Passions in the Caucasus or why Russian girls love Caucasians. Why do Russian women love Caucasians

Passions in the Caucasus or why Russian girls love Caucasians. Why do Russian women love Caucasians

I am Russian (I live in Russia), christian. For myself I can say right away that I do not drink, I do not smoke, the girl is homely. I dress decently, no mini skirts, etc. I am writing this to the fact that, walking down the street, in no way provoking male attention to myself. Nevertheless, very often the faces of the Caucasian nationality allow themselves some vulgar statements, howls. In the case of a negative response, they are dirty focused, they are offensively expressed ... I am not strong in religions, but by reading articles on the site, I realized that Islam teaches respect and wisdom in your actions ... What drives these Muslims, explain? This is the behavior of the savages, they do not care on everyone, they believe that they have the right to insult girls, to humiliate, for some completely incomprehensible reasons they consider themselves better and higher, allow themselves to impose their faith, which at least outraged. I would like to know from you how to answer in such people? Is Islam really for them - an empty word? I'm never Hamlu and not offend people, even in response. Always just ignore. Perhaps you will help to find the right words to enhance these people, say something that they think about how much frowned. Such behavior I observe not only one, but the vast majority of representatives of the beautiful sex of our city.

From the point of view of religion:

Of course, none of the divine religions or civilized cultures can justify such behavior. However, unfortunately, sometimes it happens, uncompatible young people allow themselves indecent statements and dissolve their hands to strangers, women. And, of course, the Caucasians are allowed to be even more expanding in your case. Thus, they are detaining themselves first of all, their worthy ancestors who were ready to give life to protect the honor of a woman, our countrymen, and to some extent their religion. After all, the victims of their incorrect and unworthy behavior will be associated with them and their religion. And they are unlikely to have a good opinion about religion, in particular about Islam. Each Muslim, who left an unpleasant imprint on the heart of another person - not to mention the oppression and violation of rights - and who distinguished him from the study of Islam, coming to him or the emergence of an incorrect stereotype or hostility to our religion, will keep the answer before the Lord on the Judgment Day!

I also want to say that not only some Caucasians, but also representatives of other nationalities and religions, in particular Russians differ like such behavior. However, since Caucasians represent a minority outside the Caucasian republics, they stand out, attract more attention to themselves. Naturally, their actions cannot be justified and even to remain without condemnation. Because even if we assume that for some people such behavior is quite ordinary, then Caucasians who most of them are representatives of Islamic culture, are not eligible for such behavior!

Once again, naturally, do not give Allah, but still, if it happens, tell me something like "So you follow your religion?", "And if you were sticking to your sister?"or "And you are not afraid that Allah (allah is, not God - such a wording will be more affected by them) will not put your relatives in the same position? ".

However, I do not think that in words you will succeed somehow affect them. More effect will be from the conversation of your relatives (Father, Brother, Uncle, etc.), if we are talking about the same persons. And, of course, try to avoid such places where hooligans can get caught.

From his face and all other Caucasians, I want to ask you for forgiveness for the obscene behavior of my countrymen.

From the point of view of psychology:

Unfortunately, in fact, it is necessary to state that many people from the Caucasian regions behave very ugly and defiantly, being in large cities away from their homeland. An even greater regret is the fact that people such subjects are perceived as representatives of Islam with all the ensuing consequences. Naturally, Islam blames such behavior, and in fact it is simply an act of an ignorant person, but not Muslim. Such people themselves do not understand how harm to their religion they apply, what harm they carry their countrymen, who are forced to be outside their homeland in search of work.

In general, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the behavior of such people is nothing more than compensation for their own unresolved systems of insignificance. These are not realized by people trying to declare themselves aggressive and Khamsk. Confident person will never behave in a similar way. If we look at their behavior as a consequence of their psychological unhealthy, it is particularly relevant to the question of how to make them comments and how to respond to their behavior.

It is sometimes unsafe to make comments, because you can wait for them anything, it is an extremely unpredictable category of persons. Their behavior does not comply with the standards of a hostel adopted in society, and the more acutely relied in Islam. As a rule, such people and homeland are not distinguished by high moral qualities. This is such a category of persons who can induce in any society.

It is possible to make comments, but only so to cause a feeling of shame, but not aggression. If you just say that it is ugly to behave this way, then risks rushing to rudeness. Instead, you need to influence the most important thing: to their attitude towards yourself and to your affiliation. It should be processed from the fact that in most cases this category of people suffers from extremely painful pride, they are directly looped on their own person. This is necessary to direct the impact.

You can say something as follows: "Now, looking at you, I will think that Muslims behave like that in society" or "probably if your sister said something like that, you would hardly be so laughing." Here, of course, there are options, since such a replica can cause aggression, and it is necessary to apply it consistently, only after they adequately respond to the previous statement. Alternatively, you can create a good reputation for them by the next statement: "You really are good people, do not show a bad example, because through it the surrounding will not think about all the Muslims you imagine."

The main thing is not to provoke them to conflict, do not answer the rudeness to rudeness. Maybe even they will not show you that your words affected them ("Men's Pride" will not allow), but for yourself, they will make the conclusion and in the future will try to avoid similar.

Muhammad-Amine - Haji Magomedrasov

Aliashab Anatolyevich Murzaev

psychologist-consultant of the Center for Social Assistance Family and Children

How often do we see in love with different nationalities in the street. No one is surprised already, since the policy of multiculturalism is actively developing in Russia. The greatest percentage of the non-Russian population of our country is representatives of Caucasian nationalities. It is observed that young Russians are preferred. Why does this happen? Let's try to figure out why Russian girls love Caucasians.

Common opinions about the eastern men

There were many stereotypes of Caucasian guys: they are uneducated, arrogant, cruel, rough ... But do not forget that among the representatives of each people you can meet not very good people. Each nationality is characterized by some hostility to other peoples, so they are mostly disadvantaged. Some people look deeper and understand that many Caucasian men have a large number of advantages, thanks to which they conquer the sympathy of Russian representatives of the beautiful sex. Now we find the main reasons why Russian girls love Caucasians.

Causes of relationships with non-Russian guys

Many women see in Caucasian males the embodiment of masculinity and strength, which is not found in many other representatives of the strong half of humanity. Indeed, the eastern guys absolutely another mentality. Since childhood, they are severely brought up by fathers, so they are strong in spirit, firm in their decisions, they feel the rod. It is such a decisiveness and masculinity often attracting Russians. Many of them believe that Russian guys are not able to make independent decisions. Here is one of the reasons why Russian girls love Caucasians. The second explanation for this fact - women like the temperament of eastern beauties. All the well-known expression "hot blood" is exactly about them. They attract girls with their unique charm and exotic appearance. Caucasians also know how to carefully care for their beloved. Meeting with such a guy, you can not doubt that he will sow you with flowers and gifts. Next to the eastern man, a woman can relax and feel like a real queen, unique and beautiful. In addition, Caucasian, most likely, does not want his woman to work, as her business is to care for the house, children, and so. Therefore, the girl can feel comfortable and confident, not doubting that it will be ensured by everything necessary for a comfortable life. That is why girls love Caucasians.

Several advice with Russian men

So, now you know why Russian girls love Caucasians. If you want women to admire you just like the eastern guys, be careful to your loved ones. Do not be afraid to come on the street to the girl you like, and also feel free to say compliments, because women, as you know, love ears. Thus, if you think that Caucasian guys and girls of Slavic appearance are not too suitable for each other, everything is changed in your power! Be active and do not forget to make pleasant things with your beautiful ladies!

Passions in the Caucasus or why Russian girls love Caucasians

In recent years, in our country, the national topic is the most discussed, and maybe it was always? Some openly declare their hostility to the persons of Caucasian nationality, while others are bred, they will never be allowed into their family a Russian girl or boyfriend. In any case, and others should be understood that the bright future for Russia and the Caucasus is prepared only if they are together. Separatist and nationalist moods lead only to destruction. But the central theme of the article will not be at all politics, but rather personal relations, romantic. Namely, we will discuss the question that torments many: Why do Russian girls love Caucasians?

I do not know if there is actually such a total love from Russian girls towards Caucasians, but the possible development of such personal relationships can be discussed. The following text will be a discussion of only natives of the North Caucasus. Because the author is familiar with the traditions and customs adopted in these republics and because almost all of them are Muslims, which has an important meaning.

Why do Russian girls love Caucasians

On the Internet you can find a million assumptions: because they drink less, they are courageous, bolder. But let me all like a person for belonging to a certain nationality? It's like falling in love with a man due to the fact that he wears adidas sneakers. There is a persistent opinion that Russians, Caucasian guys and girls love a person simply, because they love.

At the same time, deny the fact that almost all Caucasians are endowed with a brutal character and are impossible to express their emotions. Perhaps some similar features attract girls.

But still seek the causes of gentle feelings from a girl to a man or wondering why Russian girls love Caucasians meaningless. However, if the nation is not a determining point at an early stage of relations, then in subsequent life, it can be an obstacle to mutual understanding.

Caucasian free relationship

In this case, no difficulties should arise. After all, almost any Caucasian living in a society where the strictest ban on the trunk connections between the guy and the girl will be glad to experience some carnal joys in the company with a Russian girl. This should not forget that the beauty of Russian women is recognized as almost the entire planet. Such relations without any obligations will be undoubtedly a pleasant pastime for both parties.

Marriages between the Caucasian man and the Russian girl

The family is the main thing in the life of every person, so, choosing a wife or husband you need to try to take into account all the nuances. Very often, interfaith marriage does not withstand household tests.

To say that the Russian girl who entered the Caucasian family will be difficult - not to say anything! In addition to the most respectful attitude to all numerous relatives, the ability to prepare will need to learn the national language and adhere to traditions. Tradition, by the way, are not always simple. For example, the daughter-in-law in the Karachayians after the wedding until a certain time does not speak with their husband's native, and the Chechen bride is the entire wedding ceremony in the corner.

Of course, you can live far away from your husband's relatives and not to learn the language. But in this case, it is very difficult for children who will be by nationality by Caucasians who do not know their customs and native language.

Thus, marriage with such a split difference in lifestyle and mentality is a risky step. Nevertheless, a loving heart cannot be convinced by logical arguments, and if there is a real feeling between two people, they will overcome any obstacles.

So, on questions: Why do Russian girls love Caucasians or why girls love Caucasians, just there is no answer. Each person in this world has a second half, which will love him, despite nationality, skin color and sneakers brand!

Why do Russian women love Caucasians

By: site administrator | 02/23/2014

On my email box came a letter with characteristic signs of national aggression. He, the young man who introduced himself to Ivan, could not understand why Russian women love Caucasians. It would be numerous cultures and traditions, and the linguistic pronunciation is very different. But all It is more often to see how a Russian woman with a confident look sweats at hand with proud representative of the Caucasian diaspora.

Here I am Russian Ivan, I can not comprehend the tendency of our women. What are the Russian men who are missing? Well, yes, we are on Fridays Quasim, but after all I love to the coffin. Nasha culture does not fit into the framework of Caucasian education. And women do not want to understand this.

Dear site readers.

In this article, I will try to answer the "Russian question" by the mouth of a familiar woman who lives in marriage with Azerbaijanis about nine years old. I want to say that the entire published material should not be perceived as a reason for the interethnic retail or hostility. This publication is nothing Other, as an opinion of a separate person, who does not encourage you to revise their own interpretation.

Dear Ivan.

I studied your letter in detail and I came to the conviction of some kind of templates in a rapid narrative. Russian women, if it happened, love those who are not quasite on Fridays, and refers to them with Caucasian nobility. Russian mans have been losing the fact that It is customary to call a strong reliability and sober level of mental content.

I do not want to relieve anyone and sow destruction, but my first marriage with a Russian man and the present, with Caucasian, is a reason to compare. Help in the eternal ugar with the first man, I tried my best to pull him out of the "Fridays" . Worked, raised the children and did not walk along the Kabakami. And he only did that he was complaints about a difficult life yes it was applied to the bubble. In the end, he beat me and in the impulse of "White Goli" jumped to solid asphalt. And you Now you will tell about the delusion of Russian women? I beg of you".

With Caucasian, I met a purely by chance, aggressively speaking it on all 4 sides. But he was not Hamil and did not behave defiantly. He overtook me at the row and bought a beautiful bouquet of tulips. He handed them to a Russian woman, noble to go there, where I sent him. The next day, everything happened again. He gave me flowers and left the ravis. And I did not give him any reason for the sparkling continuation. And why should I then consider myself, and even more so, of him worthy of condemnation? Caucasians are "hot" and friendly, in some cases noisy and mischievous. But they learned the money to earn money, even as well as appreciate their parents. This is forgive, so it is impossible to say about our "Vanka".

The life and love of the Russian woman to the Caucasian is not easy. Here and the oblique views of the relatives and the stereotype you are talking about. It is believed that Azerbaijani never marries Russian. I will tell you such a thing. The marriage of the Russian and Caucasian is not just a stamp in the passport and spinning painting. This willingness to have to be defended by the attacks of those who do not agree with that. These are negotiations with the strict parents of the future husband and defend their love with readiness to obey. Justice is simply obliged to go on obedience to this man. This does not mean that she goes on occasion.

Over time, the Russian woman gets used to Caucasian stands, living not only in prosperity, but also with a sober face of a loved one. I was married for the Caucasian not by calculation, but by the will of fate. I love him not for the fact that he is Caucasian, but for the fact that children are always provided in my house, curtains the table and I feel defense and a frivolous spirit.

With the relatives of her husband, I am not easy for a husband, because those laws that they honor are not fully understood. When Caucasian men gather, all by the end of the conversation remain in normal form. And I'm not afraid for what I get on the teeth. I can't say that Russian women love Caucasians for anatomical features. They just were tired of afraid that Friday would soon come.

The question asked: Ivan from the city of Saratov.

Exposed his point of view: Diana from the city of Moscow.

The material was prepared by Ya Eyrivsky.

And once again, let me remind you that this article should not configure you in favor of a particular side. There are those who are worthy of condemnation of the Caucasian Diaspora. Therefore, let's live in consent with each other under a clear sky.

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Why caucasians of Russian women love

It was in the early 2000s. I worked then in one Ural village a teacher of the Russian language and literature.

I lived on the apartment at one local geography teacher, which has long been retired, and besides the disabled. The man he was talkative, interesting - from such a special rural intelligentsia, whose representatives are not now in risen. Once, we talked to him in the kitchen, and I asked him:

Listen, Nikolai Vitalevich! I noticed that in the 9th and 10th grades of our school there are quite a lot of guys with the names of the Mamedov type and Aliyev ... That's where are they from here - in the Urals outback?

Khe-Khe, the former teacher grinned, the sins of the youth of local girls.

In what sense? - I ask, already knowing something.

And in this! The case was in perestroika times. One day, a brigade of young guys from Azerbaijan came to us in the collective farm - Podnarnica build. Why exactly they? Why from Azerbaijan? What couldn't you build? I do not know about it. Yes, only for the whole summer, they detained in our village. And the guys are hot! Day - work. And in the evenings what to do? They began to care for local girls. Then yes, Syu, Walking at the Moon, passionate confessions in love, hot Caucasian Blood ... In short, many then manca da loving were not resistant to Mames and Nazi! ..


And then! Ten pieces, no less. Gave birth in the district center - all in one month! Yes, only those Azerbaijanis pardoned with girls, and then drove back to their Caucasus.

And did not marry?

Not. However, all children are recorded on Azerbaijani surnames. Fathers themselves insisted on this.

But while driving from girls and children?

Hmm And why caucasians of Russian women love? - I say thoughtfully.

But I know the answer to this question, "Nikolai Vitalevich smiles. - In Soviet times, I traveled a lot of the country with the kids. I used to once in Georgia. Of course, Georgians are not Azerbaijanis, but Russian girls also love strongly, like all Caucasians. I noticed that the Georgian men strictly followed their girls, and did not even give to speak Russian guys. Even just fit on the street to the girl to meet - immediately, a perfectly unfamiliar Georgian will run away to you and slightly climb. But the Georgians itself! .. Khe-Khe ... past the Russian girls never passed! They really liked they! Here is such a double philosophy of them: they say, we do not touch our girls, and feed our bed.

So why do they love ours?

But I was asked about this once Georgian, whom we stopped at night. I explain the situation: so, they say, and so. Why are you to our babam lipnet? And he looked around, looked at the wives near and he says: "Because our women are cold. And your - Uh hot! They in bed all the juices of us drink. But we are glad to this! ".

Is this a compliment or not?

How to say how to say ... In principle, from their point of view - these means that our women are whores. Sorry for direct.

It turns out so.

It turns out so ...

Why don't Russian women love Caucasian men

Recently, I am lucky to Caucasians. Yes, lucky, it is without quotes. After all, the good people turn out! Where then so much negativity to them?

I will start in order. On the dating site I wrote a man - the Russian name, the Russian city, distant, not Irkutsk. In the first message I wrote that my blog was reading for a long time without an account. After a short communication admitted that in fact the name is not His city, too, because he is Caucasian and was afraid that if he would write real data, then I would not answer him. And it was not for nothing that was afraid. Although in this particular case, I would still answer, because I open each message. He turned out to be smart, well-read, cultural, brought up, very competent, that I even had doubts, and is it true that he is non-Russian. We exchanged photos and even talked on the phone (he doesn't have a Skype), I was wondering if there was an emphasis. Yes, there is, but barely catchy, just just a little bit, that if you do not know, you can not even notice, competent speech.

Then another Caucasian was accidentally discovered in LJ. He, too, read me for a long time, but we somehow did not communicate. And then there was a communication, and he asked my photos, I asked him forward, and he sent a little on the mail. I look - non-Russian. I didn't ask anything until the case turned up. And that's what he wrote about how for the first time he heard the expression "Face of Caucasian Nationality".

"I was born and grew up in Baku. For a rest, I have not seen the difference between the Russian, Jew, Georgian and other nations. He went to the Russian Sadik, studied in the Russian school, in 1996 he studied in England. In 1997, I flew to Moscow and, having lived there for half a year, could not understand why they don't like me that people who do not know me. But now it's not about this, but about the attitude of the Russian girl to the Caucasus. Landmark 1. I met a girl from the Far East in the dormitory. For some reason, at first she was afraid that I would beat her if she did something like that. And I could not understand why she always covered the cabinets on the castle. Luchad 2. In Neta, communicated with one girl, communicated for a long time, but after I sent a picture to her, and she saw that I had a Caucasian stopped communicating. The reason is unknown. Delf 3. I also met a girl in nete. When they met, she was shocked, her words: "Why are you so cute and kind? You are Caucasian! "

So why these girls did not want to communicate with Caucasian? The answer in the spoiler.

[SMS screen]

Such sms sends unmarried girl her neighbor. More precisely, there are two of them - they are brothers and live in the same entrance along with their mother, wife and children of one of them. And the girl is afraid of them.

I do not care if I say that every Russian girl came across such manifestations of sexual attention, if not in SMS, simply passing down the street past, more than once, and not two heard Clichelnier by the language after Tibe wakes Harasho! ", That she is because of a small age and inexperience unable to stop, and on whether they are even more unpleasant.

Therefore, personally, I only had a negative for the Caucasians men, there is no such relationship to women at all. Because of these obsessive, non-cultural, inadequate functions, such an attitude towards all Caucasians, they are all perceived precisely such, and they are not waiting for them. And if almost every woman faced with these hammes, then there are a lot of them. And for good men it is even a shame that they have to be undeservedly to endure such an attitude due to any freaks.

Why do girls love Caucasians?

On Russian streets, it is increasingly possible to see people Caucasian nationality. Russians relate to them in different ways: someone is indifferent, someone - contemptuously, someone hates them, and someone like them. Each person has its own personal opinion towards people-Caucasians. But recently, many have noticed that Russian girls are increasingly meeting with Caucasians and marry them. And such people have an interesting question: why girls love Caucasians, for what?

For that girls love Caucasians

If you leake all the negative sides of the stereotypical perception, then several advantages inherent in Caucasian men can be distinguished. In some forums, Russian women themselves write about some forums, as well as some men, looking for this question. Among the most popular answers can be allocated as follows:

  1. Clearance care. Caucasian men know how to carefully care for a woman, give luxury compliments, which, although they smash flattery, are still pleasant. Many Russian women are waiting for such an attitude towards themselves from their Russian men, but they wait only a few.
  2. Power and sexual temperament. Not in vain about the Caucasians they say "hot blood". Sometimes a domineering look from dark eyelashes or confident behavior is able to charm the Russian women once and for all. Caucasian men for Russian women are exotic, something new, with which they have not come across before, and therefore these men are enhanced.
  3. Proper attitude towards a woman. For the most part, Caucasian men perceives a woman as a woman, and not as a friend - a friend, a source of earnings or a fragile horse where you can ride. It is the right perception of a woman who can keep Russian nearby for a long time. That is why Russian girls love Caucasians.

Stereotype and reality

Now you know why girls love Caucasians. But there are many such girls among the Russians who do not tolerate Caucasians in the Spirit. Russian men usually with hatred and angry perceive women who associate their destiny with Caucasians, believing that those betrayed their homeland and simply, to put it mildly, prostitutes who were told. Those who are found for the sake of money, too, but often a woman just wants to be happy, and if she chooses such a man, then this is her personal matter. And some Russian men should learn from the Caucasians how to care for a woman, and then for sure Russian women will be with a much clear interest to look at Russian men.

For the sake of fairness, of course, to say that Caucasians are both good and bad. It is necessary to understand that they were brought up in another cultural environment, they have another mentality and another worldview, and therefore a woman who chooses Caucasian must take all this. In Russia, more and more often can be seen exactly bad Caucasians who are not even a culture, they beat Russians, belong to Russian girls, as prostitutes, try to catch any ways. Therefore, of course, no one will respect and love. However, there are also good Caucasian men for whom Russian women marry and then live happily in marriage.

In general, among Caucasians there are also good and adequate people, but a persistent negative opinion, which has developed in society under the influence of bad Caucasians, causes all representatives of this nation to scratch under one comb. In any case, meet


Why do Russian girls love Caucasians?

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On the streets of any city of Russia, such strange couples can be found: a pretty girl of Slavic appearance and a man with characteristic southern facial features - Caucasian. Passersby are indignant: who contacted, Durose? Doesn't the Russian guys like it? .. And by the way, the phenomenon is incredible - not to consider the girls who consider relations with foreigners not only possible for themselves, but also preferred. Some of them even decides to create a family with a stranger, although everyone knows, with what difficulties will have to come together. Why does it happen? Let's figure out.

There are a number of myths, to the real state of affairs having a very dubious attitude. Here is some of them.

1. Russian guys are all alcoholics, and Caucasians drink moderately. We should think that people for whom are the production of wine and brandy - National tradition? And if the Men-Slavs around you are completely marginal, maybe you just got into a bad company? Or ... Sorry for the frankness ... And you yourself are a very admirer of the Green Zmia, since you came across such Cavalers? In fact, among representatives of any nationality there are drinking and non-drinking, and it does not depend on the color of hair or skin.

2. Caucasians earn well, they have everywhere communication, they are easy to find a good job. This is true. Southerners - hardworking, enterprising and businesslike people. No, no need to be incredulously curved with the word "hardworking"! Caucasian rarely meet the machine at the factory, more often - on the market or in its own restaurant, but this is also the work is not worse than others, and they fulfill it really "with a light". And the person who puts the soul in his work will certainly succeed in it. The ability to earn, cohesion, really characteristic features for the peoples of the Caucasus. But be prepared that your groom, the owner of a skewer, suddenly turns out to be a bandit, and his eatery is just a way to "wash" unearned income. Not all Caucasians are associated with the world of crime, but, to put it mildly, many. And did you see my wife yourself in my fellow? ..

Despite the fact that Slavs and Caucasians lived in one country for many decades, the inhabitants of the mountains, which come to Russia to live or work, are perceived by the local population of strangers. This is not surprising: unfortunately, there is a stereotype that Georgians, Armenians or Azerbaijanis cannot be trusted, in some cases is not bothering. Among the Caucasian emigrants there are many people who are industrially crime, unclean on hand, aggressive, simply rude.

Of course, it is impossible for any brunet with characteristic "southern" features of the face to be safely announced by a potential criminal - among the representatives of any people there are decent people, and the villains. But still no, no, and bad thoughts will begin, looking like Caucasians talk among themselves in their native language - or in Russian, but using some kind of incomprehensible Sanging: what are they talking about whether they did not conceive something bad? ..

Do not be offended by trifles - but still keep the distance, which manner of behavior can be advised when communicating with Armenians. Especially in those cities where the national question is sharp. Sometimes there is an inaccurately said word becomes the cause of serious conflicts solved by fists, and even then weapons. The debt is a reasonable representative of any nationality - this is not allowed.