Themes of extracurricular activities. School activities

Themes of extracurricular activities.  School activities
Themes of extracurricular activities. School activities

Each educational institution has its own traditions and customs, in a mathematical school, there is probably a holiday dedicated to great scientists, literary critics do not consider it possible to forget about Pushkin. When deciding what activities can be carried out at school, one should not forget about the patriotic education of schoolchildren, including in this concept knowledge of the history of their country.

It is known that the activities carried out in elementary school are aimed at ensuring that the children get to know each other and begin to communicate and make friends. In the first grade, tea parties are held, where children celebrate classmates' birthdays and play various games. Then the time comes for various competitions between classes, all this brings students together and makes them feel like they are involved in the events taking place in the school.

During the academic year, teachers can make several thematic evenings dedicated to all-Russian holidays, for example, a paramilitary performance is organized on Victory Day with the participation of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and laying flowers at the monuments. There are many scenarios for such holidays, but each organizer can add their own ideas to them and bring them to life.

Of course, it is necessary to draw up a plan of activities carried out in the school in advance so that they do not overlap, but are more or less evenly distributed over time. First of all, organizing teachers should take into account the generally recognized holidays that are held every year on the same days, this is New Year, Victory Day, Knowledge Day, and others. Surely any school has its own memorable day, which is also celebrated every year.

For high school students, you can arrange thematic evenings, for example, an evening dedicated to the work of the classics will be very interesting, for which girls will put on beautiful outfits of the corresponding era, and boys will appear as gentlemen in tailcoats. Preparing for the holiday, students will learn the poems of Pushkin and Lermontov, prepare several scenes from famous novels and learn to dance the waltz and minuet. It will turn out to be a cute and interesting literary evening, after which some students will be seriously interested in classical works.

In the list of events held at the school throughout the year, it is advisable to include evenings devoted to mathematics, physics and programming. Modern life is impossible without the use of a computer, and this can be the basis for the entire program of the holiday. Using modern technology, high school students work with advanced teachers to create a stunning show that is fun for all students. In graduation classes, there are sure to be smart guys and girls who will figure out how to arrange a light show, pick up music for dancing and even costumes for the event participants.

Healthy lifestyles need to be promoted at school, so sports are a great activity for young runners, athletes and gymnasts. You can even make a mini-Olympiad in which all schoolchildren involved in sports will compete. Such a holiday cannot be completed in one day, so it needs to be allocated at least a week, on the first day of which the opening of the games will take place, and on the last day, the awarding of the winners and a big holiday with a concert, a disco and fireworks.

Looking for ideas for a joint event, family evening or group date? The new site has taken care of that.

As you sit in a presidency meeting, you have two agenda items left: (1) ideas for some future joint activities, and (2) ways to connect with Taylor, who hasn't been in the Church for months. Now look at those two points again. Perhaps the solution to one issue is related to the second: joint events may be exactly what you need to help Taylor and others feel welcome.

Now you just need ideas for an event that Taylor will be interested in. And perhaps the perfect option is waiting for you at. With over 165 event ideas (and more regularly), this site can help you find something for all tastes. Take a look at these awesome features!

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  • Help with Personal Progress, Duty to God, and Come follow me
  • Group Dating Ideas

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You are changing the world for the better

You may think that joint and other youth activities are not entirely for you, as you will learn a lot about the Church in seminary and through personal and family study. Have you ever thought that you can help those who need you? Youth activities are an excellent way to maintain friendships with less active and non-members. They can also help a person firmly resist temptations when they see examples and gain strength by being around other people - including you - living by the gospel.

You are in the driver's seat

Elder Stanley G. Ellis of the Seventy said: “One of the benefits of this site is that it puts youth in the driver's seat. He not only encourages quorum and class presidencies to take the lead in planning activities, but he also places the needs, interests, and abilities of youth at the center of that planning. Quorum and class presidencies are encouraged to learn about the youth they lead — What are their interests? What do they have to offer? How do they need to grow? - and use the activities as a way to bless their lives. This is true service. "

An open extracurricular event is a form of demonstration of advanced pedagogical developments, a way to implement them in practice and improve the qualifications of teachers. The most important condition for conducting open lessons is publicity, through which the above goals are achieved.

The peculiarities of extracurricular activities are their unusualness, so to speak, the unconventional choice of types and forms of conduct, which contributes to the awakening of children's interest in the learning process, motivating them to independent knowledge of a particular subject.

Classification of extracurricular activities

The main types of extracurricular activities can be considered educational, leisure and sports and recreation.

Educational and educational extracurricular activities are aimed at enhancing the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, deepening their knowledge, broadening their horizons, and shaping the civic position of students.

Leisure activities make it possible to concretize the interests of students, aimed at acquiring certain skills and abilities, to diversify school life with entertaining moments.

Sports and recreational activities ensure the physical development of schoolchildren, contribute to the improvement and maintenance of their health.

In our proposed classification of the types of extracurricular activities, the emphasis is on the purpose of the event. It is this aspect that determines the choice of the form of conducting.

Forms of extracurricular activities

Each type of extracurricular activities has its own ways of implementation. Of course, the list is not static and limited: objects in it can vary, intersect, combine.

Educational extracurricular activities can have the following forms of performance: conversation, discussion, meeting with interesting people, quiz, theater, training, conference, Olympiad, review, competition, excursion.

Leisure extracurricular activities have more applied goals - teaching skills, abilities, which is implemented in the following didactic models: workshop (cutting and sewing, culinary, visual, photography, modeling), plein air, master class, theater studio. In addition, leisure activities are held for entertainment purposes, which contributes to the unification of children's entertainment leisure activities - a competition, a game, theatrical performances.

Sports and recreational outdoor extracurricular activities are held in the form of sports games, hiking.

Age characteristics of students in the choice of content and forms of extracurricular activities are of decisive importance. Let's study this aspect of the problem.

Primary School

Of particular importance is the holding of open extracurricular activities in primary school. Primary school children are most sensitive to learning new things, they require a clear demonstration of the proposed knowledge, in addition, primary school students are very high.

Based on this, when planning extracurricular activities for students in grades 1-4, preference should be given to conducting classes with elements of physical activity, games, competitive tasks, excursions. An open extracurricular activity of grade 2 should take into account the insignificant practical experience of children of this age category, form basic knowledge, skills and abilities.

Old school

Children of senior school age are capable of a longer static perception of the material, of reproducing more text, they are stress-resistant, which plays a decisive role in choosing the form of extracurricular activities. In such cases, it is worth giving preference to theatrical performances, KVN, brain ring, hiking, career guidance excursions.

Educational and educational extracurricular activities

Taking into account that the primary task of the school is teaching, let us dwell in more detail on the consideration of educational and educational open events.

Open extracurricular activities of an educational nature contribute to in-depth study of material in certain subjects, systematization of the knowledge gained using non-traditional forms of information presentation.

Extracurricular activity in mathematics

The main purpose of an extracurricular lesson in mathematics is the practical application of the knowledge acquired in the classroom. Such events are most effective in the form of games, travel, competitions, excursions, theatrical performances, subject weeks. There are different types of extracurricular activities.

The cognitive functions of the game are very broad. The main advantage of the game over other forms of extracurricular activities is its accessibility. Solving mathematical charades, puzzles, crosswords is a very exciting process that allows you to systematize the knowledge gained, develops logical thinking, ingenuity.

Traveling to the land of mathematics gives children the opportunity to come close to mathematical terms, realizing their reality and necessity in life.


Competitive forms of holding open extracurricular activities in mathematics solve not only purely subject problems, but also form a team, demonstrating real relationships in the classroom.

Taking excursions aimed at learning mathematics allows children to project their book knowledge onto the world around them.

Theatrical performances, the script of which is based on such a subject as mathematics, clearly demonstrate the regularity of cause-and-effect relationships, form concepts of geometric shapes, sizes, etc.

Subject weeks in mathematics are a complex of open extracurricular activities held in the following forms: open lesson - extracurricular activity, game, competition, quiz.

An extracurricular activity in mathematics activates students, contributes to the formation of logical thinking. It is most effective to conduct classes that form interdisciplinary connections: an open extracurricular event in mathematics in the form of a theatrical performance, which will improve the level of humanitarian and mathematical knowledge; excursion to nature, to consolidate the skills acquired in the lessons of natural history and mathematics.

Practical value of extracurricular activities in technology

This formulation of the question is especially relevant for the new subject "Technology", the main purpose of introducing which into the curriculum was the practical application of the knowledge acquired at school.

Considering that the school curriculum devotes a critically small number of hours to the study of the subject "Technology", the most important role in the development of this discipline is played by extracurricular activities.

The target orientation of this subject on the convergence of theory and practice allows us to talk about the peculiarities of extracurricular activities in technology.

The development of students' work skills is a critical component in school. Labor fosters such personality traits as independence, responsibility for the decisions made, which contributes to the formation of a full-fledged citizen.

An open extracurricular event on technology will demonstrate the independent practical skills of students acquired in the classroom and motivate their work activities. In addition, technology lessons can reveal the propensity of children to a certain type of activity, which, in turn, will help them in the future to determine the choice of a profession.

An extracurricular technology event is held in various forms: workshop, master class, quiz, games, competition.


Any open lesson (extracurricular activity) allows you to consolidate the knowledge of schoolchildren in a particular subject. In addition, this form of conducting classes arouses great interest among the children. The teacher should plan an extracurricular activity in advance. In the preparation process, you can use the help of students.

High school is a time of growing up and defining yourself as a person. At this age, children strive to get out of the care of not only parents, but also teachers. However, the ways of their self-expression and ostentatious growing up do not always lead to positive results. are designed to direct the energy of schoolchildren in the right direction, to help determine their desires and capabilities.

High school classroom hours themes

Often, senior students argue that they no longer need the class hour as a form of extracurricular educational work. In most cases, this happens because the event is poorly prepared or is conducted in the form of a lecture, which does not add to its amusement.

To prepare class hour it is worth being creative and using extraordinary solutions ... First of all, you need to decide on the topic. What will it be interesting to talk about and think about for grown-up children?

The first thing that comes to mind is this. In order not to get a finger in the sky, you can conduct a light questionnaire and find out what profession the students are thinking about. This is where the themes are born:

  • Dentist (lawyer, military man, designer, accountant) is my future profession!
  • Travel to the land of professions.
  • The road to tomorrow.

In order not to be unfounded, you can go on an excursion to any enterprise or arrange it right in the school office. Use appropriate costumes and surroundings to immerse students in the work environment.

The development of horizons and a variety of interests will be helped by class hours dedicated to any event or holiday. There, schoolchildren will be able to show themselves and their talents in various fields. The main thing is to be smart and involve as many students as possible in the preparation.

  • The world of museums (timed to coincide with the 120th anniversary of the opening of the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg).
  • (2015 was declared the Year of Literature in Russia).
  • International Day of Peace (Celebrated on September 21, starting in 2002. Can be timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II).

Do not forget about the interests of high school students. In order for the class hour to pass harmoniously and to the liking of the children, a lot of preparation is needed. The choice of topics can be huge, it is necessary to proceed from the interests and hobbies of schoolchildren.

At such themed classroom hours, students themselves can become guides and talk about what their hobbies are, conduct master classes.

Social aspects are the most important link in the development of personality. Therefore, an emphasis on this side of life is also necessary in extracurricular activities.

  • October 1 - International Day of Older Persons.

Here, the project activities of schoolchildren can come into force. They can submit their research papers or presentations.

Love remains the main thing in a person's life. Singers have sung it since ancient times. So it will not be possible to bypass this topic. Classroom hours for high school students about love can take any form.

  • The first love.
  • To everyone who is in love - Valentine's Day.
  • Love at first sight.
  • Day of love, family and fidelity.

These extracurricular activities should raise the value of this eternal feeling, the importance and treasure of the family. Class hour about love can take place in the form of a playful game, known in the 90s, when a pair of "lovers" by interests was selected. Or it can become a real poetic evening, where poems and love songs will sound. In addition, students will be able to act as creators and write themselves a letter to their first or still unfulfilled love.

Developing a classroom hour is a laborious process that requires a lot of knowledge and time. To make things easier, check out the classroom hours designs on our website.

(Goals : expand children's knowledge of spiders; acquaintchildren with the literature available in the library about thekah; develop creativity, independence, homemadethe activity of students, to teach them to work with books,visit them with the necessary information.

Preparatory work:

1. Cognitive. The class is preliminarily divided intofour groups. Each group studies "their" spider:cross spider, karakurt spider, hay spider, tarantula spider.

2. The task is to compose a story about your spider,find out the signs associated with spiders, find poems aboutspiders. Each group is looking for an answer to their own question, onexample: how many years does a spider live? who is stronger is a waspor a spider? can a spider eat her fiancé? How can spider venom be neutralized?

3. Decorating. Each group draws its own spiderspecies, makes a model of a spider. Exhibition of drawings and spider layouts)

Theme: In the world of plants

Teacher: Buncheeva A.M.

Target : formation of valeological and ecological culture;

broadening the horizons of students;

enrichment of knowledge in the field of medicinal plants.

4. Extracurricular activities in primary school

Teacher: Buncheeva A.M.

Purpose: acquaintance with folk signs,

broadening one's horizons,

ecological, patriotic and aesthetic education

Teacher: Buncheeva A.M.

6. Extracurricular event within the framework of the week of the class teacher "Year of Charity in Tatarstan"

Target : enrichment with knowledge about patronage, charity in Russia;

expansion of knowledge in the field of spiritual culture;

development of intellectual feelings: interest, surprise, novelty,

development of emotional and aesthetic feelings and communication skills.

Equipment: presentation "State Tretyakov Gallery", reproductions of paintings by IE Grabar "March snow" and "February azure", I. I. Shishkina "Morning in a pine forest", music center, audio cassette with classical music.

Teacher: Buncheeva A.M.

7. An hour of communication for primary classes

Theme : State symbols of Russia

Target : visual acquaintance with the state symbols of our Motherland;

fostering a sense of pride in their homeland;

development of imaginative thinking and aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world;

the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the flag and coat of arms of Russia and Tatarstan;

speech development and enrichment of the vocabulary of students (flag, coat of arms, scepter, orb)

Teacher: Buncheeva A.M.

Target: development of the child's spiritual world, creativity;

enrichment with knowledge, introduction to reading classical literature;

education of aesthetic taste, love for nature, humane attitude to living things.

Equipment: drawings, handicrafts made from natural materials, leaves, dummies of vegetables and fruits, mushrooms, P.I.

Teacher: Buncheeva A.M.


Teacher: Nuriakhmetova V.A.

OBJECTIVES: to give children an understanding of the importance of water in human life, to acquaint them with the consequences of human influence on nature, environmental problems that need to be addressed at the present stage. To develop the cognitive activity of children, a sense of respect for the world around them.

Teacher: Gizitdinova R.S.

Objectives: To build students' understanding of the meaning of friendship,

contribute to the formation of students' interest in class affairs and relationships in the children's team

Preparatory work: the class can be decorated with colored flags, which can be made from colored paper. On the flags, you can write various wishes to your friends. At the end of the meeting, you can offer to donate flags. with wishes to each other.

Equipment: letters - palms, big heart - pocket for letters

Teacher: Esipova E.V.

The class hour is held in the form of a game. The main characters are two teams.

The topic of this class hour once again makes us think, reflect on such an important issue as nature conservation. To protect nature, you need to know it well.


- to clarify and expand children's knowledge about the life of plants and animals;

- instill interest in the study of the subject "Natural Science";

- to systematize the idea of ​​interconnections in nature, the meaning of nature for people.

Teacher: Valiulina L.Kh.

Objectives: to broaden the horizons of children about the plant world;

develop the information field, spiritual needs, attention,

cultivate sensitivity and kindness, aesthetic feelings.

Design: posters depicting flowers, children's essays on flowers,

indoor and artificial flowers, flower tokens,

an excerpt from the movie "The Nutcracker" - "Waltz of the Flowers" (video),

song "Magic Flower" - audio recording.

Teacher: Ilyushina V.S.

Objectives of the game : development of intelligence, intuition, erudition;

strengthening the memory and attention of students;

broadening horizons, increasing intelligence,

general culture, communication skills.

Equipment : computer, tape recorder, Do You Know? newspapers, clock, VCR.

Developed and conducted by students of grade 11 Aunder the leadership of cl. hand-la Avalyan F.R.

Teacher: Galimova G.Kh.

Goals: education of an active life position; the formation of beliefs about the need to take good care of nature.

Equipment: theatrical props.

Teacher: Kozlova F.A.

Target: To foster love and respect for nature;

· Show the attitude towards nature of our ancestors;

· To teach the rules of conduct in the forest.

Equipment: Model of Baba Yaga's hut;