Monologue Katerina ("Thunderstorm") - "Why do people do not fly?" Lyrics. Monologues from the play of the Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" are still modern

Monologue Katerina ("Thunderstorm") - "Why do people do not fly?" Lyrics. Monologues from the play of the Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" are still modern

In childhood, a dream to fly like birds wears a very pragmatic character - it seems to us that it would be delightful if people had wings and they could fly anywhere. Over time, the desire to have wings is transformed by becoming more symbolic - in complex psychological situations, it seems the only possible option for the prosperous development of events remains, like a bird.

The main heroine of the Ostrovsky Island "Thunderstorm" is in a difficult situation almost all of his life. In childhood, she experienced material difficulty, becoming a married woman, learned about psychological, moral pressure. The testament of emotions is expressed by the girl as dreams with elements of fiction - she wants the will of magic to be found in the world without problems and indignation.

Monologue Katerina:

"Why do people do not fly? ... I say why people do not fly like birds? You know, I sometimes think that I am a bird. When you stand on the mountain, so you pull you. That would have been fused, raised her arms and flew. Try not enough now? ...

And I loved to go to the church to death! ... And you know: On a sunny day, such a light post goes down from the dome, and in this post go smoke, just a cloud, and I see, it happened that the angels fly in this post and sing ...

Or early in the morning in the garden I will leave, just the sun rises, fall onto the knee, pray and cry, and I don't know what I'm glad about and what I was crying ... And what dreams I dream ... what dreams! Or the temples are gold, or some unusual gardens, and everyone sing invisible voices, and the cypress smells, and the mountains and trees are like not as usual, but how they are written on images. And then I fly, so fly through the air. And now sometimes dreams, but rarely, and not that ...

I climb some kind of dream. And I will not leave it anywhere. You can't think of thinking, I can't come to my thoughts, I can't pray - I won't remember anything.

Language to the word, but on the mind it is not at all something: I whisper the crammed in my ears, but everyone about such things is bad. And it seems to me that I will be conscientious to me.

What happened with me? Before trouble before anyone! At night ... I don't sleep, all seek some kind of whisper: someone is so affectionately speaks with me, exactly the pigeon is worried. I do not dream ... As before, the paradise trees are yes mountains, and someone hugs me so hotly, and leads me somewhere, and I go behind him, I go ... "

Outcome: Katerina is in essence very thin and sensitive nature, it is difficult for her to defend its independence, get rid of psychological pressure from the mother-in-law, because of this, the girl suffers. She is a clean and kind soul, so all of her dreams are indicated by a sense of tenderness and positive. She does not see the opportunity to experience happiness in real life, but in his dreams and Gresses she can all: and fly through the air as a bird, and listen to gentle vice.

Drama in five actions


Savel Prokofievich Wilde, merchant, significant face in the city. Boris Grigorievich, his nephew, a young man, decently educated. Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova (Kabaniha), rich landing, widow. Tikhon Ivanovich Kabanov, her son. Katerina, his wife. Varvara, sister Tikhon. Kuligin, Trashman, wurster self-taught, looking for perpetum mobile. Vanya Kudryash, young man, Dikova's office. Shapkin, tradesman. Feclusha, Stranger. Head, girl in Kabanova's house. Lacker, old woman 70 years old, half-handed. City inhabitants of both sexes.

The action takes place in the city of Kalinov, on the bank of the Volga, in the summer. Between 3 and 4 actions take 10 days.

First action

Public garden on the high bank of the Volga; Behind the Volga Rural View. On stage two benches and several bushes.

Phenomenon first

Kuligin sits on a bench and looks at the river. Kudryash and Shapkin walks.

Kuligin (sings). "Among the valley is flat, on a smooth height ..." (Stops singing.) Miracles, truly need to say that miracles! Kudryash! Here, the brother you are my, fifty years I look for the Volga every day and I can't gladly look. Kudryash. What? Kuligin. The kind of extraordinary! Beauty! The soul is rejoicing. Kudryash. Neshto! Kuligin. Delight! And you: "Neshto!" We looked like, or do not understand what beauty is spread in nature. Kudryash. Well, let's be with you to interpret! You have an antique, chemist! Kuligin. Mechanic, self-taught mechanic. Kudryash. All one.


Kuligin (Showing to the side). Look, brother Kudryash, who is it waiting for it there? Kudryash. It? This is a wild nephew scolding. Kuligin. Found a place! Kudryash. He is everywhere else. It is afraid that it, he is! I got to him for a sacrifice Boris Grigorich, here he is on him and drives. Shapkin. So such a crossover, as we have Savel Prokofich, look more! For nothing man will break through. Kudryash. Piercing man! Shapkin. Good too and kabaniha. Kudryash. Well, yes, at least in extremes, everything under the guise of piety, and this one as the chain fell out! Shapkin. Having no one to take it, so he is fighting! Kudryash. We have little guys on my place, and then we would disappear it to him. Shapkin. What would you do? Kudryash. Would be injured carefully. Shapkin. Like this? Kudryash. Full time, in the lane, in the alley somewhere would speak with him with an eye on the eye, so it would be silk. And about our science, I would not sing anyone, just walked yes I looked around. Shapkin. No wish he wanted to give you to the soldiers. Kudryash. I wanted, but did not give it, so it's all one that nothing. He will not give me me: he feels his nose, then I will not sell my head cheaply. It's a terrible thing to you, and I can talk to him. Shapkin. Oh whether! Kudryash. What's here: Oh Li! I am bubbered; Why does he keep me? It became, I need me. Well, it means that I am not afraid of him, and he is afraid of me. Shapkin. I wonder if he does not scold you? Kudryash. How not to scold! He can not breathe without it. Yes, I do not descend: he is a word, and I am ten; Plus, and go. No, I will not worry before him. Kuligin. From him, that it is to take an example! It is better to delete. Kudryash. Well, here, since you are a smart, so you first learn it, and then teach us! Shawl that his daughter has teenagers, there is no big one. Shapkin. What would? Kudryash. I would respect it. Hurt Lych on girls!

Wide and Boris are held. Kuligin removes the cap.

Shapkin (curly). We will go to the side: it will also be tied, perhaps.


Second phenomenon

The same, Wild and Boris.

Wild Babyshi you, I come here! Darmond! Loss of you to the Propase! Boris. Holiday; What to do at home! Wild You will find a job as you want. Since I told you, two you told you: "Do not dare to meet me"; You all neat! Do you have little place? Wherever you come, here you are! Ugh you, damned! What are you as a pillar cost something! Are you talking al no? Boris. I listen to what I still do! Wild (Looking at Boris). You got! I'm with you and I don't want to speak, with Yezuita. (Leaving.) So imposed! (Splashes and goes.)

Phenomenon third

Kuligin, Boris, Kudryash and Shapkin.

Kuligin. What do you have, sir, for doing with him? We will not understand in any way. Hunt for you to live with him yes to carry. Boris. What a hunt, Kuligin! Captivity. Kuligin. Yes, what kind of capture, sir, let you ask you. If you can, sir, so tell us. Boris. Why not say? Have you known our grandmother, Anfisa Mikhailovna? Kuligin. Well, how not to know! Kudryash. How not to know! Boris. She was not blind for the fact that he married noble. On this occasion, the father with Mother and lived in Moscow. Mother told that she could not get along with his relatives for three days, he really seemed wildly. Kuligin. Still not wild! Already saying! You need a big habit, sir, have. Boris. Parents were brought up in Moscow well, nothing for us did not regret us. I was given to the commercial academy, and sister in the boarding house, and both suddenly died in the cholere; My sister and I were left. Then we hear that the grandmother died here and left the testament so that uncle would pay us some of which it follows when we come to the majority, only with the condition. Kuligin. With what, sir? Boris. If we are respectful to it. Kuligin. This means, sir, that you never see your inheritance. Boris. No, this is not enough, Kuligin! He first fastened over us, violated in every way, as his soul, and he will finish after all that will not give anything or so that some smallness. And will still tell me that from the grace gave, which would not be necessary. Kudryash. So we have such an institution in merchants. Again, at least you were respectful to him, it's not everyone who forbid him say, what are you neutral? Boris. Well yes. I really talk now: "I have my own children, for what I will give someone else's money? Through it, I should offend myself! " Kuligin. So, sir, poorly your business. Boris. I am alone, so nothing! I would leave everything left. And then sister sorry. He was and discharged her, and Mother's natives were not allowed, wrote that he was sick. Whatever her life here was, and imagine scary. Kudryash. By itself. Is it not my appeal understand? Kuligin. How do you live in him, sir, at what position? Boris. Yes, none: "Live, says I do, do what they will order, but a salary that I will put." That is, after a year, the difference is how he will be. Kudryash. He has such a place. We have no one and do not see a dare about the salary, scolds on what the light stands. "You, say, how do you know what I keep on your mind? You can not know my soul! Or maybe I will come to such a location that you are five thousand lads. " So you talk to him! Only he has never come to such a location in his entire lives. Kuligin. What to do something, sir! We must try to please somehow. Boris. That's the point, Kuligin, which is impossible in any way. On him and their own can not be pleased; And so where to me! Kudryash. Who cares him, if he has all his life on curses? And most of all because of money; Not a single calculation without breaking. Another is happy to retreat, if only he was hurt. And trouble, how his in the morning someone will grumble! All day to all quit. Boris. Aunt every morning all with tears begging: "Batyushki, do not get angry! Drub, do not get angry! " Kudryash. Yes, it is not lingering! I got to the bazaar, that's the end! All men refract up. Although at a loss of ask, without Brani still will not go away. And then went for the whole day. Shapkin. One word: warrior! Kudryash. Which warrior! Boris. But the trouble is when he offends such a person whom he does not dare to wrap; Here is homemade stay! Kudryash. Batyushki! What a laugh was! Somehow him on the Volga, on transport, Gusar Orurug. That wonders did something! Boris. And what is your home! After that, for two weeks, everyone was hiding in the attic yes to Chulanam. Kuligin. What is it? In no way, the people from the evening moved?

There are several faces in the depths of the scene.

Kudryash. Let's go, Shapkin, in the ragum! What is there to stand something?

Bow and go.

Boris. Eh, Kuligin, hurts it hard to me here without habit! Everyone at me somehow is wildly looking, for sure I am supervised here, exactly prevent them. Customs I do not know here. I understand that all this is our Russian, native, but still not get used to anyone. Kuligin. And never get used to ever, sir. Boris. From what? Kuligin. Brutal morals, sir, in our city, cruel! In the mesh, sir, you are nothing but the rudeness of poverty from the naked, you will not see. And never for us, sir, do not get out of this bark! Because honest hard work never earn us more urgent bread. And who has money, sir, he tries to ribbed the poor, so that there are even more money on his works even more money. Do you know that your uncle, Savel Prokofich, is heldingly replied? To the city's man, the peasants came to complain that he did not disagree in any of them. Gingerbread and began to say to him: "Listen, says, Savel Prokofich, count the men well! Every day to me with a complaint go! " The uncle was riddled in the shoulder in the shoulder, and he says: "Is it worth it, your gradually, we are talking about such trifles! I have a lot in a year, the people go over; You understand: I am underpaying them for some kind of a penny on a person, and I have from this thousand are drawn up, so it is good for me! " That's how, sir! And among themselves, sir, how they live! Trade from each other is undermined, and not so much of the coarse, how much of the envy. Enjoy each other; They are listed into their high choir of drunken orders, such, sir, ordinaries, as well as the human appearance on it, there is no manner. And those for them, for a small albele, on the coat of stroke sheets of malicious lines in the neighbors. And they will begin with them, sir, the court is yes, and carry the end of the torment. They are shipped here, and they will go to the province, and there they are waiting for them from joy with their hands. Soon the fairy tale affects, but no sooner is done; They lead them, water, wet them, wolfate; And they are also glad to this drain, that only them is needed. "I, says, I spend, yes, he will be in a penny." I wanted to portray all this verses ... Boris. Do you know how to verses? Kuligin. Aged, sir. Had Lomonosov, Derzhavin, ... The sage was Lomonosov, the test of nature ... But also from our, from a simple title. Boris. You would write. It would be interesting. Kuligin. As you can, sir! We will eat, alive swallowd. I'm so, sir, for my chatter gets; Yes, I can not, I love the conversation to scatter! Here is another family life I wanted you, sir, tell; Yes, someday at another time. And also have something to listen.

Includes a fecles and another woman.

Feclusha. Bla-Alepie, sweet, blah Alepie! Beauty Wonder! Yes, what to say! In the promised land you live! And merchants are all the people of pious, virtues of many decorated! Generosity and alays by many! I'm so pleased, so, Mother, pleased, according to Gorushko! For our non-examination, they will increase their even more generous, and especially the Kabanov's house.


Boris. Kabanov? Kuligin. Hange, sir! The beggars will dwell, and home leisure lies at all.


Just B I, Sudar, Crowp Mobile Find!

Boris. What would you do? Kuligin. How, sir! After all, the British million give; I would have all money for society and used to support. Work must be given by the boss. And then there are hands, but there is nothing to work. Boris. Do you hope to find a perpetum mobile? Kuligin. Understand, sir! That's just now on the model with money maker it. Goodbye, sir! (Goes out.)

Fourth phenomenon

Boris (one). It is a pity to disappoint something! What a good person! Dreams and happy. And I can see, so to ruin your youth in this slum. But I walk quite killed, and then there is still a fool in my head! Well, why stick! Do I have tenderness to start? He drove, scored, and then there was still a sffer in love. Yes to whom! In a woman with which he will never even be able to talk. (Silence.) And after all, it will be nearing me from my head, even though you want. Here she is! Going with my husband, well, mother-in-law with them! Well, not a fool I am! Looking from around the corner, and go home. (Goes out.)

From the opposite side, Kabanova, Kabanov, Katerina and Varbara are included.

Phenomenon fifth

Kabanova, Kabanov, Katerina and Varvara.

Kabanova. If you want a mother to listen, so you will come there, do the way I ordered you. Kabanov. Yes, how can I, mammy, disobey you! Kabanova. Not really now the older respect. Varvara (about himself). Do not respect you, how! Kabanov. I seem to mamma, from your will no step. Kabanova. I would love you, my friend, I didn't see my eyes with my eyes, I didn't hear my ears, what now it was the reverence of parents from children! If I could remember how much Mother of Diseases suffer from children. Kabanov. I, mammy ... Kabanova. If the parent is that when and offensive, according to your pride, will say, so I think you could transfer! What do you think? Kabanov. Yes, when I, Mama, did not tolerate from you? Kabanova. Mother Stara, Stupid; Well, you, young people, smart, should not be with us, fools, and recover. Kabanov (sighing to the side). Oh, you, Lord! (Mother.) Yes, you dare, mammy, think! Kabanova. After all, the parents and strict lovers come to you, from love you and the ferventness, everyone thinks good to teach. Well, I don't like it now. And they will go kids in people to praise that the mother grumbled, that the mother does not give a passage, he lies with the light. A, Save the Lord, some word of a dream, not please, well, and the conversation went that the mother-in-law was at all. Kabanov. Neshto, Mama, who speaks about you? Kabanova. I did not hear, my friend, did not hear, I don't want to lie. I heard I heard, I would be with you, my dear, then did not say that. (Sighs.) Oh, sin heavy! Now how long to sinless! The conversation close to the heart will go, well, they will sin, get involved. No, my friend, say what you want, about me. You do not order anyone: they will not dare into the eyes, so for the eyes will be. Kabanov. Yes, deplete the language ... Kabanova. Full, fully, do not fee! Sin! I wonder for a long time that you are my mother's wife. Since I got married, I do not see from you former love. Kabanov. What are you, mammy, see it? Kabanova. Yes, in everything, my friend! The mother will not see her eyes, so she has a heart's heart, she can feel the heart. Al wife you, or what will take away from me, I don't know. Kabanov. No, mammy! What are you, merry! Katerina. For me, Mama, all one that my mother is that you, and Tikhon loves you too. Kabanova. You, it seems, could have been silent, if you do not ask you. Do not stand up, Mother, I can't hurt! After all, he is my son too; You do not forget this! That you jumped out in my eyes silent! What do you see, how do you like your husband? So we know, we know, in the eyes you all prove it. Varvara (about himself). Found the place of instructions to read. Katerina. You're talking about me, Mama, in vain that they say it. What in humans, that without people, I'm all alone, I do not prove anything from myself. Kabanova. Yes, I did not want to talk about you; And so, by the way I had to. Katerina. Although even by the way, why do you offend me? Kabanova. Eco important bird! I was offended now. Katerina. There is a pleasant to endure anyone! Kabanova. I know, I know that you are not my words, but what to do something, I'm not alien to you, my heart hurts you. I have long see what you want will. Well, wait, wait for and in the will, when I won't. But then do what you want, will not be over you older. Or maybe I will stop me. Kabanov. Yes, we are about you, Mama, Danish and Nostano God Molim so that you, Mama, God gave health and any well-being and in matters of success. Kabanova. Well, fully, stop, please. Maybe you loved my mother while I was idle. To me if you; You have a young wife. Kabanov. One thing does not interfere with: a wife in itself, and I have respect to my parents in myself. Kabanova. So do you exchange my wife to the mother? I will not believe it in any way. Kabanov. Yes, why should I change-s? I love both. Kabanova. Well, yes, yes, so there is, smear! I see that I have a hindrance. Kabanov. Think as you wish, everything is your will; Only I do not know that I am for the unfortunate such person on the light born that I can not please anything. Kabanova. What are you orproof you pretend! What did you dismissed the nurse? Well, what is your husband? Look at yourself! Will your wife be afraid after that? Kabanov. Why should she be afraid of? With me, pretty that she loves me. Kabanova. How why to be afraid! How why to be afraid! Yes, you crushed, or what? You will not be afraid of, and I am suppressed. What is the order of it in the house? After all, you, tea, you live in the law. Ali, in your opinion, the law does not mean anything? Yeah, you keep such stupid thoughts in my head, you would have happened with her at least, did not chat yes during the sister, in the girl; She also married to go: she lies with your chatter, so after the husband, thanks for us to say for science. You see you, what else you have something, and you still want your will live. Kabanov. Yes, I, Mama, and I do not want to live my will. Where can I live your will! Kabanova. So, do you think everything is needed with my wife? And do not shrink on it, and do not contradict? Kabanov. Yes, I'm mammy ... Kabanova (hot). Although the lover has a creek! BUT! And it may be, in your opinion, nothing? BUT! Well, tell! Kabanov. Yes, by God, Mama ... Kabanova (absolutely cool). Fool! (Sighs.) What a fool and talk! Only sin one!


I go home.

Kabanov. And we are now, only once-another on the boulevard will pass. Kabanova. Well, as you wish, only you look so that I do not wait for you! You know, I do not like it. Kabanov. No, mammy! Save me Lord! Kabanova. The same! (Goes out.)

Phenomenon of sixth

Same without kabanova.

Kabanov. Here you see, you always go for you from Mama! Here is my life, what! Katerina. What is my fault? Kabanov. Who is to blame, I don't know. Barbarian. Where do you know! Kabanov. That all pested: "Firth yes, I'm getting married, I would even glance at you, on a married one! And now I eat, the passage does not give - everything for you. Barbarian. So it is not to blame! Mother attacks her, and you too. And you say that you love my wife. Bored me to look at you. (Turns away.) Kabanov. Tick \u200b\u200bhere! What should I do something? Barbarian. Know your business - silently, if you really know how to better. What are you standing - you will vouch? I see in my eyes that you have on my mind. Kabanov. So what? Barbarian. It is known that. I want to drink to Saveel Prokofyuyu. What, not so, what? Kabanov. Guess, brother. Katerina. You, quisch, come, come, and then Mama will scribble again. Barbarian. You are more vintage, in fact, otherwise you know! Kabanov. How not to know! Barbarian. We, too, are not great hunting because of you to take a brand. Kabanov. I am mig. Wait! (Goes out.)

Seventh phenomenon

Katerina and Varvara.

Katerina. So you, cook, are you sorry for me? Varvara (Looking to the side). Of course, it is a pity. Katerina. So you, to be, love me? (Kisses hard.) Barbarian. For what I do not love you! Katerina. Well, thank you! You love you, I love you to death.


Do you know, what came to me?

Barbarian. What? Katerina. Why people do not fly! Barbarian. I do not understand what you say. Katerina. I say: why do people do not fly like birds? You know, I sometimes think that I am a bird. When you stand on the mountain, so you pull you. That would have been fused, raised her arms and flew. Try not enough now? (Wants to run.) Barbarian. What do you invent something? Katerina (sighing). What I was harsh! I got at all. Barbarian. Do you think I do not see? Katerina. Whether I was! I lived, I didn't heal anything, exactly the bird in the wild. Mama in me the soul was not a chayale, dressed me like a doll, did not forced him; What I want, I happened, then I do. Do you know how I lived in girls? So I'll tell you now. I will stand, it happened, early; If in the summer, so I'm going to the keys, I wonder, I will bring the water with my own and everything, all the flowers in the house of Polle. I had a lot of colors. Then let's go with Mama to the church, all and the strangers - we have a banner of the house was the strangers and the mantis. And come from the church, sit for some work, more on the velvet gold, and the harass will tell: where they were that they saw, lives are different, or poems sing. So before dinner time and passes. Here the old women fall asleep, and I walk in the garden. Then to the evening, and in the evening there are again the stories and singing. That is good! Barbarian. Yes, because we have the same thing. Katerina. Yes, everything seems to be from under the capture. And I loved to go to the church to death! Exactly, I happened, I'm in a paradise enter, and I do not see anyone, and I don't remember time, and I do not hear when the service will end. Just like all this in one second was. Mama said that everything happened, looking at me, what was done with me! And you know: On a sunny day, there is such a bright post down from the dome, and in this post smoke goes, for sure the clouds, and I see, it happened that the angels fly in this post and sing. And then, there was a girl, at night I will stand - we also have a lamp everywhere - yes somewhere in the corner and pray until the morning. Or early in the morning in the garden I will leave, only the sun rises, fall onto the knee, I pray and cry, and I myself do not know what I'm praying and what I pay; So will find me. And what I prayed when I asked - I do not know; I am not necessary for me, I had enough of everything. And what dreams I dreamed, Varenka, what dreams! Or the temples are gold, or some extraordinary gardens, and everyone sing invisible voices, and the cypress smells, and the mountains and trees are like not as usual, but how they are written on images. And that as if I fly, so fly through the air. And now sometimes dreams, but rarely, and not that. Barbarian. And what? Katerina (packed). I will die soon. Barbarian. Full that you! Katerina. No, I know what I will die. Oh, the girl, something wrong with me is done, some kind of miracle. Never happened to me. Something in me is such an extraordinary. I just start to live again, or ... I don't know. Barbarian. What about you? Katerina (takes her hand). But what, cooking, to be sin of some! Such fear on me, such a fear on me! For sure I am standing on the abyss and someone pushes me there, but I don't care for me. (Grabs his head with hand.) Barbarian. What's the matter? Are you healthy? Katerina. Health ... It would be better if I was sick, but it's not good. I climb some kind of dream. And I will not leave it anywhere. You can't think of thinking, I can't come to my thoughts, I can't pray - I won't remember anything. Language to the word, but on the mind it is not at all something: I whisper the crammed in my ears, but everyone about such things is bad. And it seems to me that it will be conscientious to me. What happened with me? Before trouble before anyone! At night, cooking, it's not sleeping for me, all seek some kind of whisper: someone is so gentle by me, rightly goes me, exactly the dove worship. I'm not shot, cooking, as before, the paradise trees and the mountains; And for sure, someone hugs me so hotly hotly, and leads me somewhere, and I go behind him, I go ... Barbarian. Well? Katerina. Yes, what is me saying to you: You are a girl. Barbara (looking around). Speak! I'm worse than you. Katerina. Well, what should I talk? I am ashamed. Barbarian. Speak, no need! Katerina. It will make me so stuffy, so stiffing at home that would run. And such a thought will come to me that, kabavy, my will, I would ride now along the Volga, on a boat, with songs, or on the top three, hugging ... Barbarian. Only not with her husband. Katerina. Do you know how much? Barbarian. Still not know! .. Katerina. Ah, cooking, sin on my mind! How much I, poor, cried, I didn't do on myself! Do not leave me from this sin. Not anywhere. After all, it is not good, because it is a terrible sin, Varenka, that I love my friend? Barbarian. What do I judge you! I have my sins. Katerina. What should I do! My forces are missing. Where to go to me; I'll make something over myself from the longing! Barbarian. What are you! What's the matter! Here, wait, tomorrow the brother will leave, think; Maybe you can see. Katerina. No, no, no need! What are you! What are you! Save the Lord! Barbarian. What were you so scared? Katerina. If I see with him at least once, I will escape from the house, I will not go home for anything in the world. Barbarian. But wait, we will see there. Katerina. No, no, and do not tell me, I do not want to listen! Barbarian. And what kind of hunting to dry something! Although dying with longing, regret that it is! How, wait. So what kind of invalor to torment him!

Included a lady with a stick and two lakes in triangular hats behind.

Eighth phenomenon

The same ladies.

Baryna. What, beauty? What are you doing here? Well done, wait, cavaliers? Have you fun? Fun? Beauty is your pleased? Here is a beauty where leads. (Shows the Volga.) Here, here, in the most pool!

Varvara smiles.

What you laugh! Do not rejoice! (Knocks a stick.) Everyone will burn in the fire with a restless. Everyone in the resin will boil the unatolya! (Leaving.) Won, where beauty leads! (Goes out.)

Ninth phenomenon

Katerina and Varvara.

Katerina. Oh, how she scared me! I tremble all, exactly, she prophesies me something. Barbarian. On your head, the old carga! Katerina. What she said like that, and? What she said? Barbarian. Nonsense all. It is very necessary to listen to what she grows. She all prophesies so much. All his life sinner sinner. Ask that they will be painted! Here to die something and afraid. That one is afraid, the other scares. Even all the boys in the city are hidden from her, - threatens on them with a stick Yes, shouts (concern): "Everyone will burn on fire!" Katerina (gritting). Oh, ah, stop! My heart fell. Barbarian. There is something to be afraid! An old fool ... Katerina. I'm afraid I'm afraid to death! All of her eyes are in my eyes.


Barbara (looking around). That this brother is neither, won, no, the thunderstorm comes. Katerina (with horror). Storm! Fire home! Quick! Barbarian. What are you crazy, or something, saved! How do you shook home without a brother? Katerina. No, home, home! God bless him! Barbarian. Why are you very afraid: still far thunderstorm. Katerina. And if far, so, perhaps, wait a bit; And the right would be better to go. Let's go better! Barbarian. Yes, because there is no one to be, and do not hide at home. Katerina. Yes, after all, it is better, more and more fade; At home, I am to the images yes God to pray! Barbarian. I did not know that you were afraid of thunderstorms. I'm not afraid. Katerina. Like, girl, do not be afraid! Everyone must be afraid. It's not terrible that kills you, but the fact that death will suddenly find you, as you are, with all your sins, with all the thoughts of Lukavi. I'm not afraid to die, and how I think that here suddenly I am going before God, what I'm here with you, after that a conversation, that's what is scary. What I have on my mind! What sin something! Scary to extract!


Kabanov enters.

Barbarian. Here is a brother goes. (Kabanov.) Run more!


Katerina. Oh! Mostly soon!

All persons other than Boris are dressed in Russian.

This work passed into public domain. The work is written by the author who deceased more than seventy years ago, and published in vigenous, or posthumously, but since the publication more than seventy years have passed since the publication. It can be freely used by any person without anyone harmony or permission and without paying the author's remuneration.

The question I really need a monologue of Katerina from "Thunderstorm" !!! "Why people do not fly like birds!". Throw a reference or complete monologue text set by the author Catherine The best answer is Barbarian. What?
Katerina. Why do people do not fly?
Barbarian a. I do not understand what you say.
Katerina. I say why people do not fly like birds? You know, me
sometimes it seems that I am a bird. When you stand on the mountain, so you pull you.
That would have been fused, raised her arms and flew. Try not enough now?
(Wants to run.)
Barbarian. What do you invent something?
Katerina (sighing). What I was harsh! I got at all.
Barbarian. Do you think I do not see?
Katerina. Whether I was! I lived, I did not heal anything, exactly the bird on
will. Mama in me the souls did not chase, dressed me like a doll, work not
forced; What I want, I happened, then I do. Do you know how I lived in girls? Here
i'll tell you now. I will stand, it happened, early; if in the summer, so I'm going on
the keys, we remember, bring with you the water and everything, all the flowers in the house of Polle. I have
there were many colors. Then let's go with mammy to church, all and
wanderee, - we were full of our house was a strangers; Yes, the mantis. And come from the church,
we sit for some work, more on the velvet gold, and the wanders will become
to tell: where they were, that they saw, live "different, or poems
soot2. So before dinner time and passes. Here the old women fall asleep, and
i walk in the garden. Then to the evening, and in the evening there are again the stories and singing. Such.
was good!
Barbarian. Yes, because we have the same thing.
Katerina. Yes, everything seems to be from under the capture. And I loved to death in
church walk! Exactly, I happened, I'm in a paradise and I do not see anyone, and time is not
i remember, and I do not hear when the service will end. Just like all this in one second
it was. Mama said that everything happened, looking at me that with me
made. And you know: on a sunny day from the dome such a light post down
goes and in this post go smoke, just cloud, and I see, it happened that
angels in this post fly and sing. And then, there was a girl, at night I will stand -
we, too, everywhere lamp burned - yes somewhere in the corner and pray until the morning.
Or early in the morning in the garden I will leave, only the sun rises, fall onto the knee,
i pray and cry, and I myself do not know what I am praying and about what we cry; So me I.
find. And what I prayed when I asked, I do not know; nothing to me
it is necessary that I had enough. And what dreams I dreamed, Varnka,
what dreams! Or the temples are gold, or some extraordinary gardens, and everyone sing
invisible voices, and kiparis smells, and mountains and trees are not like such as
it is usually, and how on images are written. And then I fly, so I fly
air. And now sometimes dreams, but rarely, and not that.
Barbarian. And what?
Katerina (packed). I will die soon.
Barbarian. Full that you!
Katerina. No, I know what I will die. Oh, the girl, something with me is unkind
made, miracle some kind! Never happened to me. Something in me is
unusual. I just start to live again, or ... I don't know.
Barbarian. What about you?
Katerina (takes her hand). But what, cooking: Be sin some!
Such fear on me, such a fear on me! I'm just standing on the precipice and
someone is pushing me there, but I do not care for me. (Grabs a head
Barbarian. What's the matter? Are you healthy?
Katerina. Health ... It would be better if I was sick, but it's not good. Climbs me in
some dream head. And I will not leave it anywhere. Thinking will be thoughts
i can not collect, pray - I will not understand anything. Tongue tincture words, and on
the mind is not at all: for sure I will whisper in my ears, and everything about such things
not good. And it seems to me that I will be conscientious to me.
What happened with me? Before trouble before anyone! At night, cooking, not sleep,
all seek some kind of whisper: someone is as gentle by me, for sure
pigeon welds. I'm not shot, cooking, as before, the paradise trees da mountains,
and for sure, someone hugs me so hotly hotly and leads me somewhere, and I go
behind him, I go ...

Do you know, what came to me?
Why people do not fly!
I say: why do people do not fly like birds? You know, I sometimes think that I am a bird. When you stand on the mountain, so you pull you. That would have been fused, raised her arms and flew. Try not enough now?
What I was harsh! I got at all.
Whether I was! I lived, I didn't heal anything, exactly the bird in the wild. Mama in me the soul was not a chayale, dressed me like a doll, did not forced him; What I want, I happened, then I do. Do you know how I lived in girls? So I'll tell you now. I will stand, it happened, early; If in the summer, so I'm going to the keys, I wonder, I will bring the water with my own and everything, all the flowers in the house of Polle. I had a lot of colors. Then let's go with Mama to the church, all and the strangers - we have a banner of the house was the strangers and the mantis. And come from the church, sit for some work, more on the velvet gold, and the harass will tell: where they were that they saw, lives are different, or poems sing. So before dinner time and passes. Here the old women fall asleep, and I walk in the garden. Then to the evening, and in the evening there are again the stories and singing. That is good!
Yes, everything seems to be from under the capture. And I loved to go to the church to death! Exactly, I happened, I'm in a paradise enter, and I do not see anyone, and I don't remember time, and I do not hear when the service will end. Just like all this in one second was. Mama said that everything happened, looking at me, what was done with me! And you know: On a sunny day, there is such a bright post down from the dome, and in this post smoke goes, for sure the clouds, and I see, it happened that the angels fly in this post and sing. And then, there was a girl, at night I will stand - we also have a lamp everywhere - yes somewhere in the corner and pray until the morning. Or early in the morning in the garden I will leave, only the sun rises, fall onto the knee, I pray and cry, and I myself do not know what I'm praying and what I pay; So will find me. And what I prayed when I asked - I do not know; I am not necessary for me, I had enough of everything. And what dreams I dreamed, Varenka, what dreams! Or the temples are gold, or some extraordinary gardens, and everyone sing invisible voices, and the cypress smells, and the mountains and trees are like not as usual, but how they are written on images. And that as if I fly, so fly through the air. And now sometimes dreams, but rarely, and not the fact. I'll die soon. No, I know what I will die. Oh, the girl, something wrong with me is done, some kind of miracle. Never happened to me. Something in me is such an extraordinary. I just start to live again, or ... I don't know. But what, cooking, to be sin of some! Such fear on me, such a fear on me! For sure I am standing on the abyss and someone pushes me there, but I don't care for me. What's the matter? Are you healthy? Healthy ... It would be better if I was sick, but it's not good. I climb some kind of dream. And I will not leave it anywhere. You can't think of thinking, I can't come to my thoughts, I can't pray - I won't remember anything. Language to the word, but on the mind it is not at all something: I whisper the crammed in my ears, but everyone about such things is bad. And it seems to me that it will be conscientious to me. What happened with me? Before trouble before anyone! At night, cooking, it's not sleeping for me, all seek some kind of whisper: someone is so gentle by me, rightly goes me, exactly the dove worship. I'm not shot, cooking, as before, the paradise trees and the mountains; And for sure, someone hugs me so hotly hotly, and leads me somewhere, and I go behind him, I go ...