Alexander Panayot, an accident. The star "Voice" Alexander Panayotov: "Miraculously survived, I threw the last doubts" & NBSP

Alexander Panayot, an accident. The star
Alexander Panayot, an accident. The star "Voice" Alexander Panayotov: "Miraculously survived, I threw the last doubts" & NBSP

Alexandra Panayotova is called the sensation of the fifth season show "Voice" on the "First Channel". Many knowingly consider him a winner and offer to go to Eurovision in 2017. Meanwhile, in the "voice", even before the fights, the case has not yet come - the mentors are only gaining teams.

According to Panayotova, in this music project, he found himself after the tragic incident. "In my case, there was a car accident, after which they did not survive, - a musician admitted. - I was driving after the birthday of Yulia at the beginning -

in winter, there was a night. Sat in the back seat, not fastened. Second

and kick in the forehead. The car that crashed into us was listed. I remember smoke, airbags, I flew to the front seat. God looked away - did not suffer a lot, but at that moment I was turned over with me inside. It was a little death. I realized how a short life I am losing because of some pride, that you need to act urgently. "

When the question arose, whether the application for the "voice", the singer did not doubt the singer. "I thought for four years, from the moment the launch of this show," the Life portal quotes Panayotov. RU. - I was insane, it was important that each of the mentors would say - I will be friends with someone. " We add that Alexander participated in the project "People's Artist" on the channel "Russia", but then his musical career has not yet advanced.

Alexandra Panayotova is called the sensation of the fifth season show "Voice" on the "First Channel". Many knowingly consider him a winner and offer to go to Eurovision in 2017. Meanwhile, in the "voice", even before the fights, the case has not yet come - the mentors are only gaining teams.


According to Panayotova, in this music project, he found himself after the tragic incident. "In my case, the car accident was the impetus, after which they did not survive," the musician was admitted. - I was driving after the birthday of Yulia on the beginning - in winter, it was night. Singing in the back seat, not fastened. Soon - and hit the forehead. Machine, which It crashed into us, listed. I remember smoke, airbags, I flew to the front seat. God was away - I didn't suffer much, but at that moment I was overgrown with me inside. It was a little death. I understood how a short life I was like a lot of time I Losing because of some pride, that you need to act urgently. "

When the question arose, whether the application for the "voice", the singer did not doubt the singer. "I thought for four years, from the moment the launch of this show, the portal quotes Panayotov." It was insane, it was important that each of the mentors would say - I am with everyone a familiar with someone. " We add that Alexander participated in the project "People's Artist" on the channel "Russia", but then his musical career has not yet advanced.

October 6, 2016.

From the "People's Artist" to 106 kilograms on the scales ... The history of the takeoffs and falls of the singer, who pierced in the "Voice" show

From the "People's Artist" to 106 kilograms on the scales ... The history of the takeoffs and falls of the singer, who pierced the "voice" show.

Photo: Vladimir Sokolov

Now he will be ashamed in the "Voice" finals and on. Like, the most obvious candidate from Russia. But Alexander Panayotov, on the air, "Voice" appeared only once. He split into the atoms of the public with the execution of the song All by MYSELF Erica Carmen and turned to himself all the mentors.

Although a month ago, few people remembered the panicotov at all: yes, he spoke in the "People's Artist", yes, showed on TV. Where is he now, what's wrong with him?

The magazine "TV program" remembers the difficult path of Alexander from the peaks to non-existence and back. Through failures, copper pipes, four selection for Eurovision contest and star disease.

Suitcase without a handle

For the first time he came to Moscow at the Stan Star show in 2002. Since then, a series of second roles began, which pursues Panayotov throughout the career. Alexander reached the final, but did not come to the group "Other Rules", which was collected from the winners.

A year later, Alexander sank the song "Lady of Rain" in the show "People's Artist" in the show "People's Artist" in the show "People's Artist", in the unbuttoned shirt. And stayed in the project. And since then he has been fixed in the capital finally.

- I was born in Ukraine, in the city of Zaporizhia, in the average family, - recalls vocalist. - There were no musicians in the family. The first music school graduated from sister. And as soon as the question arose, whether to throw out the piano, they decided to give me a music school. At 9 years old on the entrance tests of the high voice, I sang Mariah Carey. It caused shock. No one wanted to take me to class - they were afraid of responsibility. So continues and still. Producers who have views on me fear with me to work. I do not know why. It turns out, I like a suitcase without a handle - and throw out a pity, and it is hard to carry.

Despite the next second place - in the "People's Artist," - the singer signed a 7-year contract with the producer of Evgeny Fridlyand and Kim Breitburg FBI-Music. Then there were performances in Russia and Europe, the duet "Lunar Melody" with the Larisa Valley and even several albums.

Troika Medals "People's Artist": (From left to right) Alexander Panayotov, Alexey Goman and Alexey Chumakov. Photo: Vasily Smirnov / Tass

"I had a contract," Panayotov says without joy in his voice. - Behind the tours and many concerts began. Even in the UN Hall in New York spoke. I was called on television, and in transmissions that are not related to music and creativity. Popularity went beyond the "folk artist".

On the wave of recognition, the singer began to break through to Eurovision. Since 2005, he has filed a contest for four times in a row - and from Russia, and, desperate, from Ukraine. However, every time something prevented success. The most insultant was the performance of 2008, when Panayotov removed Sergey Lazarev in the qualifying round, but lost only two points Dima Bilan, who won the same year Eurovision.

"What kind of sin, around" Eurovision "a lot of money spinning," said Alexander later in the hearts. - This can be called financing, corruption, any word. But I do not want to delve into these underwater flows. Disappointed in this competition. Forces were absolutely unequal, and I consider my second place deserved first. My friends and colleagues sent SMS and participated in the vote on the website. All sent messages came the answer that ... "Service is not available", and the site simply closed when people tried to vote for a particular contestant. Thus, the question remains - who put these spectator points?

Football accident

In 2011, the contract has expired. As written on the Panayoteov website, since then the artist "continued his creative career on his own, deliberately distancing from the esters on television and interview." It is unlikely that that distance was deliberate and desirable.

- The time of media isolation has come, "the artist recognizes. - It lasts about five years. And it all began with mad youthful maximalism, bordering self-confidence. In the period of oblivion, I began to actively work on myself. I stopped the reflection in the mirror. After the next photo shoot, I looked at the source and understood: even photoshop does not help. Tumbler clicked - it's time to close your mouth. I love to eat, but at that moment it was too relaxed and 106 kilograms began to weigh. He recorded the song "Invincible" and thought that it would be cool to return with her, changed and externally. For four months with the help of sports and proper nutrition.

I decided not to spend time on the pride and complexes - we must rejoice in life here and now!

"Of course, I didn't appear on TV channels for a long time, but at the same time I am a valid artist, there are enough concerts," says Panayotov. - It may not seem very true. Why should I take someone else? But this year I was a member of the jury at the competition of the Academy of Igor Cool in Sochi. It is there for my friends of Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky (participants of the "Star Factory". - Ed.) Still convinced me to send a request to the "voice". Let it be! It turned out that they are waiting for ...

Panayoteov's speech is discussed so far. For four days, a video with his number on "Voice" gathered more than a million views.

- When the mentors turned to me - Cascade, very nice, each other, - it was a real explosion of emotions! - He admits a singer.

At that moment, Leonid Agutin spread his hands as if he met the best friend. For the first time, he took off his glasses for the first time and waved his hand on Panayotov: they say, everything is clear what is here. Polina Gagarina smiled in full mouth from joy. Dima Bilan got up and began to applaud, and behind him and all colleagues.

With the current mentor of the "voices" of Panayotov for a long time. And on blind auditions, she even indignant: "If I would warn!" Photo:

In addition to high-quality execution, the triumph at the "voice" has become a symbol of the rebirth of the artist. Literally.

- This year I, - reluctantly remembers Panikes. - After that, there was a serious reassessment of values. And I decided: if life is so short, you can not spend time to pride, despondency about your own oblivion or complexes. It is necessary to eradicate and at the first opportunity to go to the scene. So on the curvators, I do not pay attention, I understand that after the air they will (in the address Panayotov has already done. - Aut.). I immediately want to say everything: I do not pretend to the laurel or someone else's place under the sun, but I will work in equal terms with everyone. In the end, artists participated in the "voice" and much more popular for me.

In that accident, he was not to blame. But, no matter how terribly it sounded, it was an accident that became a starting point of reboot. The accident did not destroy Panayotov - but it helped destroy vanity. So it was necessary for someone.

"I returned to a taxi from the birthday of Julia to the beginning," the artist event recreates the event. - It was winter. And in us on the full turn of the forehead flew the car. I was sitting in the back seat - it turned out to be on the front, flew. The cars crashed in trash. And I miraculously stayed alive. A couple of weeks was shocked, I was visited by Apathia for the first time in my life. Interestingly, after the accident disappeared the icon I wore on the chest. She kept on a strong rope, never broke off. And then evaporated. Apparently, he served his own - she lost me.

The singer tried four times to get to Eurovision, and never lucky. Photo: Evgeny Fedotov /

Battle with Mamina Dumplings

Since then, Alexander has become modest and wiser. Defeats and failures do not provoke attacks on others, but give rise to work on themselves.

"Of course, every artist accepts oblivion to heart," said the new member of the Voice. - It all depends on the inner rod. Now I treat the situation of philosophically, trying to find an explanation to each event, dig in myself. I did not lower the fee, I have concerts, but there are not enough megapopularity and media. Attention was aged. I calmly rethought it and became, for example, more appreciate the close. And even if Handra overtakes me, I try to immediately take myself - to write music, shoot clips. Creativity saves. I am glad to every leaving on the scene and every meeting with the audience.

He still lives alone. And only once a year mom is chosen from Zaporozhye to visit his beloved son.

"When mom comes to Moscow, this is the hardest," vocalist laughs. - This is a battle. It possesses the idea of \u200b\u200bFix to spine, shove into me all the pie, borschy. No sushi, no kitchen in the world will replace Ukrainian dumplings with sour cream and cottage cheese. And if with salted cottage cheese - this is generally a knelling.

If the "voice" does not work again, Panayotov will not be an indent of the mentors and the audience - he has already experienced the era of all-consuming egoism. And he is ready to try his happiness on another planet, where his talent will appreciate.

- I am captivated by art, movies, and more cosmos, - the artist dreams. "I like to study the outer space, other galaxies, read a lot on this topic. There is such a flight program for Mars - Mars 2020, - where people were selected for the first flight. So I even registered there. What for? To fly to Mars, paying the entrance fee of ten dollars. Only then I learned that the expedition is irretrievable, and changed my mind. Although if the scene was built on Mars - I would probably go.

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Friday / 21.30, first

Now all the attention is chained. The star of the "People's Artist", who remembered and loved, disappeared for a long time from television screens. His triumphant return, when all four mentors turned to the singer at the first stage of the show, caused a wide resonance. While alone is sick for Sasha and sincerely wish him victories, others are also sincerely outraged by the fact that the artist who took place competes with unknown singers. Alexander told what he was thinking about this, and who gave him a podbitol, forcing himself to try himself on blind auditions.

Alexander, many famous singers come to the "voice" after the persuasion of loved ones and friends. How did you have it?

Me, on the contrary, very many people discouraged. I just heard: "Did you go crazy? Where do you climb? It's a step back! " Some of my colleagues and friends told it not even personally, but for my back. Of course, I myself had doubts. I was lying at night without sleep, thinking whether I should try myself in the "voice" or not? And then in my life there was a terrible event that turned over my worldview.

Accident in February of this year?

Yes. I returned home by taxi. We drove around the night as a slippery road, it was snowing. Because of poor visibility, the counter car did not notice our car and flew into us at full speed. The blow was such a power that I flew forward. Thank God, the back of the front armchair partly softened the blow. The car pounded and we turned over. I woke up on the front seats, pressed by the forehead for the safety pillow. After such accidents do not survive. And I not only survived, but also got off with a light fright - I did not receive not only fractures, there was no oxadine. As they say, it was without a single scratch. But at this moment I understood: life is so short, so unexpected! Everything can change literally per second. It was such a booze, which was given to me from above. And I thought: "What the hell? There is a wonderful project on the main channel of the country, where you need to sing on stage, where a living sound and a real orchestra! And I have a voice. And why not try yourself in it? " The next day sent his records. No doubt experienced no longer.

All four mentors turned to you. What do you think learned?

It seemed that Leonid Agutin did not recognize. Could not learn Grigory Leps, simply because we did not communicate with him about ten years. Polina found out, Dima, probably, too. We are friends. And I value this friendship. And do not hide her. Another question is that by applying the application, I did not call anyone and, of course, I did not ask for anything. It's just not in my rules. I felt felt all the way all the day would perform on blind listening. I knew only mom. When all four mentors turned to me, and even such a stunning cascade, I was just happy!

Now there are very many admirers of the show outraged by the fact that you, the artist, came to the "voice."

The rules do not prohibit this. Voice project international. In many countries where he also goes, there was such a situation, and more than once. For example, a girl who played a major role in the "Kudryashka Sue" has been defeated in the American version. She knew everything. Having disappeared for 15 years from the sight of fans, it returned triumph. I identify myself with a voice. As it would have not sounded pathetic, many say: "Panikes equals a voice." And from this point of view, the project, which is called, "mine". All these years were invited me to many vocal shows, including similar to "exactly in-point." But this is a bit not mine. I think when I relax and I will rest on the laurels, you can try yourself in such a show. But while I'm not ready.

How is your mood now? What do you feel again at the peak of popularity?

Madly happy that I am in the project. You know, recently, I began to conduct an invoice for the scene ... If earlier there were 15-20 concerts per month, there were touring tours, then everything became different. I continued to perform, but the concerts became much smaller. And it tormented me. You can not imagine how hard it is for a creative person to be in oblivion and not see the public, do not hear applause ... For all artists, this is a kind of drug, from which none of us can abandon. I am glad that it all returned. I really hope that it will be so in the future.

A terrible accident, in which Alexander Panayotov, after the birthday of Julia, began, was a shock for him to participate in the show voice.

Singer Alexander Panayotov is one of the favorites of the fifth season of the "Voice" show, which goes out on the "Channel One". He is prophested a confident victory, and some even believe that in 2017 he must become a participant in Eurovision.

Alexander himself tells that in winter, almost died in an accident. But it was this accident that prompted him to come to the show "Voice".

"In my case, the automotive accident was the impetus, after which they did not survive. I was driving after the birthday of Yulia on the beginning - in winter, it was night. Singing in the back seat, not fastened. Second - and hit in the forehead. The car that crashed into us . I remember smoke, airbags, I flew to the front seat. God looked away - I did not suffer much, but at that moment I was turned over everything inside. It was a little death. I understood how long life I lose because of what "That pride, that you need to act urgently," the singer told.

When the question arose, whether the application was to "voice", the singer did not doubt: "I thought for four years, from the moment of the launch of this show. I was insanely important that I would say any of the mentors - I am friends with someone ".

Since childhood he was fond of music. At the age of 7, he entered the humanitarian class of multi-profile school No. 62. Zaporizhia, and when he turned 9 years old, he first went to the school scene with the song E. Kryolov "Beautiful far away from the movie" Guest from the Future ".

At the age of 10, he entered the Children's Music School No. 3 of Zaporizhia. He was engaged in the youth vocal studio of popular music "Youth", under the leadership of the Honored Worker of Culture Vladimir Artemyeva (a pupil of which today is also the famous Singer Alyosha).

The first public speech by Alexander Panayotova was held on June 1, 1997. It was a concert on the Central City Square of Zaporozhye dedicated to the World Children's Day. Sasha performed a song from the repertoire of the popular Ukrainian singer Alexander Ponomareva "Fought to Night" ("From morning to night").

At the age of 15, Alexander Panayotov spoke with his own repertoire at various contests. The most famous songs are "Pokoltovnaya Bird" and "Lirtiy Duty" ("Summer Rain"). The authors of these songs were also engaged in the youth vocal studio of popular music "Youth", under the leadership of the Honored Worker of Culture Vladimir Artemyev.

After graduating from the middle and musical (with a red diploma), Alexander schools entered the Kiev State College of Pop and Circus Arts on the separation of pop vocals, but did not finish it, because he was already very actively participating in different musical contests, he was fond of this and visited the college .

In 2002, Panayotov is decided on a trip to Moscow in order to try their hand at the television project - "Become a star", where it reached the final.

Returning to Kiev, Panayotov enters Kiev National University of Culture and Arts and in the same year creates the Alliance group, in which, in addition to him (vocalist), more 4 musicians participate. The group is successful in Kiev, performs on prestigious concert venues and in nightclubs. New 2003 Alexander and his team met, working on a German and foreign public in Berlin.

In 2003, Panayotov again tortures happiness in the television competition "People's Artist (Realvest Show)", held on the TV channel "Russia". In the final of the competition, Alexander Panayotov took second place and signed a seven-year-old contract with the producers Evgeny Friedlyand and Kim Brejtburg.

Alexander Panayotov - on the edge (People's Artist - 2003)

Since 2005, Panayotov participates in the selection of Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest, but he failed to win this competition.

In 2005, in a duet with Alexei Chumakov, there is second place on the open selection of the first channel with the song "Balalaika", in 2007 the duet becomes the second on the closed selection with the song "Not mine", and in 2008, at the TV channel "Russia" Alexander is inferior Just one score Dima Bilan with the song "Crescent and Cross".

Since March 2011, at the end of a seven-year contract with FBI Music, Alexander Panayotov becomes an independent artist.

Alexander Panayotov is well known in Russia, in Ukraine, in the CIS countries and the Baltic States. The last nine years the artist lives and works in Russia, and also successfully tours in Russian regions, in Ukraine, in Belarus, Baltic States, Israel, USA, Spain, Germany, France and other EU countries.

Among the last works by Alexander Panayotova - the track and the clip "invincible", in which the artist appeared in a completely new image.

August 19, 2016 Artist released a new dance track. Alexander Panayotov presented a new single "intravenous". The author of the Music on tradition was the Panayota himself, and the text was written in the creative tandem with a talented vocalist and the author, the soloist of the group N.A.O.M.I. - Arina Ric and the young author of the texts from Novosibirsk - Evgeny Bochkarev.

September 23, 2016 participated in the blind auditions of the 5th season of the show "Voice". All mentors turned to him, Alexander made a choice in favor.

Alexander Panayotov - intravenous

It has experience in movies. In 2006, Panayotov debuted in the series "Do not bother beautiful" in an episodic role.

In 2007, Alexander Panayotov performed one of the title songs "So close" from the movie "Enchanted" film company Walt Disney Pictures, which he recorded as an original soundtrack to the Russian version of the film.

In 2011, Alexander Panayotov voiced one of the main characters, the lobotryas named Fred, in the comedy Bunct of the Eared Film Company Universal Pictures.

According to the artist, he dreams of playing a major role in dramatic or fantastic cinema.

Discography Alexander Panayotova:

2006 - Lady Rain
2010 - Formula of Love
2013 - Alpha and Omega

Video clips Alexander Panayotova:

2005 - Unusual (with R. Alekhno, A. Chumakov)
2005 - Balalaika (with A. Chumakov)
2007 - Voice
2010 - Formula of Love
2011 - Till Tomorrow
2012 - Snow
2012 - unreal
2013 - Where are you?
2013 - for the horizon
2014 - Alpha and Omega
2015 - ourselves
2015 - I promise (together with Sasha Spielberg)
2015 - Phone
2016 - invincible
2016 - intravenous