Competition “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family! Competition “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family.

Competition “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!  Competition “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family.
Competition “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family! Competition “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family.

Sports event scenario

"Dad, mom, I am athletic A family".

Before the start of the holiday, music is played.

Look at us

A whole class has gathered here

Nearby are dads, mothers.

The dads left the sofas

Moms threw pots

And they pulled on the costumes!

Everybody wants to compete

Joke and laugh

Show strength, dexterity,

And prove your skill!

We are all happy about this meeting,

Not gathered for a reward

We need to meet more often

So that we all live together!


We are gathered here to compete in strength and agility, speed and endurance. And we also gathered in order to get to know each other better and make better friends with each other, to see what our children can do and what their parents can do.

It doesn't matter who wins this competition, the main thing is that we feel the atmosphere of the holiday. Let the simple words become the motto of our meeting today: “Inseparable friends - sports, parents and children

Inseparable friends

There is in this world.

Inseparable friends -

This is sport and children!

Sport comes to our school

A fun relay.

The shift is growing up in the class

To our glorious record holders.

We are a great, friendly class,

All sports are here!

We love the air, sun, work,

Things are going well!

Any of us will tell you:

Being an athlete is very cool!

Dedicate every hour

Sports, every minute!

Inseparable friends

There is in this world.

Inseparable friends -

Sports, parents and children!

The party has already begun, but we need to get to know the participants.Frankly, every child would like to see their parents on the playground today. But not all parents decided to take this step. Who are they - those families who, having overcome their embarrassment, agreed to participate in our competition.

- Meet our courageous, seasoned, athleticdads! Not everyone can withstand the overload of traditional men's triathlon: football, newspaper and sofa. But they don't give up. Here they are all in front of us - slightly vigorous, in places fit, in some places collected, but not defeated, and even in some way invincible, and in what exactly - we will find out later.

- And now they will come heremothers! They are always in shape. Constant training in women's triathlon makes itself felt: stove, running around the shops, doing laundry. And we are confident that today they will set the tone for their teams in the competition. Because it is known that the family rests on three pillars: Woman, Woman and again Woman!

- And finally, the team captains are ourschildren! They have tempered it from the cradle for many years with constant training and united their parents into a friendly team, setting them more and more new tasks, constantly increasing the load. But it’s not in vain that they say: it’s hard in training, easy in battle.


1. The first to appear is the sports family

dad........., Mother............. andteam captain

Your team name and your motto ...

2. Family sporting honordad will defend........, Mother........... and the team captain

Please, introduce yourself …

3. And here is another team in which everyone loves sports. This is family

Dad........... , Motherand the captain

4. Meet the family team ______________________

Well, are the teams ready? (READY!)

Fans, are you ready? (READY!)

Who is missing?

Jury presentation

Competitions today will be judged by:

Judge: To hold a competition

You need an experienced judge.

Such, apparently, is a vocation -

The judge, of course, will be me!

Let the jury fight the whole course of the battle

Trace without a mistake.

Who will be friendlier

He will win in battle!

1 Competition "Charging" (Synchronization)

Before any competition, you need to warm up, prepare the body for physical activity, stretch all the muscles, everything is as it should be for serious athletes.

The first relay is an important relay,

Each family will show morning exercises.

All teams with musical accompaniment

perform a complex of morning exercises - 2 minutes.

The jury evaluates each team.

2 Competition "Running" (speed)

Running can be very different

But always so beautiful

Fast, slow and medium

Hurdle jogging, hurdling,

And the one who wins

Who is not lagging behind in anything.

Only passion, hard work

You will be led to victory.

The conditions of this competition are as follows - the captains run, they crawl into the hoops, they reach the line of the end of the sports ground. Run back to the starting line. Then the parents take over from them.

Mom is not up to playing with balls, she runs around in the kitchen. Get your weapon - tray.

Running with a tray

Players are presented with a tray with a cup of water on it. All team players run back and forth. The winner is the one who splashes as little water as possible

And for our dads, we have prepared the following task

You need to move the ball around the chips, run to the start line and come back with the ball in your hands.

The competition is over, our distinguished jury is summing up the results.

3 Contest "Accuracy"

Everyone knows, everyone understands

That it is pleasant to be healthy.

You just need to know

How to become healthy!

Well friends!

We cannot relax!

They took the spirit -

Contest number three!

- The whole team takes part in this competition.

This competition is opened by the team captains. They are givenballs- you need to knock down as many pins as possible

Then the mothers take over the baton. They must abandonbasketballAdd to cart.

The last in this competition will show us the dads accuracy and dexterity. They need to scoresoccer ball.

4 Competition "Cleverness, power"

Now we will go hiking. Yes hit the swamp

Leading.Walk through the swamp

Anyone can!

But how to get through to

Do you want to wet your feet?

Cheerful laughter

Striving for victory

Will help you

And it guarantees success!


All members of family teams participate in this competition, and it is called "Transporting a child". We remember that the family went on a multi-day hike, and on the way the child was so tired that he could not go further. The task of dad and mom is to move the child a certain distance with clasped hands and return it to its place. We will call this type of transport “dad car". Whose dad car will come to the finish line first?

If the child has fallen, you will have to stay, pick him up and continue on your way.

Jury Evaluation

Playing with the fans

Strength is, of course, good, but the mind is BETTER!

5 Competition (Mind, Creativity)


There are two stripes in the snow,

Two foxes were surprised.

One came closer:

Someone was running here ... (skis)

Who on the ice will catch up with me?

We're running into the distillation.

And it is not horses that are carrying me, but brilliant ... (skates).

They asked me a riddle:

What are these miracles?

Handlebar, saddle and two pedals

Two shiny wheels.

The riddle has an answer

This is my ... (bike)

Who can "saddle a horse" but will not make it move? (Gymnast.)

Even in extreme heat, with gloves, he plays the game? (Boxer.)

Which athlete cannot do without a ring? (Parachutist.)

Master of sports, is he more helpless than an old woman without a club? (Hockey player.)


Each family is invited to prepare in 3 minutes and show a specific sport with static or dynamic poses. The task of the jury is to guess the sport.

Collect the phrase

- For the next competition to help the teams, we invite

2 people from support groups.

Now teams are invitedfrom letters to collect the phrase: "Give victory!"This competition requires a keen eye, resourcefulness and quick reaction.

- Two cheerleaders hold the taut cord, while the teams search the floor for the letters they need and use clothespins to clamp the letters on the cord. The team that collected the phrase the fastestGive Victory!, will bring points to his team.

So, we ask the teams to take their places.

Attention, we started ...

Playing with the audience(while the words VICTORY are hanging)

We have gathered for a fun sports event, and each team needs what?

That's right, "Victory". After each phrase, this word loses one letter. Be careful and complete the sentences correctly.

A ship “Victory” is sailing on the sea.

It's time for the sailors - lunch.

But they happened - trouble.

They've lost food.

Are the sailors in a panic? - Yes.

What are they shouting? - A!!!

This is how I will ask you to meet our participants.

The final

Attention! Attention! Our families are amazing people.

Today they have shown: composure, dexterity, intelligence, perseverance, resourcefulness and desire to win.

RESULTS of the competition. Rewarding.

Do not be afraid, people, of rain and cold!

Visit the stadium more often

who has been friends with sports since childhood,

always healthy, handsome and agile, and strong.

Well, now, while the jury is working, we invite everyone to sing a song together

Pour cold water

If you want to be healthy.

The sun, air and water are more useful to us-

They always help us from diseases.

It is more useful for us from all diseases

Sun, air and water!

Get hardened if you want to be healthy

Try to forget about the doctors

Pour cold water

If you want to be healthy.

Competition - competition:

"Dad, mom, I

- sports

a family!"

Family sports holiday

"Mom, Dad, I am a sports family"

MOU "Porotnikovskaya sosh"

Three teams take part in the celebration. Each team has three people. The composition of the team may be different: dad, mom and third grader (fourth grader); one of the parents, a student and his older brother (sister).


So that you don't know about diseases,

Do not go to doctors,

To become strong and courageous

Fast, dexterous and skillful,

It is necessary to temper from childhood

And do exercises.

Everyone should love physical education

And be in friendship with sports.

Leading. Good afternoon dear friends! Dear guests! Today we are holding a competition - the competition "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family." And we have a family holiday, in which not only children, but also their parents will take part.

Today, before your eyes, sports competitions of the most decisive and courageous, dexterous and skillful will take place.

Leading: Meet our members

(Participants are invited to the hall with musical accompaniment).

Buffoon 1:

Come in, come in

And look at our hall.

We invite you to visit us!

And to lazy people - shame and disgrace!

Buffoon 2:

Here sports families are welcome,

Competitions and awards await you.

We invite you to play

Show courage, dexterity!


All participants of our sports event, team members, fans, as well as guests - physical education

(All participants speak in unison)

Now everything is ready to start our family sports starts.

Today we have a family meeting, and it's great that we have the desire to make friends with each other. It's nice to see people with a kind, welcoming smile and a happy look. And if it's a family - it's doubly pleasant. We will gladly meet you.

The family takes part in our family starts ...

(Represents teams).

(vow of the first team)

They swear louder than fans not to shout sneakers at them not to throw

(vow of the second team)

We swear to observe the Olympic motto "Faster, higher, stronger", which means not to run faster than the wind, not to jump above the roof, to try to be stronger than the opponent.

(Oath of the third team)

We swear not to brake abruptly and turn on the brake light in time, but not to yield to rivals

she comes up with a name for herself, perhaps prepares a motto and emblems).

And since we have a competition, then there must be a jury, strict and fair.



And it doesn't matter who will be the winner in our rather humorous competition, but there will definitely be a winner, the main thing is that we all feel the atmosphere of the holiday, the atmosphere of goodwill, mutual respect and understanding.

And our conditions are very simple - the team that turns out to be more agile in the competition than others for each competition will receive more bagels for its bundle. Whose bundle will be longer by the end of the competition, that team will become the winner.

Competitions are evaluated on a three-point system.

The buffoons take the ribbons and give them to the jury.

The jury monitors the game, stringing bagels for each competition.

The first team to complete the task receives three bagels.

Second two.

Third one.

Buffoon 1 :


There is a wattle fence above the city.

Get under the fence

Everyone who is not too lazy to play!

Buffoon 2:

We really need sports, guys.

We are close friends with sports.

Sports assistant! Sport is health!

Sport is a game! Physical Education!


We wish the teams the best in today's match!


Are our teams ready for the competition? (In chorus: "Ready!")

Let's greet our members again. We start contests.

1st competition "Visiting card"

Presentation by teams of a business card: name, logo, motto.

2nd competition "Warm-up"

Well, what kind of athlete enters the ring to compete without a warm-up, so I offer our participants a warm-up in the form of a dance

Well, who's got a frown?

Do you hear the music is ringing

Is it possible, without dancing,

Hear this music?

Children with their parents perform

"Dance of little ducks"

The jury sums it up.

3rd competition "Catch Me".

I. p. - in a column one by one, in front - dad.

1st stage. Dad, holding the ball between his knees, jumps to the hoop lying 15m from the starting line, puts the ball into the hoop, takes the rope, returns to the team and hands the rope to mom.

2nd stage. Mom, jumping over the rope, runs to the hoop, puts the rope into the hoop, takes the hoop, returns to the team and hands the hoop to the child.

3rd stage. The child jumps over the hoop to the ball, puts it down and returns to the team.

Rules: transfer to be made exactly at the start line.

Buffoon 1:

All are athletic and agile.

But who, I ask, of you,

With a handkerchief around my eye,

Can find friends.

Who is the nimbler of the families?

4th competition "In the dark"

Host: Yes, the next competition is a little more difficult. The captain of the team, our student, is blindfolded. Of all the teams, he must, blindfolded, find exactly the members of his team - members of his family - and take them aside, without undoing the bandages.

Only all teams will be in one group - we will "mix" them. And one more condition: three captains will be looking for their family members at the same time. The winner is the team whose captain is the fastest to cope with his task.

So, team captains, go to the venue of the competition.

The facilitator's assistants blindfold the three captains and form one group of the remaining members of the three teams. At the signal (on the whistle), the competition begins. The jury will determine the winner.

5th competition "Strongmen"

And my condition is this: you have to carry the smallest team member across the river on your back. And don't get your feet wet. You need to walk over the stones. Having reached the other side of the river, you need to make a halt, refresh yourself with juice and return back in the same way.

The winner is the team that completes the task faster.

A competition is held, the winning team is determined.


Dad, mom is like children
Themselves are waiting for these minutes
Im for games, the right to speak,
Not enough day off.

6-competition "Shoe a chair"

Different shoes are scattered around the two chairs. Blindfolded players must "shoe" each leg of the chair. The winner is the one with at least two shoes that are the same.

Buffoon -1

When you go to storm you relay,
Victory is not very visible to us.
But still we will reach victory,
No rest to you, team, no pen!
7th competition. "Relay race".

Teams are built one at a time: dad, mom, child. Dad runs to the farthest pin, runs around it, returns, passes the baton to mom, mom runs to the middle one, then the child runs to the nearest pin, runs around, comes back. The first family to complete the relay wins

A competition is being held. The winners are determined.

Leading. We coped with the relay perfectly.
Running fast is familiar to everyone.
Now let's jump, friends,
Find out who we have the most jumping family?
8 - competition

Jumping to the finish line with the ball, holding it with his feet, runs backward and passes the ball to the next participant.

Leading . We see from the side
Teams in technique are equal
We want to take a look quickly
Whose captains are quicker.
To make the test more interesting,
We've made it hard
So as not to get three in trouble,
We will give one rope.

Team captains are invited.

The captains are standing with skipping ropes. On signal, they jump rope. The winner is the one who completed the most jumps in 30

9 - competition. "Relay for accuracy"


And now a competition for moms who will be the most dexterous.

Before you balloons (10) pieces. The winner is the participant who collects the most tails from balls with a thread. You can pop the balls with different parts of the body.

10th competition - competition for connoisseurs of riddles


But in our next competition, we offer family teams to physically relax and work intellectually. In this competition you have to solve the riddles. The buffoons in turn will read out a riddle to each team, the team confers for 30 seconds and gives an answer. If there is no answer, or it is not correct, then the task goes to the next command. The team that (without prompts!) Scores more points wins - gives more correct answers.

I don’t understand, guys, who are you?
Birders? Anglers?
What is this net in the yard?
- Would you mind the game,
You'd better walk away.
We play ... (Volleyball)

These fruits are not edible
But they are huge and comfortable.
Their other sportsman for hours
He pounds hard with his fists. (Boxing pears)

I want to become a strongman.
I come to the strongman:
- Tell us about this -
How did you become a strong man?
He smiled back:
- Very simple. Many years
Every day, getting out of bed,
I lift ... (Dumbbells)

1. Take care of your dress again, and your health…. (from a young age).

2. Move more - you will live…. (longer).

3. Lie down after lunch, and after dinner…. (walk around).

4. There would be health and happiness…. (there will be).

5. Purity - half…. (health).

6. In a healthy body…. (healthy mind).

7. You will ruin health - new…. (you can't buy).

8. It will be hardened from a young age - forever…. (useful).

9. Caring for health is the best .... (medicine).

For each correct answer, the team receives a steering wheel for its bunch.

11th competition. Competition "Forward, Shopping!"

So, you know how to make money. Do you know how to spend them? Nice pleasure, isn't it? Now you will go to an imaginary candy store. Your child should bring candy to the basket in a small spoon, and the dad on the back of his hand should take the money to the store and return it without dropping it. Points are awarded based on the number of sweets purchased.

12th competition "Two are plowing, and the third is waving his hands"

(Dad and mom make a "high chair" by joining their hands and carry their child to the opposite wall of the gym, return running)

13th Competition for mothers "Gymnasts"

Competition who will spin the hoop around the waist the longest. The jury monitors the participants, continuous rotation is recognized

A competition is underway, the winners are determined.

Buffoon 1:

It's time to end the game

I can't run anymore.

Buffoon 2:

I'm a little tired too,

It's time to end, friends!

Well, well, jury, hello!

Have you prepared an answer?


The word for summing up the results of the competition is given to the members of the jury (rewarding the teams).

Buffoon 1:

To grow and temper

We need to go in for sports,

Get tempered, kids,

Good luck

Physical education - (in chorus): Hurray !!

Thank you all for your attention,
For the enthusiasm and ringing laughter,
For the excitement of the competition,
Ensuring success.

The moment of goodbye has come
My speech will be brief.
I say: “Goodbye!
Until a happy new meeting! "

Our parade, friends, is over
There is work ahead.
May our union with children be strong
There will be a whole school year.

Thank you all for your participation and help in the celebration!

I wish you health, vigor and new sports victories! Keep it up!

Dad, mom, I am a sports family
The motto of our holiday: “To be strong, healthy, skillful and
we consider the main family business to be brave! "
Targets and goals:
Provide children and parents with the pleasure of joint
 To involve children and their parents in physical education
and sports.

physical education, to promote the development of positive
emotions, feelings of mutual assistance.
 Promote the importance of physical education as a means of
achieving physical beauty, strength, agility and
endurance, popularization of physical education and
Venue: school gym
Security. cubes, wooden rings, basketball balls,
tennis balls, packages, paper, pencil, skipping rope, darts,
hockey sticks, soccer ball, fruit
Party participants: 78th grade students with their parents.
Rewarding: teams are awarded with certificates of honor,
sweet prize.
Date: February 20 at 14.00
Competition program.
The program includes the following types and contests:

1 competition "Cinderella"
2nd competition "Verbal Duel".
4th competition "Taste of Victory!"
5th competition "Tunnel".
6 competition "Sharpshooter"
7 competition "Centipede"
8 competition "Merry Family"
9 competition "Protection of the family hearth"

Good afternoon dear friends! Today we are holding a competition
- competition "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family." And we have a family holiday, in which
not only children will take part, but also their parents.
It's great that we have the desire to make friends with each other. Nice to see
people with a kind, friendly smile and a happy look. And if this is a family - this is
doubly pleasant. We would love to introduce you to families.

At all times, a person has striven for a healthy lifestyle, wishing to learn
limits of their capabilities, not being afraid to challenge fate. And often went out
the winner. And this is sport: life, health, risk, search, victory.
Today, in front of your eyes, the competitions of the most courageous and decisive will be played out,
the most resourceful and fun.
But it doesn't matter who will be the winner in our rather comic competition, but
there will definitely be a winner, the main thing is that we all feel the atmosphere
holiday, atmosphere of goodwill, mutual respect and understanding.
Leading. And since we have a competition, then there must be a jury, strict and fair
(announced by the jury)
Let the jury fight the whole course of the battle
Trace without a mistake.
Who will be friendlier
He will win in battle.
Leading. And now we will get acquainted with the main characters of our
sports holiday. Let's welcome them.
Family teams are called
The first to appear is the sports family
Dad …..
Mama ….
And the team captain….
The total age of the team is ... (years)
The total weight of the team is…. (kg)
The total height of the team ... (m)
Here they are, our courageous, hardened, athletic dads! Not everyone will survive
overloads of traditional men's triathlon: football, beer and sofa. But they don't
give up. Here they are all in front of us, slightly vigorous, in places fit, where
collected, but not defeated, and even invincible in some way, but in what exactly we
we'll find out later.
And here are the mothers! They are always in shape. Constant training in
women's triathlon: stove, shopping, laundry. And we are sure that today
it is they who will set the tone for their teams in the competition. because
it is known that the family rests on three pillars: Woman, Woman and again
And finally, the team captains are our girls! They have been from the cradle for many years
tempered by constant training and united their parents in a friendly
team, setting them more and more new tasks, constantly increasing the load. But
no wonder they say: hard in training, easy in battle.
Host We think that our participants are ready to take part in the competition. So,
we start contests.
Then we have a large supply,
And all of them, friends, are for you!
And now without delay
Let's start the competition.
1 competition "Cinderella"
Remember how hardworking Cinderella was? She did not sit idle for a minute. For participants
this relay will also have to work hard.

The first participant (dad), with a bag in his hand, runs to the hoop and pours out "garbage" (cubes),
passes the package to mom
Mom runs and collects this "garbage" in a bag, hands the bag over to the child
The child runs with the package and pours the garbage into the hoop, returns and hands the package to dad,
dad runs, picks up the trash and finishes the relay.
The second competition is called “Verbal Duel”. The word "physical education" is given. You need
make up as many words as possible from it. The winner will be the team that named
the last word. Time to think 1 minute
3rd competition "Relay with ball and rope"
Dad, holding the ball between his knees, jumps to the lying hoop, puts it in
him the ball, takes the rope, jumping over it, returns to the team and passes the rope
daughter. daughter, jumping rope, runs to the hoop, puts the rope into it, takes the ball,
squeezes between the knees and returns to the finish line jumping.
Mom takes the ball, reaches the hoop, puts the ball into it and runs back. Wins
the team with the best time.
4th competition "Taste of Victory!"
Every team member should experience this taste! Participants "spiders" (dad, mom and
the child stands with their backs to each other, clasping their elbows) run to the mark, back
return on "ice floes" (2 hoops are given for each family - they move,
stepping on one hoop with the whole family, pulling the second forward and then
jump into it, etc.). At the finish line they are waiting for the "Taste of Victory" oranges. Wins
the team that will eat the fruit faster.
5th "Tunnel" competition.
Dad runs, crawls into the hoop, runs around the counter, comes back, crawls into the hoop.
Passing the baton to mom. Mom does the same and passes the baton to the child.
The team that finishes the relay faster wins.
6 competition "Sharpshooter"
In turn, all team members throw two darts. The winner is the team with
more points.
7 competition "Centipede" The first participant (dad) runs around the rack, runs to the finish line,
returns to the start, takes the hand of the second participant (mother), runs together to the rack,
return to the start and take the third participant and finish together.
8th competition "Merry Family".
Stage 1: Cubes are placed in advance. Daddy runs with a club, dribbles a tennis ball around everything
cubes and comes back.
Stage 2: Mom, dribbles the basketball with her hand, comes back and passes the stage
relay race to the team captain.
Stage 3: the daughter dribbles a soccer ball with her foot, circling the cubes, and comes back.
9th competition "Protection of the family hearth".
In 1 minute, the team must extinguish the fire, that is, bring down the fortification (game task “
Defense of the fortifications) - then the teams are swapped.
To sum up the results, the floor is given to the jury. (the results are announced in the team
standings of a sports event, an award is held)
We held a competition
And we wish you goodbye
Strengthen everyone's health,
Muscles are pumped up harder.

Sportsevent « Dad, Mother, I amsportsa family»


Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, through joint cooperation of children and parents

Location: gym.


3 skipping ropes

Target, 9 tennis balls

3 gymnastics benches

9 boards

3 buckets, 15 tennis balls, 3 brooms

3 daisies with 20 petals of different colors.


Good afternoon dear friends. Today we are holding a competition - the competition "My Sports Family". At all times, a person strove for a healthy lifestyle, wanted to know the limits of his capabilities, not being afraid to challenge fate. And he often came out the winner. And sport is LIFE, HEALTH, RISK, SEARCH, VICTORY.

Speech by the readers

We have no problems with sports,

And we all love him.

Physical education every day

We will do it.

It happens like this:

Going to school

We fill the portfolio

Any nonsense.

The load is not easy, but

We develop muscles.

We have strong legs

But his hands hung down.

The lesson lasts an hour:

Muscles become numb.

To warm up at this hour

Raise your hands: one!

Then we slowly get up

Squat quickly.

And when we don't know the answer

We shoot with our eyes.

From the excitement we have

The handles fall all at once.

Leaning over, we raise

We strengthen our abdominal press.

Running contributes to everything:

And study and work.

And so run

We go to the dining room.

From the dining room back to the classroom

Well, we have a run!

All the calories are burned

Forces are leaving us.

But we are persistent,

Look everyone at us!

Because physical education

We apply every hour.

Children really need sports!

We are close friends with sports.

Sport is an assistant, sport is a game,

Physical education - hurray - hurray - hurray!

To grow and temper

You need to go in for sports.

Get hardened, kids.

Good luck! Physical Education!


So, the time has come to present to the jury of the competition-competition "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family" (presentation by the jury)

Today none of the participating teams will be left without a commemorative prize. We have established prizes for the youngest and the oldest participant, the most dexterous, the strongest, the most accurate, the most skillful.

After each stage of the competition, the jury will calculate the points and provide information on the progress of the competition. After the last competition, the jury will announce the final results of the competition. The team with the most points in the sum of all competitions wins. If the points are equal, the Jury will appoint an additional competition between the team captains.

Our competition begins. Three family teams take part in it.

Competitive tests:

First competition BUSINESS CARDS family teams.

SECOND COMPETITION: "Relay for teams"

When you go to storm you relay races,

Victory is not very visible to us.

But you will still reach victory

Not a feather to you guys!

Stage 1: dad, holding the ball between his knees, jumps to the hoop, puts the ball into it and comes back.

Stage 2: mom runs to the hoop, takes a rope in it, jumping over it, comes back.

Stage 3: the child jumps over the rope to the hoop, puts the rope into the hoop, picks up the ball and returns with the ball to the team.

The team that finishes the relay first and does not make any mistakes wins.

The jury announces the results of the first competition "Business card of teams"


I invite the participants to get ready for the throwers' relay.

Well, the next game

Requires the player

Agility, skill,

Great inspiration!

(On the wall of the hall there is a target with a diameter of 80 cm. Teams are lined up in columns one by one. Each team receives 3 tennis balls. Each team member throws 3 times. One hit - 1 point. Teams throw in turns)

The jury announces the results of the second competition "Relay for teams"


Here are the heavy balls

Immediately obvious: strong men.

We will develop our hands

Give the ball to each other.

(The teams sit on the benches with their backs to the spectators and the jury. The team captains are given a basketball. At the signal, the players pass the ball behind their backs with both hands to a sitting partner. When the ball reaches the last participant, he quickly gets up with the ball in his hands, runs around the bench and sits down in front of the captain. If a competitor drops the ball, he must pick it up and continue the pass. The pass continues until all players are in their places. The captain who performed the dash sits on the bench and lifts the ball up.

The team with the fastest time wins.

The jury announces the results of the 3rd competition "Throwers' Relay"


Anyone can go through the swamp!

But how to get through so as not to wet your feet?

Cheerful laughter, striving for victory

They will help you and guarantee your success!

Each team has 3 boards. Participants take turns moving over the boards to the mark, then they go back at a run. The first team to complete the crossing wins.

The jury announces the results of the 4th competition "Ball Race"


Guess what the next competition will be called.

I will start, you finish,

Amicably, answer in unison.

Someone ran away strongly

And without a ball he flew into ...

And Petya kick the ball!

And he hit the boy in ...

The boy laughs cheerfully,

A big one grows on the forehead ...

But the guy doesn't care about the bump

Again he runs after ...

Fun football game

The first has already been scored ...

So, our next competition is called ...


Dads are invited to participate in the competition. At a distance of 11 meters from the starting line, gates 50 * 80 are installed. Each dad has three attempts. Each goal scored brings one point to the team.

The jury announces the results of the 5th competition "Swamp"

SEVENTH COMPETITION "Together with dad"

Who is not afraid of obstacles?

Who is so eager to win?

Who is the strongest in the world?

Who is the fastest in the world?

These are dads and their children!

Dads and team captains are invited to participate in the competition.

Dad is holding a hoop in his hands. At the signal, the dad should roll the hoop, and the child should jump into it from one side and the other. You run to the mark and change places. The winner is the team that copes faster and without violations.

The jury announces the results of the 6th Football competition


Running can be very different

But always so beautiful

Fast, slow and medium

Hurdle jogging, hurdling,

And the one who wins

Who is not lagging behind in anything.

Only passion, hard work

You will be led to victory.

1. Jumping on one leg.

Overcoming a gymnastic bench in length, lying on your stomach, intercepting both hands, pulling up the torso.

Five jumping rope in place.

Rotation of the hoop 5 times.

Bouncing the ball 5 times.

6. Running backward with climbing through the hoop and running on the bench.

After the captain, all other team members overcome the obstacle course. The first team to complete the relay wins.

The jury announces the results of the 7th competition "Together with dad"

NINTH COMPETITION "Competition of captains"

Take a closer look, friend,

Then we begin the competition of captains.

Be brave, and be dexterous

We are all sure, then you will not lose.

Stage 1: The captains hit the pins with the ball. Three tries. The one in which more pins are knocked down is counted.

Stage 2: The captains run to the mark, putting the pin on both palms, going back, holding the pins in their hands. (5 points, 4 points, 3)

Stage 3: Captains squat to the mark, return back at a run. (5 points, 4 points, 3)

The jury announces the results of the 8th competition "Combined Relay"

TENTH Humorous Relay Competition

An interesting thing is humor. There seems to be nothing more frivolous. Now we will hold a humorous relay race in which the whole family participates. But first, I’ll ask one question to each team.

What is the name of the first female pilot?

What is the name of Baba Yaga's aircraft?

What is Baba Yaga's best friend?

Well done, did a good job. So, our final relay race will be called "Baba Yaga"

Mom, in the direction of movement, puts out 6 tennis balls from a plastic bucket and comes back.

The child is riding a broomstick.

Dad uses a broom to collect balls in a bucket. The winner is the team whose players complete the task faster.

The jury announces the results of the captains competition.


I look at the fans, how they actively support their teams. Therefore, we cannot bypass them, a competition for fans.

5 fans from the team are invited, line up in a column one by one.

Each team must collect a chamomile of its own color. (The eyes and leaves are laid out with the colored side down. The first participant runs out, finds a petal of the desired color, puts it in the middle and returns to its place. This continues until the whole flower is folded).

The first team of fans to collect the flower brings the team of players 5 points, the second - 4 and the third - 3.

While the jury sums up the results of the humorous relay, the fan relay and calculates the final results, a dance group is performing in front of you.

(If teams tug-of-war with the same number of points)

The jury will give the floor.

The most agile team

The friendliest team

The funniest team

Gifts for fans (Sweets).

Thank you all for your attention,

For the enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the excitement of the competition,

Ensuring success.

The moment of goodbye has come

Our speech will be brief.

We tell you: "Goodbye,

Until then, happy new meetings! "

Sports competition script.



Purpose: the formation of a healthy lifestyle based on the example of parents, fostering a sense of pride in their family, respect for parents, physical development of adolescents.

4-5 families participate in the competition, consisting of:

mom, dad, child. The following contests are prepared in advance:

Team name, motto, uniform or emblem;

A small greeting from the team.

The gym is decorated with balloons, flags, posters with the name of the competition "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family", as well as the slogans "All

family - to health "," Sport will help us everywhere: both in school and in work! ".

In refereeing - representatives of the parent committee of the school, student council, administration.

All teams have prizes for participation and victory in the competition, as well as prizes for certain types of programs.

High school students from the Council of Physical Education and a physical education teacher help to conduct the competition.

Fanfare sounds.


Hello, hello, hello!

Today we are reporting from the most interesting and exciting ...

The most difficult and responsible ...

The most important competitions of the season, which

called ...

World Gymnastics Championships?

No, even more interesting ...

World Athletics Championships ...

Even more dynamic and dramatic ...

UEFA Football Cup ?!

No. Although it will be as hot here as it was on the field during the final match! And our competition is called "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!"

The sports soundtrack of the song "Mom" from the cartoon sounds

"Mom for a Mammoth".

The vocal group sings:

And on a sunny morning

And on a cloudy day

We are friends with sports

And we live together

We live together in our family,

And we sing a song about sports.

Sister Tanya and I are going to tennis,

Dad has football, but mom has fitness,

To the pool on a weekend with the whole family,

Both sports and health are held in high esteem!

Hiking, fishing - with your family!

Long live sports and health!

Presenters: “Dad, mom, I -

Sport family!

It means a friendly family!

And a healthy family!

Without movement - not a day

Dad, mom, me!

So, today the title of "Most Athletic Family" is contested by the teams ...

Leading name the teams, represent the composition of the teams. For parents, who works for whom, did they go in for sports, what kind of sports, do they continue to do it now. Children - in which section they are engaged. Team captains are named. Teams come out to applause and line up in the foreground.


We represent our competent jury, which consists of ...

And in the hall - your fans, teams, and your fans!

And while the teams are preparing for the very first competition "We and Sport", the chief judge will acquaint everyone with some of the rules of judging.

Head judge: The overall result is summed up according to the sum of the results (places) of each competition. If the amounts are equal, we hold another competition. In addition, the jury established prizes for almost every competition in which you need strength and dexterity, accuracy and speed. And also we will celebrate the youngest participant, the oldest participant, the most friendly team, the most resourceful team, And, of course, the most active fans will also receive a prize!

Leading: We leave together at the start.

On the way so that there are no obstacles

We'd better start with an acquaintance.

Our competition "we are friends with sports"!

Team "Silushka-druzhinushka

The team comes out to the song "Our heroic strength" from the repertoire of the ensemble of Stas Namin. Distinctive attributes of the team: helmets of heroes made of paper, an emblem in the form of the same helmet.

Captain: Were before in Russia

Strong heroes.

This glorious tradition

It will be reborn in our life!

Here is the team (all team members)

"Silushka, brave druzhinushka"!

Dad: Strength exercises

They will cheer us up!

Dad lifts the kettlebell, the child does push-ups, the mother jumps on the rope.

Mama: Bags, laundry and cleaning

Not a problem with sports!

Child: And lessons are not a problem,

When I started running with my dad!

Dad: I will have enough strength for repairs, sports will help me with this!

Child: Every day and at this hour

He unites us.

We are family, which means

Together in difficulties, successes.

Let the troubles fear us!

Whether they compete with "Silushka"!

Dad: And for ailments - our answer ...

All together: Where there is sport, there are no diseases!

Team "Optimists"

Distinctive attributes of the team - baseball caps of the same color, scarves around the neck. The emblem is the smiling sun.


Little son came to me

And he asked me ...


Why is it so good to smile in life?

Dad: My answer is of course simple,

Listen guys:

Optimism, it's the same sport

Energy, charging!

Mama: And things will go well

In sports, school, life,

If you do everything with optimism!

Child: And science tells us,

What a minute of laughter

Will never hurt

And it leads to success!

Dad: Our advice motto is not new.

No matter how hard you try ...

Together: If you want to be healthy,

Smile more often!

Team "Olympic"

Distinctive attributes of the team are laurel wreaths, emblems in the form of a laurel wreath with an Olympic torch inside.

The team goes under the callsign of the television channel "Sport". A child sits on Dad's shoulder, holding a model of a torch in his hand. Mom carries a laurel wreath. Dad puts the baby down on the floor.

Together: Team Olympic welcomes you!

Our Olympic flame has not died out!

Our whole life is the Olympics.

And everyone, believe me, deserves a reward!

The head must be enduring and strong,

Worthy to deal with problems

in life!

Child: He loves to play football on Sunday,

And an expert in boxing, like that Pythagoras!

Dad: Gives us care, warmth and attention

Keeper of the Olympic flame, mom.

Child: She is an admirer of oriental gymnastics,

And I liked curling with a mop very much!

And in the summertime, and in the winter cold

We are friends with sports!

Dad: We wish the whole family to be friends with sports!

After all, sport is ...

Together: Life! He gives us health!


Identical scarves, emblem - a ball on which is written: "Goal!" - attributes of the team.

Come out to the music from the film "Goalkeeper".

Team captain: Level up - watch! Alignment with the judges!

With a marching step, he approaches the judge's table and gives a report.

Dear judging team! Goal! to the competition

Dad: Dad...

Mama: Mama...

Captain: I AM!


Sport family!

Built! Our motto...

We will score a goal for disease

Because our friend is sport!

Returns to the place.

Captain: At ease! Our "chants"

Together: If you want to be healthy,

Become friends with sports!

Both work and study

Joy together with sports!

We shouldn't be sick at home

And under the roof of the stadium!

The best medicine is sports!

Here is the recipe for the Goal!


The competition of greetings for the teams is over.

What all the different teams turned out to be.

But all are alike and unanimous in one thing: sports and movement are the best remedies for illness, life's troubles, depression.

I also know a very good remedy for depression! It `s music! Bad mood will quickly disappear!

And if you add rhythmic movements to the music, then it will disappear in just a second! So, the dance group is already in a great mood!


The judges announce the results of the greeting.

Conditions of the competition... Accuracy competitions may include the following elements: hitting a tennis ball on a target, hitting a basketball in a hoop, knocking down pins, shooting an air rifle. Speed ​​contests include any movement challenge that is run at speed. There is a wide variety of possible options: from a simple relay race to rather difficult relay races with overcoming obstacles, carrying children, etc. Strength contests consist of weightlifting and armwrestling performed by dads, push-ups and pull-ups.

You can include a hiking or climbing stage. True, it will be more difficult to do it indoors. You cannot put a tent at speed, but putting on a climbing harness for a while and overcoming elementary obstacles in the form of a log (bench), "mousetrap", "bumps" is really possible.

An interesting "intellectual" stage is a quiz, in which questions can be asked on the history of sports, the Olympic movement, the basics of safety.

And in conclusion, a big relay race is held, consisting of a variety of tasks.

There shouldn't be too many contests. It is best to limit yourself to 5-6. Between them, it is imperative to make small musical or dance pauses, to give the participants an opportunity to relax. It will turn out to be a real holiday of sports!

House cleaning competition

The competition will require 3 medicine balls,

2 baskets for each team.


The most important thing is cleaning the house,

But it will be cleaned by the one

Who is the strongest, the most humble,

Who will just take away the trash!


Yes Yes! The strongest and most humble,

that is, dad will have to take away all the trash that the rest of the family brings!

Conditions of the competition... From the start line in the middle of the hall and at the opposite wall, it is installed along the basket (according to the number of teams). The youngest member of the family starts first. He carries the heavy ball to the middle of the room, puts it in the basket and returns to the start. Mom runs next with two balls. Its task is to carry the balls to the second basket and put them there. After mom comes running, dad takes the start. He must first take the ball from the first basket and then two balls from the second basket and bring all the balls to the start. The balls must not touch the floor. If the ball is lost, a penalty point is awarded.

Competition "Hit-ka"

The competition will require 1 waste basket and 5 tennis balls.


Why do we need accuracy?

To turn the cutlets

Without splashing grease on the stove.

What else?

Measure size

Accurate to the millimeter!

Accuracy is very necessary in life!

Therefore, we invite our sports families to compete in accuracy.

Conditions of the competition... In the middle of the hall, in the "field", there will be a child with a basket. His task is to catch all the balls, which will be thrown from the start line, first by dad (5 balls), and then mom (5 balls). The team that manages to collect the most balls in the basket wins.

Competition "Tourists"

For the competition you will need a backpack, a thin blanket, 3 spoons, bowls, mugs, a tourist rope, a gymnastic bench.

Leading: If sports are your friend in your family,

That is only active leisure

Should be on weekends.

Tourism calls us all on a journey!

Along the forest path

We go with you with a backpack.

Adventures ahead

Cheer up!

We are launching the next competition "Tourists!"

Conditions of the competition... A competition is held in the form of a relay race. A gymnastic bench is installed 2 m after the start. This is an obstacle that each family member will overcome in a different way.

Mom starts first with a backpack containing a blanket, rope and dining utensils. She runs along the bench, reaches the opposite wall of the hall, pulls out a blanket from her backpack, unfolds it, and puts bowls, spoons, mugs and a rope on it. He also runs back along the bench, passes the baton to the junior team member, who needs to crawl over the obstacle: to crawl under the bench. Then he runs to the bivouac and ties the rope with a tourist knot. Comes back, also crawling over the bench. Dad needs to jump over this obstacle. Then he must untie the knot on the rope, tied by the child, collect all the contents of the bivouac in a backpack and run with him to the start line.

Competition "Guests in the House"

For the competition you will need an opaque shawl for blindfolds, 10 pieces of pins for each team, a tray for dishes, a glass of water.

Leading: We are waiting for friends for lunch.

Mom immediately hurry

Cooking is accepted.

That's where mom ... sports will help!

Will give strength to cut everything,

Speed ​​to get everything done.

Dexterity to present everything!

Yes, mothers need to give us a prize!

So, the competition "Guests are in the house!"

Conditions of the competition... Up to the middle of the hall, where the child is standing, pins are set at an equal distance from each other. Mom is blindfolded and given a tray on which a glass of water is placed. On command, she must reach the middle of the hall where the child is standing, while going around all the pins without hitting them or knocking over a glass of water. The mother who manages the fastest and without losses to go the way wins.

Competition "Faster, more precisely, stronger!"

For the competition you will need 2 bags, a basketball,

waste basket, jump rope.

Leading: Although we are not so many years old,

Let's face it, few years

But we know that it is safer

Than friends, there is no help!

Who is rooting for us? friend!

Friends gathered around

Each team has a lot!

Well, it's time for friends to go!

Hey cheerleader, come out!

And support the team!

We announce a competition for fans! Let's see which team's fans are the fastest ...

The most accurate ...

And the strongest!

This is what we called our competition “Faster, more precisely, stronger!

Conditions of the competition... It is carried out in the form of a relay race. Three fans from each team are invited. At a distance of 2 m from the start, put a bag, a rope, and a basket at the opposite wall of the gym. The first participant runs up to the bag, climbs into it, reaches the gym wall in the bag, gets out and runs with the bag in his hands to the start line. Behind him starts the second fan, whose task is to run up to the rope, jump on it to the wall, he overcomes the way back by running. And the third dribbles the basketball to the penalty line and throws the ball into the trash bin. If not, the team is given a penalty point.

Relay competition "Visiting a fairy tale"

For the competition you will need 5 tennis balls, a broom and a bucket.

Leading: Remember, mom, sitting down to the bed,

She told us fairy tales.

And we were always surprised:

How did it come about

In a fairy tale, quickly, accurately, dexterously ...

Apparently they are friends there with sports!

We are announcing the most fabulous, funniest competition!

Conditions of the competition... Mom starts first and spreads 5 tennis balls on the floor at an equal distance. Then the child starts on a broomstick. He needs to ride it between the laid out balls. And the daddy who starts last must use a broom to collect all the balls in a bucket.


Our meeting with sports is coming to an end

and with those who have been friends with sports all their life!

It is easier to learn and better to work with.

Sport is the main assistant for everyone


He rewards everyone with excellent health.

And friendship, love for those closest gives.

He calls on a campaign or even a feat,

Calls to grow, do, build, learn!

And everyone we have a winner today

Participation in the holiday is the main result.

Let it be a child or a strict parent,

he still managed to reach the finish line!

So, the results of the competition "Dad Mom, I am a sports family" are announced.

The chief judge announces the winners in the competition, awards the nominees in certain forms.

Leading: Thank you all for your participation,

For support in difficult times.

May you be partly tired

But it's good to see you

Together, next to mom and dad,

Son or daughter, shoulder to shoulder.

What else is needed for happiness,

Kohl health gives sport ?!

If there is love and harmony in the family?! ..

Always be happy!

Until next time!