Ostrovsky "Poverty is not a vice" - analysis. Love in the patriarchal world and its influence on the heroes of the Ostrovsky Piece "Poverty is not a vice formulation of the goals and objectives of the lesson

Ostrovsky "Poverty is not a vice" - analysis. Love in the patriarchal world and its influence on the heroes of the Ostrovsky Piece "Poverty is not a vice formulation of the goals and objectives of the lesson

The merit of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky is that he is his work called "poverty is not a vice" showed a heavy, full of misfortunes of the life of simple people - merchants, small workers and other small castes. He showed that the souls and these people would be full of passion - love, revenge, hatred. The conditions of the Patriarchate at all times were and will be unbearable burden for women, but the heart lives with the highest stands, than society, and argues with other categories such as good or evil, love or hatred and so on.

If the love of Gordeevna and would be fully given to the confusion of Patriarchate, she would never have gained proper happiness - would not love to truly. Mitya in character is a rather soft man, but the realization that he can lose his beloved forever, turns it into a daring and confident brave. He decides to leave with love on the wedding day and secretly from all to conclude a love alliance with her. However, he asks permission for this Mom's love. But this gust deserves respect. For all the laws of the Patriarchate, the girl has no right to be happy. Sure! After all, it can make it naughty and disrespectful. But the heroine love makes the brave - she is the first to confess to Mita in love, than violates any legislation of patriarchal values.

Lyubov Gordeevna asks Pope to agree to the Union. One of the key images for Ostrovsky is the heart. In his opinion, people are only then people when they can sincerely love, compassion and coat. At the beginning of the story, the father of love - Gordes - it seems to the reader a man's stupid, who is ready to insert a word in any conversation, so that it seems to him, show his mind and the ability to understand all phenomena. But it turns out that the thrust for "development", envy and worriedity did not shut down in it positive properties of character. He understands that most of all loves his daughter more in the world and this love awakens in it former honor and dignity. He still catches the woven Korshun.

"Poverty is not a vice" A.N Ostrovsky ends with the victory of good over the patriarchy, the elimination of evil, the love alliance of two positive heroes. Who knows how the fate of love and Mitya would have developed if they did not take all the existing force, did not unite and would not quit the challenge of immoral and cruel patriarchal laws. Ostrovsky says that the ability to love, the good and brave heart, the desire of truth, truth and justice, can defeat absolutely any evil.

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Theme lesson: A.N. Ostrovsky. Pages of life and creativity. Piece "Poverty is not a vice."

The purpose of the lesson: familiarity with the biography of A.N. Ostrovsky, the content of the play "Poverty is not damage" (review), the repetition of literary concepts (drama, replica, remark).

training: Give an idea about A.N. Ostrovsky as a man and playwright, to identify his role in the development of the Russian National Theater; Meet the peculiarities of the plot of the play "Poverty is not vice" (Overview);

developing: develop (or form) educational and informative and information competencies; form general cultural competence;

During the classes.

You alone completed the building, in the foundation of which

painted the cornerstones of Fononovin, Griboedov.

But only after you, we, the Russians, can be proud to say:

"We have our own, Russian National Theater.

He must be called "Theater Ostrovsky".

I. A. Goncharov

Preparation for perception. The word of the teacher.

Today we will visit the theater once again, the name of which is the Ostrovsky Theater.

Formation of new knowledge. Appeal to the epigraph.

Today, the topic of our lesson will be the life and creativity of the great Russian playwright - Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky (1823 - 1886).

Turn to the epigraph: how do you understand the words of A.N. Goncharova? What side of the gift of the writer tells his contemporary? (Slide 2)

(The fact that Ostrovsky is the creator of the Russian National Theater) (Slide 3)

Guys, what do you think, what goals on today's lesson can we put for yourself?

(Objectives are formulated: familiarity with the life and creativity of the playwright A. Ostrovsky, his role in the creation of the Russian National Theater, acquaintance with the content of his plays "Poverty is not vice").

The word of the teacher.

Press the portrait of the artist V. Perova (1871).

How do you see this writer? What did the artist drew particular attention? (Slide 4)

(The artist did a clearly not a front portrait: there are few light tones, an ordinary pose, the tired face, a serious look - in front of us - an employee, even the hands are talking about it, heavily lying on his knees. Island - writer - worker, he wrote continuously. Perhaps There are no among the Russian playwrights of those who could compete with him among the lifetime performances of his plays. Only in the Moscow theaters there were about one and a half thousand!)

How was the life of A.N. Ostrovsky?

Implementation of homework.

Discussion of an article about A.N. Ostrovsky, answers to questions placed at the end of the article.

Formation of new knowledge. Preparation for reading the play by A. Ostrovsky "Poverty is not vice."

The word of the teacher.Actualization of knowledge.

Remember, guys, what is "drama"? (Slide 5)

What works related to dramatic, we studied? What is the main feature of dramatic works?

(Drama is a birth of literature. Dramatic works are written for setting on stage. The main feature - the characteristic of the heroes is formed on the basis of speech - the writers of characters, their actions on the stage. Studied plays - N.V. Gogol "Auditor", D.I. Fonvizin "Lady", A.S. Griboedov "Mount from the mind").

The word of the teacher. Piece "Poverty is not a vice."

By the end of 1853, "Poverty is not a vice" was completed. December 2, Ostrovsky, after the first public readings of the comedy in the literary circles of Moscow, wrote M. P. Pogodin: "The success of my last comedy surpassed not only expectations, but even my dreams" (slide 6)

None of the plays of A. N. Ostrovsky caused after its publication of such hot and principal disputes, as "poverty is not vice." Representatives of democratic criticism entered into an acute controversy with Slavophils, who saw in this comedy, and above all in the form of loved Torcov, the artistic embodiment of his public ideals (slide 7)

On the stage of the Moscow Small Theater for the second half of the nakhi in the "poverty is not damaged" was raised more often than Ostrovsky's plays. In the ideas of this comedy, the best forces of the Ostrovsky House (including O. O. Sadovskaya - Pelageya Egorovna, M. N. Yermolov - Lyubov Gordeevna, etc.; In the role of Lyuba Torotov toured one of her best performers - Artist of the Alexandrinsky Theater Surfactant. Vasilyev).

The "poverty is not damage" and on scenes of provincial theaters used continued popularity. This play from year to year occupied one of the very first places in the repertoire (Slide 8)

Exchange of opinions about read.

Critic N. Dobrolyubov called the works of Ostrovsky "plays of life." How do you understand this expression?

Name the heroes of the plays.

What class do they belong to?

(The world of merchants).

Show on the example of the text that Ostrovsky is really interested in the life of Russian society, Russian man.

Overview conversation in the content of the play.

What is the name of the part of the work that introduces us with the place and the time of action, represents the main characters and their relationship, but where there are still no strings, did not designate the conflict? (Slide 9)


Why is Ostrovsky creates such a detailed exposure?

(We introduce us to the world of the Family Family, show the relationships of the heroes, their characters).

(Decision Gorda Carpsum to issue a daughter to anyone for African Korshunova).

What is the junction? How to explain its accident?

(Proda Pridery Karpsiu with Korshunov. Intervention is loved by Carpsch).

(Main characters: The merchant of the ends and his family, Mitya; secondary - Huslin, Vychuluyev, etc.)

Why, in your opinion, the playwright enters the play of Huslin, Anna, boy, Valulyaev and other characters that are not related to the development of action, with a conflict determining the plot of the play?

(Better, brighter Show Russian merchant life, his connection with folk life) (Slide 10)

The outcome of the lesson.

What is the contribution of A.N. Ostrovsky in Russian literature?

(The playwright was not just the "Columbus of Zamoskvorechye", but also the creator of the Russian National Theater. His plays do not go from the scenes of theaters so far.)


Characteristics of heroes (Kordov's Gordes, Love Tales, Love Gordeevna, Mitya) by groups.

Theme lesson: Patriarchal world and the threat of his decay. Love in the patriarchal world and its influence on the heroes of the play.

The purpose of the lesson: analysis of the dramatic work.

educational: Give the concept of the patriarchal world of play "Poverty is not vice", a love conflict in the play;

developing: to promote the improvement of the skills of analyzing dramatic works;

educational: contribute to the education of the feeling of excellent through interest in dramatic art.

Type of lesson: Studying a new material.

During the classes.


Preparation for perception. The word of the teacher. (Slide)

In the past, the lesson was acquainted with the writer A.N. Ostrovsky, whose creativity we will study in detail in grade 10.

What associations can you have now when you hear the name of Ostrovsky?

(Writer, playwright, theater, "Columbus Zamoskvorechye").

Theater ... Performance ... Spectators ... For us, guys, these are not empty words. Why?

(1) No, probably, such a person who would never be in the theater; 2) Our class visited several performances in this school year, we watched ...).

And why is Ostrovsky called "Columbus Columbus"? (slide)

(The merchants lived for Moscow-River, the Ostrovsky first spoke about them in his works).

To enter the world of merchants, artists will help us to present it.

Implementation of an individual task.

Presentation "The world of merchants in the canvases of Russian painters" (slide)

How do artists show the world of merchants? (How did you see this world - the world of merchants?)

(It is ridiculous and at the same time tragic).

Formation of new knowledge.

The theme of today's lesson - "Patriarchal World in the Piece" Poverty is not vice "(Slide)

Formulation of the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Guys, what do you think on what matters do we need to focus on today?

(Objectives are formulated: familiarity with the concept of "patriarchal world", what are the relationships of representatives of this world, their moral values).

And how do you understand the meaning of the word "patriarchal"?

You are right, all these issues will be discussed at the lesson, because they underlie the conflict of the play. No conflict does not do any dramatic work.

Formation of new knowledge.

The word of the teacher.Actualization of knowledge.

How do you understand the meaning of the word "conflict"? (slide)

(Conflict (from lat. Conflictus - a collision) - confrontation, a collision embodied in the plot. Life and artistic conflicts should be distinguished. A particularly important role is played by the conflict in drama).

What are the characters of the play, in your opinion, personify her conflict?

(Gordes of the ends, love the ends, Mitya, Love Gordeevna).

To bring a brighter to imagine the conflict of the plays, let's look at one of the episodes.

Fragment drag.

Yes, Ostrovsky - Master!

He very brightly represents us his heroes, whose character is captured in the names themselves and names.

Conversation on the content of the play. Presentation (Slide)

Gordes Tormers.

As you understand the words "pride", "Pride". This is the same?

How do you see Proud Tortor?

Why is the Gordes of the Okamov acts "villain" and under whose influence is it?

(For us, the old type family, the head of which is a rich merchant, Samodor, seeking to make his will law for others and understanding life only from this point of view. At the beginning of the work Gorobe TorcoS seems to us a man who climbs out of the skin to show their significance, modernity, even secularity. "No, you say what," he says Korshunov, "everything is fine with me?" In another place at the table, he serves well done in the young man or a girl, and I have a fiction in the filament gloves. Oh, if I would live in Moscow, Ali would be in Patterhukh, I would seem to have impaired any fashion. ")

Why is Ostrovsky gives him to be corrected?

("And what did it have happened to him? Then I had a reason, but last year I went to departure, and he took over someone else ... all these things took over. Now all the Russians are not nice; Lot One thing - I want to live in the present, mods to do. Spy, it should be, it should have been stupid. I think so it is embarrassing it! "- Such a" diagnosis "puts her husband Pelagia Egorovna. But it turns out that this is The desire for "education", the plebeian shame for his loved ones did not kill his best qualities in it. The love of his daughter makes him remember about the dignity and honor, to drive Korshunov. Insured by the arrogance of Korshun, his father agrees to marry a daughter from the Molds, saying brother: "Well , brother, thank you for instructed, but it was like it at all. I don't know how such a rotten fantasy entered the head. Well, children, tell me thanks to Uncle, you love Karpyu, yes live happily. ")

Love ends.

- What feelings cause this character?

(I loved once rich, like a brother, but, not satisfied with the situation of the life of a rich merchant and not finding out of her, he indulgesed drunkenness. His rich brother and Korshunov helped him "free" from his state, and now we love, in a trying Coat, walks on the restaurants, making himself a jester for a glass of vodka. Without a penny, dressed in rags, trembling from cold and hunger, he comes to the premises of a young clerk, Mitya, asking for permission to spend the night - terrible in his fall and still preserved in Himself man. Love the ends of Korshunov, reminding him, by the way he helped him, loved, ruin, how he robbed the poor, as he tortured his first wife ... And he points out his brother, what he was going to commit a crime, giving a daughter for such a scounding. His Knock out of the room, but he, kneeling before his brother, asks: "Brother, give Lyubash for Mitu - He will give me an angle. Turning, I was glad. My summer passed, it's hard for me to squeeze on the cold because of a piece of bread; Though for old age, and honestly to live. " The requests of the uncle are joined by the requests of mother and daughter. It is loved by Krapych is not afraid to tell the truth in the face of the power of this world. His "drunken trunks" provoke a scandal between proud carriage and Korshunov. And it's amazing that during this scandal, the Pelona pride subsides from his eyes).

This is one side of the conflict, but there is another ... what do you think about whom should we say?

Love Gordeevna and Mitya.

- What unites these heroes? And what are they different?

(Mitya It is characterized by the softness of character, good temper. Mitya is an extremely modest, fearful, but honest guy, and the mother would really like to get her daughter to marry him: "The guy is so simple, my heart," says Pelageya Egorovna about him. But despair from the opportunity to lose his beloved forever makes it bold, bold; He wants to take away the love of Gordeevna on the eve of the wedding and secretly get married with her. True, he asks for a blessing for this step at her mother. But not to evaluate this rush is impossible.

Love Gordeevna - The daughter of the merchant Gordee Torotov, who is in love with one of the orders of the Father, Mitu, and, in turn, are loved by them, but can not fight for their happiness. Lyubov Gordeevna firmly fulfills the father's will, refuses to offer Mitya. Obedience and humility are one of its main features, are the main values \u200b\u200bof the Russian Orthodox civilization. Whether a modest girl's disobedience, non-participation of parents! But love does and her bold: she confesses to Mita in love (blatant violation of patriarchal traditions!) And it is decided to ask the Father on the consent of her marriage from the Mitens).

So in the Ostrovsky's play: it is terrible for funny, soft humor is combined with deep internal drama.

A happy or sad end is completed comedy and why? (Slide)

(Piece "Poverty is not a vice" ends with the triumph of virtue, the punishment of vice, the wedding of the main characters. At all, the fate of Love Torch and Mitya would have been formed if their love was able to resist oblique laws of patriarchal antiquity. Ability to love, a hot heart, tells us Ostrovsky , Create wonders).

Outcome lesson. ??? Reflection???

Evaluate yourself in class.

- Working in groups, you communicated. How did this affect the result of our lesson?

Poverty is not a vice-play is Ostrovsky, with which we met in school lesson. Posted by her writer in 1853, and after a year the play was printed as a separate book. Piece, like the book, was successful. Today I got acquainted with this product and we. Now we will make the work of the Ostrovsky poverty is not a vice, considering the problem that the writer raises.

Analysis of the play poverty is not vice

In the play, Ostrovsky raises various problems, among which the confrontation between the environment and personality. Very often, they treat a person depending on his wealth. The richer, the more he respect, but spiritual qualities and moral do not take into account.

Having learned Ostrovsky and his poverty is not a vice, and making the analysis of his work in the 9th grade, we see the impact of money on the fate of people. The author showed us how to influence the money for a person when a person begins to obey them and depend on them. Money goes to the fore, but care for loved ones becomes secondary. That's just Ostrovsky could not allow victory for money over human feelings and proved to readers that wealth are powerless. The proof of this was the love of the nobility of Lyuba Gordeva, who the father wanted to give for Moscow rich, to Clauds Mita. Having passed through the tests, the hearts in love were still reunited. And here the last role was played by the brother Torotov Gordy love. It was he who told about the approaches of the manufacturer Korshunov, for which Gordes wanted to give daughter, despite the fact that she loved the other. The African ruined his lovedness, and now he was aiming at proud. As a result, Korshunov demands an apology, and the Gordes, an evil manufacturer, gives married to anyone for Mitu. Gordea softened and was grateful to his brother for instructed him and did not make a mistake.

With the work of Ostrovsky, students traditionally get acquainted in grade 9 in literature lessons. In the play of Ostrovsky "Poverty is not a vice" the picture was reflected in the modern author of the life of Russian merchants. Information about the topic, the idea, problem and the product of the work will be useful for preparing for the lesson, test, writing creative work. In our article you will find a brief, as well as a full analysis of the play according to plan.

Brief analysis

Year of writing - 1853 year

History of creation - The play was written in order to ride fashion on Western trends in the lifestyle of merchants, and emphasize the truly Russian character, which is presented in this estate. It affected the content of the work of his friendship with Slavophiles. After reading and putting the play, Ostrovsky became recognized and famous, success exceeded all expectations.

Subject - The impact of money on the relationship of people in society, the choice of life path, barriers and circumstances in the fate of a person.

Composition - Three actions with a sharp unexpected junction in the latter action, the saturation of folklore moments that are surrounding important scenes, parallel comparison of heroes.

Genre - Comedy in three actions.

Literary direction - Critical realism and romanticism.

History of creation

Initially, the play was to be called "Gordy God opposed." The idea appeared in July 1853, in August - the author began work on the work, and finished it at the end of the same year.

The roles were distributed among the actors even before the end of its writing. In 1854, on January 25, the play was first put in the Small Theater in Moscow. She had a huge success, liked a wide range of spectators.

The work is written by Ostrovsky under the influence of his friends of Slavophiles, so after placing the play, many friends of the author found themselves in it. Truly Russian character loved Torcov played a decisive role in the fate of the play. In this hero of critics, they saw the perfect image of a Russian man. The success of the play Even after the first readings of her in Moscow surpassed all the expectations and even the author's dreams.

It should be noted that the Ostrovsky's play dedicated to his friend the outstanding actor of the theater to Prov Mikhalovich Sadovsky. It was he who was best of all played the role of loved by Torotov in the play. Moscow merchants was well acquainted with Ostrovsky, because he had to leave a higher education and entered the service in court. It was the merchant estate that most often appealed to the courts, here the future playwright met the original Russian characters and characters worthy of entering the literature.


"Poverty is not a vice" reveals theme This Russian character shows that the link of the Russian society, which retained all the customs, traditions and the inner essence of the People's Soul. That is why the play is called the Gymnast Russian merchant: life, family structure, rites, habits, traditions all described the author in the work. Topicreveals the relationship between people based on their welfare. The author affects problemschoosing the future, obedience and respect for the elders, the topic of love, family, sin.

Red thread passes through all the narration thinkthe fact that Russian is not ideal, he is mistaken, spends his life to sins and carelessness, but he is able to recognize mistakes and become true. In this power of the Russian man. To understand what this work teaches, you need to focus on the Fabulus. The conclusion is obvious: no new-fashioned worldviews can get along in the Russian soul if they contradict folk wisdom, heart, common sense. The essence of the comedy Ostrovsky is that money is not always all complaints, the honor and dignity in a smart person is above any material benefits.


Ostrovsky comedy consists of three actions, this separation has a semantic basis. The culmination of action takes place in the last action, it follows the junction and the happy finale. The conflict is built on the requirements of fashion, the trend of time and their collision with Russian reality. In the understanding of the pride of Karpsi, education is only an outer side (a new source, champagne, fur and carriage).

A feature of the composition of the play can be considered the saturation of folk elements (proverbs, songs, additives), they are sinking each action, accompany all the important moments, emphasizing and calculating them in a special way. The reception of the prepared appearance of heroes is widely used: in the beginning they are spoken, then they go to the scene.

In the play, the characters are considered in parallel, so easier their images are perceived - in comparison. Not the last role in the creation of bright scenes and perception of what is happening the author's remarks and scenery. The Ostrovsky is recognized as the "father of the Russian theater" it was he who created the theory of the behavior of the acting persons on the stage, given the characteristics of the genre. His plays put over one and a half centuries, they are immortal, due to the talent and the genius of the author.

main characters


In "Poverty is not a vice", the analysis will be incomplete, if not to note the genre specifics of the work. The comedy of Ostrovsky is unique with its household paintings, the clarity of the remarks, the depth of the monologues of the characters. Communicable for the author were "speaking" names of acting persons, their static and at the same time fullness of images. Satyricity of the playwright is thin, not stinging, but beating exactly in target: not for nothing, many familiar after the production ceased to communicate with Ostrovsky, having learned the play of themselves in the heroes.

Test on the work

Rating Analysis

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What is the patriarchal world? What is love in the patriarchal world? And got the best answer

Answer from Alexander Chernov [Guru]
Patriarchal - that is, the traditional way, with the dominant role of the older man in the family, and the subordinate position of all the youngest, and especially women. In general, the topic of the hierarchy in the patriarchal society is very rich, there was very clearly different, who is higher in status. Married / married is higher than idle, children higher than childless. Echoes of this relationship are still found. Well, what's the difference, married or not a politician and how many children do he have? The main thing is that I knew my business, right? But nevertheless, family-owned politicians have a "reputational" advantage.
Love in such a society usually appears in the form of parents who lead to the child a couple, and they say, that will be your wife (or your husband - depends on the floor). Of course, people who lived in marriage several years could take effect each other, and even begin to treat sympathy, but it was unlikely that it was a frequent phenomenon. Read Nekrasov, "Who lives well in Russia", some, where the peasant woman talks about her marriage and life with her husband. He loved her. In the sense of broke just once. When she did not immediately respond to his question, or more ordered ...

Answer from Natalia Mitrofanova[newcomer]

Answer from 3 response[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What is the patriarchal world? What is love in the patriarchal world?