Fate and mental tragedy of Katerina - by play by A. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

Fate and mental tragedy of Katerina - by play by A. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

In the play, A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" depicts an era of 60 ~ x year of the nineteenth century. At this time, the revolutionary speeches of the people are brewing in Russia. They are directed at. Improving the life and life of ordinary people, on the overthrow of the tsarism. The works of great Russian writers and poets are also involved in this struggle, among them and the play of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm", which shook the whole of Russia. On the example of the image of Katerina, the struggle of the entire people against the "Dark Kingdom" and his patriarchal order is depicted.

The main character in the play A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" is Katerina. Its protest against the "Kabanovsky" orders, the struggle for his own happiness and depicts the author in the drama.

Katerina rose in the house of a poor merchant, argued there spiritually and morally. Katerina was an outstanding personality, and in the features of her face was some kind of extraordinary charm. She "breathed" Russian, truly folk beauty; This is how Boris talks about her: "There is someone on her face angel's smile, and on behalf of the face as if it glows."

Before his marriage, Katerina "lived, nothing was served, exactly the bird on the will," did what she wanted and when she wanted, no one had never forced her and did not forced to do what she, Katerina did not want.

Her spiritual world was very rich and diverse. Katerina was a very poetic nature with a rich imagination. In her conversations, we hear folk wisdom and folk statements. Her soul sought to fly;, "Why do people fly like birds? I sometimes think I'm a bird. When you stand on the mountain, so you pull you. That would be fused, raised her arms and flew. "

The shower of Katerina "brought up" and on the stories of the mantis, who were in the house every day, and on sewing on the velvet (the sewing brought it up and led to the world of beauty and good, to the world of art).

After marriage, the life of Katerina changed dramatically. In the house of Kabanov, Katerina was one, her world, her soul nickname, it could not understand, this loneliness was the first step towards tragedy. The ratio of home to heroine has changed dramatically. The Kabanov House adhered to the same orders and customs, as the parental house of Katerina, but here "everything is as if from under the capture." The cruel orders of Kabani stuck in Katerina, the desire for the sublime, since then the soul of the heroine fell into the abyss.

Another Katerina's pain is not understanding her husband. Tikhon was a kind, wounded person, very weak compared to Katerina, he never had his opinion - he obeyed the opinion of another, stronger person. Tikhon could not understand the aspirations of his wife: "I do not figure out you, Katya." This misunderstanding closer to Katerina is one more step towards a catastrophe.

The tragedy for Katerina has become love for Boris. According to Dobrolyubov, Boris was the same as Tikhon, only formed. Because of his education, he fell into the field of view of Katerina. From the whole crowd of the "Dark Kingdom" she chose him, distinguished little from the rest. However, Boris turned out to be even worse than Tikhon, he is only about himself: he thinks only about what they will tell about him. He throws Katerina to the arbitrariness of fate, to massacre the "Dark Kingdom": "Well, God is with you! Only one thing and you have to ask God, so that she died as soon as she suffers for a long time! Goodbye!".

Katerina sincerely loves Boris, worried about him: "Something he is now, poor, does it? .. For what I entered him in trouble? To kill me alone! And then he destroyed himself, he was destroyed, his dishonor - he is eternal shame! ".

Morals of the city of Kalinov, his rudeness yes "Poverty Nagolynaya" were not acceptable for Katerina: "If I want, I will go where the eyes look. No one will stop me, such

I have a character. "

Dobrolyubov gave a high assessment of the work. Katerina he called "Light Light in the" Dark Kingdom ". In her tragic end, "Dan a terrible challenge of Samoga strength ... In Katerina, we see a protest against the Kabanovsky concepts about morality, protest, brought to the end, proclaimed and under home torture, and over the abyss, in which a poor woman rushed." In the image of Katerina, Dobrolyubov sees the embodiment of "Russian lively nature". Katerina prefers to die than living in captivity. The act of Katerina is ambiguous.

The image of Katerina in the play of the Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" is a perfect way of a Russian woman in Russian literature.

Purpose: analyze the image of Katerina; To understand why Katerina decided to suicide.

  • actualize the personal meaning of students to study the topic;
  • create conditions for the development of students in the skills to formulate their own point of view, express and argue it, to compare it, to prove and refute, determine and explain the concepts;
  • to form the value attitude of students to the surrounding reality, to other people and their feelings.

Technology of personality-oriented educational training.

Form of lesson: Lesson-thinking.

Equipment: computer, slides on the lesson (attached), two pieces of plasticine - black and white, texts on the play.

We know that the character of Katerina will end up
No matter what obstacles
And when the strength is not enough, it will die, but will not change himself.

ON THE. Dobrolyubov

Only conscious respect for man to oneself
gives him the opportunity calmly
and fun to carry all small and large troubles
which are not accompanied by severe physical pain.

DI. Pisarev

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Dear Guys! I am glad to see you in a good mood. I think our lesson will be held in a warm atmosphere. I want to wish you success, self-confidence, good mood.

2. Setting tasks and actualization of knowledge.

Today we will complete the study of the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". The subject of the lesson is "the image of Katerina. Her peaceful tragedy. " The topic that may seem easy, but also at the same time very complicated.

I suggest you look at the clouds. Each of you did it repeatedly, looked and fantasized that it represents every cloud.

What do you see now?

Pupils are divided by their opinions. (Air locks, animal, temple, etc.)

Teacher. Why didn't you see the same thing? ( Each student is individual, has its own opinion and its point of view).

Pupils are concluded, as is due to the lesson and work in the lesson.

Teacher. That's right guys. Each of you perceives the image of the main character in its own way, because you evaluate its actions and actions, based on your views and life experience.

In order to start disclosure of the lesson, please define that you will need to do today at the lesson and specify the questions that you must answer at the end of the lesson.

(Give the characteristic of the image of Katerina, consider the reasons for her death, reveal the meaning of the concepts of "sin", "freedom", "inevitability", "beauty", answer questions "Was a different journey in Katerina? What is the nature of the character of Katerina?)

Concepts and issues are displayed on presentation slides.

3. Information flow.

Work in groups.

Task first group:

Analyze how the character of Katerina was formed in childhood, and as it affected her further life.

(Katerina grew in the parent house, not knowing the trouble. Caring for flowers, listened to the stories of the strangers, went to church. She often saw strange things: Angels in a gold post, the temples are golden; She dreamed that she flies.

Katerina is an extremely religious person. A religious person should live according to God's law.

But there is another fact that tells us about the nature of the main character. At six years, when her houses were offended, she got into the boat and floated along the Volga. Found it in a day Loars for ten of the house. This tells us that Katerina is a timely manner who is capable of rapid acts to preserve his freedom and independence).

Task second group:

Describe the relationship of Katerina and Tikhon, Katerina and Boris. Can I consider the feeling of Katerina to Boris Love?

(Katerina married Tikhon very early. She fell into the family, where the mother fired everything. Tikhon sometimes tried to object his mother, stand up for his wife, but attempts to be pretended at their very beginning. Tikhon was looking for freedom away from home. He needed to drink and walk And the wife was for this for a burden. Therefore, he answers with him to Katerina's request: "With a certain captivity from what kind of beauty you want to run!"

Tikhon loves Katerina. We see it when he learns about the death of his wife. But its weakness, non-abstentivity did not give him the opportunity to show this love Katerina.

From the hopelessness of its position, the main character is looking for love. She finds this love in Boris Grigorievich. They practically did not communicate, see each other, more often in the church. But Boris Grigorievich talks about his love, and Katerina considers his feelings with love. It lies for the heroine all life; All the power of her nature, all her living aspirations merge here. To him, her need for love, not found her husband's review, and an insulted feeling of his wife and woman, and the deadly longing of her monotonous life, and the desire of will, space, hot, loan freedom. But this love is for it sin. (Working with the concept. Appeal to the commandments in the "Law of God).

Is it possible to call the love of Katerina and Boris a real? Boris, like Tikhon, pushes her, does not want to take with me. It depends on uncle. After the last date with Katerina, he says: "Only one one needs to ask God, so that she died asking, so that she does not suffer long." He understands her mental state. Maybe, but does not want to save it. But Katerina, despite everything, dies with the words: "My friend! My joy! Goodbye!")

Task third group:

How did life affect the Kabanov's house on the feelings and character of Katerina?

(After his cloudless childhood, Katerina falls into the house of Kabanov, in the "Dark Kingdom." The mother-in-law degrades her, insults, does not allow anyone to live with her husband. She has no one to talk to. Barbara, though he is trying to understand the daughter-in-law, but it's not like that Katerina: "The main thing is that everything is Shito-indoor." Every day this "Dark Kingdom" covers Katerina, presses on it. There is no salvation and in love. Life becomes unbearable. And Katerina is more often thinking about suicide).

Task in the fourth group:

How to characterize the image of Katerina D. I. Pisarev and A. N. Dobrolyubov? What is the contradiction in reading drama critics?

(N.A. Dobrolyubov and D. I. Pisarev gave Katerina a completely different characteristic. N. A. Dobrolyubov called the heroine "Light of Light in the Dark Kingdom." He considers Katerina a strong woman. D. I. Pisarev believes that all actions and Katerina's actions are deprived of every common sense. He refers it to "Eternal Children and Dwarfs."

Their opinions differ because everyone considered the character, based on its life positions, views and experience.)

Teacher. Now we will find out what the image of Katerina created actresses who played her role on the scene (Demonstration of slides with portraits P. Streptova and M. Yermolova).

In the history of the theater, the best executor of the role of Katerina Kabanova, the championship of which even famous actresses Fedotov and Yermolov were recognized, L.P. Kositskaya, for which Ostrovsky specially wrote this role.

Pelagia Streptova and Maria Yermolov played this role.

Streptova characterized Katerina as a submissive sacrifice of the Dark Kingdom. "She created us a martyr, a Russian woman. And we saw this martyrdom in all of his horror, but in all its unwanted beauty. " (V.M.Dorosevich. Old Theater Moscow. - M.: Petrograd, 1923).

E.Karpov so recalls the game Streptova in the fifth act of drama: "... with a pale face, with huge, full of sadness, deep eyes, flipped on the shoulders of black hair, comes out. It is clearly the charming voice sounds, although she says as if about himself, and how much deep, hopeless sadness, how much love, how much fine poetry in this vote ... ".

Describing the game Streptova, A.S. Suvorin noticed that her interpretation of the role of Katerina resolutely dispersed with the interpretation of Dobrolyubov. He wrote about the end of Katerina as a "quiet agony of the dying heart and a darkened head." "So it just happened! Neither a cry, nor despair ... how many they die so simple, silently ... ".

Yermolov emphasized in the image of Katerina internal energy, willingness to protest against despotism and self-use. "Dobrolyubov called the end of Katerina" Otradnaya ": he was in Yermolova," writes S. N. Duralin. - Her Katerina, indeed, was not a mimic spark, but the "Light of Light in the Dark Kingdom", a ray of brave, strong, bright, foreshadowing the sunrise that accelerates the darkness. Such a Katerina can neither mourn or regret how Katerina Streptova, it can be adopted in front of it, as before the tragic heroine, it can be studied by the courage of heroic will. This Katerina was enthusiastically encountered by democratic spectators of the 1870s ... Yermolov proved that it was a "household drama" - the mighty Russian folk tragedy, and this role of the Russian woman from a deaf town is the image of the heroic, revealing and sad fate of the Russian woman in the past, and her The ability to victory over this evil shares. "

And Streptova, and Yermolov in their interpretations of the image focused on the viewer's attention on different sides of the personality of Katerina.

Streptova had the right to consider Katerina as a sacrifice of society, the Dark Kingdom. Ostrovsky himself highly appreciated the game Streptova. Because Artist Boudoil in the souls of the audience protest against those living conditions that led Katerina to death. Katerina Yermolova herself was the personification of protest against the Dark Kingdom. The game of Yermolova gave birth to a feeling of a new life, called for an active struggle for happiness and justice.

Teacher. Now let's see what the image of Katerina has created our student (The student reads the monologue of Katerina from the fifth act of drama.)

Answer questions.

1. What is the meaning freedom (work with a concept)in Katerina, Boris, Tikhon?

2. What moments of life Katerina perceived as a sign over?

3. Why did Katerina repent publicly?

4. Can we call Katerina a strong woman?

5. Could Katerina find the way to rescue in the shower? Why?

Reception "Help a psychologist."

Katerina was in a very difficult situation. Nowadays, people may seek help in solving a problem to a psychologist. One of the techniques that experts recommend - drawing up two lists. In one, positive effects of the decision are recorded, in the other - negative. Let's try to make two list "for the future life" of Katerina, based on the text of the play and using quotes.

(All "for" and "Against" can be "weighing" on the scales. We put the ship by one bowl, if the decision is positive, to another - if negative.

Positive sides Negative sides
  • "I will live, breathe, see the sky, follow the flight of birds, feel sunlight ..."
  • "I will be chista before God, I will pray again, I will sink my sins ..."
  • "Don't give me the whole world to perceive freely, freely create your own world, and it will not work in the house, we will create your own world in your soul. I can not take away this world ... "
  • "Drive - that will be silence, no one will interfere with ..."
  • "No one takes my love ..."
  • Tikhon is weak, but I can make it happy if I defend it from the mother ... "
  • "Kabanova Stara, soon she will need my help ..."
  • "How much joy will bring
  • me children ... "
  • "Will be hooked up home ..."
  • "The mother-in-law is visiting at all ..."
  • "Never be free to me ..."
  • "Tikhon will not forgive, again will have to see his dissatisfied face ..."
  • "Boris will never see, again these night fears, these long nights, these long days ..."

Teacher. So, the positive in the life of Katerina is more. Why Katerina could not see these hopes and save his soul. Let's try to spend a little experience. Two pieces of plasticine are lying in front of you - black and white. Imagine that these are human souls. Try to remember them. Soft, easily perhaps. Imagine that every person is born to light with white and pure soul. But each person has a character. A person lives, communicates with people. People are bad and good. After communicating with a lie, injustice, a man's soul is black. Over time, more and more. From a person, from his character and willpower depends on how to do: to succumb to evil and darkness or keep their soul clean.

Now we can answer the question: "Was a different path in Katerina?"

(No. Although suicide is a sin, but Katerina saved his bright soul in such a way. And all the representatives of the "Dark Kingdom" and there are suicides of their souls. And they are sinners. Thus, the death of Katerina was inevitable (work with the concept).

4. Generalization of the studied.

Teacher. I propose to make a diamond in which you can give a generalized characteristic of the image of Katerina. (Work in groups).

Diamond is a poem from seven lines, built on antonym of concepts.

1. Topic (noun).

2. Two definitions (adjectives).

3. Actions (three verbs).

4. Associations (four nouns).

1, 2 antonyms 3.4

5. Actions (three verbs).

6. Two definitions (adjectives).

7. Theme (noun).


Direct, honest.

Loves, striving, rebuilt.

Freedom, passion, closure, sin.

Disappointing, suffering, dies.

Tired, repentable

Poor Katerina.

Teacher. I asked you to think with what works of literature, music, painting are associated with your image of Katerina, her thoughts, actions.

1. Pupils read the poem K.D. Balmont "by the sea at night," because It helps them feel what Katerina experienced in the last moments of life. (Reading by heart of this poem).

2. From the musical works were offered "Siciliano" Bach and Keep the Lord from Heaven "Lyadov. The first is the Association with all the lives of Katerina, the second is the belief of Katerina in God.

3. From the works of visual art, students offered paintings by I.I. Levitan "Evening on the Volga" (place where events unfolded drama, beauty (work with the concepts) of nature is compared with the beauty of the main character, the waters of the Volga absorbed this beauty)and K. MONE "Impression. Rising Sun" (A bright orange spot of the Sun and a ray that falls into the water is a light image of Katerina and its character).

5. Homework.

1. Make a test from 10 tasks on the "Thunderstorm" play.

2. Prepare a message "The problem of human dignity in the play" Thunderstorm ". Suggest the" Alphabet "technological map.

3. In writing to answer the question "What is the innovation of Ostrovsky?"

6. Reflection.

On the board are attached images of the islands with the names of the "Island of Knowledge", "Island of happiness", "Island of indifference", "Island of doubt", "Island of interest." Pupils fasten the adhesive sheet to the island where they visited the lesson.

The main conflict of the Ostrovsky's play "" is the struggle of old, archaic and new. But the personal conflict between the human feelings and human principles should not be overlooked.

One day in the "Dark Kingdom" - a place where the rules of tyranny and fear, a completely different person appears, which differs from all its honesty, openness and devotion. This man was the main heroine of the work of Katerina. It is unlike who became the cause of the life tragedy of the girl.

The island showed us a clean and immaculate nature of the Russian woman. Women who distinguishes hot heart and hard character.

The play begins a description of the beauty of the Volga. The beauty and intactness of nature became the background, on which the tragedy of the main heroine developed. It seems to be all in Kalinov calmly, life goes by his man, if the power of public opinion, which pushed Katerina to the cliff.

Being a strong person, the main character at first does not pay attention to public culk, she doesn't care what they say about her and think. She is not afraid of the human court. But, unfortunately, the Human court for Katerina became unbearable. She says: "Everyone and go for me all day, and laugh to me straight in the eye ...".

The tragedy of the main character happens in front of the residents of Kalinov. She admits publicly in treason to her husband, she drives the scores with life from everyone in sight.

Ostrovsky shows us Katerina, as a very sensitive nature with a rich inner world. On the pages of the work we see the main character in various emotional states. She, then be sad, it rejoices, it hurts, it is in confusion of feelings, then in a rustling of passion. Katerina seems to be revived, falling in love with Boris. Of course, she is trying to drive lovedness from themselves, she is not ready to betray her husband, but then he himself admits himself that the image of Boris is constantly in front of her eyes. Ultimately, the main heroine remains true to its principles. She continues to endure the mockery of Kabani.

In the farewell scene with Tikhon, Katerina had to experience his patience again. The girl was offended by his husband's attitude, because his mother's words were heard in his speeches. At that moment, Katerina felt that it would happen unearthly after the departure of Tikhon.

In the episode with the key, the girl is trying to figure out his feelings. But he understands that herself do not deceive. In this we see the full strength of Katerina. She does not want and cannot pretend to be not honest. The girl complains of bitterness of his position. It was it that pushed Katerina to decisive actions. The main character takes the final decision to be with Boris, and the consequences of it are no longer worried.

Being at the wicket to the garden, Katerina still doubts the correctness of his act, but then goes to the call of his heart.

The main heroine was not afraid of public rigor. She publicly declared her to betray her husband. Katerina understood all the sinfulness of his act, but was ready to cross through his principles and be with a loved one.

In the final of the play, Katerina dies. Its act can be estimated in different ways. She could not realize his dream - to be with a loved one, but was able to show the whole tragedy of the "Dark Kingdom", which ruined her.

Katerina was able to betray his principles for love. For us, she will never be a fallen woman. We remember her as a person who fought for her dream. Let even in this way.

"Thunderstorm" is the most powerful and decisive work of A. N. Ostrovsky, in which the paintings of the grim reality of Russia are vividly described. The central conflict of drama is a collision of the heroine, defending its human rights, with the world of the "Dark Kingdom", with the kingdom of lies, hypocrisy, a chandeliness, ignorance, the power of money in which the "hosts" rule, strong and powerful people. It is them that they are opposed to the bright and clean soul of the main heroine of Katerina Kabanova.

From the very first scenes, she attracts special attention to himself. Katerina is different from all representatives of the "Dark Kingdom" depth of their feelings, honesty, truthfulness, the poettle of nature. In her image, the author captured the beauty of the People's Soul. Katerina expresses his minds and feelings by a simple popular language without using the usual words and expressions in a merchant medium. The speech of the heroine of Music, singing, reminds folk songs. There is a lot of smear and diminutive words in it: Sunny, Voddy, rains, grass. And what kind of figures and the story sounds about her free life in the hometown, among flowers, icons, prayers. "I lived, I didn't heal, exactly the bird in the will." The image of the bird helps to understand the main thing in the character of Katerina. In folk poetry bird-symbol of will. And Katerina, like a "free bird", is faithful to the feeling of freedom, only she sees the content and meaning of life. "Why do people do not fly like birds?" She says to Varvar. "You know, it sometimes seems to me that I am a bird." But this free bird hit the iron cage. And she beats, longing in captivity.

With his dreamy and romantic soul Katerina alien in the house of Kabanov. With such a character, she cannot live where everything keeps on lies, hypocrisy, tyranny. Can not live in the house where the vital philosophy of the hostess is to scare, humiliate and keep everyone in fear. It is hard to endure humiliating prefabricated mother-in-law. But one-piece, severe nature, Katerina suffers only until time. "But if I very much will come true here, says it," it will not keep me with any force. I'll throw it into the window, I will throw it into the Volga. I don't want to live here, so I will not become me, even though you cut me! " Among the victims of the "Dark Kingdom", it is highlighted by an open character, courage, directness. "I can't deceive something; I can't hide anything," she answers Barbar, who says that without deception in their house will not live. The Samoga force of the "Dark Kingdom" did not bent the Katerina, did not poison her consciousness, did not make a hypocrite and lie. She lives with a dream of a real, human life.

Her attempt to escape from the "aphable" world merges with a wokeered sense of love. And at this moment there is a clash of love and debt. After all, Katerina cannot love as the timid victims of the "Dark Kingdom". She wants openness, freedom, "honest" happiness. Boris tells her: "No one will know about our love ..." And Katerina answers: "Let everyone know, let everyone see what I do!" She changes her husband to Tikhon, but at the same time he perceives his bright sense of love as a mortal sin. And here we are opening the tragedy of the female soul, her flour and suffering. Katerina enters the conflict not only with the environment, but also with himself. She can't choose between debt and love. The heroine is in a painful break with his conscience. She dares, hesitates, trying to suppress the joy of love that illuminated her life, trying to forbid himself to love and be happy. But this struggle with her feelings turns out to be heroin not bye. The laws of the surrounding world, its way and order are put on it. And Katerina craves to clean his conscience with repentance. She can no longer tolerate. And when he sees a picture of a "terrible court" on the wall of the gallery in the church, it does not stand, it falls on his knees and officially in sin. But it does not bring relief. Tragism is that the heroine does not find support anywhere. Even with a loved one. "Take me from here!" - I am a Boris. But weak and scored her friend. "I can not, Katya. Not in my opinion I will eat ..." -Takov his answer. Boris -na hero, he is not able to protect either Himself nor a beloved woman. Impossibility to find support and support in your beloved person, injury from despotic mother-in-law, a collision of love and debt - it leads to a tragic end, breaks the fate of Katerina, pushes it to the cliff.

She no longer represents his life without love and happiness, so live in the house of Kabanova, for which these concepts of alien, Katerina cannot. And the only possible way to be the heroine finds suicide. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe future only scares her, and the grave seems to be rescued from spiritual torment. Katerina leaves life. But in this there is rather its power than weakness. Because she did not want to enjoy a miserable stagnation, which she was offered in exchange for her living soul, did not want to live in a society where there are no true love, kindness, religion, and there is only a family cell.

The death of the heroine was not useless. The moral victory of Katerina over the "Dark Kingdom" is undoubted. She was illuminated by the souls and hearts of people darkness, opened her eyes, prompted against action. Her death is a terrible challenge to Samogovny, it is a sentence to the whole "dark kingdom." The life of the heroine was short, but she, as a "ray of light," was gone in the darkness and left the glow over the kingdom of darkness and madness.

One of the masterpieces of Russian drama is rightfully considered to be Piesen A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm", which the author himself was assessed as creative luck.
The main conflict "Thunderstorms" is a clash of an awakening person in the conditions of the "Dark Kingdom" with his dogma, despotism and false. This person was Katerina.
Her life is unthinkable without sunrise and sunset, rusted herbs on blooming meadows, flights of birds, fluttering butterflies from a flower on a flower. With her, both the beauty of the rural temple, and the width of the Volga, and the Zavolzhsky meadow space. Through the entire play passes a light image of a bird, rising to the blue expanses of heaven. This is an image of the spiritualized soul, which risen at the height of spiritual perfection. And Katerina itself dreams of becoming a bird: "Why do people do not fly like birds? You know, I sometimes think that I am a bird. When you stand on the mountain, so you pull you. That would be fused, raised her arms and flew. " It is necessary to pay special attention to how Katerina prays, "what angel's smile on her face, and on behalf of the face, it is like", something icon painted is in this face, from which light radiance comes, her prayer - a bright holiday of the soul , This is an angel choir in a pillar of sunlight, flowing out of the dome, echoing with the singing of strangers, chirping birds. "For sure, I happened, I will enter a paradise and I do not see anyone, and I don't remember time, and I do not hear when the service will end."
All the joy of life of Katerina is experiencing in the temple, in the garden, among the herbs, colors, morning freshness of the waking nature. In the dreams of young Katerina, there is a szvuk of the Christian legend of paradise, the Divine Garden, to cultivate which was presented to the original people. They lived, like birds of heaven, and their work was the difficulty of free and free people. They were immortal, and time did not have a destructive power over them: "I lived, I didn't heal anything, exactly the bird in the wild. Mama in me the soul was not a chayale, dressed me like a doll, did not forced him; What I want, it happened, then I do ... I will stand, it happened, early; If in the summer, so I'm going to the key, I wonder, I will bring with myself water and everything, all the flowers in the house of Polle. I had a lot of colors. " Later, in a difficult minute of life, Katerina complains: "I'm a little died, it would be better. I would have looked from the sky to the ground, I was happy to all. And then would fly ... from cornflower on cornflower, in the wind, like a butterfly. "
In the Kabanovsky kingdom, where all the lively, Katerina is overwhelmed, the Katerina is overwhelming the longing of the harmony. Her love is akin to desire to raise his arms and fly, the heroine is waiting for her too much. The woman is proud, volitional, she is married to a weak, haired, who is fully subordinate to the mother of Tikhon. Nature spiritualized, light, dreamy, she fell into the atmosphere of lies, cruel laws, loved "loony", no independent Boris, the love for which she did not quench her longing. Katerina feels his guilt before Tikhon and Kabaniy, and not so much in front of them, as before the whole world, in front of the kingdom of good. It seems to her that the whole universe is offended by her fall. Only a full-blooded and spiritual personality can so feel their unity with the universe and have such a high sense of responsibility to the highest truth and harmony, which is enclosed in it. The decision to commit suicide comes to Katerina together with the internal excuse, the feeling of freedom and soreness after the moral storms experienced by it. By the end of the drama, the fear of the fire of the fire disappears, and the heroine considers himself to be entitled to appear before the highest moral court. "Death in sins is terrible," they speak in the people.
But together with spirituality in Katerina live and weaknesses. From children's years, she got used to dreams and enjoy the beauty of nature and was not accustomed to insults with which she met later in the "Dark Kingdom". Before her fall, she had no doubt that she would fall into paradise after death, and she did not think about terrible flour in hell. Katerina did not notice his pride, and it ruined her after she collided with the difficulties of life. At first glance, it seems that she made a feat, in fact she dodged him. It seems to us that voluntarily leave life is scary, in fact it is many times easier than to endure suffering and insult people and fight all the difficulties of life that there is a real feat; For the Bible says: "Pushed to the end will be saved." All sins say goodbye to someone who sincerely repents in them: "Repent, and be pardoned." Only one sin does not say goodbye to a person - this suicide.
The play is very close to our time, although it was written more than a century ago, as in our age with addiction to alcohol, drugs increased cases of suicide, and many forgot about the soul and love. The Lord said: "Many will deal with the name of lawlessness, in many the love will cool." And we see it in the distribution of numerous religions and the popularity of psychics, "who come to us in a sheep skins, and inside the essence of wolf predatory." Few now care about their soul, and more about the body, as it were, more to eat and drink yes to see something interesting on TV. So our boring, monotonous life passes, and only some of us really think about it, only closer to the old age we begin to understand that they have not done anything useful to anyone and lived in vain. The Apostle Paul spoke about the human body: "Earth is and in the land of alliants," but the soul is immortal, and you need to think where it falls - in paradise or hell.