Pilgrimage Challd Harold the main characters. Image of Choir Harold as an embodiment of a bayronic hero

Pilgrimage Challd Harold the main characters. Image of Choir Harold as an embodiment of a bayronic hero

Topic: Characteristics of the literary hero in the poem D.G. Baron "Pilgrimage of Child-Harold"

Childe Harold is the first romantic hero of Byron's poetry, is not character in the traditional sense of the word. This is an abis of character, the embodiment of the vague attraction of the soul, romantic discontent with the world and himself. Biography Ch.-g. It is typical for all the "sons of its century" and "the heroes of our time." According to Bairon, "a slacker, corrupted by laziness", "Like a moth, he frolicked," he devoted his own century only to entertainment "," and in the world he was alone "(V.Livika translation). Frustrated in friendship and love, pleasure and vice, Ch.-G. Drops in those years illness in those years - silence and decides to leave the homeland, which has become a prison for him, and the father's house that seems to him the grave. "In the thirst for new places", the hero is laughed in the light, during these wanders becoming, like Byron, cosmopolitan or citizen of the world. Moreover, the hero's wandering coincide with the travel route of Bayron himself in 1809-1811 and in 1816-1817: Portugal, Spain, Greece, France, Switzerland, Italy. The replacing paintings of different countries, national life, the most important events of political history form the fabric of the poems of Bairon, epic and lyrical at the same time. Glorifying nature and history, the poet chants the free heroism of the national liberation movements of his time. The call for resistance, action, the fight constitutes the main pathos of his poem and predetermines the complexity of the relationship of Bayron to the literary hero created by it. The boundaries of the image of the C.-G. - the passive contemplator of majestic paintings by world history discovering in front of him - bayron. The lyrical power of the poet's complicity turns out to be so powerful that, since the third part, he forgets his hero and leads a story from his face. "In the last song, the pilgrim appears less frequently than in the previous ones, and therefore it is less separated from the author who speaks here from his own person - wrote Byron in the preface to the fourth song of the poem. - It is explained by the fact that I was tired of consistently to carry out a line, which everyone seems to be decided not to notice< …> I proved in vain and imagined, as if I managed it that the pilgrim should not be mixed with the author. But the fear of losing the difference between them and constantly discontent the fact that my efforts do not lead to anything, so oppressed me that I decided to throw this it - and did it. " Thus, only romantic attributes remain to the finals of the poem, only romantic attributes remain from her character: Pilgrim's staff and Lira of the poet.

Personality and general characteristics of creativity by J. Bairon ("Pilgrimage Childad Harold", Eastern Poles, Manfred, Cain, "Don Juan").

John Gordon Bayron 1788 - 1824

London, ancient aristocracy. He graduated from the university, tried to engage in politics (defended the poor)

In 1815, he married a woman, which I thought was ideal, but in a year she demanded a divorce. Bayron accused of immorality.

In 1816, Byron left England forever (slander). Traveled in Europe, then lived in Italy. I was very hoping for the victory of the Italian revolution, however, it tolerates the collapse, Bayron leaves Italy and comes to Greece in 23, where the revolution is also. In 24, she was cold during a trip to the mountains.

Byron's heart is buried in Greece, and dust - in England.

Byron urged people to revolution, there is a motive of disappointment, world grief.

His first collector "Leisure watch" contemptuously responds about secular mobile. Literary manifesto English romanticism.

The writer should be closer to life, overcoming religious mysteries, "Bayron said.

In 1812, the first songs, the poems of the pilgrimage of Charles Harold (4 pieces) appear

The poem had a huge success in Europe, as the most sick issues of time affect the mood of disappointment, which was distributed in Europe after the collapse of the French revolution. "Freedom, equality, fraternity" - turned out to be suppressed by man.

In the first song Byron, Bayron shares the idea of \u200b\u200bFrench enlighteners ("all misfortunes from ignorance"), but later he comes to the denial of these thoughts.

Bayron believes in rock. This rock is hostile to human race, hence the gloomy notes of doomes.

But soon he changes his point of view, begins to believe in good change in the world.

The main character of the work is a young man, which was delivered in life and people. He is distinguished by spiritual devastation, disappointment, anxiety and painful passion for travel. He throws their homeland and floats on the ship east.

"I'm alone in the world. Who can remember me who would remember how I could remember?"

Proud loneliness and longing - here it is the lot. The main distinguishing feature of Harold is individualism. Positive in the image of Harold - protest against the negle, disappointment in old ideals, the spirit of the search, the desire to know ourselves and peace.

Natura is dark. In this image, Bayron makes a large artistic compound. Harold - Hero of his time, hero thinking and suffering. In Europe, he called a lot of imitations.

A very important character of the poem is a lyrical hero, which expresses the thoughts of the author. At the end of the poem, the voice of the lyrical hero sounds stronger, because Bairon stopped satisfying the image of Harold. He does not like the role of a passive observer, which is Harold. In addition, the personal experience of this hero is very narrow.

The third song reflects the spiritual drama of the author himself. Byron refers to his little daughter Ade, which he will not be destined to see.

The reaction in Europe gives rise to the motif of gloomy disappointment. Byron mourn on suffering millions, curses monarchs, but his pessimism is replaced by faith in good change.

Many Contemporaries Bairon believed that Byron and Harold was one face. In the process of writing the poem, develops his hero. But they have common features.

Creativity of ingenious poets is always confession, but Byron knows life and people better than Harold.

Creating a man of new time.

The revolution response is hardly experienced by Byron. There are motifs of gloomy despair.

"Eastern poems"

Abiday Bride

Corsair 1814.

Siege Karinf 1816.

Foresina 1816.

The hero of all these poems is a typical romantic hero (strong passion, will, tragic love) His ideal is anarchic freedom.

The praise of individualistic rebellion reflected the spiritual drama of Byron. The reason for this drama should be sought in the epoch itself that has breeding the cult of individualism. The idea of \u200b\u200bruined human capabilities in modern society is important.

The heroes of the poems of Bayron act as Avengers for the valid human dignity.

"Yaur" - the plot: Yaur on a mortal apprentice confused by a monk, he loved Leila, they were happy, but the jealous husband Leila tracks his wife and killed her. Yaur killed Leila's husband. In his monologue, an accusation sounds a society that he humiliated and made unhappy.

"Corsair" Hero - Pirates leader. They deny the laws of society, live on an uninhabited island and fear of Corsair. This man is very severe and power, but he is alone, he has no friends. Hero Corsaard is immersed in his inner world all the time, he admires his sufferings and jealously protects his loneliness. In this, his individualism - he puts himself over other people whom he despises.

The evolution of the hero of Bairon. If Harold does not go further passive protest, then for the basins of Eastern poems, the whole meaning of life is in action, in the struggle.

"Jewish melodies" 1815. Very much mood of gloomy despair. Love Lyrics is deprived of mysticism, religiosity and asceticism.

"Spy prisoner" 18

"Prometheus" - poem. Prometheus theme is one of the main in the late work of Bairon.

The most gloomy poem Byrona is Manfred.

Tragedy of uneducing personalities, wrecked hope, despair.

Manfred runs from human society, condemns orders in him and the laws of the universe, as well as their own weaknesses.

Manfred is a hero of his time. Therefore, he has selfless, arrogance, power, gloating.

His girl, Astard, dies because of the egoistic love of Manfred.

The Supreme Spirit of Evil, Ariman, his maid of Mimisida - the symbolic image of the gloomy world of evil.

Manfred cannot conquer the world of evil, like religion. Speaks Abat's proposal to repent and emerges free and independent as he lived.

Mystery "Cain" 1821 (the dramatization of biblical plots)

The main topic is breeding. Here, Cain is not a criminal fratrician as in the Bible, but the first rebellion on Earth, hearing against God, for God is around the human race for innumerable suffering.

Jehovah at Bairon is ambitious, suspicious, Avengean, Zhaden. That is all the features of the earthly despot.

Cain his sharp mind is questioned by the authority of God. He seeks to know the world and its laws and reaches it with Lucifer. Lucifer is a proudly rebel, which God for wolnolubia will be overthrown from the sky. Lucifer opens the eyes of Caina on the fact that all disasters sent by God. But the knowledge does not bring Cainu happiness, he is looking for sympathy from his brother Avil, but he blindly believes in the goodness of God. In the end, Cain hit his brother in the temple and the heal. Parents curse Cain and he is removed in exile along with his wife and two children. Here, the "world grief" of Bayron reaches cosmic sizes. Together with Lucifer, he visits the kingdom of death in space, where he sees the dead. "The same fate is waiting for humanity," says Lucifer and Bayron comes to the conclusion that progress is impossible.

It is important here that Byron breaks up with the hero of the individualist. Cain is not a lonely rebel, indifferent to the fate of people like Manfred. He is a humanist who has been against the power of God in the name of the benefit of people. Manfred suffered from loneliness, and Cain is not alone. He loves his wife - hell, and there is a friend - Lucifer. Hell is one of the best female images in the whole work of Bairon. His atheism made a big impression on contemporaries.

The crown of Bairon's creativity is a poem in the poems "Don Juan" 1818 - 1823. The main topic is the criticism of the bourgeois society. Byron considered this the main labor of his work.

The reflection of the modern era and the disclosure of the depths of the human soul.

Byron began to critically refer to the manner of writing romantics (for the idiotization of life them)

It refers to the poetry of reality, that is, to the objective transmission of reality.

The first songs are a parody of romanticism. The image of Juana was deprived of the hay of romantic heroic. He is a living person with all the weaknesses and vices. Positive features: honesty, masculinity, love for freedom. A bit, capable of compassion.

Bourgeois society will not bring people freedom. Power bourgeois byhron depicts as a web, entangled peoples.

Byron - the enemy of bankers and lords. He dramatically draws church circles, bankers and sales government. Speaks about hypocrisy and insignificance of higher light.

Person of Bairon.

"Genius, the ruler of our DUM" Pushkin

"Byron became an actor of his own life" Andre Murua

Bayron from Kidsva chrome, was distinguished by extreme quick temper, could suddenly fall into rabies, like his mother. Grew with mother, which was very irritable. Father Bairon died in 1791 in full poverty. At first, Baron sang his mother, and then began to despise her. At 9 years old, he fell in love with his cousin.

He was ashamed of his chromotype, felt a constant fear that because of his physical disadvantage, he would be despised. And the stronger in it was pride. The most painful humiliation due to his chromotype - when she listened to the conversation beloved with his maid. Then at night Byron ran away from the house with the desire to die. There was a fear of women, wanted to make them suffer, as he suffered himself.

At the age of 16, he learned that he had a summary sister of August, which was 20 years old. Later they fell in love with each other, although August was married. In 1814, she gave birth to her daughter. Then Bayron ran away from his mother.

In 1805 he graduated from school. He makes the discovery that people do not have the need for absolute feelings like him. All around just played with love, with the truth, with God. He did not want to be like them. He did not want to be like them. Under the pediatric fun, deep melancholy gathered. Childhood was a tragedy.

In 1805 enters Cambridge, there becomes a central figure.

He suffered a restless ambiguity of weak people. He stopped believing in God under the influence of Voltaire. Byron started a manual bear.

From childhood, he made a compassion for poverty, distributed a lot of money.

In 1809, Byron sails into Portugal with a feeling of deep misentropy. Mother sends a farewell letter. I was looking for refuge in the world of stars and waves, because I was afraid of people.

His life was transformed after the exit "Harold" - he woke up a celebrity. He began to invite and Bayron began to portray Harold, masking his natural shyness. First of all, he was suspicious. It seemed to him that he now knows what a woman is. For him, the tenderness and heartstry passed.

Byron did not understand the feeling of other people and did not want to understand.

"Like Napoleon, I always felt great contempt for women, and this opinion was out of my fatal experience. Although in the works I excellent this floor, but this is just because I depict them as they should be."

"Give a woman mirror and sweets and she will be pleased with"

"Misfortune that we cannot do without women, nor live with them"

Caught 26 years old, 600 years old and 6 years in common sense.

In 1814 by Bayron Groom (26 years). Hopefully for happiness in marriage with 22-year-old Anabella. But soon he realized that he was mistaken in marriage. The wife with his bourgeois prudence turned love to the equation, besides she was a devout and tried to turn her husband in faith.

There is no interest in the religion for Bayron. He was rude with his wife. In the end, the wife is divided into divorce, which shook Byron.

All former acquaintances began to turn away from Bairon. "I do not like the world and the world does not love me." Avenger.

Byron was a fatalist and a very superstitious man.

He had many women.

In 31 years he fell terribly.

In 35 life became completely empty.

"Being the first person in the country, which means to get closer to the Divine"

Byron always wanted to do what no one could ever do.

I decided to devote myself to politics, but he was too indecisive and dreamy.

The lightest in Greece give him the title of ArchReart (Commander-in-Chief) and Byron, this was very proud.

In his youth, he was predicted. that he will die at 37 years old. Byron believed it. So it happened.

The cases of the workers went badly and Bairon began to be accurate in his arrival in Greece. Military from him no.

After Bayron fell ill, he began to understand the value of the family, which once called slavery. The last of his hours of life passed in delight. Byron's brain at the opening was like a very old man.

After the death of the poet, many became interested in them.

Close people of Bairon burned his memoirs.

"In the depths of his soul, the creature always lived a higher and more worthy" said Lady Byron about her husband, - "This creature he always suppressed, but could never destroy"

Born on January 22, 1788 in London. His mother, Catherine Gordon, native by Scotland, was the second wife of Captain D. Bairon, whose first wife died, leaving him daughter Augustus. The captain died in 1791, having time to spread most of the state of his wife. George Gordon appeared on the light with a disheveled foot.
In 1798, the boy inherited from the cousin Title Baron and the generic estate of Newst Ebby under Nottingham, where he moved with his mother. The boy was engaged in a home teacher, then he was given it to a private school in Dalviche, and in 1801 - in Harrow.
In the autumn of 1805, Bayron entered Trinity College of Cambridge University.
In London, Bayron made debts a few thousand pounds. Saved from the Bimodavtsev, and also, in search of new impressions, he went on July 2, 1809 with Hobhaus on a long journey. They walked to Lisbon, they crossed Spain, from Gibraltar, the sea got to Albania, where they were visiting the Turkish despot of Ali-Pasha Telolensky, and proceeded to Athens. There they spent the winter in the house of one widow.
In England, Bayron returned in July 1811; He brought with him a manuscript written by Spencerian Stanfish of an autobiographical poem telling about the sad sovereign, who was destined to know the disappointment in the sweet hopes and ambitious hope of youth and in the journey itself. "Fald Harold Pilgrimage, published in March next year, overnightly glorified the name of Bairon.
In the footsteps of Childord Harold, Byron created the cycle of "Eastern poems": "Giaur" and "Abydos Bride" - in 1813, "Corsair" and "Lara" - in 1814. The poems were aburred by veiled of autobiographic hints. The hero "gyura" was in a hurry to identify with the author, saying that in the east Byron, some time was engaged in piracy.
Anabella Milbenk, Lady Melbourne's niece, and Bayron occasionally exchanged letters; In September 1814, he made her an offer, and it was accepted. After the wedding on January 2, 1815 and the honeymoon in Yorkshire, the newlyweds not created for each other settled in London. In the spring, Bayron met Walter Scott, who had long admired.
On December 10, 1815, she gave birth to Bayron daughter Augustus hell, and on January 15, 1816, taking a baby with his father, went to the lestershire to visit the parents. A few weeks later, she announced that he would not return to her husband. Byron agreed to separate residence permissions and September 25 sailed to Europe. Byron completed the Third Song of Childe Harold, which developed already familiar motives - the vanity of the aspirations, the fleece of love, in vain search for perfection and began manfred.
Byron returned to work on Don Juan and Mai 1823 completed the 16th Song.
He chose the legendary seductor into the heroes and turned it into an innocent space, which women are dominated; But the fierce life experience, that in its nature, worldview and actions still remains a normal, sensible person in the ridiculous churred world.
Byron consistently holds Zhuana through a number of adventures, then ridiculous, touching, - from the "Platonic" seduction of the hero in Spain to love-idyll in the Greek Island, from the slave state in Harem to the position of Favorite Catherine Great, and leaves him confused in the networks of love affair In the English rural mansion.
Tired of the aimed existence, the existed on active activity, Byron grabbed the proposal of the London Greek Committee to help Greece in the war for independence. Sanding with straightening among the Greeks and their borestip, extended by the disease, Bayron died from fever on April 19, 1824.

"Child-Harold Pilgrimage" occupies a special place among the works of Bairon.

This is a poem with a big and topical public theme imbued with deep lyrism. "Fald Harold Pilgrimage is not only a story about the fate of the romantic hero, but also a political poem. Thirst for political freedom, hatred of tyranny make up its main content.

Childe Harold became a numerous name of the romantic hero - a young man, disappointed, unsatisfied and lonely. He does not believe in either sublime feelings, nor in affection; In his opinion, there are no true love, no true friendship. The reason for the disappointment of Childe Harold - a collision with society.

In the first two songs, we see the hero in Portugal, Spain, Albania and Greece - in those countries where Bayron visited. Childe Harold is eager for personal freedom and, without finding her in the surrounding world of "wealth and miserable poverty", dreams of loneliness. He avoids people, goes far to the mountains, listens to the splashing of the sea wave, admires his sweeping element. Only ordinary people, courageous and freedom-loving, attract Child Harold to themselves.

Childe Harold was not satisfied with life, but his protest is passive: he reflects on the causes of his discontent, but does not seek to intervene in life, take part in the liberation struggle.

And gradually, as the plot of the poem, the image of Child-Harold is more resolutely moved to the background. The image of the powerless and unable to fight the Hero's Life Fully Outlined to Him more and more with full drama historical events, in which the author himself begins to speak not only as a contemporary and observer, but also as an active participant. The poem appears a second, no less important image - the image of a struggling people.

So, in the first two songs of the "Pald-Harold Pilod-Harold", Bayron welcomes the performance of progressive forces, the rise of the masses, the protection of freedom.

Subsequent, third and fourth, songs of "Pilgrimage Child-Harold" are separated from the first two a few years. They are directly related to the stay of Bayron in Switzerland and Italy, where he lived in 1816 - 1823, finally leaving England.

In the third song, published in 1816, Bayron concerns an important issue - about the attitude towards the French revolution of the late XVIII century. Speaking about the dominance of a monarchist reaction, especially after the formation of the Holy Union in 1815, he firmly convinced that the ideals of freedom, proclaimed by the revolution, must certainly triumph; Humanity has learned a lot, believed in his strength, and let Tirana, now, who else, they know that their victory is temporary and the hour of payback is not far off.

Byron creates a special genremantic poem and the characteristic image of the romantic hero. The poet is interested in acute dramatic events of the past, the life of exotic countries of the East.

Heroes of these poems, disappointed wanderers who broke up with society somewhat resemble Childe Harold, but they are alien to the passive character of his experiences. People of one passion, a lot of will, who are not aspiring, not going on any agreements, they are unthinkable outside the struggle. This is a buntari. They challenge the Hangeescomb bourgeois society, oppose his religious or moral fundamentals and lead unequal struggle with him.

One of the characteristic romantic heroes of Bairon is Konrad, the main acting face of the poem "Corsair". His appearance is unusual: burning black eyes and gloomy eyebrows, dense curls, falling on a high pale forehead, a stinging smile, expressing both contempt for the whole surrounding and regret. This is a dark, strong and gifted nature capable, perhaps to make noble affairs. However, the society rejected Conrad, he did not allow him to deploy his abilities to him. He became the head of the gang of marine robbers. His goal is to revenge a criminal society that rejected him and calls the criminal now. Conrad - extreme individualist. The whole world is hostile to Conrad, and he curses this world. Loneliness will set in his soul a feeling of disappointment, pessimism.

The hero of the romantic rebar poems of Bairon but have positive ideals. They are fighting, not believing in victory, they understand that they cannot defeat the society, which is stronger than them, but to the end of him are hostile. The heroes of Bairon remain lonely rebar. They attract the power of protest, an irreconcilable spirit of struggle, but the lack of a hero's connection with the mass, the people, with common interests, the individualism of the hero - evidence of the weakness of the worldview of Byrona himself.

Bunarovskaya, saturated by the socio-political meaning, Bairon's poetry was the main cause of the poet organized by the poet from the reactionary circles of English society. Reactive print against him.

Byron decided to leave his homeland. In 1816, he leaves Switzerland, then in Italy. The enemy of official England, her hypocrisy, the chandeliness, notorious bourgeois "freedoms", the selling bourgeois press, he continues to be deeply interested in the fate of the Motherland, the fate of his people.

Byron looked forward to the revolutionary lift in England and has repeatedly stated that in this case he would return to his homeland in order to take personal participation in the fight.

In the satirical epopea "Don-Zhuan" the action is transferred to the XVIII century. Hero of the work, Zhuuan, from Spain enters Greece, then to Turkey, Russia, Poland, Germany, England ... According to the author's plan, "" Making a trip to Europe, having experienced any kind of siege, battles and adventures, "Zhuan was supposed to finish her Wearing "participation in the French Revolution."

However, the main thing in DON-Zhuane, according to Bairon himself, is not the fate and adventure of the hero, but an image of public and private life in various countries of Europe and Asia.

In the works of Bairon, the image of a contemporary, given in the romantic interpretation. This is a person who is absorbed with European civilization, since there is a false, non-free, this is a person, an open world, a person who is not nifying the refuge. Finished type of individualism.

However, the motives of hopeless despair are combined in this work with the determination of his hero to protect their human dignity and freedom of spirit. The Poem "Manfred" belongs to the mighty poetry of symbols, interpreting indigenous questions of being. Manfred reached its huge power over nature not a deal with the rulers of the underworld, but exclusively by the power of his mind, with the help of a variety of knowledge acquired by exhausting work for many years of life. Manfred tragedy, just like the tragedy of Harold and other early heroes of Bairon, is the tragedy of uncommon personalities. However, Merfred protest is much deeper and more considerable, because his unfulfilled dreams and plans were much more extensive and diverse: the wreck of hopes related to the enlightenment - this is what is at the basis of the hopeless despair, which was overlooking the Hamfred soul. Crossing the society of people, Manfred runs away from him , it will prevent in his abandoned childbirth in the deserted alps. Anode and proud, he opposes the whole light - nature and people. He condemns not only orders in society, but also the laws of the universe, not only the rampant of universal egoism, but also his own imperfection, because of which he ruined the hotly beloved Astarta, because Manfred is not only a victim of unfair public orders, but also the hero of his time, endowed Such features, like self-love, arrogance, credit, thirst for success, gloating, - in a word, by those features that were the revolving side of the medal of the "liberty of the person" during the French bourgeois revolution. Manfred is perfectly aware of his egoism and tormented because his wild, the indomitable temper carries terrible devastation into the world of people. For manfreda, it is unthinkable to submit to this cruel world, just as it is unthinkable for him to conquer and religion, seeking to subjugate his mighty, proud spirit. The sufferings of Manfred reflect severe reflections of Bairon himself, ultimately generated ... the general crisis of educational thought in Europe. These lines are directly related to the problems of "Cain"; Reflections on the issue of the essence of the knowledge and place of a person in the system of the Universe in "Caine" will receive special importance and development. Another motive inherited from previous works of Byron and transmitted in the future "Caino" will be the Motive of Tiranoboroba, referring to the worship of the highest forces. In Manfred, this protest is most pronounced at the end of the poem, when the hero refuses to obey the rulers of the evil strength to Ariman and follow the mighty spirit designed to lead him to meet death. Manfred, comprehended various sciences is eager for oblivion and freedom from his experience, he dreams of non-existence. Like other heroes of the Dramaturgia of Bairon, he "painfully worries the very fact of his being."

RIK Written – 1809-1818

Theme of sampling - National-Divine-deign of the Foreign People. Torzor author Roskrivaє the same patriotism, the world.

To that will be the hero of the first piscory "Palombian Childe Harold" Hero - a wrestler for the National Rights Freedom of People's Spring, Golda, Albaria.

The "Palombian Chooled Pald Pald" became New Yetap. Uniy via internal Svіt character of the author's character okrechuyu і і и ида довніха нових рахвів, І tragedy problems shortcuts. Approaching the "temple" style, Vіddayuchi Perevaga abstrum і іддениемимимимиети, Bairon Nadaє Some such an individual-visual tone, Shah, the share of people soaded out the Yak part of the All-Russia Process.

Maja ma's shape of a rogue of a rise in price, clarified two individuals: The author himself is the first hero.Hero Poiemi Pisl Personal Railway Biographer's character of the one of Lishe Іm'yam, Yoy Vitіsnyu, the author, yd to Kіntsya Poimi Distania Mіzh Nimi Zhez Znika.

Pragnennya Pіznati, Namagna Vipvati, Namagangnya Vipvuati's Duchotnian Mozhvyosti Siley - Cha Fald Harold, Yaki Buli Buli Biiron.

Retachavannya і Smutok Harold not to seal the ViDogogo Screenshots, Skiminiy Conflіtіv, Nemless Kohannya, the first specialists Motiv, Yaki Vіdіdіv's role I've called the role of a foreign trade in L_teuri. The hero of Bairon is not interspersed by Bournutu, Iz Suspilly, ale, Ale, Aleklessness I Slotandannya is not the position of Pravalnosti. Risa Childid Harold Jak artistic image - yogo unfaithful, hero of delights of delivered a moment Tarmed by Samosvіdovosti People's new hour, Yaka Pokhuyvati in Schu Svіtі, Schu ї ї і и и от и отіті ість ї ї і і і іривільватья ірагічні і і ивідододватья икібічні пиродиччя, Yaki Buli.

Byron put Patten about the cause of Suspіlny Vad, the National District Zanepada, to be sisted over the prothrichchi і's І riddles of the Іstorial process, Alea Virazhaє Gliboka Nepotnia Sobody і Romirkovuє over the meanings of your creature.

The image of Choir Harold Vіyshisov at Svіtov Lіterture of the Yak image of the wife of a new hero, I didn't know the l_tera. Nyoma Vtіlenі Naikarakternіshі Rici Auditcheno, the parties of the young bed of the cat romanticism. Byron himself declared, Scho Vіn Hotv testing the Him Hero "So, Yak Vіn є" Now I, in Daniy Dіisnosti, would like "Bulo b Vnіmnіsh і, singing and easily, Lessel Bіlsh Privarbles Speaker."

Hto whale "pilgrim" choled Harold?

"He lived in Albion, the young man. Your century

He devoted only to entertainment idle

In the crazy thirst for joy and ne ... "

Harold - a visit to the end of the i.stold of Gloda (Childad - the older Namyuvannya Yunaki Slyhamnaya will be). Buildavalosha b, Vіn MAV Bethi Zadlements Libems І Schchavyviy. Ale Znenazyka, "At the Roskvіti Life", Vіn staging "Divine" with a pussy:

"Swelling spoke in it,

Disease of the mind and heart rocky,

And it seemed frisky all around:

Prison - homeland, grave - father's house ... "

Harold, Yak І Himself Byron, poring in stranx, Nevіdomі yom Kraj, Vіn Zhada Zmіn, Baby, Bur, Some of the RIGHTING, ABI PITI VID THIS, OCHO):

"Inheritance, house, estate

Adorable ladies whose laughter he loved ...

He traded on winds and fogs,

On the rocus of southern waves and barbaric countries. "

Vіdchuvayuchi от то и и и и под під "SELL-SERVICE ZIRKOY" І Шо щ SHO POSTIVE NADIA Vіdshukati Metu, gіdnah, Shaho Drymayut in Nim, Harold from his naughty know about the fellow, Yaki could bring the VTech "Vіd himself." Znevyra Ruskjdaє Yoj's soul throeshduє Hero, de B Vіn not Bouv, "I am in SERTSI MІSTA" NEMAє SPO ".

Harold Pozієюyu Pozalna Іronіya, Yaka for masks of nobility of the nobility, DRIB'RUCKOVA KORINALIVISTY, And for the sightoki words - I will give it a sense, Scho became the chroni-eyed sickness of Epohi, if the saint of the Schuttya Zm_sti Meti isnuvanna. Іspanії, Projeszhachi Fields "Slavvi's MUSO", Scho was hacked by Yak Pamiy about Opіr Napoleonіvkomi Napanest, Navіt Schoyati Sini Freedomy ", І Barvistіy Suvorіy Albaria Harold, Zaporozhuchi z єdinnay bugs Ryady-їry, experiencing t_lki shirting, blessing for ny himself, - Bayduzhіst.

Noviy Svіt, Novi Cowria Audit of Yomi Ochі on Ortshe Zhittya, referring to і і ентоват и и и прода продальный відный олого вотітский виття. In ISPanії Harold is no longer the Svitsky Dendi, I am aware of the descriptions of the polemi camp. The drama of the _spanskaya people, Zmusheny Vyibiyati Mіzh "Pokіrannіstuya Abo Mogirl", Intowzhnaya Roma Roma, and Cerezi. Niktzzі Pershio Pіsnі - Tsay Middleworm, Znevier at Svіti Lyuba. Yoogo covering all the way of life of aristocratic suspension, Vіn do not sign ZMTSti in Zhisticti, Vіn Self-Site and Retaching, І Vіd Tsoy, Nevisko. This hero NI Anglіysk, Nіz, I didn't know the L_tera region.

Once in Friend Pіsnі, by returning at the mountains of Albaria, Harold, want, Yak I Rabіsh, "without a Bazhan, without a turbity", Alea pіdd "Spring-up-to-the-way of the grandeur of the Czyoda, the Country of the Country, Wait, Wait, Wait. The Hero Dedali is often painted by Chin_st, priestly whimsatnyst, Mensho in nyu-braceland. The soul of Mіzantrophop Harold Pokhain Nisbi Pondojuvati. Ale Tse Oman. Nado bagato frank dive in yogo souls.

Pisl Albaria Goldi Garold turns on the Batkivshchinchin, journaling from "Vikhor Svitskoji Modi", at the "Tovkuchku Hall, de Sostta Khiga." І YOhOVA ZNOVA POVAINE REPRODUVATI BAZHANNY PRESENTS MARNOTI VІD Vіn Zdіysnyuє friend Mandrіvku: Belgian, Nіmetchina, Swiss, іtalіya ...

From the time of Vigold's "Palombian Childe Harold" The Hero of the Hero of Poimi and the author himself, wants Bayron categorically by checking the price, naked on that, Shaho hero - Vigadania. Square, in the author of the Yoy Hero's hero, Bagato Spіli, at the Biographs. Onceth of the spiritual image of Byrone himself, Yak І The image of the author of the Penizy "Palombovo Choir Harold" Neumіrno Bagatysh І PLANT, NІZH An image of the character to his character. After the book, Lynіm, Mіzh sings that the hero is spent so і not away, і in fourth pіsnі pymi choled Harold Already surrounded by Tіn. "In the remaining pіsnі pіlіgrim Z'R_Desh, Nіzh, Nіzh in the middle, and the author of the author, Scho say there is someone who has semist," Zіdalovna Bayron.

Choleld Harold - Tset Schit, Glibok, Choosing the Summer Supreme People, Scho felt in his Aristocratic Headovishi, boring Vіd nyogo, Zhaguek Shukaє Novich іdealіv. TsEY The image of an invoice becoming utilines of the "bayronic" hero in the L_Teraturg of Bakhatochoh Khї region in the epoch of romanticism.

Byrona Hero Vіdchuuє "Svіtov's sorrow", the solar of the Zhittya, mighty Sili, Khovani in Lyudyni, do not Majut Plidyannaya. Harold Palko І SCHROP SPRIMAє REALNIBER, ALLE SAME WITTLY YOHN. І Vіn does not face the vacution of Svitu, Vіdyutyuyuyu the right to the internal Іndivіdualna freedom, Nasampeed Freedom of Pochuvtіv.

After the Byrona - Tsa Artviy Tvirr, in Yaku Realni Spear and Self-portrait Z'єєдна З Vigadko. Spine Nor_Teezhnoye, Shau Vigadani Chair Chaylls Harold і нос Nosіm Hegano Іdemi Poiemi. Adjevo does not vipadkovo named the name of the Hero's hog, at the Hero's SHOY, at the Yoy Behadow Introduce to that Heat, in Okom Vіn Zrostav і's sickness of Bouv singing hour of life. Aquitichna Delivіzhenna Castor Bridaging Ready, Shah, Kirm Choleld Harold, the author himself is all frequent, glibche і omitelitis і естапує как альітик, как comments, Shaho Otsіnuє. І of order zimi scum with characters in front of us rushes one Rushіin power ZM_STOR: i am made by the author of Ok'Kivna Dіysnіst region, Scho Sz'ed in the contrasting zobrennі, in the rotten of the glorious law of Tiy Gnituechiy shorthosses, Yak, on the author's abscess, Maє Bethi. Toucho є Tsisharov Pepiece Poima Taja Lіro-Epіchna Nature, oskilki The image of the author in the niy, it is angry with Navkolishnіm Svіt, then zіstavivnya is a prettysto-їєktnіy Realosti. First of the head at the "Palombian Childord Harold".

Bayronova Rospevіd about the "Pilombian" Childord Harold revealed on Yaskviy Document Epokhi alone sviaskravіsti DII in Istorії Romanticism.

The most famous and large-scale work of the English poet-romance George Bairon, the Poem "Pilgrimage to Child-Harold" was created for a long time - the process of its writing stretched almost for a decade - from 1809 to 1818. The idea of \u200b\u200bwriting innovative on the content of the work arose at the poet during a foreign trip: Byron conceived to convey a personal perception of the personal perception of them during their wanders in Europe.

Laro-epic poemincluding four songsCreated in the form of a lyrical diary, in which the poet expressed his attitude to the modern era and gave his own assessment with social conflicts in European countries.

Central theme of the poem - the national liberation struggle of the peoples of Europe - and the appeal to large-scale events of modernity led to a high civilian pathos of the poem. The topic of patriotism is closely intertwined with the main theme. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe patterns of revolutionary events and folk performances against tyranny. It is not by chance that through the whole poem passes through an end-to-end image of the time as a symbol of fair retaliation.

The main hero of the poem, Mustic life in incomplete nineteen years old Childe Harold is the son of his era. In this generalized image, Bayron embodied the features, the mindset and disappointment of the whole generation, which had seen only the sunset of the Age of the Great Revolutionary Shocks and Napoleonic Wars. Characteristic features of a new romantic hero - Ability to reflect and self-analysis, a break with a hypocritical society, a deep internal personality conflict with the world.

Childe Harold plays in the poem the role of the guide and beliefs of the poet himself. At the same time, the hero can not be identified with Bairon: despite the proximity of the image of Childe to the author (coincidence of the facts of biography, the feeling of loneliness and escape from the highest society), the poet does not suit the passivity of the hero's position. Childe Harold analyzes personal experiences caused by the conflict with society, but does not fight against existing obscures, only observes the vague state of the world.

Development of plot associated with the wanders of the main character, however the event plot is weak, and the hero is gradually pushed back to the second plan with dramatic historical events, whose witness was the author himself. The poet admits that he lost her hero ( "He dreamed something and does not go."), And the image of the chief character is supplanted in the third-fourth songs lyrical retreats-reflections of the author.

The first and second songs are written during the travel of Bairon on Pyrenees Balkans. In them, the author raises the theme of popular uprisings, describing the struggle of the Spanish people against the Napoleonic invasion and the narrative of the enslaved position of Albanians under the Turkish IGA and the Greeks. Passionately branding colonial policy of England, Bayron calls Hellenes to fight: "Oh, Greece! Rise on the fight! ". The image of a struggling against the enslave of the people It occupies an important place in the poem, and the content itself of this struggle is expressed through the emotional estimates of the author.

The third (1816) and the fourth (1818) songs of the poems were written in the period when Bayron left England and lived in Italy and Switzerland. In the third song, Bayron expresses attitudes towards the central event of the whole era - the Great French Revolution. Speaking about the titans of thoughts, Voltaire and Rousseau, with their views prepared the ground for the revolution, the poet expresses a deep conviction that the proclaimed ideals of the revolution should triumph everywhere.

The fourth song is devoted to the image of the suffering of the Italian people, moaning from feudal fragmentation and Austrian yoke. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe struggle for freedom of the poet expresses in the form of the sea - the recalcitable free element.

Political By content poem It organically combines the travel diary of the Byrone itself, the acute political satir and deep lyrism in the description of the spiritual experiences of the hero and the poet.

The poem is written by multicast verses - spencerova Stanfoywhich includes eight rows of a yambic pentameter and one line written by a six-power yack. In the first two songs, folklore motifs of Greek and Spanish peoples were reflected.

"Enthusiastic Universe Luistel", Byron proclaims in his poem a declaration of romantic mood, passionately expressing hatred for tyranny and thirst for political freedom.

Childord Harold - The young man who encourages the infinite skepticism of "Jersey forces", which made the distinctive feature of the whole generation, made only the sunset of the heroic era of revolutionary shocks and liberation wars. Pushkin definition - "Premature old age of the soul" - allocates the most significant quality embodied in the city of peacefulness. The whole period of European spiritual life, such a mindset, the focus and the expressive of whom he serves G., gave the story about his "pilgrimage" the significance of the vivid document of the era and one of the largest events in the history of romanticism. Feeling herself born under the "inglorious star" and leaving the hope of finding the goal worthy of the strength dreamed in it, G. In its incomplete nineteen years old, only about oblivion, which might bear the flight "from himself", but the corrosive disbelief pursues him, " And there is no place in the heart of the place. " The position of the city becomes a total irony, which for masks of nobility detects petty selfings, and in high words - the emptiness of the meaning, which has become chronic diseases of the era, when the feeling of the meanness and purposefulness of existence has lost. In Spain, driving the "sorrowful glory" fields, which remained as a memory of the resistance of the Napoleonic invasion, even in Greece, where the sons of freedom are free, in the past, "and in colorful harsh Albania G., traveling with the only desire to inhale the poisoned air of the native land He experiences only feeling, painful and for himself, - indifference, "pilgrimage" does not appear as a spiritual journey, not as a feat of the knight, movable dreams of glory, but as the exercise of a long-standing plan "at least to run, but throw Albion." The prehistory of G. Tazed in the first stanzas speaking about the only one, but by himself rejected love, since the hero preferred to "choose the love of many" - with the hope of this external diversity to fit the feeling of boredom among the "noise of the crowded hall". His wounded pride, which connected with longing and hopeless disappointment, is realized as "the mind of the mind and heart of rocky," but the "life-crushing sadness" turns out to be stronger than all other motives. Suppressing the "senses of unwitting and dust", he is in indifference looking for protection against injuries caused by contact with the real order of things in the world, which knows. Grief, which owns G., is organic, genuine and cannot be explained by his "unhappy character", as the first critics believed, nor seemingly indistinguishability of the character from the author, whereas in fact the poem does not at all carry the nature of lyrical confession. In a much larger degree, Bairon was a portrait of his generation, presented in the image of a young skeptic, who is alien to all seductions, languishes aimlessness and emptiness of his everyday life and knows the price of excellent deceptions of love, dreamability, selflessness, self-sacrifice. The concept of the "bayronic hero" appeared and secured together with the publication of the first songs of the poem. As a representative of the era of the city gained much wider and stable fame than as a literary hero, which possesses its individuality.