Holy Fathers on negative thoughts. Prayer from fear of death

Holy Fathers on negative thoughts. Prayer from fear of death
Holy Fathers on negative thoughts. Prayer from fear of death

(Sir.3, 24)

"... the enemy, interested in your thought on anything, does not tell you:" Go, do it and then, "and as if it thinks for you and tell you your thought:" I want to do that; I suppose it is useful, and it is harmful; I decided on that. " And all this is often not yours, but enemy thoughts, covered by yours or I am. You believe that these are your thoughts. No, you only listen to enemy suggestions "

Rev. Lev Optina

"... every person who is delighted with sinful thoughts falls arbitrarily when he is happy (sympathizes) that it happens to him from enemies and when it thinks justifying himself just visible by the affairs, being inside the housing of an evil spirit, who teaches him every evil ... "

Rev. Anthony Great

Thoughts and their types - the struggle with evil thoughts and the purification of the heart with the help of good thoughts - gully thoughts, their reason and how to deal with them - the fight against thoughts in monastic - Holy Script

Thoughts and their types

Saint Feofan Reasanizer(1815-1894): "The pride precedes death (parable 16, 18). That is, do not allow evil thoughts, and there will be no drops. Meanwhile, what is the most negligent? About thoughts. They are allowed to spill at how much and as you like, and do not think that ever thus sowing them or direct them to reasonable classes. Meanwhile, the enemy approaches this inner turmoil in this inner turmoil, the evil in the heart, seduces him and inclines evil. It remains for him or to perform evil-sidden, or fight. But our grief is that for the last almost no one is taken, and everything, as connected, is underway. "

"Protect your soul from thoughts is a difficult thing, the significance of which is even unclear to people worldly. Often they say: "Why do you need to guard the soul from thoughts? Well, the thought came and went, what to deal with her? " They are very mistaken. Thought does not just come and leaves. Other thought can destroy the soul of man, Other thoughts forces a person at all to collapse from a certain path and go completely in another direction.

Holy Fathers say that there are thoughts from God, thoughts from themselves, that is, their nature, and thoughts from demons. In order to distinguish from where thoughts come from, whether they are inspired by God or hostile force or originate, great wisdom is required.

I often hear how they are complaining that we are now experiencing difficult times that there are now complete freedom to any heretical and godless teachings that the church is exposed to the enemy from all sides, and it becomes scary for it, that these muddy waves of disbelief and heresy. I always answer:

Do not easily! For the church are not idle. She will not perish ... the gates of hell will not overcome her(MF.16, 18) to the terrible court. For her, do not sleep, but it is necessary to fear for yourself.

True, our time is very difficult. From what? Yes, because now it is especially easy to disappear from Christ, and then - the death. Those who followed Christ, reverend him, those poincing with him.

But we know the other reverend, like Christ, and the enemy of His - Satan. Probably, you know these reverend if not in terms of work, then at least by name: all these Nietzsche, Renana and other empties of morality - you know what their fate? In everything, she liked the perpetrator of all the abominations, every uncleanness - toil, they fall into his power, in the Russian proverb: his brother attracted his own.

The served as Christ pokes him. He also "her". Now it is especially easy to disappear from Christ and fall under the power of the Dark Force. You walk down the street and you see: the book is exhibited in the showcase, treating well at least about the divinity of Christ. Press says: go, buy a book, read. Well, if a person did not believe this thorough, if he realized that he was inspired by this thought Satan, that this book was hostile to the teachings of the Holy Church. And the other, you look, I went, bought a book, I read - and turned in the other direction, walked off from Christ. Where is the beginning of his fall? In the thoughts of Lukava.

And Tolstoy, did not die from thoughts? After all, I could be righteous. It is known that sometimes he asked his wife: "What would you, Sonia, said if I suddenly entered the monastery?"

It is not known that Sofia Andreevna answered him, and Tolstoy said it, probably herself. Lion's life of Nikolayevich could go quite differently, do not listen to the death of a grave. He appeared his idea that Jesus Christ was not God, and he believed her. Then it happened that the Gospel was written wrong, and he believed this thought and turned his gospel in his own way, walked away from the church, went farther and farther from God and cumsed badly. He came somehow here, was at the father of Father Ambrose, probably came under the guise of thirsty salvation. But the Father Ambrose well understood this, and Tolstoy spoke to him about her Gospel. When Tolstoy left the father, he said about him only: "Gord he!" And believe me, it described all his mental illness.

And there is little other cases when the death of human life begins with thoughts. For example, a young man loves a girl and begins to reflect: "I like it, and she seems to love me. She expects to marry me. What should I marry? But then she will be in a burden. I get such a content. Now it goes on me alone, and then, after marriage, you will have to share with it. I better deceive her, I will take everything from her, and her brash, like a squeezed lemon. " And if he is still doubting his mind, there is some adviser who will say that the concepts of morality are conditional, church commandments are not obligatory that life is given to enjoy and need to take everything she can give. Life is a struggle for existence. We must live for pleasure and walk through the weakest, for your pleasure, without thinking about the upcoming suffering of the victim. So over. Convenient philosophy was found, and the person does noticeably use the gullibility of another person.

The English philosopher Darwin created a whole system in which life is a struggle for the existence, the struggle of the strong with weakness, where the defeated people are observed for death, and the winners triumph. This is the beginning of the animal philosophy, and people who believed in it do not think about how it is to kill a person, to insult a woman to deal with a close friend? Everything is perceived completely calmly, with the full awareness of his right to all these crimes. And the beginning of all this again in the thoughler, who believed people, in the thoughtless, that there is nothing forbidden that the divine commandments are optional, and the church decrees are shy.

It is impossible to trust these thoughts. It is necessary to submit once and forever to the requirements of the Church, no matter how they are stronger. Yes, they are not so difficult!

The Lord calls everyone to themselves, everything promises life, but here is sad phenomenon - they do not want to go. Do not want to the Lord and do not even feel that there is the need of the Spirit, and, in addition to satisfying the whims of the body, do not seek anything. "

Rev. Old Man Lev Optina (1768-1841)to the question: "How to find out: what kind of thoughts are our own and what kind of nasty?" He replied: "I was told by one Konese desert, which, dealing with a considerable time to smart attention, he could not distinguish his thoughts from enemy. The enemy, fasciating your thought on anything, does not tell you: "Go, do it and then," as if it thinks about you and tells you your thought: "I want to do that; I suppose it is useful, and it is harmful; I decided not that " . And all this is often not yours, but enemy thoughts, covered by yours or I am. You believe that these are your thoughts. No, you only listen to enemy suggestions».

Old man of Moses, Archimandrite Bryansk White Coast Desert (1772-1848)said: "If someone wants to have a perfect peace in himself, then let never believes to her mind. Brother, every misery, not having silence of humility, is not in God, but yava from Shuih is. Our Lord comes with quietness, yet, that from the opponent - with an embarrassment and a rebellion. And there is will from the demons of the will to justify yourself, and refer to yourself, and then we are caught. "

Rev. Amvrosy Optina (1812-1891):"Among all the alarms and the pick-up ... We manage to go to internal Christianity: and try to reflect all the opposite thinking by a prayer call on the name and help of God. I wrote to you many times: no matter how convicted and reliable coming crime, but if they bring an embarrassment, then a clear sign that they are with the nasty side And, according to the evangelical word, are called wolves in sheepish leather.

Right thinking and reasoning calm the soul, and not outraging; Just at the same time, things should always try and acts of others to provide the court of God and their own will, remembering the apostolic word: "Kiyzho himself will be rewarded the word to God." There is also spiritual jealousy; Such jealousity should be avoided in every way, because such jealousy of St. Isaac Sirin refers to the great fear of spiritual.

Not like stated in Psalms: "We have the sections of peace and clogging and"; i.e in every way avoiding that the world violates your spiritual, no matter how it seems to be faithful. God judges a man not just on business, but by the intention of cases; And the intention is only known to him. If we are in something we comply with something, we must bring sincere repentance in this, and to humble, and do not condemn anyone, and do not annoy anyone. "

Rev. Anthony Great (251-356):"Yes, the Lord will open the eyes of your hearts of yours, so that you see how many goats of the demons and how much evil they cause us every day, - and let you give you the heart of the walred and spirit of reasoning, so that you can bring ourselves to God sacrificely lively and immaculate breaking the conversion of demons at all times and their evil councils,their hidden goats and the pierced malice, their deceptive lies and crumbs of the wig, their subtle suggestions, which they vague every day in the heart, anger and slander, for which they are striking us, so that we slander themselves on each other, ourselves just justifying themselves, others Condeming, so that each other was groomed, or sweetly speaking, hid in the hearts of our bitterness, so that the appearance of the near, inside themselves having a predator, so that they could argue between them, and they went to each other in each other, in the desire to put on their honest. Anyone who is delighted with sinful thoughts falls arbitrarily when happy (sympathizes) the fact that it happens in it from enemies and when he thinks justify himself just visible by the affairs, Being inside the housing of an evil spirit who teaches him any evil. The body will be filled with shameful plunges - for those who are such, the deaths of the Demon's passion, which he does not distinguish from himself. Demons are not the essence of visible bodies; But we are with bodies for them when our souls take the darkness from them; For, attending these thoughts, we accept the demons themselves, and we are expressing them in the body. "

Rev. Old man of Passions Velichkovsky (1722-1794):"Through demons, we fall into every sin, and in addition to them does not comprehend us no evil. So demons plunge us into any passion, they agree to fall into every sin, and we are confused in any network.

Networks also call them the arrogance of wishes and bad thoughts, through which we communicate through every passion and fall into every sin: it is better to say, it is the door of the demon and passions that they enter us and plunder our spiritual treasure. "

Saint Righteous John Kronstadt (1829-1908): "People trying to move spiritual life is the thinnest and most difficult war through thoughts: every moment to be light enough to notice in the soul of thoughts from evil and reflect them; His heart should have always burning faith, humility, love. Otherwise, the Devilskoye Devilskoye, for the debris, is easily settled in it, and then any evil, from which we will not sleep with tears soon. Therefore, no assumption that your heart is cold, especially during prayer, avoid cold indifference.

All my thoughts occur in the invisible mind my mind and in the invisible heart my heart, because I need an invisible and the Savior, our leading heart. Oh, my fortress, Jesus, the Son of God! Oh, the light of my mind! The world, joy, the latitude of my heart is glory to you!Relief from the invisible enemies of my. My heart and my heart and killing me in the very source of my life, in my most sensitive place. "

Elder John (Alekseev) (1873-1958): « Three clans are three clans: human, angel and demonic. The thoughts of human are nothing but dreamy images of this world of this, said Rev. Isy. Angelic thoughts are always kind and the heart is peace and silence, even some merry. And the demonic thoughts are always sinful and confused in the heart. Other people sometimes say: "That neither step, then sin." So talk not correctly. In the holy fathers, all incoming thoughts are named arrivals, although thin they, but sinless; We can accept and not accept themselves, if we do not take them, they are sinless And if we take and talk to them, then there will be sinful and bring to bodily sin. Sometimes thoughts come unpleasant: once there were mistakes, and suddenly they will appear, exactly lightning flashes, I suppose that such thoughts are natural, human former memories. And the demonic thoughts are always sinful: about anger, about the blud, about Srebolubia, about vanity, about pride and about other passions, and always in the heart is embarrassing. Of course, the laity is difficult, it is even impossible to understand thoughts, from what reasons they come. For other thoughts from writers, other thoughts among inventors, and other merchants. "

Hegumen Guri (Cezlov) (1934-2001):"Beature who distinguishes from whom the thought. Go to the temple, to the patient - from God. Go to the restaurant, to the stadium, in Pivbar, on dancing - from the enemy. "

Older Faddey Vitovnitsky (1914-2003): « Spiritual life is a heart and mental life, so we must be attentive to what it wakes in our soul. It should be stored that in our heart it does not matter anything that destroys the world. The scattered heart is cold, and the soul wanders, as if homeless. But it is worth it to get out of her heart house - it beat her, beat mentally. And when attention in the heart, when the soul comes to himself, reconciles with the Lord and the Lord will become the center of life - we will be warm and blissfully. Storing attention in the heart and mental sober is more important than the feat, post and work.

Spiritual life is a heart and mental life, so we should be attentive to what is wrapped in our soul, the day and night ask God to save us from any evil, clean us and give the strength to reject the progies of the evil spirits. If we accept the arrival, agree with it, then the struggle will immediately begin - we reject one thing, and they offer us the second, third, fourth ... and there is no peace, there is no peace. Then need to turn to God with all my heart and mind: "Lord, I have no strength, I did not learn in my youth, I grown in evil, and my evil grown with me, and now you need a big job to spew and eradicate it from me. But you, strong and powerful, teach me to be unlocked, sootimy, meek and humble. Will your divine virtue of me, how to walked angels and saints».

Be careful, for spiritual life you need a vigilant heart. Do not give much importance to external events, be focused on yourself, in your heart, in the Lord, and leave external events. Save attention and be in silence, and when the Lord sees our work that we are constantly looking for him and want to be forever with him indeneva, then he gives us graceful strength, and the heart is constantly praying.

And good and evil begin with thoughts. You need to carefully follow, so that everything we do and think was pleased with the Lord. What are our thoughts, this is our life. We can't imagine, what power do our thoughts have! We can be a source and big evil, and great good. And we blame others, we want to fix everyone around themselves, but never start with themselves. A large heartache must be undergoing the soul to be freed from mental sin.

The Lord looks deep into our heart, what this heart will be sad, what he wants. If there is something unclean in the heart, entailing to the temptations of this world, tying to earthly life, then our wandering will be long and we will have a lot of torment and suffering.. This is because we are twisted: We want to be with Christ, and the heart is still in captivity. Therefore, we suffer so much.

What are thoughts, such and life. The spirit feeds on thoughts as a body - food. Thoughts are inspired by all sides. We live as it were among mental radio waves. But we do not know how to connect to the source of life, to feel the joy of life, falling instead in the mental chains of the evil, which surround us. The cause of diseases in a mental fall. Disease - from thought. Each sin is primarily thought, mental strength.

Everything in our lives depends on the thought. It all begins with thought - and good, and evil. People pay little attention to their thoughts, and from this there are many suffering. When we mentally appeal to the circumstances around us, we enter this circle of reflection, there is no peace or peace. For the sake of your own good, we must keep good thoughts and good desires. But we do not do this and therefore suffer. We keep in themselves a lot of evil; We must free yourself from evil in yourself. Our life is as follows, and we ourselves are what our thoughts. As soon as evil thoughts defeat us, we ourselves become evil. Any thought that violates our inner peace comes from hell.

When the heart is scattered - no heat in it. Only when thoughts, strength and love gather, when they gather in the heart, only then it begins to flare up.

The scattered heart is cold, and the soul wanders, as if homeless. When she returns home, it warms the heart. And it stands to get out of the house - they are beaten, they beat mentally. She takes one thought, another chase, third And, of course, the heart does not withstand, bowels. And he says: "And it is not good, and I don't like it ..." All this wounds from the inside, and the heart is tormented. And when the soul comes to himself, when it is reconciled with the Lord, then the Lord occupies the center of life, and we get warm and blissfully. We are scattered and cheerful, and only the Lord can heal us with their grace.

The Lord looks deep into our hearts - what this heart will be sad, which wants. And if the soul can not immediately come to himself, the Lord in his time will clean it and again attracts to the center so that she cut down, and the soul will calm down. If there is something unclean in the depths of our heart, something lustry of this world, attached to earthly life, then our wandering will be long and we will have a lot of torment and suffering. We, believers, suffering will be more than that of unbelievers, because unbelievers do not have that inner pain, they do not think about eternity, for them the main thing - here, on earth, to have the opportunity to eat and drink, enjoy life. There are all their attention, and we are divided: we want to be with Christ, and not dealt with our earthly affairs, with which our heart is still connected, still in captivity. Therefore, we suffer so much.

To the neighbor should be treated equally. It is impossible to divide people: this is sympathetic to me, and that is not, because then we declare who we are not considered, the war, and he will not bear us. Although externally, we did not give any reason - neither word or movement, only thought, they thought so so.

We are Christians, baptism enjoyed in Christ, enjoyed in God, and God is love. And how is it - in baptism with God connected, and in fact fighting with him? How to fight? Thoughtsbecause I think bad about the neighbor and distant.

In the spiritual world of thought is understandable just as words. They are heard. Therefore, the work on its soul is precious than any gift in this world. If a person, not spoken, will go into eternity with the bad qualities of character, he will not be able to be among the angels and saints. And he will go to eternity, in eternal life, with these shortcomings.

Mysterious struggle, defeat, captivity ... The struggle is incessant, permanent. But if the soul, with God's help, having learned not to take thoughts, still won't stand in a mental brave, let him take to God: "Here, Lord, what is it in me? Bed and evil! It came thoughts that they were offended, and now comes again. Then hear that some state entered into war or somewhere lawlessness is committed, and I immediately turn on there (mentally) and begin to wise in earthly. And I had a spoiled mood, and began to condemn both those and others. " And you need to imagine the Lord so that he arranged everything in the world so that we do not get into this mental drone, because otherwise we will constantly quarrel with this world, constantly fight and there will never be peace, nor peace. And if here, on earth, we are so torn, then by the end of life it will work out that the soul is already accustomed to constantly transmitted.

Our bad thoughts are evolving evil and violate the Space World. "

The fight against evil thoughts and the purification of the heart with good thoughts

Avva Pimen Great (340-450).Someone asked the elder about how to get rid of the obscure thoughts of evil thoughts. The elder answered it:

- This case is similar to a person, having a fire on his left, and on the right vessel with water. If a person lights up from the fire, then take water from the vessel and will rush fire. Fire is the thoughts are evil, which the enemy of our salvation is worst in the heart of a person, as a spark in some kind of chramine, so that the person sparkles the wish of sinful, the water is the prayer aspiration of himself to God.

Again asked the elder of Pimen Avv Ammon on the thoughts of evil, emanating from the heart, and about the vigorous wishes. And the eater answered from the Holy Scripture, saying like this:

- What kind of fame can get an ax without the sequential name? And can the pile praise without having an employee? So you do not send to the aid of the evil thoughts of your permissions, and all these thoughts dispel.

Old man Feofan (Sokolov) (1752-1832):
« Not only should refrain from thin cases and words, but also from the bad thoughts coming from demons. First happens arrogant, that is, the enemy proposal of our thought, then follows combination, That is, the enforcement of our mind will be engaged in the presentation, finally performance of business. And therefore, every thought that can harm the soul should immediately reflect the memory of God's one that is always with us, written: The foresters of the Lord I am going to me for me, Ine is, yes, do not movefrom the path of virtuous (PS.15, 8). And Saint John the Distrownka so hesitates: the Jesus name Bay Supostats, because they don't cut the storm weapons in the sky and on the earth, the name of Jesus. And therefore it should always have a prayer for prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, humbly sinning; Lord, from me, the whole thoughtless of my thoughts; Lord, giving a good idea.

You can disassemble thoughts, reject unworthy, and take some kind, and things will agree; And if you take any thought, then their such a bunch will find like a locust. One thoughts are needed: what am I and that God. And who am I? Komar, dust, land.

Rev. Alert Alexy (Shepelev) (1840-1917):"A person is struggling unclean thoughts; It will pass - anger on the heart will attack, and after that - despondency and so on. And all this for our humility. "

Old man of Paisius Svyatogorets (1924-1994)shares the thoughts for evil (left), which comes from Tanganushki (so the elder calls the demon-tempter) and the kind, which hurts the Christian with the help of Divine Grace. Knowing that spiritual life is, first of all, a break with invisible dark spirits for cleansing his heart he writes: "Through good thoughts, a person is cleared and accepting grace from God. And through the "left" (unkilled) thoughts, he condemns and unfairly accuses others. Doing it, he prevents the arrival of Divine Grace. And then the devil comes and torments this person.

It is necessary to have a spiritual bravery, despise the devil and all its custody thoughts- "telegrams". We will not start with Tanganushka conversations. Even all the lawyers in the world, they gather together, could not worry about one small diamoline. Termination of conversations with the tempter will help to break with him connections and avoid temptations. Something happened to us? With us unfairly cost? Wared us? We will test if we are not guilty of themselves. If not to blame, then the MZDA is waiting for us. It is necessary to stop at this: no need to deepen. If a person continues to talk with Tanganashka, then he will put such las with such las, such a whistle will suit ... Tangalashka inspires to explore what happened under the laws of him, Tangalashkina, "Truth" and brings a person to fierce ...

In order for the mind and the heart to be cleared, a person should not take those sled thoughts that Tangalashka brings him, and he also should not think slyly. You should always try to include good thoughts, not to be seduced with ease (other people's deficiencies), but look at the misdemeanor of others with condescension and love. When good thoughts are multiplied, the soul of man is cleared, he behaves with reverence and is packed. The life of such a person becomes paradise. Otherwise, a person looks at everything with suspicion and his life turns into flour. He himself makes his life hell.

To be cleaned - you need to work hard. We can recognize our state of bad things, but this is not enough. If we do not accept dusty thoughts, we do not think the slyly for yourself, we turn on the works of good thoughts about everything that we say and what we see, the mind and heart are cleaned. Of course, the tempter will not stop from time to time to send us his sly "telegrams." The arrows of the Diavolian temptations will continue to fly in us - even if we get rid of our own (evil) thoughts. However, if our heart is clean, then the diabolically increments will not be pinned to it.

- Geronda, and whether the prayer helps in cleansing the mind?

One prayer is not enough. Someone can be made during the prayer of a kilogram of incense, however if his mind is full of fishing thoughts about others, then it will not be borne. From the mind omit (dear) "Telegram" in the heart and makes a man with a beast. God wants us to have "The heart is clean"(Ps.50, 12). And our heart is clean when we do not allow an evil thoughtless about others to pass through our mind.

"Geronda, first the person himself involves good thoughts in work, and then God helps him?"

- Look: only if the person himself includes good thoughts, he has the right to Divine help. Good thoughts man cleans his sly heart. After all "He comes from the heart"(MF.15, 19) all evil, and "From an excess of Bo Hearts verb in his mouth"(LK.6, 45). But also, that a person who has a good thoughts, cleans this his heart, gives him a god to him.

If a person keeps (in himself) even if "a little left", that is, angry, thoughts about someone, then whatever the feat do not - posts, vigil or something else, - everything will go to the pump. What will help him ask, if he does not fight against evil thoughts, but takes them? Why doesn't he want to first clean the vessel from the dirty oil sludge suitable only on soap, and only then pour clean oil into it? Why does he mix clean with unclean and does it not clean for nothing?

- That is, Geronda, condemning others, the person gives the devil the right to torment him?

- Yes. The whole basis is in good thorough. It is he who elevates a person who changes him for the better. It is necessary to achieve this level to see everything clean. This is what Christ said: "Do not judge on the face, but the righteous court judge"(In.7, 24). And then a person enters such a fortune that he sees everything not human vision, but spiritual eyes. He finds justification - in the good sense of the word.

We need to be attentive to not take the diligent dilute telegrams. Taking them, we defile "Temple of the Spirit of the Holy(1 Cor.6, 19; 3, 16), the grace of God will be removed from us, as a result of which we (spiritually) blind. Seeing our heart in impudent, clean, the Holy Spirit comes and lives in it. After all, the Holy Spirit loves immaculate purity.

When some told me that we were seduced, seeing in the church a lot of inappropriate, I answered them like this: "If you ask a fly, there are flowers here in the vicinity, then she will answer:" I don't know about the colors. But canned cans, manure, unclean, in that ditch full of full. " And fly will begin to list you all the garbage, on which she visited you. And if you ask the bee: "Have you seen here in the vicinity of some unclean?", Then she will answer: "Uncleanness? No, I have not seen anywhere. There are so many disunited colors! " And the bee will begin to list you many different colors - garden and field. You see how: a fly knows only about the garbagers, and the bee - that Lily grows nearby, and the hyacinth dismissed out of the day. "

As I understood, some people look like a bee, and others on the fly. Those who look like a fly, in every situation, look for something bad and are engaged only by this. Nothing they see a kind of good. Those who look like a bee find good in everything. Man damaged and think damaged. Everything belongs to prejudice, everything sees a collar-overall, whereas the one who has good thoughts, - whatever he see, whatever they say, good thoughts in work.

The one who has good thoughts, spiritually healthy and evil implements in good».

Igumen Nikon (Sparrow) (1894-1963) In one of the letters writes:

  • Your "thoughts and sensations" is clearly from the enemy. The strongest tool to get rid of them is to open their confessor.
  • If they occur in general, saying: "Lord Pommery" or Prayer Jesus. Most often, the first prayer until these demonic suggestions disappear. Remember the words: Haunded, happy(demons) and the name of the Lord is opposed to them. Worders of si-eyaco bee honeycomb, and the name of the Lord oppose them.So must do each. We can do nothing with your power. It is necessary to humble everything.

In the state of complete cooling and dorms of the soul, it is necessary to fulfill the rule, despite the coldness, scattering, and so on. "Give blood and enjoy the spirit."

Every discovery of sin with sincere repentance makes a sinner with a closer, native, expensive for the confessor. This is a general phenomenon. The enemy is only frightened by opposing thoughts.

High thoughts, their reason and how to deal with them

Saint Feofan Reasanizer (1815-1894):
« Hula Spirit tortured you. Not only the thoughts are so much and amazed, but they hear words in the ears. Bes ... produces them. Does it he in order to embarrass you and deprive you daring to prayer. And it has in mind, do not agree to any huhu to imagine you in the sin of Hula, and then in despair. Against this demon - the first ... not to be embarrassed and not to think that these are your thoughts, but directly attach them to dem. Then, against thoughts and words - to think and speak disgusting. He inspires a thin of the holy, and you say: you are lying, Lukavets, he is this ... so talking about everything and say until you go away. Contact your prayer to the Lord: "I open my soul to you, Lord! You see that I do not want such thoughts and not thanks to them. Everything ends the enemy. Camping him from me! "

Rev. Wrovonoff Optina (1845-1913):"It is necessary to go to our mind in his desire to go between the siest people, between the temptations. Often confused by his thoughts are great. Ohaha comes and declares that he died, since he had thoughts, hulad God, saints, the sacraments, and Hula on the Holy Spirit would not forgive in this century or in the future.

It is understood here too. Throughout the Holy Spirit, unforgivable and leading to death, the persistent disbelief and the denial of God's existence are considered, despite the first wonders, despite the many facts, irrefutably proving the existence of God. Stubborn denial and disbelief are moral on the Spirit of God, it does not say goodbye to any century, nor in the future, and a person who deceased without repenting in his disbelief, died. An example of such a unrepreneurial lobler is the Lion Tolstoy, stubbornly rejecting the church and not recognizing the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ, whatever they say and no matterly prove his views. If he dies without repenting, it will die. If the death is shown before death, it will be forgiven.

Meanwhile, many of the holy of the Holy Spirit of the Holy Spirit, the bad thoughts, who from somewhere appear in the mind of a believer person, consider such a person who died. They are deeply mistaken. Can the one who believes in God loves him, hopes for him, think Hulu? Obviously, it is not his thoughts, but they are wrapped up by the enemy of our salvation, which is most profitable for the person to fell into despair, he considered himself away from God, then all he is in the hands of a devil.

I'll tell you so much. Go on the road. Towards a drunk, who erupts the scratchy curses. What do you need to do? Hurry to run by, trying not to hear what he says. If anything, besides your will, remains in your memory, will you judge you as for Hulu? No, it will not.

It would be different, if you approached this drunk and began to say to him: "That's good, well, tell me anything else, and now it's ...", they would have embraced and went with him together, enjoying what he says. In the event you would be convicted with him.

So with thoughts; if you try to drive them from yourself, then mistakenly attribute them to yourself: not yours they, but they are inspired by the enemy. Only when you voluntarily stop at any indecent thought and she gives you pleasure, then you are to blame and should repent of this sin.

... doubts, as well as prodigal thoughts and bully, you need to despise, not pay attention to them. Despise them, and the enemy the devil will not stand, will leave you, for he is proud, will not contempt. And if you come with them in conversations, for all the prodigal thoughts, bully and doubts are not yours, then he throws you, pouring away, kill. A believer, who loving God, cannot be thicker, but, nevertheless, he notices two threads in himself: he loves and hoolit. Obviously, there is still some power of evil, which imposes doubts. Notice, because this is a seraphim mind. Therefore, it's not at all surprising that he can excite, raise doubts, and what else ... do not pay attention to them.

How many sincere, believers who were strongly suffered from what they took these doubts were considered, reasoned. Take our writers: Belinsky, - What is the difference in his first and second half of his life. Lermontov - also there was a strong mind, Turgenev and others.

Therefore, it is necessary to despise these doubts, and bully, and thoughts of prodigal, then they will not damage you at all, especially if you discover their elder mentor. But it is not necessary to open them in detail, otherwise you can damage yourself and the old man. Especially prodigal thoughts: it is necessary to fall asleep, close this fatigue pit to the manure, and not dig in it. "

Athos Older Archimandrite Kirik: "It happens that the diligent prayermen at the beginning of spiritual life, and other things and until the end of life, are experiencing great thoughts that do not pray, so that this prayer room completely leaves prayer and demons bring it to despair. But you need to know for what reason God burns to be with us this grave state of the soul. Since without the bias of God, demons cannot touch us, therefore, there is a reason from our side. It happens for the lack of fear of God. At the same time, he moves away from us and grace the Holy Spirit, and since she moves out for the spiritual pride of our, inspired and demons approach us, rejoicing our death, and wore our thoughts into mind so that we think that these evil thoughts are our own , I koim in their will fucking god.

How to deal with these evil thoughts? The main thing - do not think that these are our own thoughts, and from demons, and look at them, like on the dogs of dogs, saying to themselves: "These thoughts from demons, and therefore I don't want them and I don't wish," and then appeal to Lord: "Lord, forgive and help!" And this minute they will disappear as smoke, the god are driven, but not our prayer, but for our humility. "

Combat with thoughts in monastic

Rev. Isaac Sirin (550): « Do not stop the thoughts to the enemy all in you, but it is better to break the prayer to God conversation with them.Not at all, we we have the power so to be able to resist the thoughts to stop them; On the contrary, in this case, often we often get an ulcer from them, which you can not overfect long time. Despite all your wisdom and all your prudence, the enemies will have to hit you. But when you beat them, and then the impurity of thoughts will defile your mind, and the stench of the stench will remain in the sense of mind. Used the first way, you will be free from all this and from fear; because there is no other help, except God».

Rev. Avva Dorofey (620): "First of all, my brother, it's necessary to say that we do not know the ways of the fishery of God and therefore should provide him to arrange everything concerning us ... For if you want to judge human thoughts, instead of pinching your sorrow on God , then such thoughts only to infeit you.

So, when the nasty thoughts rose on you and begin to threaten you, you must appeal to God: "Lord! How do you want, and how do you know, arrange this case "; For the fishery of God does much over our consideration and hope. And sometimes the expected by us happens differently, and in one word: during temptation, you need to have long-suffering and pray, and not desire, as I said, and not to believe that you can overcome the thoughts of the demonic ...

So, my son, believing that it is true, leave any own thoughts, at least he was and reasonable, and have hope for God, which can make incomparably more that we ask or think about (see: EFI.3 , twenty)".

Rev. Simeon New Theologian (1021):"As the one who has exposed his whole body, if he leaves his closed with some kind of cover with seven eyes and does not want to take this cover and reset, can not see the light from one of this exposure of the body: and the one who left all soy things And the money, got rid of the most passion so far, if you do not free your soul from the memories of everyday and thinness of thin, never see smart light, our Lord Jesus Christ and God.

That the cover, imposed on the eyes, the messengers are worldly and memories of everydays for mind, or an eye soul. Until we do not see them, I will not see anything; When will be corrupted by their memory of death, then the true light, educating any person who comes to the world, eagerly.

Saint Ignatius Bryanchaninov (1807-1867):« With thoughts should never argue. Maybe the enemy to present a lot of logical, irrefutable, to incline our mind to the adoption of crap, murderers, disguised as virtue and piety. Trial stones of thoughts for you will be your heart. No matter how faithful was thoughtlessly, but if he takes the "world" at the heart, it subtly leads to a violation of "love with neighbors" - he is enemy. Do not argue with him, do not argue, but it cares and force to taste from the prohibited tree; Arrow rather against him, drive away from themselves with spiritual weapons: the gloriousness of God, thanks God, the legend of himself his will, rooting and condemning himself, prayer. Excellent weapons with a strong brave: come to your Kellya, to turn on a minute before God, with the last help and legend himself. With a strong brew, it repeats several times a day and helps it very much.

The thought of prayer who came into mind should be renounced and constantly denied both from all thoughts and feelings of fallen nature, and from all thoughts and sensations, bringing down fallen spirits, no matter how much faithful those and other thoughts and sensations: He must go constantly closely by attentive prayer, nor evading neither to the left or right. Evasion to the left call leaving the prayer to mind for a conversation with miseles by sinful and sinful; Evasion rightly call the leaving of prayer with the mind for a conversation with thoughts, apparently good.

The four clans of the thoughts and sensations act on the praying: some are styling from the grace of God planted in every Orthodox Christian of the Holy baptism, others are offered by the guardian angel, others arise from the fallen nature, are finally applied with fallen spirits.

The first two types of thoughts, more correctly - memories and sensations - promote prayer, revitalize it, strengthen the attention and feeling of repentance, produce a lunizing, crying hearts, tears, are exposed before the eyes of the praying sinfulness of his and the depth of the fall of the human, they are announced by , about the unwindiness of her hour, about the unlucky and terrible court of God, about the eternal flour, incense with its exceeding the comprehension of human.

In the thoughts and sensations of the fallen nature, good mixed with evil, and in demonstration evil often covered in good, Acting, however, sometimes open evil. The last two clans of the thoughts and sensations are aggregate due to the connection and communication of fallen spirits with the fallen human nature - and the first fruit of their action are highly, in prayer scattering. Demons, bringing Mnimo spiritual and high intelligence, distract them from prayer, produce vain joy, sharing, complacency, As if the opening of the mysterious Christian teaching. Following the demonstration theology and philosophy, the thoughts and dying and passionate are invaded in the soul, plunder, destroy prayer, destroy the good dispensation of the soul. The fruits differ in the thoughts and the sensations are truly good from the thoughts and the sensations of Mnimo good ... "

Rev. Wrovonoff Optina (1845-1913):"The following is told in the prologue. One devotee lived in the desert. Representatives of the Stoiki School came to him and began to ask what he was doing in the desert and what, in his opinion, is the advantage of his life over the life of people from the sect. "You will be fasting - let's post me and we are awake - and we are not sleeping, you are niche - and we have nothing. But we are engaged in science, we are looking for new ways for human thoughts, and what are you doing? What do you benefit humanity? " - "What am I doing? Nothing. I guard my soul from disastrous thoughts. "

The prologue does not say how the Stoiki reacted to this answer, but the old man in these words expressed the entire essence of monastic doings. "

Rev. Mark Maker:"Do not despine (not neborengi) no thoughts on unwinding. For no disturbance is worn before God.

When you notice that the thoughts promises you human fame, you probably know that he is preparing you.

The enemy knows the requirement of a spiritual law and is looking for only a mental population (with inspired by thoughts, and not affairs, those who spend the spiritual life). Whether his girlfriend will not have time or to make his girlfriend (when someone agrees to suggestion) of repentance (if he is aware of his guilt), or, if it does not show (do not create guilt), blaming him with involuntary painful sorrows (and Sends on such for the assignment). It happens that sometimes he is counting to rebel against such guidance (sorrows, a ropot, the recalcity of God, not knowing what they deserve them), so that in such a way and here multiply painful suggestions (for God also sends, so that it is formed) and during the exodus show His incorrect (to impede the disbelief of the fishery and the fact that he himself was guilty).

As each of the visible (creatures), God separated the glittering (her), and human thoughts (he will repay them by the property), whether we want, or not want. "

Saint John Cassian Roman (350-435):"Lead is approved that there are three starts of our thoughts: from God, from the devil and from us. From God, - when he receives us to visit St. Holy Enlightenment, exciting in us or zealous to the highest derecy, or a crushing about smallness and congestion of lamentation and carelessness; Or when he opens the heavenly secrets, and our intentions draw up to the best deeds. ... thoughts occur from the devil when he encroaches to gentle us, exciting passionate settlement, or with Lucaive, cunning is evil under the guise of good, transforming For us in Angela Svetla (2 K.11, 14). ... from us themselves are born by thoughts, when we naturally remember that they saw, heard, or did.

This trochy cause of thoughts should always have in attention, so that they do not discuss our thoughts arising in the heart and respectively treat them. In gravity, we need to imitate skilled coins (change) - which you know how to learn correctly, is gold, and the gold is clean in a coin, or copper, similar to gold, - the royal image on it, and if the royal, is legally It is represented - whether the coin also has a legitimate weight. All this spiritually must do regarding thoughts. Firstly, discuss, - Truly, what is in our hearts, or not.

For example, if any teaching, to consider whether it was purified by the Divine Fire of the Holy Spirit, or belongs to the Jewish superstition, or comes from the arrogant philosophy worldly and wears only the lichnaya piety. By doing so, we will fulfill the apostolic instruction: do not believe any spirit, but tempt the perfume, it is from God the essence (1 In 4, 1); And we will be safe from evasion from truth. And who did not care for performing this warning, they were subjected to disappearance from faith. Sweet seductors first attracted them to themselves with some pious feelings and clarifications, consonant with St. Faith, as if glosters of gold; and then they taught and nasty faith wisers, which they, deceiving the first faithfulness, did not think to undergo a discussion, and, taking, thus, a copper false coin for the gold, fell into heretical delusions.

Secondly, we need to carefully find out whether the false interpretation of St. Scripture would not be heard, which, fake to the pure gold of a faithful understanding of the Divine Divisions, hesitates the visibility of this precious metal to deceive us - take it with a mixture of copper falsely attached meaning. So Satan attempted to tempt Christ the Savior himself. And all of us tempts, he is no longer unsuccessful as our Lord.

Thirdly, - in every way to peering as if the enemy, perverting the precious sayings of St. Scripture with a deserted interpretation, I did not have time to decline us to make them not the right application and use, fraudulently covering this by the legend, as if the elders outgoing, as if illegally applying the royal seal to a false coin. It has time for him to do when it sends to an unimpressible and unbearable work to us, to excessive voyages, messy prayers, to uncomfortable reading, and, man in good, leads to a souvenous end; Or when it advises to make not the necessary visits, to, drive from the edition, to deprive the blissful silence; or when he inspires the care of the pious helpless women to be excreted by disastrous concerns; Or when incitement to wish the sacred rank, under the pretext of finding many, distracting from the humbled of our title. All such suggested, covered with the cover of mercy, piety and supreme succeeding, are injected into inexperienced deception. It looks like the coins of the True Tsar; But they are not minted with real coins of spiritual, non-Orthodox experienced fathers, and the cunning of demons are unmanned for harm and a harm. It is completely applied to the saying of the Supil! the essence of the mystery of the Rights of Friend to my husband, Obache, the last of them are shaken in the bottom of Adovo (Proverb. 16, 25).

The last (4th) observation of the experienced coin, relating to the study of weight weight, in spiritual doing will be fulfilled by us if when thoughts inspires us anything to do, we, putting it on the scales of conscience, we will explore with all the rigor It is a real weight, whether the fear of God is hard, whether everything is in it - according to its meaning and the meaning, does not make it a light showiness and novelty, would not reduce his weight vanity and would not have grossing human glory. Having all this and determining the evidence of the apostles and the prophets, we must later or accept how consonant with them, or with all the rigor to reject, as they nasty and for us a detrimental.

So incessant should we inspect all the caches of our heart, and with the dressed observation to notice the traces of those who are inevitable, so as not to go there and any mental beast, or the lion and dragon himself, and, by secretly handing out their deurious traces of their own traces, did not pace and other ways To enter our heart bends, with our inattention to thoughts. At this way, the heart of our evangelter oral, ie, is hourly every minute. We are conveniently migrating about the Cross of the Lord, we are conveniently able to ruin the lair of the detrimental animals, and the holes of poisonous snakes - and drive them out of themselves.

The image of the perfect mind (owned over its thoughts) is perfectly presented in the face of the Gospel Century. In legends about him, moral strength, - who gives the opportunity not to all sorts of thinking to get involved in, but in their reasoning, good accept, and without any difficulty to drive, is described in the following words if they understand allegorically: for and I am a prolonged person, but having in my subordination of warriors, saying one: go, and goes, and the other come, and comes, and my servant is: do it, and does (Mf.8, 9). If we courageously fight against indiscriminate internal movements and passions, they took the power to subjugate their power and their reasoning, fighting in our flesh, to repay, the disorderly crowd of our thoughts to keep the mighty of the mind, and the Saving banner of the Cross of the Lord strike from our hearts of our I will save the worst enemy forces, then for such celebrations and victories, we would be erected in the rank of centuries in the spiritual meaning. And so we, rising to the height of such dignity, we will have the same as that, imperative power and strength, with which we will not have ever wanted, if we do not want, but in those who are spiritually delighting, we will get the opportunity to stay And they will be pinned to them, the authoritatively elapsed evil sciences: go away, - and they will go away, and good thinking inviting: come, and they will come, the slave is our flesh - what is required for chastity and abstinence, we will order, and she will fulfill that without any preceptibility Having excited by the opposite spirit of the impurities, but all sorts of expressing submission.

But how to achieve this? It will come by himself, when it is so distinguned to connect with God that he will act in us. This certifies the apostle when he says: our military weapon is not carnaya, but strong by God, on the fracture of the hardness, though (2 Cor.10, 4). So that we will be taken to overcome thoughts, it will not be effect, God for connecting to us will be used to act. At the same time, our inaccessible funds will be strong and promptly, "the enemy and all sorts of thinking will rip and will be expelled. And the word prophetic word will be fulfilled: weekly yes Iceolet: Yako I can az (Silen I), and meek will be brave (Joyl 3, 10-11), - and what Sv. Pavel: even the common, then Silen is (2 Cor.12, 10). For then power of God. will be committed in our sensority. So, all the desire of the heart, I will fix it to the union with the Lord, while we are doing that I experienced Blaz. David: to put my shower for you: Dandy Dand Your Dandy (Ps.62, 9) - And each of us will start singing with him: i also adopt the God of God (Ps.72, 28). Of course it requires constant effort and labor; But without this, no success happens. The same one can not be expected in such an important business. No virtue does not reach perfection without difficulty, and before the thoughts of thoughts cannot be achieved without the extreme reversion of the heart. Here directly belongs the word of the Lord: The kingdom of God sneaks, and the consuming effort delight him (MF.11, 12). To our spirit come to her husband perfect, in the measure of full of Christ (Eph.4, 13) - and become one spirit with the Lord (1 Cor.6, 17), it is necessary for him with a large tension to be awake and with continuous zeal sweat over it. To achieve this, he can already solemnly call the apostle: all I can about strengthening me (Phil.4, 13).

Why our attention should always be fixed on that one thing - so vividly return to mensing about the God of thoughts from their wandering and round

Our spirit, if, approving the love of God's love, as a fixed center, will not be later, out of it, and with it, by each moment all your doings and works, it's like a breakdown, to determine the quality of thoughts and undertakings to determine take, and others reject, and it, as a faithful circulation, to give the direction to everything done; That will not build, as follows, that spiritual building, which architect is Paul (1 Cor.3, 10), and will not inform him the beauty of the house, what, wishing to arrange the Lord in his heart, Blessed David called: Lord, love your favor, your home and the place of the village of Glory Twee (Ps.25, 8), but the ugly, the Holy Spirit is unworthy and always ready to collapse in his heart in his heart and always ready to collapse, eliminating not glory to receive from tea, but not honored to enter such a dwelling of the visitor (that is, the Holy Spirit ), I plan to be depressed under the ruins of its construction. "

Holy Scripture on Thicks

"... Why do you think thin in your hearts?" (MF.9, 4).

"And the weapons itself will pass the soul, yes, many hearts will open» (Lux 2, 35).

"…Pfind your sin to your sin and pray to God: Maybe it will go down to you thought your hearts» (Acts.8, 22).

"Human heart thinking - evil from his youth» (Gen.8, 21).

"Many were misled by their assumptions, and the sly dreams laid their mind"(Sir.3, 24).

"Who can urgent, anything to the Lord?The crumb of mortals, and our thoughts are erroneous, because the decent body grips the soul , and this earthly temper suppresses a multiple mind "(Prem.9, 13-15).

"Cry is evil from your heart, ... to escape to you: the counterpart will neglege in you in the evil thoughts?" (Ier.4, 14).

Question to a psychologist:

Hello, my name is Sasha, I am 27 years old, I am married a year and a half, I have a small son, I work at the factory workers.

I believe in God. For me, he is absolutely real, he sees everything, and knows everything, every thought. Everything was fine, but ten years ago I began to have very bad thoughts about God. These thoughts most often vulgar, sometimes just an offensive nature. For example, I simply wash or sit in the toilet, and suddenly I have a short-term terrible thought, just an image, and everything ... the real hell begins. I start constantly praying, saying that I never wanted to think about good, I ask God to not punish me, I ask him to save me from these thoughts. After ten minutes, it becomes easier for me, but still, depression remains after that for a long time. I used to go to the temple. But these thoughts began to appear and there, these terrible thoughts in relation to the images and holy people. I noticed that in the temple, this negative condition increases, I began to go crazy, and gradually I stopped going to the temple. I am very afraid to walk there, I'm afraid of the priests, even just watching their lectures on YouTube, because some terrible dirty thought necessarily arises, and I begin to apologize for a very long time in prayers, because I am very afraid that God will punish me for it.

I was looking for a solution to this problem on the Internet, in particular, on your site. I found some similar problems. As I understood, it is called the neurosis of obsessive thoughts. I think I grumbled the way, getting rid of this problem. It is necessary to stop rejecting these terrible thoughts, because, rejecting them, I only give them energy, and they return with a new force. But I can't do it. No matter how hard I tried to pay attention to these thoughts, I can't do it, it seems to me that if you don't apologize 100 times, then someone will immediately die out of my relatives, or suddenly put it or I just die. I am very afraid of the punishment of God for these thoughts. This fear and these thoughts do not give me rest. Please help me, give me some technique that would help me cope with this situation. I really hope for your help.

The psychologist Vasilyeva Yulia Vladimirovna is responsible for the question.

Hello, Alexander!

Let's deal with your problem in order.

First, you argue that bad thoughts come to you without your desire, that is, they are not yours!

Secondly, you overcomes fear of God's punishment

Thirdly, you are unable to control this process

"We can't ban birds fly over us, but we can ban them to have nests on our head!" M.Luter

There are many thoughts around us (birds), but in our responsibility to put them in our consciousness or not to put it! There is such a phenomenon when thoughts come from outside, as if imposing on you. In this case, you do not need to experience shame, guilt, fear, and the like, because these thoughts are not yours. What should I do in this case? I recommend you a completely non-standard technique. At that moment, when a bad thought is trying to "point your nest in your head," you are not losing a second, begin to thank God with gratitude. For example: "Thank you, Lord, for these nasty thoughts that do not belong to me!" Thus, you will not identify yourself with these thoughts, which means you will not need to deal with them.

From the fear of "God's punishment" you will be liberated very simple. What you imagine is just a fiction, the fruit of a sick imagination. "God", which is waiting for you to punish the provinity, in principle does not exist. But, and if you open the New Testament and begin to read it carefully, you will meet with God, which is love. Reference to this ...

Alexander, fill your mind useful, interesting, developing and enriching you with information. Then "bad thoughts" will stop climbing into your head and bother you, because they simply will not be the place. You can control the stream of thoughts and leave your consciousness clean. I wish you good luck and victories!

Commonly people consider thought with something unavailable,
therefore, they are very little picky when taking thought.
But all the good thoughts are born from the right thoughts,
from the accepted false thoughts is born all evil.
Thought is like a steering wheel ship: from a small steering wheel,
from this insignificant boards, moored for the ship,
depends on the direction and, for the most part, fate
all the huge car.

SVT. Ignatius Bryanchaninov,
bishop Caucasian and Black Sea

Obsessive thoughts are the form in which false ideas come to us who are trying to take power over us. Every day, our consciousness is subject to their active attacks. This interferes with us soberly assess the situation, to build plans and believe in their implementation, because of these thoughts, it is difficult for us to focus and find reserves to overcome problems, these thoughts are extinguished, and often lead to despair, which are consequences of suicide.

Here are some thoughts that lead to the desire to commit suicide:

  • The world is terrible, full of evil, good people are very small;
  • Nobody loves you;
  • Your position hopelessly;
  • Live scary;
  • You will not be able to achieve in the life of what I wanted (what you wanted from you);
  • You will never be happy;
  • Non-existence is a good rest from life;
  • Suicide is the only way out;
  • Having finished with you, you connect with your close man who is already there.

And similar thoughts. They permeate our consciousness. They do not let us go for a second. They make us suffer much more than the events that caused the crisis.

There are a number of mental illness (depression of organic origin, schizophrenia, etc.) at which there are obsessive thoughts in the complex of symptoms. With such diseases, we know only one possibility of help - pharmacotherapy. In this case, it is necessary to refer to a psychiatrist to prescribe treatment.

However, most people suffering from obsessive thoughts in experiencing a mental crisis do not have psychopathological disorders. With our tips, they will be able to successfully get rid of these thoughts and exit the crisis state.

What is the nature of obsessive thoughts?

From the point of view of science, obsessive thoughts is an indispensable repetition of unwanted, ideas and deposits, doubts, desires, memories, fears, actions, ideas, etc., which cannot be rid of the effort of will. The real problem in these thoughts is hyperbolized, enlarged, distorted. As a rule, these thoughts are somewhat, they are built into a closed circle, which we can not break. And we run in a circle like squirrels in the wheel.

The more we try to get rid of them, the more they are becoming. And then the feeling of their violence appears. Very often (but not always), obsessive states are accompanied by depressive emotions, painful thoughts, as well as a feeling of anxiety.

To defeat this problem, we need to answer questions:

  • What is the nature of obsessive thoughts? How do they come from?
  • How to deal with obsessive thoughts?

And it turns out that the psychology has an accurate answer to this question.

Many psychologists tried to explain the cause of obsessive thoughts. Miscellaneous psychological schools still lead the war among themselves on this issue, but the majority still connects obsessive thoughts with fear. True, it does not clarify how to cope with them. Classical psychology does not give recipes for effective struggle with obsessive thoughts because it does not see the nature of these thoughts. If you say easier, it is quite difficult to fight the enemy if it is not visible and even it is not clear who it is.

Meanwhile, the answers to questions and successful solutions to the problem are known not one thousand years. An effective way to combat obsessive thoughts in a mentally healthy person exists.

We all know that the power of obsessive thoughts is that they can influence without our will on our consciousness, and our weakness is that we do not have almost no influence on obsessive thoughts. That is, these thoughts are independent will, different from ours. The very name of "obsessive thoughts" already suggests that they are "imposed by someone from the outside.

We are often surprised by the paradoxicalness of the content of these thoughts. That is, we logically understand that the content of these thoughts is not fully reasonable, not logical, not dictated by a sufficient number of real external circumstances, or even simply absurd and deprived of all common sense, but, nevertheless, we cannot withstand these thoughts. Also, often when there are such thoughts, we ask yourself the question: "How did I think of it?", "Where did this idea come from?", "This thought got into my head?". We can't find a response to this, but for some reason I still consider it for your own. At the same time, obsessive thought has a huge impact on us. Everyone knows that a person pursued by obsessions retains a critical attitude towards them, understanding all their absurdness and alien to his mind. When he tries to stop their will, the results does not bring results. So we are dealing with an independent mind other than our.

Whose is the mind and will, who are directed against us?

The Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church suggest that a person in such situations is dealing with the attack of demons. Immediately I want to clarify that none of them perceived demons so primitively, as those who did not think about their nature perceive. These are not the funny hairy, with horns and hooves! They do not have visible appearance at all, which allows them to act unnoticed. They can be called differently: energy, spirits of malice, entity. It is meaningless to talk about their appearance, but we know their main weapons - a lie.

So, it is evil spirits, according to the Holy Fathers, there is a reason for these thoughts that we accept for our own. From habits to refuse difficult. And we are so accustomed to consider our own and only our thoughts, all our internal dialogues and even internal battles. But to win in these battles, you need to get up to your side, against the enemy. And for this you need to understand that these thoughts are not ours, they are imposed on the outside of the enemy's hostile for us. Demons act as banal viruses, while trying to stay unnoticed and unrecognized. And these essences are valid, regardless of whether you believe in them or do not believe.

Saint of Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) so wrote about the nature of these thoughts: "The spirits of the malice with such a cunning are branded against the person, that their thoughts and dreams of the soul seem to be familiar with themself, and not from alien to her evil spirit, acting and trying together Help. "

The criterion for determining the genuine source of our thoughts is very simple. If the thought deprives us rest, she is from demons. "If you are from any movement of heart, you feel immediately embarrassment, constraint of the spirit, then this is no longer over, but from the opposite side - from an evil spirit" - spoke of the righteous John Kronstadt. Isn't that the action of obsessive thoughts that torment us in a crisis situation?

True, we are not always able to correctly assess their condition. Famous modern psychologist V.K. Nevarovich in the book "Therapy of the Soul" writes about this: "There is also the lack of constant internal work on self-control, spiritual sober and conscious management of its thoughts in detail described in the ascetic patristic literature. You can also believe with a greater or less obviousness that some thoughts, always, by the way, almost felt as alien and even forced, violent, really have a foreign nature for a person, being demonic. According to the patristic teaching, a person is often not able to distinguish between the genuine source of his thoughts, and the soul is permeable for the demonic element. Only experienced devotees of holiness and piety, with an already purified prayer feat and a light soul, in a position to detect the approach of darkness. Covered by the sinful darkness of the soul often do not feel and do not see it, for it is dark in dark badly. "

It was the thoughts "from the evil" support all our dependencies (alcoholic, gymnia, painful neurotic dependence on some people, etc.). Thoughts that we take erroneously for our own pushing people to suicide, despair, insults, relief, envy, passions, plunge pride, reluctance to recognize their mistakes. They obsessively offer us, concealed under our thoughts, to make very bad acts in relation to others, does not work on the correction of themselves. These thoughts interfere with us to stand on the path of spiritual development, inspires us a sense of superiority over others, etc. Such thoughts are these "spiritual viruses".

It is the spiritual nature of such virus thoughts that is confirmed by the fact that, for example, to make an awning case, pray, go to the temple is often hard for us. We feel internal resistance, we apply very great efforts to resist seem to be your own thoughts that find a huge number of excuses so that we do not do this. Although it seems that difficult to get up early in the morning and go to the temple? But no, wherever we quickly stand up quickly, and to go to the temple we will get up hard. According to the Russian proverb: "Though the church and close, yes to walk Sklizko; And Zabak Dalaconko, yes I go slowly. " It is also easy for you to see the TV, but it is much harder to pray for the same time. These are just some examples. In fact, all our life is from the permanent choice between good and evil. And, by analyzing the choice that we do, everyone can see the action of these "viruses" daily.

So examined the people of obsessive thoughts in spiritual respect. And their advice on overcoming these thoughts worked trouble-free! The criterion of experience unequivocally suggests that the church understanding of this issue is true.

How to defeat obsessive thoughts?

How, in accordance with this correct understanding, defeat obsessive thoughts?

The first steps are:

1. Advance the presence of obsessive thoughts and the need to get rid of them!

Take a solid solution to get rid of this slavery to further build your life without these viruses.

2. Take responsibility for yourself

I want to note that if we take these obsessive thoughts from the outside, we carry out certain actions under their influence, then we are responsible for these actions and the consequences of these actions. Transfer responsibility to obsessive thoughts can not, because we accepted them and acted in accordance with them. Not thoughts acted, but we ourselves.

I will explain the example: if the leader is trying to manipulate his assistant, then if he succeeded, and the manager accepted the erroneous decision because of this, the leader will be responsible for this decision, and not his assistant.

3. Muscular relaxation

All accessible means of combating obsessive thoughts, if they are caused by fear and alarms, is muscular relaxation. The fact is that when we can completely relax your body, remove the muscle tension, then, together with this, the anxiety is necessarily reduced and the fears, and, accordingly, in most cases the intensity of obsessive thoughts is reduced. Doing the exercise is quite simple:

Lower or sit down. Relax the body as much as possible. Start with the relaxation of the muscles of the face, then the muscles of the neck, shoulders, torso, hand, completing his hands and legs. Try to feel that you do not have the slightest voltage, nor in one muscle body. Feel it. If you could not relax any plot or group of muscles, then first strain this site as much as possible, and then relax. Make so few times, and this site or muscle group will surely relax. In a state of complete relaxation, it is necessary to be from 15 to 30 minutes. It is good to present yourself in a comfortable place in nature.

Do not worry how successful you reach relaxation, do not suffer and do not strain - allow and relaxation to arise in your pace. If you feel that during the exercise you are attended by extraneous thoughts - try to remove extraneous thoughts from consciousness, switching attention to them, to visualize the place in nature.

Do this exercise several times during the day. This will help you to significantly reduce the alarm and fears.

4. Switch attention!

Attention is better to switch to what helps to effectively combat these obsessive entities. You can switch attention to help people, creative activities, social activities, work on the economy. Our ancestors believed that it is very good for the expulsion of obsessive thoughts, take themselves with useful physical work.

5. Do not negative self-sufficiency, repeating these thoughts to yourself!

Everyone is well known for the power of self-evidence. Self-pressure can sometimes help in very severe cases. Self-pressure can be removed pain, treat psychosomatic disorders, significantly improve the psychological state. Due to the ease of use and expressed efficiency, it is used in psychotherapy for a long time.

Unfortunately, self-imposition of negative statements is often observed. The person who fell into the crisis situation, to himself and loud, constantly unconsciously pronounces the statements that not only do not help get out of the crisis, but also worsen the state. For example, a person constantly complains of familiar or gives approval to himself:

  • No one loves me;
  • I do not work out;
  • My position hopelessly.

Thus, the self-impression mechanism is included, which really leads a person to certain sensations of helplessness, longing, despair, diseases, mental disorders.

It turns out that the more often the person repeats these negative installations, the more negatively they affect the thoughts, feelings, sensations, emotions, presenting this person. Do not repeat it without end. By this, you not only do not help yourself, but also drive themselves deep into the crisis swamps. What to do?

If you catch yourself on the fact that you often repeat these spells, then do the following:

Change the installation to the exact opposite and more often repeat it in many times.

For example, if you constantly think and say that life is ended with divorce, then 100 times carefully and clearly say that life continues and every day will be better and better. On a day, such suggestions are best done several times. And you really feel the effect very quickly. When compiling positive assertions, avoid the prefix "not". Example: I won't "I'm not lonely in the future," I will still be with your loved one in the future. " This is a very important rule compiling statement. Pay attention to it. It is important. It is approved on what is not achievable, ethical. Do not give yourself installations to lift self-esteem.

6. Try to find hidden benefits from the state in which you are! Discard these benefits!

Nor paradoxically, but a person who is constantly exposed to the attacks of heavy, exhausting obsessive thoughts, for itself in their presence, it often finds imaginary benefits. Most often, the person himself can not even be recognized in these benefits, because the thought itself, he has the benefits of the source of suffering, seems to him blasphemy. In psychology, this concept is called "secondary benefits". In this case, the secondary benefit is a side gain in this situation from the existing torment and suffering, superior to the permission of the problem and further well-being. All possible benefits that a person receives from their own suffering is impossible to list. Here are some of the most common.

but. "There will be no joy in the future. The real life is over, and now only survival will be "

Benefit: No need to think how to get out of the situation (life is over), it is not necessary to make a lot of thinking, it does not work. There is a pity for himself, the severity of the situation (represented) justifies all errors and incorrect actions. There is a pleasant sympathy of others around and attention to their girlfriends and loved ones

b. "It is better not to live at all than that. I do not see the point in such a lifetime. I do not see any sense and hope "

If there is hope, it seems to be necessary to do steps. But I don't want to do this. This is the easiest way to come with this thought, but do not try anything. Sit and regret yourself, taking the role of the victim.

in. "No one loves me" or "I only interfere with the other"

Benefit: This is a wonderful reason to regret yourself, do not look for help from people. And again passively sail downstream, without reworking yourself

When searching for "benefits", everything that "is exposed," looks very unattractive, and the person ceases to be as he wants to see himself. This process is very painful, however, if the secondary "benefits" is found and is confirmed, you can find both other ways to implement it and eradicate this "benefit", as well as find a successful solution from your own difficult situation.

I want to note again that all secondary "benefits" are hidden from consciousness. Now they are not visible. It is possible to understand and reveal them only an impartial analysis of their actions, thoughts and desires.

Pay attention to the contradiction between your interests, your logic and those thoughts that are trying to take possession of you! Evaluate their paradoxics, inappropriateness, logical failure. Evaluate the consequences and disadvantage of those actions to which the following thoughts may lead. Reference on it. Think, do not you see in these thoughts a direct discrepancy that tells you your consciousness. Surely you will find many inconsistencies between obsessive thoughts and your consciousness.

Admit that these thoughts are not yours that they are the result of an external attack of other entities at you. As long as you consider obsessive thoughts with your own, you will not be able to oppose them and take measures to neutralize them. It is impossible to neutralize yourself!

8. Do not try to defeat obsessive thoughts with the help of a dispute with them!

In obsessive thoughts there is one feature: the more they resist them, the more with more power they attack.

The psychology describes the phenomenon of the "White Monkey", which proves the difficulty of combating the external influence within consciousness. The essence of the phenomena is: when one person says to another "Do not think about the White Monkey", then it is about the White Monkey that begins to think. The active struggle with obsessive thoughts also leads to such a result. The more you tell yourself about what you can cope, the less you are working.

Understand that with this condition can not cope with the power of will. You can not withstand this attack on equal. This situation can be likened to how much drunk sticks to physically weaker passersby. Moreover, the more attention pays for it, call for order, they ask not to pester, the more he does it and even begins to behave aggressively. How in this case it is better to enter the weak? Not paying attention to passing by. In our case, it is necessary not to enter into conflict with these thoughts simply switch your attention from them to something else (more pleasant). As soon as we switch attention and ignore obsessions, they lose their strength for a while. The more often we immediately ignore them after their appearance, the less they annoy us.

This is what the Holy Fathers say about it: "You are used to talking to yourself with yourself and think to overeat the thoughts, but they reflect the prayer Jesus and silence in their thoughts" (Rev. Anthony Optina). "The crowd of tempted thoughts becomes emacuous if they allow them to slow down in the shower, and even more so if you enter them into negotiations. But if they started them from the first time with strong voltage of the will, a rejection and appeal to God, then they will immediately be removed and leave the atmosphere of the soul pure "(Saint Feofan Relator). "Throwing, like a wage, comes to you - and you open the door to him, enter into the house, you turn the conversation with him, and then he robs you. Is it possible to start talking to the enemy? With him not only avoid conversations, but the door lock fixed, so that he does not enter "(Piazza Pius Satogorets).

9. The strongest weapon against obsessive thoughts is prayer

The world-famous doctor, the Nobel Prize winner in physiology and medicine for the work on vascular seam and transplantation of blood vessels and organs, Dr. Alexis Carrel said: "Prayer is the strongest form of energy emitted by a person. It is the same real strength as earthly attraction. As a doctor, I watched patients who did not help any therapeutic treatment. They managed to recover from diseases and melancholy only due to the soothing action of prayer ... When we pray, we associate ourselves with an inexhaustible life force that leads all the universe. We pray that at least part of this force moved to us. Turning to God in sincere prayer, we are improving and doctors their soul and body. It is impossible that at least one moment of prayer did not bring a positive result to any man or woman. "

The spiritual explanation of the help of prayer in this problem is very simple. God is stronger than Satan, and our prayer appeal to him for help is expensive to evil spirits, which "sing" our false songs on our ears. Make sure everyone can make it, and very quickly. For this you do not need to be a monk.

Per minute of life difficult
Tight in the heart sadness:
One prayer is wonderful
I am very angry.
There is a power of grace
In the consonant words of living,
And breathes incomprehensible
Holy Charm in them.
From the soul, how the burden rolled down,
Doubt far
And believe and crying
And so easy, easy ...
(Mikhail Lermontov).

As with all kinds of good things, the prayer needs to be engaged in reasoning and effort.

We will not try to restore obsessive thoughts. This is what the Holy Fathers say about it: "You are used to talking to yourself with yourself and think to overeat the thoughts, but they reflect the prayer Jesus and silence in their thoughts" (Rev. Anthony Optina). "The crowd of tempted thoughts becomes emacuous if they allow them to slow down in the shower, and even more so if you enter them into negotiations. But if they started them from the first time with strong voltage of the will, a rejection and appeal to God, then they will immediately be removed and leave the atmosphere of the soul pure "(Saint Feofan Relator).

It is necessary to consider the enemy that he inspires to us, and to direct the weapon of prayer to meet him. That is, the word prayer must be opposite to the obsessive thoughts to us. "Put yourself a law every time the trouble happens, that is, an attack of the enemy in the form of a thin thoughts or feelings, not content with one reflection and disagreement, but to attach to this prayer before education in the soul of opposing feelings and thoughts," says Saint Feofan.

For example, if the essence of obsessive thoughts is Ropot, Pride, the unwillingness to take the circumstances in which we were, the essence of prayers should be humility: "" Let the will of God will be! "

If the essence of obsessive thoughts is despondency, despair (and this is the inevitable consequence of pride and ropot), a grateful prayer will help here - "Thank God for everything!".

If the memory of a person is tormented, just pray for him: "Lord, bless him!" Why will this prayer help you? Because from your prayer about this person he will benefit, and evil spirits do not want anyone good. Therefore, seeing that from their work it turns out good, they will stop tormented by the images of this person. One woman who took advantage of this advice, said that the prayer helped the prayer, and she literally felt the powerlessness and annoyance of evil spirits, who defeated her before.

Naturally, various thoughts can overcome us at the same time (there is nothing faster than thought), so words of different prayers can also be connected: "Lord, have a lot of this person! Thank you for everything! ".

It is necessary to pray continuously to victory, while the invasion of thoughts does not stop, and peace and joy will not fade.

10. The sacraments of the Church

Another way to get rid of these entities is the sacraments of the church. First of all, this is of course confession. It is for confession, I crushed in sins, we seem to be removed from ourselves all the nanile dirt, including obsessive thoughts.

It would seem, what are we to blame?

Spiritual laws say unequivocally: if we feel bad, it means we sinned. Because it suffers only sin. Those the most ropes on the situation (and this is nothing more than a ropot against God or resentment on him), despondency, hurting per person - all these sins that poison our soul.

Hasting, we make two very useful things for our soul. First, we accept responsibility for our fortune and talk to yourself and God that we will try to change it. Secondly, we call evil evil, and evil spirits do not like to do the most of all - they prefer to act a cheat. In response to our affairs, God at the moment of reading the priest of the permissive prayer makes his own business - he forgives us our sins and expels the evil spirits that we are precipitated.

Another powerful means in the struggle for our soul is the communion. Coming by the body and blood of Christ, we get your graceful strength to fight evil in yourself. "This blood removes and goes far away from us demons and calls for the angels to us. Demons flee from there, where they see the dominious blood, and the angels flock there. Spilled on the cross, this blood washed the whole universe. This blood is our salvation of our shower. It is washes my soul, "says St. John Zlatoust.

"The sacred body of Christ, when it is well acceptable, for warring is a weapon, for removing from God - a return, weakly strengthened, healthy fun, diseases treats, health saves, thanks to him we are easier correcting, in the works and sorrowers are being launched more patient, in love - More hot, in knowledge - more sophisticated, in obedience - more prepared, to the actions of grace - more susceptible "- St. Gregory Theologian.

I can not assume the mechanism of this deliverance, but I know for sure that dozens of people familiar to me, and including my patients, got rid of obsessive thoughts after the sacraments.

The graceful power of the sacraments of the Church felt hundreds of millions of people. It is they who, their experience, tell us that we should not ignore the help of God and His Church with these entities. I want to notice that some people after the sacraments got rid of obsessions are not forever, but for a while. This is natural, as this struggle is long and difficult.

7. Help yourself!

Idleness, pity for yourself, apathy, despair, depression is the most nutritious substrates for growing and multiplying obsessive thoughts. That is why try to constantly be with the desired file, be physically active, pray, follow your physical condition, pour, do not support these states, do not look for in them benefits.

The phenomenon of obsessions is determined as the appearance in the minds of thought, ideas or any phenomena, not currently related to the content of consciousness and perceived patients as emotionally unpleasant. The obsessive thoughts of "dominant" in consciousness generate emotional tensions, contribute to person's deadaption in its environment. Intrusive, that is, existing in addition to the will and desire of a person can be both certain thoughts, memories, presentations, doubts and actions.

Obsessive fears are referred to in phobias, obsessive thoughts - obsessions, and obsessive actions - compulsions.

Phobic syndrome (in Greek Phobos - Fear) The phenomenon is very common. There are many phobic states. For example, nosophobia (fear of disease); agoraphobia (fear of open spaces); claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces); Ereotropobia (Fear of redness); Mizophobia (fear of pollution) and others. All these are examples of pathological, that is, not related to the real threat, fears.

There are fears from a little man, cowardice. Couffery can, unfortunately, and instill. If, let's say, the child is about the following every five minutes: "Do not touch", "do not get enough", "do not come", etc.

Psychologists allocate the so-called parent fears that "twist" from parents to children. This, for example, fear of height, mice, dogs, cockroaches and much more. This list can be continued and continued. So these sustainable fears subsequently can often be found in children.

There is a fear of situational, which occurs at the time of threat, danger, and personal, the emergence of which is associated with characteristics of character. I will give an example of mizophobia, that is, the obsessive fear of infection, pollution. As far as it is serious, suffering is clearly seen from these lines.

"Hello, Doctor!

I have a purity mania and so strong that I can't control it already. On the streets I try to avoid any contact with people and dirty places, it seems that everywhere nagself and I get it all "on myself." Naturally, having come home, the process of long and long-term "lakes" begins, all the clothes in washing (even if the contamination was minimal). All that touched the dirty clothes wiping with vodka, and I myself go to the shower of an hour at 3-4. And the time of "lake" is constantly increasing. That is, when my hands, it seems that something touched again - and the process of washing first begins. Four time, I had a real nervous shaking at the exit of the bathroom (something like Parkinson's disease) and the rude inner hysterics (the sad record is 30 hours in the bathroom on the legs 22-23.09.06). All my world limited to a bed and a computer. I have already lost everything else: the institute, friends, and I will lose soon work soon. From work I come at 22:30, shower - up to 3: 00, to work - at 9 am. This is my whole life now. "

Very often obsessions are a consequence of demonic impact. Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) says: "The spirits of the malice with such a cunning lead to a man against a person, that their thoughts and dreams of the soul are presented in it, and not from alien to her evil spirit, acting and together trying to hide."

Pre-secured Varnava (Belyaev) writes: "The error of the current people is that they think they suffer from only" from thoughts ", but in fact also from demons ... So, when they try to defeat the thought of thought, then see that nasty thoughts - Not just thoughts, but the thoughts are "obsessive", that is, with whom there is no Sladule and in front of which a person is powerless, who are not connected with any logic and for him, outsiders and hated ... But if a person does not recognize the church, grace, holy sacraments and jewels Virtues, whether he was able to defend? Of course not. And then, since the heart is empty from the virtues of humility and with her from all others, the demons come and do with the mind and the body of man that they want ( MF. 12, 43-45)».

These words of Vladyka Varnava are accurately confirmed by clinically. The neuroses of obsessive states are being treated much more difficult for all other neurotic forms. Often they are absolutely no therapy, exhausting their owners with severe suffering. In the case of persistent intrusiveness, a person persistently deprived of working capacity and simply disabled. Experience shows that genuine healing may occur only by grace of God.

I have named neurosis of obsessive states the most demonically vulnerable form of neurotic disorders. Otherwise, as possible, for example, regard the insurmountable desire to wash your hands up to several tens of times before eating or recount buttons on a coat of passers-by, etc. At the same time, patients suffer terribly, suffer from their states, they can not do anything with themselves. By the way, the medical term "obsession" itself, denoting obsessive phenomena, is translated as obsession. Bishop Varnava (Belyaev) still writes about this: "The wise men of this world that do not recognize the existence of demons cannot explain the origin and action of obsessive ideas. But a Christian, facing the dark forces directly and constantly leading with them the fight, sometimes even visible, can give them clear evidence of being demons. Suddenly appearing thoughts, like a storm, fell on the saving and do not give him a minute of rest. But we put that we are dealing with an experienced devotee. It is armed with a strong and strong Jesus prayer. And it begins and the struggle, which is not foreseen end.

A person is clearly recognized, where his own thoughts, and where are the strangers in him. But the whole effect is ahead. Enemy thoughts often assure that if a person does not give up and does not deign them, they will not retain. He is not inferior and continues to pray to God for help. And at that moment, when a person seems to really, maybe this is the struggle, this endless, and when he already ceases to believe that there is a state that people live calmly and without such mental torments, at that time the thoughts immediately disappear , Suddenly, suddenly ... It means - came grace, and demons retreated. In the soul of a man shed light, peace, silence, clarity, cleanliness ( cf. MK. 4, 37-40)».

The development of obsessions can be compared with the development of sinful passion. Stages are about the same. Arrogant Compare with the appearance of obsessive thoughts. And further a very significant moment. Or a man cuts out or starts with him combine (consider it). Next is the stage of sucking. When the thoughts arose appeared worthy of a deeper consideration and interview with him. Next stage - captivity. This is when not a man leads a thought-developed thought, and the thought leads them. And finally, actually obsessive thought. Already quite decorated and consolidated in consciousness. The worst thing is that a person begins to believe this thoughts, and she is from the evil. And poor sufferer is trying to rationally defeat this "mental gum." And I remember the "intrusive" plot in the mind of the consciousness. And as if the decision is close, still a little ... however, the thought again and again captivates consciousness. A person cannot understand that solutions of obsessions do not exist. This is not a hard-time problem, and the shiven shoes, which cannot be believed and with which you can not interview.

How to react to the appearance of obsessive thoughts? First, with obsessive thoughts you do not need to "interview." They are because they are called obsessive, because they are not amenable to any logical understanding. Rather, it is possible to comprehend something, but then the same thoughts appease again in consciousness and it repeats again and again. The nature of such states is demonic. Therefore, they should not be contacted from such thoughts and pray to God for help. Thus, only by the grace of God and with their own definition of obsession (read - demons) go.

Over the years of work, the rule of combating obsessive states has developed. Next:

  • Not believe the content of obsession
  • Do not appeal with obsessive thoughts
  • To urge the grace of God (prayer, the sacraments of the church)

Briefly explain these provisions. Suppose that a person believed an obsessive thoroughness, the origin of which is almost always from the evil. So, what is next? And then, as a rule, internal conflict. For example, a person accepted the humble thoughts or some kind of foul from the enemy and regarded these thoughts as his own. And so sadness ... a person is demoralized and abides as if in paralysis. "What am I nothing," he says herself - I do not have a place in the church, I am not enough to commitory. " And the enemy sweats. Thoughts walk in a circle and man does not see the exit. Therefore, it is impossible to believe in such thoughts.

You can not appeal with them. Some are trying to prove something demons and build different arguments in their consciousness and as if they seem to them that they coped with their task. But as soon as the last point is put in a mental dispute, everything is repeated again, as if no arguments did not make a person. Winning the enemy will not succeed.

And, of course, without God and his help and grace can not cope.

There are obsessive thoughts among mentally ill people. For example, when schizophrenia. In this case, obsessions, to a greater extent, the consequence of the disease. And they need to treat drugs. Although, of course, you need to be treated and praying. If the patient itself is not able to pray, then the prayer work should take on his close.

At one time I encountered a curious clinical case. I had to advise the family in which the mother and son suffered with obsessive fears for their health and alternately induced each other.

During the conversation, it turned out that the mother of my patient had been treated for a long time earlier in psychiatrists about obsessive fears, he himself grew a very impressionable, emotional boy. At the 18th age, he had an obsessive fear of the appearance of a malignant tumor. The patient was constantly sought to examine his body, to study medical literature on oncology issues was suppressed, depressed. At the same time, the young man clarified that fear arose suddenly, after Mom told him about his former ailment.

Against this background, the mother again had fears for their health. She decided that she had blood cancer, since he felt sluggish, apathetic. After consulting the oncologist, both were recognized as healthy and soon recovered from imaginary illness, but then twice there were phobias. Once this was due to the grandmother's infarction - and they decided that they were suffering from heartless ailments. And another time they were afraid to die in a car accident. Moreover, at first, the fear arose from someone alone, and then appeared in the other.

Such cases when after the appearance of obsessive fears from one of the family members and other households were also familiar. So, the psychiatrist S. N. Davidenkov described the patient suffering from teaching and fear to redden or stand. The sister of his mother suffered by obsession about the excessive sweating, one of her daughters - fear of reddening, and the sister of the patient himself - fear of the heart break. That happens.

The family that I had to advise was unbelieving. And when there is no faith in the soul, there is no fear of God, others can "flourish" - painful, ridiculous, obsessive fears. The soul is by the nature of his Christian, and maybe there is existing in the confused environment, it grows in his own way and "shaking" for any occasion.

I remember a patient who experienced a pronounced fear of death after the myocardial infarction suffered. The efforts of doctors were crowned with success. With God's help, our patient recovered, the heart was strengthened, but he did not let go of this painful fear. He especially intensified in public transport, in any closed space. My patient was a believer, and therefore I was easily frankly talking to him. I, I remember, asked him if something happened to him without a permissions or the loss of God. To which he with confidence answered: "No." "And in this case," I continued, "do you really believe that your death can become a ridiculous accident?" And on this question, my patient uttered an affirmative "no". "Well, so remove this wear from yourself and stop afraid!" - Approximately I advised him.

Ultimately, our reflections have brought to the fact that he "allows himself to die", if so be God you want. After some time, that's what he told me. When fear arose again, he internally told himself: "My life is in the hands of God. Lord! Budi Will Your! " And fear disappeared, dissolved like sugar in a glass of hot tea, and no longer appeared.

The neurotic fears are characteristic that no real threat or the threat of this threatened and is unlikely. Orthodox doctor V. K. Nevarovich rightly claims: "Obsessive thoughts often begin with the question:" What if? " Further they are automated, rooted in consciousness and, repeatedly repeating, create significant difficulties in life. The more the man is fighting, wanting to get rid of them, the more they master them.

In addition, in such states there is a weakness of mental protection (censorship) due to human natural characteristics or as a result of sinful destruction of his soul. Well known, let's say, the fact of increased suddenness in alcoholics. Surely weaken the spiritual fortress of prodigal sins. It also affects the lack of constant internal work on self-control, spiritual sobriety and conscious management of its thoughts. "

Often, I have to meet with a different kind of fear, the origin of which I associate with religious ignorance, misunderstanding the essence of St. Orthodoxy. For example, in a state of fear and confusion, people come to the reception and they say about the following: "I strongly sinned the fact that I passed the candle with my left hand" or "I lost a baptismal cross! Now everything is gone! " Or "I found a cross on the ground and raised it. I guess I took someone's life cross for myself! " Gorky sigh, listening to such "complaints".

Another common phenomenon is various superstitions (such as "black cat" or "empty buckets", etc.) and growing fears on this basis. Actually, such superstitions are nothing more than a sin in which they should repent of confession.

Asks Alexander
Alexandra Lance answers, 04/14/2014

Peace to you, Alexander!

Let's read a few poems from the Bible together?

What are the thoughts in his soul, such and he; "Eat and drink," he says to you, and his heart is not with you.

See? What is a person really? How can I determine what is it? Only on thoughts that roam his soul.

You know what kind of hypocrisy is? This is when, but, for example, you know that you do not like and do not respect some person, and in my face in love and respect you confess. Or when you imagine how I would state something, but at the fear before the punishment, do not destroy. And soothe yourself: "That's what I am good! I do not fight!" However, according to thoughts, there is still a thief. Or my husband convinces his wife: "I am not an adulteress, I do not change you," and on the passing women by passing women, the saliva launching. According to his thoughts, he has long been the adulterer, and if it turned up a very, very convenient case, he could not resist before temptation, because his thoughts had already prepared him for the adoption of temptation.

How does Jesus say about this?

And I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman with a lust already committed to her with her in his heart.
See? Jesus absolutely clearly declares that sin is already imprisoned when thoughts were allowed to develop the appropriate picture.

For this reason, the Apostle Paul gives the command to everyone who believed:

"What is just true that honestly, it is right that it is clean, that kindly that it is worthwhile that only virtue and praise, think about what you have learned what we have accepted and heard and seen in me, then perform, - and God of the world Will be with you. " Philip.4: 8-9
his commandment is in the complete harmony with what the wise Solomon is said.

Most of the stored brand your heart is yours, because of it is the sources of life.
In the Judean tradition, the word "heart" is indicated by the unity of thoughts and feelings, the very "control center" is our brain, at the expense of which we accept this or that decision. So if the brain is allowed to borrow yourself with fictional sinful actions, a person once will definitely give way to the temptation in reality. Because what are the thoughts, this is the person himself.

In general, the Bible gives a lot of tips on how to keep your "management center" is not subject to Satan ... Only here is the problem that people do not read the Bible and God do not believe. They believe in God, and God - no. Therefore, if you wish to get rid of bad thoughts - rejoice, because this desire came to you from Christ! Do everything to obey this desire and fill yourself with the word of God - Bible: Read, try to understand, pray for the mind, look for the execution of Christ commands in your life. And God will teach you to cast away from ourselves any nasty thought that will try to penetrate your consciousness.

With love in the Savior Jesus Christ,

Yours faithfully,

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