The worst freaks. The scariest people in the world

The worst freaks.  The scariest people in the world
The worst freaks. The scariest people in the world

There are a huge number of various diseases in the world. But sometimes it is a common runny nose, which disappears in a couple of days, sometimes an illness that requires surgery. In our review of 10 diseases that not only slowly kill, but also terribly disfigure a person.

1 necrosis of the jaw

Fortunately, this disease has disappeared a long time ago. In the 1800s, workers in match factories were exposed to massive amounts of white phosphorus, a toxic substance that ultimately caused severe jaw pain. In the end, the entire jaw cavity filled with pus and simply rotted away. At the same time, the jaw spread miasma of decay and even glowed in the dark from an excess of phosphorus. If it was not removed surgically, then the phosphorus spread further to all organs of the body, leading to death.

2. Proteus syndrome

Proteus syndrome is one of the rarest diseases in the world. There are only about 200 cases registered in the world. O It is a congenital ailment that causes overgrowth in various parts of the body. Asymmetrical overgrowth of bones and skin often affects the skull and limbs, especially the legs. There is a theory that Joseph Merrick, the so-called "Elephant Man", suffers from Proteus syndrome, although DNA tests have not proven this.

3. Acromegaly

Acromegaly occurs when the pituitary gland secretes excess growth hormone. As a rule, the pituitary gland before this is affected by a benign tumor. The development of the disease leads to the fact that the victims begin to grow to a completely disproportionate size. In addition to being oversized, victims of acromegaly also have a prominent forehead and very sparsely set teeth. Probably the most famous person with acromegaly was Andre the Giant, who grew to 220 centimeters and weighed over 225 kg. If this disease is not treated in time, the body will grow to such a size that the heart cannot cope with the stress, and the patient dies. Andre died of heart disease at the age of forty-six.

4. Leprosy

Leprosy is one of the worst diseases caused by bacteria that destroy the skin. It manifests itself slowly: first, ulcers appear on the skin, which gradually expand until the patient begins to rot. The disease usually affects the face, hands, feet, and genitals most severely. Although leprosy victims do not lose entire limbs, it is not uncommon for the victims to rot and fall off their fingers, toes and nose, leaving a nightmarish laceration in the middle of their face. Lepers have been expelled from society for centuries, and even today there are "leper colonies".

5. Smallpox

Another ancient disease is smallpox. It is even found on Egyptian mummies. It is believed that in 1979 she was defeated. Two weeks after contracting this disease, the body becomes covered with a painful bloody rash and pimples. After a few days, if the person manages to survive, the acne dries up, leaving horrible scars in its wake. George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were ill with smallpox, as well as Joseph Stalin, who was especially embarrassed by the pock marks on his face and ordered to retouch his photographs.

6. Warty epidermodysplasia

Epidermodysplasia, a very rare skin disease, is characterized by a person's susceptibility to the papilloma virus, which causes a proliferation of warts throughout the body. The world first heard about the terrible disease in 2007, when this disease was discovered in Dede Kosvar. Since then, the patient has undergone several operations, during which several kilograms of warts and papillomas were cut off from him. Unfortunately, the disease is progressing very quickly, and Dede will need at least two surgeries a year to maintain a relatively normal appearance.

7. Porphyria

Porphyria disease is an inherited genetic disorder that results in the build-up of porphyrins (organic compounds that have different functions in the body, including producing red blood cells). Porphyria attacks primarily the liver and can lead to all kinds of mental health problems. Sufferers of this skin ailment should avoid exposure to sunlight, which leads to swelling and blistering of the skin. It is believed that the appearance of people with porphyria gave rise to the legends of vampires and werewolves.

8. Cutaneous leishmaniasis

9. Elephant disease

10. Necrotizing fasciitis

Minor cuts and abrasions are a part of every person's life, and they usually cause minimal inconvenience. But if carnivorous bacteria enter the wound, then even a small cut can become life-threatening in a matter of hours. The bacteria actually "eat" the flesh; they release toxins that destroy soft tissue. The infection can only be treated with a huge amount of antibiotics, but even so it is necessary to cut out all the affected flesh to stop the spread of fasciitis. Surgery is also often associated with amputation of limbs and other obvious injuries. But even with the availability of medical care, necrotizing fasciitis is fatal in 30-40% of all cases.

While scientists are looking for cures for terrible diseases, ordinary people can only hope for.

The modern world is frighteningly diverse. It has manifestations of the beautiful and the ugly, the divine and the devil. Truly strange subcultures are born, the adherents of which disfigure themselves beyond recognition in order to become ... recognizable. Others fall prey to image or genetic mutations. In today's collection of the most terrible people in the world.

Donatella Versace - a victim of plastic surgery

The fashion house spokeswoman might not have made it to this list, since she was born as a sweet Italian girl from Calabria. But now no one remembers her natural beauty due to dozens of plastic surgeries, some of which were very unsuccessful. The late Gianni Versace's sister is proof that over-resorting to plastic surgery can turn ugly. The Italian woman does not only have large lips and nose. unnaturally thin, and the remnants of the skin hang treacherously. A sad sight.

Marilyn Manson is a freak by nature

Shock rocker from the USA holds the lead in the category " The scariest man on the stage". Moreover, he wants to seem ugly. A rare third-party layman saw a rock star without a "battle color", as the outrageous showman appears in public in frightening costumes and with a ton of makeup on his face.

They say about Manson: “If you don’t know this guy and, God forbid, you see him on the street at night, you’ll think that a devil has broken through to Earth.”

Clint Howard is not Eastwood

The American actor completes the group of the most terrible people on the planet from show business. Clint Howard's success is proof that beauty doesn't matter in the Hollywood Hills if you've got talent. The comedian has dozens of memorable roles that have brought him fame and millions of dollars. Ugly Clint even won an MTV award. Not an Oscar, but not bad either.

Leopard Man Tom Leppard

The next participant in the "Circus of Freaks" Tom Leppard, who covered his entire body with speckled patterns imitating the skin of a leopard. A strange man gracefully moves on four "legs", imitating a predator. Tom, like other scariest people on the planet, became a celebrity. He can often be seen on television. The leopard man leads an active life, participating in various show programs and photo sessions.

Reptilian Man Eric Sprage

This member of the list of the most terrible people on the planet gravitates towards reptiles. Eric Sprage chose the image of a lizard for himself. His entire body is covered with tattoos that mimic scales, and false teeth-incisors complement the ugly image. In addition, Erik had implants inserted over his eyes to emphasize the reptilian resemblance. As the freak himself admits, he has to stretch the halves of the cut tongue every day so that they do not grow together.

Bull Man Etienne Dumont

Etienne Dumont is no different from the other weird people on this list. Etienne, having a higher education and working as a literary critic in Geneva, completely covered himself with tattoos. And it looks like he's happy. Journalists compare his image to a bull. Only now the ungulate has two powerful horns, Etienne has only one, and even then it is turned. It's funny to see a bull man reading Haruki Murakami's new novel in a coffee shop in downtown Geneva, isn't it?

The scariest people on earth are not only freaks, victims of plastic surgery and genes. The following participants were included in our rating by no means willingly.

Jason Shechterly - Fire Victim

An ex-police officer from the United States received fourth degree burns as a result of an accident. A taxi ran into a police car at full speed. A fire broke out, but Jason was unable to get out on his own. In the hospital, the doctors had to literally rip off the burnt skin from the policeman's face. Despite significant changes in appearance, the officer's wife did not leave him. The support of his beautiful wife and family helped Jason climb out of the psychological pit and start a new life.

Yu Junchang is the hairiest man in the world

Chinese Yu Junchang looks like the hero of "Planet of the Apes". With a rare genetic disease, the poor fellow resembles an animal. 96% of Junchan's body is covered with dense vegetation. After a terrible childhood, the Chinese man decided to start a new life and loudly declared himself. In a moment, he became famous for the light of his extraordinary appearance. Yu Junchang is now a local celebrity. He is invited to talk shows and interviews. The guy says he is enjoying his new life. The only thing is that he has not yet met a girl who will love him the way he is.

Man-tree Dede Cosvara

The Indonesian Dede Kosvar is just right to feel sorry for. At the age of 10, the boy was injured in the forest. Since then, his life has become like a nightmare. An unknown infection probably entered the wound, and ulcers began to appear around it. After that, they hit the entire leg and even the arms. For several years, Dede watched how he turned into a monster.

Having become a tree, the guy lost the ability to walk. A mysterious infection robbed him of marriage, work, the happiness of fatherhood and independence. To feed himself, he began to travel with the circus of freaks.

Indonesian doctors used a laser to remove the warts on Dede's body, but they soon reappeared. The young man lost faith in healing and sank into despondency.

As you can see, the world's scariest people have personal stories. Someone wants to be like a beast, the other wants to be no different from their peers. But each of them assures that external attractiveness is a shell, and it is more important to recognize the inner beauty of a person.

As old Hugo said, no outer beauty is complete if it is not animated by inner beauty. It spreads over bodily beauty like light.

Man is an amazing creature. Just give him something to change. Often, the object of change is the person's own appearance, who believes that he suffers from a lack of self-realization. The concept of beauty is very abstract, because everyone has different tastes, and most people form them exclusively under the pressure of beauty magazines and stereotypes that are common in society. Nevertheless, there are characters who, in their striving to be different from the rest, deliberately disfigure themselves. Sometimes a person loses his beauty by chance, including an unfortunate one.

One way or another, the site decided to talk about the most terrible people with whom the parable that appearance is only a wrapper works with difficulty.

1. Tom Leppard

In 2016, the most tattooed pensioner of the planet died at the age of 80. His name was Tom Leppard, and 99% of his body was covered with a cheetah tattoo. It is not known what prompted Tom to mutilate his body in this way, but he still received some fame. Over the years, he has appeared on the covers of magazines and was able to gain a moment of fame. Tom Leppard also liked to imitate his cheetah mastermind, so he was often photographed on all fours in predatory poses.

2. Etienne Dumont

We already had a cheetah-man, so meet the supposedly bull-man, or simply Etienne Dumont, a literary critic from Switzerland, who believes that his life is so boring that another implant tattoo on his face makes it brighter and more colorful.

Bizarre tattooing, implanted horns and tunnels in his ears make him one of the scariest people on the planet, and stereotypes have nothing to do with it.

3. Rick Genest

Against the background of his tattooed colleagues, Rick Genest was able to build a very successful career in show business and is one of the most popular models for famous brands. "Zombie Boy", as fans love him, has covered his entire body with intimidating tattoos that make him look like a corpse. In principle, it suits him.

4. Julia Gnuse

If everything is clear with men, because since ancient times they have been striving to stand out among other males, including with the help of tattoos, then no one expected this from a cute girl named Julia Gnuse. The most tattooed woman in the world took such a step not so much out of self-expression as in order to hide the traces of a genetic disease - porphyria. In this way, Julia killed two birds with one stone: she began to relate to her appearance more calmly, and found fame in the media.

5. Elaine Davidson

Unlike Yulia Gnuse, a Brazilian named Elaine Davidson does not suffer from skin diseases. However, it is even difficult to determine gender by her everyday appearance. Despite the fact that there are up to 2,500 tattoos on her body, they do not at all make this woman the scariest person. The fact is that Elaine is very fond of piercings, to some extent even too much. The total mass of jewelry on her face is about three kilograms. Apparently, the desire to shock the audience is much stronger than common sense.

6. Kala Kaivi

Kala Kaivi is famous all over the world as the man who has the largest tunnels in his ears. In fact, this detail is not the strangest in the body of this person, because he managed to cover his body with tattoos by 75%, implant a bunch of implants under the skin in the form of horns, get pierced in various places, and then cut his tongue in half to he looked more like a serpentine. Kalu is saved by the fact that he is the owner of a tattoo parlor in Hawaii, so he has no end of clients.

7. Poly the Unstoppable

Another handsome man named Paulie Anstappable (yes, he took a pseudonym), covered his face with tattoos, made holes in his nose, cheeks and ears, inserted tunnels there and enjoys life. Paulie supplemented his appearance with a frustrated language with which he likes to frighten passers-by. However, the guy's friends speak of him exclusively as a kind and sweet person. Let's believe them.

8. Eric Sprage

The snake-lizard man Eric Sprage also found a way to distinguish himself from the gray mass of people living by standards. The man covered his skin with a tattoo stylized as the scales of snakes and lizards, but this seemed to him not enough. He also cut his tongue, making it look like the one possessed by reptiles, and also sharpened his teeth. It is scary to imagine how this man, who is considered by many to be the most terrible in the world, is having dinner.

9. Lucky Diamond Rich

Meet the most tattooed person in the world, who is recognized as scary even by his colleagues in the workshop. He is so scary that he hesitates to appear in public under his real name, preferring the pseudonym Lucky Diamond Rich. Do you think getting a small tattoo on your arm hurts? Imagine what this guy had to endure to shock his friends and people on the street. He managed to get a tattoo even on the gums and inside the ears.

Appearance always plays an important role for a person, but beauty is more of a relative concept, although the fashion industry, cosmetics manufacturers claim that being beautiful is the most important thing in life. The concept of beauty is different, not all people on the planet can boast of an impeccable appearance, but they have a beautiful soul. It happens that a person was born with a pleasant appearance, however, in pursuit of beauty, he turned himself into one of the most terrible in the world, going too far with plastic surgery, injections, tattoos, and someone is ready to give a lot to look like ordinary people.

Top 10 scariest people in the world

  1. Elizabeth Velazquez is the scariest one in the world.
  2. Jason Shechterly is a terrible human misfortune.
  3. Denis Anver is a scary male cat.
  4. Etienne Dumont is the scariest and most tattooed person in the world.
  5. Maria Cristerna is a vampire man.
  6. Eric Sprage is a scary reptile.
  7. Yu Junchang is the worst one unwillingly.
  8. Jocelyn Wildenstein is a terrible victim of plastic surgery.
  9. Melanie Gaidos is the most famous model with a scary appearance.
  10. Donatella Versace is a terrible beauty.

Elizabeth Velazquez - a terrible appearance and a kind heart

Lizzie was born with a rare condition called Wiedemann-Rautenstrauch syndrome. The disease is so rare that besides the girl there are only 2 people on the planet with such a problem. Velazquez weighs a record low with a height of 125 cm - 29 kg. The body simply does not gain weight, while Lizzie eats 5,000 calories of food daily. The girl lives in the United States, takes part in research on her disease in order to help the world find out the cause of the formation of the disease. At the age of 4, the girl stopped seeing with her right eye, her left one sees poorly. The disease is complemented by a weak immune system. Elizabeth does not despair, today she is a popular blogger, motivator, and writer. He tries with all his might to support people who are not like everyone else, instills faith, gives hope and confidence.

Elizabeth Velazquez is the most terrible and strongest woman in the world

Lizzie's family, parents, whom the woman calls heroes, is very supportive. The girl has a younger brother and sister, they are completely healthy. The girl does not really like the curious looks of people, since childhood she was tired of this. Velazquez graduated from the university with a degree in instructor-motivator. She co-authored a book about herself, which tells about the daily struggle for life, the hope that doctors will invent a cure for the disease.

Jason Shechterly - a victim of dire circumstances

A man got a terrible appearance because of a terrible incident that turned his life radically and forever. The most ordinary American lived his own life, worked in the police, until one day he had an accident and received severe 4th degree burns in 2001. A taxi ran into Jason's patrol car, both of them on fire. The man could not get out of the burning car, he was rescued by firefighters. The skin on his face was completely burned, the doctors performed a transplant, but they could not restore his normal appearance.

Jason Shechterly is the scariest and most courageous man

Shechterli suffered very badly, not only physically, he received psychological trauma, but he was very much supported by his wife. She did not turn away from her husband, in spite of everything, she supports him with all her might, helped him return to normal life.

Denis Anver is the strangest cat man ever

The man calls himself "the creeping cat", "the man-cat." He gained fame thanks to his unusual hobby, in the process of which he turned himself into a cat. Having spent a huge fortune, Denis covered his body with tattoos and piercings to look like an anthropomorphic tiger. The modifications carried out by man are simply record-breaking, the funds are earned by Anver by profession, he is a specialist in the field of informatics.

Denis Anver is the strangest appearance in the world

Tattoos were applied to the whole body, including the face, hair growth lines were changed, implants, vibrissae were located on Denis's forehead, with the help of implants the man changed the shape of his eyebrows, bridge of the nose, and forehead. The teeth have not remained unchanged, they are filed, sharpened, like a tiger's. The ears have undergone modifications, parts of the face are filled with botox. Anver has very long and sharp nails. The ancestors of the cat man are Indians, so he claims that such changes in appearance are an ancient tradition. Today the man is famous, took part in shows, photo shoots, an unusual person even appeared on the Animal Planet TV channel. If you look at the photo of Denis before the cardinal changes, it is impossible to believe that this is him.

Etienne Dumont is a terrible man

The man's appearance did not suit him either, so Dumont decided to radically change himself. Surprisingly, Etienne has a university degree, a respected position at work. Despite this, the person has changed dramatically, his body has:

  • colored tattoos;
  • tunnels;
  • piercing;
  • subcutaneous implants.

All modifications made Etienne look like an alien, the most terrible person in the world. He is happy, work on the body began in 1980 when the first tattoo was made. He has horns on his head, plexiglass is inserted into his lower lip. Dumont enjoys life, is satisfied with his appearance, works successfully, is a well-known art critic, a journalist for the very popular newspaper in Switzerland "La Tribune de Geneve", an art critic.

Maria Cristerna is the scariest tattooed woman

A Mexican named Maria outwardly does not look like a person, for several years she changed her appearance to look like an alien or tried to resemble a vampire - it is not entirely clear. Surprisingly, Kristerna is married and a mother of four. Love for piercings and tattoos awakened in a woman long ago, since 1998. She suffered from depression caused by quarrels with her first spouse, decided to experiment, but could not stop. 90% of the human body is covered with tattoos, there is a lot of piercings on her face, her teeth are new, long and sharp, there are large tunnels in her ears, implants on her forehead, chest, arms.

Maria Cristerna is a scary vampire woman

Maria is quite popular in the world, actively takes part in exhibitions of body art, people even believe that Kristerna made a real breakthrough in the world of body art, brought it to a new level. A woman was born into a family of religious Catholics, attended a Catholic school.

Eric Sprage is the ugliest in the world

Another person who deliberately changed her appearance. Eric wanted to be like a reptile, he succeeded in full. The body is covered with tattoos depicting scales, but this seemed not enough to the ugliest in the world. Sprage wanted to make the body even more spectacular, took hold of his tongue, which he divided in two, like a lizard. Now the halves of the organ have to be stretched every day so that they do not grow together. Above the eyebrows, the lizard has implants under the skin, like a crocodile, the teeth are sharply sharpened, the shape of the nails is changed. But he is still not completely satisfied with his appearance, he believes that he still needs a long tail.

Eric Sprage is the scariest lizard in the world

The man was born in the United States, graduated from the university, is a specialist in philosophy, art, and has a bachelor's degree. He was seriously fond of music, sang in the group "Lizard Skynard". In order for the people to come to the performances, a person came up with different tricks, tried to shock the audience. After the breakup of the group, Eric decided to create his own project, he was determined to turn into a lizard. Today the scary man's earnings bring him a changed body. He travels the world, writes books on the subject of body modification.

Yu Junchang is a very rare disease in the world

Probably, Yu would give a lot to be a normal person, not to be distinguished by his appearance. But by nature he suffers from a rare disease in which hair grows very strongly and densely all over the body. Because of this, Junchan looks a lot like a monkey, it took him years to come to terms and love himself like that.

Yu Junchang is scary and funny

Yu's childhood was not easy, children on the street were constantly bullied. As an adult, the man decided to become a celebrity, he actively goes to various talk shows, gives interviews. The Chinese have not been embarrassed for a long time that he is one of the most terrible in the world.

Jocelyn Wildenstein is the world's most famous catwoman

Once upon a time in her youth, she was a beautiful blonde. A huge reluctance to grow old, to part with youth and beauty led to the fact that today Jocelyn is the ugliest woman in the world. Many in the press also call her catwoman, because as a result of numerous operations, her eyes have become very narrow. When she suspected that her billionaire husband was cheating on her, she decided to improve herself in order to keep her husband. The husband was very fond of hunting wild animals, so Wildenstein chose the image of a cat. But the plan did not work out, so the couple divorced in 1997.

Jocelyn Wildenstein is the worst victim of plastic surgery

Jocelyn did not leave empty-handed, seized a decent share of her husband's fortune, became famous due to her unusual appearance. I was very unlucky with the operations; after each surgical intervention, my appearance only worsened. Multiple injections of Botox turned the face of the millionaire into an artificial ugly mask, but it was already unstoppable. Jocelyn before and after operations are two completely different people. Extreme appearance made her famous, she is popular in the media, magazines, and often attends talk shows.

Melanie Gaidos - famous all over the world

A rare disease did not prevent the girl from making a successful modeling career, on the contrary. As a child, Melanie could not think that her scary appearance would help her to settle in life. The girl lives in the United States, she was born with a rare genetic disease called ectodermal dysplasia. Gaidos's body is completely smooth, hair does not grow on it at all, she has only three milk teeth in her mouth, the rest have fallen out.

Melanie Gaidos is a special and famous model of the world

The girl got badly in childhood, they laughed at her, mocked her, because she was not like everyone else. A strong psychological load fell on Melanie, at 16 she was very depressed. But the most terrible in the world was able to calm down, love herself like that, look at her appearance from the other side. Gaidos' dream seemed unrealistic - to become a fashion model. She moved to New York and found photographers who specialize in photographing people with a special appearance. Today Melanie is a popular fashion model, actress, and works with famous photographers. The girl lives an ordinary life, is happy in her personal life, she has completely ceased to have complexes about her appearance. After all, many beauties of the world cannot achieve what she has today.

Donatella Versace - a terrible pursuit of beauty

The world famous woman, sister of the designer, couturier Gianni Versace, was once very beautiful. From the age of 45, in pursuit of beauty, the fight against signs of aging, she decided on plastic surgery. It is not known how many operations the co-owner of the Versace fashion house has already had, but there were a lot of them. The saddest thing is that the result is scary, Donatella's face changed every year. The victim of plastic surgery is one of the worst in the world.

Donatella Versace - a terrible result of plastic surgery

The nose, lips became unnaturally large, and the skin sagged. However, it is worth giving Donatella her due, she worthily continues the work of her late brother, who was killed in 1997. Many people love her not for her external data, but for her talented work.

Guess who is topping the rankings? No, not Hitler. According to one popular American site operating in the "TOP-10 of the most-most" format, Stalin is in the lead in the ranking. But first things first...

10. Delphine LaLaurie is a bloodthirsty sadist from New Orleans.

Delphine LaLaurie's family belonged to a secular society and enjoyed great prestige in New Orleans. From early childhood, as a little girl, Dolphin got used to luxurious balls and receptions. No one could even suspect that a real monster could grow out of this cute child. Madame LaLaurie's house at 140 Royal Street was a veritable chamber of horror and pain. On April 10, 1834, a fire broke out in the mansion's kitchen, and firefighters found two slaves chained to a stove. Apparently, the slaves themselves set fire to the kitchen to draw attention to themselves. The firefighters who freed the slaves followed them into the attic, where a real surprise awaited them. More than a dozen mutilated and mutilated slaves were shackled to the walls or floor. Some have been subjected to horrific medical experiments. One man underwent gender reassignment surgery. Not far from him sat a woman in a cramped cage with mutilated limbs, resembling a crab. The body of a girl with amputated arms and legs was also found. The crazy mistress of the house tried to make a caterpillar out of it. Most of the victims were found dead, but some of them were alive and asked to be killed, thus freeing them from terrible torment. People were going to execute the villainess, but Madame LaLaurie managed to escape to Europe. The further fate of the bloodthirsty sadist is unknown. According to unconfirmed sources, she died in France while hunting a wild boar.

9. Ilsa Koch - Nazi nicknamed "The Buchenwald Witch"

Ilsa Koch was the wife of the chief commandant of the Majdanek and Buchenwald concentration camps. Being ideologically grounded in the theory of the racial superiority of the Aryans over other peoples, the "Buchenwald witch" carried out sophisticated experiments and tortures on prisoners of concentration camps. In 1936, Ilsa worked as a secretary and security guard in Sachsenhausen. In 1937, her husband, Karl Koch, received the duty of the Buchenwald commandant, where the Nazi began to brutally wield. According to the prisoners, when she walked around the camp, she beat the people she met with a whip and set a shepherd dog on them. Ilsa was also accused of ordering to kill prisoners with tattoos, in order to then make various original crafts out of their skin: lampshades, gloves, book bindings. In 1941, Ilsa Koch became a senior overseer among female security guards for "special services". On June 30, 1945, Koch was arrested by American troops and in 1947 she was sentenced to life imprisonment. However, several years later, American General Lucius Clay, the military commandant of the American occupation zone in Germany, released her, considering the charges of ordering executions and making souvenirs from human skin insufficiently proven. This decision caused a public outcry, so in 1951 Ilse Koch was arrested in West Germany. A German court again sentenced her to life imprisonment. On September 1, 1967, Koch committed suicide by hanging herself in a cell in the Bavarian prison of Eibach.

8. Shiro Ishii - Japanese microbiologist, war criminal.

In 1932, Ishii Shiro began experimenting with biological weapons in the form of a secret Japanese army project at Zhongma Fortress. In 1936, an infamous camp called Detachment 731 was set up near Harbin. The research was strictly classified and, according to official documents, the detachment studied methods of water disinfection. On February 9, 1939, in Tokyo, Ishii Shiro gave a lecture on bacteriological weapons in the large conference room of the Ministry of War. Vivisection was also performed in front of the audience. In 1942, tests of bacteriological weapons began, for which Chinese prisoners of war and civilians were used. In parallel, Detachment 731 carried out experiments on infecting people with the help of various microorganisms, provoking abortions, heart attacks, and frostbite. The inmates' limbs were amputated and sewn to other parts of the body. People were also used as live targets for testing new grenades and flamethrowers, they were specially infected with diseases, tested the effect of new vaccines and drugs. To study the means of effective cure for syphilis, men and women were deliberately infected with a sexually transmitted disease through forced rape by patients. At the end of World War II, he was arrested by the Americans, but in 1946 he received immunity in exchange for data on biological weapons research based on experiments on humans. As a result, Ishii Shiro was never punished for war crimes. According to the statements of his daughter Harumi, Shiro died in Japan from throat cancer. According to other sources, he moved to Maryland, where he continued his studies.

7. Ivan IV - he is the Terrible.

Russian Tsar Ivan IV, in addition to introducing oprichnina and strict centralization of power through bloody executions, also distinguished himself by cruelty towards his children. So, in 1581, Ivan the Terrible beat his pregnant daughter because, in his opinion, she dressed provocatively. Thus, the sovereign provoked a miscarriage. Upon learning of this, his son Ivan wanted to reason with the tsar, but Ivan the Terrible did not want to listen to moralizing and hit the heir hard on the head, which became the cause of death. It is also worth noting the unprecedented cruelty of the Russian tsar during the massacre of the Novgorodians. Arriving in Novgorod, Ivan the Terrible accused the townspeople of treason and began to carry out reprisals on the Gorodishche for many days in a row. Adults and children were tortured, tied to a sled, dragged to the "Great Volkhov Bridge" and thrown into the river. Those who managed to swim out were pushed under the ice with sticks. Historians are still arguing about the number of victims of the pogrom. A variety of figures are named - from one and a half to forty thousand people.

6. Oliver Cromwell - English revolutionary who drowned Ireland in blood.

Cromwell was a zealous Protestant leader of the round-headed Puritans. Cromwell's words to the soldiers during the crossing of the river became the catchphrase: "Trust in God, but keep your gunpowder dry!" Cromwell's pacification of Ireland cost her 5/6 of the population. Ireland never recovered from this blow. The consequence of this conquest (to oust Catholic power) was 200,000 civilian deaths from war-related hunger and disease, and 50,000 Irish men and women became slaves. Cromwell considered Catholics to be heretics and declared a real crusade against the Irish. He died in 1658, and he was so hated that in 1661, the body was hanged from the grave and quartered, which was the traditional punishment for treason in England.

5. Jiang Qing - Chinese actress, wife of the communist dictator Mao Zedong

Using cunning and good looks, Jiang Qing managed to achieve the highest positions within the Chinese Communist Party. She is believed to have been the main driving force behind the Cultural Revolution in China. During the Cultural Revolution, countless old buildings, artifacts, antiques, books and paintings were destroyed on her orders. The decade of the Cultural Revolution brought almost irreparable losses to the Chinese education system, many members of the intelligentsia were sent to camps. Millions of people in China have lost their right to freedom of speech and cultural development. Tens of millions were deported from their homes. The death toll is estimated at about 500,000, but some sources say up to three million people were killed, with 36 million repressed.

4. Pol Pot - the executioner of his people

Pol Pot is a Cambodian politician, leader of the Khmer Rouge and Prime Minister of Cambodia. He was one of the leaders of the extreme left regime of the Khmer Rouge, which carried out the genocide of its people, exterminating several million people in 3.5 years. In their bestial experiments, the Khmer Rouge reached their logical conclusion, not allowing conventional morals to dominate their views. To fight the bourgeoisie, so to fight. Immediately after the Khmer seizure of power, the cities were declared hotbeds of debauchery and bourgeois values, and the entire urban population was evicted into the jungle in labor camps. All dissenting or even incomprehensible people were shot or killed with hoes (in order to save ammunition). All over the country, the entire intelligentsia was systematically destroyed: teachers, doctors, engineers. They killed only because the person wore glasses….
According to independent studies, from 1.5 to 2 million Cambodians died from genocide against their own people, which made up about a quarter of the country's population.

3. Heinrich Himmler - Reichsfuehrer SS

The main ideologist of the final solution to the Jewish question. The Holocaust would not have happened if it hadn't been for this man. In fact, after Joseph Stalin, Heinrich Himmler is the second person who killed millions of people by his order. Himmler was taken prisoner after the war. He tried unsuccessfully to negotiate with the West and committed suicide by biting through a cyanide capsule.

2. Adolf Hitler - the leader of the Third Reich

Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933, becoming "Fuhrer" in 1934, he held out as the leader of the German people for 11 years - until suicide in 1945. By the end of World War II, Hitler's policies of military expansion and racial domination had brought death and destruction to tens of millions of people, including the genocide of some six million Jews known as the Holocaust. On April 30, 1945, Hitler committed suicide when Soviet troops were spotted not far from the office of the Third Reich. Together with him to the next world, Hitler took his beloved woman - Eva Braun.

1. Joseph Stalin - a mustachioed devil

From 1922 to 1953, right up to his death, Stalin was the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union. Under Stalin's leadership, Ukraine and other areas of the Soviet Union suffered from the artificially planned Holodomor. The number of deaths is estimated by modern historians in different ways - from 2.5 million to 10 million people. The famine was caused specifically to solve the political and administrative tasks of the communist party. In addition to the famine, Stalin ordered a mop-up of the "enemies of the people." In total, the death toll ranges from 10 million to 60 million. Even more were repressed.