M. Lermontov

M. Lermontov

In the 8th grade, it is customary to write an essay based on Mtsyri's poem. And, of course, one cannot ignore the main character. How is Mtsyri close to us? What is special about it?

Lermontov, as the author of the work, shows us the serious social problems that he faced in real life. It was they who led him to write this work. In the image of Mtsyri, he shows a special person and a heroic personality.

The main theme is freedom.

This is what I really like the hero. He longs for her. Particularly striking is the episode of the fight between the young man and the leopard. How jealously he fought

how passionately he went into battle. The other half of the readers pay more attention to why Mtsyri fled during a thunderstorm. It is difficult to answer right away, since this is a strong and multifaceted image.

I think the author tried to show himself, his face and his thoughts. Even the conclusion of Mtsyri's poem somehow emphasizes the author's personality. The main character is an amazing character. Readers always find something that is similar to them personally. And I think that Mtsyri is close to me in spirit and thirst for freedom. No one will steal a person's freedom. No matter how many arguments are specified.

Other works on this topic:

  1. The poem "Mtsyri" is the greatest work of Russian romantic literature. The main character of the poem is a man who, according to the critic V. G. Belinsky, has a “mighty spirit”, “fiery soul” ...
  2. Mtsyri as a romantic hero From childhood, Lermontov was in love with the Caucasus, and the heroes he portrayed in his works were free and proud ...
  3. M. Lermontov created the poetic work "Mtsyri" in 1839. He decided on the topic during his stay in the Caucasus. Lermontov was helped in this by a priest of the monastery, an acquaintance ...
  4. The world of Lermontov's poetry is rich and diverse. The merchant Kalashnikov, the boyar Orsha, the rebellious fighter Mtsyri are all in him. The beloved hero of Mtsyri is close in his qualities to the personality ...
  5. The poem "Mtsyri" contains a romantic plot, a romantic hero and a romantic landscape. Please confirm this. In romantic works, there is always a direct assessment by the author of his heroes and their ...
  6. The theme of the poem is the image of a strong, courageous, freedom-loving personality, a young man striving for freedom, for his homeland from an alien and hostile monastic environment. Expanding on this main topic, ...
  7. The creative heritage of the poet M. Yu. Lermontov is great and boundless. He entered Russian literature as a poet of action and power, in whose works a constant search can be traced ...
  8. Lermontov has always been a romantic. He loved to inspire with his works, exalt eternal values. He described the Caucasus with particular vividness, as he loved it immensely. Mtsyri's poem was ...

The poem "Mtsyri" contains a romantic plot, a romantic hero and a romantic landscape. Please confirm this.

In romantic works, there is always a direct assessment by the author of his heroes and their actions, depicted events. Lermontov openly glorifies Mtsyri's freedom, his courage, thirst for a life full of "troubles and battles" that the young man dreams of. The events depicted in romantic works are always bright, exceptional, in them the character of the hero is revealed with extraordinary power (Mtsyri's escape from the monastery in a thunderstorm, meeting with a young Georgian woman, wandering in a dark forest in search of her lost home, a fight with a leopard and the victory of Mtsyri).

The author is interested not so much in the events themselves as in the inner world of the hero, hence the use of Mtsyri's monologue-confession by Lermontov, which helps to “tell his soul”, to acquaint the reader with his thoughts, feelings, experiences.

In the center of romantic works, there is always a bright, rebellious, heroic personality - such is Mtsyri ...

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/ Works / Lermontov M.Yu. / Mtsyri / Mtsyri


Where the word has not died
There, the case has not yet died.
A.I. Herzen
In the book "Mtsyri" Lermontov draws the hero as a romantic person. This poem was the end of the tradition of the Russian romantic poem.
Mtsyri is a person close to nature, especially its violent manifestations: "Oh, as a brother, I would be glad to embrace with the storm." He fled from the monastery during a thunderstorm, when the frightened monks “lay on the ground”. In Mtsyri, the national principle, the love of freedom of the highlanders, and their temperament are also strong. It combines features and strengths and weaknesses: "free youth is strong" - and at the same time he is "weak and flexible like a reed." Locked Mtsyri grew up unadapted to life and freedom, this is his ...

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I love M. Yu. Lermontov's poem "Mtsyri" very much. Mtsyri is my favorite literary hero. He was very fond of freedom and aspired; To her. They brought him very little to the monastery:

He was, it seemed, about six years old; Like a chamois of the mountains, timid and wild And weak and. flexible like a reed.

Mtsyri, accustomed to freedom, gradually gets used to his captivity. He "... already wanted to utter a monastic vow in the prime of his years," but suddenly on an autumn night the young man disappeared. He could not live in peace - he was sad for his homeland. Even the force of habit could not supplant the melancholy "but to the side of his own." Mtsyri decided to flee the monastery. The dark forest blocks his way to his native place. Escape is a step into an unknown world. What awaits Mtsyri there?

This is the "wonderful world of anxieties and battles", which the hero dreamed of since childhood, into which the cell of stifling and prayers escaped. " Mtsirl, who came to the monastery not of his own free will, aspires to the place "where people are free, like eagles." In the morning he saw what he was striving for:

“… Lush fields. Hills covered with a crown of trees "rustling like ...

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Why is Mtsyri so unusual? By his concentration on a huge, colossal passion, by his will, by his courage. His homesickness acquires some kind of universal scale that goes beyond the usual human standards:

In a few minutes
Between steep and dark rocks,
Where I was kidding,
I'd trade heaven and eternity.

The nature is proud, immeasurably deep ... Such heroes attract romantic writers who tend to look for the exceptional in life rather than the ordinary, "typical". A person who can say about himself: “I only knew the power of thought” - this is the element of romanticism.

It seems to me that it is the romantic tonality that makes the world of Mtsyri so tragic. Let us recall the "Prisoner of the Caucasus" by L. Tolstoy, which depicts the same region. Let us recall Zhilin (and Kostylin as well) who safely returned to his homeland. And next to them - Mtsyri, doomed to death. Doomed - because he is a romantic at his heart.

Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov is a poet, ...

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The legacy of the great poet M. Yu. Lermontov is great, boundless. He entered Russian literature as a poet of strength and action, in whose work one can trace an active striving for the future, a constant search for the heroic. The heroics of folk life, heroic reality, heroic character, discovered by Lermontov, more than once inspired great writers. The heroic theme was reflected in many of the poet's great works, such as "Borodino", "The Demon", embodied in images of heroes-fighters that differ from each other, but united by one idea. Such is Mtsyri.

In his poem, the author continued and developed the idea of ​​courage and protest inherent in his previous works "Confession" and "The Fugitive". In the image of Mtsyri, as in many other images created by the poet, there is a protesting beginning, great strength of mind. His character is striking with incredible integrity, nobility of motives, moral purity. He tries to escape from the world that dooms him to loneliness. The monastery becomes ...

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The image of Mtsyri in Lermontov's poem

The poem "Mtsyri", written by M. Lermontov in 1839, tells the reader about several days in the life of a young novice, about his escape from the monastery and subsequent death. The main characters in the work are reduced to a minimum: they are Mtsyri himself and his elderly monk teacher. The image of Mtsyri in Lermontov's poem is key - thanks to him, the main idea of ​​the work is revealed.

To create the image of Mtsyri in the poem, Lermontov used a number of artistic and compositional techniques, the first of which was his chosen genre. "Mtsyri" is written in the form of a confession, and the main character is given the opportunity to tell about himself. On his own behalf, the author will add only a few lines about the hero's childhood. From them, the reader learns that Mtsyri was brought to the monastery as a child from a mountain village destroyed by the war, suffered a serious illness and was raised as a novice. True, even from this brief description, one can get some idea of ​​how the author relates to ...

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Back in 1830-1831, Lermontov conceived the idea to create the image of a young man, breaking free from a monastery or prison. In 1830, in the unfinished poem Confessions, he spoke of a young Spanish monk imprisoned in a monastery prison. By its nature, the image created here is close to Mtsyri. But the poem did not satisfy Lermontov and remained unfinished. However, the idea of ​​creating such a character did not disappear from the poet. In one of the notes from 1831 we find: “Write the notes of a 17-year-old young monk. - Since childhood, he has been in a monastery ... A passionate soul is languishing. Ideals ... "

But several years passed before Lermontov managed to implement this plan. In 1837, while wandering along the Georgian Military Highway, Lermontov met an old monk in Mtskheta, who told the poet his life story. By birth, he is grievous: as a child, he was taken prisoner by the troops of General Yermolov. The general took him with him, but the boy fell ill on the way and was left in the monastery in the care of monks. Here he and ...

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The theme of the Caucasus has always been close to Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, the nature and customs of this region admired the poet. And the work in question embodied this love, and also reflected the romantic beginning in the writer's work. And the image of Mtsyri in Lermontov's poem “Mtsyri” became key and plot-forming.

The originality of Lermontov's creativity

Lermontov's work became a reflection of the romantic trend in literature. His hero is always alone and opposed to the world. Early work is distinguished by a strong influence of Byron, which was embodied in the idealization of the character. Later, the hero becomes original, acquires alienation, accompanied by tragic love, betrayal of friends and reflections on the eternal in solitude.

The tragedy of the poet's works lies in the invasion of a harsh and cruel reality into the inner world of the hero. The image of Mtsyri in Lermontov's poem "Mtsyri" is largely built on this confrontation. Like all the main characters of the writer, Mtsyri ...

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Where the word has not died

There, and the case has not yet died.

A.I. Herzen
A person who loves and knows how to read is a happy person. He is surrounded by many smart, kind and loyal friends. These friends are books. Books meet us in early childhood and accompany us throughout our lives.

In the book "Mtsyri" Lermontov draws the hero as a romantic person. This poem was the end of the tradition of the Russian romantic poem.

Mtsyri is a person close to nature, especially its stormy manifestations: "Oh, as a brother, I would be glad to embrace with the storm." He fled from the monastery during a thunderstorm, when the frightened monks "lay down on the ground." In Mtsyri, the national principle, the love of freedom of the highlanders, and their temperament are also strong. It combines features and strengths and weaknesses: "free youth is strong" - and at the same time, he is "weak and flexible like a reed." Locked up Mtsyri grew up unadapted to life and freedom, this is his tragic misfortune. Struck by the sight of a Georgian girl, the recent recluse, fearing a chase, does not dare ...

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The romantic image of Mtsyri in the poem of the same name by M.Yu. Lermontov

One of the poems by M.Yu. Lermontov, whose theme is closely related to his Caucasian cycle, is the poem "Mtsyri". This is a romantic poem, with an ideal hero, characterized by a hyperbo personality of experiences. In the center of the plot is the fate of a captive boy, a Circassian who ended up in a Georgian monastery. These events were associated with Lermontov's travels along the Georgian Military Highway, about which P.A. Viskovatov. In Mtskheta, the poet met a lonely monk and learned from him that he had been taken prisoner by General Ermolov as a child. The general took him with him, but the boy fell ill and had to be left in the monastery. The child could not get used to his new life for a long time, he was sad, tried to escape to the mountains, as a result he became seriously ill. Having recovered, he calmed down and remained in the monastery. This story made a great impression on Lermontov. In addition, the poet was struck by an old Georgian song about the capture of a young man with a tiger, where there were such ...

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1 topic - What Mtsyri saw and learned in three days of freedom.

What did I do when I was free? Lived.


I. Better three days of freedom than years of slavery.

II. What Mtsyri saw and learned in three days of freedom.

1. "Will we be born into this world for the will or prison?"

2. I have one goal: I had in my soul to go to my native country. "

3. "I've seen ridges as bizarre as dreams."

4. "Young Georgian women".

5. "I waited, grabbing a horned bough, a minute of the battle."

6. "Youth is free and strong, and death, it seemed, is not terrible."

7. "I argued in vain with fate - she laughed at me."

8. "In a few minutes between the steep and dark rocks, where I played as a child, I would trade heaven and eternity."

III. My idea of ​​happiness and the meaning of life.

Topic 2 - Characteristics of Mtsyri.

I. Lermontov's rebellious lyre.

II. Characteristic of Mtsyri.

1. Life of Mtsyri in the monastery. The character and dreams of a young man.

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In the 8th grade, it is customary to write an essay based on Mtsyri's poem. And, of course, one cannot ignore the main character. How is Mtsyri close to us? What is special about it?

Lermontov, as the author of the work, shows us the serious social problems that he faced in real life. It was they who led him to write this work. In the image of Mtsyri, he shows a special person and a heroic personality.

The main theme is freedom.

This is what I really like the hero. He longs for her. Particularly striking is the episode of the fight between the young man and the leopard. How jealous he fought, how passionately he went into battle. The other half of the readers pay more attention to why Mtsyri fled during a thunderstorm. It is difficult to answer right away, since this is a strong and multifaceted image.

I think the author tried to show himself, his face and his thoughts. Even the conclusion of Mtsyri's poem somehow emphasizes the author's personality. The main character is an amazing character. Readers always find something that is similar to them personally. And I think that Mtsyri is close to me in spirit and thirst for freedom. No one will steal a person's freedom. No matter how many arguments are specified.

Updated: 2017-01-30

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The beauty of the surrounding world leaves an indelible impression on Mtsyri's soul. The harmony of nature delights him, makes him feel that he is part of this wonderful world. And the mountain stream, strengthened by the thunderstorm, striving to escape from the narrow gorge, also makes "friendship" with Mtsyri, like a thunderstorm. The "mighty spirit" of a young man is best shown in his battle with a leopard. The fugitive's heart is ignited with a thirst for struggle
The work of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov "Mtsyri" tells the story of the short life of a young man who was brought up within the monastery walls and who dared to challenge the despotism and injustice reigning around him. The poem poses questions for the reader about the meaning of existence, about the cruelty of fate and inevitability, the rights of the individual.
Maksimov DE wrote that the meaning of Lermontov's poem is "to glorify the quest, the power of will, courage, rebellion and struggle, no matter what tragic results they may lead."
The image of Mtsyri is the image of a prisoner desperately fighting for his freedom, it is the embodiment of human dignity, courage and selfless courage. This young man is a model of the strength of a human character.
In the poem, the story of Mtsyri's entire life is set out in one chapter, and several days of wandering occupy the main part of the work. This was not done by chance, since it is in the last days of the hero's life that the strength of his character, the originality of his personality, is revealed.
Mtsyri passionately wants to find freedom, he wants to find out what it means to live for real, and so after all his adventures he says about it:

Do you want to know what I did when I was free?
I lived - and my life is without these three
blissful days Howled 6 sadder and gloomier ...

Mtsyri's courage, courage and extraordinary thirst for life are revealed in the episode of the fight with the leopard. The hero fights with a leopard, not paying attention to physical pain, not knowing fear for his life:

I waited, grabbing a horned bough, the minutes of the battle:
The heart was suddenly kindled with a thirst for struggle.

All actions and deeds of Mtsyri are an example of the inflexibility of spirit and strength of character. He is looking for his homeland, not even knowing where it is, he controls himself in any situation, does not pay the slightest attention to the fact that he is hungry, that he has to sleep right on the ground.
The episode with a beautiful Georgian woman descending the path for water, once again confirms the integrity of the young man's nature. Mtsyri is overcome by a passionate impulse, he wants to follow the girl, but he, having overcome his desire, remains true to his goal and continues the difficult path through the forest wilderness in search of a home.
Already being within the walls of the monastery and feeling the imminent approach of death. Mtsyri is still firmly convinced that he did everything right. To prove that he did not repent of his deed, that he remained faithful to his views and beliefs, the hero asks to be buried in the garden, in freedom, and not within the walls of this terrible prison.
In the image of Mtsyri, a strong and courageous man, one can easily guess the features of the author of the work, M. Yu. Lermontov. The main feature that unites the creator and his hero is a passionate desire to be free, not to be limited by the framework of conventions and dogmas. The author rebelles against oppression of the individual, puts brave words into the mouth of his brave hero, thereby raising the eternal question of the rights of the individual.

The poem "Mtsyri" by the famous Russian writer Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov touched me very much. The protagonist of this work is a young man who, being taken out of his homeland in childhood, later became a novice in a monastery. He was called "Mtsyri", which means "novice" in Georgian. I think that each of us, after reading this work, will find for himself in the image of Mtsyri something familiar and dear.

The guy had a very difficult fate: he had to live and grow up away from home with people he did not know. At only six years old, he first had a chance to meet death. The child fell ill and could die, but he was rescued. It is very difficult to imagine that a boy at such a young age has already managed to be captured by a Russian general.

The image of Mtsyri is truly dear to me, primarily because for me he is the personification of human strength and courage. After all, not even every adult can endure what the guy had to endure.

It is very important that the boy acts as a patriot of his country: he always wanted to live and die in his homeland, in the Caucasus. It is also important for me that he has a lot to learn. It takes pride in people like him. After all, many would have already resigned themselves to their fate and would not even try to do anything. Mtsyri's willpower and patriotism is what amazed me. I realized that you need to love your homeland with all the fibers of your soul, and only then will you have the right to call yourself a real citizen of your country. And it doesn't matter at all where you live - the main thing is that you always remember the place where you were born and who you really are, then you can achieve everything you want.

Mtsyri taught me to be a persistent and purposeful person. He showed that even in the most difficult situations you need to go towards your goal and in no case give up.

The image of Mtsyri is very close to me, and all because I also really love my small homeland, but, unfortunately, I, like the hero of Lermontov's poem, had to leave it. But I am not discouraged and dream of returning there to work for the good of my country and make it better for myself and the people around me.

Like Mtsyri, I have my own goals in life. I really want to finish school and go to get a higher education to my homeland - I hope that, unlike the unfortunate hero Lermontov, I will be able to fulfill my dream.

I am a very purposeful person, in this Mtsyri and I are also very similar. I always try to achieve the goals that I have outlined for myself and never pay attention to the obstacles that arise between me and my goal. I, just like the boy, is ready for anything, just to carry out everything that was conceived.

Mtsyri for me is the embodiment of a real living human soul.