Pechorin calls himself moral crippled. What condemns and what Lermontov justifies in Pechorin (Option: the complexity and inconsistency of the character of Pecherin)

Pechorin calls himself moral crippled. What condemns and what Lermontov justifies in Pechorin (Option: the complexity and inconsistency of the character of Pecherin)

Tragedy of Pechorina (according to the novel Lermontov "Hero of Our Time")

"Hero of our time" - One of the most prominent works of Russian classical literature, and Pechorin is one of the brightest characters. Personality Pechorina ambiguous, it can be perceived differently: favorably or negative. But in any case, this image is tragic.

The novel consists of five independent ages, each of which has its own name, its plot and genre signs. Unites these works into a single whole main character - Pechorin, extremely complex and controversial nature. Interestingly, compositive "cereal" works, and especially what, in the middle of the novel, the reader learns about the death of Pechorin, also emphasize the tragedy and the unusual role of the main character .

In order to reveal his personality as much as possible, the author even uses a double story: Maxim Maksimovich says in the first two parts about the life of Pechorin, in the last three, we have the opportunity to hear the voice of Pecherin himself. Interestingly, the author in this part chooses the form of confession: his hero tells us from the pages of a personal diary. And such a reception still helps to understand the mystery of the Pechorinsky nature.

Drawing a portrait of Pechorina, the author notes the unusual features of his hero. The eyes of Pechorin "did not laugh when he laughed." The author concludes: "This is a sign or an evil character, or a deep permanent amount." And already in these lines is given the key to the disclosure of the image of the chief hero.

In my opinion, the author does not accidentally give the portrait of Pechorin only in the second part. Taking a novel with the tragic love Bella to Pechorin, Lermontov gradually shifts his attention to the "passion for contradictions" and split the personality of the hero. This, in fact, led to such a final.

Pechorin first sincerely wanted to make Balu happy. However, he is simply not capable of long feelings, because the hero is not looking for not love, but "medicines" from boredom. Pechorin constantly wants something extraordinary, he is even ready to risk everyone for the sake of his whim. At the same time, he involuntarily destroys other fate, and this contradiction of Pechorina discovers, as the author writes, "illness" of the whole generation of that time.

All his life, Pechorin sought to become a solid nature, as he was still in his youth, when his life was drawn by his mystery. Becoming "skillful in the art of life," Pechorin quickly disappointed in people, in life, social activities, sciences. It originated the feeling of despair and the despondency, which hero decided to hide from everyone. However, from himself, because in the diary he constantly resorts to analyzing his thoughts and experiences. And it makes it so thoroughly and with such a scientific interest that a certain experiment is performed on him.

He is trying to understand himself, not justifying and not hiding the reasons for his actions. Such merciless to itself is rare quality, but this is not enough to explain all the difficulties of his nature.

Interestingly, in his shortcomings, Pechorin for some reason is inclined to blame society. He says that the surroundings saw in his face signs of "bad inclinations". Therefore, He said Pechorin, they found themselves in it. He doesn't even mind to blame himself.

The trouble of Pechorina is that he perfectly understands how to prevent sufferings, and at the same time he will never refuse to satisfy the subjectively to torment others: "To be for someone the cause of suffering and joys, without having no right to it - not sweet food for our pride? "Appearing in someone's life, Pechorin makes all the burning smugglers run away, leaving the old and poor blind boy; Father Bella and Bella herself dies; Azamat becomes the path of crime; killed on the duel of the Pereshnitsky; Mary suffers; offended Maxim Maximovich; Tragically dies Vulich.

Or evil Pechorin? Maybe so. Angry and cruel, but first of all - unfortunate, lonely, exhausted morally and physically. Is someone to blame for this? By no means.

After all, the serious enemy of each person is he himself, and Pechorin, so deftly knows how to rule over others, playing on their "weak strings", herself is absolutely not capable of.

Pechorin makes terrible recognition that the suffering and joy of other people "support his mental strength." And here we can conclude that the "half" of the soul, which was inherent in modesty, willingness to love the whole world, the desire to do good, just evaporated, only the ability to act.

Calling yourself with "moral cripples", Pechorin, in fact, right: how else can you call a person, deprived of the opportunity to live in full strength and forced to be guided by the motives of only one, not the best half of your soul? Interestingly, in a conversation with Werner Pechorin admits: "I weighed, deal with my own desires and actions with strict curiosity, but without ferventness ... In me, two people: one lives in the full sense of the word, the other thinks and judges him ..."

And it is one half of the soul, which he considered the destroyed, really alive. According to their own beliefs, Pechorin is capable of a sincere great feeling, but the Hero's love is complex. Why does he first want love of faith? In my opinion, he wanted primarily to prove himself that he could overcome the unavailability of this woman under the power. However, only when Pechorin realizes that it may lose forever that the only one who truly understood it, the feeling of faith flashes with a new force.

As you can see, constantly running away from myself the present, Pechorin never can do to the end. And in this, the tragedy of this image is the tragedy: Pechorin suffers not only because of its drawbacks, but also positive qualities, because it feels every second, how much power in it is useless. There is no strength for love in his devastated soul, there are forces only for self-analysis and self-deception. So not finding the slightest meaning in life, Pechorin comes to the conclusion that his only appointment on earth is the destruction of the hopes of other people. Moreover, he will even go to his own death.

The deepening of the author into the inner world of the main character finally acquires the philosophical sound. Such an approach allows Lermontov in a new way to highlight the question of the responsibility of a person for his actions, about choosing a life path and about morality as a whole.

A person who lost some part of the body or ability to own it, injuring. In war, he pulled his leg, now he is a cripper, walks on the crutch.

|| . The ugly, patient in the peaceful moral sense. Moral cripple. Mental cripple.

Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


Watch what is "cripple" in other dictionaries:

    - · about.; Shimkevich also cripples, Maloros. Colic, Zap., Kaluga. Kalyak, asshole or freak; deprived of any member, like beehless, chrome, blind, etc. due to the disease, accident, or from birth, | Cripple, Chernomor. Fish Lota Vulg. ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

    Injury, disabled, wounded, disabled; Bevelless, legless, blind, chrome, perturbing, and so on. ... Dictionary of Russian Synonyms and similar expressions in terms of meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. Cripple is poor, injuring, disabled, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    cripple - cripple, disabled, hardware, poor, statute. Affinent disability, disability, statute. Calemia Currency, Cut / List, Relax / Occupational ... Dictionary of Tezaurus Synonyms of Russian Speech

    Cripple, and, husband. and wives. Man having injunction. Four and a half cripples (progress.) On several, few old, weak people. Assistants then he has half crop. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    The word whose value has changed significantly over time. The current meaning of the disabled person, crippled person (living creature, in a figurative sense and mechanism). Old value of caliber Overlook ... Wikipedia

    Persian. Kalek, stupid. Mutilated. Explanation of 25,000 foreign words included in the Russian language, with the same roots. Michelson A.D., 1865 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Without legs. Jarg. Like. Jelly Singer Kylie Minoga. I am young, 1997, number 45. Four times. Simple. Jelly Iron. On a small number of people where l. Glukhov 1988, 129. Drunk in cripples. Psk. Disappropriate About man in a state of severe alcoholic intoxication. ... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    CRIPPLE - See also disabled. ♠ To unpleasant surprises. Crickle on pellery health complications will lead to career collapse. Seeing cripples in the door of your own house sad news from afar. Cripple with a mutilated face disappointment in close ... ... Big family dream book

    CRIPPLE - Yuri Kalek, in Novgorod. 1317. gr. And dog. I, 15. Grigory Kaleka, Novgorod Archbishop. 1329. Novg. 325. Ivan Kalek, Novgorodets. 1396. R. L. A. 90. Kalika Savelkov, Gorodalin, Yama. 1500. Picks. III, 954. Ivan Kaleka, Kremenetsky tradesman. ... ... Biographical Dictionary

    CRIPPLE - To see in a dream, the cripping means that I will have unexpected help in a difficult situation. The cripple is a beggar who asks to alms on Peniti, - the fores of jogging and rumbling partners, on which one should not count in a serious money ... Dream Melnikova


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"Moral cricle". Pathology of personality.

Roman "Hero of our time." 118.
Perhaps the first to attempt to understand the novel culturally, were Western literary criticism. They did not cause an enthusiasm to be delighted, because they failed to evaluate the dignity of Pushkin: Lermontov in the novel too European, not enough "Russian", too universal in order to "satisfy the sharp taste of Romanesque and Anglo-Saxon Rusopaths." 119 Roman, you see, criticized Russian specifics, it means that he is not interested in Western specialist. I, on the contrary, see in criticism of Russian culture the main advantage of the novel and the greatest civil achievement of the author.

The novel captures a deep minor tonality, some kind of doom, the feeling of the impending catastrophe, from the first to the last line it permeates the author of the author. "Bored live in this world, gentlemen!" - As if these words do not pronounce Gogol. Lermontov as a doctor prescribes the "bitter medicine" society, as the cultural analyst utters "caustic truths", and we see the suffering of the poet citizen. This is a novel, the sentence of a Russian man who wants to feel like a person, but from his attempt to rise over the generally acceptedness, becoming something like Don Quixote of Russian society, nothing but the confusion does not work. For this ugly attempt the bloody trail, a chain of destroyed hopes, broken fate, annoyance of the Hero of the Roman on himself - moral cripple, man "neither, nor it," his moral devastation, despair. The self-analysis of Pechorin, aimed at seeing the person in herself, with an unlimited longing reveals ... His inability to live, because the personality in Russia carries the features of social pathology. In this conclusion, the main pathos of the novel "Hero of our time".

The conclusion of Lermontov has an overhangivers and general cultural meaning. Pechorin is not just a hero of the Russian society of the first third of the XIX century. He is a portrait of a man whom the world calls Russian.
"Pechistan disease. Confession of "moral cripples".
In the preface to Roman Lermontov, he says that his book is a portrait of a Russian society, but the "portrait made from vices" and that in the novel "The disease is indicated." What is this "disease"?

The criticism of the Soviet period unanimously argues that the criticism of a public defendant, building a Russian society, an overwhelming person, and that Pechorin is the victim of his imperfection, and the essence of the novel in justifying the need to liberate the Russian person from this oppression. Such a conclusion, at first glance, it seems to be made from Pechorin's monologues, in which it is often said "tired", "boring", "My life becomes an empty day of day," "the soul is spoiled in me." But this is only at first glance. The root cause of the peculiarities of Pechorin in it is what kind of person, this and society that it forms and in which lives. Pechorin suggests a magnifying glass to his soul, and before us by the confession of a Russian man - moral cripple, revealing the clinical picture of his deformity. The essence of the disease in the absence of qualities in which, starting with Evangelical times, humanity is increasingly needed by the formation of personality.

"Moral cricle" is a pathological splitness, the split between the understanding of the need to change and inability to change itself. In Pechorin, the complex of inferiority is reigning, the conscious introduction of himself and others is misleading, self-deception, it is dominated by what the name of social pathology received in this book. Pechorin is stuck in the state of "inseparence and inability." From here indifference to life, contempt for people and yourself, the inability to love, deeply feel, laugh, cry, inability to openness and friendship, envy, constant focus on conspiracies, intrigues, vitality, attempts to revenge another and for their inferiority, focus on Self-destruction, death.

V. G. Belinsky brought into a public circulation The concept of "Pechorina's Disease". But then, in the XIX century, this concept reflected only a guess of literary studies about some kind of deep, although the unclear inflamicer of the Russian person. The cultural methodology deployed in this book allows you to open the secret of the Lermontov logic of the analysis of Russian culture, understand the "Pechistan disease" as a disease of Russia and thereby see in the novel "Hero of our time" not only the fact of literature, but the fact of culture.

V. V. Afanasyev writes: "Lermontov ... I collected in it (in Pechorin - A. D.) a lot of things that are found in the best people of his generation. Pechorin is strong, deeply feeling, a talented person capable of a lot and much good, but ... He does not forgive people of imperfections and weaknesses and even seeks to put them in case of such a position where these qualities have revealed to the end ... And yet he does it (as in the case of Pereshnitsky) with the hope that a person is caught and turns at the better. This is a character that can cause the opposite feelings - sympathy or complete denial ... It is well educated, read a lot, and he has a philosophical mindset. In his journal, many subtle reasoning, discovering him with the works of many great thinkers. This is a modern hamlet, in which there is also a lot of mysterious, as in the hero of Shakespeare. " 120.

The Religious critic of Afanasyev in 1991, essentially repeats the fact that in 1841, the non-religious population of V. G. Belinsky wrote more talentedly: "What a terrible person this Pechorin! - Belinsky exclaims. - Because his restless spirit requires movement, the activity is looking for food, the heart is eager for the interests of life, so there should be a poor girl! "Egoist, villain, monster, immoral person!" - Choir shout strict moralists. Your truth of the Lord; But you are about what? What are you angry? Right, it seems to us, you did not come to our place, got at the table, followed by the device ... Do not come too close to this person, do not attack him with such a passionate bravery: he will look at you, smile, and you will be Condemned, and on the embarrassed persons your everything will read your court. " 121.

No, gentlemen. Neither a bright assessment of the criticism of the beginning of the XIX century, nor a tedious assessment of the criticism of the end of the XX - early XXI centuries. Today is not suitable.

Pechorin is sick, and its illness progresses, it decomposes. Enough to reverent in front of the talent, mind and education of Pechorin. Is educated? But who is not educated today? Capable to subtle reasoning? But does the Dostoevsky Dostoevsky, who is in contradictions ", was not able to be deep and even very subtle reasoning? Talented? Did the dying and rotting on the sofa of the brooms were not talented? But he himself said that he was "shameful to live." Smart? Didn't the Pushkin Prisoner, Aleko, Tsar Boris, Onegin, Salieri were not smart, who were stuck in the moral impasse. He has a restless spirit, he is active, he has an interested heart? Mare of bold freedom? But the carrier of the bold freedom was falcon, the petrel, the old woman is Izergil and Pavel Gorky. That from their Bolshevik freedom happened, everyone knows.

In Pechorin there is a lot of mysterious, much mysterious? Answer Belinsky-Afanasyev in colorful and failing prophecy ... Belinsky himself:

"In this person (Pechistin - A. D.) is the power of the Spirit, and the power of the will, which in you there; In the most vices, it flashes something great, like lightning in black clouds, and it is beautiful, full of poetry even in those moments when a human feeling rises to him ... he is another appointment than you. His passion - storms that purify the sphere of the Spirit; His delusions, no matter how terrible they are, sharp diseases in a young body, strengthening him for a long and healthy life. These are fever and hotness, and not a gap, not rheumatism and hemorrhoids that you, the poor, so fruitlessly suffer ... Let him slander on the eternal laws of the mind, delivering the highest happiness in rich pride; Let him slander on human nature, seeing one egoism in it; Let him slander on himself, taking moments of his spirit for his complete development and mixing her youth with matureness, - Let! .. The solemn minute will come, and the contradiction will be resolved, the struggle will end, and the scattered sounds of the soul are alive in one harmonic chord! .. ". 122.

The prophecy of the first Russian populist came true. There was no justification of the mysterious Russian soul. It did not work out to prove how good the mysteriousness of this riddle, as its mysteriousness attractive.

Dynamics of Russian culture in the XIX-XXI centuries. showed - there was no human material under the name "Pechorin" or the power of the spirit nor the power of will. Flashing of something beautiful and the Great turned out to be a mirage, a worthlessness, void. "Harmonic Accord" did not take place. Internal contradiction in Russian culture between old and new, statics and dynamics, tradition and innovation not only was not resolved, but turned into a split in society. Pechorin, the hero of the two centuries, turned out to be an insignificant slave of his splitness. The fact that from the first third of the XIX century. It seemed that she had given hopes requiring faith, from the position of the experience of the late XX-early XXI centuries. It turns out to be destructive "Pechorin's disease," requiring analysis. The enthusiastic lines of Belinsky, who fulfilled the people's order, are read today as naive, but honest. The boring rows of Afanasyev, performing a religious order, read as farce, lies and conscious introduction of the reader is misleading.

Justifying Pechorin, do not resemble the devoted tragic actor swinging morality, as a sword cardboard? How much do you can repeat fiction about mysteriousness and the depth of Pechorin? Need to begin to talk about his complex of inferiority, about the decay of his personality, about the social pathology of Russian society as society of the peopling?

However, Belinsky's rights: it is impossible to approach the analysis of this image with an estimate of the "immoral" and at the same time be unarmed. There is something in this image fundamental, but so far in criticism of an unnamed, still not analyzed and therefore not understood, unacceptable, the analysis of which allows the reason to call the Pechorin immoral. What? "Pechistan disease" as pathology.

Inability to love.

"Love Bale was for Pechorin a full glass of a sweet drink, which he drank the contractions without leaving either a drop in him; And his soul demanded not a glass, and the ocean, from which you can write every minute without reducing it ... ", 123 - writes Belinsky about the love of Pechorin to Bale. And clarifies: "The strong need of love is often accepted for the very love if an item to which it can ride" will be introduced. 124 So, Pechorina, in Belinsky - the strong need of love, understood as the ability to drink to the last drop, draw, take without measure.

But the need to love is just a need to take? Will the wrong way? Doesn't to love this requires the result of the need, mostly give, give, sacrificing? The need to take, called love, is a way to destroy the ability to see the other, to understand themselves through the other, the ability to self-implantation, the formation of third meanings, dialogue, cultural synthesis, qualitatively new development.

The assessment of the love of Pechorin has not changed a lot in studies of Russian Lermontov Over the past years since the publication of Belinsky's work. Whether Pechorin loved or only gave out, according to Belinsky, his need for love for love believes - this topic cannot be simply declared, the ability / inability to this character should be proved through the analysis of his culture.

The beginning of my analysis is suggesting that Pechorin is not capable of love. The method of analysis is a support for own recognition of Pechorin. The task of the analysis is to destroy the position of those who admire the "oceanic" scale of the Pechorin love, the depth of Pechorin Nature, or the need for a hero to love, not too boring himself with the meaning of the logic of love as cultural phenomena.

In all the plots of Pechorina's relationship with Bala, Veria, Prince Mary, with his silent beauties, "the heart remained empty." Pechistan believes that it can afford to love, only if others love him: "If everyone loved me, I would find endless sources of love." Lermontov analysis of the ability of Pecherin to love forces to refer to the methodology of love logic in the Bible, because the similarity of methodologies is obvious.

In the Nagorno sermon there is a challenge to change the focus in the relationship of love: a person should not just allow another to love himself, not just to be an object of love, but love primarily: "If you love those who love you, what are you for gratitude? For and sinners loving them love. And if you do good to those you do good, what is your gratitude for you? For and sinners do the same. And if you are borrowed by those who hope to get back, what kind of gratitude to you? For and sinners give to sinners to get back as much. But you love your enemies, and the charity, and let's go, not expecting anything "; 125 "If you love those who love you, what is your reward? Is the sootari do not do wrong? " 126

Pechorin returns the formulation of the issue of love in the Doiizus Epoch: "I want only to be loved." "Only" here is a keyword. Jesus thought is directed against the Old Testament Pechistan "only". Love is always a gift and in some measure of the victim. But Pechorin frankly admits - his love did not bring anyone happiness, because he did not sacrificing anything for those who loved; He loved for himself, for his own pleasure; He only satisfied the strange need for the heart, with greed absorbing women's feelings, their tenderness, their joy and suffering - and never could satisfy.

The inability to love is not harmless. This is a predator inability. Topchak openness, she laughs at human. For Pechorin, immense pleasure in possession of a young, barely blossomed soul. He, like a vampire, appreciates the defenselessness of the fallen soul. Love as a dropped flower, the best aroma of which evaporates towards the first ray of the sun; It should be disrupted at that moment and, having risen to his fellowship, throw on the road: anyone will raise! Since Pechorin began to understand people, he did not give anything except suffering. He looks at the suffering and the joy of others just like food supporting his spiritual powers. The ambition of Pechorina is nothing like a thirst for power, and his first pleasure is to subjugate his will all that surrounds him. To excite the feeling of love, loyalty and fear - is there a first sign and the greatest celebration of power? To be for someone's reasons for suffering and joys, not having any right - is it not the most sweet food of pride? "What is happiness?", "Pechorin asks itself. And replies: "Saturated Pride". Pechorin despot. He admits: "She will spend the night without sleep and will cry. This thought delivers me an immense pleasure; There are moments when I understand the vampire ... ".

Recognizing in the inability to love and enjoying the suffering of his victims, Pechorin responds in his own way to the call of Jesus and Russian literature XVIII century. "Love each other." He is a principled opponent of the logic of the New Testament, he is closer to the emotion of the vampire, Judah. Jesus in the Garden Garden - Judea: "Judas! Is the kissing of the Son of Human? " 127 . Kiss, it turns out, can betray. Views, promises, oaths, touch, kisses, hugs, sex - all this Pechorin with disdain calls love, and betrays them Bal, faith, Mary. A bored pathologist, he enjoys a detailed analysis of the agony of his victims. "It's not so attractive in any evil," says Vera about Pechorin.

As Onegin understood that he was "disabled in love," so Pechorin understood that he was "moral cripple." He wants to love, understands that he does not work for him that the desire and inability to love this pathology, trying to understand the reason, does not understand and is in despair from the inability to change himself. Pechorin stuck in the "sphere between" the thirst for the total power over the other, in which the place of love can not be, and the ability to love, that is, to be equal to another, between the understanding of their ineffectivity with the Old Testament interpretation of the logic of love and, on the other hand, to merge with the inability to merge It is completely completely, between the understanding of the need for the New Testament interpretation of the logic of love and the inability to merge with it completely. In this jam, the meaning of the "Pechorina disease".

"A deep impression leaves behind" Bal ": you are sad, but your sadness is light, light and sweet; You fly to the scene on the grave of the beautiful, but this grave is not terrible: it illuminates the sun, wash the fast stream, which Ropot, along with the wind rusty in the sheets of elder and white acacia, tells you about something mysterious and endless, and above it, in Light embroidery, flies and rushing some beautiful vision, with pale lunits, with the expression of the Ukor and forgiveness in black eyes, with a sad smile ... The death of Cherkhenyki does not outraget you without a heavy feeling, for she was a bright angel of reconciliation. The dissonance was resolved into a harmonious chord, and you with a moutigation repeat the simple and touching words of the good Maxim Maxim: "No, she did well that she died! Well, what would happen to her if Gregory Aleksandrovich left it? And this would happen sooner or later! ... ", 128 - Belinsky writes to the ruins, lies, blood, about the cynicism, which created Pechorin in relationships with Balism and romantically.

The fact that Belinsky causes a lunizing, I have indignation and sadness. What would happen to the abducted and abandoned in love with Balley, will she stay alive? She would die of grief, shame and feeling that she touched abrasion. And Grigori Alexandrovich could enjoy in a dirty story, to become a lush to the people, and everyone would distort from the lust and the uncleanness of this very Russian person. However, the reproaching and annoyance would be very quickly turned into indifference, because society in Russia is the lack of public opinion, indifference to everything that is a debt, justice and truth, cynical contempt for human thought and dignity. Isn't Pushkin?

Words about bright and sweet sadness, about harmony and reconciliation, that "dissonance was resolved", Belinsky wrote in 1841 and even hoped for something. But one by the other was killed by the Crimean War, Japanese, World, then the revolution, civil war and became clear that reconciliation did not work out, internal dissonance in the Russian man in the XIX-XXI centuries. Not only was not resolved, but deepened. Today, dissonance, the moral deformity of the person being emerging in Russia, at the beginning of the analysis of which Lermontov stood, put Russia before the threat of territorial decay. The disintegration of the person in Russia, the death of an attempt to become a personality, increasing social pathology require a new analysis of the roots of moral deformity, which prevails today in the Russian person. And it is necessary to do this through the study of the "Pechorina disease".

"Moral cricle". Pathology of personality.

Roman "Hero of our time." 118

Perhaps the first to attempt to understand the novel culturally, were Western literary criticism. They did not cause an enthusiasm to be delighted, because they failed to evaluate the dignity of Pushkin: Lermontov in the novel too European, not enough "Russian", too universal in order to "satisfy the sharp taste of Romanesque and Anglo-Saxon Rusopaths." 119 Roman, you see, criticized Russian specifics, it means that he is not interested in Western specialist. I, on the contrary, see in criticism of Russian culture the main advantage of the novel and the greatest civil achievement of the author. The novel captures a deep minor tonality, some kind of doom, the feeling of the impending catastrophe, from the first to the last line it permeates the author of the author. "Bored live in this world, gentlemen!" - As if these words do not pronounce Gogol. Lermontov as a doctor prescribes the "bitter medicine" society, as the cultural analyst utters "caustic truths", and we see the suffering of the poet citizen. This is a novel, the sentence of a Russian man who wants to feel like a person, but from his attempt to rise over the generally acceptedness, becoming something like Don Quixote of Russian society, nothing but the confusion does not work. For this ugly attempt the bloody trail, a chain of destroyed hopes, broken fate, annoyance of the Hero of the Roman on himself - moral cripple, man "neither, nor it," his moral devastation, despair. The self-analysis of Pechorin, aimed at seeing the person in herself, with an unlimited longing reveals ... His inability to live, because the personality in Russia carries the features of social pathology. In this conclusion, the main pathos of the novel "Hero of our time". The conclusion of Lermontov has an overhangivers and general cultural meaning. Pechorin is not just a hero of the Russian society of the first third of the XIX century. He is a portrait of a man whom the world calls Russian. "Pechistan disease. Confession of "moral cripples". In the preface to Roman Lermontov, he says that his book is a portrait of a Russian society, but the "portrait made from vices" and that in the novel "The disease is indicated." What is this "disease"? The criticism of the Soviet period unanimously argues that the criticism of a public defendant, building a Russian society, an overwhelming person, and that Pechorin is the victim of his imperfection, and the essence of the novel in justifying the need to liberate the Russian person from this oppression. Such a conclusion, at first glance, it seems to be made from Pechorin's monologues, in which it is often said "tired", "boring", "My life becomes an empty day of day," "the soul is spoiled in me." But this is only at first glance. The root cause of the peculiarities of Pechorin in it is what kind of person, this and society that it forms and in which lives. Pechorin suggests a magnifying glass to his soul, and before us by the confession of a Russian man - moral cripple, revealing the clinical picture of his deformity. The essence of the disease in the absence of qualities in which, starting with Evangelical times, humanity is increasingly needed by the formation of personality. "Moral cricle" is a pathological splitness, the split between the understanding of the need to change and inability to change itself. In Pechorin, the complex of inferiority is reigning, the conscious introduction of himself and others is misleading, self-deception, it is dominated by what the name of social pathology received in this book. Pechorin is stuck in the state of "inseparence and inability." From here indifference to life, contempt for people and yourself, the inability to love, deeply feel, laugh, cry, inability to openness and friendship, envy, constant focus on conspiracies, intrigues, vitality, attempts to revenge another and for their inferiority, focus on Self-destruction, death. V. G. Belinsky brought into a public circulation The concept of "Pechorina's Disease". But then, in the XIX century, this concept reflected only a guess of literary studies about some kind of deep, although the unclear inflamicer of the Russian person. The cultural methodology deployed in this book allows you to open the secret of the Lermontov logic of the analysis of Russian culture, understand the "Pechistan disease" as a disease of Russia and thereby see in the novel "Hero of our time" not only the fact of literature, but the fact of culture. V. V. Afanasyev writes: "Lermontov ... I collected in it (in Pechorin - A. D.) a lot of things that are found in the best people of his generation. Pechorin is strong, deeply feeling, a talented person capable of a lot and much good, but ... He does not forgive people of imperfections and weaknesses and even seeks to put them in case of such a position where these qualities have revealed to the end ... And yet he does it (as in the case of Pereshnitsky) with the hope that a person is caught and turns at the better. This is a character that can cause the opposite feelings - sympathy or complete denial ... It is well educated, read a lot, and he has a philosophical mindset. In his journal, many subtle reasoning, discovering him with the works of many great thinkers. This is a modern hamlet, in which there is also a lot of mysterious, as in the hero of Shakespeare. " 120 Religious critic of Afanasyev in 1991, essentially repeats the fact that in 1841 the non-religious population of V. G. Belinsky was more talented: "What a terrible person this Pechorin! - Belinsky exclaims. - Because his restless spirit requires movement, the activity is looking for food, the heart is eager for the interests of life, so there should be a poor girl! "Egoist, villain, monster, immoral person!" - Choir shout strict moralists. Your truth of the Lord; But you are about what? What are you angry? Right, it seems to us, you did not come to our place, got at the table, followed by the device ... Do not come too close to this person, do not attack him with such a passionate bravery: he will look at you, smile, and you will be Condemned, and on the embarrassed persons your everything will read your court. " 121 No, gentlemen. Neither a bright assessment of the criticism of the beginning of the XIX century, nor a tedious assessment of the criticism of the end of the XX - early XXI centuries. Today is not suitable. Pechorin is sick, and its illness progresses, it decomposes. Enough to reverent in front of the talent, mind and education of Pechorin. Is educated? But who is not educated today? Capable to subtle reasoning? But does the Dostoevsky Dostoevsky, who is in contradictions ", was not able to be deep and even very subtle reasoning? Talented? Did the dying and rotting on the sofa of the brooms were not talented? But he himself said that he was "shameful to live." Smart? Didn't the Pushkin Prisoner, Aleko, Tsar Boris, Onegin, Salieri were not smart, who were stuck in the moral impasse. He has a restless spirit, he is active, he has an interested heart? Mare of bold freedom? But the carrier of the bold freedom was falcon, the petrel, the old woman is Izergil and Pavel Gorky. That from their Bolshevik freedom happened, everyone knows. In Pechorin there is a lot of mysterious, much mysterious? Answer Belinsky-Afanasyev in colorful and failing prophecy ... Belinsky himself: "In this person (Pechistan - A. D.) is the power of the Spirit, and the power of the will, which in you there is not; In the most vices, it flashes something great, like lightning in black clouds, and it is beautiful, full of poetry even in those moments when a human feeling rises to him ... he is another appointment than you. His passion - storms that purify the sphere of the Spirit; His delusions, no matter how terrible they are, sharp diseases in a young body, strengthening him for a long and healthy life. These are fever and hotness, and not a gap, not rheumatism and hemorrhoids that you, the poor, so fruitlessly suffer ... Let him slander on the eternal laws of the mind, delivering the highest happiness in rich pride; Let him slander on human nature, seeing one egoism in it; Let him slander on himself, taking moments of his spirit for his complete development and mixing her youth with matureness, - Let! .. The solemn minute will come, and the contradiction will be resolved, the struggle will end, and the scattered sounds of the soul are alive in one harmonic chord! .. ". 122 did not come true the prophecy of the first Russian populist. There was no justification of the mysterious Russian soul. It did not work out to prove how good the mysteriousness of this riddle, as its mysteriousness attractive. Dynamics of Russian culture in the XIX-XXI centuries. showed - there was no human material under the name "Pechorin" or the power of the spirit nor the power of will. Flashing of something beautiful and the Great turned out to be a mirage, a worthlessness, void. "Harmonic Accord" did not take place. Internal contradiction in Russian culture between old and new, statics and dynamics, tradition and innovation not only was not resolved, but turned into a split in society. Pechorin, the hero of the two centuries, turned out to be an insignificant slave of his splitness. The fact that from the first third of the XIX century. It seemed that she had given hopes requiring faith, from the position of the experience of the late XX-early XXI centuries. It turns out to be destructive "Pechorin's disease," requiring analysis. The enthusiastic lines of Belinsky, who fulfilled the people's order, are read today as naive, but honest. The boring rows of Afanasyev, performing a religious order, read as farce, lies and conscious introduction of the reader is misleading. Justifying Pechorin, do not resemble the devoted tragic actor swinging morality, as a sword cardboard? How much do you can repeat fiction about mysteriousness and the depth of Pechorin? Need to begin to talk about his complex of inferiority, about the decay of his personality, about the social pathology of Russian society as society of the peopling? However, Belinsky's rights: it is impossible to approach the analysis of this image with an estimate of the "immoral" and at the same time be unarmed. There is something in this image fundamental, but so far in criticism of an unnamed, still not analyzed and therefore not understood, unacceptable, the analysis of which allows the reason to call the Pechorin immoral. What? "Pechistan disease" as pathology. Inability to love. "Love Bale was for Pechorin a full glass of a sweet drink, which he drank the contractions without leaving either a drop in him; And his soul demanded not a glass, and the ocean, from which you can write every minute without reducing it ... ", 123 - writes Belinsky about the love of Pechorin to Bale. And clarifies: "The strong need of love is often accepted for the very love if an item to which it can ride" will be introduced. 124 So, Pechorina, in Belinsky - the strong need of love, understood as the ability to drink to the last drop, draw, take without measure. But the need to love is just a need to take? Will the wrong way? Doesn't to love this requires the result of the need, mostly give, give, sacrificing? The need to take, called love, is a way to destroy the ability to see the other, to understand themselves through the other, the ability to self-implantation, the formation of third meanings, dialogue, cultural synthesis, qualitatively new development. The assessment of the love of Pechorin has not changed a lot in studies of Russian Lermontov Over the past years since the publication of Belinsky's work. Whether Pechorin loved or only gave out, according to Belinsky, his need for love for love believes - this topic cannot be simply declared, the ability / inability to this character should be proved through the analysis of his culture. The beginning of my analysis is suggesting that Pechorin is not capable of love. The method of analysis is a support for own recognition of Pechorin. The task of the analysis is to destroy the position of those who admire the "oceanic" scale of the Pechorin love, the depth of Pechorin Nature, or the need for a hero to love, not too boring himself with the meaning of the logic of love as cultural phenomena. In all the plots of Pechorina's relationship with Bala, Veria, Prince Mary, with his silent beauties, "the heart remained empty." Pechistan believes that it can afford to love, only if others love him: "If everyone loved me, I would find endless sources of love." Lermontov analysis of the ability of Pecherin to love forces to refer to the methodology of love logic in the Bible, because the similarity of methodologies is obvious. In the Nagorno sermon there is a challenge to change the focus in the relationship of love: a person should not just allow another to love himself, not just to be an object of love, but love primarily: "If you love those who love you, what are you for gratitude? For and sinners loving them love. And if you do good to those you do good, what is your gratitude for you? For and sinners do the same. And if you are borrowed by those who hope to get back, what kind of gratitude to you? For and sinners give to sinners to get back as much. But you love your enemies, and the charity, and let's go, not expecting anything "; 125 "If you love those who love you, what is your reward? Is the sootari do not do wrong? " 126 Pechorin Returns the formulation of the issue of love in the Doiizus Epoch: "I want only to be loved." "Only" here is a keyword. Jesus thought is directed against the Old Testament Pechistan "only". Love is always a gift and in some measure of the victim. But Pechorin frankly admits - his love did not bring anyone happiness, because he did not sacrificing anything for those who loved; He loved for himself, for his own pleasure; He only satisfied the strange need for the heart, with greed absorbing women's feelings, their tenderness, their joy and suffering - and never could satisfy. The inability to love is not harmless. This is a predator inability. Topchak openness, she laughs at human. For Pechorin, immense pleasure in possession of a young, barely blossomed soul. He, like a vampire, appreciates the defenselessness of the fallen soul. Love as a dropped flower, the best aroma of which evaporates towards the first ray of the sun; It should be disrupted at that moment and, having risen to his fellowship, throw on the road: anyone will raise! Since Pechorin began to understand people, he did not give anything except suffering. He looks at the suffering and the joy of others just like food supporting his spiritual powers. The ambition of Pechorina is nothing like a thirst for power, and his first pleasure is to subjugate his will all that surrounds him. To excite the feeling of love, loyalty and fear - is there a first sign and the greatest celebration of power? To be for someone's reasons for suffering and joys, not having any right - is it not the most sweet food of pride? "What is happiness?", "Pechorin asks itself. And replies: "Saturated Pride". Pechorin despot. He admits: "She will spend the night without sleep and will cry. This thought delivers me an immense pleasure; There are moments when I understand the vampire ... ". Recognizing in the inability to love and enjoying the suffering of his victims, Pechorin responds in his own way to the call of Jesus and Russian literature XVIII century. "Love each other." He is a principled opponent of the logic of the New Testament, he is closer to the emotion of the vampire, Judah. Jesus in the Garden Garden - Judea: "Judas! Is the kissing of the Son of Human? " 127 . Kiss, it turns out, can betray. Views, promises, oaths, touch, kisses, hugs, sex - all this Pechorin with disdain calls love, and betrays them Bal, faith, Mary. A bored pathologist, he enjoys a detailed analysis of the agony of his victims. "It's not so attractive in any evil," says Vera about Pechorin.