What distinguishes Katerina from the townships of the city of Kalina? (on the play of the island "thunderstorm"). City of Kalinov and its inhabitants

What distinguishes Katerina from the townships of the city of Kalina? (on the play of the island
What distinguishes Katerina from the townships of the city of Kalina? (on the play of the island "thunderstorm"). City of Kalinov and its inhabitants

Each person is a person, a real unprecedented world. All people are far from alike, because of this, each individual behaves in one specifically taken completely differently. The drama of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" demonstrates us some separate world of people, some primitive merchant city, in which the main character - an unfortunate girl is forced to suffer. Katerina's wines consist only that she is very stuffy and very closely in this separate world.

Katerina is an defenseless girl, and it is absolutely normal for that time and those orders. The main character has a huge amount of responsibilities, but it is not at all right. Katerina is a very honest and open girl, she is not capable of pretense and deception, this is exactly what distinguishes it from others.

She fulfills all the work unquestioned, very emphasized, obedient, but it is very hard to transfer all the negative atmosphere in her husband's house. The main heroine is pretty naive and trusting, very open to the world. She sincerely believes that every person is kind, so does not expect anyone evil, meanness, cruelty. It even seems that she lives in his fictional world, which is not really what she represents. Katerina's life in his hometown was carefree and simple. She was surrounded by love and care, she lived, as she would like. And her freedom in one moment ended as soon as she married. Now there is no joy for it in life. Over time, the conflict is growing between Katerina and the "Dark Kingdom, which happens the real tragedy, the case ends the death of the main character.

Comparing Varvaru and Katerina, we see that they are both almost one age, come from merchant families. But the essential difference between Varvara from Katerina is that the first pretending and lies to survive, and Katerina is not. Barbara also has a rather developed instinct of self-preservation and understands what and when to say and do not earn problems. Catherine has these knowledge and skills, it is like a child who is not able to protect himself.

Katerina, in contrast to all other residents of the town, causes the reader with sympathy. Its a weakweight and non-smoky husband in all pursuant the mother, and other residents of the city are engaged in their lives, not wondering nothing more. All torments, suffering, loneliness seem to push Katerina in hugs to Boris. The main character, being very sensitive and emotional, is looking for salvation in love, because it is no longer anything else. Katerina is solved on treason, because marriage does not give her a sense of need for someone, in whom you can dissolve.

It is impossible to condemn the main character for its act. The girl was in a fairly disastrous medium that tormented Katerina in every possible way, without giving her to feel happy, being herself. All of her good qualities are unnecessary. No one is thinking about the feelings of the main character, and she, lonely and unhappy, sees only one way out - suicide.

The theater season of 1859 was marked by a bright event - the premiere of the work of the "Thunderstorm" of the playwright Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky. Against the background of lifting the democratic movement for the abolition of the serfdom of his play was more than relevant. Her immediately by writing literally scolded from the author's hands: finished in July The performance of the performance was on the St. Petersburg stage already in August!

Fresh look at Russian reality

An explicit innovation became the image demonstrated by the viewer in the drama of the island "thunderstorm." The playwright, born in the merchant Moscow district, thoroughly knew the world, presented to them by the viewer, inhabited by the worces and merchants. The self-personship of merchants and poverty Meshchan achieved completely ugly forms, which, of course, promoted the notorious serfdom.

Realistic, as if written off from life, setting (first - in St. Petersburg) gave the opportunity to the people who need to see the world in which they live. No secret - merciless-ugly. Excessive. Indeed - "Dark Kingdom". Seen was a shock for people.

Averaged image of a provincial city

Not only with the capital associated the image of the "lost" city in the drama of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". The author, working on the material for his play, purposefully visited a number of settlements of Russia, creating typical, collective images: Kostroma, Tver, Yaroslavl, Kineshma, Kalyazin. Thus, the urban resident saw a wide picture of the life of the middle strip of Russia. In Kalinov, the Russian citizen recognized the world in which he lived. It was like a revelation that it was necessary to see, realize ...

It would be unfair to not be noted that Alexander Ostrovsky decorated his work one of the most wonderful female images in Russian classical literature. The prototype to create the image of Katerina for the author was the actress Kositskaya love Pavlovna. Her type, Manera talk, is the replica island just inserted into the plot.

Not original was the chosen heroine radical protest against the "Dark Kingdom" - suicide. After all, there was no lack of stories when in a merry environment of a person "lived" for "high fences" (expressions are taken from the story of Savel Prokofyuycha in Governed). Messages about such suicides were periodically appeared in the modern island press.

Kalinov as the kingdom of unfortunate people

The image of the "lost" city in the drama of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" was indeed similar to the fabulous "dark kingdom". It lived very few truly happy people. If simple people hopefully worked, leaving three days to sleep for a dream, the employers tried to rolling them even more to get rich on the labor of the unfortunate.

The wealthy townspeople - merchants - burned out from fellow citizens with high fences and gates. However, according to the same merchant Wild, there is no happiness behind these constipation, because they burned down "not from thieves", and so that it was not visible as "rich ... I eat home." And they are behind these fences "rob to relatives, nephews ...". Beaten home so that those "do not dare".

Apologists of the "Dark Kingdom"

Obviously, not at all independent is the image of the "lost" city in the drama of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". The richest citizen is the merchant Wild Savel Prokofich. This is a type of illegible in the means of a person who is accustomed to humiliate ordinary people, underpaid them for work. So, in particular, he himself tells about the episode, when the guy appeals to him with a request to lend money. Savel Prokofich himself can not explain why then he came into rabies: Orugga, and then almost the believes of unfortunate ...

He is also a real tyrant for his relatives. His spouse daily begs visitors not to annoy the merchant. His homely rustling makes her home hide from this self-made storage room and the attic.

Negative images in the drama "Thunderstorm" also complements the rich widow of the merchant Kabanov - Marfa Ignatievna. She, unlike the wild, "eats the subsidiary of his home. Moreover, Kabaniha (this is her street nickname) tries to completely subordinate to the will of households. Her son Tikhon is completely devoid of independence, is a pathetic like of a man. The daughter of Varvara also "did not break", but changed internally radically. Her principles of life became deception and secrecy. "In order for everything to be Shito-indoor," as his sama itself claims.

The daughter-in-law of Katerina Kabaniha brings to suicide, extorting compliance with the fetaned old-fashioned order: to bow to the incoming husband, "swell on people", without a spouse. The critic of Dobrolyubs in the article "Light of Light in the Dark Kingdom" writes about this mockery so: "Gnawing for a long time and relentless."

Ostrovsky - Columbus of merchant life

The characteristic of the drama "Thunderstorm" was given in the press of the beginning of the XIX century. Ostrovsky called "Columbus of Patriarchal Mercury." His childhood and youth passed in the settlement of the district of Moscow, and being a judicial officer, he did not come across the "dark side" of the life of various "wild" and "bubbies". What used to be hidden from society behind the high fences of mansions was clear. The play caused a substantial resonance in society. Contemporaries recognized that the dramatic masterpiece raises a large formation of the problems of Russian society.


The reader, getting acquainted with the work of Alexander Ostrovsky, necessarily discovers a special, not personalized character - the city in the drama "Thunderst". This city has created real monsters, oppressing people: Wild and Kabani. They are an integral part of the "Dark Kingdom".

It is noteworthy that it is these characters with all their forces to support the dark patriarchal meaninglessness of the housework in the city of Kalinov, personally impact mansome-native morals. City as a character being static. He seems to measure in his development. At the same time, it is notice that the "Dark Kingdom" in the drama "Thunderstorm" lives his times. The kabani family collapses ... expresses fears about her mental health wild ... The townspeople understand that the beauty of the Volga region dissens with a severe moral atmosphere of the city.

Literature lesson in grade 10

(using technology elements

critical thinking through reading and writing)

Topic: City of Kalinov and its inhabitants. The image of Katerina, her spiritual tragedy.

Objectives lesson:

- educational:

2) to find out why Katerina turned out to be able to withstand the "dark kingdom"; To trace how her character was formed, what features are the main ones, as its conflict with the world of kabani, gradually developed; Understand why in the system of actors, Katerina stands separately.

- Developing:

1) to educate the ability to find a "key" to understand the ideological and thematic content of the work;

2) to teach creating the text of the argument;

- educational: educating the moral sense of students, a sense of empathy to the fate of another person.

Equipment lesson: slides texts of the play N.A. Oostrovsky "Thunderstorm".

During the classes:

I. Teacher's word:

"My respect, kinds of my friend Porfiry Ivanovich.

I have a hurry to tell you about my journey. As you remember, I left Moscow on May 30 of May 185 and went down the Volga. The purpose of my travel is known to you - see about the construction of the road. I also visited Kostroma, in Torzhok and in many large and small cities, which are on the shores of this great river.

But I happened to visit the very adultery. He is on the high bank of the Volga. View from the shore of the Divine. The Volga appears here in all its glory. The town itself is no different from others: merchant houses in the abundance, church, boulevard.

Residents lead some kind of special lifestyle. Whether we are brother, not to know how quickly life changes in the capital. And here everything is in the old man. Monotonous and slow time. The elders will pass the younger in everything, and the younger and nose are afraid to be launched. There are few visitors in the city, so I was accepted as an alien as a overseas wonder. When I tried to tell about how we live in the capital, the conversation immediately translated on another topic. It seems that residents of the city, not aware of themselves, fear that one just a story about another city, about other people can dispel the illusion of well-being in their "the promised land".

I stayed here exactly three days, and you know, one desire took possession of me: running from this city. According to my calculations, I will be in Moscow in a week, so you will soon dwell. See you soon. Your friend..."

Conversation for the content of the letter.

Teachers Comments:

In a remark, which precedes the text, the author determines the place and time of the drama. This is no longer a zamoskvorechye, so characteristic of many Pieces of Ostrovsky, and the city of Kalinov on the banks of the Volga. The Volga is the Great Russian River, the natural parallel of Russian fate, the Russian soul, Russian character, and therefore everything that happens on her shores is understandable and easily recognizable by each Russian man. The city is fictional, it can see the features of a variety of Russian cities.

The landscape background "Thunderstorms" also gives a certain emotional attitude, allowing the smooth atmosphere of the life of Kalinovsky in contrast.

To present the Volga landscapes, consider the reproductions of paintings by I. Levitan "Evening. Golden Ples "," Over the Eternal Region "," Evening ringing ".

Events unfold in the summer, between 3 and 4 actions take place for 10 days. The playwright does not say, in which year events are performed, you can put any year - so characteristic of the play for Russian life in the province. Especially Ostrovsky stipulates that all are dressed in Russian, only Boris's suit complies with European standards that have entered the life of the Russian capital. So new strokes appear in the face of the lifestyle in the city of Kalinov. The time here as if stopped, and life was closed, impermeable for new trends.

Further, students work in groups, trying to answer the main questions of the lesson: What is the world of Kalinov? Is the atmosphere reigning in the city of Kalinov, the main cause of the tragic death of the heroine of the Piez "Thunderstorm"?

The class is divided into 5 groups. Each group proposed its own material for the study. Separate students are given markers, scissors, paper.

1st group:

The list of actors (poster) of the play is a very significant part of its exposure and gives the first idea of \u200b\u200bthe city of Kalinov and its inhabitants.

Task: Call the main actors, residents of the city of Kalinov, tell about what their surnames speak.

2nd group:

Task: Group of all acting Pieces, based on the principle: the position of people in the city.

3rd group:

Task: Create the image of the city from the point of view of acting Pieces.

4th Group:

Task: schematically portray the world of nature, how he is seen by residents of Kalinov.

5th Group:

Task: portray in the form of a scheme (drawing) a picture of the surrounding world of Kalovens.

Pupils work within 7-10 minutes. After completing the task, representatives from each group are.

Creative reports 1-3 groups:

1st group:

In the poster, we get acquainted with the main characters of the play. The characteristic of the acting persons is the island is already beginning with the names, while not only names, but also names and even patronymic names.

Saveel Prokofievich Wildly - the richest merchant of the city, one of his "fathers", greedy, selfish, arrogant and ignorant Samodor, who lives only by the interests of the most unsuccessful acquisition. The last name of the wild, as well as all other actors "thunderstorms", is not accidental. In the northern regions "wild" means stupid, crazy, insane, little, crazy.

"DIKE" means to fool, blaming, go crazy, fool.

Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova - a merchant widow, an even more significant face in the city. This is a living embodiment of despotism. She hides their illness under the mask of external, ritual, piety.

Marfa - "Mentor", Ignatius - "Unknown, who put himself." Kabaniha - "Wild Pig, which is characterized by the ferocity of the Nrava." The nickname of Kabaniha could also be produced from the word "boar" in the meaning of the "ice block", very common in the upper reaches of the Volga.

Boris Grigorievich is a wild niece, a young man, decently educated.

Tikhon Ivanovich Kabanov - Tikhon is consonant with the word "quiet", the merchant son, a modest, kind, but very close, timid, non-narrative by nature, besides, a borrowed to his despotic mother.

Katerina (in Greek is always clean) - the wife of Tikhon, the personification of huge swollen power, beauty, tenderness.

Head - "Girl in Kabanova's house." Head (in Greek smooth) is an intelligent, judiciary, compassionate girl.

Barbara - Translated from Greek Rough. This heroine is pretty simple spiritually, rude. Her principle is "do what you want, only Shito yes, it was."

Kuligin - a tradesman, "self-taught mechanic". Ostrovsky gave a hero the famous name of Kulibin, a famous Russian inventor. He is the personification of folk talentedness and creative mind.

Vanya Kudryash - Wild Refrigerator. This is a man of acute, observation mind, a volitional warehouse, a kind of self-esteem and rude simplicity.

2nd group:

One of the wonderful features of the play consists in an organic combination of merciless criticism of the old and approval of the new one.

The criticism of the old, the playwright draws incense-satirical images, and claiming a new one, creates positive images. Revealing the topic and the idea of \u200b\u200b"thunderstorms", the island clearly divides its operating persons into two main groups: rocks and dismissed, executioners and victims, despots and protesters. All the actors of the play on the basis of their position in the city can be considered to groups.

3rd group:

The image of the city through the eyes of acting persons of the play.


A.N.ostrovsky not only in detail, specifically and multilaterally recreates the panorama of urban life, but also using different dramaturgical means and techniques, introduces the elements of the world of nature and the world of distant cities and countries to the artistic world of the play. The peculiarity of the vision of the surrounding, inherent in the townspeople, creates the effect of a fantastic, incredible "losingity" of Kalinovian life.

The motive of the perfect closetness of the Kalinovsky world passes through the entire play. Residents do not see new and know do not know other lands and countries. News from the big world reach them only thanks to the stories of the Wanderee of Feklushi. And about their past, they retained only vague, lost relationships and meaning of legend.

A special role in the play played by the landscape, described not only in remarks, but also in the dialogues of the actors. One beauty is available, others looked at it and quite indifferent. Kalinovtsy not only "buried, isolated" themselves from other cities, countries, lands, they made their souls, their consciousness unresponsible to the effects of the world of nature, peace, full of life, harmony, of the highest meaning.

People, so perceiving the surrounding, are ready to believe anything, even in the most incredible, if only it did not threaten the destruction of their "quiet, paradise life." At the heart of such a position - fear, psychological unpretentiousness to change something in his life. So the playwright creates not only an external (eventful), but also an internal, psychological background for the tragic history of Katerina.

After summing up the work of the groups, after the output it is proposed to make a syncuine. Example:

City Kalinov

Merchant, limited

Rule, afraid, exist

"Brutal morals, sir, in our city, cruel!"


Questions and tasks for discussion in the image of Katerina:

1. Why can't we call it a "sacrifice" nor a "hostess"? The answer is in terms of its character.

2. What features of her character appear in the first replicas? Directness, inability to hire and lie. The conflict is scheduled immediately: Kabaniha does not toleratein humans, self-esteem, and Katerina does not know how Adjust and subjugate.

3. Where did these features appear in the heroine? Why is the author only about Katerina tells so detailed, speaks of her family, childhood? How was Katerina raised? What is the atmosphere surrounded her in childhood and in the family of her husband?

In childhood

In the family of Kabanov

"Exactly the bird in the will"; "Mama Soul is not a chayale"; "Not forced to work."

Caterina classes: cared for flowers, went to church, listened to the strangers and mantis, embroidered in the velvet gold, walked in the garden

"I got at all", "Yes, here everything is as if from under the captivity."

Atmosphere at home - fear. "You will not be afraid of you, I am suppressed. What kind of order is it in the house?"

The features of Katerina: Freedom-loving (bird image); independence; self-esteem; Dreamhood and poetry (story about visiting the church, about dreams); religiosity; Demanding (story about the act with a boat)

Principles of the house of Kabanov: Full subsection; refusal to their will; humiliation by progs and suspicions; lack of spiritual principles; Religious hypocrisy

Output. For Katerina, the main thing is to live according to your soul

Output. For Kabani, the main thing is to subordinate, do not give to live in your own way

Output. The relationships of the heroes are in a state of sharp contrast and give rise to an irreconcilable conflict.

1. What is the protest of Katerina express? Why can we call her love for Boris Protest? Love is the desire to live according to the laws of his soul.

2. What is the complexity of the internal state of the heroine? Love for Boris is not only a free choice, dictated by heart, but also a hoax that puts Katerina in one row with barbara; Failure to love is subordination to the world of Kabani, and the choice of love is both happiness, and the torment of Katerina. But by choosing love, she deliberately trimmed himself on torment.

3. In the scene with the key, scenes of date and farewell with Boris showing the torment of the heroine, the fight against them? Is it her strength or weakness? Analyze the vocabulary, the construction of proposals, folk elements, links with folk song. Scene with the key: "What am I saying, what am I deceiving? I even die, yes see it." Scene of a date: "Let everyone know, let everyone see what I do! If I was not afraid of sin for you, will I be afraid of a human court?" Scene Farewell: "My friend! My joy! Farewell!" All three scenes show the determination of the heroine. She did not change themselves anywhere: he decided on love at the lawyer of the heart, confessed to the treason on the inner feeling of freedom (a lie - always insecluded), came to say goodbye to Boris not only because of the feeling of love, but also because of the feeling of guilt: he suffered because of her. She rushed into the Volga at the request of his free nature.

1. To show that the death of Katerina is a protest. The death of Katerina is a protest, a riot, calling for action, because after her death, Barbara escaped from the house, Tikhon accused her mother in the death of his wife, Kuligin threw reproach in unreleased.

2. Can the city of Kalinov live in old?

Conclusion: Katerina differs from other heroes internal force and freedom, since its character was formed in other conditions. As a child, she did not experience pressure on the part of their parents, respectively, according to his nature, therefore it was not broken under the pressure of the "Dark Kingdom", was able to defend self-esteem. The city of Kalinov will not be able after the death of Katerina to live in the old way, because her death awakened the first words of protest from his inhabitants.

Homework: The image of Katerina through the eyes of the heroes of the play.

Individual homework: the image of Katerina in the evaluation of Dobrolyubov and Pisarev.

The action of the drama of the island "thunderstorm" unfolds in the provincial city of Kalinov. This is a merchant city with solid patriarchals. Kalinov residents see their city and the environment reigning in it in different ways and, accordingly, are divided into several categories. For some of their city - "Paradise", and if it is not ideal, then at least it is the traditional device of society of that time. Others do not accept neither the situation, nor the city itself, which spawned this situation. And at the same time they constitute an unenviable minority. And other retains full neutrality.
"Thunderstorm" is a play, and, consequently, the author's position in relation to the city is more difficult to determine, because he has no words. Therefore, the city of Kalinov can only be seen through the eyes of his inhabitants, through their speech.
The central position in the play occupies the image of the main heroine of Katerina Kabanova. For her, the city is a cell from which she is not destined to escape. The main cause of such a relationship of Katerina to the city is that she has known the contrast. Her happy childhood and serene youth passed, above all, under the sign of freedom. Coming out married and climbing in Kalinov, Katerina felt in prison. The city and reigning the furnishings (traditional and patriarchalness) only aggravate the position of the heroine. Her suicide is a challenge, this city, - was committed on the basis of the internal state of Katerina and the surrounding reality.
Boris, the hero also come from "outside", there is a similar point of view. Probably, their love was obliged to this. In addition, he, like Katerina, the main role in the family plays the "home-made tyrant" wild, which is a direct division of the city and is directly part of it.
The foregoing can be fully attributed to the boa. But for her, the city is not ideal, the old traditions are crumbling, the foundations. Kabaniha is one of those who are trying to preserve them, but only the "Chinese ceremony" remain.
Other position occupies a wanderer of the fecles. She won a lot in his age, she finds the city of Kalinov wonderful, quiet and peaceful refuge, almost by paradise, without excitement and the bustle of large cities that cause superstitious horror in it.
On the soil of disagreements of heroes and grows the main conflict - the struggle of the old, patriarchal and new, mind and ignorance. The city spawned such people as wild and kabani, they (and such as they, wealthy merchants) rule the ball. And all the shortcomings of the city are fueled by the businesses and the medium that in turn supports with all the forces of Kabaniha and Wild.
The artistic space of the play is closed, it is solely in the city of Kalinov, the harder it is to find a way for those who are trying to escape from the city. CRO

Behafter, the city is statical, as well as its main inhabitants. Therefore, a stormy Volga contrasts with the immobility of the city. The river embodies the movement. The city of any movement is perceived extremely painful.
Specific landscape of the city of Kalinov in the drama "Thunderstorm" is not, we just know that it is located on the banks of the Volga. Only at the very beginning of the play Kuligin, which is somewhat similar to Katerina, speaks of the surrounding landscape. He sincerely admire the beauty of the natural world, although Kuligin perfectly represents the inner structure of Kalinov. To see and admire the outside world is given not to many characters, especially in the situation of the "Dark Kingdom". For example, Kudryash notices nothing, as it tries and not noticing reigning around cruel morals. The natural phenomenon shown in the work of Ostrovsky - the thunderstorm is also considered by the inhabitants of the city in different ways (by the way, according to one of the heroes, the thunderstorm is a frequent phenomenon in Kalinov, it makes it possible to count it to the city's landscape). For wild thunderstorm - this event for the test of God, for Katerina is a symbol of a close end of her drama, a symbol of fear. One Kuligin perceives thunderstorms as an ordinary natural phenomenon that can even be happy
Despite the fact that "thunderstorm" - a drama with a tragic junction, the author uses satirical techniques, on the basis of which the negative relationship of readers to Kalinov and its typical representatives is. It is mainly used in the speech of the heroes themselves, over which is ironic. He introduces Satira to show ignorance and non-formation of Kalinovans. For example, it seems ridiculous to us about the stories about the overseas of fecles or ignorance wild of such a concept as electricity.
Thus, the Ostrovsky in its work creates the image of the city traditional for the first half of the XIX century. Shows this by the eyes of his inhabitants, who are divided into several groups: Heroes, having hated closed and someone else's peace; Heroes who have become an integral part, for them, the update of the city (after all, the last time "has come) is equivalent to the most terrible catastrophe; The third group - the heroes, the life of the city of which does not care, is new whether the old whether they don't care, the trick and lies on their side. Of the characteristics of heroes, their attitude to the city. The image of Kalinov is collective, the author knew the merchants well and the situation in which it developed. In fact, Kalinov is the same "forest" only merchant. So with the help of different points of view of the heroes, the author creates a complete picture of the county merchant city.

Find all analyzes of the story A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" writings according to A.N. Ostrovsky Works on the product "Thunderstorm"

Each person is a whole world, a whole universe. All people are not like each other, which is why in the same situation everyone behaves differently. The drama of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" shows us a complex closed world of people, the patriarchal merchant town, where the unhappy girl languishes and suffers. All her wine is that she is closely and stuffy in this closed Mirka.

Katerina is blame and defenseless, however, it was a completely normal phenomenon according to Domostroevsky orders. A young wife in her husband had many obsessions, and she simply had the right to her.
Katerina does not know how to pretend and deceive, and this is her main difference from others. She is an emphasis and obedient, however, it is hard for her in a styel to endure constant quits and reproaches. Sincere, naive and immediate, Katerina trustfully opens himself to the world. She does not wait for people of meanness, malice, cruelty. She seems to not understand what world lives.
However, if it is accurate, Katerina, indeed, does not immediately understand, in which world it turned out to be. Her life in the parent house was carefree, happy and easy. Surrounded by care and love, Katerina lived as she wanted. And this "Wolnitsa" ended at once. Life in the house of her husband does not have a single bright moment for Katerina. The conflict of Katerina and the "Dark Kingdom" grows slowly, but right. As a result, a real "explosion" occurs. The case ends with the death of a girl.
You can compare Katerina with Barbaroos. It would seem that they are close in age and also come from merchant families. However, Varvara can pretend and lie, and Katerina Pet. Since childhood, she was protected from work. And it turns out that it has grown in the atmosphere, far from real life. If Varvara has a developed instinct of self-preservation, he understands how to behave to avoid problems, then Katerina does not have these knowledge and skills. It looks like a child who is absolutely defenseless.
Katerina causes sympathy and sympathy in contrast to all other drama characters. She is completely alone, since it does not find anyone's support. The dilapidated and non-infractive her husband is listening to the mother, everyone else is also more busy with their lives. Peaceful suffering, the feeling of incomprehensible ™ and loneliness throws Katerina to Boris's arms. Emotional and impressionable Katerina tries to find salvation in love. And what else can try to make a woman, the meaning of life for which - the opportunity to completely dissolve in the beloved man? Marriage does not give Katerina such an opportunity, so it is forced to decide on the cheating).
Katerina can not condemn, it is good, dreamed, romantic. Her imagination seems awesome for a simple uneducated girl from a merchant family. There is a mental emptiness, vulgarity, a chanting, lies and hatred - these are the distinctive features of the environment in which the girl was. All of her best quality is not needed. Kindness, love, tenderness, no one was able to evaluate sensitivity. The surrounding perceive Katerina as a cave that does not have a soul and hearts. And, lonely, unhappy, it does not find another way out, except suicide.