Channing Tatum: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. "Seriously, you're a mother!" Wife Channing Tatum Jenna Duan Sloat, calling her too sexy for mom Dance career wife Chennink Tatum

Channing Tatum: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo.
Channing Tatum: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. "Seriously, you're a mother!" Wife Channing Tatum Jenna Duan Sloat, calling her too sexy for mom Dance career wife Chennink Tatum

What could be a wonderful romantic love story? And if the feelings were born on the set and were able to develop in a strong happy family, then this is generally reminded of a fairy tale! This is how the fate of the sexual dancer film "Step Forward" Channing Tatum and actresses from the same film Jenna Devan. In 2006, two halves were met on the shooting of the film "Step Forward", which at the end of the filming decided never to part.

Channing Tatum and Jenna Devoman: Wedding

Channing Tatum and actress Jenna Devian told about what they got married, in Los Angeles at the premiere of the film "Oath." Acting Chet married Malibu in 2009. A couple told, as they managed to keep their relationship, spending so much time away separately.

"Our charts do not give us enough time for each other, and therefore we came up with one rule. This is a two-week rule. So, we see every two weeks. " - Share with Jenna's press.

Photos from the wedding

In 2009 it seemed that the couple was too busy for children, but this does not mean that Tatum did not think about the heir. "We are married, this is the most beautiful thing that you can desire. In addition to children ..." - the actor told Hollyscoop. Spouses stated that they plan to have children in the near future. As we know, the near future came in 2013, when Jenna seemed before the press with a clearly rounded tummy, and after took part in the photo shoot.

Happy Jenna Devian Tatum! Not only is she married to the sexiest man, so also their marriage seems so romantic and beautiful! What relationship reign in this family?

As Channing told one of the glossy publications, a couple looks at romantic films together for inspiration. Tatum chooses the film "Love Story", and Jenna loves to watch "Titanic". So romantic!

The absence of one member of the family makes the heart become more loving ... and does not allow to stay aside for a long time. Channing and Jenna, with their dense celebrity schedules, are not able to see. About the time spent away from each other, Channing says: "This is painful - not to see each other. I really miss my second half. " Output? A little parting is useful, but better, yet, to be near your loved one.

Love should not be difficult. To the question, which surprised her about marriage, Jenna said that she was surprised, without feeling that they were different: "It was like natural progression. Nothing has not changed yet, we still have a romantic relationship. I think we just become more connected. " Channing says that he immediately realized that Jenna was the only one: "You know, happen, look at a person, and you can not imagine your life without him."

Such a spouse, like Tatum, should be proud, although it can not be easy, because millions of women are in love with your husband! "I am glad that there are people who see how good my husband is! So I have something to be proud of .. "Jenna shared.

And Tatum is an incorrigible romantic! Just think, the actor proves the love of his wife in writing. Channing leaves love notes to his wife. "I love to draw emoticons and wrote small stories and hid them in different places."

Of course, it is necessary to pay attention to the trifles and rejoice in life at every convenient case! For example, take the 32nd day of Chenning, when his wife arranged Flash Mob to dance insane dancing. Was Chenning confused by this gesture? In no case. He said: "This is the best birthday and an unforgettable gift!"

Channing Tatum about his personal life

On the question of the favorite real story of love, Channing proudly declares that this is his story. "Obviously, you mean me and my wife. We fell in love with the filming of the movie "Step Forward." We look at this film and laugh. The filming of the film occupied most of the time, so it would be particularly not built relationships. " It's just very fun. For the first time I and Jenna were just going to dine, and then twisted ... "

Is it still in the strength of the oaths that lovers gave before the altar? "My wife and I wore rings for the first year when we were together. We were not married, but I do not think it is bad. I remember how I was nervous when I was going to give my vow. I felt that I was about to faint. It is so important: to say, those vows that will be with you all my life! "

It is faith in love, in good stories gave the opportunity to Channing Tatum to find his love and not lose it. Jenna and Channing are capable of small madness, which, no doubt, only strengthens their marriage, because they do not have the opportunity to give enough time to each other! With the advent of the kid, their family will finally become a full and endlessly happy, because there is no happiness!

Divorce after 9 years marriage

In the press, rumors about the problems in a couple have already rumored times, but Channing and Jenna have always denied them. At the end of 2017, problems were not hidden. So, Jenna came to the Aperican Music Awards awards ceremony alone, then the postoskar party Vanity Fair, for which Jenna also came without her husband.

American Music Awards

In April 2018, a couple reported a divorce, placing the following appeal on social networks:

"We decided to part. Nothing has changed at all, we still love each other and stay loving parents for our daughter, "Posted Tatum.

Channing Matthew Tatum (English Channing Matthew Tatum, the more correct transliteration of the surname will be "Tatum") - American actor, producer and model. Widely known thanks to the films "Step forward", "Cobra Throw", two parts of the Comedy "Super Mike", "Macho and Botan" and his Sikvelu, "Oath", "Kingsman: Golden Ring", etc. Wroudler "MTV Movie Awards ", Four-time winner of the" Teen Choice Awards "award.

Childhood and youth

Channing Tatum was born on April 26, 1980 in Callmen, the town of Alabama. His father Glenn Tatum was a builder, and the mother of Kay Tatum (in the Maiden's Faust) worked in the airline. The actor is quite hidden in everything as concerns his family: according to some information, he was one of the eight children, but only one of his sister, Page Tatum, models and actress, as well as about the consolidated brother Christopher Anderson, actor and singer.

When Chenning was 6 years old, the family moved to the suburb of Pascagules - cities in Mississippi on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico - and the boy grew in the rustic conditions on the Mississippi River. As a child, he suffered a deficit syndrome and dyslexia, so he studied at school. To help the child in learning, the doctor prescribed him a medicine, because of which he felt as if he had "no soul." Subsequently, in one of the interviews, the actor said: "With my child, I will never do that."

To send the physical hyperactivity of Chenning to the right channel, the parents actively occupied his sport: he visited the football section, baseball, athletics and kung fu.

A few years later, Tatum was once again moved, this time in the city of Tampo in Florida. Here, Channing has studied at the Goiter's local school, and then his father put it before the choice - he could go to the military school or in the senior classes of a private school. The young man chose a private Catholic school of the city of Tampa and successfully graduated from her in 1998, winning the honorary title of the best athlete of the year and receiving a sports scholarship for training at Glenville State College in West Virginia. However, soon after the start of classes in College, Channing was disappointed in his studies, returned home and began to try to find himself, arrangement of various works.

For incomplete two years, the young man managed to try himself as a builder-roofer, a mortgage manager, a veterinarian assistant and the seller of clothing, and then got a striptease dancer in a nightclub, taking a scenic pseudonym Chen Crawford. After that, he tried to start a professional career as a dancer and in 2000, Casting passed and starred in the video of the Ricky Martin "She Bangs".

Work model

After the successful speech on the shooting of the Chenning clip was noticed and invited to work in the fashion industry as a model on shows, and immediately for such eminent customers, like Giorgio Armani and Abercrombie & Fitch, as well as for Men's Health magazine.

Channing Tatum in the video of Ricky Martin

Following this, work in television advertising followed, and special fame brought him a series of rollers for the campaign of the Limonadov Mountain Dew and Pepsi.

In 2001, a young man hit the list of "50 most beautiful persons" according to Tear Sheet magazine. In the period from 2000 to 2005, Cenning was involved in a variety of projects, including in Nautica wrist watch advertising campaigns, legendary Dolce & Gabbana, American Eagle Outfitters clothing brands and a boldline of Emporio's clothing from Armani. He appeared on the pages of "VOG", "Out", "Elegance", "Citysen", worked under a contract with large model agencies in Miami, Milan and New York.

"When I started working a model, it significantly simplified life and me myself, and my family. Before that, I had no idea what I would like to choose a profession, and now the family finally did not need to worry about me. "

Career in movies

Channing's debut Tatum in the cinema took place in 2004 in the popular TV series "C.S.I: the place of crime by Miami, where he starred in the episode. Then followed by a few more small roles - in the films "Coach Carter" (2005), "Supercross" (2005), "Crazy" (2005).

At this time, the young man was seriously carried away by cinema and decided to leave a career model. And he did not lose: he was soon invited to the main male role in the youth comedy "she - a man" (2006) based on the play of William Shakespeare "Twelfth Night".

The resulting the role of Hip-Hop dancer in the spear-free musical melodrame "Step forward" (2006) is considered to be a breakthrough work of Tatum, thanks to which he became famous. In this picture, however, the natural charm of Tatum, and his dancer skills, and even breaking the romantic feelings for the shooting partner Jenne Duan. The producers with delight were noticed that Channing in the dance "Tech, like water", and called him "one of the best self-tarty dancers."

In the same year, the young actor starred in the "serious" film - the drama "how to find out his saints," where his partners became Robert Downey Jr., Shaia Labafe and Diane Wist. The picture was shown in many film festivals, including at the largest American Festival of Independent Cinema Sandom, where he received a special jury prize for the best acting ensemble.

"Step forward": Channing Tatum and Jenna Duan

In addition, personally received several premiums and nominations for the best role of the second plan at different festivals. The next successful picture in which he starred was the sequel "step forward - 2" (2008), but in it Channing had only a small role - his character from the first film appeared only in the episode. Then he played one of the main roles in the film "War for Forcing" (2008), but the picture failed at the box office, despite the positive assessment of critics called it "deep and sincere".

A dramatic fighter "Fight without rules" (2009) was more successful, in which Channing also performed a major role. And after this, the young actor played a secondary character in the criminal blockbuster "Johnny D." (2009) with Charismatic Johnny Depp in the lead role and with the participation of Christian Bale and Marion Cotionar.

The new breakthrough for Channing was the main men's role in the fantastic militant "Cobra Throw" (2009), where he made a temperamental actress Sienna Miller as his partner. The film enjoyed great success among the public and gathered a cashier in more than three hundred million dollars, although many of the vannelists remained unhappy with them:

Characters all as if plastic, like dolls ... And Tatum and a wooden

And one of the critics noticed that Chenning Character "... It seems more alive in those frames where his movements are transmitted by computer graphics than in those where Tatum plays it." (However, it's not fully understood, if he wanted to criticize the actor or, on the contrary, praise the picture for technical special effects.)

Channing Tatum received for this work Teen Choice Award as the best actor in the militant, and in general, the "Cobra Throw" received three more nominations for Teen Choice Award and as many as six nominations for the Anti-Prize "Golden Raspberry", one of which won. In 2013, the Sicvel "Throw Cobra-2" was released on the screens, in which Tatum's character became the figure of the second plan, and Duane Johnson and Bruce Willis were starred.

In 2010, the actor played in a duet with Amanda Siafrid in the Romantic Drama "Dear John". This touching story about a young soldier and the love he carried through the years and difficult circumstances, found a living response from the audience and brought almost $ 115 million at the holder. Channingan nominated on the MTV Movie Awards and Teen Choice Awards. According to the actor, only since this picture he truly loved the art of a dramatic acting game and began to put it higher than dancing, combat scenes and other "ways to demonstrate their body."

In 2011-2012, the actor also starred in several ribbons, which were cooled enough: "Dilemma" (2011), "Dangerous Quarter" (2011, with the participation of Al Pacino, Tracy Morgan, Julietary Binosh and Katie Holmes), "Eagle Legion "(2011)," knockout "(2012, with the participation of Michael Fassbender and Yuena McGregor).

But at the same time, the wonderful romantic drama "10 years later" (2011) was released on the screens, in which he again starred with Jenna Duan, and the Kassovo successful melodrama "oath" (2012), where his partner became Rachel Makadams. The achievement was the fact that the Tatum game in the film "Oath" critics recognized "surprisingly cardiac", and the actor re-noted the nominations on MTV Movie Awards and Teen Choice Awards, as well as on the People's Award "s Choice Awards.

Channing Tatum in Pink Pick "Beautiful Trauma" (2017)

In his next film, the comedy militant "Macho and Botan" (2012) - Tatum for the first time not only played one of the two main roles (of course, it was the role of Macho, Botan played John Hill), but also tried himself as a producer.

This film got hot approval from both the audience, thanks to which its cash charges exceeded 200 million dollars and from critics, highly rated him as "smart and fascinating satire with nostalgia in the 80s and a parody of youth cinema."

"Macho and Botan". Trailer

On the wave of success of this painting in 2014, the Sicvel "Macho and Botan - 2", which collected 331 million dollars at the box office. According to journalists, the second film turned out, "not such a clockwork, as the first, but certainly smarter and mental."

In the same year 2012, another Tatum film was released, which became his peculiar "business card" - a comedy from the life of the stripper "Super Mike". The actor once again showed himself as an artist leading and at the same time producer. The painting also occupied actors as Alex Pettefer, Matthew McConaja, Cody Horn.

This work was especially expensive Chenning, because her plot was partially based on the personal experience of the actor himself at that time when he worked as a dancer in the strip club. And the audience highly appreciated the "sensual director, a subtle scenario and a strong acting game" in this film. Three years later, Sicvel "Super Mike XXL" (2015), who also collected a good cash register, but in general turned out to be a little less successful than the first picture.

"Super Mike XXL". Trailer

Despite the overall rise of the cinematic career Tatum, the following years were marked by several less significant films, among which the psychological thriller "side effect" (2013, with the participation of Jude Lowe and Catherine Zeta-Jones), the comedy "Passion Don Juan" (2013, small The role, the film was starred by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Scarlett Johansson, Julianna Moore), sports drama "Fox hunter" (2014, with the participation of Steve Karella, Siena Miller and Mark Ruffalo), comedy "Long live Caesar!" (2016, Josh Broolin, George Clooney, Tilda Suinton, Scarlett Johansson, Dolph Lundgren, etc.), Comedy "Los Logan" (2017, Tatum played a major role and produced).

In the same period, the actor began to participate in the voicing of cartoons "Lego. Film "(2014, the role of Superman)," Lego Film: Batman "(2016) and" Life Book "(2014, the role of Hoakin Mondragone).

Another prominent work of the actor was the main role in the militant "Storm of the White House" (2013), after which critics wrote: "The picture undoubtedly wins thanks to the energy and chemistry of the main characters, but the director Roland Emmerich still spoiled the impression of his narrative clichés and torn fighting scenes. "

Another memorable work was a fantastic fighter of Lana and Lily Vachovski "Climb Jupiter" (2015), in which Channing Tatum starred along with the charming cune. Critics rated this space opera not too high, but the younger generation liked the flying handsome hero with pointed ears. As a result, the actor received the nomination at once on Kids "Choice Awards, Teen Choice Awards and Anti-Sprinka" Golden Raspberry ".

In December 2015, a detective western was released

At the end of the "zero" years, Channing Tatum founded the 33andout Productions production company, and in 2010 she released the documentary "Earth Made of Glass" ("Glass Earth") dedicated to genocide in Rwanda in 1994. The picture was shown at the Trabek Film Festival and had a large public resonance.

Personal life Channing Tatum

During the filming of the breakthrough film "Step Forward", Channing Tatum began to meet with a partner shooting Jenna Duan (born on December 3, 1980). At the dawn, their novel Cenning did not hide that he did not plan to associate himself with serious relationships, and Jenna told him: "If you want to meet with others and be free, I do not mind anything, but then we will not spend time together, watch movies and etc". Three days of the jungle of the ruins, Channing came to her and admitted: "You know, I tried to be free, but I didn't stop thinking about you all the time."

July 11, 2009, after three years of happy relationship, the couple got married, playing a beautiful wedding in Malibu. In the summer of 2017, one of the journalists asked Chenning, in which the secret of them from Genna love and loyalty, and he answered: "Relations are changing all the time ... One year you need one thing, and then you need another ... not all It does not always happen perfectly, but you should want to solve this equation all the time. "

On May 31, 2013, the daughter was born in the family, Everly Elizabeth Meiselle Tatum. A few days after that, Cenning placed a photo of a dormant Jenna with his daughter in his blog and wrote: "I watched her mother in these first days, and it changed my life. She, until the last dash, remained all the same beautiful, sexy, funny and incredible girlfriend, in which I fell in love. But Prism turned, and I saw a completely new light in it, which I had never guess - the Light of Maternal Love. "

Channing Tatum now

The actor continues to actively film. In 2018, the third part of the comedy "Macho and Botan" is coming, quite expected by the audience. At the beginning of work on the film Tatum expressed doubt in his fate: "I'm not sure that the same joke will work for the third time, but let's see." In the same year, the animated film "Smalphut", in which he voiced the main character, a snowy man named Migo.

A little later, in 2019, the painting "Gambit" - a superhero film film based on comic about the people of X Marvel Comics, where Channing will play a major role, a mutant-gambler nicknamed Gambit. And as a producer, Tatum participates in the Chinese project on the filming of the film in Asia in Asia, the "Brother Zombie" comic.

In January 2018, Harper magazine "S Bazaar included Channing Tatum to the list of" 50 sexiest men of all time. "

Despite the Channing and Jenna Tatum, lived together for several years in marriage, still continue to surprise each other with bright romantic gifts and signs of attention. For example, one of the days of birth Channing Tatum's wife arranged a real mileage on New York's bars, in the latter of which a real surprise expected him - a dance show for the misconceptional rhythms of "dirt dancing", participation in which Jenna accepted. It is such in the evening that the pair remains loved and despite each other in spite of everything.

Dance Career Wife Channink Tatum

A native of Connecticut, by origin on the lion's share of Lebank, Jenna Lee Devan was born on December 3, 1980. Being a cheerful and mischievous child, Jenna still began to seriously engage in dancing. It was the dances forced the girl every day to run to the school for training and give this lesson all of themselves. A lot of heard about the exploits of Jenna Texas Secondary School Grapevine High School, where she was a cheerleader and managed to conquer many awards in dance competitions. In 1999, the Queen of Bala was even elected to Jenna Li Devin's graduation ball.

Another 16 years, Dance Talents Jenna were noticed by an agent for finding talent from Los Angeles, who gave a girl a business card and asked to call back when she would be in Hollywood. Immediately after school, Jenna decided to leave the father's house and went to enter the University of Southern California. However, the girl did not work out close friendship with university ducts. Immediately upon arrival in Sunny Los Angeles, she turned to a familiar agent, which began to search for castings and samples for the feeding of the dancers. With study was finished. Almost a few months after the long trial, Jenna was selected as a dancer for a 18-month round of Janet Jackson. And, as they say, suffered. After a tour with Janet, Jenna Li Delian's already mastered experience participated in the speeches of such famous performers as Ricky Martin, Justin Timberlake, Group N'Sync, Celine Dion, Tony Brequeston and others. Jenna also lit up on the screen in the wines on the song of Christina Aguilers "Not Myself Tonight". On Television, Jenna could be seen in the dancer's corpse in the Singer Pink show at the awards ceremony in America.

Acting career Jenna Li Devan

Since 2002, slow, but confident climb of Jenna at the height of cinemalessness. The girl starred in unlikely roles in such ribbons as "Curse-2", "Chick". Several times this novice actress could be found in episodic roles in the "Young and Consight" and Joey show. In 2005, Jenna Devian received his first major role in the horror movie "Tamara", where the girl played an embittered schoolgirl, who returned from the grave in order to take revenge on her classmates who mock her under her lifetime. After that, Jenne got a small role in the film with a famous actor Antonio Bandera "Keep Rhythm" (2006), which, however, did not gain great popularity.

A real breakthrough for Jenna Li Devin was the role of Clark's hole in the film "Step Forward", which also came out in 2006. In this picture, the girl managed to combine the two of its most stronger hobbies - dancing and acting skills. By the way, it was on the filming of this film Jenna and met his future husband - Channing Tatum, who was her partner on the set. Shortly after the completion of the filming, the couple began to meet. Having collected a fairly impressive amount, the film for some reasons received not quite positive critics reviews. However, this work has become for Jenna by that starting point, which allowed to further implement itself as an actress. In 2008, the girl receives a major role in the film "Love and extortion", then it is noticeable in the film "The Stunning Five: Texas Scandal in Support Group", as well as in the American Virgin Comedy, where Jenna had to work with a real professional Roby Schneider.

"Step forward" to the lucky future

As we said, Jenna Devian's real love found on the set of the film "Step Forward". This picture has become for young people a truly serious step in a career and in personal life. Passionate novel, which began on the set, continued beyond. After just three years after dating on July 11, 2009, Jenna and Channing got married. The wedding, which became a significant event not only in the life of young people, but also in the show business, was held in a private mansion in Malibu. The newlyweds swore in eternal loyalty to each other outdoors and fascinated all those present by the wonderful dance under the romantic composition "Somewhere Over The Rainbow".

Today, July 11, one of the most beautiful couples of modernity - actors Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewunn - Celebrates five years since his wedding. congratulates the star family and remembers the history of their romantic relationships, which originated in the rhythm of dance and under the sounds of music.

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Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewunn Meets in 2005, at the very beginning of their star journey. Having come to the casting of the film "Step Forward," they did not assume that this picture of dance and love would not only make them celebrities, but will lead to the creation of a family.

The success of Channing Tatum was a big luck. He was born in the small town of Callman of the American state of Alabama in the family of an employee of the airline Kay Tatum and the construction worker Glenn Tatum. By the time of the campaign on the first acting casting, he was already tried with a dozen of professions: he worked as a builder, a mortgage broker, seller of clothing and even a helper veterinarian. It turned out well with him and walk along the podium, demonstrating clothes.

Channing Tatum Up to the acting profession, Channing Tatum tried power in the model businessHowever, not these harmless parties still recall the handsome Tatum, and his other experience is a dancer. In Strip Club, Channing spoke under the name of Chen Crawford and had success in girls. Information about this surfaced when Cenning has already become a celebrity, but it did not scare the actor. "Yes, this is my past. I'm not shyring him," he said and together with Stephen Godberg engaged in the production of the painting "Super Mike" based on its strip-biography.

But the dance experience gained on the stage of the Strip Club was useful for him later - and when he passed the samples for the picture "Step forward", and when he starred in an autobiographical "super T-shirt."

Channing Tatum, 2005Jenna Dewann's fate was also invariably connected with dancing. In school, she was a cheerleader and coped with this quite successful. At 18, the girl moved from Dallas, where her family lived, in Los Angeles. There, Jenna began to actively attend film processors, in parallel, working on the dancer on the speeches of famous musical performers, and later put the choreography in their clips. She worked with N Sync, Justin Timberlake, Singer Tony Brekston, Celine Dion, Pink and other stars. The small roles of Jenna began to receive since 2002, but the real success came to it in 2006 after the release of the musical melodrama "Step forward."

Jenna Dewann film, who became the beginning of a popular franchise, drastically changed the life of Jenna. On the one hand, she met a man with all his life, a friend and beloved, her husband and father of her child - Channing Tatum, on the other - from now on, she turned out to be in the shadow of her wife, whose career many times surpassed her own. Although who knows, perhaps, if she did not become a wife of Tatum, no one would not remember about Dewann.

According to Chenning, Jenna always supported him, even when their life was not so fabulous. It is she who is obliged to many, because the multimillion contracts and the insane popularity of Tatum preceded a rather modest life. According to the actor, Dewunn helped him in difficult times and even paid for his apartment when he had no money.

Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewunn, 2005

Director of the film "Step Forward" Ann Fletcher, Jenna Dewann and Channing TatumThe fact that with this girl, as they say, on the way, Channing understood almost immediately. A few months after the completion of the filming in the film, they went to the first journey to Hawaii. Then there was one case with them, which turned out to be indicative for the actor's in love:

We were first in Hawaii and tried to find one waterfall. There was a trail for which we had to go about four and a half hours. At some point it became clear that we did not have time to go back to darkness, and we didn't even have lanterns. There was a pitch darkness, such that at a distance of the hand nothing to see. We ran back. Most people would start panicing and accuse each other: "It was your fault! Blah blah blah!" But Jenna was calm and balanced. We went out everything in the mud, found a beer in my bag, sat on the sideline and drank it together. Most actors and actresses are absorbed by the career and are constantly moving forward. Channing and I am ambitious, but our relationship is always in the first place. Day after day we say: "OK, how can we do this work together?" - tells the secret of "longevity" of their Union Jenna.

By the way, since the release of the first joint film, Jenna and Channning once again managed to work together. In 2011, the film "10 years later," in which they played a couple in love again.

How to make the fire of love do not go out, how not to get bored with each other and save the relationship with warm? Jenna and Channing are not afraid to talk about their feelings openly. It is easy to see that they are really good together, despite the rumors of discords arising from time to time.

Problems that sometimes occur in relationships, they decide playing. For example, Channing and Jenna have a trick:
We say: "How many points from 10 do you love me right now?" In response, it may sound: "I love you for six points." This means that there is a problem that we need to talk about.

Despite the strength of the relationship, they did not hurry for a long time to associate themselves with marriage. Only on July 11, 2009, the stars have played their secret wedding in Malibu - when passions lay down, and the attention of the paparazzi seized new young couples.

The bride was in a dress from Reem ACRA, the groom in an elegant costume from Giorgio Armani. The registration site was decorated with thousands of roses, hydrangeas and fuchsia color orchids. His first dance beloved performed to the music of the Hawaiian artist Israel Kamakawiwo "Ole - Somewhere Over The Rainbow. Remembering the wedding, Channing says:

I remember how I was nervous when I was going to say the words of my oath. I felt that I was about to faint. This is very important, because you pronounce those words that will be with you all your life. The wedding became a wonderful holiday, but did not change anything in the life of the couple, because in fact for several years before they lived like a real family.

Channig Tatum and Jenna Dewann in the storeQuestions about how they manage to stay still in love with each other, Channing says that it's all about surprises and attention.
If you love a person, just find out how to make it happy. For example, write a note and put it somewhere. Do something that makes him laugh. It is not so difficult - pay attention and take care. Channing and Jenna again danced together in 2012

To be romantic Channing fell not only in life, but also on the screen. In the cinema, he was increasingly offered to play in love, and his partners became beauty-actresses - for example, Amanda Seyfried in "Road John" and Rachel Makadams in the "oath". Surprisingly, as with this state of affairs, it is possible not to quarrel due to the notorious jealousy.

The first "pregnant" photo Jenna Dewann
Jenna Dewunn and Channing Tatum on a walk with dogsCening Tatum and Jenna Dewunn, 2013In early 2013, when Jenna appeared on one of the events with a rounded belly, it became impossible to hide - a couple of Dewunn Tatum was waiting for a child!

The firstborn pair was born on May 31, 2013. Channing and Jenna became the parents of the charming girl Everly.

Cening and Jenna with Everly daughterAccording to Jenna, her spouse became a stunning father:

Every time he comes to her, starts singing, dance around, she laughs. She literally glows when he sees him!
By the way, she herself after giving birth could not complain about the absence of attention from her husband. Moreover, she managed to come into the form in a matter of weeks.
I danced 22 years, every day for 7 hours. So I was lucky, and my body quickly returned to the previous form. Although I had to make efforts - I began to engage in strength training and Pilates. Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewann, 2014About paternity Tatum began to tell almost every interview. For example, in an interview with Ellen Degensheres, he came up with a special word for his state - FAPPY, meaning "full and satisfied daddy".

We hope that the couple Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewann will continue to please us with their happy marriage and will lead some more pretty kids.