Unusual Museum of Solomon Guggenheim in New York. Solomon Guggenheim Museum in New York Architecture, People Creation Museum of Solomon Guggenheim in New York

Unusual Museum of Solomon Guggenheim in New York. Solomon Guggenheim Museum in New York Architecture, People Creation Museum of Solomon Guggenheim in New York
Unusual Museum of Solomon Guggenheim in New York. Solomon Guggenheim Museum in New York Architecture, People Creation Museum of Solomon Guggenheim in New York

Solomon Guggenheim Museum (Eng. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum) - Museum of Art in the USA, one of the leading meetings of contemporary art in the world. He leads his story with the creation in 1937 the Guggenheim Foundation. Founder of the Museum - Matssenat Solomon Robert Guggenheim.

History of the construction of the museum

In June 1943, the Foundation ordered the construction of a new museum building with the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright.

About the architect of the museum building

Architect Frank Lloyd Wright lived ninety-two years and for seventy-two years of creative activity designed 800 and built about 400 buildings. In addition to the museum, such projects like "House of Jackoba" are most well known in Madison (Wisconsin) - a comfortable residential building for middle wealth; Office of Johnson - WEX in Rasin (Wisconsin) - Building without windows; Villa "House on Waterfalls" (Falling Water) in Ber-wound (Pennsylvania), which was called critics of the most wonderful residential building of the 20th century; School-workshop in Scottsdel (Arizona), called "Taylizin-Wets". The choice of the construction site of the Guggenheim Museum came to the site, adjacent to the huge green array of the Central Park between the 88th 89th streets on the fifth Avenue. Designing the building, the architect left the existing models and suggested viewers to climb the elevator to the upper floor and on the inner continuous spiral to descend down, examining the exposure along the way, both on the ramp itself and in the halls adjacent to it.


Externally, the museum looks like a turned the pyramid tower. This building is considered one of the brightest works of architecture of the 20th century. The construction of the museum was completed in 1959, when Solomon Guggenheim and Frank Wright was no longer alive.


1961-1988 - Thomas Messer (1920-2013)

Branches of the museum

Branch in Venice branch in Las Vegas (2001-2008) branch in Berlin (will be closed in 2012) Museum of Guggenheim in Bilbao, Spain Guggenheim Museum in Abu Dhabi, UAE (built) Museum of Huggenheim in Guadalajara, Mexico (built) Museum Guggenheim in Vilnius, Lithuania (designed) Museum of Huggenheim in Helsinki, Finland (in the project)

Interesting Facts

The Museum of Solomon Guggenheim was used in the shooting of such films as "Internet" (Men in Black), "Once in Rome" (When in Rome), "Popper Mr. Popper's Penguins" penguins ).


The Guggenheim Museum conducts ambitious exhibitions, designed to show the art of entire civilizations - Africa: the art of the continent, China: five thousand years, Aztec Empire. The exhibition of Russia (curator from the Russian side - Z. I. Togulov, unique in their scale and artistic value, suggested the viewers of the masterpieces of Russian art from the 13th century to the present day, as well as world-class collections collected by Russian kings and industrialists, works of outstanding artists about . Kiprensky, D. Levitsky, K. Bryullova, A. Ivanova, I. Repin, I. Kramsky, N. Ge, M. Vrubel, V. Serov, K. ...

One of the most unusual and invariably causing interest among tourists of objects of the largest city is the Museum of Solomon Guggenheim in New York. In the exposition of this richest assembly of art objects, the best works of artists and sculptors from all over the world are presented.

History of creation

Despite the relative youth, the Museum of Modern Art of Guggenheim in New York has a colossal assembly of art objects that were created by our contemporaries.

The founder of the museum is Solomon Guggenheim. At the dawn of its activity, this person was engaged in business, his property had a large number of mining mines, copper and gold mines. However, at the point of mind, accumulating solid capital, Guggenheim decided to move away from business affairs and devote the time to the liberated time to collect art objects.

Since the businessman himself was not art historian, he began to work with his acquaintance, a well-known German specialist in the field of art Hill Ribei. The cooperation of two old friends was very fruitful, the collection of art objects rapidly grew and was regularly replenished with new priceless exhibits.

Since even the spacious mansion of Guggenheim could not accommodate the entire collection over time, the businessman thought about organizing his own museum. It was purchased quite a suitable building located on the 59th New York Street. But pretty quickly and this building has become little to accommodate the entire collection. Therefore, in 1943, Guggenheim decides to build a separate building for the exhibition of collected cloths.

Since the main direction of the collection was modern avant-garde art, the building was decided to build on an unusual project. Fashion architect of that time - Frank L. Wright took to realize an unusual intent. The flight of the architect's fantasy surpassed all the branches, the project of a new museum building in the form of the cone delivered to the top of the cone produced a large furyor. Outside, the main building of the museum resembles a whirlwind of a tornado, twisted into a funnel, and inside it is perfectly adapted to demonstrate art objects.

The architecture of the building is so unusual that it is also considered one of the most amazing buildings in the world. The photo of the appearance of this architectural masterpiece and the laconic indoor interior is striking the purity of the lines and the desire to up. White building, glass atrium ceiling and huge windows ensure the flow of light inside the building, creating the most favorable conditions for inspection of art objects.

The avant-garde architectural style did not immediately find an understanding of his contemporaries, some artists were not solved for a long time to hold their hops in such an unusual building.

The construction of the building lasted for more than 15 years, it was completed only in October 1959, by this time the architect Wright, and the founder of the museum itself went away.


To inspect the exposition, visitors to the museum offer to climb the top floor on the elevator. Further, guests can descend along the spiral line passing along the contour of the huge atrium. Pictures and other works of art are located so that visitors passing by "snail" could consider them from different angles.

Near the main hall are two extensions (one of them was built quite recently - in 1992). In these extensions are administrative premises and individual exhibition halls.

The exhibition presents the works of artists, sculpture masters and applied arts 19 and 20 centuries, the most valuable exhibits, these are the canvas of such glorified masters of the brush, as lesion, Chagall, Van Gogh, Kandinsky, Picasso, and others. The collection of exhibits of the museum has more than 6 thousand masterpieces of modern art.

The exhibition halls of the attack presents a permanent exhibition compiled from the most valuable exhibits of the museum. And in the building "Snails" annually update replaceable exposures. The following exhibitions had worldwide success:

  • The art of the "black" continent (meeting of works of art from Africa);
  • Five thousand years of art of China;
  • Ancient art of Aztec;
  • Art of Russia. In the exhibition of the exhibition, 240 creations of Russian artists were presented.

Work and address

Located the Guggenheim Museum in a very picturesque location of the largest city in the United States. This is a plot located between 88 and 89th Street next to the Central Park, the exact address is 1071 5th Ave. You can get to a taxi or subway, reaching the station "86 Street".

Works a museum from 10 am to 17.45 pm, on Saturday, work time is increased for two hours. Weekend is Thursday, closed museum and on the days of official holidays.

At the usual time, the ticket price is $ 18, but on Saturday, starting from 17.45 and before the end of work at 19.45, visitors can go to the museum by paying any amount they consider needed. However, at this time, to get to the museum will have to stand in a long queue.

Completely, you can see the exposition presented in the Guggenheim Museum, during the festival held every year called "Museum Mile". This event is very popular among residents and guests of New York, so at this time in all the museums of the city a lot of visitors.

The Guggenheim Museum has several branches. Two departments of the museum are located in Las Vegas, in addition, there are branches in Venice, Berlin, London and Bilbao (Spain).

The official website of the museum:www.guggenheim.org.

Museum address:5th Avenue, New York.

Telephone:212 423 3500.

Travel:On the subway: Lines 4, 5 or 6, Station "86th Street".

By bus: M1, M2, M3 or M4, Madison stop, Fifth Avenue.

Opening hours:Sunday - Wednesday, Friday: 10: 00-17: 45.

Thursday - day off.

Ticket prices:For adults - $ 22, for students and citizens over 65 years old - $ 18.

Children under 12 years old entrance is free.

Photo and video filming in the museum is prohibited.

Information for visitors:Free Wi-Fi is available in the museum.

In the shops located on the territory of the museum, you can purchase souvenir and book products.

His services visitors offer cafes, restaurant and snack bar.

Backpacks, large bags (more than 40x40), umbrellas and baby carriages must be deposited in the wardrobe. In the halls of the museum you can not rush laptops, easels, albums, paints, graphite pencils and ballpoint handles.

Museum building

In New York in the quarter, the top East Side, on the 5th Avenue, adjacent to the green massif of the Central Park, is located the bizarre elips-shaped building is the Museum of Solomon Guggenheim. His story began in 1929, when the prominent industrialist Solomon Robert Guggenheim decided to move away from business and devote himself to collecting art objects.

Interior of the museum

He hired Hill Ribe von Erenvizen, Baroness, famous artist and art historian. Their attention was concentrated, first of all, on abstract art. At first, Guggenheim posted a collection at home, but by 1937 there was a need for a foundation institution, whose goals were supported by modern creators, assistance in promoting their works, as well as educational activities. The fund was also created to control the museum itself. Solomon Guggenheim became his president, and Ribey - director of the first opened in 1939 in the rental room for the 54th Street of the Museum of the Foundation - the Museum of Secondless Art.

It was put on the works of early modernism of such artists like Vasily Kandinsky, Pete Mondrian, Paul Clee. During the life of Guggenheim, he was actively replenished with the works of Mark Shagal, Robert Delone, Fernana Lea, Pablo Picasso, Amedeo Modigliani. In 1943, the entrepreneur and Baroness decided to write a letter to the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright with a request to design the building specifically for the museum. Preparation and construction took 15 years, 700 sketches were performed, six sets of work drawings. The platform for the construction was looking for Ribei, her choice stopped at the intersection of the 89th Street and the 5th Avenue.

In 1953, a year after the death of Guggenheim, his fund expanded significantly, at that time the director was James Johnson Suiney. He replenished the missed ribbery a substantial part of modern art - an objective painting and sculpture, in addition, went beyond the 20th century and acquired such a pearl of the collection, as a canvas "Man with arms crossed" (1899) Cezanne fields, and also received 28 works from Collections of Katerina Drayer, artist and one of the founders of the "Anonymous Society", where the representatives of Dadaism Marcel Dushan and Man Ray were included. They compiled an important part of today's meeting of the Guggenheim Museum. These are the works of Juan Gras, Alexander Ariphenko, Marseille Duzane, Ale Lisitsky, Natherm Mondriana.

Construction was held with the directory of Siini, he had a lot of disputes with Wright, especially with regard to the issue of coverage in the cylindrical form of the building. The architect died six months before the official opening of the museum for the public.

The building itself deserves a separate story. From the street it looks like a white ribbon, rolled into a cylinder expanding up. Its curvilinear surfaces highlight the museum from the numerous rectangular skyscrapers of Manhattan. Inside the space develops on the spiral up, the gallery ramp comes from the first floor to the very top. Although Wright and used natural rounded shapes, its construction is subordinated to the strict laws of geometry. It harmoniously combines such figures like triangles, ovals, squares. Their consonance is noticeable in every detail. So, for example, the shape of the column is repeated in the fountain, as well as in the design of the Tanghauzer gallery ladder.

In the hall of the museum

The solemn opening of the museum took place on October 21, 1959, ten years after the death of Solomon Guggenheim. Some critics said that the fun of the paintings on the concave walls with bad lighting is unacceptable, others - that architecture distracts from the main thing - works of art. Even earlier, several artists signed a letter so that their work would not be exhibited in this construction. However, over time and the public, and the creators are accustomed to such an architecture, which has opened up new opportunities for exposure to both sculptures and painting. To start an inspection, the viewers first rise on the elevator on the last floor and from there are descending along the spiral ramp, getting acquainted with the exposure along the movement. The 400-meter atrium is adjusted by six floors of halls, as well as a number of rooms attached already in 1992.

Speaking about the museum, it is impossible not to mention the collection of tangauzer, which began collecting painting back in 1909 in Munich. Justin Tangauzer Together with his father Heinrich owned the gallery, promoting young artists. The meeting included the works of Impressionists, postimipresions, futurists and advanced German artists, such as Franz Mark, Augusta McCe, Paul Clee. In 1963, Justin bequeathed his brainchild of the Huggenheim Foundation, and now without his collection it is impossible to submit the exposition of the museum. She spread her temporary framework, showing the development of the history of art to modernism, and also significantly expanded the "geography" of the XX century art. For her, a separate wing was built.

To date, Solomon Guggenheima Museum is the world's largest meeting of works of art of the late XIX, XX and XXI centuries. His collection includes about six thousand storage units, among which the works of the highest level of such artists, like O. Renoir, P. Gogen, V. Van Gogh, P. Picasso, V. Kandinsky, M. Shagal, P. Cesann, D. Pollock , M. Rotko, E. Warhol. In addition, the museum conducts extensive educational activities, showing the art of whole civilizations - Africa, China. A significant art event was the exhibition "Russia!", Held in 2005 and introduced to the American audience with the masterpieces of Russian art from the XIII century to the present day.

Museum of Solomon Guggenheima - Amazing Museum of Contemporary Art in New York, USA. This place is a storehouse of works of modern visual arts, graphics, sculptures, painting.

The museum must be the existence of Solomon Robert Guggenheim, who, being a patron, in 1937, decided that there were enough old museums in his head, and the idea came to create a museum in which the works of his talented contemporaries would be exhibited. He could not imagine how it all ends ...

More than 20 years have passed from the first brick bookmark before the discovery, and unfortunately, construction was completed. Once when neither the founder nor the architect was already alive. By the way, the author of the project now standing the building was Frank Lloyd Wright.

Situated museum of Guggenheimaon the legendary fifth Avenue, between two streets, not far from the picturesque green central park. Such a location was chosen for no accident. After all, the bulk of tourists is first trying to get on this street. From the very beginning, this museum surprises visitors with its unusual architecture: this is a very unusual building consisting of six levels. In it, the viewer must first climb to the top floor with the help of the lift, and then on the inner spiral staircase go down. Thanks to this decision, the inspection is possible from the ramp, the visitor sees all the rooms adjacent to him, in which there are many works of the masters of contemporary art and sculpture.

From the street building museum of Solomon Guggenheima Looks like an inverted cone. Especially beautiful building in the evening, it is spectacularly highlighted by multicolored spotlights, and this makes it a real decoration of the night manhattan. The museum's collection contains the work of many art masters, starting from the XIX century to the present day.

In the Museum of Solomon Guggenheima, you will find the works of such masters like Kandinsky, Tanningauzer, Chagall, Narendorf, Cezanne, Pollak, Raushenberg, Drier, Serra, Warhol, Van Gogh, Gajajn, Clee, Picasso, Rousseau, Dzhacometti, Miro, Legeway, Delone, Goncharov and many others. The number of works stored in the museum exceeds 6 thousand exhibits. Along with the collections that are exhibited here daily, exhibitions and installation of the geniuses of our time are also held in the Guggenheim Museum.

Solomon Guggenheima Museum works without days offHis doors are open to visitors even on holidays. The cost of entering the museum is $ 18. However, on Saturday evenings there is a way to get to the museum for a more acceptable fee. Employees in order to attract a larger number of visitors came up with a wonderful decision. Only once a week, the entrance to the museum is exactly as much as you do not mind paying for watching masterpieces. Such an idea brought their fruits. Mines of tourists on this day are inexhaustible. In addition, every year the festival is held in Manhattan, during which the entrance to the Guggenheim Museum is free. But then it's not to push off at all!

Art historians of different countries were so inspired by the idea of \u200b\u200bGuggenheim, that the branches of the Huggenheim Foundation were opened worldwide. Exhibitions in Venice, Gallery in London, "Deutsche Guggenheim" in Berlin,, two museums in Las Vegas: "Huggenheim Las Vegas" and "Guggenheim - Hermitage". The Guggenheim Foundation is the largest network of museums.

Currently, the construction of branches of the Guggenheim Museum does not stop. Four more museums are currently at the design stage, and the other two are already being built. One is in the picturesque and blooming Abu Dhabi (UAE), it is located on the artificially created Island of Saadyat. It is assumed that this branch museum of Solomon Guggenheima It will be 12 times more than the original.