Details Category: You are here: Relief love helps to transfer all the burden. Electronic textbooks in the Russian language about the dedication of animals

Details Category: You are here: Relief love helps to transfer all the burden. Electronic textbooks in the Russian language about the dedication of animals

There are already more adults themes for senior schools and institutes. An essay on the topic: Term love helps to transfer everything will reveal your point of view. How do you feel about this aspect you are. But personally for me this concept is completely true. All the same, rely on the shoulder of a beloved person or a relative in a difficult moment - helps not fall in spirit and continue working or fighting. Cursting each other's life easier and easier. And if the beloved person is like everything else like you and shares the overall idea, then the mountains turn it easily.

Works in which loving hearts were together - Romeo and Juliet. If it were not for the fatal case, their plan would have worked and the couple would be together - despite the disagreements of families.

What to write an essay on the topic: "Faithful love helps to transfer all the burden," confirm or refute the words F. Schiller

Reliable love really helps to endure and difficulties and problems, and the whole negative, which can meet in life path. When a person is not alone, and he has a faithful partner, an ally who loves him and does not betray him, and on the contrary supports both the word and work, and often just with a silent presence - it helps a lot in everything.

Examples of this set - and real, and fastened fantasies writers, screenwriters, artists.

For example, Prince Eduard VIII and Wallis Simpson, the heir to the British throne and the usual American woman.

Or love Arno and Eliza against the background of the French Revolution in Assassin's Creed: Unity.

Or the Witcher Heralt and a sorceress Jannifer in the cycle of the Sapkovsky "Saga about the Witcher and the Witcher".

These are completely different examples, but they are combined by the power of feelings and the ability to preserve them, no matter what.

How to write an essay on the topic: Term love helps to carry everything

Reliable love gives confidence, gives all the meaning, gives a feeling of heat and security. You are not alone in this world and, whatever happens to you, you always know that it interests and worries the one who loves you true, he will help and support, sympathize and divide the sorrows. That is how the person feels like that, who has the happiness to feel his beloved and necessary to him who is important.

Schiller, of course, right. It is easier to transfer everything, any test when you have faithful love.

You can find a lot of examples in artistic literature. For example, "two captains" of Cavery, "Master and Margarita" Bulgakov.

"Faithful love helps to transfer all the burden."
Friedrich Shiller
Loyalty and treason ... Two, at first glance, such well-known concepts ... However, you can talk about them for a long time, and in fact they are much deeper and more extensive than it may seem. What is faithful and what is treason?

Loyalty is resistance and invariance in feelings, relationships, in the performance of their duties. If a person changes someone or something is a betrayal, because it is loyalty that is the unique feature of a person who attracts other people so and is valued by them most. The faithful person is reliable, one to whom you can rely in a difficult life situation. However, even more valuable, if a person is faithful to you when you are happy, because it is always more difficult to rejoice for others than to empathize. Loyalty is what friendship, love and patriotism are being built on. After all, any betrayal, any betrayal is the application of a deep mental wound. So does faithful love help to overcome difficulties? Undoubtedly.

I agree with the expression of Friedrich Schiller. When there is a person who is supporting in life, then next to him and the trouble will no longer seem trouble. On the contrary, there will be a motivation for moving forward, because a person will be able to give a wise council, tell me how to do it better in one situation or another. And no wonder there is an expression "Love is painting." And there are many examples in the literature, where it tells exactly how love affects a person. The brightest example can serve the work - the immortal history of true love - William Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet". Young people, being loved, were happy and felt love and support for each other. And even despite the difficulties accompanying them in the life path, did not despair.

And in the work of Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", the meeting of the main character, Rodion Romanovich Skolnikov, with Sonya Marmaladova helped him to become better and realized his guilt. So does love hide?

So there is - the support of a loved one is able to combine that, perhaps, a person would not have decided to do, neither be the object of love nearby.

Thus, such a strong feeling, like love, can make a person better. No wonder many artists, poets, writers and composers created their masterpieces under the influence of this feeling. It is love that is able to raise so much. It is she who makes such a great meaning of a person, and, of course, helps to transfer all the burden. Therefore, the expression of Friedrich Schiller is absolutely true.

What is faithful love? For me, this is the love for me for which people sacrifice themselves, change, go on compromises to be together as long as possible. And, of course, faithful love implies a permanent support and support both in joy and in the mountain. Thus, I fully support the words F. Schiller that faithful love helps to transfer all the burden. The correctness of this point of view can be proved by examples from literature.

A striking example of what positive psychology is and how ineffective are often drugs in the treatment of mental illness. As a couple: You will learn or, rather, learn that happiness is in small details and small details, and, of course, everything can be overcome if we can take it using the right tools.

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Confirm or disprove the words F. Schiller: "Reliable love helps to carry all the burden"

What is faithful love? For me, this is the love for me for which people sacrifice themselves, change, go on compromises to be together as long as possible. And, of course, faithful love implies a permanent support and support both in joy and in the mountain. Thus, I fully support the words F. Schiller that faithful love helps to transfer all the burden. The correctness of this point of view can be proved by examples from literature.

And in this problem, they do not know if they love each other, because it is a game or really. As a couple: The most important thing you can find out is how much you need to communicate in love and relationships, honesty and transparency, and, above all, how important it is to clarify our feelings until it has become too late.

Returning a little to Woody Allen and his muses, in Vicky, Christina, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b"we find a love film, but a little distinguished by love. If what you want is movies that can be seen as a couple, and explore different aspects of sex and relationships, this is your movie. Barderm is a young and arrogant artist who knows how to well coax wiki and Christine to take them to Barcelona to enjoy the weekend of sex and fun. When they least expect this, Maria Elena appears, the former friend of the main character.

He talks about the reality that we often do not want to see or even, we do not know the bloody diamonds. In Africa, armed and powerful Commandos subordinate residents of different regions of the continent of slave practices and with the sole purpose of producing a diamond hidden under deciduous forests of Africa. As part of this plot, the history of love between Dicaprio and Konuli appears, as well as the relationship of friendship between the first and Jimon Huns. White African was somewhat lost, and the thief and survivors, Black African enslave and who wants to save their family from the hands of the workers and a strange journalist.

Let us turn to the novel of Nicolas Sparks "Diary of Memory". This novel tells about true and real love. The main characters of Noah and Ellie fall in love with each other at first glance, they are so interesting to each other that Ellie, despite the will of the parents, continues to meet with Noah. Ellie is forced to go to his hometown. Young people promise each other that their love will be eternal. After fourteen years of separation, they encounter and again intoxicate closeness. Ellie completely changes plans for life. They marry, give birth to five children and live for each other. To the old age, Ellie put a terrible diagnosis - Alzheimer's disease. Noah did not lower his hands and tried to the end to return the memory of his beloved, reading his memory diary, where the days spent together were described so well. The author shows that faithful love helps the heroes to live a wonderful life and overcome adversity.

The history of polyamoria and problems in equal parts begins. As a couple: a different opinion of relationships and the possibility that almost any man and a large number of women would like to experience a polyamori. Perhaps you have good ideas or the necessary push to try new things.

You can basically appreciate what men usually make when we love the girl. It sounds like a cliché, and this film uses it to build its plot. Nevertheless, the plot has unexpected and interesting turns that will make you take entertainment time as a couple. This will help you empathize both personalities.

An excellent cocktail to refresh the fact that, in my opinion, is one of the best movies Leonardo di Caprio. As a couple: You will find out the importance of loyalty and help to others, the importance of friendship and, of course, the importance of someone next to you in difficult times.

A striking example of what positive psychology is and how ineffective are often drugs in the treatment of mental illness. As a couple: You will learn or, rather, learn that happiness is in small details and small details, and, of course, everything can be overcome if we can take it using the right tools.

Another product confirming Schiller's words - Roman F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Sonya Marmaladova is a vicious girl, and at first sight you can think that it is the same criminal as a splitter. But it is she puts Rodion on the path of repentance. This defenseless, weak and fragile girl falls in love with Raskolnikov, follows him to the cautious and tolerates him indifference. Over time, the Raskolnikov understands that he is not closer to Sony. He rethinks everything that did, and resurrect to live on. If it were not for the true love of Sony, scary to submit the fate of this hero.

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The fact that, apparently, could seem like a children's film, turned out to be one of the biggest discoveries that my girlfriend made. From films to watch in an animated pair, this is one of the best and funny. In addition, you will learn the value of unconditional love for children and the importance of people who love us close to achieve our goals no matter how "tyranny".

Drama, based on real events about mathematics, which suffers from paranoid schizophrenia and which, after graduation, the university will begin to "lose weight". His wife is always there to help him and fight for his treatment. Love to those that exist only in the cinema, but that we teach us how it is important that others can move forward. The genius turned into a madman, and the housewife turned into a nurse, making this film an important film for lovers of human behavior and mental illness.

Love is always a problem, with a positive part of the beginning of love and a negative side, when it ends. Of all the films that can be seen as a couple are a variety of scenarios. Like any French film, worthy of its salt, open and diverse stages, very worked characters and very protagonists are distinctive features of the person. However, behind this scenario is a funny and sad film in equal parts. Two friends who knew each other since childhood and since then they play "capable or incapable", offering increasingly complex problems until they reach the point where both stop differentiate what is truly and what is a game.

Love, which is based on self-sacrifice, the desire to be with a person and in all situations to support him, may be the strongest. Stronger poverty, misfortune, cautious and even disease. And it is such love that will help move all the lives of life. I hope I'm lucky and I will find exactly such love.

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Sometimes, when people fall in love with each other, it seems to them that everything is on the shoulder. That they are willing to pass together through all the difficulties of life. And all the losses, suffering, gravity, failures - powerless, while they are together. True, real love helps a person to live, move on, even if she is unreasonable. Once, one of the great said: "The faithful love helps to transfer all the burden."

How true noticeable! So let's turn to the works of Russian classical literature to make sure that.

In the novel of Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", the main character, Romanovich Romanovich Romanovich, falls in love with the girl named Sonya Marmaladov. Love for Son is changing him for the better, and Rodion confesses the fact that he has committed a crime, after which it goes to the cautious. But Sonechka did not forget him and was with him all the time: from the moment when he just confessed to her, before his stay at Katorga. She comes to him even a year later, thereby facilitating his hard life. Their love overcame all difficulties, and led to good changes.

And in the story of Alexander Ivanovich Kurina "Pomegranate Bracelet" one of the heroes, G.S.

Yolks, generally lived only for his beloved - Faith of Sheina. However, his love was unreserved, but despite this, in his death letter he wrote to her that she was for him the only joy and consolation. And only when the husband and brother of faith actually forbidden him to hope for some mutual feelings from faith and send her letters, he decides to commit suicide. Eight years love for faith helped him to endure life. He lived in a poor house, was a small official, his life did not take a variety and impressions. But he was pleased with all the little things in the form of a handker forgotten, the short news from her, thoughts about her and the desire to make her pleasant ... In my opinion, this is a very significant example of how love helps not just to endure life, but also live in general.

Yes, indeed, in both examples given by me, the characters are true and loved very much. Love and really helped them to endure all the burrs, facilitated life, filled with paints and positive emotions. This lies both the most beautiful power of love and the most destructive.

Updated: 2017-11-26

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"It does not exist for love yesterday, love does not think about tomorrow."
Speaking of love, we mean a strong, sublime, beautiful feeling, without which life loses its meaning. In love, we "lose your head", so what is more in love: feelings or mind? None of us can say what exactly we are Love a person, it is impossible to give this explanation, as can not give an accurate definition of love. Everyone is a very feeling, individual and very personal. Love multifaceted, its manifestations are endless, there are no laws and obstacles. Love We "Weching Mountains", love "worst", inspired by love people become creators, love devoted to poetry, music, but there is another side of this feeling.
"Love long-suffer, merciful, love is notenvines "Holy Peter, the New Testament.
Broken hearts, sleepless nights, disappointment and pain is also love, but inseparable and rejected. I understand why this happens, a person continues to follow the call of the heart, he "will not order." Who meets love "at first glance", And someone checks the feelings of the years. "Love all ages are subject to", but is it given this feeling? Rather, love is a gift, which is given over, but having received it, a person should think how to save this gift for fate. Those of the invalid gift of love , a person can only mind. We can also control emotions too intelligent.
"The faithful love helps to transfer all the burden" f. Schiller.
Faithful love, in the "captain's daughter" Pushkin, helped free Peter Greenuava Captain of Schwabrina, Maria Mironov. And Masha helped to justify her loved. Love made her loved ones and boldly her, she defended Peter's honor, was not afraid to meet with the Empress itself, Catherine II. Love helped Petra and Mary to stand out, survive in being together, in the hard time.
Understanding the depth and beauty of love comes with experience, mature, we are meaningful, rational. Land over feeling, we are a mind guarding ourselves from mistakes. Bestly, in love more feelings, otherwise it's not the "arrows of Amur", but without reason, invalid gift can The abyss in vain, bringing suffering.
Love Fevronia helped Prince Vladimir to those who he became: a fair, the meek ruler. Love helped them to overcome the adversity, pass the tests and stay happy. "The story about Peter and Fevronia" is not only a monument of the ancient Russian literature, but also the history of extraordinary love written by Ermolam-ERASM.
Having found love by checking the intention of feelings and retaining the spark of passion, we find the harmony of life, filling it with an exalted meaning, and there is a simple recipe for the real happiness, the immeasurable wealth of these above.
"Love is poor if it can be measured." W. Schepir