Roman Essay. Modifications of the romance form in the West prose of the second half of the twentieth century

Roman Essay. Modifications of the romance form in the West prose of the second half of the twentieth century

The writing

Having learned the ancestors, we know ourselves, without knowing the history, we must recognize ourselves with chances that do not know how and why they live in the world, as for which we live, how and what should strive for. V. Klyuchevsky
We want this or not, our present is inseparable from the past, which constantly reminds itself. "All went to his grandfather," they say others about the baby, who is without a week. Old Pskov frescoes, letters scratched on Novgorod Bereste, the sounds of a shepherd horror, legends "long-lasting days", the outlines of the temples - all this stirred past makes thinking about the fact that the past has not gone.
History - Terrible Weapon! Isn't it obvious that the "Evil Empire" began to fall apart under powerful blows of writers who applied to our past! Among them, V. Chilivihin, A. Solzhenitsyn, Ch. Aitmatov, V. Shalamov. The literature of the 1980s turned the consciousness of the people to his historical past, told him that he was not at all the same age of October that the roots go deep into the centuries.
Roman-Essay Vladimir Chivihina "Memory" was published in 1982. The writer is trying to "arouse an immense" and remember all our historical past. "... Memory is nothing to be replaced by the urgent bread, today, without which children will grow weakly minted, unable worthy, courageously meet the future."
There is no way to briefly retell the "Memory". In the center of the work - Russian heroic Middle Ages, when resistance to ingenic invasions from the East and the West was rendered. This is an immortal lesson-story, forget about which is unacceptable.
The writer invites us to touch things that remember the views and hands of those who have long disappeared. Considering the rude stone cross, resembling a man with stretched hands, Civivichin talks about how the Potnikov's robber troops came to the city of Forest Seversk Land: "Standard the stone, but before the deep centuries-old secret! The victorious steppe army was cut by an iron chain of the organization and obedience, skillfully applied siege technique, had a huge experience of the assault of the most impregnable hardening of that time. He was headed by commander-in-chiefs in the brutal battles. Forty nine days steppe army stormed wooden forest town, seven weeks could not take Kozelsk! According to justice, Kozelsk must be held in the Annala History on a par with such giants as Troy and Verden, Smolensk and Sevastopol, Brest and Stalin-Grad. "
Following the story of the heroic ancient Kozelsk - Novella about the partisan newspaper, printed in August 1943 on Bereste: "Each beak was rushed, as in the ancient Novgorod, Smolensk and Vitebsk birch grams, and filled in forever typographical paint ..."
Fancy, unpredictable turns of the narrative of this unusual novel. And how many new names opened Vladimir Chilivichin to the inquisitive reader: Decembrist Nikolai Mozghalovsky, the spontaneous philosopher Pavel Dunsev-profitable, poet Vladimir Sokolovsky, Thuranobor Mikhail Lunin, a prisoner of single camera Nikolai Morozov.
The anthem of the talent writer of our people cannot leave anyone indifferent. Civivichin introduces us with a great, but little-known scientist - Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky, the founder of the new science of Helobiology. The author lists the works of a world-famous scientist. And again the reader burns the thought: "... how wasteful, we are like an inmamot, like lazy and dislike ..."
Suddenly, we begin to unfold the story of the complex relationship of the genius of the Russian literature of Gogol and the former Freillica. Emperatrica Alexandra Smirnova-Rosset, Beauty and Umnigni, Snump Vyazemsky, Zhukovsky, Pushkin. Or suddenly we turn out to be with the author in the ancient Chernihiv, the city where the architectural masterpiece of world importance is preserved - the Church of Paraskeva Friday.
The special side of the book "Memory" make up a variety of disputes that are conducted along the narration. So, for example, the question is raised why Stepniki elected exactly such a way, and not otherwise? The question is not idle, because behind it - the key problems of domestic history, shed light on the legality of possession of those or other lands. "Answering this question would help dispel many historical misunderstandings, see Pu-Tanitsu5 of the varnish and errors in countless descriptions of long-standing lipherette, parting with some naive ideas stuck in our memory with young, as they say, nails."
The writer gives tribute to those who made their contribution to the comprehension of their native history. So, along the course of the story, the touching and beautiful portrait of Peter Dmitrievich Baranovsky, the famous Moscow architect-restorer, affairs and life of which the capital should be proud of the capital.
The October Revolution of 1917 asked the fashion to voluntarily handle the story, in socialist society she was assigned not objective, but the subjective and subordinate to the state role.
However, Pushkin still noticed that "disrespect for history and the ancestors there is the first sign of wildness and immorality." And the great historian N.M. Karamzin in the "Story of the State of the Russian" wrote: "History ... Expands the limits of its own being; We live with her creative power with people of all time, we see and hear them, love and hate ... ".

Roman-Essay Vladimir Chilihina "Memory"

Having learned the ancestors, we know ourselves, without knowledge of history, we must recognize ourselves with chances that do not know how and why we live in the world, how and for which we live, how and what should strive for. Klyuchevsky want this or not, our present is inseparable from the past, which constantly reminds itself. "All went to his grandfather," they say others about the baby, who is without a week. Old Pskov frescoes, letters scratched at Novgorod Bereste, the sounds of a shepherd horror, legends of the "long-lasting days", the outlines of the temples - all this stunned past makes thinking about what was not gone.

History - Terrible Weapon! Isn't it obvious that the "Evil Empire" began to fall apart under the powerful blows of writers who applied to our past! Among them V. Chilivihin, A. Solzhenitsyn, Ch. Aitmatov, V. The 1980s turned the consciousness of the people to his historical past, told him that he was not at all the same age of October that the roots go deep into the centuries.

Roman-Essay Vladimir Chilihina "Memory" was published in 1982. The writer is trying to "embrace an immense" and remember all our historical past. "... Memory is nothing with a replaceable urgent, today's, without which children will grow weaknorms, unable to dignify, courageously meet the future."

There is no possibility even briefly retell the "Memory". In the center of the work - Russian heroic Middle Ages, when resistance to ingenic invasions from the East and the West was rendered. This is an immortal lesson-story, forget about which is unacceptable.

The writer invites us to touch things that remember the views and hands of those who have long disappeared. Considering a rough stone cross, resembling a man with stretched hands, Civivichin talks about how the robber troops steppes came to the city of the Forest Seversk Land: "Do not stand before the stone, but before the deep centuries-old secret! The victorious steppe army was cut by an iron chain of the organization and obedience, skillfully applied siege technique, had a huge experience of the assault of the most impregnable hardening of that time. He was headed by commander-in-chiefs in the brutal battles. Forty nine days steppe army stormed wooden forest town, seven weeks could not take Kozelsk! According to justice, Kozelsk must be held in the Annala History on a par with such giants as Troy and Verden, Smolensk and Sevastopol, Brest and Stalin-Grad. "

Following the narrative of the heroic ancient Kozelsk - Novella about the partisan newspaper, printed in August 1943 on Bereste: "Each beech was rushed, as in the ancient Novgorod, Smolensk and Vitebsk birch grams, and was filled in forever Typographic paint ..."

Fancy, unpredictable turns of the narrative of this unusual novel. And how many new names opened Vladimir Chilivichin to the inquisitive reader: Decembrist Nikolai Mozghalovsky, the spontaneous philosopher Pavel Dunsev-profitable, poet Vladimir Sokolovsky, Thuranobor Mikhail Lunin, a prisoner of single camera Nikolai Morozov. The anthem of the talent writer of our people cannot leave anyone indifferent. Civivichin introduces us with a great, but little-known scientist - Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky, the founder of the new science of Helobiology. The author lists the works of a world-famous scientist. And again the reader burns the thought: "... How are we are wasteful, as an insamer, how lazy and dislike ..."

Suddenly, we begin to unfold the story of the complex relationship of the genius of the Russian literature of Gogol and the former Freillica. Emperatrica Alexandra Smirnova-Rosset, Beauty and Umnigni, Snump Vyazemsky, Zhukovsky, Pushkin. Or suddenly we turn out to be with the author in the ancient Chernihiv, the city where the architectural masterpiece of world importance is preserved - the Church of Paraskeva Friday.

The special side of the book "Memory" make up a variety of disputes that are conducted along the narration. So, for example, the question is raised why Stepniki elected exactly such a way, and not otherwise? The question is not idle, because behind it - the key problems of domestic history, shed light on the legality of possession of those or other lands. "The answer to this question would help dispel a lot of historical misunderstandings, see the confusion and varnish and errors in countless descriptions of long-time Liphethet, parting with some naive ideas stuck in our memory with young, as they say, nails."

The writer gives tribute to those who made their contribution to the comprehension of their native history. So in the course of the story, the touching and beautiful Peter Dmitrievich of the Baranovsky, the famous Moscow architect-restorer, affairs and life of which the capital should be proud of the capital.

The October Revolution of 1917 asked the fashion to voluntarily handle the story, in socialist society she was assigned not objective, but the subjective and subordinate to the state role.

However, Pushkin still noticed that "disrespect for history and the ancestors there is the first sign of wildness and immorality." And the great historian N.M. Karamzin in the "Story of the Russian State" wrote: "The story ... expands the limits of its own being; We live with her creative strength with people of all time, we see and hear them, love and hate ... ".

  1. Essei

    The social and religious current in Judea in the 2nd half of the 2nd century. BC e. - 1 century. n. e. E. - among the main precursors of Christianity. According to the ancient authors (Filon Alexandrian, Senior, Iosifa Flavia, Ippolit) ...

  2. yesse

    sUB., Number of synonyms: 2 Lake 162 Essen 2

  3. --Sess

    esse suffix
    1. Formation unit forming nouns of female

    Explanatory dictionary Efremova
  4. yesse
  5. Yesse

    Lake on S. Meshnessisibirsk Plateau, in the pool r. Khatanga in the Krasnoyarsk Territory of the RSFSR. The area is about 238 km2. Small, shores elevated, straight, almost without bays. Nutrition snow and rain. PP fell into the lake. Buorks, beddown, sigmoyan, etc.

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  6. Essei

    gnostic sects against which the apostles were warned.
    See the prot. P. A. Lebedeva, " Essei and therapists
    "(" Spirit of Christian ", 1862); Lucius," Der Essenismus und Das Judeuthum "(1889); Lurie," Essei"(" Historical Review ", Book IV, 1892).
    N. Bars.

  7. essei

    essei, -EEV, un. yesse, -I

  8. Essei

    A group of righteous of the period of the second temple, striving for a lifestyle, complete holiness and purity. E. removed from society and alien to people who did not belong to their movement.
    Most likely that ...

    Encyclopedia Judaism
  9. Essei

    Opposition socio-religious flow in Judea in the 2nd floor. 2nd. BC e. - 1 century. n. er, one of the main predecessors of Christianity. Etymology of the word "E." Relically unknown. OSN. intelligence...

    Soviet historical encyclopedia
  10. Essei

    Essei (Greek Essaioi) is one of the socio-religious trends in Judea in the 2nd floor. 2nd. BC E.
    1 in. n. e. Communities essei They are considered one of the main predecessors of early Christianity. Based on
    Reviews yesse Messiano-eschatological ideas, doctrine of dualism (fighting good with evil and faith

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary
  11. Essei

    Essen (Greek, Lat. Esseni, perhaps, from Aram.-Sir. Hassayya - "pious", or from Aram

    Dictionary of Cultural Science
  12. ESSA

    (Gessow) of the present Yavawny - the place of the Koven province and county, on the river are not, not far from her mouth. Previously, the name E. and the Pastastoven always met together (Chronicle of Strykovsky) and denoted the area or parish ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Ephron
  13. Essei

    plants and patient healing (therapists). Main location EssevAccording to Plinya's testimony, there was the western side of the Dead Sea, above the desert of En-Gedskaya.

    Biblical encyclopedia Archim. Nikifora
  14. essea Isa

    Esse -Esse -sse<�ит. essa. Суффикс женского рода, обозначающий деятельницу. Обычно шутл

    Dictionary of gallicalism of the Russian language
  15. Novel

    Knights novel) (poems and prosaic), in which the hero-knight committed incredible, sometimes
    "New novel»).
    On the other hand, in Russia, then in the USSR and later in other countries in their socialist
    new type. In multinational Soviet literature novel- Eatele represent such works
    Aragon, "Praise and Glory" Ya. Ivashkevich.
    Lit.: Veselovsky A. N., History or theory romana?, Emit
    Articles, L., 1939; Horses B. A., Theory romana, M., 1927; Fox R., Novel and people, per. from English, m

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  16. novel

    Scientific fancy novel.

    Laptev took historical from the chest novel And, finding the page
    and woman.
    Make it with novel.

    [Gypsies:] And here, in the city, in life -
    There are novels? [Hope
    ] How without it? And here fall in love. M. Gorky, barbarians.
    - Between us was not romana

    Small Academic Dictionary
  17. novel

    (eg, Pushkin), also, with a seminar warded romance (Melnikov; see Zelenin, RFV 54, 117). Of it. ROMAn is the same or rather directly from Franz. Roman, Art.-Franz. Romanz, original. "Nattery of People.

    Etymological Dictionary of Max Fasmer
  18. novel

    NOVEL, romana, Husband. (· Franz. Roman).
    1. A large narrative product, usually
    Love is only in novels. " Chekhov. Domestic novel. Adventurous novel. Picaresque novel. Historical
    novel Created Walter Scott. Psychological novel. Eugene Onegin - novel in verse.
    2. Love
    Relationships, love relationship between a man and a woman (·. She has with him novel. "(Hero) not mine
    romana. " Griboedov. "Daria Gavrilovna, in his youth had novel with the secretary of the magistrate. " Gorbunov.

    Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov
  19. Romana

    (Pedro Caro Surda, Marquis De La Romana, 1761-1811) - Spanish General. In 1807, when Napoleon demanded from the Madrid Cabinet to put a 15,000 soldier for the French service ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Ephron
  20. roman

    Roman / n / ha.

    Morphemno-spell dictionary
  21. Novel

    NOVEL - one of the most free literary forms involving a huge amount
    Always in a wide and solid picture. This is quite determined by the difference romana from story, fairy tales or songs
    Other types of narrative arts. From the above definition, it appears that the genre romana
    Spends three main types: novel passions or psychological, novel morals or bellows
    And finally novel Adventure. Three of these species in various combinations may occur in one

    Dictionary of literary terms
  22. Novel

    Novel, husband. Name (Romanovich, Romanovna)

    Specographic dictionary of Lopatin
  23. novel

    I m.
    Large volume, with a complex plot narrative artwork

    Explanatory dictionary Efremova
  24. novel

    Romana, m. [Fr. Roman]. 1. A large narrative product, usually in prose

    Large dictionary of foreign words
  25. novel

    epic prose. Historical r. R.-epic.
    | arr. roman, Aya, OE (Spec.) and Romanny, Aya, OE

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  26. novel

    sUB., m., Upatr. often
    (No) What? romanaWhat? Roman, (see) What? novelWhat? novel about what
    ? About the novel; MN. what? novels, (no) what? Romanov, what? novels, (see) What? novelsWhat? novels
    Historical, adventure novel. | Female novel. | Thick, boring novel. | Psychological, household
    novel. | To read novels. | Refresh, create, print novel. | Novel went abroad.
    2. Roman
    Call a love relationship between a man and a woman. Caissure novel with anyone. | Their difficult novel

    Explanatory dictionary Dmitrieva
  27. Novel

    None of several people from the lowest class:
    1. SERVIUS Romanus, a former slave, received freedom as a reward for the transfer of the Artepian Castle to Romans. LIV. 4, 62; ...

    Dictionary of classic antiquities
  28. Novel

    (Bulgaria, Romania - Mountains.)

  29. roman


    Orthographic dictionary. One n or two?
  30. roman


    Specographic dictionary of Lopatin
  31. roman

    aya, one.
    arr. to novel (in 1 meaning).
    Roman plot. Romantic tradition.

    Lev Nikolaevich
    consistently moved away from ordinary romantic forms. Shklovsky, Lion Tolstoy.

    Small Academic Dictionary
  32. novel

    NOVEL -but; m. [Franz. Roman]
    1. A large narrative work, usually in prose, with difficult
    Tolstoy "War and Peace". "Evgeny Onegin" - r. in verse. To read novels. Create p.
    2. Review Love
    Relationship between a man and a woman. Take r. make
    Roman,y ,y. Lit. (1 zn.
    R. willow. R-Aya Tradition. Rhine form of narration. Nomanic, -ay ,y. Study. R-Aya story (resembling novel). R-ie relationship (love).

    Explanatory dictionary of Kuznetsov
  33. roman

    Roman cm. Novel.

    Explanatory dictionary of Kuznetsov
  34. novel

    novel, -but

    Specographic dictionary of Lopatin
  35. Novel

    romana. Descriptions of the socialist novel. Bible image.
    NOVEL - big epic form, the most typical
    PROBLEM Romana. - Despite the exceptional prevalence of this genre, its borders
    "Morphology romana" However, he could not theoretically master the mass of historical. Material, Dimension
    Problems R. See section " Novel As a bourgeois epic "). To resolve the problem R. need before
    "Medieval novels"They are often interpreted and still in the history of literature. But such their designation

    Literary encyclopedia
  36. (Fr. Roman\u003e Star.-Fr. Romans Statution in Romanesque language (and not in Latin)
    1) in literary criticism: literary genre; Artwork, ch. In prose, although it may be in verses; ...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms Jerebilo
  37. novel Morphemno-spell dictionary
  38. Romana

    S, wives Star. rare.
    Derivatives: novel; Manya; Roma.
    Origin: (female. K (see Novel))

    Dictionary of personal names
  39. NOVEL

    From various derivatives named Novel (from Latin "Romanus" - Roman). (F). Romashin
    The basis of this surname is the naming of the Romashich woman, i.e. "wife Romana", Most likely, even widow, son
    name Novel (Lat. Romanus - "Roman, Roman") through the intermediate form of Romash (Romashov

    Dictionary of Russian surnames
  40. roman

    Roman, romantic, romantic, romantic, roman, romantic, roman, romantic, roman romantic, roman, romantic, roman, romanic, romantic, romantic, roman, romanic, romantic romantic, romantic, romantic, romantic, romantic, romantic, roman, romantic, roman, romantic roman, romance, romantic, Romance, romantic, torn, romanese, PORMAN

  41. novel

    pR novel 1 Pornoroman 1 Radiooman 1 Roma 5 novel-Anthetopia 1. novel-Ballad 1. novel-Biography 1. novel-Ses 1. novel-Detice 1. novel-Dilogy 1. novel-Dama 1. novelResist 1. novelExpecting 1. novel-Tell 1. novel-Pamflet 1. novel-Am 1. novel-Pritcha 1. novel- Wheel diary 1. novel- Demorative 1. novel-Rorting 1. novel-Scase 1. novelTtrichia 1. novel-Hall 1. novel-Epope 1. novel- Sheet 1 Roman 1

    Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  42. Novels

    Novels - Russian princes. Novel Vasilyevich, Prince Yaroslavsky, participant of the Kulikovsky battle
    whom Novel held from inhuman violence when collecting Dani, Rena Khan Mongu-Temir, that the prince

    Large biographical encyclopedia
  43. Romano.

    Julio (1492 or 1499-1546), Italian architect and painter; See Julio Romano..

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  44. Novel

    (Fr. Roman) is a literary genre of the epic work of a large form, in which the story focuses on the fate of a separate personality, its attitude towards the world around the world, the establishment and development of its nature and self-consciousness.

    Dictionary of Cultural Science
  45. novel

    Novel, novels, romana, novels, novel, novels, novel, novels, novel, novels, novel, novels

    Grammar dictionary of Zaliznyaka
  46. roman

    admission, Number of Synonyms: 1 Romance 8

    Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  47. novel

    Borrow. At the end of the XVIII century. From Franz. Yaz. where Roman< ст.-франц. romanz, восходящего к лат. romanice. Буквально - «сочинение на каком-л. родном романском языке, а не на латыни».

    Etymological dictionary of Shanskogo
  48. novel

    Tale preferably interpreting love (hint on " novel"- love relationships between people
    various sex)
    Cf. Novels Then we willingly read
    When we are still il already - do not know them.
    *** Aphorisms
    Cf. Of romana Learn to life! It has become a guided code for the study of mutual relationship
    Cardiac stealing early
    As Shatubin says,
    Not women love us teach us
    And the first dirty novel
    Now with what you care
    Reads sweet novel,
    With any lively charming
    Solving Solving

    Frameological dictionary of Michelson
  49. Novel

    And husband.
    Me.: Romanovich, Romanovna; . Romanych.
    Derivatives: Romank; Romaha; Romash; Novel; Roma; Thickening; Romulus.
    Origin: (Lat. Romanus - Roman; Roman.)
    Name Day: January 18, 11 Feb., 16 Feb.

    Dictionary of personal names
  50. roman

    Rum romantic, romantic (lit.). arr. to novel in 1 · value; Prophty novel. Romantic Building a literary work.

    Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov
  51. roman

    roman arr.
    1. Related by meaning. With land novel I associated with it.
    2. Sophisticated novel
    novel I, characteristic of him.
    3. Prisoner in the novel novel I.

    Explanatory dictionary Efremova
  52. NOVEL

    NOVEL (Roman) - the city in the east of Romania. 71 thousand inhabitants (1985). Pipe rolling factory
    Mechanical engineering, chemical, lightweight, food industry.
    NOVEL (Franz. Roman) - literary genre, epic
    In its attitude to the world around the world, on the formation, development of its nature and self-consciousness. Novel - Epos.
    meaning. Typical romantic The situation is a collision in the hero of moral and human (personal
    With natural and social necessity. Insofar as novel develops in a new time where the character

Great doo

Esse and notes

Great doo

Preface that can serve as instructions

I absolutely disagree with the fact that it is impossible to express clear idea. However, the visible testifies to the opposite: once there is a pain of such force that the body no longer reacts, because involvement in it, even if one sob, it seems to have erased it into powder, - once there is a height on which a painful pain is able to seal, then So, there is a thought of such force that words are rendered to nothing. Words correspond to a certain accuracy of thought, quite as tears - a certain degree of pain. The most vague is not called in any way, and the most accurate will not formulate. But all this, to be honest, visibility. If it is precisely expressing only the average strength of thought, then only because averaged humanity is thought with such a degree of force; It agrees to this degree, this degree of accuracy suits him. If we do not succeed clearly understand each other, then you should not have a means of communication at all.

Clarity of speech implies three conditions: knowledge of the speaker that it is he who wants to say, the attention of the listening and common language for them. But clear, as an algebraic condition, speech is still not enough. Requires not only alleged, but also real content. To do this, you need the fourth component: both interlocutors must understand what is said about. This general conceptual experience is a golden stock that gives a barrier coin, which are words, changing value. Without the stock of overall experience, all our words are noise checks, and algebra - no more than a major operation of intellectual lending, legalized, for a recognized, counterfeitness: everyone knows that the intention and meaning of the algebra is by no means in it, but in arithmetic. But clear and meaningful speech is also not enough: it is at all how to say "on that day it was raining" or "three plus two will be five"; We still need a goal and necessity.

First part

Dialogue on the strength of the word and weakness of thought

We started drinking late. And we all had internally. We did not remember what happened before. Understood only that late. Where did anyone come from, at what point of the globe, we were, really a ball (but no way at point), on what day of the week, what month and what year - all this was above our understanding. When you want to drink, such questions do not ask.

When you want to drink, then we look out a convenient reason and only pretend that they pay attention to everything else. That's why it's hard later, After, just tell about the experience. When setting out the events, it is soaled to clarify and streamline what was neither clarity or order. The desire is very tempting and very risky. So prematurely become philosophers. I will try to tell what happened, which was said what was thought and how it happened. If first it all seems to you incoherent and foggy, do not despair: then everything will become more than ordered and clear. If, despite the order and clarity, my story will seem to you strongly, be sure: I will finish convincingly.

We were enveloped thick smoke. The fireplace pulled poorly, because of the raw firewood, the fire was silent, Candles Chadili, tobacco clouds needed bluish layers at the level of our individuals. It was not clear how much is a dozen or a thousand. One did not cause doubt: we were alone. And here, quite by the way, there was a loud and, as we dubbed it on your pluggest language, the "cherished" voice. He really came from abroad, and maybe firewood or boxes: in smoke and from fatigue was difficult to disassemble. The voice said:

Once alone, a microbe (I almost said "Man") calls how to understand his nagging, to a relative soul, which would make him a company. If the soul is located, the beauty is quickly becoming unbearable and each climbs out of the skin to return with the subject of its uterine torments. Not a drop of common sense: one wants to be two, two want to be one. If the relative soul is not located, then he is splitped in half, talks to himself with him ("Hi, old"), hesitates himself in his arms, gluits himself to cut and either begins to build something, and sometimes someone. However, everything that unites you is loneliness, that is, all or nothing; But what exactly - already depends on you.

It seemed to us successfully, but no one would have worked out to consider the said. The main thing was to drink. And we drank just a few mugs of a nasty kishkoder, which caused us even more thirst.

At some point, the mood was completely spoiled, and, as I remember, we kind of united with someone and went with something to bother some fasteners, snoring in the corners. After some time, the fortresses from somewhere returned, carrying full barrels on the shrencated breeches. When the kegs were empty, we were finally able to sit on them or nearby, well, in general, somehow to get a job to drink and listen, as spent oratories and other entertainment of this kind were outlined. In my memory, all this remains rather foggy.

In the absence of landmarks, we were carried by the will of words, memories, obsessive ideas, offended and sympathy. In the absence of goals, we gradually lost the strength of thought, the ability to respond to Kalambura, to seek about common friends, avoid unpleasant applications, settling your favorite skates, break into open doors, build politetes and grimaces.

Duchot and active tobacco ignition caused the unattricant thirst. I had to tend to pick up the fastenings so that they brought bottles, barrels, jugs, buckets with a snack, seem to be a variety.

In the corner, one familiar artist spread his project to a friend-photographer: writing beautiful apples, polishing them, distill the cider and, expressing him with the words, "create an amazing calvados". The photographer grumbled that "from this carries idealism," but he spent often and drank to the bottom. Young Amedi Gokur complained about the lack of drinking - from chocolate cakes, which he knew, he "laid a drain pipe and sick stomach." Anarchist Marcenielen whisked that "If we are so angry with thirst, this is the most real papacy," but no one understood the meaning of his speeches.

I was very uncomfortable on the drawer from the bottles, and from the side it could seem that I thought deeply, although in fact I just dug: a low, very low ceiling - a visor, omitting intelligence to the sevente level of whim.

I will not present you the characters present there. I want to tell not about them, not about their characters and actions. They were as a dream statis who tried, sometimes honestly wake up; All glorious people, no one in a dream did not lose sight of the near. Now I want to say only that we were drunk and we wanted to drink all the time. And there were many such lonely.

Unsuccessful thought to talk about music came to the head of Arakant Gonzagu. However, the room was adjusted in advance, because, as everyone noticed, he came with a new guitar. And now it was not forced to be happy for a long time. It was terrible. The sounds that he retracted from the tool were so violently fake, so fortunately rattling that the boilers were dug on the cement floor, copper candelabra, gadko giggling, rolled off the fireplace shelves, began to beat the sides of the shabby walls; The plaster poured into the eyes, spiders with a cry fell from the ceiling right into the soup; All this caused our thirst and brought to rage ...

Then the character "Due to the branches" showed the tip of one ear, then the tip of the other, then the nose, the smooth chin was replaced by a beard, and Lysin - a magnificent hair; He changed all the time - ordinary tricks and instant jim. They said that without this masquerade would not even notice, because it was believed that "he looks like everything." Perhaps at that moment he seemed to be a woodcase or a tree, he had elephant eyes and a goat beard, but I would not have to swear in this. He calmly spoke something like:

Granite, gravel. Gravel, granite. Griffel, grenade. Gram - (pause) - Akonit!

    Roman Essay, Roman Essay ... Orphographic Dictionary

    roman-essay - Roman Esse, m. Literary work, having genre features of the novel and essay. CM 80 ...

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see Roman (Values). This article or section needs recycling. November 2007 Please improve Stat ... Wikipedia

    Roman Ivananychuk Roman Ivanovich Ivanovichuk (born on May 27, 1929 in the village of Trache, Stanislavsky Voivodeship, Poland, Now Kosovo district, Ivano Frankivsk region, Ukraine) Ukrainian writer, political and public actor of the right direction, ... ... Wikipedia

    Roman Ivanovich Ivanovichuk (born on May 27, 1929 in the village of Trache, Stanislavsky Voivodeship, Poland, Now Kosovo district, Ivano Frankivsk region, Ukraine) Ukrainian writer, political and public actor of the right direction, deputy of Mekhovna ... Wikipedia

    Roman (Franz. Roman, it. Roman; English. Novel / Romance; Iz. Novela, Ial. Romanzo), Central genre (see genre) of European Literature of the New Time (see New Time (in History)), fictional, in Difference from the Neighboring Genre of the Tale (see ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    essay - NOT., Wed. Essai m. 1. Sample, attempt. I brought into conclusion that my whole life has since had nothing but attempts (Essays) on different fields. 1861. A. I. Mikhailov Danilevsky DN. 2. Essay, interpreting literary, philosophical, social and ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

    - (Ukr. Roman Osipovich Rydoltic, Polish. Roman Rosdołsky, Pseudonym "Prokopovich"; July 19, 1898, Lemberg, Austria Hungary, now Lviv in Ukraine October 15, 1967, Detroit, Michigan, USA) Ukrainian scientist Marxist, Economic and Social ... ... Wikipedia

    Roman Osipovich Ridgeovsky (Ukr. Roman Osipovich Rydoltic, Polish. Roman Rosdołsky, Pseudonym "Prokopovich"; July 19, 1898, Lemberg, Austria Hungary, now Lviv in Ukraine, October 15, 1967, Detroit, Michigan, USA) Ukrainian scientist Marxist, ... ... Wikipedia


  • Great Top. Novel. Essays and notes, Rene Domal. `Great Top" (La Grande Beuverie, Gallimard, 1938) Rena Domal (1908-1944), a story that resembles simultaneously adventure novels Verne, Swift pamphlets, philosophical ...
  • The tenderness of the novel-essay on the innermost depths of pedagogical art about love and freedom about spiritual and legal ideology and technologies for the development of professional talents in the system of civilian-patriotic formation of the personality, Azarov Yu .. In a fundamentally new genre of philosophical novel essay, based on synthesis of sciences, cultures And the arts, the uncompromising struggle of the heroes of the novel "Tenderness" for the creation of ...