Urban graduation ball. Scenario

Urban graduation ball. Scenario
Urban graduation ball. Scenario

Graduation Ball Scenario 2016

The fabulous melody sounds. (Present Slide 1)

Girl comes out - childhood and reading words.

Girl - childhood: Long ago in the Kizhevatsky kingdom, in a school state, when everything around bloomed and greenly, small princes and princesses appeared on the world. All the kingdom filled with children's laughter and joy. These little girls and boys are like small angels.

The young man comes out and reads words.

Youth: And now their childhood flies. It goes quietly and unnoticed, with short dresses and toys, with muted calls, which are most expensive in the world, with a familiar voice of a native teacher. And finally, the day came when adult princes and princesses leave the magical kingdom, because they are already waiting for youth. (Present Slide 2)

Girl - childhood :: Who are you?
Youth: I - youth

Girl - childhood: So quickly and imperceptibly flew these years that I did not notice. You wait. My children still did not go and played enough, they were not in the bows.
Youth: It is time for them to go to my country, so I'm here to specify the right path.

Sounds music "Ah, this evening"

Youth:Oh, hear? A signal is served from the heavenly height. Farewell, childhood, farewell, we are already leaving ...
(Leading) on \u200b\u200bthe scene)
1 presenter.

Behind the window thickened evening ...
Stars in the sky look caress ...
Quietly flickering candles ...
And good holiday foreshadowed.

2 presenter.

The century is very difficult.
But today it is not good to peel
Does the ball in our time possible?
Or will this ball just dream?

1 presenter.

Smash the same door!
And reaches the limit of an excitement!
Let's all together in a fairy tale
Ball begins! Away doubt !!!

Classroom teacher:

Spectators! Attention please!
It's time to start my ball.
I ask you all with smiles and applause
Graduates meet.

Against the background of music (beautiful far) On the stage, graduates come to the scene:

The full light on the square, decorative garlands lights up.

2 Host:

1. Employee! Sacred Temple of Science

You leave today forever.

You have comprehended sciences holy sounds.

Hand the certificate is the fruit of your work!

Revealed you a school wide doors,

And you cross the threshold.

You are Yun and excited.

You feel, believe: this is the beginning of the roads!

1 master

The graduation ball is a glorious date,

MiG - and the guys will be presented attests.

It seems to all that the event is

Celebrates with us now the whole planet!

Leading 2: We invite you to the scene of the most important thing at the School of a person who knows every graduate in the face and name.

Vedas 1: He is thoroughly known all the secrets and secrets of children. He always knows what to do, so that the advantages of our graduates shone, and the disadvantages disappeared.

Vedas 2: Meet the director of our school - ...........................

Presentation of certificates

1 Presenter:

2 Host:

The word for congratulations is provided ...


Like a moment, flew by eleven years!
And here we are at the station at the station
We already take a ticket to the ticket office,
In adult life leaving.
But before this goes,
Let's try to look into the past.
Let's try to remember
Your first call
In the worlds of interesting and we will visit you
Look at your favorite lesson.
This one day only in life happens!

(Presentation "School Years")

1 Presenter:

You came to congratulate fourth graders:

Congratulations we want
With their long-awaited holiday,
Their graduation ball.

The lessons are all completed
Exams are handed over
And certificates to schoolchildren,
Of course, handed.

We wish graduates
Good luck and victories
Let the goals achieve
There are no obstacles for them!

(Scene "Dragonfly and Ant")


Depotable plastic movements.
Instant throw response.
About Sport! You are an educator of generations.
Large friend is a faithful hand.

    Sport gives us health energy,
    Perseverance, strength of spirit, beauty.
    Sport teaches us to look at the world with love,
    In reality to embody your dream.

    (Presentation "Sports Records of Our Class")


Be ready to go

Need to each of us

So that the country is your native

Protect and glorify.

2 master

We provide the word School Director .............................................. (Presentation of TSA icons and literacy for success in sports)

Did you know? All holidays
Graduates Competition conducted
Everyone and everyone asked
Called the contest
"Cute Pedagogue heart."

(Presentation. Photo with teachers)

Graduate: It's time to summarize in all nominations of this contest


In the nomination "The beginning of all started" Presented: (primary school teachers)

Primary school, we really love you!
And your lessons we will not even forget!
For your attention, affectionate your
Take our appreciation from our heart.
(Give flowers and diploma)


In the nomination "The first"our first teacher is presented ......... ..

You have opened up for us,
Were the first cool mom.
Taught all the basics.
You have a nailey bow.

We wish you health
And approximate students.
And hearts are full of love
To you, teacher you are our first.

The word is provided with the first teacher - ..................



In the nomination "The most democratic teacher"presented: ............................

You are a democratic teacher
And the person is excellent
We never swear
We want everyone to respember.


In the nomination "The most interesting lessons"presented: ................................. ..

You are an interesting teacher
At the same level lesson
Was every in memory of you
Undoubtedly, put the highest class!


In the nomination "The most strict teacher" are presented .........................................

You are a teacher, of course, strict!
Kept us always in the cord
And your wonderful lessons
Will help in the future, in fate.


In the nomination "The best teacher" is presented: ..............................................

Behind the heart is a tender and kind view
You graduates thank you


1 without cute lush phrases
With deep respect
Let me at this hour
Herend knees
Pretty teachers:
Believe the heart remains with you.

2 Let the school of our sun shine brighter!
Teachers - Health, like granite!
Let you, relatives, please all children
Let God always keep you all in all!

Song "Good Mood"

    If you, frowning, come out of school
    If you upset this day more than once,
    Remember, teacher, all our cheerful class
    Remember Rather, remember us.

    Chorus: And a smile without a doubt
    Suddenly touches your eyes
    And good mood
    Does not leave you more

2. If the control suddenly shelves
And your salary detained again
Our photos Looking in the album
Remember the class teacher to you.
Chorus: the same.


We have one nomination "Our favorite teacher." It presents our cool leader ............................................................... ..


How many strength is spent on us,

How hard it was with us - also know.

For all this, native, love you

Before you a low head bow!

Everything was and expensive, and adversity,

And the sun light, and the light of your favorite eyes ...

I look in the past years

And with warm feeling I remember you ...

Thank you for what you live.
For your business and thoughts beauty.

2 presenter. The word for congratulations is provided to the class teacher.

1 master

Parents are not just a word,
This is love, everything is ready,
This is a vocation for life,
These are those who we value.

2 master

Parents - those who have always been near
Who delil with us joy and grief
Who was supporting us, always support
Who will never leave us anywhere.

(Presentation "Our Parents)

1. Mom, and remember,
How did you lend me to the first class?
How taught lessons with me,
And explained to me from time to times.
Homework help helped
Poems taught you with me,
But we finished school,
Rings the last my call,
I go ahead, to the life of the new,
I do not know what awaits me there:
What are the difficulties, what tests,
What there will be a turn in the new life
Mamuly, thanks for your efforts!

Dolls thrown, no pigtails,
Tears of the First Love Unfortunate
I crushed with thick cilia.

3. Dad, see how I grew up
behind the shoulders are 11 classes,
But to you for advice and help
I, as in childhood, go ready.

4. Dad, see how I grew up
In the evenings I hurry on a date
But still, only you
For me - the most, most.

5. Mom, see how I grew up
I'm less and less with you,
SMS Gloom Girl,
I sometimes forget about you.

6. Mom, see how I grew up
I am cut and quick-tempered
But in the soul I still
And wound and very touching.

7. Mom, see how I grew up
But I'm still tied to you
And all the best that is in my heart,
Only you, my dear, must.

8. Mommy, the school is over, and not necessary to learn lessons.
- My, how many nerves are spoiled ...
How glad I'm glad! Are you glad?

9. Well, you cry, my native,
Did lips stubbornly?
Smile, because the school is over,
Well, whine, sweet mom!

10. Thank you, cute daddy,
What did you get me!
Love smile clear
She's like light in the window!
I want you to be happy
Successful and healthy!
You are the most wonderful
And the best of fathers

11. Mom, thanks,
For the life you gave me.
During the days of Sleepless Your
What did you spend with me in the night.
For the first steps, my
They taught me exactly you
You always try to protect me from all adversity in this world,
Look at me now
I'm not the little girl
Palm, which you held, leading in grade 1,
I grew up and I want to say:
For all, thank you for all you
And I love you very much

12. Thank you, bow to you low
For love, kindness and patience,
We love you, we love you very much,
Away chase from the heart doubt!

13. You have been protecting me from my birth,

You give me care and love, in longing sadness you warming up,

In me your native blood,

And how many nerves spent with me,

But to the end I will know one

Love you and this I will not hide

I know my mother that I am hard with me,

And I do not want to see how you cry

Your trouble, my trouble,

You mean Mamuly for me,

And you will not be alone you never.

You give advice,

You always help me,

All my questions give answers.

You're from the sky for me a star!

I want only smiling,

You will be forever young.

I want in your eyes only joy was full of sparks.

14 nightingale trill, like bell,
Pour in the sky, laughing and linking.
"Where are you going, daughter?"
Mother today asked me.
Nowhere to me from my mother,
And I do not know where I hurry.
Just know, from where: from childhood
Today I am leaving forever.
I stand on the threshold stubbornly
I choose the roads.
You close me in the room, mom,
Do not let me go from childhood.
Do not let me, throw a while
And close the door firmly firmly.
I want to stay a girl,
Non-reliant such as now.
You close me in the mother's room,
Throw the key and stay with me
I know I was stubborn,
Not always agreed with you.
And now I'm standing on the threshold,
And closing very hard eyes,
I understand that childhood leaves
And never return it.

1 master: We invite graduate parents to the scene.

1 Leading:
Like the wind changed
And warmly sawing us
It broke into the school hall
Our friend is good waltz.

2 Leading:

I am delighted, having similate
Your waist will touch
I dream of hug you
And hug you afraid.

How in the waltz, like in the waltz
You are madly good
Only in the waltz, only in the waltz
The soul is revealed.

1 Presenter:
(Graduates perform a farewell waltz)

We waited, worrying, this minute:
And here she is - will! In the hands of the certificate!
But the heart, I do not know, knocks why
Not only the girls - and the guys!

Knocks ... because probably not easy
From school to go to the unknown way,
And we, matured, and it's not about the growth.
From the goal now not to roll anywhere !!!

Do not catch the times of distant connection,
Do not hear the charm of all familiar fairy tales,
Do not see the formulas of incomprehensible communication,
The card is silently not to stand with a pointer ...

Native school, you accept a bow
From those who are devoted, honest and love
Who from the small years in love with you,
For everything, thank you for everything!

For the fact that my land is!
For happily hearts!
For the fact that there are my teachers!
For the fact that there is no life, probably the end!

After the ball, we'll get up through the streets.
Then let's go to study, twisted in fate.
And if the heart surfaches, cares,
We will only look for medicine.

We will bend, but, of course, do not go out,
We will be cheerful and on the rise light.
And I will definitely return to school
And we will be called here ....

Vedas 1. On the stage of this you stood
For a farewell hour last time!

Veda 2. Farewell words said
You know, last time!

Vedas 1. Let in the heart lies an alarm
You remember us and do not forget to school!

Veda 2. Stop, at school threshold,
In the big life go, happy way!

Both: In the lucky way!

All standing accompany graduates from the hall

Song "We make happiness to you" S.Nakhna

All overlook the hall (teachers, guests, parents).

MBOU "Information and Methodological Center of the Tatsinsky district"

Scenario of the district proming "Blue Bird"

Time: 20.00-21.00

Venue: Square B. Revolution

Graduates 11 educational organizations are built in pairs (in the hands of balls with LEDs of blue and blue in the number of graduates)

MUZ. Chief


School ball - amazing evening
Splits your class with childhood!
You soldered the strong shoulders,
Shining stars in shine eyes!
Come, we are waiting with impressive,
There will be a holiday for glory from us!
Graduation is joy, excitement,
Wish we all: "in good time!"

Leading: On the main square of the Tatsinsky district graduates of 2015.

The output of graduates in pairs through the area.

To the music of the word:

To say the farewell to the road is not easy,
When you do not know what awaits you on the road.
Today is the ball today graduation,
And you are on the first vital threshold.

There in front of obstacles, mountains, heights
So much that it is possible to get confused
But it is important to clearly see the horizon,
That goal is that you will not let me break.

Take your fate under control
In the luggage, fold the knowledge of the foundation,
And begin the struggle for yourself,
Approve the dream desired forms.

Let there be faithful friends
Those that are always and in joy and in grief
Support and help as a family,
After all, you are alone in the life of this blood.

Confidently go! Good luck!
Love, rejoice, smile more,
Only don't change the essence
And just be happy try!

Song of the graduation

Parable to music:

Highly high, among the soft and fluffy clouds, similar to the huge clubs of sugar wool, is the castle. It is not built at all from the clouds, but from the dream. Almost all people have their own secret dream. Some dream of personal happiness, others - about the well-being of society.

But the dreams of all people merge into a single dream of the happiness of mankind. It is from this dream that a majestic castle of happiness is erected.

And there is a blue bird in this fabulous castle. The poultry operempi, at first glance, is no different from ordinary feathers, but it is worth looking and see that it flows soft bluish light from them. Each feather personifies a separate person.

Blue sky sparkles, flows,
Affectionate sun Sogreta Earth
Somewhere the blue bird flies,
Bird desires find you.

Blue bird flies - dance

There is such a sign: who will see a blue bird - will be happy, and whom the blue bird touches the wing, the cherished desire will turn.

Today you have a little disturbing,
Today joyfully a little bit
And you understand, of course, you can -
After all, you are new way!
He is waiting for, calling, grieved a little,
Manyat great things
But let him remember the track,
What was led to school every day!

Leading: We wish the graduates of good luck in all good endeavors. Believe in your strength and everything will definitely succeed.

Leading:Head of Tatsinsky District ____________________

Bird of happiness dropped the magic feather, the names of those who graduated from school on "excellent" are written on it.

Golden Feather awarded: (medalists)

Silver Feather awarded: (Olympiad winners)

Blue pen awards: (gifted and passionate)

Today, childhood goes forever
And there is nothing to go anywhere.
Today adult life fuss
To yourself takes you forever.

Open all the ways
And choose to go
The task is very important for you
Do not mistake! And again

We remind you what is important
Do not disagree
Who gave you without sorry words
And knowledge and strength and love -
Teachers and school, home native.
And tick the graduation!

Song about school______________________________

Rebuilding, Defile graduates

Song about teachers ____________________________

Congratulations from teachers:

Remember inclusion MiG,
Since the lessons remained in the past,
Luck in life, graduate,
Wishing you teachers!
We carry out for the school threshold
For love and good wanderings!
We wish excellent roads
In time, in life, in space!

1. Having wake up in the mornings, smile, then the day will work out as I want, if it does not work out, optimists are always easier to get out of the difficult situation.

2. Learn from other people's mistakes, hasn't happened yet! But try to make them less, they leave the wounds in the shower and on the heart!

3. Read books, expand the horizons! Because well-read people are always interesting. And you can safely shine in any company and with smart species it is important to explain what the victimology differs from the etimilodes, the circles of Euler from Fourier series ...

4. Always let yourself five seconds before answering the question. And you have time to get out all the stupidity ready to break into the world, instead it is better to formulate the clearer and earn these additional bonuses. In life will always come in handy.

5. Trust and trust friends. Holte them and ladt! Five years later you will already know exactly who of them is the most. Many real friends do not happen.

6. Take care of parents! Even when they are not right, but in most cases right. Others will not be - they have one and for life. And if they do not protect them, they will become nervous, why do you need nervous parents?

Mom's song and daughter song (performed _________________) "Happiness that it, the same bird, miss and do not catch ..."

Congratulations from parents:

Here and the older you have become
And like chicks from the nest,
Rather in distant Dali,
With childhood running forever.
Here you like our:
The time of the game has ended
Remember you have become older
Be the same, children, wise!

Graduates, like birds, leave the school, placing the wings, and rushed into a free flight. We are with delight and sadness are watching how you are falling out of the doors of your native school, and with her, partly, and from the parental house.

From today, you have become adults. Now you can safely make independent decisions and plan your life, because it is only yours.

And what your life will be, largely depends on the solutions that you accept in the near future. Try to think about everything clearly and weigly, do not go about other people's wishes and fantasies, believe in yourself and our goals, the main thing is to put them and they will definitely be achieved!


Dance "School Waltz"

One hundred roads, one hundred different fate
And everyone has one dream
Looking for a bird of happiness people
What is born from the ashes.

Only, where is the bird of happiness?!
Who will see? Who will find?
Go, roam somewhere people
Expulshed hundred roads.

Only some know
How to find her pen.
This bird, with them near
Invisible on the way.

People those wiser many
And they live - loving ....
So that the bird is near
Starting with yourself!

Graduates Clean the most important desire, release your dream into the sky! Good luck!

Final song
/ "Pyro-fountains" /

2 part - Youth Day

youth disco

Scenario of the city holiday "Graduate - 2009", May 20, 2009
The venue of the solemn part of the holiday is the central square in front of the Soyuz DKIS. A red carpet is laid from the scene to the center of the construction, on the sides of which there are flowers. Microphones are installed, the songs of school themes sound.
Before the beginning of the holiday:

Graduate parents are collected by 18-00 on the central square.

Collection of graduation classes in Victory Park near the monument at 17-30. Schools are built according to the scheme. Each school chooses students who will place flowers. These graduates are becoming a platform near the Eternal Flame.

Deputy Akim Tumanova K.R. Pronounces a solemn speech. ( presenting flowers).

Minute silence. After that, graduates lay flowers to the monument.

After the layout of the school colors, it is organized on the path to the national bank, where the construction of the festive procession begins.

In the festive column, headed by a symbolic ship, stand in each other the teams of graduates of all schools of the city: SS №1, SSh№2, SSh№3. SSh№4, SG, SSh№6. Each school decorates its column with balls, flowers, stars, flags. At the beginning of each school there is a graduate with a school emblem.
Solemn fanfare sounds.
Two leaders come to the scene (he and she).

B1 - қайрлы Кеш, ұұrmettі lisaktyқtar, ұstazdar, sonp Zhetekshіler, Mectep Bassқarushylar, Ata-Analar Zhene Zhas Thal! BJNIn әr қaisynaң өMіrbayanyanda Zhona Bіzdің қалмиздаң Tarichynda Yershek Kүn.

B2 - Good evening, dear Lisaktsy, teachers, class managers, school principals, parents and graduates! Today is a special day in the biography of each of you and the history of our city. In large swimming, interesting, rich life, Liskovskaya ship is sent, on board whose graduates of 2009.
Signal signal sounds

"Fight flasks. To give the moor! - There is a mooring! "
According to the conditional signal of the column begins its festive procession and passes the distance to the akimat building. Students carry helium balls, live flowers, etc ..
B1 is our peaceful republic. In unity and friendship, they live and learn, more than a hundred nations and nations work. Lisakovsky ship "Graduate - 2009" begins to sail along the beautiful and native streets of the beloved city.

B2 - Let this ship of life never cover the wave, and those reefs who will meet on his way will not be a serious obstacle in achieving the main goal in life - to become a real person, useful society and proudly to carry the title of citizen of his republic, the Republic of Kazakhstan.

B1 - give the mooring, - the team of the captain of the ship sounded - the head of the urban education department of Marphine Oleg Vasilyevich. And the ship confidently paves his way into a big and light adult life, full of dreams and hopes - everything will surely come true, we are targeted, we are strong, we are Lisakovtsy!
At this time, the column approaches the akimat building and stops.
B1 - We welcome the team of the Department for the Education of the Akimat of the city of Lisakovsk, headed by Marphine Oleg Vasilyevich. Due to the systemic and systematic, methodically competent operation of this team, it became possible to achieve high results in the delivery of unified national testing. A certain contribution of this team, leading by all schools of the city of Lisakovsk, was also reached when, following the results of the commission, the Kostanay region took 1 place in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

B2 - Congratulations on your successful completion of the school year!

The team of Goroow takes a reserved place.
B2 - We meet and welcome graduates, class leaders and directors of schools of the city.
As soon as they begin to read information about each school, the team of graduates, headed by the director and the class teacher, moves from the akimat building and occupies a reserved place on the square in front of the fence.
B1 - (reads the informational certificate of SS No. 1)

The column of high school number 1 is headed by Khmyrov Nikolai Vasilyevich.

40 years old The very first school of the city performs its purpose: lights a candle of knowledge and its light illuminates the path of life of their students.

The child's personality is respected at school, they are responsible for his physical and spiritual integrity, they develop his innate abilities for the benefit of him and the people around him. The school team confesses the pedagogical philosophy: to teach the guys to live with a dawn, help them to see the light of the real life, because only he carries strength. And if the world, indeed, will save beauty, then it will be a daily, unnoticed beauty, shaved with a dark background of the school board laminated with dozens of children's eyes. We are a good school leading to a knowledge, giving joy, carrying light! We have many finds and new victories!

B2 - (reads the informational certificate of SS No. 2)

The column of high school number 2 is headed by Eliseeva Larisa Viktorovna.

The state institution "Secondary School No. 2 with in-depth study of a foreign language" in 2010 will celebrate its forty-thousand. For four decades, the school has released over 3000 graduates. Students of specialized classes take an active part in the International Student Exchange Program between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the United States of America. School - a member of the republican experiment on the transition to a 12-year education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The second school is known for its profile education. School students have a wide opportunity to get primary training, which includes deep knowledge of English, information technology, environmental education.

Graduates of the school are students of prestigious domestic and foreign universities, the scholars of the Bolashak program, KIMEP students.

Graduates of 2009 are active participants and winners of urban and regional Olympiads, scientific and practical conferences, competitions and festivals. Aysin Marat, Zikratova Daria, Rubanov Alexander, Tian Ksenia - Finalists of the International Flex Program on the Exchange of Personal between Kazakhstan and the United States. Three graduates of the school are already granted universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The great contributions to the upbringing of graduates were made by class managers of our graduates: Mankiewicz Svetlana Gabdrakhmanovna, Menshikova Elena Vasilyevna, Tarasova Svetlana Viktorovna, Lakovskaya Olga Pavlovna, Mikhailovskaya Yanina Arkadevna, Glazkova Valentina Petrovna.
B1 - (reads the informational certificate of SS No. 3)

The column of high school number 3 is headed by Shaldebaeva Saltanat Kazimambekovna.

Geek Mectep Boltov Ashylғanna Biyleғy Zhyle 1 қırkүytte 5 Zhyl Tolada. "BәSEKEGE қAB_LETTI" Zheki Tұlғa Tәrbiele "Maksatin KөөTEGEN MEKTEP ұZhima Shәkіrttterіna Atameseken, Asyl Mұra Bauddarlamalary Boyyinsha-ұlttyқ Sana, әThis-ғұRep, Salt-Dәrdі, Tәrbie Men Bіlіmdі Emііprіp, Beruda.

Sonsions НәТизесінддлалильськи Абая Оқулара Байқауна bass zhuladenі ңіп Alғan Bergenova Perizat Republiclyқ Bajқauda өөөn Shyңdap қатты. Plis, Kala, Sakhnasanda Zhas әNShіlerіmіz өnerlerіmen Kөremendі қuantyp keleni. DәStrge Ainalғan Nauryz Merekesі асңна, Mectep ұZhima, қалақ Mә'Deniet үyі Sakhnasanda "Tөrlet, Nauryz Tөrіm" Ants Concerttіk Baydarlam қova Keleni.

ҰBT NәTIZHESI Boyyins 2005-2007 Zhyldara Kala Deңgeynde Alғashқy ү Shetіk Kazatarynd Boldy. Азақ Тілі Пәні көрсеткіші үмері 100 Piyzdaқ De'gadi Tұryp Kolenedi. Orun Tіlіnen Republiclya De'gada Bilіm Olympiadasan Abddasheva Sәule Zhuladі ІІІ Орин иңіp alғan.

Kala Zhartsyliғi bіzdің meckstetі қазақ ұлтының трасляся радіnde Abyldyda.

B2 - (reads the informational certificate of SS №4)

The column of high school number 4 is headed by Gurina Natalia Viktorovna.

This year school number 4 meets its 35th anniversary. Over the years, the school has achieved high results in training and education. The main motto of the school "The student is not an object, but a subject of upbringing." For 35 years, school graduated 2000 graduates who remember their teachers with gratitude. This year the school produces 26 of his pupils. Excellent successes allowed the graduate school at a meeting with President N.A.Nazarbayev. Priority areas in the development of school are: scientific, creative, sports and wellness.

Scientific projects of graduates of this year Ivanova Catherine, Andrei Oley, Aukhatova Farida took prizes in the regional scientific and practical conference, including the sports achievements of Zelenkaya Konstantin, Andrei Kokotov, Klimov Sergey allowed the school to take the first place in the city sports competition in this academic year.

A clear civil position of graduates of ritual Mary, Ryazantseva Victoria, Ivanova Catherine, Bapine Laura allowed them to become active members of the Youth Wing of the Nur Otan party in our city.

The upbringing of Kazakhstani patriotism is a priority direction in the educational system of the school and the success of this area provide not indifferent, creative teachers Vasilyeva Nadezhda Nikolaevna, Savosteva Elena Yakovlevna, the class teacher of the graduates of Kuanova Gulnara Serimbaevna, Deputy Chief of Margarita Vladimirovna.

B1 - (reads the informational certificate of school-gymnasium):

The column of school-gymnasium is headed by Ryazanov Nikolai Alekseevich.

Since 1986, he has been counting on its history School - Gymnasium, which is the only educational institution in the city, where gymnasium and general education is being implemented. The main principle of the work of the pedagogical team "Each child is talented and our task is to reveal its ability."

At school - gymnasium students study students with gymnasiums with in-depth study of mathematics and computer science. Graduates of 2009 Abizgareeva Daria, Chibizova Irina are the winners of the regional Olympiad in Russian, literature and the Kazakh language. Sadykov Rakhim, the winner of the international competition in mathematics, took part in the work of a mathematical school in Romania.

A business card of the school-gymnasium for many years is the Constellation Theater, the owner of numerous republican and international awards. Every year, the theater artists give charitable performances in orphanages, household houses.

We are proud of our athletes, candidates for the masters of sports. We have repeatedly defended the honor of the city and the region. Our athletes Borisov Stanislav, Voitenko Igor, Brozkal Nadezhda, Klimko Anatoly, Zhuravin Alexander.

B2 - (reads the informational certificate of US No. 6):

The column of secondary school No. 6 is headed by Igor Vitalevich.

In this school year, school 23 graduate. In school history - this is 16 release. Among the graduates of this year, the winner of the regional Olympiad in the Russian language Diemzakov Stanpan, who received a Grand for training at the Chelyabinsk State University. Kolpakova Alexandra is a graduate of a children's art school, a creative gifted girl, a winner and laureate of international, republican, regional contests of drawings.

Among the graduates a lot of athletes who took an active part in republican, regional and city competitions, Presidential tests - Irkhanova Natalya, Famshiev Farhad, Zhukova Alina, Dunetskaya Daria, Tulendinov Arman, Zhanarstov Kuanish, Pavlova Valery, Zhukova Alina, Berinchik Julia.

Minchakevich Olga, Rakhmetova Galia, Kuantaeva Nagima - are active participants in the urban social program.

One of the most active and efficient tourists of the city is a graduate of the 2009 Our school Uteshev Damir. In this class, the winner of regional scientific projects "Zerde" was studied, the participant of expeditions to study Andronovsky culture, a repeated winner of urban subject Olympiads in mathematics - Amirov Ainagul.

We hope that graduates - 2009 will continue the tradition of the school, correctly make their choice and will successfully go to universities of the republic.
Song sounds about Lisakovsk.
All teams of graduates are built according to the scheme around the scene. Those students who carried the nose of the ship are becoming a scene.

In the forefront of each team there are students who will reward.
B1 - We are starting a solemn holiday dedicated to the Day of Graduate - 2009 and Farewell to the School.

B2 - Today we sum up the outcome of the eleven-year-old efforts, suffering, victories and defeats, uplings and falls, hopes and aspirations!

B2 is a solemn holiday dedicated to the Day of Graduate - 2009, allow you to read open.
Sounds the State Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Sound sounds metronome
B1 - the metronome counts the last minutes of the childhood of school pore ... And the result of long-length school labor will very soon in your hands - the certificate of graduation.
Sound fanfares.
B1 - Athestertard Jәn "Altyn Belgі" Belgіlerdі Tapsyra Zhene ұttyқtau Sөz Lisakov қlassynaң әKіmі Poleshko Valery Afanasyevich Bіlyalі.

B2 - Word for congratulations and the right to give certificates and signs "Altyn Belgі", certificates with honors are provided with akim of the city of Lisakovska Polyshko Valery Afanasyevich.

B1 - We invite a graduate secondary school №2 Aysina Marat, graduate of high school № 3 Abdrashev Saul, a graduate of the school-gymnasium Abyzgareyev Daria, a student of high school No. 2 Stepanova Anna, a student of the school - Gymnasium, Chibizova Irina and a student of Sadykova Sadykova school.
Presentation of certificates "Altyn Belgі ", Certificates with honors.

Akim is awarded flowers.

Music fragment sounds"Sports heroes."
B1 - A program dedicated to a healthy lifestyle is widely implemented in our city, which includes both spiritual, moral education and attachments from the city residents of good habits for physical education and sports, to care for their own health.

B2 - the city of Lisakovsk is famous for its limits of wonderful athletes.

B1 - But quite in the recent past all these graduates of our schools!

B2 - the word for congratulations and presentation of memorable gifts is provided to the head of the department of education of the Akimat of the city of Lisakovsk, Marphina Oleg Vasilyevich.

B2 - We invite graduates - High School Athletes No. 4 Zelenkova Konstantin - Champion RK on Basketball, Kokotova Andrei - Champion RK on Basketball, Graduates of the Gymnasium School Borisov Stanislav - Champion RK for Athletics, Broztal Nadezhda - Champion of RK on volleyball, Voitenko Igor - Candidate for the Master of Sports on Climbing, Graduation of High School No. 6 Yerkhanov Natalia - Champion of RK on volleyball.
There is awarding graduates.

Marfina O.V. Available flowers.
B2 - graduates of 2009 are active participants in the public and cultural life of our city. Today, there are many graduates at the celebration, who participated in the organization and holding of competitions, festivals, citywide holidays, youth shares.

B1 - For a welcoming word and presenting commemorative gifts, the head of the regional and urban cultural events is invited to the head of the department of culture of the Aktimat of the city of Lisakovsk Moldabayeva Nurt Kataevna.

There is awarding activists.

Moldabayeva N.K. Available flowers.
Music number №2- "Ball of colors" performed

dance team "Stars"

under the leadership of Natalia Lyakhova.
B2 - Kombatta ұStazdar! Әr қaisimizғa Bіlim, Aқyl-oh Bergendernin Bіz Sandergue We are Alғys Aytamy.
Thank you teachers

For tenderness, kindness and affection,

They gave you to all trouble-free.

And sometimes you did not understand them

And they did not forgive them mistakes,

Loved only themselves

And they did not give them "second attempts."

And maybe it will sound strange

But only now, per minute of parting,

You will understand how much in them

Love for you, tenderness and compassion

(Last line together leading)

B2 - We invite you to our improvised scene of Cool leaders of Palegalev Natalia Efimnun, Valentina Petrovna, Tulebayev Daria Zhumatovna, Kuanova Gulnara Serimbaevna, Logvin Tatyana Grigorievna, Titov Lyudmila Nikolaevna, Kuleshov Svetlana Gennadevna.

(Presentation of colors to cool leaders).

Then, from the body of class managers, the response word is provided to Pallow Natalia Efimovna.
B1 is a school and teachers - these two concepts in our consciousness are inseparable. Saying goodbye to the school, we say goodbye to those who have been with us near all these school years. We devote this song to your favorite school and your teachers.
Music number №3 "School Waltz"

performance of the OSS graduate, DMSH Baitz Tatiana (?)
IN 1 -

Parents are not given to predict

That children are waiting for them in the world,

But every father and mother

Wish only happiness to children.

Bajuky chest children

From the century mother dreamed

So that their children are stumbled,

So that the road did not fall.

B1 - All these years your hand in hand with you walked your parents, your relatives, experienceing for failures, rejoicing your successes, good actions and today in this bright and joyful day they are with you.

B2 - On behalf of the parents, the Word is provided by Avdeeva Svetlana Anatolyevna.

Avdeeva S.A. Speaks thanks

Avdeeva S.A. Available flowers.

IN 1 -

Who says, then: "Final!"

When is today only the beginning?
Constellation of many hearts
From now on in the sky, shone!
AT 2 -

Give God to burn his lights

A century without loss, a single circle!
God forbid, victories of his guys,
Love and happiness to their girlfriends!
IN 1 -

And if the light of one candle

Suddenly fastest, fading,
To him on all sides rays
Break, darkness and whirlpool piercing.
And will not let the abyss
Shoulder support or bowl,
Been Multiple Hearts,
The uniform life of your friendship!

B1 - for the return word we invite you to the stage of our graduates - Aysina Marat and Abizgareyev Daria.

Aysin Marat - 2009 Zhildyң Tүlekterі Atynan әKim Poleshko Valery Afanasyevichka Zhona Yala әkіmshіlіngіn, қальяқ білім бліміміні баста марфин Олег Vasilyevka Zhәn Barluқmmderge ілтипат, Sүyospneshіlіk Pen Syenіsh үшіn Alғys Iitamiz Mamandy, Alғan Society, қамемзғa қайтип Oraulmymzғa әна амимздаң өРkendeu үShіn Burіn Zhasaytynyzғa S_ZDERGE UKE GET.

Abizgareeva Daria - on behalf of the graduates of 2009 we thank our teachers, who for 11 years gave us strong knowledge, they were engaged with us creative, elealed work. We thank our parents who were often with us, helped us, supported, cared for us. Only thanks to you, we will be able to get high-quality vocational education, because you laid a solid foundation in us. Life will split us around the world, but we will keep in our hearts love for a small, beautiful, kind city of Lisakovsk. We will make all the strengths to make our homeland - the Republic of Kazakhstan is truly a prosperous edge! .

B1 - And now the word is provided to the editor of the youth newspaper "Positive" Maxim Sushko, who will announce the results of voting readers "Best Graduate 2009", "Best Graduate - 2009".
Maxim Sushko announces the voting results and awards the winners of the vote.

Sushko M. are awarded flowers.
B1 - Your future road in life is a flight. Pigeon - Bird of the world, happiness and kindness.

B2 - each of you have your own dream, the most cherished and intimate. Sign now the desire for your dream is.

B1 - strive to implement your dreams. Fly to your dream like these beautiful birds. Cancel the height, choose the correct trajectory, and luck will always be with you!

B2 - Today we are witnessing a new tradition - issuing in the flight of birds! Fly, pigeons, fly!

Under the sounds of the song "Fly Pigeons, Fly!" Release pigeons.
B1 - You are graduates of the 21st century - the children of the future! You are the hope of our city of Lisakovsk, in your hands the prosperity of the Republic of Kazakhstan!

B2 - We are proud of you, we believe and hope that you will be better than us.

Under the execution of the song, graduates produce gel balls into the sky

(on the first chorus).
B1 - Sanderge Sәttіlіk Tіluimіz! Zholdaraң Ақ Белесин!

B2 - all the best to you! Have a good trip!

Organizational issues on the preparation and holding of the city celebration "Graduate - 2009":


Invitation Tickets Hand:

Polyshko V.A.

Tumanova K.R.

Moldabayeva N.K.

Sushko M.Yu.

Murzakulova D.T.


Medical accompaniment - Medic with a first-aid kit in a white coat, with water

SS №2. Mayfat T.M.


Removal of equipment from DKIS "Union" before and after a holiday, tables under equipment and gifts with certificates

SS №2. Yehelel V.V., Shaychitdenov Zh.K., Boychuk A.V., two students of grade 10.


Rope and racks for fence, balloons



Red Track (???), Flowers

DKIS "Soyuz"


Production of a nose of the ship. The ship's nose is made from the fabric (10 m preferably gray under steel, or brown), to which three planks are attached (two along the edges of the canvas, one - in the middle). On two sides of the nose of the ship name: "Zhas Tulk - 2009", "Graduate - 2009". The ship's nose will suffer three jungs - middle-ranking students, dressed in Mike-Telnyashki and Cooks.

Murzakulova D.T., Dhsh


Collection and construction of all graduates with class managers and directors at the Victory Monument at 17-30 to impose live flowers from each school.

School Director


Building in a column near the People's Bank after laying live flowers in 17-50

School Director


During the award, the director of schools are in the hands of Akim and the Chief of Goro, certificates and certificates:

Aysin Marat, Stepanova Anna - School №2

Abdrasheva Saul - School №3

Abizgareeva Daria, Chibizova Irina, Sadykov Rakhim - Shg.

Eliseeva L.V.

Shaldebaeva S.K.

Ryazanov N.A.


All Directors provide the appearance of awarded graduates:

Zelenkov Konstantin, Cockot Andrey - School No.4, Borisov Stanislav, Brozkal Nadezhda, Vothethenko Igor - School-Gymnasium,

Yerhanova Natalia - School №6

School Director


Prepare flowers for class managers.

Class leaders of graduation classes


Additionally sent letters notifications about the site of the city holiday "Graduate 2009": in the GMD, PC-21, "Ambulance", Water Rescue Station, ODE

Murzakulova D.T.


Prepare flowers for Polyshko V.A., Tumanova K.R., Marfina O.V., Moldabayeva N.K., Sushko M.Yu.

Murzakulova D.T.


Prepare flowers for Avdeeva S.A.

Eliseeva L.V.

Glazkova V.P.


Phonogram with a sign of a song about Lisakovsk



Scenario phonograms

school number 2


concert numbers

    Music number 1 song about Kazakhstan
performed by the student of the school-gymnasium KJCA Mary

    Music number №2- "Flower Ball" performed by the dance team "Stars" under the leadership of Natalia Lyakhova.

    Music number №3 "School Waltz" performed by the graduate of the OSR, DMSH Baitz Tatyana

    Music number 4 "Fantasy Dance" performed by the dance group of children's music school "Smile" under the leadership of Larisa Bogacheva

    Music number №5 - Song performed

Romance Kirill "Children of the Sun"

Morozova G.K.

Lyakhova N.

Yurchenko V.

Bogacheva L.

Morozova G.K.


Helium balloons, pigeons, memorable gifts, gifts

Murzakulova D.T.

Construction schemes

In the Park Victory on the Central Square

SS №2 SS №4

SS №3 SS №6

SSh№1 SSh№6.

School number 2 sh-g
SSh№3 SS№4



For graduates, the graduation of the school is the first serious personal achievement, "a ticket to adulthood".

AND prom, this is an event on which former schoolchildren want to say goodbye to childhood, "shouting" to the whole world about their adulthood, enjoy the society of friends - classmates, to say the words of gratitude to teachers and parents, in general, experience the fireworks of positive emotions from a wonderful holiday!

When organizing a holiday for graduates, you need to make up maximum efforts to "do not deceive" the expectations of the guys and think over everything to the smallest detail: the design of the hall, video shooting, music, and graduates, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe script and much more.

It is possible for the foundation of the scene line of the holiday, our ideas of graduation scenarios:

1. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe graduation ball "Star Path".

As a basis of the script, you can take a zodiacal intrigue: to distribute bad badges to all graduates with the image of their astrological sign. The feast is more appropriate to start with a musical "zodiacal acquaintance, then you can spend a drinking game on the topic and read the comic characteristic of each sign (or a comic description of how they like to" relax "signs of each of the four elements).

Especially bright and unusual on the star theme can be organized a solemn part of the graduation ball: with a meeting and presentation of certificates and call it, respectively, "Star Ball".

Also at the table can be held for representatives of the four elements "Astrological Quiz" (alleged issues may be such: "What is the planet runs weights?" Or "Zodiac sign, located in opposition to Scorpio?").

In the intervals, you can insert drinking games, rooms for teachers and parents and do not forget to tell them thanks. Also in the hall you can put a "bin of wishes", which everyone who wants throughout the Prom Can throw notes with good words and wishes for any of those present at the festival. Selectively (if there is no "gef secrecy") these wishes can be cleaned out loud and distribute to the recipients.

In the second half of the evening, you can hold a competition "Dancing with the Stars": Invite the crisp in a pair with "idols".

And on the wall of the hall, arrange a "star gallery" so: from the sheets of Watman paper cut out a lot of end stars (for each graduate), in them, at different levels, make slots. Next to the tables, prepare a lot of a lot of small stars and pencils so that everyone can write good words. A small asterisk you need to insert a big star into the slot - by the end of the evening there will be beautiful surround stars. And wishes and recognition in love can read everything.

Such an evening can get very lyrical and beautiful, and good music and successful games and contests will add "noise", joy and fun.

2. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Graduation Bala "Great Collection".

We offer to arrange a call for eleventh-graders with dinner.

For this option, we advise you to stock up 8 - 10 entries records from the classic closer walts, Chopin, Sviridov. Listen in advance and prepare the most dynamic parts. Also, in advance, offer your graduates to rehearse the solemn passage along the hall in pairs, several Pa for wals and necessarily the simplest figures from Mazurka.

In the canvas of the party in the evening, it is necessary to build and: in steps on the stage of the "Fairy", introductory speech and all the conferences are kept in style, handling: "Gracious Sudar / Sudar", etc.

After the solemn part, be sure to offer graduates to paint and dance Mazurka. An unexpected element will be as if interfering in the run of the Bala dance rooms in the style of rap or hip-hop. They are best to show on stage, so as not to break the pairs and the building waltching. Rapers, by the way, can read the humorous text on the school theme. But the chasticists in folk costumes and the real bayanist can be "started" directly to graduates: in contrast with Chopin, the Russian dance will be real pleasure for them.

Prepare in advance and dance books for the ladies, they will write their cavaliers in them.

In the spirit of a room in the evening there will be a romantic mail organization, just offer to participate in the peculiar correspondence of all those present, because teachers, for sure, it will be nice if they receive a letter with the words of appreciation from their parents.

Success like graduation Bala in many ways, it depends on whether the style of the Great Light Assembly is suppressed for the solemn part (preferably the corresponding decoration of the hall and do not forget to capture this "beauty" on video and photos). At the same time in the entertainment part of her evening it is better to "dilute" - modern music and youth entertainment (after all, the atmosphere of the dinner must become the highlight of the prom, but not his self-hearth).

3. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Graduation Ball "Happy Swimming!"

Of course, the end of the school is quite comparable to sending to a long and fascinating swimming. So already the ceremony of awarding diplomas can be started with a concert number - from the songs of the Presnyakov-Jr. about the distant islands and amazing countries.

In this case, the script is appropriate to build as an intended adventure or travel to the future. We advise you to beat three topics from a humorous point of view: a future profession, love and family. It is quite a fertile material, it is only worth inviting not only the perpetrators of the celebration, but also their parents.

It is best for them to charge risks funny, you may be suitable for the stories of the stories M. Zoshchenko "Nervous People", "Aristocrat". Competitions would be a good completion of the "family" part of the part: who is faster than a babbit ripe, who will take shopping from the store or who correctly serves the table.

The teachers themselves will greatly cope with the production "Let me teach me" based on the poem for the Mayakovsky children. As part of this topic, we advise you to arrange graduates a test for professional benefits: to reduce the debit with a loan, to diagnose, spend a lesson in a broken classroom. As a lyrical note on the topic of love in advance, ask graduates to prepare a good song - it will be the best option for young people who experience the first love period.

Travel Theme is generally one of the loved ones on any festive events, for example, on the entertainment part, you can go to the "travel on a magic train", which ride the gathered teachers, parents and graduates on the route from the station to the station youth and the end of the school.

Also wonderful idea for graduation Bala - To go all together into a space trip (especially if the interior of the rented cafe or restaurant is designed in this style), as in the scenario of N. Ladikina "Space Cruise" - (Thanks to the author!)

(for download - click file)

4. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe graduation ball "Friendly Pirushka".

A wonderful idea to arrange a holiday graduates - friendly cabbage or a feast. Offer graduates to cook and play good parodies on your teachers at the evening, for lessons who are remembered by something in their class, and on themselves.

These cartoons can be embodied in small scenes, and can both in comic scenes, songs or verses.

In turn, it will be great if small artistic cartoons for school events will play and teachers themselves. And parents are fully able to sing the laudatory ODU to teachers of their children. All these small musical pauses distribute in the Prom, but with such a condition that everyone will perform during the first hour of the event.

In conclusion, graduates can bring a solemn oath to be loyal to what the school was taught, for example, to read Schiller in the original, wearing exclusively "Pythagora pants", which are equal to all directions, and the like. In case of treason, former schoolchildren must incur such karas, as "let the wheel of my mouse fall off!" And other terrible punishments.

For the entourage, the friendly pyrush will be relevant and "Wall of Tears"It will be the usual wallpaper roll attached to the "left" side to the outside. On long laces, strengthen the wall in different places of pencils or markers, and to all those present to write about the fact that they are regretted that they are regretted in the past. As the decoration of the "Walls of cry", stick to it with a scotch in a picturesque disorder, clean nasal shawls in peas, flower, etc.

Such an evening, full of good humor, joy and optimism, will be a bright memory for life!

The organization of the holiday for graduates most often takes on parents - the guys and teachers are very busy passing exams, and here, the main thing is that the main wishes: on the topic, the hall, musical design and other graduates (for example, by the survey) voiced in advance.

Let the graduation ball be a solemn and touching day for adults and a wonderful, unforgettable, fun holiday, full of only pleasant surprises - for the perpetrators of the celebration

Scarlet Sails Dreams - Scenario of the Urban Ball of Graduates (Sea Noise, Voice Cups ...)


Just only the night lowered the bedspread

And the sleep on tiptoe is faded in the headboard,

Listful memory recalling what happened

What should I return with love.

How the waves of the sea thought smoothly

And they are born in childish:

Teacher school... everyone laughs

I want to be with them in spite of age.

My city of childhood, good dreams and fairy tales

Covered mysterious Mole.

I grew up here and clear without tips

Always forever we are associated with you.

And tomorrow again with the dawn rays

It will be a city of mine, so that a good life live,

Here they will wake up without sadness,

To sing, laugh, miracles to create !!!


1. - The head of O. Zheleznodorozhny Evgeny Ivanovich rises on the scene.

2. - On board of our ship, Captain E. I. Zhirkov rises.

(Graduates come out to the square, they tell them:

How many of them this year;

What schools are they;

Who is the director;

Their achievements;

How many boys;

How many girls;

How many medalists; ...

The boys go on the music of Prokofiev, the guns are sounded.

For them, girls are going to the music of "Waltz flowers", on the sides of the walkway blooms inflatable flowers, when the girls all came out - dry salute.

Accompanied by school principals, medalists are published by the 1st concert of Tchaikovsky, accompanied by dry fountains.

Everyone stands on the sides of the square.

The noise of the sea interrupts music and goes into the dance of mermaids.

(MUZ. Dance Dance Mermaids.)

(Stopping Tripin T. D., Skyazhkin M.V. on students of school number 13, №2.)

(Leading: Youth and Girls)

Yun. Hello, dear residents of the city!

Vir. Hello, residents of childhood city!

Yun. We appeal to you graduates of 2008. Now you are still full inhabitants of the wonderful town.

Vir. But only a few moments will pass, and we will go to distant countries, under the alay sails of dreams, in the seas not at all toy life.

Yun. Dear friends, with a parting word to you, the head of the urban district of Evgeny Ivanovich Zhirkov is drawn.

(Exit the head to the steering wheel, at the end of his congratulatory speech the head says:

Raise anchor! Give the mooring !!!

The noise of the sea goes into "By the seas on the waves."

Graduates screaming: - HOORAY!!!

Plays "By seas on the waves"

Yun. Leaking childhood in the next

Let it run away the rain of a tear,

But you already see warming in a foggy gave

And Assol blue eyes.

As it would be wonderful to meet the associate of a children's dreams to tell childhood: "Goodbye!".

Yun. Well, it's not serious! Where are you?

Yun. Wonders…

(Music: "Where does childhood go" goes background)

Vir. (In the form of an associate - the skirt is made from the fishing network, the hair is dissolved, a romantic-lyric heroine.)

As a star Milky Way

Know, perhaps the essence

The essence of our human accomplishments.

What was behind, what awaits us ahead

What gusts are waiting for us and zeal.

What is done already and how much

After all, only a few moments lived,

But even clouds the shadow of the star do not hide,

Touch all the rays of her burning.

Yun. Alena ... What is it?!

Vir. Well, you yourself dreamed of a meeting with Assol.

Yun. Magic Some!

Vir. Here they believe the magic,

Here are friends with miracles,

All fairy tales on Java come to visit themselves.

Here clouds are not visible, here from smiles closely,

Under the sail of the spring flies the planet of childhood!

Yun. Time is inexorably, and with every second it brings our farewell with carefree childhood and meeting with romantic young people.

Vir. Like a glare on the water,

Like flames.

Somewhere there in the distance

Scarlet sail originated.

Yun. He is as a memory of childhood,

Like dreams in dreams

With us was with the youngsters

And disappeared in the clouds.

(Graduates release scarlet balloons, scarlet sails are revealed on stage.)

Vir. For awarding the Golden and Ceing Country Foundation G.O. Zheleznodnaya, we invite you: chapter G.O. Railway E. I. Zhirkov,

Gold, silver medals, municipal premiums, valuable gifts,

(Awarded scholarships, medals, gifts)

Vir. Dear friends, classmates, graduates, of course, you remember who studied with us from the first call to the last exam. These are our parents.

Yun. Oh, faith of our mothers

The age of not knowing measures.

Holy trepal faith in us

Empty children.

Vir. Her like light in birch

Won't care about the light;

No units in the diary

No complaints of neighbors.

Mother of such people


We are a long view of death:

"Let it be moved. Will pass "-

And they believe again, believe, believe!

(Parents congratulate.)

Yun. Dear graduates. Here you entered into a new stage of your life.

Vir. In a good way, dear graduates !!!

Yun. Happiness to you and good luck !!!

22.00 - Disco with laser show.