The highest Russian actor. The highest actors in the world

The highest Russian actor. The highest actors in the world

Famke Jansen (182 cm)

Liam Nison seems huge in comparison with most of his partners, but not next to Famkean Jansen. The star of the "Host" cycle below his "former husband" just 10 cm. She began his career as a fashion model, after which she began to act on TV. The world glory of Janssen brought roles in the "Bondovskaya" tape "Golden Eye" and the superhero blockbuster "People of X". In recent years, she played in the horror drama "Chamlock Grove", and in the upcoming television season we will see Jansen's in the title role in the series "Black List: Atonement", a branch from the televaller "Black List".

Leslie Jones (183 cm)

Leslie Jones in school years played basketball, and she graduated from university thanks to a sports scholarship. She had the opportunity to become a secondary professional basketball player, but Jones preferred a retained comedian career. And for sure, more than once, about it regretted, because in America, black women in this profession have to be hardly harder. After many years of club performances and rare and small roles in the cinema and on TV, Jones could be made through the famous Skket Show "Direct Ether on Saturday in the evening" when his producers specially searched for a black star. Work in the "Light Air" allowed Jones to play one of the main roles in the recent blockbuster "Ghostbusters".

Aisha Tyler (183 cm)

Pop Comedan Aisha Tyler almost does not appear on the movie screen. Her ship is television, where she has been working as an actress and TV presenter for twenty years. Now she leads the show "So whose replica?" and "conversation." From its numerous works in television series, we will note the appearance of Tyler in the TV series "Talking with Ghosts" and "Think as a criminal." Oddly enough, its brightest operation is a video of the animated series. Tyler is voicing to Lana Kane in the Archer Multsitsky.

Brooke Shields (183 cm)

Brooke Shields became famous before the photographers and directors were able to see it in all its glory. She became a professional model long before the age of majority, and the founder of the famous Ford Models Alena Ford somehow confessed that he created a children's unit specifically to sign a contract with a little Shields. At the age of 12, the girl was scandalous, playing a prostitute in the film Louis Malya "Adorable Child", and at the age of 14 she became the most young fashion model that fell to the cover of Vogue magazine. At the same time, Shields played in the famous painting "Blue Laguna". Her adult career turned out to be much more successful and, it seems worse than paid, but it still periodically appears on TV. Her main acting achievement is four seasons at the head of Sitcoma "Unpredictable Susan".

Ellison Jenny (183 cm)

When Ellison Jenny began an acting career, the agent told her that she could play only "lesbian and aliens" with her height. I wonder if he lived before to find out how many awards Jenny got for a variety of roles on TV, in a movie and in the theater? She received the greatest fame thanks to the religious political TV series "West Wing" and the current tragicomic sitcom "Mama". The game in the Western Wing brought Jenny four "Emmy", and the game in "Mamash" is two television figurines. By the way, she seems to be aliens, it still never played ...

Gina Davis (183 cm)

Gina Davis debuted to the cinema thanks to his growth. When the director Sydney Pollak picked up a young beauty for the role of a television actress in the comedy "Tutsi", he was looking for a girl who would be substantially higher than the artist of the leading role of Dustina Hoffman. Her breast was to be at the level of his eye. Davis was supposed to appear only in the episode, but she liked the director so much that for her a few more scenes were invented. In the future, Davis became a full-fledged star and awarded two nominations for Oscar (one of them for "Telma and Louise"), but her career was having a failed film of her then husband Rennie Harlin "The Island of Goluborov". After the "Island", Davis mainly works on TV. In the coming season, we will see it in the horror series "Route Devil".

Mind Tourman (183 cm)

Nordic beauty with the Tibetan name and 45th sizes of the feet, the mind of Turman in school years was very shy of his "wrong" body. But although she considered himself a "ugly dunchon", the agents from the model business saw the beautiful swan in it, and the turman began to earn more than 15 years as a fashion model. She became famous for almost immediately after she began to play the cinema, since one of his first roles Turgas played in awarded three "Oscars" the costume drama "Dangerous connections". Now it is most famous for the roles in the films of Quentin Tarantino "Criminal Chivo" and "Kill Bill".

Brigitta Nielsen (185 cm)

Dane Brigitt Nielsen began its model career in Italy. There she was found by producer Dino di Laurentis when he was looking for a star for the heroic tape "Red Sonya". The picture failed in the box office, but Nielsen turned attention and in a row starring in Rocky 4, Cobre and "Beverly Hills 2 Police". Its further screen career was far from so successful and mostly European. So, relatively recently, Nielsen voiced the queen of Amazons in the Danish cartoon "Ronal-Barbarian". In addition, it is known as a regular participant of a reality show about the former celebrities.

Janet Maktir (185 cm)

British actress Janet Maktir became famous in his homeland as a star of theatrical productions and televisionilms. When the play on the play of Henric Ibsen "Puppet House", I was located on Broadway, American director Gavin O'Connor invited the Maktir to Artyhaus Rent "Dugati-Field". This work actresses was awarded the Golden Globe Prize and the Nomination for Oscar. The Maktir was reminiscent of Oscar for the film "Mysterious Albert Nobbs". Among her more fresh work, we note the role in the TV series "White Queen" and "noble woman."

Gwendolin Christie (191 cm)

Although the Briton Gvedolin Christian was perfectly looked great in many gaming disciplines in many gaming disciplines, she did a more familiar gymnastics for girls in school years. When a hard injury put a cross on a sports career, Christi became a theater actress and a fashion model, and in recent years - also a screen star. We saw her in the seventh episode of "Star Wars" and in the final series of "hungry games", but, of course, the main role of Christie today is the warriper Brianna Tart from the TV series "Game of Thrones". To play a woman in armor, the Englishwoman scored about 7 kg of muscles and learned to fencing and ride a horse.

The star of the series "Barvikha" and the film "Unreal Love" because of her rather big growth sorted up with a dream of a ballet. But already in 12 years old Ravshana tried herself as an actress. Now behind her shoulders are more than forty roles in the cinema and TV shows.

Maria Shukshina, 180 cm

Actress and TV presenter Maria Shukshin above their famous parents. By the way, the son, 20-year-old Makar Kasatkin, was significantly overtaken in the growth and her own. As Maria is recognized, in adolescence, she was experienced due to growth, but in the tenth grade I understood that it was popular with classmates - and the complexes disappeared.

Olga Cabo, 180 cm

Olga Cabo is trying in everything at height. It is the only Russian actress-Caskader, a member of the Association of Caskaders of Russia. Together with the actor Vladimir Glotov, she was preparing for the flight to the Mir station. The experiment failed due to pregnancy actress, but Olga still dreams of space. Her husband is also high, and together they look harmoniously.

Nicole Kidman, 180 cm

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban

Already at the age of 13, the growth of Nicole reached 179 cm. At the same time, the actress looks elegant thanks to an excellent figure: its parameters are close to the canonical 90-60-90, and the weight is only 55-57 kg. They say that the growth of Kidman was the cause of its first husband's complexes - Tom Cruise, which is 10 cm below. The current spouse Kidman is the singer Kate Urban - Nicole's growth is not hesitated and does not mind if she puts on high heels.

Mind Tourman, 181 cm

Mind Tourman and Thierry Formo

According to various data, the minds of 180 to 183 cm. True, the latter became one of the trump cards in his career. As you know, Quentin Tarantino is a real fan of beautiful bare feet, and he has repeatedly filmed his feet of minds ("Criminal Fiction", "Kill Bill").

Gina Devis, 183 cm

Gina Devis with her husband

Young Gina Davis growth helped in his career. She debuted into the cinema from Sydney Pollaka: For the role in the comedy "Tutsi" he was looking for an actress, which would be significantly higher than Dustin Hoffman. By the way, an outstanding woman is not only growth, but also intelligence: Gina Devis - Member of the Mensa Club, which consists of high IQ.

Sigurney Weaver, 182 cm

Writer Juan Antonio Bayon and Sigurney Weaver

One of the highest actresses of Hollywood confessed that he lost many roles because of its height - producers and potential shooting partners were much lower than Sigurn. "Once I suggested to draw my shoes instead of a foot to get a role - after all, I seemed to be 10 cm below," she told in an interview.

Bridget Nielsen, 185 cm

Bridget Nielsen with suproog

The star of the militants of the 80s and the former wife of Sylvester Stallone began as a model that it was not surprising. Later she continued his career as a TV presenter. Now Breedy is on maternity leave: 54-year-old actress on June 24th this year gave birth to a daughter.

Maria Sharapova, 188 cm

One of the most beautiful sportsmen of the world, Maria Sharapova could well play basketball, but already at 4 years old parents gave Masha in tennis - and did not lose. The girl more than once was offered to do model business, but the sport was always for her in the first place. By the way, Maria always chose the tall boyfriends: she met with a basketball player Sasha Voyuchikh and tennis player Gregor Dimitrov.

Gwendolin Christie, 191 cm

Gwendolin Christie and Giles Dicon

The British actress, perhaps, may claim the title of Hollywood's highest woman. Her heroines are very militant: the commander of Lime in the "Hungry Games", the captain of the FPPA in the "Star Wars" and, of course, Biran Tart in the "Game of Thrones". Filmorezhsters for a long time did not offer the roles of this heroish, but now she is just gripping: only this year is four films with her participation.

Always at a height, or why it is not necessary to worry because of the "extra" centimeternatives, we told how our inch stars live. But what is the one height from 180 and above? Read and surprise!

Dreams of ballet (180 cm)

The biggest disorder about its growth in Ravzhani Kurkova (in the Maiden Matchechova) due to the fact that she could not become a ballerina.
- I dreamed of pointers and packs. But in three studios, where I went with my mother to watch, I heard only one thing: "With such a growing, a girl, the girl will not work in ballet," sighs rash. "Dilda! Stick!" - Such insults constantly heard in their address in school years now known 36-year-old actress. Yes, and now Haters write a star to caustic comments under posts in social networks. The actress now, of course, does not respond to rudeness.

I accept myself as it is. When in childhood, it was complex about appearance and worried, especially due to the fact that the boys were embarrassed to be friends with me, my grandmother said golden words: "No matter what your length of the legs you have. There are three things in a woman who pay attention to men: hair, teeth, leather, "says Kurkova.

Creature with another planet (180 cm)

Olesya Zhelenyakonly bonuses have only bonuses. For example, in the movie she fell due to long legs and a few incompass appearance.
"It was such a funny dilda and a tetech that was needed by Tigran Keosayan on a major role in the" Lily of Silver ". He saw me in the "Mosfilm" corridor and immediately stopped looking for a heroine, "42-year-old actress told. - And the husband (with the actor Spartak Subchenko Olesya lives 18 years old and raging four children; Spartak growth - 185 cm. - K. B.) first of all drew attention to my growth. "You seemed to me the creature with another planet, the alien - it was impossible to tear the eye," then I confessed me.

Actress with her husband and children - Agafey, Prokhorom and Savely

She and in school did not suffer from their big growth. On the contrary. Olesy was planted for the last desk so that her head would not interfere with anyone.
- write off and engage in your affairs - there is the most!

Beauty not in long eyelashes (180 cm)

- In adolescence, everything was annoyed for me: from the nose and eyebrows to the knee, - recalls 50-year Maria Shukshina. "And when I began to stand on the physical culture to stand the first in Sherge, it seemed that life did not ask at all. But with age, it began to understand that the size does not matter. Neither a little nor a high height of happier will do you. And the beauty of a woman is not in long eyelashes, a thin waist and a big breast, and in the mind. If everything is in order with your head, then even the most ugly (for some completely stupid standards, invented, I do not know who) will be able to sue yourself that no man will pass without looking back.

TV presenter is convinced that the main thing is to find my man:
- And no matter what the difference in the growth will be. If you look in one direction, then all these little things will not have any meaning.

Say black "no!"

Strict - 182 cm. Stefanhenko - 185 cm
"It is pointless to dream of becoming a miniature brunette: it still never will be" - with such a motto there is a TV presenter Tasha Strict (according to the passport - Natalia Frolova). There were periods when she was complex and jealous to girls with standard growth: they say, the young men of such people want to take care, and if you are far from crumb, then you are like "your boyfriend."

"After a time, I realized that such a relationship is much more valuable than short-term lunizing," 43-year-old Tasha believes. - Previously, the clothes were problems. Now sewn with maximum growth. Yes, I am the designer itself. When I became a mom (in 37 years old, the twin boys gave birth to. - K. B.) And suddenly at some point looked back, it became ridiculous from the experiences due to appearance. I want to contact all the girls who are confused because of "extra" centimeters. These are such trifles! Natasha Stefenenko (co-host Tashi on the transmission "Remove this immediately!". - K. B.), which is above three centimeters, freely and on heels goes. Says: "These are men who must worry about how to reach me!" Be confident. In no case slouch and do not hide behind the caps with large visors. Tell me "No!" Black and shapeless. And female happiness will definitely overtake you!

Kissing nice (180 cm)

If you believe rumors, then the novel of the "Comedy Woman" Catherine Varnava And Dmitry Khrustaleva began with the phrase Kati: "Isn't you too small to hurt me?" It is no wonder - crystal below the Varnava by 14 centimeters. At the same time, many considered this couple harmonious and cute.

Katya and dancer Kostya Myakinkov got married in early June. In the wedding trip went to Rome
- A little man and a high girl is very erotic, do not find? - Smiling 32-year-old Varnabas. - Here Dima Khrustalev is our only and unique man. What do you think Mitya did in "Comedy Woman" among such a number of women? It is small, grip and funny - a real conqueror of female hearts! I generally noticed that the low men are much talented and more successful than those who have an increase over the mark of 190 - 195. In general,, of course, people with little growth have more difficult, because they look at the world throughout their lives, - Neck will overtake. But we, high, and kissing is always nice.

Lose weight with lemon rice (181 cm)

"Heron is long-legged" - so called the singer Varvaru (Present Name - Elena Tutanova) Classmates from Gnesink. And at school, the future artist was dubbed the Ostankino Tower. Therefore, Varvara had a habit of going to touch. But in the Basketball Section Alain had a great success. Finally, complexes regarding growth destroyed while working at the model in the fashion house Vyacheslav Zaitsev.

- on stage is high to be profitable, but in life ... I can't afford to wear shoes on a beautiful, elegant heel - I'm just stuck all the ceilings! - says 43-year-old singer. - Behind weighing it is necessary to carefully follow. If with such an increase to be also a pampuschka ... once a week I arrange a unloading day: kefir, buckwheat or apple. Recently tried a new diet: boiled rice splashing with lemon juice, and grapefruit with egg squirrel.

They could only pay attention to their growth, but life ordered that these people are also famous. Womanhit found out, helps the growth of their career or only interferes.

Maria Sharapova
1 meter 88 centimeters

Growth, which is also suitable for model business, allows Mary to implement themselves in different directions. Of course, her sporting achievements are difficult to overshable, but it is the appearance that has made a tennis player and a star of advertising, and a girl with a podium. With the height of 188 centimeters, Maria weighs no more than 60 kilograms. At the same time, Sharapova also sweet tooth. The only thing that the famous Russian woman restricts itself is in choosing shoes. "In the usual life, I very rarely wear shoes on the studs. I am so very high, "- admitted somehow Masha.

Ekaterina Varnava
1 meter 81 centimeter

The Comedy Woman participant initially saw himself a star of ballroom dancing. But in training, she damaged his back, and with a dance career had to say goodbye. But a television career took place, and you need to admit that for a girl of such growth, a sense of humor is useful quality. According to rumors, it started with jokes. Once, during the dinner, Khrustalev said that "You understood, finally, what do I get to you?" What Katya replied: "You are slightly small to get drunk." But Dmitry was not confused: "And not such high seized!" - Parissed colleague. And although in the end, Katya and Dmitry broke up, many believe that it was a very beautiful couple.

Alexander Astafiev

Olesya Zhelenyak
1 meter 80 centimeters

Already at school, Olesya Zheleznyak was the highest girl in the classroom, so it was often sitting on the last desk with duders and hooligans. "But in girlfriends walked first beauties. I successfully signed their charms, "Olesya jokes. By the end of the school, the growth of Zheleznyak amounted to 180 centimeters, and such unusual data was not taking advantage of sin. Acting talent in combination with non-standard appearance and high growth allowed Oles to play in many comedy films. The appearance of the actress attracted her future husband - actor Spartak Subchenko. "Olesya seemed to be a creature with another planet, the alien - I did not understand her appearance, no character," the artist once admitted.

Lilia Charlovskaya

Dmitry Guberniev
2 meters

With such an increase, the mass of Dmitry is 104 kilograms, which, of course, makes his sporting comments very weighty. At one time, the provinces did not at all basketball, as fans, and academic rowing. In domestic life, the high growth of Dmitry does not interfere. But not always helps in professional. At one time, the TV host was forced to get into T-80 Tank, when he made a program about tank biathlon. "True, I had to sit bent into three deaths! But I drove 20 kilometers! ", - remembers the commentator.

Lilia Charlovskaya

Philip Kirkorov
2 meters 2 centimeters

"Two meters of beauty" - the artist sometimes jokes. Some time ago, I had a rumor about Philip, as if Pop Stars suffers from the disease, because of which he could not dwell. But since then, Philip has not grown on a centimeter, which, probably, grieved gossip. The selection of clothing for a person is above two meters can turn into a long procedure, but Philip does not complain. On the contrary, trying to get rid of the huge number of things. At some point, Philip decided to sell designer things, many of whom he never put on. The demand for things, however, turned out to be small, which is not surprising: all the same, the clothing of Philip is not only exotic, but also explicitly for increased.

Lilia Charlovskaya

Nikolai Valuev
2 meters 13 centimeters

Fans of Nicholas are not in vain awarded him with such nicknames as the Russian giant and Kolya-Sledge. Nikolai from those who hardly ever get to merge with the crowd. But the problems at the athlete, actor and deputies are also rather big. For example, the size of the shoes in Nikolai is the 51st. And it means that everything is from classic shoes to slippers - he has to sew to order. It is not easy to nikolay and move around the world. It is possible that the aircraft in the business class salons will be able to accommodate it, but the beds in hotels are far from always designed for people of such growth. Valuev's wife barely pulls out her husband to the shoulder. At the same time, Galina claims that every centimeter of their chosen one loves.

Read: 8023.

Nikolay Valuev - 2 meters 13 centimeters. Perhaps Russian boxer Nikolai Valuev and not the highest person on earth, but the fact that he is the highest among the stars - an indisputable fact, for which he is awarded with such "affectionate" nicknames, like a "Russian giant" or "Kolya-Sulada". High Valuev was always: in kindergarten, he was superior to his aligns for a whole head, and at school played in a basketball team (he became the champion of Russia among young young people) and was engaged in athletics - throwing a disc. Now, when the growth of an athlete surpassed everything, even the most bold, his expectations, he has problems from time to time. Since not all hotels are located on the beds on which the champion might sleep, the administration had to search for the necessary furniture in the surrounding hotels, and then carry it into its number. Shoes 51 (!) The size of the boxer has to be sewed to order, and recently it turned out that the champion belt ... became small for his figure, and a new one was made specifically for Valuev. Interestingly, Nikolai Galina's wife is in full compliance with the statement that big men love miniature women, barely pulls out their spouse to the shoulder. What does not prevent her from declare that she loves every centimeter of her husband.

Mikhail Prokhorov -2 meter 4 centimeters. Landing Palm Nikolai Valuev's Championship, Russian billionaire and politician Mikhail Prokhorov, nevertheless, remains one of the highest not only among stars, but also among the population of the Earth in general - its growth is 2 meters 4 centimeters. No wonder during the presidential elections in Russia, in which Prokhorov put out his candidacy and unexpectedly for everyone - and for himself too! - took the third place after Putin and Zyuganov, his proxies, Alla Pugacheva and Andrei Makarevich, dedicated him to his song Vladimir Vysotsky "Giraffe Giraff, see him."

Vitaly Klitschko - 2 meters. Vitaly Klitschko also complains of his height, which in everyday life gives him a lot of inconvenience: beds and cars to him, like Valuev, are needed big, otherwise he simply does not fit there. But in the ring receives an advantage over rivals - there is simply no equal to Vitaly.

Klitschko Vladimir Klitschko - meter 98 centimeters. But Vladimir Klitschko, whom the nature of the growth also did not offend (he is inferior to the eldest brother of only two centimeters), does not consider it an advantage - Vladimir assures that it is difficult for him to bounce with a low-spirited rival and, moreover, knocking it. Like Valuev, Vladimir's miniature women: his recent girlfriend, actress Hyden Pantatary was lower than his boyfriend at 43 centimeters.

Christopher Lee is 96 centimeters meter. English film actor Cristofour Lee helped to play representatives of unclean power - in particular, the Count Dracula - on the account of 69 (!) Horror films. Apparently, in the execution of the actor "Here is such an embroidery" vampires and goddalaks became even worse. In total, there are 290 films on account, it is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records, as an actor whose name is indicated in the titles of the highest number of films. But at the beginning of the acting career, Whether was not so allegedly: the directions willingly took him into their films, but they only gave the roles of the second plan - he was headed above performers of major roles.

Vince Von - meter 96 centimeters. Incredibly, but the fact: the palm of championship in terms of growth belongs not to Hollywood - his representative, actor Vince Von, with an increase in 196 centimeters, is located only on the sixth position of our rating. It may might rise and more, but prevented the trauma of his back, which the future star received in seventeen years. The performance of the characteristic roles is a high growth of not a hindrance, rather, on the contrary, he gives them a piquancy.

Philip Kirkorov - 95 centimeters meter. The highest star show business is, of course, Philip Kirkorov. On the stage, he looks king, but in everyday life, according to his own words, I would like to be slightly lower. It turns out that the extravagant clothing of the singer - rhinestones, feathers, sequins and fringe are due to its high growth. "Western Kuturier," Filipp Pobrosovich complains, "count on people of medium height, so I am very difficult to choose something decent." For the same reason, Kirkorov is forced to ride in a limousine - it simply does not fit into other cars.

Clint Eastwood - meter 93 centimeters. Growth of the 82-year-old star Hollywood, Commander of the Order of the Honorary Legion, the two-time owner of "Oscar", the actor and director of Klinte Istuda - 193 centimeters. Unlike whether and von, Eastwood, despite the growth, always played and plays exclusively positive heroes of Westerns. Thanks to the growth in young years, Eastwood looked older than his years, and thanks to the appeal was popular with the girls, which allowed him to lose innocence for 14 years. However, he gets well with the female sex now: his current wife, in the past - a television journalist, Dina Ruiz younger than Istoda for 35 years.

Alexander Marshal - 93 centimeter meter. A real Russian warrior - or marshal - can be called the singer Alexander Marshal, the growth of which is 193 centimeters. His stage pseudonym - Marshal - Alexander Minkov (this is the real singer's name) justifies one hundred percentage: high, slender (even despite the kilograms gained in recent times), squeezing soap in shoulders. They say in life it is even more than on the screen. The only detail that spoils the overall pleasant impression, "Alexander smokes subtle female cigarettes, and also complains:" I can't quit. "

Sergey Zverev Sergey Zverev - meter 87 centimeters. The star, which is constantly being in shock, Nature ended up far from small - 187 centimeters - height, but Sergey also increases it with the help of shoes and shoes on 20-centimeter platforms, which raises his twist - and even higher - Philip Kirkorov. Well, taking into account the impressions of the inherent in Zverev and the elegance, he produces truly breathtaking. However, it concerns not only growth, but also the style of the star, so really - such rarely meet!