What program will lead Andrei Malakhov. Andrei Malakhov commented on his departure from the first channel: What happened? Actor career

What program will lead Andrei Malakhov. Andrei Malakhov commented on his departure from the first channel: What happened? Actor career
What program will lead Andrei Malakhov. Andrei Malakhov commented on his departure from the first channel: What happened? Actor career

Producer with Andrei Malakhov program "Let them say" Natalia Galkovich officially left the first channel. And now there will be a similar current show "Direct Ether" on "Russia". On the eve of the departure, she confirmed the information about the radical solutions of the team - to submit statements that were immediately signed by the leadership of the first.


"A total of 15 people left in the end .. - they have already found a replacement, shooting goes in normal graphics."

But if on the first everything seems to be settled, then on the "Russia" storm only begins .. - It's just that of her character and manner to lead that none of the members of the team wants to work. To avoid mass escape of employees, they decided to say that it would only come to stealing and planers, and not to lead. This, of course, is not true. "

As the site wrote, Andrei Malakhov was already presented to the team of "direct ether". This was forced to make Boris Korchevnikov, who was fired from the canal. The general director of Russia said the team that he led the "best leading country." And I went to all the conditions of Malakhov as creative and financial.

The figure of the TV host Andrei Malakhov, who seemed to become an eternal face of the evening television fleece on the first channel, in the summer of 2017, became one of the central in the news show business and media. An unexpected and rather sensational transition of Malakhov to a competing TV channel was hardly the main television event of the whole year. We learn why Andrei Malakhov left from the first channel, what are the latest news about his further fate.

The news that Malakhov, who recently led on the main television channel of the country's current show called "Let them say," leaves the team in which he worked exactly 25 years old, since 1992, it became so sensational that it was not Immediately believed.

Indeed, for a quarter of a century, Malakhov's figure, which grew out of the correspondent and the leading secular rounding of the morning ether in the lead, almost the most rated evening talk show, began to be associated with the channel inextricably, and to present Malakhov working somewhere else was unusual and surprising.

Rumors soon confirmed, and began speculation about the causes of care. Some said that Andrei Malakhov was constantly pressed, demanding more politics and state propaganda in his program.

Others told that the whole thing is that in the fall of Malakhov's wife waiting for a child, and the TV host volunteered to sit with the baby on maternity leave in the first years of his life, which he received a sharp and offensive refusal at the place of work.

What motives were moving Malakhov in reality and what happened lately behind the scenes of the first channel now, of course, we will not be religious. If you trust comments by Andrei Malakhov, he presented at about the next version of why he left the first channel.

According to Malakhov, the attitude towards him on the first button of Russian television over the years has not changed much.

He, as he came there with a young trainee, who boiled the coffee to the senior colleagues and ran to the store for alcohol for them, and was perceived by his colleagues as a character. Although, over the decades of work, Andrei Malakhov grew in a professional sense very noticeable, it was largely condescending to him, not allowing to become more than just a leading show.

At the same time, people like Ivan Urgant, who came to the canal much later, not only lead their programs, but also produce them, determine themes and guest guests, etc.

In short, Malakhov compared his career on the first channel with a marriage, which began on love, and ended with the habit and the calculation. At some point, the cup of patience is overflowing, and he decided to leave work.

Where is Andrei Malakhov now: the latest news

The situation could not not use the main competitor of the First Channel - Holding VGTRK, who called Malakhov to work on the channel "Russia". Malakhov is already working on this channel, where leads the program "direct ether".

The former leading of this Tok show Boris Korchevnikov went to lead the Orthodox TV channel. Malakhov himself in "Let them say" replaced the leading program "Time" Dmitry Borisov.

As they say, on the channel "Russia" Malakhov received much more freedom in his work. By the way, the lead refuted rumors that the cause of leaving the previous place of work was the pressure on the need to add to the policy of politics.

Just the opposite, Malakhov is glad that he can devote much more time to such topics, since it is quite difficult to keep the plank of interest in its show and high ratings on only secular and domestic scandals.

On social networks, the question of the departure of the famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov from the first canal, where he worked for more than fifteen years. At first he led the "big washing." Later Malakhov became the only and unmanned leading scandalous show "Let them talk." Now the management of the channel is looking for a new candidate who will replace Andrei Nikolayevich on his "post". According to rumors, the media center has already found the whole two such applicants. Who are they? Why does Malakhov leave the first channel? What awaits the show "Let them talk" in the future?

The program appeared in 2005 and became a large-scale "brainchild" Andrei Malakhov. It is worth saying that the transfer itself "let them say" is already associated with the name of its unmanned lead. This is a scandalous analysis of relevant life situations whose heroes are conventional people. The show quickly rose in the rankings, apparently, not without the participation of Malakhov, and also remains popular with Russian viewers so far.

In addition, the showman led another gear - "Tonight." He is also the editor-in-chief of the glossy publication about the stars, and also enters the thirty richest Russian celebrities, earning about a million rubles annually.

Everything seemed to be fine, but then the Internet spun the news that the first channel seems to be replaced by Malakhov. By the way, negotiations are conducted at once with several candidates. Their names are not disclosed, but there is an assumption that Dmitry Shepelev can be one of them. The press service of the resource says that they are not included in the circle of media persons.

If "let them say" will lead a new, less well-known lead, what is waiting for the program? Maybe the transfer format will change a bit. In addition, changing Showman can lead to a drop in the ratings of the program. On social networks, they argue about how Russian grandmothers will live without a favorite transfer, which can always be concerned.

Earlier, information was published that Malakhov would never cease to be leading, simply change the channel and will lead "live broadcast" on Russia 1, which is part of the Holding of VGTRK, and will replace Boris Korchevnikov. The latter, according to rumors, plans to leave the program by the end of the summer to take the position of the proposal of the religious channel "Savior". But later, this information was denied, since while the leadership of Russia 1 is on vacation.

Initially, Korchevnikov wanted to combine "pleasant with useful" - and channel to produce, and leading to remain. But he was advised to abandon these plans, because his place on the canal was now vacant. The question remains: will his Malakhov or another journalist take? True, the leadership "Russia 1" has motifs to "relocate" the lead.

At the same time, the "potential" candidate for the replacement of Malakhov, Showman Dmitry Shepelev said that he had no information about leaving the lead from the channel. He asks to ask about it in the administration. Shepelev already has a transmission that he constantly leads, because he has no need to go to a new place. An employee of one producer center says that the latter could not "squeeze" a permanent acting person "Let them say" (he does not have the format) and it sounds ridiculous, because this option is unlikely.

In addition, the source claims that the canal really appreciate Malakhov and if something had not satisfied him, the leadership of the first could go to him for concessions, because his project has been considered one of the most rating and recognizable. In this regard, the program "Let them say" the channel cannot close in any way, how to dismiss the authoritative leading Malakhov.

Familiar showman voiced three possible reasons for the fact that Andrei Nikolaevich will still leave the number of employees of the First Channel. The fighting of them is that against the background of the conflict with the producer of Natalia Nikonova Malakhov, it simply "fills its price" and wants to achieve special powers and permission to create its own author's program.

The second option suggests that a well-known TV presenter can really go to "Russia 1". There he can organize his own project and implement it. It is worth noting that, according to experts, Malakhov will not be left without work, because he has a huge credibility of trust in advanced Russian channels. The mostly discussed TV presenter is now on vacation. Yesterday, he published a photo in the social network, on which he walks along the beach. On the site of his edition of Starhit, nothing is reported to the possible caring of the lead from the first channel, whose face has become.

Malakhov continues to enjoy the right holiday. Together with his wife Natalia Shkuleva, he flew to the resort and sunbathes under the sun of the Saint-Tropez on the best beaches. Yesterday's video of the host users of the social network commented on phrases: "That's how it is cheating away from the first channel," Andrei, heard a rumor, you leave the first channel. Is it true? "," Is it true that you go to work from the first to VGTRK? ". But in the microblogue, Telumir did not give any of the questions asked. Apparently, holds intrigue.

Former leading transmission "Live " Boris Korchevnikov does not leave with " Russia 1 ". It will lead on the channel to the transmission, the name of which is still kept secret.

In the last ether "Direct Ether" Korchevnikov also admitted that he would lead the Orthodox TV channel " Saved. He held a show along with Andrei Malakhov - the new leading transfer, which was called "Andrei Malakhov. Live Ether."

The theme of the program, which came on August 25, became a frank conversation of the former leading transfer with the new one. They talked about family life - Korchevnikov complained Malakhov for loneliness. Malakhov, whose wife is now waiting for the first child, reassured his colleague. Also, Korchevnikov admitted that he was sick. To overcome the sickness to him, the Father Zhanna Friske was wished - the video message sounded on the air.

In addition, Andrei Malakhov said that there will be many video blocks on the air. The first guest was the young blogger-pool of Polina Simonova. She brought Korchevnikov cake from his own cookie.

/ Friday, August 25, 2017 /

Former leading transmission "Live " on the TV channel " Russia 1 " Boris Korchevnikov headed the Orthodox Channel " Saved. He stated this in the release of the show, who spent together with the new leading - Andrei Malakhov.
Andrei Malakhov switched to " Russia 1 " from the first channel where he led the transfer "Let them talk ". The theme of the first program "Andrei Malakhov. A live broadcast was a frank conversation of the former and new leading transfer.
Earlier it was reported that Andrei Malakhov is going to become a father and go to maternity leave, so leaves the first channel. Later it became known that he went to work on the TV channel " Russia 1 ".

Boris Korchevnikov, a former transmission "Live " on the TV channel " Russia 1 "He complained about the loneliness of Andrei Malakhov, who passed from the first channel in his place.
Boris Korchevnikov spoke for the first time on the air of a personal life. The TV host confessed that he divorced and worries that he still did not meet his only and beloved:
"Andrei, I am 35 years old, and there is no family. Have you worried about this at this age?" - asked Korchevnikov. Malakhov replied that only now in 45 years for the first time he would become a father, so she calmed his colleague - nothing is not lost yet.
. . . . . Direct ether ": a frank conversation of the former leading transmission (which was called a little different) Boris Korchevnikov and the new - Andrei Malakhov. In the final, Boris must transfer the program to new reliable hands. Watch ether wrote three times longer, because TV presenters have come up.
Boris Korchevnikov now leads the Orthodox Channel " Saved.
. . . . . Later it became known that he went to work on the TV channel " Russia 1 "where Boris Korchevnikova replaced as a leading transfer "Live ".