Lyudmila lyadova husband's personal life. Lyudmila lyadova, husband

Lyudmila lyadova husband's personal life.  Lyudmila lyadova, husband
Lyudmila lyadova husband's personal life. Lyudmila lyadova, husband

To learn about the amazing life and work of the incredibly talented woman composer Lyudmila Lyadova, you need to familiarize yourself with her biography. In this article, we will tell you about the most hidden and hidden facts from the life of a unique woman. We invite you to meet a talented performer, find out more facts about the personal life and children of Lyudmila Lyadova. This woman was able to show what willpower, desire and crazy work on herself are capable of. Her works won the hearts of the majority of listeners in our country and are proof of her unique musical talent.

Lyudmila Lyadova: biography of the composer and acquaintance with the personality

The name of the heroine of our article is associated with music from early childhood. She grew up in a creative environment and managed to prove that she has a talent that deserves everyone's attention and recognition. Information about the nationality, height, weight of Lyudmila Lyadova remains a big secret. In her biography, her parents became an important link, especially in the development of her talent. After all, it was they who were able to discern their daughter's talent in early childhood and direct it in the right direction. Thanks to the efforts of her father and mother, an amazing woman grew out of a little girl, who became a great composer.

Lyudmila Alekseevna is a famous artist of the Soviet Union, composer, pianist, singer and just a beautiful and magnificent woman. The list of her successes and talents goes on and on. Lyudmila has perfectly realized herself as a creative person and has achieved great success in the music world.

Today it is very popular, well-known, in demand and highly respected by colleagues. In addition, Lyadova is a laureate of various folk festivals and competitions. Lyudmila Alekseevna's creative merits were awarded the Order of Friendship and the Order For Services to the Fatherland. Her name has long gone down in the history of music.

But let's start with Lyudmila Alekseevna's childhood, which was no less interesting than her subsequent life.

About family

In the biography of Lyudmila Lyadova, the family is in the first place, because her father and mother supported her initially and throughout her life.

The famous artist was born on March 29, 1925 in the city of Sverdlovsk. The family has always appreciated art and creativity in any of its directions. The girl's father, Alexei Ivanovich, became the main assistant to his beloved daughter. In his youth, he sang at the opera house, then played the violin. Mom, Yulia Petrovna, sang beautifully, was a choirmaster, beautifully embroidered pictures, many of which have survived. From childhood, parents noticed creative inclinations and seriously thought about the musical career of a talented daughter. To begin with, they hired her a music teacher. Over time, Mila successfully entered a music school.

The start of the creative activity of Lyudmila Lyadova

At the age of ten, the girl managed to show strength of character when she took part in a competition where ten people applied for one place. Despite such great competition, she managed to easily enter the children's conservatory in Sverdlovsk. After only a year, the little performer has already participated in various competitions, festivals and projects. And at the age of 14 she was even able to perform with the orchestra under the direction of conductor Mark Powerman. It seemed that the biography and personal life of Lyudmila Lyadova would be bright and eventful, but no one knew that a terrible and ruthless war would soon come to ordinary life.


Wartime forced to reconsider the foundations of life and views on many things. A young girl in those terrible years tried to help the soldiers who were sent to the front as much as possible. She participated in concerts, visited hospitals and helped care for the sick and wounded. She sang everyone's favorite and dear songs, such as, for example, "Let's smoke", "Little Blue Handkerchief" and others. At the age of eighteen, Mila was sent to Moscow for a show of young talents, where she was recognized as a promising young composer. At that time, Lyudmila wrote many different songs, miniatures and plays. In her work, Lyudmila Lyadova paid a lot of attention to wartime and this topic.

The first path to recognition

After some time, fate gives Mila a unique chance to realize herself as a singer. An amazing acquaintance with the promising singer Nina Panteleeva takes place. Their musical duet was magnificent and brought the girls a victory in 1946 at the festival, which was held in Moscow. Young talents did not expect such a dizzying success at all, so the first glory and recognition came to them. Soon they receive numerous offers of touring activities and the long-awaited participation in a concert in Leningrad. Of course, they could not refuse such a unique offer, and soon numerous performances began.

All the songs were processed directly by Lyudmila Lyadova. It was extremely painstaking and serious work for her. A year later, the young group was joyfully received in Moscow at the Hermitage. In 1948, when Mila graduated from the Music Conservatory, they went with Panteleeva on a large tour of such famous cities as Omsk, Kharkov, Leningrad. And everywhere they were welcomed, people came to their performances with pleasure. There was no shortage of listeners. Their unsurpassed talent gave the audience love and thunderous applause.

Significant events in the biography of Lyadova Lyudmila Alekseevna

In 1951, Lyudmila Lyadova underwent global changes in her biography. First, she decides to leave her native Sverdlovsk and move to Moscow. Soon she was admitted to the Union of Composers and she had a chance to realize herself, working with many famous artists of that time. Unfortunately, in 1952, at the initiative of Lyudmila, their duet with Nina breaks up. No one knows the true reason for the rupture of their creative activity. Some believe that it was a banal envy. It's no secret that Nina very often envied her partner's successes. But not everything is as bad as it seems. This situation gave Lyudmila an impetus to develop with greater speed and dedication. Many new and popular pieces of music soon appear.

Lyudmila Lyadova: biography, personal life

A lot can be said about the romantic side of a pianist's life. It's kind of an amazing romance with a gripping storyline and ups and downs. In a word, this is a story about a unique woman who has been looking for her happiness and love for a long time and finally found it. For the first time, Mila jumped out to marry Vasily Korzhov at a fairly young age. At that time, the girl did not yet know what she was capable of, so she fell in love and quickly tied the knot. A little later, it turned out that Lyudmila had many ambitions and that she was a creative and sophisticated nature, so she did not want to pull on daily household issues.

The second time she married Yuri Kuznetsov, a ballet dancer. Their marriage lasted eight happy years. During this time, many good and significant moments have happened in their lives. Both of them rose in creativity, made many joint projects and brought to life many unique ideas. It is not at all surprising that she soon fell in love with ballet and wrote a large number of musical works in this direction. Biography of Lyudmila Lyadova, personal life and children are interesting to many. Therefore, it was not possible to hide the fact that after some time this marriage broke up. They said that the two leaders simply could not get along under one roof. Both of them took place as independent creative personalities. Therefore, the relationship cracked and the couple broke up.

For the third time, Lyudmila married an engineer Kiril Golovin. This union was more prudent on the part of Lyudmila. However, after living together for 5 years, the couple broke up. As Mila wrote in letters to her mother: "There is nothing worse than being alone together."

After some time, there was another marriage, with Igor Spastenko, but he soon fell apart due to unbridled jealousy, misunderstanding and the constant desire of the spouse to remake his wife for himself and make her a typical housewife.

The long-awaited happiness of Lyadova

Today Lyudmila Alekseevna Lyadova is married again. Her husband Alexander is a saxophonist. He is 17 years younger than her. But such a difference in age does not prevent them from being happy together for more than one year.

In her life, a strong, courageous and amazing woman is used to achieving everything on her own, despite any obstacles and difficulties. Often, her ambitions were similar to those of a strong-willed and strong man, and not at all a fragile and creative woman. Most likely, it was for this reason that it was not easy for her to get along with all her chosen ones. Those who are not indifferent to the fate of Lyudmila Lyadova, her biography, family, children, know that a woman has always dreamed of a child, but for health reasons it turned out to be impossible. Therefore, she gives all her love and care to her husband and her unique musical creations.

Faith in the life of a composer

I would like to note the special attitude towards the religion of Lyadova. Even in early childhood, at the behest of her parents, Mila was baptized. The girl managed to carry love for the Lord through all life's hardships and followed all the canons of a believer. By the way, Lyudmila Lyadova is very interesting to the family biography. In her own words, God gave her talent, and her musical creations are her children. According to Lyudmila, she constantly thanks the Lord for the life that he gave her, for her skills, health and kindness.

Our days

Definitely, Lyudmila Lyadova simply amazes and surprises with her biography. A lot of meetings, acquaintances, partings, fateful events, tours, competitions were in her life. As the artist herself says, she is incredibly happy that her fate turned out that way, and she could hardly live it in another way. The biography of Lyadova Lyudmila Alekseevna appears to us as a unique movie that we want to watch over and over again. This woman managed to make herself happy, even without having children and faced with a lot of disappointments. We can only wish a talented and beautiful woman good health, creative inspiration and worldwide recognition.

The fact that Dvorovenko became the official owner of the composer's apartment became known in the program "Let Them Talk". By the way, the approximate cost of real estate is 70 million rubles.


A close friend of the composer, Eleanor Filina, said that Viktor Dvovenko is caring for the Lyadova family out of sincere motives. According to her, when Lyudmila Alekseevna's health deteriorated sharply, the man sent her to the best clinic. "He also treated her husband for alcoholism and continues to provide for both of them ... She is absolutely happy and surrounded by care," says Filina.

Currently, the husband of the renowned composer Alexander Kudryashov is being treated for cancer. His granddaughter Kristina Zinovieva came to the studio. She stated that she was forbidden to communicate with her grandfather on the phone and was not allowed into the apartment. Allegedly, she came more than once, but Lyudmila Lyadova did not open the door for her.

"Then Dvovenko called me and told me not to bother Lyudmila Alekseevna and her family anymore," Zinovieva said. But her friends do not believe in the sincerity of the woman's intentions. They believe that she dreams of taking possession of an expensive apartment.

Alexander Kudryashov himself also appeared in the studio. He confirmed that his wife had sold the apartment to a lawyer. “My wife and I saw each other for the last time about a month ago. After leaving the first clinic, I lived with her, Dvovenko looked after us. I know that the apartment now belongs to him,” the man said.

Lyudmila Alekseevna Lyadova was born on March 29, 1925 in Sverdlovsk. She is a famous Soviet and Russian composer, pianist and singer.

She was born on March 29, 1925 in Sverdlovsk, in a family of professional musicians. Father - Lyadov Alexey Ivanovich, was a soloist of the Sverdlovsk Opera House (tenor), then worked as a violinist in the orchestra (in addition to violin, he played the saxophone and mandolin perfectly). Mother - Lyadova Yulia Petrovna (1902-1980), choirmaster by education, conducted amateur groups, for a long time sang at the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic. Spouse - Lyadov Alexander Fedorovich.

Parents, noticing their daughter's musical talent early on, began to seriously prepare her for a career as a pianist. First, they invited a home teacher who gave Lyudmila private lessons. Then she was assigned to a music school to the excellent teacher V.A. Bernhard. At the age of 10, having withstood a large competition (out of 150 people, only 15 were enrolled), Lyudmila entered the children's department of the Sverdlovsk Conservatory under Professor B.S. Marantz - a student of the famous G.G. Neuhaus. From the age of 11, the girl played the most difficult works of the classical repertoire at school evenings, Christmas trees, in the club where her mother worked, participated in shows, festivals, and competitions. A big event for her, a 14-year-old schoolgirl, was the performance with the orchestra conducted by the wonderful conductor Mark Powerman on the stage of the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic. Then she played Mendelssohn's flat concerto, and a year later with the same orchestra she performed the famous First Concerto of Tchaikovsky, compositions by Rachmaninoff and Liszt. After graduating from college, Lyudmila was enrolled in the conservatory in the piano class under B.S. Marantz. At the same time, she studied at the composer department with Professor V.N. Trambitsky.

During the Great Patriotic War, Lyudmila, together with her mother, was actively involved in the work of concert brigades: they performed in military units, factories, the conservatory, and on an impromptu stage in the station building. Lyudmila played classics, sang songs from the repertoire of her beloved singer Lydia Ruslanova, as well as new military songs heard on the radio by Pokrass, Dunaevsky, Mokrousov, Soloviev-Sedoy, Bogoslovsky, Katz, Blanter. She sang "Dark night", "Let's smoke", "The accordion sings behind Vologda", loved Katz's song "Like an old oak". We sang a duet with my mother a lot. Their first joint performance took place even before the war, at a concert in the Rest House: 11-year-old Lyudmila was sitting at the piano, and they sang the song "And who knows" in two voices. Years later, at her solo concerts, the already famous composer Lyudmila Lyadova often called her mother from the hall to sing together. Her song "The Road", written on the verses of L. Ovsyannikova, is dedicated to the memory of her mother ...

In November 1943, among the 12 best students of the Sverdlovsk Conservatory, Lyudmila Lyadova was sent to Moscow for a review of young talents, where she was immediately noticed. It was not just a talented student who came to the capital, but an aspiring composer. By that time, she had already written children's miniatures based on poems by A. Barto and V. Petrovsky ("It's time to sleep", "Chicks", "Ear", "Cornflower", "Butterfly", "Shepherd"), several choirs, piano pieces, songs on a military theme ("Three Tani", "Marusya the Partisan", etc.) and a piano sonata.

Upon her return to Sverdlovsk, Lyudmila Lyadova organized a duet with Nina Panteleeva. In 1946, they won the first prize at the All-Union Contest of Variety Artists in Moscow. After this brilliant victory, there were many offers. Composers Fradkin, Frenkel, Zharkovsky, Bogoslovsky, Khrennikov, Dunaevsky, Milyutin, Mokrousov brought them their new songs. The girls went on tour to Leningrad, where they sang in the war-destroyed Peterhof on the stage built in the ruins of the Petrovsky Palace. A year later, the capital was again - followed by an invitation to take part in pop performances in the summer theater of the Hermitage garden. The duo's popularity grew every year. Lyudmila Lyadova did all the arrangements for the songs herself. Her arrangements attracted with their originality and freshness of sound. In 1947, at the state examination at the Conservatory with the Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, she played S. Rachmaninoff's Third Concerto. The audience, having listened to all three parts in one breath, suddenly stood up, again and again called the happy debutante ...

In the spring of 1948, after graduating from the conservatory, L. Lyadova and N. Panteleeva went on a long tour of the country: Tomsk, Orenburg, Orsk, Kharkov, Stavropol, the Far East, Leningrad, Arkhangelsk. In February 1951, Lyudmila Lyadova was admitted to the Union of Composers of the USSR. In 1952, the duo broke up. L. Lyadova began to write a lot, at the piano she sang her songs and songs of other composers.

L. Lyadova's creativity is multifaceted. It combines the talent of a composer, accompanist, singer, pianist-performer.

Lyudmila Lyadova created about a thousand songs. Among them there are both major melodies and romances imbued with subtle lyricism. With all their diversity, they are united by the absence of pessimistic or plaintive intonations, melancholy or hopelessness. According to the composer's admission, "the minor always sounds in major".

K.I. Shulzhenko, who performed such songs by L. Lyadova as "Someday", "Telephone call", "Heart song", "Woman", etc., wrote: "Her songs open us a bright and joyful world. They, like good friends, entered our life, carrying on their wings an inexhaustible charge of optimism ... ”Songs of Lyudmila Lyadova chorus picked up huge halls and entire stadiums. The "Old March" on the verses of M. Vladimov, "The Miracle Song", "Drum" on the verses of I. Shaferan, "Ai-lyuli" the festival of youth and students in Helsinki (1962), and others. "The Miracle Song" to verses by L. Davidovich and V. Dragunsky, following Lyudmila Lyadova herself, Velikanova, Dorda, Lazarenko, Miansarova and the English singer Jerry Scott sang. The first performer of the "Old March" was I. Kobzon, then the song entered the repertoire of Y. Bogatikov. The song "Drum" sounded with large orchestras performed by E. Khil. "Old March" and "Drum" were performed by all military ensembles of the country. The military theme is reflected in other songs by Lyudmila Lyadova.

Especially fruitfully Lyudmila Lyadova collaborated with the poet Georgy Khodosov. They wrote about 100 songs, including the popular "So Easy", "Ride with Us", "In the Column Hall", "Regimental Orchestra", "Our Leader" and others. L. Lyadova worked a lot with the poet V.Ya. Lazarev. On his poems wonderful songs "Woman", "Late bow", "Zarechensky nights", "Guilty without guilt", "Sergei Yesenin", "Tale of love", waltz "Earthly beauty", romance "Late", which included A. Bayanov's repertoire. Many works were created in collaboration with poets S. Mikhalkov, E. Yevtushenko, N. Dorizo, L. Zubkova, B. Bryanskiy, V. Petrov, T. Ponomareva and many others.

L. Lyadova's songs were sung by outstanding pop performers: I. Kobzon, E. Piekha, E. Khil, L. Zykina, T. Miansarova, E. Zherzdev, V. Tolkunov, M. Lukach, Y. Bogatikov and others. Sounds ", written by L. Lyadova to the poems of Pleshcheev in 1951, was performed by the great N.А. Obukhova, and later - the soloist of the Bolshoi Theater L. Maslennikova. The song "Moonlit Night" was performed by People's Artist of the USSR Zara Dolukhanova. L. Lyadova's songs were also performed by M. Bieshu, I. Petrov, G. Pisarenko, A. Eisen, N. Tkachenko, B. Rudenko, L. Abramova, N. Vasilyeva, L. Polyanskaya.

The first major piece of music by L. Lyadova was the operetta "Under the Black Mask". The libretto, written by the playwright Jan Lelgant, is based on true events from the life of the legendary Russian wrestler Ivan Poddubny. Its premiere took place at the Moscow Operetta Theater in 1961. The production was made by A. Zaks, the main roles were played by A. Besedin, N. Kuralesina, O. Vlasova, M. Ozolinya, V. Volskaya, A. Kotova, E. Orlovetsky, J. Lelgant. Later, the operetta "Under the Black Mask" was successfully performed in many musical theaters of the country - in Odessa, Omsk, Tomsk, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar.

Lyudmila Lyadova is the author of the opera Two Colors of Time (libretto by E. Kushakov and A. Snitsarenko, 1986); operetta "Under a Black Mask" (libretto by J. Lelgant, 1960), "Atamansha" (libretto by G. Pavlov, 1972), "At the Dangerous Line" (libretto by I. Petrova, 1976), "Who is your bride?" (libretto by I. Petrova, 1978), "Miner's Brides" (libretto by I. Petrova, 1983); musicals "The Soul of a Soldier" (libretto by E. Shatunovsky, 1962), "The Tale of Erem, Danila and the Unclean Power" (libretto by I. Petrova, 1977), "The Countess from San Francisco" (director and playwright P. Gradov, Izhevsk Academic opera house, 1993); vocal and instrumental poems "The Great Battle" (words by V. Petrov, 1967), "To the Komsomol - our pioneer salute!" (words by G. Khodosov, 1970), "Tyumen - Surgut" (words by V. Petrov, 1972). Among the works of L. Lyadova - works for piano ("Concert Waltz", 1950; "Carousel", 1960; "Concert Polka", 1965; "Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in A Minor", 1965; intermezzo, rhapsodies), for Russian orchestra folk instruments ("Kolkhoznaya Polka", 1950; "Ural Rhapsody", 1951; "Volga Suite", 1952; miniatures), for a pop-symphony orchestra ("Holiday on the Volga", 1957; "Feast at the Stadium", 1958; " Russian Souvenir ", 1961;" Coconuts ", 1963), chamber-instrumental pieces for piano, violin, accordion (elegy for violin and piano" In the Lilac Garden ", 1961; piece for violin" Blind Girl ", 1962; fantasy for accordion , 1962, etc.). The ballet numbers "Negro dolls", "Spanish dance", "The Blind Girl" were staged to the music of L. Lyadova.

The fate of L. Lyadova's works was not always easy. While still at the conservatory, she dreamed of writing a piano concerto, the first sketches of which appeared in the early 1950s. This work in three parts is a story about good and evil, about the native land, its people and the peaceful sky, which must be protected. He was heard in the author's performance and highly appreciated by Van Cliburn. L. Lyadova's piano concerto, surprisingly light in attitude, full of energy and purely Russian in color, remained unclaimed for more than 30 years ... Only in 1997 did Lyudmila Alekseevna performed it with the Kislovodsk Philharmonic Orchestra (conducted by V. Nesterov) at a music festival in Kislovodsk. A year later, the concert was performed in Moscow, with the Bolshoi Concert Orchestra of the Russian State Music Center for Television and Radio Broadcasting under the direction of Professor M. Kazhlaev, People's Artist of the USSR. L. Lyadova continues her creative search in romance lyrics, writes works for the spiritual choir. She also does not leave the military march theme. For example, in the days of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Marshal Zhukov, she wrote the song "Tell us, Marshal Zhukov" to the verses of V. Lazarev. The outstanding Russian gunsmith M.T. She dedicated a ballad to Kalashnikov. She not only sings her songs at the piano, but, keeping up with the times, makes modern arrangements. This is how the songs “Horses of Youth”, “What's With Me”, “Song of the Knights”, “Don't Believe That Your Beloved Are Getting Old”, “My March”, and the Star Strings blues were recorded. In 1998 she wrote "My March", the chorus of which is "Lyudmila Lyadova, Lyudmila Lyadova, Lyudmila Lyadova are always in the ranks!" usually the whole audience picks up in chorus.

L. Lyadova's special passion is music for children. She has created a whole series of wonderful children's songs. Her children's world is a cheerful and surprisingly clean musical island inhabited by children, animals, birds, butterflies, toys ... The collection of children's songs by L. Lyadova "Why Much" has been published.

Lyudmila Alekseevna Lyadova - People's Artist of the USSR (1985) and the RSFSR, Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR (1975), laureate of the USSR State Prize, the A.V. Aleksandrov, the Lenin Komsomol Prize. She was awarded the Orders of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (2000) and Friendship (1997), medals For Labor Distinction, and For the Development of Virgin Lands. Since 1993 he has been a member of the Peace Fund.

Lyudmila Alekseevna is very fond of nature, silence, she can wander through the forest for hours or fish. He enjoys working on the land at his dacha in Ruza. He reads a lot, giving preference to Russian literature, both classical and modern.

Lives and works in Moscow.

It is not the first year that controversy has not subsided around the real estate of the famous composer Lyudmila Lyadova. At first, the woman's friend Galina Gorbenko claimed that the star came under the influence of a certain lawyer Viktor Dvovenko, who has views on her property.

After the interview, Lyadova's husband Alexander Kudryashov gave, who claimed that the very favorite of the composer sent him to a clinic for compulsory treatment. Now it turned out that Viktor Dvovenko officially became the owner of Lyudmila Alekseevna's expensive apartment. This became known on the air of the program "Let them talk."

The first to appear in the studio was the granddaughter of Alexander Kudryashov, who claimed that she was forbidden to communicate with a man.

“After the New Year, I called him many times, but they didn’t invite him to the phone. A week passed, the second, and I began to worry. As a result, I decided to go to Moscow, but I was not allowed into the apartment. I came again and again, and then Dvovenko called me and told me not to bother Lyudmila Alekseevna and her family anymore, ”said the granddaughter of the composer's husband.

By the way, the fact that the young woman Kristina Zinovieva is the granddaughter of Alexander Kudryashov became known only a few months ago. Then the alleged relative had to pass a DNA test.

However, Lyadova's friends do not believe in Christina's sincere intentions towards her grandfather. In their opinion, the young woman just wants to take possession of the apartment, the approximate cost of which is estimated at 70 million rubles. For Zinovieva and everyone present, it was a big surprise that the property already has a new owner, because Lyudmila Alekseevna allegedly sold it to Viktor Dvovenko.

A close friend of the composer Eleanor Filina decided to clarify this situation. She stressed that Viktor Dvovenko is caring for the Lyadova family out of sincere motives.

“He took upon himself all the worries about her. When Lyudmila Alekseevna's health deteriorated sharply, Victor sent her to the best clinic. He also treated her husband for alcoholism and continues to provide for both of them. Lyudmila Alekseevna is in excellent relations not only with Victor, but also with his parents. She is absolutely happy and surrounded by care, ”Filina said.

Many guests of the program came to the conclusion that Lyadova has every right to dispose of the property the way she wants. Moreover, the star has no children or grandchildren. As a result, the composer's husband Alexander Kudryashov appeared in the studio. He confirmed that he knew about the deal.

“My wife and I saw each other for the last time about a month ago. After leaving the first clinic, I lived with her, Dvovenko looked after us. I know that the apartment now belongs to him, ”said Alexander.

Now the composer's husband is undergoing treatment for cancer. According to Lyadova's friends, Kudryashov suffered from alcohol addiction for many years, and it was thanks to the support of Viktor Dvovenko that he began to fight his addiction.

At the end of the program, the presenter Dmitry Borisov said: he will continue to closely monitor the affairs of Lyudmila Lyadova. He hopes that the relatives will be able to resolve all the contradictions that have arisen between them and establish normal communication.

It is possible to enjoy the work of the unique composer only after a personal acquaintance with Lyudmila Lyadova and her biography.

Lyudmila Lyadova: biography, acquaintance

So, Lyadova Lyudmila Alekseevna - People's Artist, pianist, singer. It seems that her talent is limitless, and she has fully realized herself and continues to be realized in her work. Today, Lyudmila Lyadova is popular, famous and enjoys tremendous respect, this can be noted by the fact that Lyudmila Alekseevna has been an Honored Art Worker of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic since 1975, and since 1984 she has become a People's Artist of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic. Also Lyadova Lyudmila is a laureate of various international festivals and competitions. Since 1993 she has become a member of the Peace Foundation. Lyudmila Alekseevna's activities were also awarded with the orders "Friendship", "For servants to the Fatherland." The composer's name will forever remain on the pages of the world encyclopedia of music. But as you know, we all come from childhood, so you should pay attention to the childhood of Lyudmila Alekseevna.

The following are known about Lyudmila Lyadova and the biography of her family.

The future star was born on March 29, 1925 in Sverdlov, in a creative family, where art was respected and appreciated. Lyadov Aleksey Ivanovich - father, the main mentor in life, was at one time a soloist of the opera house in the city of Sverdlov, after which he worked as a violinist. He also played mandolin and saxophone well. Mom - Yulia Petrovna Lyadova, was a singer, choirmaster, and also beautifully embroidered paintings that have survived to this day. Even in childhood, the parents saw the potential of the little girl, and began to cherish thoughts about the great future of the pianist, in this regard, it was decided to hire a private music teacher, after which little Lyudmila entered a music school.

The beginning of Mila Lyadova's musical career

Already at the age of 10, the girl had to show her character, because she participated in a competition where there were 10 people for one place, but the girl Luda, who was carried away by music, was not afraid of anything, and easily entered the children's department of the conservatory in the city of Sverdlov. A year later, the young talent already took part in all kinds of competitions, festivals, often with her mother at work. At the age of 14, she even managed to perform together with a symphony orchestra under the strict direction of conductor Mark Powerman. One got the impression that the biography of Lyudmila Lyadova would be rosy, no one knew that very soon the war would burst into the habitual way of life.

War in the life of Lyadova.

The war forced many to look at life from the other side, and young Mila in those years tried to help with what she could. She played waltzes for the guys leaving for the front, gave concerts to soldiers, and visited hospitals. Her repertoire included old, well-known compositions, and already new ones, heard on the radio. Often she sang everyone's favorite war songs: "Let's smoke", "Dark night" and the songs of Katz, Bogoslavsky, Pokrass. At the age of 18, as one of the best students of the conservatory, Mila was sent to Moscow for a review of young talents, where she was immediately noted as an aspiring composer. By that time, Lyudmila had already written a lot, her repertoire was different: songs, miniatures, plays. The military theme was also touched upon.

Mila Lyadova's first steps to fame

After returning from Moscow, Lyudmila Lyadova has a fateful meeting with the aspiring singer Nina Panteleeva in her biography. The creative duet took shape immediately and brought the young talent in 1946 a victory at the competition of pop artists, which was held in Moscow. Such a dizzying success played a role, the first share of fame fell on the girls: they were offered tours, new collaborations and even a concert in Leningrad, which the young talents could not refuse.

Mila Lyadova did all the arrangements for the songs on her own, it was painstaking work and a serious test for a young composer. A year later, the duet was met in Moscow, at the Hermitage Theater. In 1948, after Lyudmila Lyadova graduated from the conservatory, she and Nina Panteleeva went on a large tour, which was designed for such large cities as Stavropol, Omsk, Kharkov, Orenburg, Leningrad, the Far East, Orsk. In every city, the duet found its listener and was very popular.

Important decisions in the life of a composer

In 1951, Lyudmila Lyadova underwent significant changes in her biography: she decides to move from Sverdlovsk to Moscow, she is accepted into the Union as a composer and she has the opportunity to realize herself with famous singers of that time.

In 1952, at the initiative of Lyudmila, their duet work with Nina disintegrated. Nobody advertised the exact reason for the collapse, but Lyudmila Alekseevna more than once hinted that she saw a lot of anger and envy from her partner towards herself. Perhaps this was the impetus for new works and new opportunities.

Lyudmila Lyadova and her marriages

And what about the personal life that Lyudmila Lyadova has? The biography of this composer is a stunning and gripping story. This is a story about a woman who has been looking for her own for a long time and still found it.

For the first time, Mila married Vasily Korzhov at a young age. Then a girl in love, who did not know what she was capable of, fell in love with the accompanist of the gypsy ensemble. Later it turned out that the girl had a lot of ambitions for self-realization, but at the same time she did not want to pull someone. Later, friends said more than once that Lyudmila was an enthusiastic, subtle creative nature, which wanders in search of herself.

The second marriage was with Yuri Kuznetsov, a ballet dancer. It was a long eight-year and wonderful journey that the lovers went through together. During this time, both of them have grown creatively, a lot of work has been done, joint ideas have been lived through. Composer Lyudmila Lyadova - a biography whose marital status is interesting to many - became interested in ballet and wrote many miniatures, music, and plays. But this marriage also cracked due to two leaders in one family.

The third marriage was more prudent - Kirill Golovin was an engineer, from a completely different world, but it did not work out with him either, since in five years of marriage everything cooled down and burned out. From a letter from Lyudmila to her mother: "There is no worse loneliness together." And it seems with these words everything is said. Later there was an unsuccessful marriage with Igor Slastenko, which fell apart due to jealousy, misunderstanding and Igor's eternal desire to re-educate his wife.

Personal happiness of Lyudmila Alekseevna

Lyudmila's current husband is Alexander, a saxophonist, 17 years younger than his chosen one. Could Lyudmila Lyadova in her biography imagine such a marital status? Most likely no. For her life, strong, independent, she got used to achieve everything herself, no matter what. Often, her ambitions in life were more like the ambitions of a strong man than a fragile woman. Apparently, that is why it was so difficult for her to get along with her previous husbands. Those who were interested in the topic "Lyudmila Lyadova: biography, family, children" know that in the memoirs of her life she mentions that she would very much like to have a child, but apparently because of her illness it is not for her. Therefore, she gives all her unspent love to her husband and her works.

Lyudmila Lyadova's attitude to faith

From childhood, the parents considered it necessary to baptize little Mila Lyadova, most of all, my mother insisted on this. And the girl carried the love of God through her whole life. Lyudmila Lyadova reacted very philosophically to the biography of her family and her children: as she noted, God gave her talent, her works are her children. As Lyudmila Alekseevna herself admits, she thanks God every day for the life he gave her, for her creativity and health.

The current life of Lyudmila Lyadova

Undoubtedly, the composer Lyudmila Lyadova simply bewitches with her biography, how many meetings and partings, events, festivals and competitions were held. As the composer herself says, she is happy that everything in her life turned out that way.

During her youth, she arranged huge feasts for large companies, loved noise and dancing, invited everyone to her place, and without a doubt, these were not the last people: among them there were future and real pop stars, ministers, people holding high-ranking positions. Today, the composer loves to be with his husband, relax in a small company of his friends, appreciates the silence and fishing. He spends more time in nature, but also continues to actively engage in his favorite business, has his own website on the Internet, two books about his life, many compositions, songs and a lot of beautiful music. She is still in demand and ready for cooperation. It seems that Lyudmila Alekseevna was born to create and create beauty.