How to learn to dance DPE step. How to dance Dubstep: strengthen the physical form

How to learn to dance DPE step. How to dance Dubstep: strengthen the physical form
How to learn to dance DPE step. How to dance Dubstep: strengthen the physical form

You probably saw these incredible video on YouTube, which look like a visual deception. You can learn this very quickly! Well, maybe not so fast, but practicing and devoting yourself to this case, you can perform a daimstop on a par with the best dancers.



  1. Wizard isolation. If you have ever visited the dance class, you are probably familiar with isolation. This is when you move some part of your body and nothing more - therefore you are insulating it. Perhaps it sounds too simple, but moving any part of the body without affecting, at least minimally, other parts are very difficult. For the development of Dubstep-style robot, this skill is necessary.

    • Stand in front of the mirror. Start from the head and neck and move down your body, trying to rotate every part of your body regardless of the rest of the body. Twist each part of the body counterclockwise and clockwise - shoulders, chest, abdominal muscles, hips, up to the ankle. Work with small parts of the body - fingers, wrists, forearms - as soon as you start to get. Nothing else should move.
      • When you get to turn the body parts in a circle, try moving up and down. Most of the time, performing isolation, you will move in different planes. For example, when moving hands up and down, you do not use your wrist or elbow. Hold them, but the movement of the hand should lead the shoulder, in fact only it should work.
  2. Learn how to make a "dad" with the help of abdominal muscles. There are a lot of useful learning videos on YouTube, which will show you the whole process. In principle, you need to move the press and inside in the fast pace or in the tact of music. And under Dubstep, you have to do it pretty quickly.

    • Imagine that your body is a mollusk sink that opens and closes. Your upper half of the body and the bottom must meet in the middle. Train this movement until you succeed in this, because it is the basis of many basic movements in Dubstep.
  3. Equilibrium. You will do a lot of movements in slow motion. This means that most of the time your weight will not be evenly distributed on both legs. It is because of the smooth movements in Slow-Mo genre and a zybi in the genre of glitch, there are no oscillations in Dubstep.

    • There will be moments when you need to rely on the fingers or on the sides of the stop. Start practicing now! Yoga will help you, in fact.
  4. Listen to rhythm. Unlike something classic as Waltz (simple 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3), the rhythm of Dabstepa is very fast, you often need to move in the dimensions of 1/8 notes and the like. If you can't hear rhythm, you can't dance Dubstep.

    • Pick a song for which you would like to dance and start tapping rhythm. Find the song you want to dance and start rabble it. When you can get into all the notes (it is short notes, in addition to 1, 2, 3, 4), drums with hands, you can start doing it and your body.


    1. Vibration. In many Dubstep compositions, there are moments where music seems to vibrate - it changes, from size 1, 2, 3, 4 to size 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 quite clearly. When you hear it, know that this is the vibration of time.

      • Bend the legs in the knees in the position slightly squatting. Then hesitate to seem like your body slightly moves up and down. It basically it looks like you are very little twitching. Do it quickly and skillfully. You want to minimize the movement, but increase the speed so that it seems that your body vibrates, and not like you are lying fool.
      • Do it more smoothly with your own hands and brushes. If your limbs will move too often, you will look like a carefree tyrannosaurus Rex, running away from meteor. Or, at least as an epileptic.
    2. Stop. Dubstep music is very fast and intermittent, then slow and smooth. When you perform the transition, take a split second Dead point. You will perform your robot dance, Bam and in your slow rhythm. Stop must be barely noticeable - in fact, only you need to know what you are doing it - but this will emphasize the transition.

      • This, as a rule, always takes place on a strong stake. There will be very clearly indicated moments where your quick movements should stop and slow down. What leads us to ...
    3. Be convincing, moving in slow motion. Everyone can move slowly. Most of us. But in order to perform slow motion and that it really looks like a movement in slow motion, you must closely monitor each part of your body. Your eyes should blink slower, your legs should touch the earth, gradually changing the angle, you even have to swallow more.

      • Easy to lower the spine down, but bring the movement of the legs is probably the most difficult part. As soon as the tip of your finger touch the ground, the desire immediately appears to transfer all the weight of this leg. Ultimately, all this is an equilibrium question in which you will be improved with time.
    4. Twitch. The usual melody in Dubstep sounds, how to say, like a glitch. It looks like the sound of a spoiled plate or scratched CD when a certain area is repeated again and again. When this happens, small twitching from ordinary, daily movements, turns into externally quite interesting movements.

      • Start with your head. Dreight her back and back to the music. There should be only 4 or so the movements of the head - it will not last long.
      • Work on different sites. Bending knees, tilt your body slightly lower with each blow, trying not to move your hands or neck / head. You are moving not only to the left and right, but also vertically.
      • Isolate hands. For each blow, "Rove" move your hand / hands regardless of your body. The rest of the body should not move. Check if you move on every glitch!
    5. Slip (Gloid). You saw this step - it looks almost unearthly. You will turn on the sock and shift the entire weight of your body on it. Remember what we talked about equilibrium? That is why you should do this way. The knee above your swivel foot should be bent.

      • Then slide with the other foot in the other side. This foot should never break away from the ground. It is literally sliding. If you can not slide - change shoes. Always, always, always one leg should stand on the sock, and the other fully stand on the ground.
      • Turn. Your foot, which is completely standing on Earth, must continue the mirrored rotation, Heel is a position, and the other foot should completely fall on the foot, turning around. This foot slide towards your body. Repeat. That's all!
      • Remember: the knee is directed to the heel ended. One heel always takes forward, so the knee does the same.
    6. Make a wave. I bet, they didn't think that it would be popular again, right? There are two main types of waves: a wave with hand and a wave body. Both types are heavy in terms of isolation. Let's start with a wave with hand:

      • For a wave with hands, hold one hand. Throw your brush down, then, bend the elbow up. If it is appropriate to mention in this case, do not forget about isolation. Then shaved by one shoulder then, do not turn to the nearest shoulder, at the same time accompanying this breast expansion. Repeat the same with the other hand, starting from the shoulder.
      • In order to make a wave body, imagine that through your chest stretched the rail. To start the movement of the wave, your shoulders must be rejected back, and your chest is filled. The further breasts, the better. Then pull the imaginary rail down, disappear breasts back, and your belly forward. What's next? All the same thing - pull this imaginary rail down a little more, pulling the belly and putting forward a thigh forward.
        • To complete the wave, make pop in a sitting position. Without moving the center (insulation!) Ride the knees (on tiptoe), bend them, and move the center of gravity. When you master the wave movement down, try to do it in the opposite direction.
    • Practice to rotate your shoulders and head with small jogging movements to add the visible complexity to your dance.
    • Put on a sports bra if you are a girl; It is unlikely that you want parts of your body to stay in place.
    • Do not be afraid to include the movements of other people in your own style. Just remember that you need to respect the one who you have taken this movement and help the community with new ideas.

Dubstep Digital Dance (3D) - A new dance style, the musical basis of which Dubstep music, and the technical is largely based on the movements of the electrician booga, pauping, tatting and some other dance directions. After having studied the basic movements of this direction, understood how to connect them between themselves, you will discover the very dynamic, emotional illusory world of dance Dubstep 3D. So, it's time to answer the question how to dance Dubstep (how to dance to dubstep)!

How to learn to dance Dubstep Dance.

If you live in Moscow, and feel that you will be easier to master the Dustep dance under the guidance of an experienced mentor - come to a trial occupation. It is free. Training along with experienced coaches, you can learn Dubstep much faster. Even if you have never been dancing before and you are afraid that it will not work. In our school dance begin to dance well even those who are very shy.

1. Dubstep lesson for beginners (required to view)

In this video, the lesson you will get acquainted with the structure of Dubstep dance, with axial musical and technical movements. Be sure to look at this lesson. It is for beginners, but even those who have previously danced this or other styles will be able to find valuable nuances of the dance technique. Especially, it should always be remembered that the technique is a robust base, the foundation on which the most perfect dance can be built. It's time to develop!

2. How to make vibration in Dubstep

This video lesson is devoted to how to make a vibration when dancing dance dubstep or popping (in which it is also often used). Dubstep Music is abounding with vibrations, which do not dance sin, so the vibration is important :) The vibration is a rather complicated dance element, but it can be mastered if you know the nuances and subtleties. Therefore, look at this dance lesson to the end and perform all 4 steps clearly, which disassemble in detail in it.

3. Learning Dubstep Lessons: Bundle Dubstep Dance 1

It's time to start mastering combinations of basic technology. The main principle in Dubstep dance is a series of continuous transformations. The principle of transformations is taken from the Tutting direction, but in Dubstep Dance, we can transform not only the corners and boxes, as in Tatting, but also waves, include any other parts of the body.

4. How to increase dance entertainment Dubstep twice

It's time to draw attention to one important technical element that allows you to add a sea of \u200b\u200bcosmic illusion in the Dubstep Dance style. Therefore, look at the online lesson to the end and try to repeat. The fact is that training Dubstep dance is a continuous process. Each time your technique will become better and better. Therefore, even if the dance element does not look like, as I want, it means that it must be trained and with the times you achieve an excellent result.

5. Dance lessons Dubstep: Bunch of Dustep Dance 2

It is time to learn another bundle. I want to draw your attention to what. We must separately work out the basic technique: a wave with hand, a wave of body, state, fixation. All these dance elements you can easily find on our site in the section "Onlay Lessons". And separately it is necessary to learn and invent bundles. This is necessary in order for you to understand how the movements in the style of Dubstep are connected and could then be better improvised and repeated less.

6 Dance Lessons Dubstep For Beginners: Dance Combination Dubstep Dance

How to learn how to quickly dance Dubstep? To do this, you need to do two things: the first is to master the dance technique Dubstep. Second - learn to dance to music. In this lesson, the dance has both of these components. Pleasant viewing and success.

7 Online School Dubstepa: Bunch of Dubstep 3

Arcuring the ligaments and dance combinations you find new ideas for your dance and make it more varieties, which means more spectacular!

8 What is the difference between dance dubstep from dance popping

Some people are sometimes confused and called dance dubstep dance. Popping. In fact, this is not the case, although there are general elements of these directions of street dance. In this video, the lesson you will learn about the three main differences between Dubstep from Popping Dance. Having learned about it, you will better understand how to dance your favorite style, which means you will move better!

Our School of Dabstepa will help you learn to dance this incredibly spectacular dance and will allow you to dance Dubstep as you want!

In modern clubs, you can often hear rhythmic music in which bass is dominated. You should not be afraid and run away from the dance floor, believing that only professionals can dance for such motifs. You will easily master the main movements of Dubstepa, which will make you a real dance party star.

You will need:

  • Sports suit;
  • Mirror;
  • A computer.
Show the rest
  • If you decide to set the goal to dance under Dubstep, listen to the music of this direction for the music, it perfectly produces a sense of rhythm.
  • To be able to repeat intricate movements, it is necessary to have appropriate physical training. Regularly do the charge and run in the morning. This will help strengthen the muscles and make the body more obedient. How dance Dubstep professionals, you will understand after learn how to control the limbs and the case.
  • Perform stretching exercises. Extrave the muscles of the hands and legs, lean to the sides. It is also useful to hang on the horizontal bar.

Go to action

  • So, roll in the room carpet and install a large mirror.
  • You are easy to learn to dance Dubstep with special video tutorials, where the technique of each individual movement is shown.
  • It should be started with simple movements: to work the "wave" with your hands, alternately and smoothly bending all the joints. In parallel, exhaust the "lunar gait."
  • In order to learn to dance Dubstep, you will have to master the rack on the hands. To do this, develop muscles. At first, lean about the wall, then try to do without support.
  • Feel free to try new movements. But before switching to the development of a new pa, spend the previous one.
  • Try to make a bridge; In this position, carry the cargo alternately, then one, then another brush.
  • It is very important to work on yourself regularly. This will help both dance Dubstep, and drop extra kilograms.

Master the detacies of club dancing is quite simple. After a month of regular training, you will notice how the body becomes obedient, and the brain clearly knocks the rhythm of the incendiary songs.

At the end we offer to enjoy a wonderful spectacle. This video will show you how Dubstep is dancing real masters.

Ask yourself three simple questions:

Want to stop being a tree, cut your log in yourself and start moving beautifully?
Want to learn to dance Dubstep?
Would you like to surprise familiar friends and friends with dance, forcing the viewers to open your mouth from amazement and applaud you?
Before you the most complete step-by-step tutorial on Dubstep, who will help you learn to dance "from scratch", even if you have never been involved in dancing before, even if you have not worked before. All that is required is your desire. Just follow the instructions of the coach step by step. The course is created so that you quickly and with pleasure learned to dance. Everything is simple and understandable. You will literally take your hand and spend through traps in which those who do on their own, to the tops of skill.

What are you getting

By purchasing this training video, with each lesson you will receive obvious progress in your dance:

Learn 20 dubstep dance basic movements;
Learn to improvise so that it looks cool;
Make 9 bundles of examples that you can use immediately after workout;
You will surprise your dance friends and acquaintances;
will become the most desired guest on a disco or party;
You will be something to show at festivals, batlares, TV projects, as those who own the right technique of units. And you will be among them.

For whom this course

This course is designed specifically for those who have never been engaged in Dubstep. For those who have never been dancing, but wants to learn. This course is for ordinary, normal people. This course is even suitable for those who tried, but before it did not work.

Total duration of 290 minutes (almost 5 hours).

Enterprise video: how to work out correctly.
Workout: Three basic blocks + exercises.
Lesson 1. Gorison ring, Explosion, Waterfall, DIMESTOP, Bunch 1.
Lesson 2. Three houses on the wave, vertical ring, Rail, DeadPoints, diagonal.
Lesson 3. Wave hand, snake, wall, bundle 2.
Lesson 4. Wave body, iron forward, nails, bundle 3.
Lesson 5. Rays, Gloid "Circular", Ringing Rings, Bunch 4.
Lesson 6. Circular Gloid, Square, Three Keys, Bundle 5.
Lesson 7. Trading, Rectangle, Side Gloor, Bunch 6.
Lesson 8.This plane on the shoulders, hands, test 2 key, parallel connection of waves and steps, bundle 7.
Lesson 9. Boxes, Vertical Hands, Rail-Boxes, Wave Body + Rail, Bunch 8.
10.Airtraks lesson, three points on moving, tracingcombo, a bunch of 9, a plan for further training.


Video Step-by-Step Tutorial on Dubsteep for beginners (dance dubstep / dubstep) channel Dragonsdancestudio

Under which it is executed. This genre appeared in the 2000s in South London. For such music, specific rhythmic clarity and bright sound are characteristic. The effect is achieved at the expense of the abundance of low-frequency bass, this flurry of sounds takes a dancing in an unthinkable and unpredictable movement of movements, as if a person is controlled by an artificial mind.

How to learn to perform dance dubstep?

First of all, you need to penetrate the rhythm of music. Listen to Dubstep, feel the "mood", try to understand the highlights of music and dance. Pay attention to successful dancers, read how they move.

Basis of dance

Dubstep is a dance that combines several styles borrowed mainly from electric-bougie - dance, it is a real "Klondike" of various genre directions. This style combines animation, popping, liquid, waiving, etc. All these elements constitute a single whole. Therefore, to learn dance technique, you will have to work hard and explore all the styles mentioned.

The basis of Dubstep is electronic that imitate a dancing robot.

What elements are Dabstep (dance)?

Rhythm, sharpness and speed of movements depends on the specific track. There is no universal solution - you need to listen and feel the music. At first it can be difficult, but over time will definitely work out. To confidently feel on the dance floor, you need to work out the basic elements in front of the mirror. It is important to achieve a clear and sharp, but at the same time graceful and plastic execution. When the body remembers certain movements, you can arbitrarily use them depending on the sounding music.

Dubstep (dance) consists of sudden accelerations and decelerations. In some cases, even stopping is appropriate. Movements can be short and sharp, and can be protracted. You can suddenly move from slow movements to quick, and vice versa. The main thing is that it looks beautiful and organic.

The purpose of the dance is to transfer the mood, pace and rhythm of the track, feel and present its character. You need to originally to beat music, and with your body to give the viewer the mood. You must completely merge with the unpredictable squall of sounds.

All dancers in different ways feel the character and mood of the same track, therefore, Dubstep is a dance that provides space for fantasy, the possibility for self-expression and manifestation of the initiative. Rhythm and will be the same for everyone, so it will combine dancing people.

There are no templates in this direction. There are only general principles. Everyone can use what is suitable for him. Dance develops, so you can not just copy other people's ideas, but also to put forward your own.

The abundance of variations of technology is impressive. You can perform various reversals, bends, waves, sharp movements of the whole body or only hands or feet. During the dance, the viewer arises various illusions. With sufficiently clear, but smooth continuous movements appear a feeling, as if the body of the dancing bends in places where it is impossible.

The big professionalism you possess, the more effectively your dance will be. Over time, you will learn how quick and unexpected transitions and master this unpredictable and fascinating dance.