Paul Wesley and personal life. Paul Wesley: biography, personal life, films with actor

Paul Wesley and personal life. Paul Wesley: biography, personal life, films with actor
Paul Wesley and personal life. Paul Wesley: biography, personal life, films with actor

Paul Wesley (nee Pavel Vasilevsky, 07/23/1982) - Polish-American actor from New Jersey, the most famous for us by Stefan Salvatore in the series "Vampire Diaries".

Career Wesley began when he studied at high school grade. Basically, these were small acting work: so, for example, Wesley managed to cut a role and appear in the 6 series of soap opera "Guiding Light". Wesley could be seen in such films as "American Dreams", "24 hours", "Army Wives", "Plantation", "Love of Widrock", "Secrets of Smallville", "8 simple rules", "lonely hearts".

First wife Torri Devito

About the personal life of the actor knows not so much. In April 2011, Paul married Actress Torri Devito.

The wedding of the floor Wesley and the actress of the series "Little Deceivers" was secretly in New York, and only after some time the press became aware of this event.

Paul Wesley and his wife had already met by that time for three years, and a year before official marriage, the actor was already represented by Torri, as his wife at all events.

The couple met in 2004 on the filming of the film "Last Race". Meet the same young people began only in 2008.

Paul Wesley and Torri Devito at the SPIKE TV Award Ceremony, October 2009

On the game Lakers, May 2010

Walk on New York, May 2010

Torri and Paul take their lunch in Western Hollywood, June 2010

In Los Angeles, February 2011

At the SPIKE TV Awards Ceremony, SCREAM Awards, October 2011

Devito and Wesley in a romantic journey in France a year after the wedding, May 2012.

Paul Wesley and Nina Dobrev

Live with a popular actor is not easy, especially if it is a handsome man, like Paul Wesley! It is not enough that he is constantly overwhelmed by the fans, so also journalists stick out to attribute to him with each cute colleague on the set! At the floor of Wesley generally a special case: for several years he has been playing love with the same actress in the series "Vampire Diaries". Nina Dobrev and Paul Wesley so often kiss in front of the cameras that it would be enough to be more than to drive a jealous nature crazy!

Fortunately for this couple, Torry knows perfectly well what a film industry is and does not bind her with a family life. Moreover, she sees and understands that the thoughts of Paul Wesley are busy exclusively by his beloved wife, and not only does not pay attention to permanent kisses with Dobrev in front of the camera, but also friendly with the actress!

Well, such mutual understanding is worth not only to envy, but also learn!

According to official representatives of the actors, 31-year-old Wesley and a 29-year-old Devito "decided to part in a good way":

"We will support friendships."

Paul and Torri have no joint children.

Paul Wesley and Phoebe Tonkin

Two months after the divorce with Tory, a young man began to meet with Phoebe Tonkin, a young actress. The couple met on the set back in 2012, but began to meet only after parting the floor with his wife.

Paul and Phoebe at the beginning of the relationship by all the forces avoided publicity and did not comment on changes in personal life. But in 2016, the couple became more open to fans - lovers more often appeared together at secular events, in every way demonstrated warm feelings to each other. Paparazzi often noticed Paul and Phoebe Walking around the city. In the social network, instagram appeared photo of a joint vacation.

Very quickly Wesley acquired a new house for $ 2 million. Soon the fans pleased photos, laid out Phoebe, where she demonstrates a ring, donated with his beloved. Everything pointed to the ambulance wedding of actors.

In 2016, rumors were among the army of fans, that Paul Wesley became a father. The reason for this was the photo taken on Thanksgiving. On the hands, the actor held a child. As later it turned out - it was not the son of the floor, but his nephew. Wesley celebrated Thanksgiving in the circle of his family.

In December 2016, rumors about the parting of Paul Wesley and Phoebe Talkin crawled among fans. The pair ceased to appear in public together, joint photos were no longer laid out. In March 2017, the actors officially confirmed this information. However, the lovers could not live for a long time without a friend, and in May were again together.

The end of 2017 for Paul and Phoebe became the completion of romantic relationships. At the same time - final.

The first parting of lovers commented as the exhaustion of relationships. The second is somewhat clinner - a quarrel. At the same time, it was not specified that it was caused by the conflict.

Paul and Phoebe argue that the re-reconciliation should not be waiting, this time they broke out forever. Time will put everything in its place. Maybe the heart of a passionate handsome man is already occupied by another girl, and after a short time we will hear about the new movie star novel?

Paul Wesley married

In 2019, it became known that Paul was married to the girl Ines de Ramon. Moreover, they meet at least since September 2018. The floor published a snapshot in the heading "Return on Thursday" in his instagram with reference in September 2018.

The floor does not comment on his relationship, but periodically steam shares joint pictures. It can be seen that they are happy and spend together all their free time.

Ines de Ramon

Photo of paparazzi

It is interesting for him not to work in front of the camera, but also to visit the other side, not only to implement the stories composed by someone, but also invent himself.

On the big screen Wesley made his debut in the thriller "OBO opinion". And it does not matter that his name is not indicated in the credits, but there were also partners in the shooting platform. The film itself received 4 Saturn Prizes and advanced to Oscar. The leading roles got the floor later - in the drama about the power of the Spirit "Mirny Warrior", Fantasy Militant "Fallen", the horror movie "Winter Dead".

Real popularity came to the actor after the series "The Vampire Diaries". Paul Wesley played a major role - a vampire, who was deprived of a rest of the girls around the world. High (an actor's height of 180 cm), the rules-haired young man with an unusual smile became a symbol of the picture.

The scene is based on a love triangle between characters, ordinary person, and two vampire brothers, heroes of Wesley and. Gradually, the story departs from one romantic line alone and reveals the secrets of other ancient creatures. For the game in this film, the actor received two TEEN Choice Awards awards in the nominations "Breakthrough of the Year: Male role in the TV series" and "Best Actor of the Fantastic Series".

In parallel with the shooting in the "diaries", the floor worked on other projects. He starred in the drama "Adventures on the Bahamas", the militant "Batown is outlawed" and the comedy "Amir and Sam". In 2016, he joined the film crew of the series "Ancient" ("original"), also on vampire themes, and performed in a kind of cameo - played Stephen Salvatore.

In the drama "Mother's Day" from actor a minor role. And about problems in relations between mothers and daughters are told. In the second plan, the floor appeared in the comedy melodrama "Late Flower" about a man who did not pass puberty in adolescence due to illness and, already being adults, he experiences the joy of hormonal explosion in 3 weeks instead of a couple of years.

The interests of Wesley are distributed not only to acting, but also on director and producing. Upon completion of the "Vampire Diaries", he found himself behind the frame of the series "Twilight Hunters" and put one series in the 2nd season.

New colleagues positively assessed the participation of sex in the filming, as he showed knowledge of the nuances of such a show and intuitively felt what to pay attention to. In an interview with Wesley admitted that I did not read the book, which was filmed by the "hunters", but I studied the Internet to get acquainted with the characters and sort out mythology.

In October 2018, the premiere of the mystical tape "Heritage", Spin-off "Diaries" took place. Paul has served the episode and in this project, in addition, he taught a new generation of vampires to drink blood properly, so that it looks spectacular and natural on the screen.

As a producer, the actor showed himself everything in the same "Vampire Diaries", Norman's Melodrame about a schoolboy, pretending to be fatally ill, criminal tape "While I will not disappear" and the short film "Isabel" for which the script also wrote.

Personal life

In the personal life of Wesley almost always accompanied girls-colleagues. 4 years old man met with Marne Patterson. In 2008, during filming, the "Winter Dead" painting became acquainted with fashion model and actress. In April 2011, the wedding secretly played the wedding, working side by side in the 3rd and 4th seasons "Vampire Diaries". But in July 2013, the actor divorced his wife.

Embed from Getty Images Paul Wesley and Phoebe Tonkin

Two months later, Paul Wesley began a novel with, who lasted until 2017. Star couple looked perfect, and in 2016 news appeared on the Internet - a child was born among the actors. Later it turned out that in the photo a man holds a nephew on his hands. His own children of celebrities did not have time.

Rumors that the floor broke up with a girl after 4 years of relationship, caused the lack of joint romantic pictures in his "instagram". In early 2017, Wesley and Tonkin confirmed that no longer together, but remained friends.

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Though the floor was born in New Brunswick, he grew in Malboro. Parents of actor Thomas and Agniescie Vasilevsky - Natives of Poland. In addition to sex, they grew up three more children. Older Monica, as well as the younger daughters Julia and Leah. Wesley speaks great in Polish, because every year he lived in Poland for four months until his sixteen.

The first roles

Paul received knowledge in the Lincroft, there he studied at ChristianBrothersAcademy, and besides that gnawing granite science in MarlboroHighschool. During his studies in high school, there was a selection for the role in the TV series "Guiding Light". Agents were looking for a suitable candidate for the embodiment of Max Nicherson. Tom Wesley passed the sample successfully and began working on the film. But because of the dense acting graphics, he had to be transferred to a new school. He sat down at LakeWood Prep School, which was in Howell. Already in 2000, Tom received a maturity certificate and went to learn further to the Rutheger University. However, he could not receive education, because of the work on the shooting area, the university had to quit through the semester. The actor just received several proposals for work, and he decided that the career of the artist was ensured without additional education. The career only contributed to bright and interesting appearance.

In 2005, the actor changed the surname. Now she sounded not Vasilevsky, but Wesley. And when the floor ask why he decided to such an act, he answers simply: the name Vasilevsky was very difficult to pronounce. The actor asked permission from the family, and they were not against the change of the name.

However, there is still no sonorous name, the floor played episodic roles in a number of serials. In addition to the "Guide Light" there were "Secrets of Smallville", as well as "O. S. - single hearts "and" 8 simple rules for a friend of my teenage daughter. " But the most famous work of the actor is the role in the film "Love Widders". There, the floor played Tommy Kalahan. After Wesley appeared in the television series "Law and Order. Special case, "True, only in the second season, in the first episode.

Breakthrough: Vampire Diaries

Well, the real glory of Paul Semi brought the series "The Vampire Diaries". He came out in 2009 and there he plays one of the main roles - a young man named Stefan Salvatore. Now the name of the floor is just associated in this role, and a long sad look, which is expected to scenario of the series, have already remembered millions of women from around the world.

By the way, Wesley dislikes journalists, he in itself is a very modest young man. And despite the enormous popularity of his person, as well as a regular appearance in public, he can leave scandals and keep away from the correspondents of the yellow press. Therefore, it will never be noticed in scrupulous stories in which the Hollywood stars like to fall.

The actor himself rather reverently refers to his star role in the vampire diaries television series. The floor does not even believe that his hero can somehow compare with Edward Kalen. Once Wesley said to journalists that besides obvious similar features, the characters are completely different. And what actually wanted to say an actor, it is difficult to understand, because in his own words, not a single book from the twilight saga, he did not even open, moreover, he also did not look.

Paul Wesley on video

"No, Stefan is not nice," said Paul, "he is a vampire." Constantly goes to the path of war with a dark side. In addition, he has a constant need to feed his strength to human blood. And it is constantly in it. Stephen under my leadership constantly shows his anger and character, then at the same time there is love and passion, tenderness to Elena. He loves the girl and ready to die for her, but still he is cruel. "

In addition to acting, Wesley is produced by producing. He, for example, was an associate producer of the "Norman" painting in 2010. They played the main roles of Emily Wang Camp and Dan Bird.

Personal life of Paul Wesley

In April 2011, Wesley in April 2011 secretly combined himself with a marriage with a fashion model and actress Torri Devito. Already in May of the same year, on the "Young Hollywood Awards", he presented a girl as his wife as his wife. By the way, together they starred in the painting "Murderous Cinema". And before Torry, Paul met with a colleague, actress Marne Patterson. Their romance was twisted in 2004.

In his free time, the time Paul Wesley prefers to play hockey, sort out the strings on the guitar and ride a snowboard.

Paul on casting

Initially, it was planned that the storyline with Lucas Loulo in the execution of the floor in the "Mysteries of Smallville", which was shown on the Ether of the CTC, will be extended. This did not happen, as the actor managed to sign an agreement on the shooting of another series. He, by the way, did not go to the TV screens. Paul Wesley made his debut in the primetime series. In 2001, the actor played Luke Gates in the painting "Wolf Lake".

In 2000, Wesley received the Youngstar Awards Youth Prize nomination. His talent was noted in the category "The Best Young Daytime TV series". He received such an assessment after entering the picture "Travel Light".

The floor especially to taste came shooting in Everwood. All because they took place in Utah, and there the actor could indulge in his hobby - snowboarding - what is called, without separation from production.

During his studies in high school in Malborough, the floor constantly visited a variety of optional classes, including ice hockey. And some time, the actor even spent in a Catholic school for boys called the "Academy of Christian Brothers", which is located in Lincroft.

The floor has a close friendship with Brittany Snow's actors, Emily Wang Camp, Tammy Blanchar, as well as actors of Jordei Vilasus and Paullo Benedhey. And with Wang Camp, he met for the work on the "Evevud".

Thanks to the Polish roots, the floor is natural blond and with green eyes.

Author Lena Matyukhina asked a question in the section Squirt and Showubus

all about the floor Wesley. Paul Welley and got the best answer

Answer from Oyophia Homeland [Guru]
Paul Thomas Wesley (English Paul Thomas Weesley; at the birth of Vasilevsky (eng. Wasilewski); born July 23, 1982, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA) - American film actor and producer. Known by Stephen Salvatore from the vampire diaries television series.
Paul Wesley was born in the city of New Brunswick (New Jersey, USA) on July 23, 1982, grew up in Malborough, New Jersey. His parents, Agneshka and Thomas Vasilevsky, people from Poland. There is an older sister Monica and two younger - Julia and Lee. It knows the Polish language well, he spent four months every year in Poland to 16 years.
Visited Christian Brothers Academy in Linrófte and Marlboro High School. During study in high school, the selection was selected for the role of Max Nicherson in the TV series "Guiding Light". Because of a dense acting schedule turned to a new school - LakeWood Prep School in Howell. In 2000 he graduated from school and entered the Rutheger University, who threw an acting career through the semester. Since 2005, the floor has changed the surname to Wesley. When he is asked why he changed the surname, he says:
"Vasilevsky was too difficult to pronounce. I asked permission from my family to change the surname, and they were not against. "
Paul performed small roles in such series as: "Guide Light", "Widow's Love", "Mystery of Smallville", "Lonely Hearts", "8 ordinary rules for a friend of my teenage daughter", "Law and Order. Special case "and others.
Currently, the role of Stefan Salvator in the vampire diaries television series in the Lisa Romans series Jane Smith "Vampire Diaries".
Personal life
In April 2011, Paul secretly married Actress Torri Devito. On May 13, 2011, on the "Young Hollywood Awards" award, he presented to Torri like his wife.
- Here you can see the filmography of Paul.

Answer from User deleted[guru]
all garbage, the relative vampires are already writing from your snotes.

Answer from Olga Goncharov[guru]
He is chic

Answer from Olivia Fraser.[guru]
Paul Thomas Wesley (English Paul Thomas Wesley; at the birth of Vasilevsky (eng. Wasilewski); genus 23.07.lev1982, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA) -American film actor and producer. Known by Stephen Salvatore from the vampire diaries television series.
Bio. : Paul Wesley was born in the city of New Brunswick (New Jersey, USA) 23.07.lev1982g. , grew up in Malborough, New Jersey. His parents, Agneshka and Thomas Vasilevsky, people from Poland. There is an older sister Monica and two youngest Julia and Leah. It knows the Polish language well, he spent four months each year in Poland to 16 years.
Visited Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft and Marlboro High School. The time of study in high school passed the selection for the role of Max Nicherson in the TV series "Guiding Light". Because of the dense acting schedule, he was transferred to the new school-LakeWood Prep School in Hauelle. B2000g. He graduated from school and entered the Rutheger University, who threw through the semester to continue the actor career.
C2005g. The floor changed the surname to Wesley. When he is asked why he changed the surname, he says:
"Vasilevsky was too difficult to pronounce. I asked permission from my family to change the surname, and they were not against. "
K.: Paul performed small roles in such serials as: "Guiding Light", "Widow's Love", "Mystery of Smallville", "Lonely Hearts", "8 simple rules for a friend of my teenage daughter", "Law and Order. Special case "and others.
Currently, the role of Stefan Salvator in the vampire diaries television series in the Lisa Romans series Jane Smith "Vampire Diaries".
L. g. : In April2011. Paul secretly married Actress Torri Devito. 05/13/2011 At the Award "Young Hollywood Awards" he presented Torri like his wife. There was no official confirmation yet.
Do you know that.. .:
Full name-floor Thomas Wasilewski (Paul Thomas Wasilewski).
He has an older sister, Monica, and two younger sisters, Julia and bodice.
Parents call Thomas and Agniška Vasilevsky.
At the floor Polish roots.
Coastal Disco (2012)
Adventures on the Bahamas (2010)
Vampire Diaries (C) (2009 -.)
Somewhere there (2009)
Winter Dead (2008)
Russell daughter (TV) (2008)
Fallen (mini-gray) (2007)
Army wives (c) (2007 -.)
Plantation (c) (2007)
Shark (c) (2006-2008)
Fallen (TV) (2006)
Peace Warrior (2006)
1 mile to Lenex (2006)
Cloud 9 (2006)
Roller (2005)
Last Race (2004)
CSI: New York crime scene (C) (2004 -.)
THE EDGE (TV) (2003)
Detective RASH (C) (2003-2010)
O. S. - Lonely Hearts (C) (2003-2007)
Young Arthur (TV) (2002)
American dreams (c) (2002-2005)
C.S.I.:Mayami (c) (2002 -.)
8 ordinary rules for a friend of my teenage daughter (c) (2002-2005)
Widset Love (C) (2002-2006)
24 hours (c) (2001-2010)
Secrets of Smallville (C) (2001-2011)
Heart shot (TV) (2001)
Law and order. Criminal intent (c) (2001-2011)
Photos and interviews:
DV-DV site: link
In addition to the vampire diaries, he perfectly starred in the mini-series "Fallen"

Answer from Nizhsy Nurullaeva[guru]
1. Born in 1982, July 23 in the family of immigrants from Poland.
2. At birth, he received the name of Paul Thomas Vasilevsky, but in the future he changed his surname to Wesley. As the floor itself says, the reason is that his native surname is too difficult to pronounce.
3. Since the Polar origin and in childhood often visited his homeland, today it is wonderful owns Polish.
4. Favorite pastime - Winter sports outdoors. The floor claims to be a big fan of hockey and snowboard.
5. As a child, practically did not fit under such a definition as "Pai-boy."
6. In adolescence, he made a tattoo, however, which - it remains only to guess, since the floor itself does not say anything concrete about it .... Moreover, over this tattoo made a new one - in the form of roses.
7. When he was listening to the film "The Vampire Diaries" hoped for what would be to be filmed as Damon Salvatore - I didn't want to play the smart dismay of Stephen to play too much. However, fate ordered otherwise.
8. Despite the fact that after graduating from study, Paul began to give his career almost all the time and less with his family, they, nevertheless, managed to maintain warm and close relationships.
9. Not a fan of noisy parties. Time on Saturday evening prefers to carry out otherwise.
10. Not watching TV due to the fact that he is simply missing.
11. His favorite actress - Monica Belucci. Paul finds her incredibly attractive woman.
12. He considers itself the most serious of all those involved in the filming of the "Vampire Diaries"
13. Floor finally dreams - then buy a scooter and drive around on it everywhere.
14. At the age of 17, there was a Punk. It believes that at that time was much cooler than now.