Frank and passionate woman taurus. Taurus woman: characteristics, main features, suitable partner

Frank and passionate woman taurus. Taurus woman: characteristics, main features, suitable partner
Frank and passionate woman taurus. Taurus woman: characteristics, main features, suitable partner

She is the personification of the house: soft, patient, cozy, economic girl who knows the price and purpose of any thing. Taurus lives on the same planet as everyone else, but only she manage and look great, and well save, and still furnish your home with different useful things. Our heroine is not the brightest representative of the beautiful half: she does not like to shine in public, and indeed it takes time at home. But it is this lady that is a dream of any man who is looking for not a misfortune of adventure, but a real custodian of the hearth. And which satellite needs her - stars tell about it.

Taurus (lat. "Taurus") - the second sign of the zodiac, which is adjacent to the on the left and the twins on the right. These people were born in the spring, when the agricultural season is already in all ripples. It is no coincidence that element Taurus - Earthwhich means hardness of intentions, human practicality, clear plans and tireless movement forward, despite the external pressure. Caller is called bull, because it is symbol of this sign of the zodiac. Bull It personifies persistence, unreleased will, the ability to bring the started to the end and of course, a large supply of patience.

Flows of luck Taurus are all bright spring shades - blue, orange, bright yellow, lemon. But the red, on the contrary, is too bright for this sign of the zodiac, therefore it is a symbol of failure for him. Stones talismans, coasting and patronizing our heroin - agate, pink quartz, zircon, onyx, lazuli and. Managing Planet - Romantic Venus. It is its influence that one interesting phenomenon can be explained, which manifests itself in the life of each girl's girl: seemingly closed and even cool, in fact she keeps the whole ocean feelings inside him. Just this lady escapes its emotions to give them only the most.

It is no coincidence that all famous girls born under the sign of the Taurus are distinguished by special internal magnetism. They are not inclined to immediately disclose all their cards, but as if they specifically protect the supply of passions for the most important point. This Penelope Cruz and Jessica Alba, Linda Evangelist and Megan Fox, Marina Vlad and Audrey Hepburn, Mind Tourman and Barbra Streisand, Irina Saltykov and Alina Kabaeva. The list can be continued almost indefinitely.

Woman Taurus: what stars see it

Describe the type of our heroine and simply, and hard at the same time. On the one hand, it is a predictable lady with clear thoughts and concrete plans. Taurus does not tend to change his opinion every day, and over the years, its character, rather, does not change, but simply enriched in experience. On the other hand, our heroine has a rich inner world in which he saves everyday emotions, mixed with dreams and concrete plans.

The surroundings see it a balanced, calm lady, which firmly goes to its goal and at the same time tries not to conflict with others. And what a stars see her - about it next.

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Pragmatic and conservatism

If you want to win a decent amount in the casino and get rich, you are definitely not on the way with the Taurus. This lady tolerate can not risk. She is for a rational approach to life, because I am sure that the tit in his hand is better than the crane in the sky. Taurus always has a plan A and plan in, she does not dare in search of fresh ideas, because this lady has a response to almost any development scenario.

Family commitment

Family, home and hearth - here it is, the Great Triad of our heroine, the limit of her dreams. Yes, Taurus simply loves to be at home, equip it, because it is in the native walls she feels completely safe. You can say: everything that she does is exclusively for the sake of the house. Indeed, such a wife is a find for a business man.

Go like a dear road

Our heroine of sharp turns and dubious experiments does not like. In all, she prefers clarity and certainty. Therefore, if it meets on its path too generous, and therefore suspicious suggestions, then without special hesitation rejects them. Stability and rationality - here is its formula for success.

Attitude to work and money

Taurus loves money because it is in them she sees the basis of his safety. She is not a greedy, not selfish, but appreciates material comfort, for which it is ready to make maximum effort. Taurus - definitely not a transcription, in her house - only the necessary things. Yes, and to its savings, it refers to the highest degree carefully. Just our heroine knows the price of work, the price of each subject and each coin. She very much respects people who have just achieved personal labor in the world, after all, they correspond to her ideal ideas about life.

Uma Thurman

As for the work, the calf is more important to specific classes, as well as to creative activities related to the arrangement of the house. It is inspired by design, needlework, agriculture, sale of real estate and cars.

What a man needs a woman to calm

Taurus girl usually do not wear pink glasses, it reflects on specific plans and real people. The strong side of this lady is that it can distinguish its own dreams from life truth. Therefore, a man presents very earthly demands. To understand what satellite is suitable for her, you need to remember the psychology of this lady. She is a supporter of traditional views, and the main goal of her life is to create a strong, friendly family.

It is necessary to say that the satellite of life our heroine chooses incredibly carefully. She will not bind her life with a man doubtful, changeable, uncertain. Specific signals, rational suggestions are important to the calf, because it cannot be real confidence, she is sure. From the point of view of stars, the type of her men must correspond to several conditions:

  1. First of all, it is a balanced, calm person with iron nerves. Taurus is not inclined to rush hysterics or provoke a man because it considers such behavior at least strange. Especially she does not wait for whims and emotional victims from representatives of strong sex. Our heroine is convinced: the perfect man is reliable, strong and at the same time with a big, kind heart.
  2. Caltz is very important that her man be extremely true. Few people guess that she is the owner. Our heroine of someone else will not take, but also will not give it. She was accustomed to live according to accepted standards, move along its lane and do not interfere with others. Despite the fact that it is distinguished by almost angelic patience, per minute of anger, it can turn into a real furious bull. Therefore, the potential chosen one is not worth checking it on strength, giving reason to doubt its loyalty.
  3. The partner of Taurus must certainly be hardworking. Interestingly, our heroine such men not only please, but in some plane they even excite. For her, hard work, effort is useful, great and even sexy. A person who is accustomed to live on modest income and not having his ambitions is unlikely to build a strong alliance with this girl.
  4. Finally, the partner of Taurus is simply obliged to have the ability to negotiate. Yes, do not forget that despite the external courtesy, the Taurus is the most stubborn of the signs of the zodiac. Therefore, if a man is falling, who loves to argue, the union will hardly be strong.

How does not behave with the Taurus

Taurus is quite difficult to offend, because this lady has a rather balanced, low-key temperament. She tries to not pay attention to minor misunderstandings and generally accepts people as they are. Taurus - by no means idealist, it comes only from practical experience. And all the speculations about the ideal qualities of super heroes, she considers no more than a beautiful fairy tale.

Audrey Hepburn

Another reason for its sustainability is a giant patience, which are distinguished by almost all calves. Yes, our heroine really does not suit scenes on trifles. But here you need to have one important feature - if you abuse it with trust, sooner or later the real fire will begin. Outbreaks of anger of Taurus is a real hurricane, which is definitely not worth provoked. And in order not to bring the situation to the extreme, you can just listen to simple and invaluable star tips:

  1. If you are in union with a taurus, appreciate your happiness - after all, your companion is distinguished by exceptional loyalty. Therefore, you should not file any unnecessary reasons. This is the right way to slowly extinct relationships. Taurus supports connections only with reliable people, and betrayal considers the most terrible sin.
  2. Do not argue with Taurus. The point is useless and also takes a lot of time and strength. Taurus does not argue for each occasion. She confidently defends his position only if it is firmly confident in it. And this means that she has long checked everything. Better listen to her advice or at least not express your protest too sharply.
  3. Finally, do not torfer the Taurus. All of her loved ones are known that this lady loves to nail. And the reason is that it just carefully plays all the nuances to take the right decision. Taurus can only be inspired, carefully by one, but she will express his opinion independently, without helpers.

Who comes up to the calf, and who is not very

Taurus is a classic lady, so it is not surprising that she is looking for an equally classic man. On the one hand, she loves to communicate with different people, because they fill her life with new paints. But as for close friends, and even more so the satellite of life, here our heroine comes to his choice extremely responsible. It is not surprising that she will give a potential candidate many checks that he is simply obliged to pass. On the other hand, it can only make sure of the reliability of his cavalier and fully entrust his heart.

And so that it was easier for her to navigate in our diverse world, the stars offer their opinion on the compatibility of the Taurus with representatives of other signs of the zodiac:

  1. If the girl is looking at the family as a strong team that goes to new tops and gradually increases his wealth, she should pay attention to representatives of their own earthly elements. The most preferable to the Union with a classic man who firmly knows what he wants from life, and no less firm towards achieving its goals. Capricorn does not need care - he himself will gladly take the lady of the heart under his wing. The Taurus also will also please a hardworking man who loves to work and increase family capital. A union looks good with its own zodiac sign. That's just two extremely important to learn how to negotiate and give up, because the combination of two bulls is a rather complicated combination.
  2. If the calf is most likely to feel the family comfort, tenderness and care, she should pay attention to the representatives of the aquatic signs of the zodiac. It will give her a lot of attention, the fish will become a personal psychotherapist, thinly feeling the slightest mood swings. And it will be able to take the honorable place of the head of the family, because thanks to the inner strength this man will be able to conquer the heart of our heroine.
  3. Interest, although the Union of Women's Taurus with fiery men is complicated. Immediately take her under his guardianship and turn into a real queen. The combination of these heroes is very good because there may be a real sexual passion between them. In addition, the Taurus will never claim the role of the owner of the family, and the lion will not give up the championship, therefore there is no interest in this regard. As for other fiery signs, the situation is somewhat more complicated. The stubborn can constantly enter into conflicts with a taurus, just only to prove its only true (as it seems) the point of view. But with his burden for adventure - frankly the wrong man who will please our heroine, preferring the stability and predictability of family life.
  4. Finally, the unfortunate can be considered the combination of the Taurus with the air signs of the zodiac. Of course, there are pleasant exceptions, but they are rare. It seems a strange to the calf, albeit an interesting person. See for her too inconstant. Union with a man may fail due to financial differences. If the Taurus prefers to acquire only useful things, then the scales can spend money on frank excesses, which incredibly grieves our heroine.

Taurus in bed

Taurus is a classic lady. Easy, mysterious, unobtrusive. Even the most active representatives of this sign are always waiting for a male initiative, as they are firmly convinced that everything should go their own to the plan of nature itself. Taurus excites everything related to nature. Full darkness with shimmering candles, sex in the spring garden with full privacy, and even better - on the old romantic lake, where you can stay in one and go to passions.

In bed, this lady is a real fire, that's just it is important to choose the key to her. Taurus does not reveal all his secrets like this right away. Yes, preliminary preparation is very important for her, the thoughtfulness of all the action. You can say for sure that it will reveal all their secrets only to someone who really loves. Taurus subconsciously believes that passionate sex is her award for a strong man.

Woman Taurus - a dream of a classic gentleman, a man who is looking for a reliable companion, which will not let down in large or in small. The path to her heart is quite long, but the game is exactly worth the candle.

Earth element signs are distinguished by enviable stability and confidence. One of these characters is the Taurus is an amazing representative of the zodiac series. Women-Tales are an example of the highest wisdom embodied in gentle, but strong creating.

Those who have not met perfect people should get acquainted with Taurus, the sign of the zodiac woman, whose characteristic amazes flawlessness.

Characteristic of the sign

Being under the auspices of a strong and courageous calf, women acquire unprecedented internal power unprecedented signs.

From early childhood, this girl demonstrates stamina, exposure and calm. This is an athlete and excellent, bright and intellectual. Her nester sadness on occasion bad marks. From an early age, she used to perceive failures as an experience, and not as a defeat.

Even matured, this young feature perceives difficulties and obstacles as a simulator for personal growth. This is a young fighter that has to fill a lot of cones and get a useful experience.

Female Taurus always stands hard on the legs. She is confident in herself, his capabilities and ready to achieve everything that will need her for a comfortable life. It is not inclined to dramatize and exaggerate. All events perceive calmly, providing fate a chance to lead her in life literally by the hand.

Advancedes perceives calmly. Stalling withstands all the blows of fate. Externally unbelievable, but behind the stone wall indifference is kept by a trembling sensitive soul, in need of understanding and empathy, which is not alien to the very sign of the Zodiac Taurus.

Female Taurus needs loved ones as in the air. It surrounds itself with warm and honest people, instantly determining the sincerity of their intentions. Does not tolerate lies and falsehood. This is the only thing that can take this lady out of themselves. Once upon a time, you will never return to the circle of loved ones of this person.

It should be noted that women are very jealous. This is the owners in its pure form. They fully master the partner, requiring reciprocity from it. At the same time, they rarely strive for leadership, preferring only confidence in the devotion of half.

This woman appreciates comfort above all. In her house, it is always cozy, warm, and on the table necessarily there is a vase with candy. Tales adore the homely atmosphere. This is a temple of calm and a source of inspiration. All myself, this lady devotes to the arrangement of its nest. Such comfortable furniture and delicious tea varieties you will not find anywhere else.

Career and work

Taurus belongs to employees who can be entrusted with absolutely any work. They are equally happy at the post of chief engineer and younger nurse. These are universal subordinates: practical, balanced and hardy. A woman will not complain about either routine or injustice. She is smart and knows his place. A description of its professional qualities can last for hours.

In work, they are characterized by slowness, so they better cope with complex tasks that require long and weighted solutions. Do not endure fuss and empty chatter. Sign representatives do not waste forces on contact with others, preferring to focus on achieving the goal.

As a boss, this woman acts as a wise and calm boss. She does not suit the planer and drain. Completely trusts subordinates. Sensuality helps her to forgive small mistakes to employees. Errors can happen for everyone, so there is no point in the scandals.

She is patient. Always goes on concessions and listens to the subordinate. But you should not sit by this boss on the neck: it will break out so suddenly that only memories will remain from the relaxed worker.

Love Tales

The characteristic of this lady is striking. The female Taurus stands in front of a strong half of the embodiment of femininity. This is a combination of the most exquisite manners, sharp mind and ability to store silence. Outwardly calm lady captivates the hearts of men with its density, slowness and confidence.

Having become closer, a man discovers an avalanche of feelings in this girl. This is a tender and passionate nature that trusts itself only to the chosen, opening the curtain of the deep inner world.

With all his self-confidence, the girl will not seem to see the chosen. She will present his own as masterfully that it will be interested even an earlier indifferent character. She knows how to fascinate, because it delicately feels like a person on the mental level. With one, it will be strict and inaccessible, and he falls. With another will behave like a cat, forever conquering his heart.

How to conquer her

The female Taurus is demanding of his chosen one, so it will not be possible to achieve it. It does not apply to the ladies that they rush to the outer of love with a weaken: the windows look at as much as it takes. Her eyes will affect the smallest details, starting with the aroma of the cologne and ending with the headscarf.

While this girl can afford to come on a date with a modest hairstyle, you must be perfect. And not only externally: the girl will pay attention to your soul. She does not tolerate petty, it is most inherent in generosity, so it expects such a feature and from the rest.

A man should be stronger than this girl. With such a strong character, it is difficult to find a partner who would be so hardly, so the calf girl is often disappointed in the opposite field. But finding a worthy partner, she is ready to reward his exemplary loyalty and to know the first-class comfort.

Being under the patronage of the Earth's element, the girl-girl is looking for the same reliable and power partner as she herself. She is alien flying in the clouds, so air signs are categorically not suitable for this lady. She is experiencing difficulties with fiery symbols. Being too sensitive, she will not always be able to delete their flames.

The strongest pair develops when this girl meets a male fish. He is calm, interesting and comfortable, as if the lady-Taurus itself. Its thoughtfulness, dreaminess and romance conquers the owner of the Rozhkin. Together, these signs create strong relationships, where there is no place of contradiction and insults. Calm of the Taurus perfectly fits into the habit of fish to arrange dramatic scandals. He treats small fish outbreaks with patience, because he himself does not alone sensitivity.

Another wonderful partner for this lady is cancer. He finds in a woman a stepie, hardness and feels under a reliable wing of her common sense. His resentment and whims dried next to a balanced partner. In addition, she sincerely appreciates the comfort, who is trying to create cancer, applying a lot of effort to this.

Good combinations:

It is worthwhile to beware of intimacy with such signs:

The remaining combinations can be attributed to neutral combinations. The outcome of such relationships always depends on the participants themselves. Fruit to make some efforts, signs will be able to get along with love and marriage.

Relations with men

A man with whom this woman will connect his fate will definitely be happy. There is no more attentive and understanding wife, rather than a lady-Taurus. She creates so comfortable atmosphere in the house that her chosen one will dry out the envy.

In her castle is always warm. This is the place where you want to come back in the evening. She is not scandalous and does not suit scenes on trifles. This is an understanding wife and a caring mother.

Despite Idilliya, some men manage to bother next to this woman. That is why Scorpioule is not advised to marry the Taurus. He adores provoke a partner on emotions, and this girl cannot tolerate it. If the partner still decided to get to his wife, he was better to reconsider several speeches of the bullfighter, because they will have to participate in this Berrida, the bull in which will be a Taurus girl. What is she in anger, it is better not to know anyone.

This is a wise woman. She never spends on trifles. You will not hear jealous reproach without reason. She herself loves to communicate with the opposite sex, so calmly refers to such behavior.

The only thing that will bring it out is real treason. Taurus will never forgive you infidelity. Even if it remains near for a while, its relationship completely will change the vector. You do not recognize your wife, and better you do not experience her patience. Taurus is terrible in rage.

Women's health

Earth signs pretty strong in health plan. They have no need for the time to run in doctors. These are strong and hardy people with a high pain threshold.

Such stamina can play with a woman with a dick joke. Diseases, occasionally disturbing ladies-calf, can grow into chronic. She was not used to paying to his physical state of sufficient attention, so often launches the most banal sores.

Most frequent problems:

A woman under the sign of Taurus is an amazing combination of femininity and strong will. This is a wonderful character who should take an example of the rest of the horoscope representatives.

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From nature, the woman's Taurus owns all the necessary devotional qualities that allow it to conquer the hearts of absolutely any men. A woman under the constellation of the Taurus looks always luxurious and stunningly, she has charm and wisdom, which allows you to cope with absolutely any role in life - a great friend, beautiful wife, caring mother or responsible workers.

general characteristics

Woman to Caltz has such basic character traits such as accuracy, seductive, elegance. She is very clever, the sixth sense is well developed from nature. She always feels where the female charm will be appropriate to achieve the desired goal. Woman Taurus immediately does not demonstrate to people their inquisitive mind, putting them in confusion. Therefore, those often underestimate its potential and reset it early.

Constellation Taurus gives a woman with a huge excerpt and tranquility, it is very quickly tied to people. But the presence of common sense does not allow her to lose his head from love. A woman born under the sign of the Zodiac Taurus can easily recognize deception or attempts to mislead. If he sees the sincerity of people in relation to himself, it will be reciprocating them. Woman with the zodiac of the Taurus is characterized by increased emotionality. But at the same time, its huge inner force allows it to keep her own feelings and experiences under control and not to demonstrate others at the right moment. It is easy to find a common language with all, even unpleasant personalities. But with the latter, she simply will try not to communicate in the future, without demonstrating their antipathy, dislike or even negative attitude.

A woman is capable of creating around himself such a favorable environment that will be comfortable for people. Therefore, they actively begin to pull it. From the woman of the Taurus they want to get a pleasant communication, useful advice, warmth, care and attention. She has a very volitional and strong character, so it is capable of, like men, solve any complex questions. But from nature, the girl is so wise that it will not demonstrate the partner inner power, and will remain defenseless, tender and feminine.

Taurus sign character features for a woman:

  • does not require anything supernatural from the surrounding people, takes them by any;
  • the relationship with the woman's female is always lungs and pleasant, in communication it remains always attentive, friendly and sensitive to others and their problems;
  • avoids secular society, it feels uncomfortable in him, he does not like him for snobbery and spraying;
  • always notices talented people, their achievements and success refers without envy;
  • praise applies smoothly and calmly. This comes from the fact that the woman is a realist, looks objectively for all things. Quietly belongs to the fact that people in something can be better or more successful than she.

Characteristic and feature of the woman's female is that in everything she is guided by common sense. It is not in a hurry when making decisions. If anything really interests a woman with the constellation Taurus, it calculates possible development options, the future is beneficial, practical benefit from the planned and only after that takes care.


Woman Taurus Compatible with other zodiac signs:

  1. Compatibility for a woman's female with a man will be rather controversial. A man with this sign can be support for it, support and defender. Stars can power them a calm and happy dimension life. Difficulties can cause stubbornness that is present in the nature of both signs. The constant struggle for leadership in the Union will not lead to anything good. A woman is distinguished by tolerance, which sooner or later ends, pouring into serious conflicts.
  2. In the Union, where two calves there are a lot of common - interests, views on life, the worldview. They equally plan the future, have similar needs and character traits. From the side such a duet will seem boring and uninteresting. But inside the pair will reign comfort and harmony. They both appreciate the measured lifestyle and achieve agreement in everything. But the same as in the case of the first union, stubbornness can become their enemy and destroy relationships.
  3. Union of the Men Twin and Women Taurus can be found very rarely. But they can create a happy couple, strong and prosperous family. The leader's position will get in a pair of a man, but the woman will still control it. Conflicts in this pair are frequent satellites, since the woman taurus appreciates stability and reliability, it is difficult for her to understand the frivolity of her husband. And the spouse, in turn, will bother the slowness of his wife.
  4. The ideal compatibility of signs in a woman's woman with a man cancer. This happy union can cause envy in many people. In this pair, there is all: and mutual understanding, and love, and passion, and complete harmony in finance. But in this union, both representatives of the sign are bad for concessions, because of which the offenses are accumulated, which are poured into scandals. If people learn to respect each other's feelings, they will be perfect in the family.
  5. With Lvom, the woman's female will have a very troubled relationship. Passions are constantly raging in their pair. For a woman, a man Lion is a mentor and defender. She is for him wise support and support. If the guy and the girl learn to find exceptionally positive moments in their relationship, they will be able to save them. However, the struggle for the championship in a pair will never subscribe.
  6. With a man, the virgin girl under this zodiacal constellation will be able to create a practically perfect pair. These two realistic people appreciate the consistency in their lives, perfectly comply on this soil. The championship in a pair will take on the lady Taurus, and the man will submore it. The house will always be full order, cleanliness and comfort. A man with such a woman will find the life that so much. The male Virgin also should not be an excerpt for his spouse, as she has no eternal patience.
  7. With a man weighing a woman under the constellation, the Taurus will be very difficult to create a strong pair. They constantly pursue quarrels and scandals. If they still succeed in finding a compromise, then it is possible to form a good relationship. They always have common goals - they seek to gain comfort and stability in life. However, otherwise their interests will be different. A man scales being a minider, loves a rampant lifestyle. Woman Taurus is a custodian of the hearth, the hostess in the house, does not understand such behavior. There are serious scandals and even divorce in a pair.
  8. The Union of Taurus and Scorpio is the relationship of two self-sufficient and strong personalities. Leadership is given to a man, and idyll ends when the woman is starting to try to take a leading position. Both partners are owners, therefore, there are often elevated requirements for each other. Over time, relationships will start rushing due to frequent quarrels and scandals.
  9. With a man, a shooter in a woman, the Taurus is obvious incompatibility. It is very difficult for them to find something in common. For a woman, Taurus and man Sagittarius simply an incomprehensible character with whom in family life will not be laid. From her scandals, he will run to his friends. But they still have a chance to save the family if there is at least the slightest sense of sympathy.
  10. With a Capricorn woman, the Taurus will be ready to immediately enter into marriage, like he himself. Their life is waiting for a calm, measured, without emotional bursts and shocks that they will be arranged. Both are painstakingly achieve the goal. In the family, the girl is pleased to give the brethren of the board of Husband Capricorn. The horoscope for the girl is the best compatibility. Therefore, in a pair, there is practically no disagreement, but it is worth protecting their relationship from the interference of relatives.
  11. With a man, a woman also has a really compatibility with a woman. They appreciate the qualities of each other who lack themselves. Together they achieve much more goals than one one. If the partners are not expressing their discontent in relation to each other, the Union will be very strong.
  12. With fishes for a girl born under the sign of the Taurus, it is possible to connect life only if both partners want it strongly, work on themselves. A man of fish will inspire his chief, will help her perceive the world in new rainbow tones. But the chosen will begin to dig in the soul of the partner, which does not like the fish closed in nature. The partner will simply begin to remove, close, and the woman will fall to him with indifference. Therefore, over the years, their feelings can cool.

In love

In a woman, the Earth is the Earth Earth, so she is looking for an earthly relations in love. For a woman, the Taurus in love is important comfort, comfort and financial stability. In relations, it appreciates constancy. By the horoscope Woman Taurus will choose ordinary earthly joy, but it will not turn in the clouds, invent the transcendental dreams. Among their cavaliers, she would prefer someone who in love can satisfy all the needs of the Woman of the Taurus.

She does not hide that a good financial situation is very important for it in a partner. Therefore, it will be more likely to whose financial condition will be the best. But not only plays the main role in love for the woman of the Taurus. She is also important and the prospects of a partner. The girl will be converged with a partner for a long time, as it does with any new people. She holds his soul for a very long time closed and the first to open it will not be. To fully trust the chosen one can only through a sufficient amount of time.


Horoscope Taurus Woman demonstrates that she is just born for family relationships. In marriage, the woman's fever rarely occur conflicts, disagreements, quarrels, misunderstandings. She is able to compromise, the chosen one will always appreciate, respect and maintain, will not pay attention to many flaws due to its patience. But it will definitely not be able to forgive the woman under the sign of Taurus treasure, betrayal and deception. Since herself is very devoted and faithful, it requires both partner of the same.

Marriage for the woman of the Taurus is a very serious and responsible step to which it is suitable with all the calculation. The girl will enter into marriage only with a reliable, responsible man who divides her interests and views on life.

Taurus woman generously gifted by nature. This is one of the most beautiful women among all the signs of the zodiac. It is distinguished by powerful sexual energy and the desire to be in the spotlight. It was always deservedly, it was always the subject of dreams of male representatives.

Basic character traits

Woman Taurus, whose characteristic can be placed in the words "True Woman", has a living mind, is attentive and pleasant interlocutor. She is calm, restrained and behaves with great dignity, never allowing sharp or gross statements into someone's address and not allowing this to themselves. External beauty This sign combines with an iron will, force and patience.

Thanks to the high excerpt, such a woman rarely comes out of himself, but does not like at all when she objects. Therefore, others do not need to abuse her patience. Any childcracker criticism or claims can cause an offense and entail a rapid reaction. And, if it happens again, the woman's taurus can turn into an unbearable and malicious creature. With age, it becomes more powerful, severe on the rise, pathologically loving luxury.

Features appearance

Taurus girl is always fresh, beautiful and graceful. It is distinguished by natural charm, smooth movements, a calm soft voice and a look. She has tender shining skin and elegant bust. Its society can cause the most pleasant feelings and acts simply peaceful.

Thanks to a good taste, she skillfully chooses cosmetics and perfumes, dresses well. At the same time, it can not go beyond the budget. Its weak place - decorations and luxury items. Fur and diamonds simply hypnotize this zodiac sign in women's guise.

Ladies-carts have magnificent forms and a thin waist, prone to completeness. Usually slender in youth, having married, having gaining the second half and relaxing, they cease to close weight and often fully fulfill that they do not spoil them.

Attitude to work

Despite emergency femininity, knows how to work well. In this women help patience, composure, willpower. All they have to do, they are doing pleasure, seeking to get satisfaction from the final result.

Women who are accompanied by this zodiac sign, wish to be well-supplied materially, so scrupterous belongs to the choice of the main activity. But from all classes that can bring good income, they choose what the soul is really lied. After all, it is difficult for them to simply deny working hours without getting satisfaction from work.

It is well suited to such women work psychologist, secretary, social worker, pharmacist. A less suitable is the profession of the Seller, but it can also bring pleasure, if something related to the Earth is to be sold.

Features of behavior in love

Woman Taurus in love herself looking for a partner. Too annoying Cavalers will not wait for her favor. She does not need a teacher to master the art of Flirt.

Non-verbal sexual signals, it exudes spontaneously, it turns out as natural as breathing. The powerful attractive force of its charm and sexuality causes the appearance of a whole stream of men seeking to more close communication with it. Excellently developed intuition inherent in such ladies helps immediately cut off unsuitable applicants and somehow streamline dating.

A characteristic feature that this zodiac sign imposes on women is jealousy.

Teltsy - the vengeance and a feeling of jealousy are well acquainted. Until some, she closes his eyes to his suspicions, but when the bowl is overflowed, the culprit has to regret bitter, because she is terrible in anger.

This zodiac sign prefers wealthy partners, just as generously gifted by nature. Beauty and impeccability are mandatory requirements for them, but also quite desirable is a fat wallet. Such ladies prefer exquisite signs of attention, and the best way to courtship for them is classic - expensive gifts, restaurants, relaxation in the best places, etc.

A man who could not interest her in bed can not hope for a long relationship. To primitive sex, a tauris woman refers to contempt. She herself can give partners as wide as possible of sexual pleasures.

The best way as a partner is suitable for such a sign of the zodiac as Virgo.

Family Behavior

Girl Taurus will be a wonderful companion of life. It will be able to respect her man and not claim to lead the family. She sees a life purpose to be a good support for her strong half, an exemplary mother and hostess. The ability to keep the house is a distinctive feature characterizing this zodiac sign. In their home, they are always comfortable and order, they are extremely hospitable, which refers, however, only to those guests who appeared at the invitation.

Kids occupy a particular importance in the life of the Taurus-Woman. It devotes them most of his free time, all love and care. Her children see a reliable protection in the face of Mother, realizing that she is always ready to come to their aid. Good and trusting relationships both with daughters, and with sons, she retains his whole life, while remaining a model of love and loyalty for them.

By nature, alas, the calf is prone to polygamy. She easily can have several lovers immediately and, not wanting to lose some of them, everyone gives it to their feelings. In this regard, the family life of representatives of this sign of the zodiac can be unstable. But truly loving woman-taucher rarely changes the spouse.

To create a family, in addition to the Virgin, she is well suited for cancer and Capricorn.

Famous Women Tales

Nata Karlin July 27, 2018, 19:04

Tales are women for whom Nature did not shake at the best. They are beautiful, energetic, charming And in any company seek to become the center of attention. Full deservedly women are the subject of undisguised in the interest of men.

The most important characteristic of a woman-taurus on the sign of the zodiac is restraint. Many ladies would like to acquire such ability, but not every thing is given. In addition, it is inherent calm, dedication, stubbornness, pride, desire for financial stability.

If you describe all the qualities of the ladies of this sign of the zodiac in a couple of words, the phrase "True Lady" is suitable as it is impossible

The character of the girl-taurus is very calm. It is always restrained, measured and thoughtful, will never allow himself a sharp verbal attack or insult to another person. At the same time will not tolerate such a relationship and to himself. External beauty is harmoniously combined with the power of will and angelic patience. She rarely goes out And, as a rule, these outbreaks are short-term. However, it is not necessary to experience her patience, the appearance can be deceptive, it is not infinite. The female Taurus does not forgive the insults, it is malicious and unbearable, if encroachment on her self-esteem occurs regularly. With the age of this lady, it is increasingly starting to like the luxury and comfort of his house, it is rarely able to make it possible to go on a journey, and can not be about moving to another place of residence and speech.

The girl is distinguished by a special, royal and calm grace, It is fully endowed with natural charm, pleasant manners and languid glance. In her society, many people acquire that the most calm and find the desired moral support. An innate feeling of taste and style allows it to choose only the best cosmetics and clothing, while saving. The lady of this sign of the zodiac simply adores chic and seeks to achieve welfare, with youth putting money. She needs a man who will provide a hazardous existence and can satisfy all needs.

Female Taurus is distinguished by royal and calm grace

As a rule, women-calf possess feminine forms are complete and do not give much importance to their own weight. It should be noted that extra kilograms do not spoil the impressions of the lady. The essence of a woman of this sign is to show the world, what is actually beauty and health, and not painful sitting on diets, poorly reflected in appearance.

Women-teltsy great workers. Success in his career helps patience, purposefulness and power of will

All the work they do if not with great pleasure, then with zeal and get true satisfaction from both the process itself and from labor results. However, from all activities, they will choose exactly the one that brings more income, regardless of whether he has to do or not.

Women's compatibility with other zodiac signs in love, marriage, friendship and work

Love for female Taurus is a serious, requiring accurate calculation and meaningful activities. Usually, she herself choose a partner. Never persistent Cavallar Clearing, which she considers non-prospective, will not lead to anything. The female Taurus is filled with sexual energy, and partners feel it without words. Using rational thinking and excellent intuition, it immediately sifts unnecessary cavaliers, making relationships with those who most suitable as a claimant on her hand and heart.

Love for Women-Taurus is a serious and meaningful occupation

The female Taurus is very jealous and the owner of nature. Watching the changed behavior of the partner, it expects a long time, keeping calm and driving obsessive thoughts. But sooner or later, these relationships can simply burst like a soap bubbleIf the bowl of the patience of Women's Taurus will overflow. In this situation, the perpetrator will have to be disadvantaged, because in anger the lady-Taurus is terrible. Return in the Lono of the family offended in their feelings the lady is unlikely to succeed.

In marriage, the woman of this sign of the zodiac is a great mistress, caring spouse and mom.

She cooks great because she loves to eat tasty itself and believes that the path to the heart of his beloved husband lies exactly through his stomach

As a satellite of life, the woman chooses the same generously gifted nature of people, as she herself. They are compatible with men in which external and internal beauty can be combined, good health and preferably fat wallet. This lady loves gifts, hiking on good restaurants and clubs, trips to beautiful places.

The female Taurus becomes an excellent life companion. She respects her man and will never claim leadership, if only he does not allow this. In the house of this woman always reigns the order and hovers the delicious aroma of preparing dishes. She loves guestsHowever, only those who are necessarily warn about their arrival.

Lady-Taurus loves gifts and trips to beautiful places

For the woman of this sign of the zodiac, the life of his own children is extremely important. She is completely immersed in their affairs and care, trying to live together with his children every hour. She always has fold warm and trusting relationships Both with daughters and sons.

Female Taurus Compatibility Table with other Western Horoscope signs in love, friendship, work:

Female Taurus and man:Compatibility in LoveMarriage compatibilityFriendship compatibility and work
a lionAverageAverageAverage

Female Taurus in bed - what is she?

Even in a relatively young age, the Taurus woman seems to be a wise life experience of the lady against the background of carefree and flirty peers. In sex it is fermented and passionateHowever, without unnecessary romanticism. It should be noted that a man who did not conquer her at the first intimate date, completely loses his chance to master the second time.

Women-carts are distinguished by a special sensuality that they put over all other manifestations in the love sphere. Of these, beautiful mistresses are obtained for those men who know how to feel the desires of the ladies, patient and calm.

They can be easily adjusted to the desires of the partner, while the level of return will be equal to the power of the sexual desire of a man

In sexual life in Women-Taurus, the best compatibility with cancer, left and twins.

How to win a girl-Taurus: all the way to conquering a heart

Men who had to face their vitality with a woman, immediately rushed into her eyes of Will and Charisma. At work this lady presents a serious threat to competitors, and rival in love is better not to get involved with it. Male lady-Taurus initially makes serious requirements. It is necessary to consciously comply with its criteria to be able to give her and apply for the favor of the lady. Very often, the calf woman chooses a man in satellites who have achieved certain heights in his career.

You can conquer the heart of a woman in the event if you are potentially able to achieve the desired, active and purposeful. Never of the lady of this sign of the zodiac will not pay attention to cattle, hum, packer and envious. She will not tolerate the Lodio, discussed from work with any ways. Next to the woman, the Taurus must be the perfect man who knows how and knows how to earn money. It must be absolutely sure that her offspring will grow in prosperity and prosperity.

At work, the Taurus woman presents a serious threat to competitors.

You can only fall in love with a lady with a sincere attitude and gifts. And the more expensive it is, the more attention will receive a worker. If you managed to get closer to the lady of this sign of the zodiac to the honorable distance "Friend", try hold her attention, becoming a real reliable support. Decide her problems and trouble, because for her dedication of a man - the main indicator of his love.

You are not so easy to seduce the woman. Even if you succeed, you seem to be her personal decision and desire.

The lady of this sign of the zodiac is very responsible to its reputation and will never come into an intimate relationship with an unfamiliar person.

How to understand that the girl-Taurus is in love: the main signs

The loving girl-taurus strongly tries to demonstrate its advantages. And without that impeccable appearance, it turns into a real work of art. She knows his advantages and disadvantages and focuses on first with enviable art. If she speaks with a man chosen as a beloved, it becomes smooth, soft, languid notes sound in a voice.

A woman under the sign of Taurus perfectly knows his advantages and disadvantages.

Her eyes are not on the moment do not come off from the subject of their passion. Even if she does not see a man, it seems that her eyes are everywhere, because the woman is literally skin feels the presence of a lover.

The main features of the behavior of the in love Women-Taurus are as follows:

  • it looks more likely in the mirror;
  • it looks just great;
  • her view is radiant and happy;
  • tries to cook something delicious to feel the fullness of the joys of the world;
  • shows interest in sports and their own figures;
  • buys new clothes.

Gift for Women Taurus: Options for Interesting Presents

Presents for a woman should be rational and reasonable From the point of view of rationality. For example, if you give the lady of this zodiac sign a huge bouquet of flowers, she just will not understand all the generosity of this gesture. But some categories of gifts will be really glad:

  • Hobby. If you religiously know that a woman has a certain hobby, try to please her by presenting something in the subject. For example, you will pleasantly get kitchen utensils, it will be pleasant to get kitchen utensils, objects for serving a table, a large encyclopedia with recipes or a set of exotic seasonings.

Gifts for women should be rational

  • Fashion. Taurus ladies belong to things with special trepidation. They have a wonderful taste, and they are always dressing stylish. If you know about the preferences of the ladies, boldly buy clothes, cosmetics, accessories, perfume. However, it should be borne in mind that all things should be high quality. If you are not familiar with it, you should not stop the choice on this option.
  • Interior. As a true mistress and the connoisseur of beautiful things, the woman's female will be delighted with high-quality and fashionable objects of furniture, home appliances. The limit of her dreams is an excellent car.

It is worth paying attention to jewelry and jewels

The ladies of this sign of the zodiac love all the beautiful and refined. However, a small golden ring can impress it less than a large set of stylish jewelry.