The premium ended for buzzed crocodile tears. Maxim Galkin gave an assessment of the behavior of Olga Buzova on the award of MUZ-TV why Buzova did not give a prize

The premium ended for buzzed crocodile tears. Maxim Galkin gave an assessment of the behavior of Olga Buzova on the award of MUZ-TV why Buzova did not give a prize
The premium ended for buzzed crocodile tears. Maxim Galkin gave an assessment of the behavior of Olga Buzova on the award of MUZ-TV why Buzova did not give a prize

Journalists removed on video how Buzova was publicly broken. At that moment, the beauty, a few hours that previously climbed on the Red Track in, learned that she lost.


Friends had to calm the upset artist. The dream of the cherished dish of the award so far remains for Olga dream. According to the voting results, the winner was the performer of Heath "Leila" - Rapper Jah Khalib from Kazakhstan.

But lately it is Buzov lately in the Hit Parades of iTunes, so she did not hold out emotions from annoyance. According to the site, the consideration of the killed Grief Olga rushed her faithful girlfriend - Irina Dubtsova and a colleague on "Home-2" Ksenia Borodin.

"I live for you, and you are my incentive. The most important victories are ahead of me," the Buzova noted with the scene, having suffered tears. "Ol, do not even doubt. I want to tell your fans that ..." - I could not finish the leading ceremony of Maxim Galkin, because Olga snapped to him with hugs. The leading "House-2" was missing the showman and the crowd of the witnesses of this painting, which she no longer hurt.

Recall, Buzova expects to win in the nomination "Breakthrough of the Year." On the day of the event, she like the goddess Aphrodite was from a huge pearl seashell, which was brought to the legs of the leading ceremony of Dmitry Nagiyev Muscular, half-or-old men depicting slaves.

The newly-made artist hinted his transparent outfit that she was the Goddess of Love. "Inteni" places of the host "House-2" covered with elegant embroidery. Seeing a luxurious blonde, Nagiyev was stunned. True, the Kolesman Buzovoy TV presenter called the trough.

"Ol, are you crazy? What do you get up?" - Amazedly asked the artist Dmitry and added that the large Philip Kirkorov would not fit in this sink, he would have stuck out from there.

The singer claimed a reward in the nomination "Breakthrough of the Year" and wanted to perform on the Olympic stage during the premium of MUZ-TV.

Photo: Dr.

Today, June 9, in the Moscow Hall "Olympic" is a ceremony of awarding the "MUZ-TV". Just a few minutes ago, the name of the winner was announced in the nomination "Breakthrough of the Year", where six names were presented, but only recently the artists who declared themselves - Burito, Alexander Panayotov, Olga Buzova, Mushrooms, Jah Khalib and Estradarada.

Of course, many expected the workaholic and Instagram-sensation Olga Buzova, which in just a year released six singles and is now working on a debut album and is preparing for large solo concerts in autumn in Moscow and St. Petersburg, or recently burst into all the informants a mushroom group With the song "Melting ice", however, the reward took the Rapper from Kazakhstan Jah Khalib.

Master Maxim Galkin, who announced the winner, the first thing came to Olga Buzova to ask what she was thinking about this victory, and she reacted very emotionally. At some point, his voice was broken, and the TV presenter was barely dispersed: the fact that the award did not get her, obviously, her greatly upset her!

I know that for myself I am a winner, I live for you, thank you that you are listening to me, - said Buzova, barely barely, and then, calming down a little, added that she was not allowed to speak at Olympic on "Music Prize TV ", but" once a breakthrough was given to others, then let it be so. "

This year, "MUZ-TV Award" celebrates a semicircular date - "Plates" are distributed already in the 15th time ..

On the eve of the metropolitan IC "Olympic", the jubilee bonus of the MUZ-TV TV channel, the 15th in the account took place.

A large musical holiday turned into a huge disappointment for one of the nominees - Olga Buzova. For a short time, six hits, the performer was nominated for the "Breakthrough of the Year" award and seriously expected to get a cherished plate. But alas. Fortune was not on the side of Olga Buzova. The prize went to the singer Jah Khalib. Olga could not hold back emotions and burst out. The girl rushed to console her friends of Ksenia Borodin and Irina Dubtsov. Then one of the leading awards Maxim Galkin approached the Buzova with the microphone, asked how she feels herself than only passed oil into the fire. Olga stated that her presence in this hall was already a victory, and again buried.

The showman considered his duty to support the upset nominee and Saturday morning turned to her with a video image, publishing it in microblog.

"Muz-TV overflowed after yesterday's award, now, at 7.30 am, I appeal to millions of Olga fans by Buzov's words of French Classic," said Maxim Galkin.

And then in a beautiful French I read the poem of the poet symbolist of the nineteenth century Charles Bodler "Albatross":

"To enhanced in wanderings of sadness,
Gliding over the abyss of the seas, where bitter tears,
Sailors catch birds of sea wide
Their eternal satellites, whose name Albatross.

Then, on the deck melt shamefully,
Lazuri Proud king Two white wings
Pour helplessly, awkward and submissive,
As if on the shallow huge two oars.

As a pity you are now, about the wanderer is painted!
Lovely - Mig Back, you are fat and ridiculous!
That bustles his chubuk in your beak bloody;
The other is mixed by the crowd: like you, he lame.

Poet, here is your way! .. You are the king behind the clouds;
Laughing rainbow, you will challenge the challenge! -
Shifted on earth, sewn jesters,
You will not expand your giganish wings!

Olya, it's about you, with all respects, "concluded Maxim Galkin.

The video message of the showman literally exploded the Internet. In a short time, several hundred comments were left under it. True, not all fans of Olga Buzova correctly understood the idea of \u200b\u200bMaxim Galkina. "I did not expect from Maxim! I thought he was above it. By the way, one of any of the showbiz can be shattered, "instead of handing assistance - steb. Does not fit, oh, how not fit ... not a fan of Buzova, but a great girl, "some followers speak.

Others were not too lazy to find the Russian version of the poem Charles Bodler and, after reading it, came to the opposite conclusions about the statement of Maxim Galkin.

"People, what did you pounce on Maxim?! You first find the translation, and then draw conclusions. This verse about Albatross and sailors who caught him and mocked. But still, this bird is strong in nature. Read and realize the meaning of the said "," Maxim, you have more than one fan! "," Well done, Maxim! You are a not indifferent person and told your opinion! " - Commenting the video Galkina his Follovier.

On this thursday, the second music premium "New Radio" called "Higher League" was held in Crocus. Artists presented awards for the achievement of last year, and also celebrated the birthday of the radio station. As the organizers stated, they decided to conduct their renovation and got rid of the old artists to the glory of young people. And the truth is the most adult on this scene there was a soloist experiencing a nice renaissance group "Hands up" Sergey Zhukov. Superpopular Sergey Lazarev, Ani Lorak, Svetlana Loboda, "Night Snipers", Polina Gagarin and Max Barsky were sang her hits in beautiful scenery. The word received and "Fresh Blood" - Artik & Asti (indivisible), Estradarada (Vite need to go out), Alekseev (Steel Oceans), Iowa (Your Poems My Guitar), Pizza (Romance) ... And you know how it seemed to us in the hall Nobody suffered especially without loud names from the past.

The show two pairs were the General Directoor of the "New Radio" Roman Emelyanov with Olga Buzova and Nastya Kamensky with DJ of the radio station Kirill Kalinin.

This evening the Buzova did not sing. But I tried, and more than once! Unsuccessfully: "Olya, well, I told you that no" - gently stopped her co-host. But the leading "House-2" could calmly lead the event.

In the middle of the evening, the girl posted that he could not find his love in any way:

I have already done everything! She said that she was accustomed to wake up alone. She said that I open the life of other men. She said that I am wrong, and the men like such men. And even sang - "And you take-take, take me! ....

Olya, well, enough, someone sticks to you will help in career growth.

Thank you, but also with growth, and I'm fine with my career, I noticed Olga.

Somehow imperceptibly started with a slight joke. Emelyanov Word - to him Buzova in response words from his song: "Don't you like something?". The novel began to joke about her vocal data, and then Olga decided to encourage the auditorium (in vain) to help.

My native and favorite viewer, tell me: Do you really want me to stop my solo career? - Here people as shouted "Yes!" In a single impulse, that even we came across. - I, of course, was not ready for such a response. But, since I always say that my people are always with me, and we listen to what they say ... well. I agree. I'm right now, if you do not wake up under the sounds of kisses, do not open the world of other men ... right now, here, I'm leaving the scene. I finish my solo career! - stated Buzova.

Perhaps, even Elton John did not hear such applause during her last speech in Crocus. Olga continued speech:

But I will do it only when I get all the awards that only exist in Russia, in America and in Europe (the Grammy organizers nervously pushed somewhere behind the hill). Because, as they said in one publisher, I am the first artist who began to withdraw Russian music to the global level.

The singer also told about the rest of the achievements that made us think a little that this story was extremely self-irony and invented for joke. And, apparently, this artist will rely for a long time to please us with their songs. She also admitted that he was ready to go to Eurovision. And, in fact, what the hell is not joking - maybe a few years in some European country, it is Buzov who will present our country at the song contest.

While the leading house 2 and the "best girl of the country" rejoices the next award and recognizing it "Runet's Star", a variety of opinions appeared on the Internet and about the singer's outfit, and about her solemn roadway on the horse. The contradictory estimates of Triumf Olga Buzova once again proves that her person excites public opinion and few people leave indifferent. Olga Buzova believes that a ten meter train and a hundred meters of fabric, from which its outfit was created, another confirmation of its exclusivity and growing popularity. Arriving the latter on the "Red Walkway" of the Muz-TV awards ceremony, Buzova is confident that her appearance produced Furore.
As well as victory in the nomination "The Best Runet Song", which was exactly the first song Olga Buzova "Little Polovin".

Dreams Oli Buzova come true?

The leading house 2 is not embarrassed by either parody, nor photosabouts ,. The main thing is that in relation to the former participants and in the present lead, the teleproject slogan is triggered by the house 2 that "dreams come true."
It is noteworthy that this time in one room with Olga Buzova spoke, about the support of which the "phonogram singer" the authors of the shlok said more than once, but also Ksenia Sobchak. Is the former leading house 2, so diligently refused from his role in the formation of a scandalous telestroy, also decided to hayp on the popularity of Buzova? And someone will argue that house 2 does not allow a trip to life and does not provide opportunities for popularity and further growth? Although, in what direction is Olga Buzova, the question is controversial?