
Which you chose on the way
And if hard, you contact us,
We will help you find a way out!

The path is wide and decorated with dreams.
Many roads ahead.
Let every day helps affairs
Happiness to find!
Light minutes and space in ideas.
Sytny girlfriends and friends.
We wish on this day from the soul
Calm Find Quicks!

* * *
Baby! There are a lot of us, what to tell you -
If the throat will give a lump;
Let not be ashamed to look into the eyes,
And let God be helped in all of you!
Let luck never kick you
And let you better be better than ...
You have completed the eleventh grade,
But you will remain our children!

They gave rise to, brought up
Once led to school
Believe me, we did not know then
That children grow
So fast. Our dear
You do not hit the dirt face
Just achieve native,
To proud mother with her father.

Ended the last exams
And school moments swept
On the horizon, a new task:
In adulth you enter your life.
So let them all successfully work out!
Check in life of joy in full.
Let happiness and lucky to increase
And let the whole country be proud of you!

Children, how fast you grow!
Yesterday, because they were first grades.
Today you go to life adulth
Saying goodbye to bows and school shirts.
It remains childhood somewhere behind,
Let you warm your heart memories.
Let the expectation of the happiness of adult life
You will scratch bitterness with childhood parting!

Crown of cosmic harmonies
Let the future bless you
And the world of earth will take you to our LONO,
Where everyone will be famous in their business!
Waiting ahead happy roads,
Let the worship be fulfilled, dreams,
Do not forget the school threshold
And with difficulties you are on you!

On the threshold - a new world of kip
So many important things you have to!
Let the Magic Golden Key
Doors to life will be generously assigned.
We wish everyone to find the road,
For which you want to walk.
A lot of happiness and a little bit of anxiety,
Believe in a miracle and always hold!

Similar greetings.

Our favorite, native children! Today, in such a significant event, we want to congratulate you from the graduation from the heart. This holiday will forever remain in our memory. The heart rejoices, and the eyes poured a tear when we see how you have grown. We wish you good luck in your free independent flight, our cute chicks!

On this day, we like parents, we want to congratulate you the first. Favorite our graduates! Even recently, you played the dolls, cars, built air locks from the sand and loose snowmen in the courtyards. And today you step on the road called an independent life. Good luck on this road!

SMS, cute guys
We will congratulate you today with graduation.
Let love be all the one
We, parents, only stored photos.

Congratulations from the parents,
With this bright and festive day!
You stand the winner today
And the heart is filled with fire.

Congratulations on completion,
With the completion of school pore.
And we wish in the life of accomplishments,
To successfully led you.

Be persistent, go to the goal straight,
Despite the obstacle wind.
And then you will achieve stubbornly,
All desires of the most cherished.

Allow, children will congratulate you
With a beautiful graduate day.
In the words of the tenderness add,
So that the sweetness is easy.

Graduates you are ours, cute kids,
We congratulate you heartily.
Poems for you very beautiful
And you all dedicate songs.

Dear our children
You have passed hard work.
And more than once in the world
The obstacles will come to you.

But those knowledge that was mined
You are for school years -
You, like a card, which opened,
To the goal will always lead!

Let them be fill with success
All further fate
And on the envy of all problems
Land welcomes you!

Do not make sure in the hall, please
We want to say.
In your life we \u200b\u200bcontribute to
And strive to know -

We are simple parents,
And wish you -
Only success, golden
Let's hit the road! To your tops!

There are many doors in front of you -
And choose the road only to you.
You, graduate (believe in parent)
Dust the challenge to all fate!

Before you wide fields,
Where a person has never been stagnant.
And if you want, the whole earth
Starts to exist, as you ordered her.

Accepts from parents advice -
Do not start hastily you run.
Catch a good time -
Then the victory will end the race.

My daughter is my dear! My only, beloved, my favorite blood! I congratulate you on this wonderful holiday. Today you are a graduate and I want to let the salute in your honor. Let the stars help me in this and lit your bright lanterns in the sky. Let them light your way forever.