Work is a sharp letter. Nathaniel Gotorn - "Alay Letter"

Work is a sharp letter. Nathaniel Gotorn - "Alay Letter"

In the introductory essay to the novel narrates about the native city of the author - Syutima, about his ancestors - Puritanov-fanatics, about his work in the Saytei customs and the people with whom he had to face there. "Neither the main nor the black course of customs leads to paradise," and the service in this institution does not contribute to the flourishing of good departures in people. Once, swarming in papers filled into a bunch of a huge room on the third floor of the customs, the author found a manuscript of some Jonathan Pugh, who died eighty years ago. It was the lives of Esther Pros, who lived at the end of the XVII century. Together with the papers, a red flap was kept, under the clue that turned out to be amazingly embroidered with the letter "A"; When the author attached her to his chest, it seemed to him that he felt burns. Fired after the victory of Vigov, the author returned to literary classes, for whom he was very useful for the fruits of Mr. Pugh.

Esther prison comes from a boston prison on his hands. On her there is a beautiful dress that she sewed in prison, on his chest, his alley embroidery in the form of the letter "A" is the first letter of the word adultess (adulteress). Everyone condemns the behavior of Esther and its causing outfit. She is leading to the market square to the platform, where she has to stand until the crowd of a day under hostile glances - such a punishment made her the court for her sin and for refusing to call the name of the father of a newborn daughter. Standing at a shameful pillar, Esther recalls her last life, childhood in old England, the elderly born scientist, with whom she tied up their destiny. By look at the crowd, she notices in the rear rows of man who immediately masters her thoughts. This man is elderly, he has an insightful look of the researcher and a sloped spin of tireless worker. He asks others around who she is. They are surprised that he did not hear anything about her. But he explains that he is not on, he was long in slavery from the pagans, and now Indian led him to Boston to get a redemption. He is told that Esther Prov is the wife of one English scientist who thought up to move to New England. He sent his wife forward, and himself lingered in Europe. For two years of life in Boston, Esther did not receive any news from him: probably he died. The indulgent court took into account all the softening circumstances and did not condemn the fallen woman to death, and he sentenced only to breathe three hours on a squeeze in a shameful pillar, and then to the end of his life wearing a sign of dishonor. But all outraged that she did not call the name of the partner of sin. The oldest Boston priest John Wilson convinces Esther to open the name of the seducer, following him, the young pastor Dimsdale, who is interrupted by the excitement, is addressed to her, whose walking room she was. But the young woman is stubbornly silent, tightly clinging to the baby's chest.

When Esther returns to prison, the same stranger comes to her, whom she saw on the square. He is a doctor and call himself Roger Chillling Tort. First of all, he calms the child, then gives the Esther medication. She is afraid that he will poison her, but the doctor promises not to revenge or a young woman nor a baby.

Nathaniel Hawthorne (Nathaniel Hawthorne) 1804 - 1864

The Scarlet Letter (The Scarlet Letter)

Roman (1850)

In the introductory essay to the novel narrates about the native city of the author - Syutima, about his ancestors - Puritanov-fanatics, about his work in the Saytei customs and the people with whom he had to face there. "Neither the main nor the black course of customs leads to paradise," and the service in this institution does not contribute to the flourishing of good departures in humans. Once, swarming in papers filled into a bunch of a huge room on the third floor of the customs, the author found a manuscript of some Jonathan Pugh, who died eighty years ago. It was the lives of Esther Pros, who lived at the end of the XVII century. Together with the papers, a red flap was kept, upon closer examination, which turned out to be amazingly embroidered with the letter "A"; When the author attached it to his chest, it seemed to him that he felt burns. Fired after the victory of Vigov, the author returned to literary classes, for whom he was very useful for the fruits of Mr. Pugh.

Esther prison comes from a boston prison on his hands.

It has a beautiful dress that she sewed in prison, on his chest, his shadow embroidery in the form of the letter "A" is the first letter of the word adultess (adulteress). Everyone condemns the behavior of Esther and its causing outfit. It is leading to the market square to the dresse, where she has to stand until the crowd of the day under hostile glances - such a punishment made her the court for her sin and for refusing to name the name of the father of a newborn daughter. Standing at a shameful pillar, Esther recalls her last life, childhood in old England, the elderly born scientist, with whom she tied up their destiny. By look at the crowd, she notices in the rear rows of man who ....

Nathaniel Gotorn

The Scarlet Letter

© Hemiro Ltd, Edition in Russian, 2014

© Book Club "Family Leisure", translation and decoration, 2014

No part of this publication can be copied or reproduced in any form without a written permission of the publisher.

Nathaniel Gotorn is little known to our reader, and meanwhile he is one of the recognized masters of American literature. Gotorn wrote several novels, as well as many mystical and romantic stories and children's leaders.

The future writer was born in 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts, in the seabed family. His ancestors were zealous puritans who belonged to one of the first waves of immigrants to the American continent. They differed to the extreme severity of morals, calcality and thrift. Puritan-Calvinists were negatively related to festivities and entertainment, and violations of morality were considered criminal offenses. It was Puritan's colonists staged at the end of the seventeenth century that the famous Salem Court of Women, accused of witchcraft, ended with a mass execution of "witches". Among the judges, convicted, was the ancestor of Nataniel Gota.

The gloomy legacy of these events all his life is a future writer. Since childhood, he was closed and dislike. The early death of the Father Obligated the family on the poor, recovery existence. After graduating from College, Gotorn lived in his native Salem, working on his first works, a noticeable place in which he occupied the topic of guilt for old sins, including for the acts of ancestors. After an unsuccessful publication of the first novel, he published a collection of stories, which was well accepted and even with delight of the classics of American literature Henry Longfello and Edgar by.

At the same time, Gotorn was carried away by various philosophical teachings and even entered in 1841 to the commune of the Socialist-utopian communists, whose members sought to combine physical work with spiritual culture. Commune guaranteed each participant housing, tools for life, free education and medical care. For several months, Gotorn worked as a simple farmer, and in the evenings participated in conversations for philosophical and moral topics, but soon disappointed in the ideas of communations and left the community.

Gotorn was forced to go to the service by a customs official, looking for part-time at the literary field. He planned to publish a collection of "Vintage Legends", for which some stories and general introductory essay "Customs" were ready. For this collection, Gotorn decided to write a "long story" or a tale from Boston's colonization times. So the novel "Alay Letter" appeared, which the writer created less than six months. After the publication in 1850, the Roman became a bestseller and since then is considered one of the cornerstone of American literature. It was the first of the American novels, which caused a wide resonance in Europe. "Alay Letter" is a real feature discovery, a novel is not about dry historical facts, but about tragic and exciting human destinies.

A year after the successful edition of the "scarlet letters", Nathaniel Gotorn published a novel "House with seven spiers", dedicated to the history of the age-old hostility of two American families who led them to decay. This work was the second most popular among the literary heritage of Gota.

However, Gotorn, along with glory, subjected to attacks. Residents of Salem, who preserved the strict puritan morals of the ancestors, were so angry with the novel that Gotorna had to take away the family in Berkshire. In the future, he accepted the position of the American Consul in Liverpool and lived in Europe, where the attitude towards his work was much democratic. Gotorn also visited Italy, Scotland and, returning to America, found the most height of the civil war. His friend Franklin Pierce was declared a traitor, and the new book dedicated to him brought a lot of trouble. Recent years, the writer spent in complete solitude.

The works of Nathaniel Gotaotn were so successful that already in 1855, the opera was put on the plot of one of his books, and in 1908 the first film was removed. Since then, his novels were filled with many times, and in the Hollywood version of the "Scarlet Letters" (1995) such famous film acters, as Demi Moore, Gary Oldman and Robert Diavl were filmed.

An exciting plot, touching love stories, a bright historical background - reading these novels will give you an unforgettable pleasure.

The Scarlet Letter

Note Editor

"Alany Letter" appeared when Nathaniel Gotomnna has already been forty-six, and his writing experience numbered twenty-four years. He was born in Salem, Massachusetts, July 4, 1804, in the seabed family. In his hometown, he led a modest and extremely monotonous life, creating only a few artistic works, by no means alien to his gloomy contemplative temperament. The same colors and shades are wonderfully reflected in his "twice told stories" and other stories of the time of the first literary period. Even the days spent at Boudin College could not break through the cover of his dislike; But under this facade, his future talent for the deification of men and women developed with unimaginable accuracy and subtlety. For the full effect of perception, the "Aluu letter", speaking such a lot about the unique art of imagination, how much can land from its greatest achievement, should be considered along with other works of the author. In the year of the publication of the novel, he began working on the "home with seven spiers", a later work, a tragic prose about the Puritan American community, which he knew it was deprived of art and the joy of life, "thirsty characters," as Emerson described. Nathaniel Gotorn died in Plymouth, New Hampshire, May 18, 1864.

"FENSHO", issued anonymously in 1826; "Twice told stories", I Tom, 1837; II Tom, 1842; "Grandfather Chair" (the history of America for the young), 1845; "Famous old men" (Grandfather Chair), 1841; "The tree of freedom: the last words from the grandfather's chair", 1842; "Biographical stories for children", 1842; "Mossi's old manor", 1846; "Alay Letter", 1850; "Truthful historical and biographical stories" (full story of the grandfather armchair), 1851; "The Book of Miracles for Girls and Boys", 1851; "Snow Maiden and other twice told stories", 1851; "Blitdale", 1852; "Life of Franklin Pier", 1852; "Tanglewood stories" (2nd volume of "Books of Miracles"), 1853; "River from the urban pump", with vessels of telba, 1857; "Marble Favn or Roman Monte Beni" (4th edition) (in England published under the name "Transfiguration"), 1860; "Our Old House", 1863; "Roman Dololover" (1 part published in the journal Etlantic Maunsley), 1864; in 3 parts, 1876; "Pansies", a fragment, the last literary attempt of Gota, 1864; "American notebooks", 1868; "English notebooks", edited by Sofia Gotorn, 1870; French and Italian notebooks, 1871; "Septimus Falton, or a Elixir of Life" (from Etlantic Maongsley magazine), 1872; "Mystery of Dr. Grimschou" with the preface and notes of Julian Gota, 1882.

"The stories of the White Hills, the legends of New England, the legends of the governor's home", 1877, a collection of stories previously printed in the books "twice told stories" and "Mossi's old manor", "sketches and research", 1883.

Gotorn has been published a lot in magazines, and most of his stories first went out in periodicals, mainly in Ze Token, 1831-1838; New Ingland Megazin, 1834, 1835; "KnickerBoker", 1837-1839; "Demetric Review", 1838-1846; "Etlantic Maunsley", 1860-1872 (scenes from the "Roman Dololover", "Septimus Falton" and excerpts from Gota's record books).

In the annotations to the work, the author talks about his hometown by Sayl, about his ancestors who were fanatical poinitans, about their service in the customs of Saileia and the people with whom he had to face their activities. Once, unwilling the customs archive, the author found the manuscript of the deceased eighty years ago Jonathan Pugh. It was the biography of a woman of the late XVII century - Esther Pros. In the papers, the flap of red cloth was found with the letter "A" thoroughly embroidered on it. The author asked himself when he put him to his chest. The author continued his writer after dismissal from the customs. Then he was useful to Jonathan's manuscript.

Esther Pros came out of Boston's prison with an infant child in her hands. It was on it, stitched in prison my own, a beautiful dress with a scarlet letter "A", which meant the title letter from the word adultess, that is, the adulteress. Surrounding crushing the causing behavior of a woman and her outfit. She was led to the landing of a market square, where she had to stand up to the hour of the afternoon in front of the crowds of the crowd, according to the sentence of the court who made it for adultery and for refusing to reveal the name of the father of the child. Standing next to the shameful post, Esther recalls his life, childhood in England and the old scientist husband for whom she married. Throwing his eyes in the crowd, she saw a man who immediately took her thoughts. He is no longer young, in his view, research insight. The back of it is snugged from constant labor. A person asks others around the Estter. Those are surprised that he is not aware. He explained that he was an unearthly, he was a slave from the pagans and delivered it to Boston to get a redemption for him. He was explained that Mrs. Pros is a scientist's wife from England, who decided to move to New England, sent forward to his wife, and he himself delayed in Europe. Living in Boston for about two years, the wife did not receive Westa from her husband and decided that he died. The Human Court took over all softening consequences by adding the accused not death, but only three hours in a shameful pillar and wearing a shameful sign of disgrace on the chest until the end of her days. At the same time, everyone outraged the fact that she does not say the name of his seducer. The old priest John Wilson tried to find out the name of her lover, then a young agitated pastor Dimsdale turned to her, as a request to open the selection, as the accused is his parishioner. But Esther Pros did not say anything, only tightly pressed her daughter.

Returning to prison, Esther learned that a stranger came to her from the square she noticed in the crowd. He called Roger Chillling Tort and said he was a doctor. He, first of all, reassured the girl. And then wants to give a mother's medicine. But she fears that he intends to poison it. The doctor swore that he did not want to harm the young mother or child. He was too self-confident when he decided to marry a young beauty and should not be waiting for a mutual feeling from her. Zhenya was always frank with him and did not try to pretend that he love her. Therefore, they are first to blame for what happened and in the calculation with each other. Chilllingorta asks her wife to name the name of the lover who brought them irreparable harm. Esther does not intend to do that. Then the doctor demanded an oath from her that she would never reveal anyone who he had to him and his name. Let everyone believe that she is actually a widow. And he decides to certainly find out the name of the seducer Esther to take revenge on the misfortune of his family.

Esther came out of prison and began to earn up for food with needlework, settling on the outskirts of Boston, in an abandoned hut. It embarrassment so beautifully that there is no penalty from customers. She spends earned only on the necessary, and the rest gives the poor, I hear wear from those insult instead of blessing. Her daughter grows by a real beauty, possessing an intense and non-permanent character. Esther with her is very hard. Pearl does not obey any rules. Her first conscious impression is connected with the scarlet letter on the mother's chest.
The stigma alienation is imposed on the child. She does not like the rest of the day, does not play with her. Seeing the unusualness of the child and never learn the name of her father, part of the citizens began to consider it to the devilish generation. Este everywhere takes a girl with him and always inseparable with her. Once they went to the governor to give those ordered gloves, embroidered for the front outputs. That was not at home and they decided to wait for the governor in the garden. He returned with priests, Dimsdal and Wilson. They are talking about Pearl, saying that she was born in sin and should be taken away from the mother to give up to their upbringing. Filming Esther about his decision, they received a refusal from her. Then Father Wilson is trying to find out whether the child is brought up in the spirit of Christianity. Pearl is consumed not by year, it is too smart for his years. To the question of who created it, she stubbornly replies that she was not created by anyone. Like, her mother found her in the prison gate, in a bush of roses. Pious gentlemen in shock from the heard response. The child is already three, and it is not aware of your creation. They want to take away the daughter of Esther, but the intercession of Pastor Dimsdale decides the question in favor of the mother.

For knowledge of medicine and piety, boston residents respect Chilllingurat. After the settlement in the city he chose Dimsdale's father with his confessor. The whole of the pasty of the young priest was concerned about him sharply worsening health lately. And therefore the people saw in the arrival of a specialist in Boston's finger of God, persuading Dimsdale will turn to the treatment. As a result, an elderly doctor and young pastor became friends and even began to live together. Chilllingut is trying to learn the mystery named after his wife's lover and is increasingly immersed in revenge plans, making her meaning his life. Nurst in a young priest is a passionate soul, he decides to learn the secret thoughts of his soul and is ready to be limited in this. He constantly provokes Rev., speaking of unrevious people. He says that the cause of Dimsdale's Baby in some mental injury and asks to trust him, to the doctor, what is the essence of his mental throwing. Pastor exclaimed that the doctor nobody to dare to get up between his suffering and God. But once the young theologians fell asleep so tightly among the day, which did not wake up and then when the old man went into the room. The doctor approached and lowered his hand on the pastor's chest, squinting the robes that he did not remove with his presence. Chilllinguta is glad to his celebration, behaving like a devil who was convinced of the shuffling of the soul for Paradise and sending that in hell. Dimsdale is experiencing a rejection to an old man and stakes herself for it, because he believes that there is no reason for it. Chilllingort, being a pathetic and lonely person, wants only to strengthen spiritual.

Somehow in the night of the reverend went and stood up in a shameful post on a market square. In the morning, Esther Prom with her daughter passed. Pastor called them and they rose to the platform to him, getting alongside. The girl asked Rev. Will he stand here tomorrow with them in the afternoon. What he replied that they would come in front of the Lord God at the time of a terrible court. And now it is still early and people should not see them together. Black heavens suddenly littered with the light of a falling star and they saw that there was a Chilllingort with a dysmot and intently looks at them. Rev. Tells Esther, that at the sight of a doctor is experiencing a primitive trepid. However, a woman who came once Chilllingurat does not talk about his secret Dimsdale.

Years have passed. The girl was seven years old. The pious behavior of Esther and her gratuitous help is caused by the population of the town a feeling, similar to respect. Now the allay letter is seen by it not a drop symbol, but internal resistance. One day, walking with his daughter, Esther met Chilllingurat and was amazed by the changes that happened to him over these few years. When the wise calm face of the doctor now has a cruel expression of a predator, his smile seems ruffling. Esther starts a conversation with him. This is for the first time after the scientist took an oath with the one of the concealment of his present. Esther begs that no longer distort Dimsdale. He causes him a torment that like death. In the same way, he suffers from his worst enemies, without having a concept with whom it deals. Esther asked why he does not twist her. Chilllingut replied that he was removed the scarlet letter on her chest. A woman asks the doctor will make up, he is still able to escape. Hate makes his monster from once wise man. But the old man does not know how to be capable of mercy, only revenge and hatred fill it.

Esther decided to tell Dimsdale that Chilllingut her husband was trying to meet with him. The meeting occurred in the forest. The priest told Esther, as he suffers from the realization that he was taken for a pious person, whereas he was delighted with the fall. He is surrounded by lies, death and emptiness. The woman revealed him the secret of Chilllingurat. Reverend is experiencing anger, because he shouted his sinful soul to those who secretly mocked him. But still Dimsdale forgives a woman. They agreed with each other that the old man's wines are more serious than their fault, because he blasphemously reacted to the holy heart of man. They also realized that it was worth waiting for troubles from Chilllingoort because he guessed that Esther told Dimsdal about his secret. A woman persuades Dimsdale to escape and start from scratch. Esther agreed with the captain of the ship heading to Bristol, that they would take them on the trip.
The ship sails through the three days and the day before the Rev. reads the sermon in honor of the holding of elections. But he feels that his mind is more close. Chilllingorta offered help to him, but the Reverend rejects his participation. Esther met Captain Schununa and he informed her that Chilllingut was also sailing with them. A woman sees on the outskirts of the old man's area of \u200b\u200bthe doctor who smiled gloomily. Dimsdale's sermon had a huge success. Then the procession began in honor of the holiday and Pastor decided to repent the crowd of the people. Chilllingurat, does not want the sufferer to ease his flour and rushed to him, asking for not to disdain his San of the clergy. Dimsdale also wants to climb the platform and asks to help Esther. He breaks before the crowd of a shameful pillar and starts repentance before everyone. In the end, he exposes his chest, tearing off the singer's scarf from the neck and dies, having praise the Lord God. The gaze of his went out. Various conjectures are walking in the city. Others say his chest was clean. That he commended the approaching death, Dimsdale decided to die on the hands of a sinful woman, arguing in such a way that the apparent piety even the most respected person could only be deceived.

After the death of the Rev. for passed and the year, as Chilllingorta went behind him. With the death of the priest, he lost the meaning of soothe life, became stupid and was dismaded. He unsubscribed his impressive capital of Pearl in the will. After the death of his elderly husband, Esther with his daughter evaporated from the city, and this story became a local legend. After many years, Esther Pros returned and began to voluntarily wear the letter on her chest again. She lived alone in her old Domishke on the outskirts of Boston. Most likely, Pearl was happily married. She did not forget about the mother, wrote that letter and sent presents. She wanted mother to live with her. But Esther Pros decided to live there, where her sin was committed, thinking that she would deduct the atonement. After her death, she was buried next to Rev. Dimsdal. But between the graves of these two people was intentionally left the gap, as if he didn't have the right to be mixed with the remains of them.

The summary of the novel "Alay Letter" was retold by Osipova A.S.

We draw your attention that this is only a brief content of the literary work "Alay Letter". In this summary content, many important points and quotes are missed.

The actions of the novel unfold in the Puritan city of North America of the XVII century.

The work describes the life of a young woman Esther Pros. It happened that Esther became pregnant and gave birth to unknown circumstances: she was married to an elderly man in England, which was scientists by profession. He sent a spouse to New Orleans, but has passed for 2 years, and he did not appear so much, and it is not well known. To speak the name of the father of the child, the woman categorically refuses.

The townspeople decide to punish Esther for her dishonest behavior, tieding it to a shameful post and make it wear a large alive letter "A" for all her clothes. A is a capital letter from the word Ajulter, which means married treason, adultery. Thus, the citizens decide to punish it so that everyone knows about her misdeed. But Esther demolides all the humiliation with proudly raised head, as if it is not a letter of shame, but an honorary award.

During the promotional punishment of a woman, her husband returns to the city. They decide to leave him in secret from residents of the city the fact of the return of the spouse. The man fails to find out who the father of the child, and he decides to find him on his own and punish the cowardice for the fact that he forced to go through the shame of Esther, but also for insulting his pride.

As a result, it turns out that the father of the child is a priest. It is not capable of confessing in public, but eating conscience remorse, he wears under the clothes Aluu letter. When his state of health becomes critical, a doctor is prescribed with him, who is the spouse of Esther. The years are going, Esther is constantly faced with humiliation, malicious accusations. At some point she and the pastor are decided to leave together on the ship. But having reached the peak of MUK conscience Pastor in public at the shameful post confessed to his sin, exposing the letter to Aluu, what was worn under the clothes. And the desire to take revenge on the spouse of Esther, dies, losing the meaning of existence, and leaving his state of Esther's daughter. A woman is solved on moving to Europe with her daughter.

We will go through the year, and it will return to this city, again will put on him by Aluu. And the daughter will successfully marry her and will live in Boston. After death, Esther will be buried next to Pastor.

This story is an example of how faced with social travelers, a person not only did not succumb to society, but, on the contrary, with proud head made all the adversity. In this case, Esther knew exactly that there was nothing wrong with her act. She believed that her child was the fruit of true love between her and the priest. And the relationship of citizens to it is nothing more than an example of a simple pinname.

Picture or Figure Gotorn - Alay Letter

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