The best love fantasy. List of the best fantasy love books

The best love fantasy.  List of the best fantasy love books
The best love fantasy. List of the best fantasy love books

The modern fantasy genre has taken shape quite recently and is based on medieval fairy tales. And as you know, much attention in these tales was paid to the romantic relationship between beautiful ladies and noble knights. Therefore, a significant part of fantasy is also books about love. This section contains fantastic works that allow you to plunge headlong into an exciting search for ancient artifacts, bloody battles with evil and, of course, an exciting search for the stolen princess. Fantasy love books often adhere strictly to the genre, but this potential drawback is more than compensated for by a variety of well-written universes that won't let you get bored on a journey.

Eternal confrontation between vampire clans? Werewolf friend? Vampire boyfriend? Bella Swan, a high school student, was not expecting as she moved from sunny Phoenix to the rainy and foggy small town of Forks. And the choices to be made can change the whole life.

Blair has the same nightmare all the time. And who would have thought that the dream would suddenly become a reality, and the girl would find herself in the most mysterious place of all that you can imagine. In addition, the handsome neighbor is not at all as simple as it seems.

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Let's get acquainted? I am the most ordinary witch. What do I do? Yes, nothing special: a little here, a little there. And everything was in order until I met one mercenary. Demon. And he decided that he fell in love with me, as if other problems were not enough for me ...

Seemingly quiet, peaceful place has finally been found. Well, who's going to go to a boarding school for noble maidens? Ah, sorry, college of cosmetology and fragrance. Who needs it? Katarina thought so, but, it seems, she miscalculated: with the advent of a new teacher, everything went upside down.

Dark Empire? For Light? What if your own father is crazy and wants to marry a necromancer? Run, of course! And immediately! And it so happened that the Dark Empire. What, zombies? Oh, don't tell me - you can get along with them. Necromancers? Well, they are people too ...

Daria did not even think about magic - she would have solved her problems, she would not fly out of the university. But the High Council of another world decided otherwise, and the girl became a student at the Academy of the Elements of another world. And an outcast, because the aliens are hated here. Give up and give up? Never!

Curse your own rector? Yes Easy! Unknown as a working spell? We know, we can, we practice. Not only will the damned lord begin to show strange signs of attention, but also a maniac will appear and, it seems, according to your soul. And which of these two is worse is another question.

And it all started so well: after failing all the exams in my native alma mater, I received an alternative option - to study at the magic academy. Not in an entirely honest way, but oh well. And everything would be fine if it were not for one prince, a demon and a mystery guy. Is that what they want from me?

A luxurious new body, luxurious living conditions, the ability to magic - happy and impressive? Impressive, but not happy. Because the set includes a lack of freedom and supposedly second halves. All normal people have one, but I got two. And it seems it's time to run ...

World has gone mad. Definitely! Where has it been seen that good sat out in the swamps, and evil brazenly roamed the world? We urgently need to correct the situation. How? Becoming a witch, naturally! And it doesn't matter that the other day I didn't believe in magic. This is happening here ...

When you really want a calm, peaceful life, and so that no one interferes with your favorite business, you can safely expect the opposite. And instead of a contract to work in some small estate, the young magician gets a dangerous task and a harmful partner to boot. Well, let's break through!

What if the very best detectives can't figure out the villain who fears the inhabitants of the estate? Contact the Sisters of Silence - they will send their specialist. And if this is the only chance of salvation, then any price can be paid.

Become another concubine in the harem of the otherworldly ruler? No thanks, I don’t want to. Even if he desperately needs a blonde virgin. You never know what and who needs! Toma or now Taressa would not agree to this. And he is not going to become an obedient toy.

Without money, without things, without memory, you cannot go far. Especially if you are being chased by hired killers. What to do? Surrender to the mercy of fate or try to fight and find out your past? Of course, the second. And to begin with - to enter the Academy of Magic, and then it will be seen.

If you are the Crown Duke and your uncle is the king, this has certain disadvantages. Immediate command to marry separately and do not dispute - your own dear. But I don't want to marry the girl I saw for the first time. So, you need to come up with a plan and start your own game.

If you are already a little over thirty, then the hope of meeting a prince is practically zero. But despite the skepticism, I still want love. Even if not fabulous. So Chris thought, not knowing that the universe had decided to be generous and fulfill her desire. Another question is how.

Become a student at the Magic Academy? Who in their right mind would refuse such a thing! So Nadya didn’t. New knowledge, friends, adventures ... And everything would be fine, if not for one "but": a teacher who disliked at first sight and tries to survive by any means.

Flying on dragons in a large company is not a practice, but just a dream of any girl. And nothing if the increased attention of a mentor and legends is attached to this, which are not legends at all, but the most that neither is the truth. Adventure is the same. The main thing is to get out alive.

Catching aliens drinking human blood is their job. Not complicated and not simple, ordinary. For them. And the next task does not seem impossible until it turns out that all the court aristocrats were under suspicion. And what should the Hunters do now?

Sometimes life presents very unpleasant surprises and instead of a carefree, joyful existence, you suddenly find yourself in prison, having lost your title and at the same time all your friends. Except for one ghost that helps you escape and start over.

To be the mistress's beloved maid of honor, oh, how difficult it is at times: break the unwanted wedding, and quietly take the lover out of the chambers, and steal the dirt on the mistress's brother ... But Inessa Anttego copes. Only worried about Lord Cameron Astley - too handsome and clever. 22.
Anytime, anywhere, be in the thick of things and find adventure on your heel? This is just about me. A secular visit to the sheriff resulted in a series of confusing events, just have time to figure out what's what. Also, love has fallen, even two - choose, I don't want to.

Strange things happen in the kingdom after the death of the king. Someone wants to kill the crown prince, and assassination attempts follow one after another. Only Irene Randall, a girl with an unusual gift, can save Raoul. To do this, she will have to become his favorite for a while.

Everything got confused in Nika's life after graduation from the boarding school. By the will of her deceased father, the girl will become the bride of the gloomy Viscount Telbridge, who is not at all delighted with his bride. And Nika is more like a handsome doctor. But it’s not that simple.

If you want to go to another world - please. Elves, dragons, gnomes - no problem. Only you are not quite human. More precisely, not a man at all. What, you are not welcome? What did you want? This is life, not a fairy tale. So get dark murders, obscure customs and unearthly love.

It is not easy to study at the magic academy when you know that after graduating from the alma mater you will not have to work in your specialty, but return to court intrigues. Only I do not want to explain this to others. Maybe then it is worth uniting with the same as her?

If your friend falls in love with an elven prince, run without delay. Otherwise, you will find yourself drawn into a magical ritual that will take you to a strange world ruled by elves. And no, this is not a fairy tale. A nightmare! After all, people are so, trash. And you have not to live, but to survive.

If a young and talented magician is sent from the capital, it is worth considering. Especially if there are no prerequisites for this: our place is quiet, evil spirits are shown once a year on holidays. And if the magician is handsome, clever and charming, it is difficult to maintain prudence.

Lose everything to find something new. Only this new thing is not so joyful: the problems that worried in the past life seem like childish pranks against the background of the new ones. But when there is an opportunity to start from scratch, it is a sin to miss the chance. And the difficulties ... Let's break through!

If you suddenly receive a gift from a stranger, is it worth accepting? And the gift is not easy - a house at the crossroads of worlds. With its secrets and unusual inhabitants: werewolves, demons, ancient magicians. And magical abilities are also attached to it ...

If you do not want to get an unknown foreign woman as a bride, do not trust her choice to a dropout magician. If you do not want to be alone in a foreign world, do not sign strange contracts with strangers. Have you trusted? Signed? Well, now it remains to live until the wedding.

Possessing an unusual gift - the ability to change appearance, which only Sebastian Velsky did not have a chance to experience. It would seem that he has seen everything. But no! To find a strong witch, he will have to take part in the beauty contest "Poznańska Maiden". Would have survived!

The share of a thirty-year-old woman with a child is not easy - no personal life. And there is not a single prince on the horizon. Even the most seedy one. You never know what the seers promise in Egypt. Where is love and where is it. What, they won't give another? Well, okay then - let's take it. We will educate.

It is not easy to live in the world. Especially if you're undead. And not just any, but a lich. You would think that you are a little bit not alive, but you are friends with your head, you do not feed on people, you even have a conscience. And what to do? It remains only to punish enemies and try to find love.

What can friendship with handsome demons lead to? That's right, no good. Even if you are a fairy. Especially if you're a fairy. Modest and beautiful. Then every first will try to seduce a modest girl and get her for his personal use.

Accept the rules of the game or escape from the prepared fate? Ariadne chooses the second option and resignedly changes the life of the humble herbalist of the South to the fate of the ice magician of the North. A cozy family nest, a loving husband, new friends? If only at first glance.

Popadants are different. Someone is lucky, and he finds himself in the right world, with an ideal body, a gentleman-darling. And if not? And instead of an ideal world - the Middle Ages, instead of a gorgeous body - overweight, I don't want to talk about a gentleman ... Give up? Act!

To remember about pride, the quiet and downtrodden Reimira had to endure betrayal. Only it could shake the girl and make her remember that she is not a weak-willed doll. Therefore, she accepts the offer of a mysterious stranger with joy. It won't get any worse.

What happens if you drink an unknown potion, even if a friend advised it? At best, poisoning, at worst ... At worst, you will find yourself in an incomprehensible place with an incomprehensible who. But no, of course - with a demon. But that doesn't make it any easier! Moreover, the problems are just beginning.

If you're a trouble magnet, don't expect anything to change, even if you are transported to another world. And who said it would look like a fairy tale? Instead of old problems, new ones will appear, and not only his own - the local king also has them in bulk.

Not all fairy tales are kind. And once in a strange world, Cassandra was once again convinced of this. Power reigns here, and no one cares about someone's feelings, and the line between good and evil is very conditional. Will she be able to survive here and remain herself? Or will it become like everyone else?

Will the Dark Dragon - proud and wayward - be able to fall in love with a simple human girl? All that she can offer him is love, tenderness, loyalty and devotion. Will it be enough to make the ancient cold heart feel?

Fleeing from the past, Nell fakes her own death and arrives on a small island. The girl hopes to find shelter and feel safe for a little while. Meeting Zach Todd and a local witch changes her life and helps to find the strength to fight.

Young Arica is chosen to save the world. But not just like that, not for beauty or talents, but as payment for paternal debts. But you will not be bored - adventures do not keep you waiting long, and then you look and the heart of an arrogant and mysterious lord will thaw.

Lutonya decided to learn magic, but set off on the road. And what to do if the abilities suddenly appeared - you can't just brush them off. The path lies ahead, full of dangers and hardships. But faithful friends will not let you go, and the witch grandmother will help.

If you want to do a good deed, think carefully. Otherwise, it can backfire so much that it will not seem a little. Muscovite Aleta realized this when it was already too late and she found herself in the strange world of Aerling. We'll have to improvise - to save ourselves and new friends.

Even ten years ago, this problem was especially urgent. But today, when the world wide web is replete with hundreds of sites specializing in providing information about books, online and published, the question of what to read should not arise.

However, out of the thousands of books published on the Web every year, it is difficult to choose a really good one, one that is not full of clichés and carries at least some value.

Elena Zvezdnaya - "Academy of Curses" cycle

Since 2009, the author, writing under a pseudonym, has appeared on the Internet. Readers immediately identified her books as the best love fantasy. But one of her works interested everyone most of all - the cycle "Academy of Curses".

The book tells about the adventures of a young girl, a student of the Academy of Curses. By coincidence, she curses the master of the Dark Empire - Lord Ryan Thiers. After that, the young man begins to render indecent to the heroine

However, these are far from all the problems of the heroine: a serial killer who kills girls is operating on the borders of her country. All his victims turn out to be like a lady. She will have to unravel a strange matter and at the same time not fall into the clutches of the dark lord.

Mary Liu - Young Elite

In second place in the list of "Best love fantasy" is the book "Young Elite". The romantic storyline is centered around Adeline Amoteru. When she was still a child, a bloody fever destroyed most of the country's population.

Survived rarely, and then only children. But the disease did not just recede from the poor guys, it rewarded them with its marks. Hair of any color turned to silver, eyelashes turned whitish, and instead of the left eye there was only an ugly scar. Adeline who survived the disease should be considered lucky, but her father believes that her daughter has defamed the family.

Gradually, ten years after the bloody fever, rumors of a certain "Young Elite" spread throughout the country. The members of the secret society are people who have survived a disease that gave them not only external gifts, but also supernatural abilities.

Daria Kuznetsova - "Word of the Emperor"

Finding the best fantasy love stories can be difficult sometimes. Books are constantly being published, many authors exhibit their works on the Web. And often the novels do not live up to expectations. But this does not apply to fantasy by Daria Kuznetsova.

The history of the book "The Word of the Emperor" unfolds in times of trouble. Alexandra is not just a smart and beautiful girl, she is also a princess who understands that her kingdom cannot bear another war. Then she agrees without objection to a marriage of convenience. But shortly before the ceremony, the groom changes. For Alexandra, this is a small misfortune: any of them remains only a stranger.

But her new betrothed, Ruamar, agreed to the marriage in order to save his brother. And he is not very happy with his bride. Two strong representatives of their kingdoms will have to find a way to negotiate in order to avoid new wars.

Milena Zavoichinskaya - “Higher School of Librarians. Book walkers of special purpose "

Another story about a magical and exciting world entered the rating of the best love fantasy. Kira and Karel are partners who will become great wizards. But before that, the restless couple will have to go through many trials, and hard and diligent study is one of them.

But the partners should not despair, the legendary Annatiniel Cariborough took over their promotion. She will not give her personal students a descent. It is unusual for Karel and Kira to be lazy and careless about the learning process.

But what is happening in his free time from studies makes the director of the Higher School remember prayers to all demons and gods. Under the influx of brilliant ideas of two famous partners, no one can resist: the educational institution shakes up, the rector has new gray hairs in his hair. Thanks to the outstanding plot and interesting characters, the books of the cycle are defined in the readers' reviews as the best love fantasy.

Eva Nikolskaya - "Snow White for His Grace"

The main character is destined for a difficult fate. She is not just Errisar's sister and the princess of her kingdom. She is the one who will be condemned to marry to avoid war. And if a simple girl has a choice - to stay or run away, then this lady has no way to retreat.

She will have to seal the political alliance between two strong races: the snow magicians and the light lords. However, the acquaintance with the groom began with a sad note. As it turned out, the wayward character of the bride and the imperiousness of the groom are incompatible.

But fate cannot be changed, and the Snow Lady goes to a distant kingdom. Together with her, they send her closest friend, the only one who can pacify the proud disposition of the princess.

Gradually, after joint battles, the heart of the ice maiden thaws, and she notices: her husband is not so bad.

Olga Huseynova - "Light and Dark"

As always, the best love fantasy is not complete without the story of the "hit people" - those who, against their will, were transferred to a parallel world where magic and chaos reign. Usually, in such stories, travelers find themselves in the bodies of beautiful, strong and successful inhabitants of the new world.

But with the main character of the book "Light and Dark", everything took a different path. The girl, waking up in a new world, realized that she did not get either a divine body or strong abilities. She became Light, who has been considered crazy for many years. And as an additional bonus, she turns out to be the wife of a Dark Magician, who is not distinguished by kindness and understanding.

It would seem that the situation is stalemate. But the heroine is not discouraged, she is trying to improve relations with her husband, because no one will abandon a faithful wife?

Lessa Kauri - "Cinderella from the tavern on the square"

And again an interesting love fantasy. replenished with a new vision of the Cinderella story. The romantic fantasy is set in a tavern located in the square. Her mistress does not notice troubles: she is busy with what she loves, she is surrounded by loyal friends, she does not think about troubles and sorrows. This Cinderella certainly does not dream of becoming a queen.

But her desires do not bother fate. When a calm atmosphere reigns in the tavern, strange events unfold outside its walls. And soon a messenger is knocking on the door, who will change her life.

Elena Petrova - cycle "Lane"

An unusual story about a "hit woman" was included in the list "The best love story is headed by three books by Elena Petrova about the adventures of Leina and her friends.

Leina's story began a few years ago. She lived in an ordinary world, did not stand out and led a rather gray existence. But her fate changed when the girl found herself face to face with a completely different world.

Not only people live here, but also light and dark elves. Many wield magic and conspiracy against royalty. Lane has a long way to go to realize her abilities, and to accept that she is a Demiurge - a magician capable of creating new worlds. But Lane does not despair: no matter how good the new world and new environment are, she is still looking for a way home.

Irmata Aryar - "The Bodyguard of His Darkness"

A new fantasy novel from Irmata Aryar tells the story of Lika. She is the Maiden of the Moon and the priestess of the goddess of love. She, by definition, cannot be in the world of dark creatures. But Lika doesn't care. She manages to enroll in the Academy of Darkness and Shadows without much difficulty.

Everyone in this world believes that demons and priestesses are incompatible, they cannot exist peacefully, and not just work together. But Lika violates all the foundations, she wants to become the bodyguard of His Darkness.

The obstinate girl became interested in the Dark Throne.

Ekaterina Bogdanova - “Boarding house of skilful favorites. Struggle for life "

And in tenth place in the list of "Best love fantasy" is the creation of Ekaterina Bogdanova.

For many years, Karika studied at the Pension, preparing professional favorites. The girl was supposed to entertain the king in the future and not think about political games. But fate decided to check Karika.

The pupil becomes not a favorite, but a princess of the Naminai Empire. The homeland of mysteries and dark magic frightens Karika, but she is not ready to show her new subjects that she is afraid. However, the girl will have to fight not only with her fears, Karika will face prejudices that significantly poison her life.

But Karika does not give up, he does not want to be just a doll in the hands of the rulers.

"Litres"- an aggregator, distributor and seller of licensed e-books in Russia and the CIS countries, has been successfully doing this for 10 years. Last year, this electronic resource just celebrated its anniversary. The company cooperates with leading Russian publishing houses - Eksmo, AST, Ripol-classic, Azbuka-Atticus, Alfa-Kniga, Kommersant, Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, etc. The assortment of the Liters store totals more than 750,000 e-books (of which 100,000 are Russian-speaking) and 5,000 audiobooks. The year has come to an end and Liters sums up its results, naming the best books of the year in their opinion in different categories. Today I will list them as the best love fantasy of 2016. Vampires, werewolves, sorcerers, demons and succubi - these are the characters in these fairy tales for adult girls. I have not read most of them, although I am familiar with other works of these authors (not all). So, top 10 according to Liters

I'll start with the young author Milena Zavoichinskaya, who gained popularity and love among fans of the genre with her novels "The Thirteenth Bride", the cycles "Irzhina", "House at the Crossroads", Series "Higher School of Librarians", The third novel in this latest series, Special Purpose Bookwalkers, became a hit last year.
The main character Kira Zolotova is a student of the Higher School of Librarians and a bookwalker for special purposes. She will become the greatest magician. Under the guidance of the dark fairy Annatiniel Cariborough, the heroine and her partner Karel must not only master bestiology and faerie science, but also endure difficult practical exercises prepared by a strict mentor.
So they studied as if they were instituted, ramming knowledge into their heads with triple speed and tenfold zeal. And in rare moments of rest? Well ... who's not naughty? Even though the whole school literally shudders from this, and the rector turns gray. But fun and interesting. Highly. And this is also a "special appointment" of the adherent of the HSB Kira Zolotova.

The next author is also well known for her romantic and hilarious books. Fascinating plot, good language, well-written characters, circumstances, worlds for this genre. Perhaps none of the novels I read disappointed me. All of them are written quite smoothly, there are no obviously failed things. Therefore, it is not surprising that the second book in her next Astra series became a hit in 2016.
One of the readers' reviews: " I will say right away that I personally liked the first part more. there is intrigue, and love is born, somehow everything is twisted. in the second part of this there is much less of this, mainly the throwing of the Astra, but such that at times I wanted to knock her. but in general, it is quite readable, especially for those who are interested in the first part and want to know the end of the story. Heh is present, so after reading there is a pleasant aftertaste and the belief that there are fairy tales. "
this novel from Olga Huseynova Liters awarded two titles at once - a bestseller and a hit of sales. I am not familiar with the author and her novels, unlike the first two, so I will just give the floor to Liters:
Everyone knows that any unlucky hit woman, finding herself in another World, always becomes the owner of the body of the smartest, most beautiful, strongest. In a word, very, very. And then the whole world is at her feet, complete with a magnificent lover.
And what to do if she found herself in the body of a long and final insane Light, and even married to a stern and ruthless Dark Magician?
Of course, look for the bright side in the dark soul of the sinister spouse. In the end, even the Deathmage wants to be happy and will not mind an intelligent and devoted wife.

is one of the best writers in the genres of fantasy, combat fiction and love literature today. Her novels are sold in millions of copies, and on the Internet they are looking for electronic copies for free. From my own experience, I want to say that some of her books seemed weak to me, while others really carried away. The cycles of the works created by her are very different in the heroes and worlds depicted in them. this one is dedicated to witches, witch worlds and magic.

This third book from the Order and Chaos saga continues the amazing adventures of Academy student Cara Thorn. The heroine takes possession of the mystical gift of seeing, which is not only for the good, but also brings great danger.
Kara had just begun to know herself and her gift, when she was swallowed up by a real whirlpool of adventure.
From readers' reviews: " There are a lot of books and series about academies, and this is one of them. I read it quickly and without disappointment. But I didn't get incredible pleasure either. The plot interested me. I would like to wait for the continuation. The heroine is flat, without depth, but does not cause rejection. Therefore, I recommend reading if you like fantasy about academies. "

  • With pleasure I read three books in the series and waited for the fourth. Read you will not regret it. The heroes are emotional, passions and whales. Development of the plot keeps in suspense. With pleasure I followed, first two, and then three love lines.

Daria Kuznetsova is a young author, she has only 4 novels in Liters so far, and the first one "became a hit.
Princess Alexandra is a smart girl. She understands that the continuation of the war between the two empires will end in failure, therefore, without regret, she agrees to a dynastic marriage with the younger brother of the ruler of the empire, Rusch, which seals the peace treaty. And the fact that the groom was replaced at the last moment ... what's the difference, one stranger or another!
Emperor Ruamar is a smart man. He knows that some insults can only be washed away with blood, and when his brother's foolishness threatens a peace agreement, he takes his place at the altar without hesitation.
And two smart people can always come to an agreement, even if one of them is not a person at all.
From reviews: " I stumbled upon this author by accident, before that I had not read Russian authors. The first novel The Word of the Emperor captured, did not come off. Sensible heroes, interesting storytelling, no heroine tantrums and hero jumps. When I finished reading, I felt sad, I wanted to learn more and more about their lives. The book contains a little bit of everything, adventures, unusual situations, and intrigue. The author writes quite smoothly, calmly, and this is also not usual. The book Cat's pride, wolf honor is also humorous. I had a great time reading the books of this author and thanks to Daria Kuznetsova I discovered the world of Russian romantic fantasy. "

Eva Nikolskaya is a modern writer from Russia, author of works in the genre of love and humorous fantasy, illustrator.
The book opens the cycle "Lords of Trialin" and tells about an amazing love story that touched the hearts of two characters completely different in character and social status. The legend of the beautiful Cinderella and the wonderful prince, old as the world, finds a new, interesting and intriguing setting.
To me personally, this novel of hers seemed somewhat rustic, but if you once again want to return to the eternal fairy tale and just relax, then there would be no scratching. In any case, she found a lot of fans who voted for her with a ruble, and made her a bestseller in 2016.

Nadezhda Mamaeva is the author of only 4 books so far, of which "became the first to attract such great attention.
Some start a personal diary because it's boring, others - when there is no friend, and she - in order to survive and not go crazy.
To please in a world dominated by magic, elves and dragons live. Take the place of the daughter of the court alchemist for a while. Get married against your will and witness a murder. Find yourself bound by an oath of revenge and try not only to survive in the maelstrom of intrigue, but also not to lose yourself. When mystery and danger become constant companions, love becomes the only anchor in a foreign world ...

The novel "by Marina Surzhevskaya
this is so far the only book by this author on Liters, and was immediately remembered and liked by many. Readers write in reviews that now they will definitely keep track of her new books. And this novel is about dragons, demons, Other worlds and Adventures of love. Agree, quite a delectable cocktail.

Alexandra Lisina is represented on Liters by 6 books already. This novel is "the first in a new series" Helka and her friends. Its main characters are a succubus and a demon, and their love story.

If you are a fan of the fantasy genre, I'm sure you are familiar with the phrases “alternate world”, “elven dust”, “edge of worlds” and “elemental magic”. If earlier, about 95 percent of men were science fiction writers, now women are massively writing incredible stories about people who happened to be in other worlds. This is how the concept of “hit” appeared. This is an ordinary person who, for some reason, found himself in another reality and has no chance of returning back.

Female or love fantasy almost always starts from the movement of the main character to another world from Earth, where she finds herself either in a magic academy, or in the body of another girl, or some kind of animal. As a rule, writers come up with an interesting name like Lissandra or Olgissa for the main character and endow her with magical powers. Hit people fall in love, get incredible opportunities to destroy evil, have sex and joke wittily. They are all independent, romantic and naive. An important factor is the fact that unusual characters such as demons, elves, dragons and succubi constantly revolve around the victim.

I recommend reading such books to those who are tired of women's novels, monotonous detective stories and want to have a good time. Having got acquainted with the mass of such literature, I want to advise you on six cool romantic books in the fantasy genre about assassins.

Olga Kai "The Emperor's Bride"

The girl was walking down the street and accidentally witnessed a murder committed by a strange stranger. He begins to blackmail the girl and trick her into an alternative world. The girl goes headlong into
palace intrigues, learning, falling in love and mastering a new role.

There is practically no sex or vulgarity in the book, on the contrary, the atmosphere is very gentle and romantic. Interestingly, the main character is extremely smart, calm and does not commit childish acts. This favorably distinguishes "Bride of the Emperor" from a thousand other stories.

Anna Gavrilova and Natalia Zhiltsova "Dance of Fire"

Natalia Zhiltsova always writes very interesting and exciting. Her lyrics are simple, intricate and unusual plots. But then the popular author decided to write a new novel in collaboration with Anna Gavrilova.

The book turned out to be bright, funny and understandable. The main heroin is studying at an ordinary university at the Faculty of Economics. She dreams of a career, a good salary and a family. But in another world, at the Academy of Elements, well-wishers found out that the inhabitant of the Earth has magical abilities. She was transferred to the academy, enrolled in training and began to educate her protector Polar. But the earthlings do not give up. The girl declared war on the Academy, its leadership and fellow students.

Julia Nabokova "The Imposter Sorceress"

On a quiet, good night, the girl fell asleep in her apartment, not suspecting that in the morning she would be in another world. She got into the world of fairy tales. The locals mistook her for a strong sorceress, and she must fit her new role. Getting out, bluffing, unraveling the case of the missing Baba Yaga, dancing with vampires - these are the necessary things for survival among strangers.

An easy and funny book about a beautiful love story, magical reserves that have come from nowhere and strange monsters.

Elena Kartur "The Elf and the Vampire"

This is a completely extraordinary story from Popadan. A young artist was killed by an icicle. The last thought flashed through the girl's head "Survive at any cost." And the higher powers have mercy. But who said they had no sense of humor? The girl woke up in the body of an elf among vampires and necromancers. And, as luck would have it, fell in love. But in the other world, same-sex love is not accepted, so the hit girl suffers.

Quite an original plot and a fascinating manner of storytelling will give you pleasant emotions, laughter and a little knowledge about the physiology of elves.

Kira Izmailova "Wanderers"

Two powerful magicians lost their way in the worlds. They are forced to constantly wander and look for a source of strength. Once they saw a sleeping student, whom they decided to take with them. Yesterday Julia was in pairs at the university, and today she must act as a source of magic for two enemies, not knowing how and what to do.

The book is non-standard and provides an opportunity to relax after work, following Yulia's adventures in another world in the company of inadequate angry magicians.

Nadezhda Fedotova "Leaders are not elected"

Classic love fantasy for relaxation. The red-haired, impudent and explosive girl recited a rhyme and was transported into the desert. Heat, a strange state, nomads and unexpected love forced the girl to accept her new role as the leader of the savages. And here is a girl who had previously only bothered with makeup, style and appearance, is forced to lead a tribe of nomads into battle.

The humorous story continues in the second part of "My good old enemy", where even more troubles and responsibility fell on the main character.

Marina Efiminyuk "Secrets of the True World"

Well, who asked the main character to explore her apartment? She found the phone and decided to call it. An innocent call pulled the girl out of the familiar world, woke up the ancient guards and turned her life into hell. It turns out that the reality where Masha lived was only a reflection of the true world, which is hidden from prying and overly curious eyes. The guards of the True World must kill all witnesses, because detection will open chaos and failure of the established order for centuries.

I would classify this book as an exciting one-time reading that will make you laugh, intrigue and help get rid of the blues.

If you are tired and have absolutely no desire to strain, download
yourself on any of the literary sites books in the genre "humorous", "romantic" or "fantasy for girls." The authors try to write incredible and fascinating stories in an easy, understandable language from the first person. Reading books of this kind will give you a good mood, relaxation and a wonderful pastime.

Romantic fantasy loved by many. And it is not surprising, because opening a book in this genre, we get 2 in 1: a touching and heartfelt love story, as it should be, describing feelings, emotions and raging human passions, and an incredibly fascinating fantasy story, which necessarily contains its own bit of magic and of magic.

On the pages of such books, the impossible becomes possible, and the line between sleep and reality, dreams and reality is barely discernible. And also in them you can find valiant knights, beautiful princesses, powerful wizards ... and true love!

If your heart asks for a fairy tale, kind and light, in which two lovers unite their fates together in spite of all enemies and obstacles, read 10 romance novels from a selection of the best romantic fantasy:

1. - a fantasy story stylized as an epic. About how the best fighter of the North named Black Yangar wished to marry the beautiful Pirkko, but instead got Inna as his wife - her sister-bastrad. It is not easy to read, but it gives a lot of impressions.

2. - a sweet story about how the pain of someone else's betrayal can give rise to new, exciting feelings. The main characters are oloess who live according to special rules and traditions, the couple is a mentor and student. Contains erotica.

3. - she is the young lady-in-waiting of the queen, he is no longer a young Guardian of Borders, who has seen a lot in his life. He will teach her swordsmanship, and teach her ... to really love. A touching and heartfelt little thing, sorry, small.

4. - a fairy tale about how a twenty-three-year-old innkeeper, who managed to be married and bury her husband, falls in love with a stranger who looked at the light at her establishment. The feeling that arises turns out to be mutual and strong, but he has a position, obligations and ... a curse. Wonderful.

5. - in one novel, two storylines are combined: one of them describes the life of an ordinary girl from our world, which are millions, the other tells the stories of dancers from the temple of the Great Goddess, naturally from another world. The idea is original, and its embodiment is not worse.

6. - a dilogy, telling about how difficult it is to find common ground for a talented magician, and no less talented, but a warrior ... although, as they say, there would be a desire, but a couple in love have more than enough of it! An unusual style of presentation, adapting to which you can get a lot of positive emotions.

7. - this romantic fantasy tells the story of a woman who has had a difficult fate: not a very successful marriage, the death of her daughter ... Now a nimble youth is seeking her favor, and a mysterious dragon looms nearby. But will anyone bring her even a fraction of happiness? An atmospheric book full of not only events, but also experiences.

8. - a dilogy describing the path of a hit in a different world, fascinating with its originality. The main character is a skilled warrior, a handsome man and ... a drow. But a happy happy ending is not a hindrance. Fascinatingly.

9. - the heroine of this romantic fantasy is an extremely pragmatic, purposeful and reasonable person. But even these virtues cannot save her from falling into a dark story associated with the missing archmage. The plot is dynamic, the main characters are beyond praise.

10. - the story of the illegitimate daughter of Prince Darena, who was chosen as his bride by the heir from the bestial people. The piece is intriguing, but the overall narrative is quite intense.

How happiness comes to those who crave love, not in spite of life's troubles, but in spite of everything and everything, very soon you can read in the selection: where I will include works, the characters of which end up together against their own will: at the behest of their parents, debt, circumstances, etc.

These books can also be safely attributed to the category of romantic fantasy, they differ from all others only in the plot of the plot. Reading them, we have to trace how coldness and hostility between two strangers gradually develops into an ardent, mutual feeling. It is fascinating to follow the development of such events, isn't it?