TV presenter Friday Lera. Maria Ivakova: biography, personal life, photo

TV presenter Friday Lera. Maria Ivakova: biography, personal life, photo
TV presenter Friday Lera. Maria Ivakova: biography, personal life, photo

A man who works traveling is not so easy to rescise even an hour for shooting and interviewing. But we still managed it! In my only free day in Moscow, an incredibly energetic TV presenter Maria Ivakova met with us and told absolutely all the secrets of the program "Eagle and Rushka. Shopping" and even more!

"Masha, I heard that you participate in the sounding of an animated film, can you tell you more?

Yes, I voiced one of the heroines of the Animated film Disney "Zverstolis". I can say with confidence that with my character we are very similar to characters. And who I voiced, you will soon find out. I liked this experience. Not only have to combine many actions at once - watch out how much time the character says, at the same time, you need to follow the feed and voice, and you have time to play. It is very interesting! It seems that you immerse yourself in another world, it looks like some creative meditation, at the same time, you charge a positive from cartoons. I generally adore cartoons. All this, combined, very steep experience! In addition, it is useful for general development and vote. This is my first experience of working on the scounding of the animation character, and it turned out to be very positive.

What is it to have the most enviable profession on earth? It is as cool as it looks like or still there are difficult working moments, from which they are very tired?

Everyone says that we have a dream work, this is true, it is very interesting work, but not every person can withstand it. The schedule is very intense and you need to have certain qualities - optimism, patience, strong health, in order to withstand this load. Those people who sometimes fall with us to the set are very surprised by our graphics, what we need to get up, for example, at 4 am. From morning to late evening we work. When I look at our program, I always envy myself, because I think it's easy - came to one store for 3 minutes, then in another, the third, and in the evening met with Anton - class! But for each location we spend 4-5 hours, always with the film crew, I am completely watching my appearance - I do a Maika, I myself choose clothes. No matter what your mood is and how you feel, you go and work, you must be positive and in a good mood. Take a positive is the most important thing. On the day we pass 10-15 kilometers.

It is clear that this requires some kind of physical training. You want to do not want, we all engage in sports, because it is important, we do not abuse alcohol to keep energy at a certain level. Moreover, I am still engaged in energy practices in order to maintain everything in the balance sheet. Recently, we shot 3 days in Zagreb, after that they should immediately fly to Ibiza with a 5-hour change in Barcelona so that you understand, before that I had no weekend in two months. So, 3 o'clock in the morning, Barcelona airport, everything is closed, and we need to sleep, because we arrive and immediately should shoot. They found some closed cafe where strange people slept, lay on a shop nearby, at the same time, were very pleased that the bench was soft. I put my Celine bag under my head and fell asleep in 30 seconds. In the morning, we started strictly awakened by the airport workers, and we woke up with such joy and cheerfulness from what we managed to sleep three hours and grab yourself comfortable places (laughs). Here is a mode of us. We flew to Ibiza, took a shower and immediately into the frame.

Sometimes it happens when you do not understand where you are, a strange euphoria. I really love communication when we were in Ibiza, immediately met a huge number of stunning people, and immediately forgot about all inconveniences and fatigue. I really wonder to dive into everything that I do, I'm interested in shopping, why and how people make purchases.

I happened to see a few shifts of the leading and when new people came to the program, after two months they understood what they got involved and they stopped burning her eyes. Even Anton first rejoiced to every departure and shouted: "We fly again, Hurray!", And now he says: "I do not have time to write songs, you need to fly again ...". These are two completely different things - travel yourself or at work.

You manage to feel this transition between countries, because today you are in one country, tomorrow to another? There is a clear awareness that today you are in Ibiza, for example, and tomorrow in Rio?

I began to live in the world, and not in a certain country. Of course, I am clearly tracking, in which countries and cities we go, because everywhere there is a different energy, fortunately, I have not yet covered a look to such an extent. Although there are such countries from which you want to fly away.

Another question that is interested in our readers, do you leave the things that buy within the program?

Part of things we, of course, leave our own part of our producers, another part. In Kiev, we have a shopping museum, where unusual purchases from our travels are stored.

- How much do you already lead the program "Eagle and Rushka. Shopping "?

- You thought about what would happen when the countries end, what would you do?

I never considered "Eagle and Rush" as the main case of life, of course. Leading I have been working for six years and is very glad that such a project appeared, which gave me recognition. This is a certain start for me for further development. Already the many offers to participate in other projects, but they are not so bright and interesting as "eagle and rush." I also love the movie very much, I constantly try to snatch some episode, find some small windows in the insane graphics to take part in the shooting.

Recently flew to Kiev and starred from Marius Weissburg in the film "8 best dates", there I had a small episode, simply because there is no time to remove more. Naturally, I want to develop as an actress, not against various television projects, can also be happy to conduct various events, besides, I want to promote a feshn story, I open the showroom.

So far, your career is divided into two visible spheres - travel, which includes television, cinema, voice acting, and so on, and Fashion is a style, fashion, beauty, cosmetics. What bowl outweighs what preference gives?

For me, all this one.

- Because of your active activity, few people know about your showroom.

- Tell me something motivating for our readers, many of them can not find themselves.

Few people know that it was not very successful to a major project. Before I was taken to Trendi, 5 pilots were launched on MTV, they were taken to all these pilots, but for some reason, these projects did not start, and I did not move anywhere in the plan of creative career for two years.

It cannot be said that I did not do anything - I went to castings, I was engaged in a speech, a voice, I went to the acting school. I did not understand why I was not taken anywhere, but the most important thing is not to give up. I felt that I need it and that someday it would happen. Just at that moment I opened my studio, you just need to maintain my desire, do not stop, trying to do something else. I had a period in my life when I could calmly learn another language and now myself scold myself for what it did not.

Life is now and we will leave it all, it is important to realize. Do not think that we all die in the distant future, it is so clear, you need to imagine that you can die at any time and you need to realize what you have not fulfilled in your life. And then ask yourself a question, why didn't you do it?

There was a difficult choice in my life when I worked in an investment company, I earned very well, and in the future there was a serious growth, but I felt that I did not have there, it was necessary to make a choice between stability or creating something. You can not be afraid, you need to take, do and believe it is very important. All you need will come.

- Tell me a little about your profession, were there dangerous cases on the set?

Once we found themselves in a dangerous situation in Oman. Although at that time none of us realized how dangerous it was. I needed to wear Nikab (Muslim female headdress, which completely closes the face and leaves only a narrow incision in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eye, closed with a mesh), we shot and told about how Nikab, Parandja and Hijab differ, we had absolute good and normal information.

When the audiences watch the transmission, they do not pay attention to the fact that everything is glued from small pieces and to remove the episode about one element of clothing, you need to wear this clothes, go, to say something, it takes a certain time. At the time when I put on Naub and walked, Muslims were returned from prayer, there were a lot of them, they saw me - a bright girl in Nikab, which a few guys shoot at the camera. They were very aggressive at the operator and the director, a hundred people were accumulated about us, they were screamed and threw up. At that moment the director told me to remove Nikab and flee, we ran away from them. Before that, we were filmed around the market nearby and thank God people helped us, hiding in their cafes who saw us before and knew that we were friendly.

After that, I categorically refused to wear Nikab, I was really scary. I feel this danger to the skin, I always see and feel alertness, so, of course, we walk very carefully into completely dangerous areas. We even have a special energy setting to the invisible mode, just merge with the surrounding environment and calmly remove.

Basically, I finish everything to your taste.

- Based on what, buy clothes - Comfort, style, trends?

Honestly, all together. Usually I take a whole pool of things, because we usually leave for a long time for a long time - a month, one and a half and not clear what the weather will be. We carry a lot of things and then all this combines. For example, in Oslo, I looked like a tramp, for some reason, being there, I felt that I should look comfortable, comfortable, I wanted, and I fited into the atmosphere of the city.

The only main criterion is all clothes should be made of natural materials. In one onion, we remove several days and should be convenient for me, and it happens in the synthetics, it is cold, in general, uncomfortable. In Tokyo, I was in a crazy dress with a metal frame, and there could not be different. That is, the city itself strongly affects my choice of clothing. Sometimes I want to dress more than you need, but the producer says that I will be too distinguished. On the set it can interfere, because I will attract too much attention. In Moscow, for example, I love to wear heels, on the set of the program I exhaust them quite rarely.

- In general, love heels, hairpins?

Of course, I love, but I am not so often, mostly in the evenings, on a party or a holiday. Shoes are our all.

- Do you have preferences in brands?

I do not quite understand why cyclists on lackers brands? Once you put this dress and that's it. From shoe brands I like Manolo Blanhik, Christian Louboutin, Yves Saint Laurent. As for clothes, I, mostly basic things in the wardrobe - good T-shirt, cardigan. I like the brands Zadig & Voltaire, koshuhi I really like the brand BLK DNM, Stockholm, Asian brands, and many of them.

- What places in Moscow inspire you?

Gorky Park, Museum I love, in the summer I have time to spend there. I try, being in Moscow, visit some exhibitions. For example, I recently went to a fascinating tour of Remote Moscow.

- How do you feel about Moscow?

I love her very much! This is my favorite city. Today I flew out of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bleft the plane, breathed out of the dirty air and exclaimed loudly: "Well, here it is Russian!" (laughs). We moved here when I was 13 years old, I walked around Moscow and talked to her. By the way, the cities of the truth must be communicated. When something does not work, you can talk to the city and he will either go to the meeting, or will somehow experience.

Sometimes I even spend small ritualists in different cities, I can put an apple under the tree and say something to local spirits. This is especially true, for example, in Indonesia. This is true. There are countries and cities in which you constantly lose something, you have something, weird. I have a very warm attitude to Moscow. I had a height and impetus, I am grateful for that. Food is sometimes on the embankment or on the streets and I think how good it is!

- That is, we can say that Moscow is the most favorite city of all?

I also love New York very much. Moscow for me outside the categories. In my Moscow there are no evil people, only good, creative and stunning. I have my own Moscow.

- Finally, our traditional question, what is your look at everyday life?

It is necessary to be in a state of adoption and understand that everything is all that is happening is good. When something out of a row is happening to me, for example, broke the car or something else, I understand that this situation happened for the benefit and all this so that I am better. Every day I am grateful for everything that happens in my life. I also thanked life 10 years ago, as I now thank you. Gratitude and adoption are the two most important aspects.

For the granted interior, thank Baru "

Russian model, actress of cinema, TV presenter, blogger, business woman. Participated in the projects of the MTV channel.

A wide circle of spectators Maria Ivakova It became known thanks to the project "Eagle and Rushka. Shopping, where she became leading with the actor of the bone of October.

Biography Maria Ivakova

Maria Ivakovaborn in the Kazakh Temirtau on June 16, 1986 in the Military Family, which often moved. As a child, Maria managed to live in various places of Russia and even in Germany. Only when the girl turned 13 years old, Ivakov family settled in St. Petersburg. Masha has a sister Alena.

Ivakova considers his childhood very happy: she was free in movements and provided herself. It often walked alone, as the family dwells mainly in closed military towns, it was safe. From an early age, the girl managed to work out with music and dancing, fond of various trendies.

Maria grew by an independent child, parents encouraged this quality. At 12, the daughter asked her father to find her part-time job. So she became an assistant in an x-ray office. According to Masha, the money she received tiny, but he felt like an adult and independent.

After school Maria Ivakova Entered the Tax Academy and planned to become a serious businesswoman. Already during the training settled in an investment company, where in two years of stubborn work received the position of development director. At some point, the girl realized that she wanted to change. They arrived in 2008.

Maria Ivakova: "I began to help my friend, which was engaged in organizing events. And once my friend Max Perlin, who launched the project at that time, suggested that I had a program about fashion. Together with her friend Leroy, once a week went to the shows and covered the events of the fashion world. We called themselves Marie and Valerie. The chip was that we did not bother at all, all the time laughed and thrilled from the process. In parallel, I organized events and worked in the investment company. Then I have already started to earn good and, like many girls, I spent everything on clothes, but not on fashionable outfits, but on a bunch of identical shirts and skirts - the company was a strict dress code.

Soon in the life of Mary, everything changed. Deciding to end the office career and open his own business, in 2010 she was with the sister of Alena created the Atelier the Tailor Shop, which, except individual tailors, is also engaged in the development of lines of clothing.

In 2012, in the framework of the World Fashion Awards awards, the owners of the Atelier The Tailor Shop Maria and Alena Ivakov won the nomination "Conceptual project. New name".

Career Mary Ivakova on television

In 2009, Maria began to lead on the Youtube channel about fashion called "from the hip", which made a girl popular in RuNet. In 2012 Maria Ivakova It became one of the leading popular fashion peace and style world program, the format of which was quite simple. Charming reporters told about the latest fashion novelties, visiting the main secular events, communicating with world stars, etc. In this project, Maria stayed for about a year and began to conquer new vertices.

By the way, she was something to do: the model was invited to various television shows, on shooting shorts and clips. And in 2013, the debut of Ivakova-actress took place: she played a secondary role in a melodramatic comedy "The habit of part". Then there were roles in the ribbons "8 new dates", "8 best dates" and others.

Maria Ivakova is constantly involved in various fashion projects and photo shoots.

In 2014, Maria became even more known as in Russia and abroad - she received the role of leading in Travel-show "Eagle and Rushka. Shopping "started on the TV channel" Friday! " . The first partner of Masha on the show was actor Konstantin Oktyabrsky.

Maria about the selection for the project: "When I came to the casting show" Eagle and Rusk ", the only thing I knew about him is a shopping program in different countries. I thought then: "Who, if not me!" After all, I traveled a lot, I love different brands, I can analyze local designers, communicate with new people ... I didn't believe that I was approved, until I received tickets. When I saw my schedule for a year, I just looked around with happiness! "

In 2017, Maria began to keep the program " Perfect morning»On the TV channel" Friday! " together with Leroy Dergileva. In parallel with this, it is engaged in managing his studio and spends a lot of time and money for charitable purposes: support for disabled people, treatment of ophthalmic patients and translating scholarships to talented MSU students.

In December 2017, it became known that Ivakova returned to the project "Eagle and Rusk" as one of the leading "Eagle and Rusk. Star season. Also in the transfer, such stars of the Russian show business were filmed as Showman Alexander Revva, Svetita Svetlana Loboda, actress Ekaterina Varnava and TV presenter Anfisa Chekhov.

Maria went to Lisbon together with the comedy actor Mikhail Bashkhakov, famous for the TV series "Give youth! "And" kitchen. Last fight ".

Personal life Mary Ivakova

Almost two years Mary was married to a businessman Ernest RudyakomOne of the owners of a large-scale building holding. But the marriage collapsed, as each of the spouses was concentrated on his projects. However, they support friendships.

Since the spring of 2015, rumors began to walk about the novel. Mary Ivakova With Anton Lavrentiev, who together mastered a variety of shopping routes around the world. Although in the "Orel and the Higher. Shopping "They never appeared at the same time, but together inspected expensive boutiques and quite budget places for the sale of goods. And once, being on the set of the next release of the show in Las Vegas, the guys could not resist the overall wedding stir and got married at an altitude of several hundred meters, in the helicopter's cabin. Young people exchanged rings, wedding cruisers and received a marriage certificate. The latter, by the way, does not have legal strength in Russia.

Ivakova: "And Anton and I simply showed how you can arrange a wedding in Las Vegas. The most interesting thing is that we identified it at the beginning of the program. And then at the end of the transfer, I said the phrase: "What was in Vegas will remain in Vegas." But not all of us were correctly heard. "

Anton and Maria, as they themselves said, are just wonderful friends, in relations they do not have a hint of romance.

Maria: "Anton is like a brother, we are fine! I know that I can always consult with him if I feel bad. I generally believe in friendship between a man and a woman, the main thing is that it does not grow into permanent gatherings and everyday meetings, and even with flirting. "

Maria Ivakova is a popular Russian TV host, actress and model. She was born on June 16 (according to the Goroscope Gemini), 1986 in the city of Temirtau (Kazakhstan). Its growth is about 166 centimeters, and the weight reaches 59 kilograms.

Maria was born and brought up in a fairly ordinary family. True, due to the military activity, the whole family had to move frequently. Thus, the girl was able to visit almost every corner of Russia, besides that she could also see Germany. At the age of 13, the Ivakov family decides to settle in St. Petersburg. Despite frequent moving, young Mary managed to engage in music and dancing, as well as follow fashionable trends. Memories of childhood always give Mary smile, as she spent him enough fun and extremely interesting. She often walked one in the vicinity of the city and found completely unusual places that became even more unusual thanks to the rich imagination of Mary.

Maria grew by an independent child and even had a small part-time job in childhood, which helped her in the future adult life. After graduation, she decides to enter the university for a tax case and after a short time it becomes part of one investment company. In the thoughts, the young and ambitious girl did not have anything connected with television, she just wanted to become a businesswoman and enjoy himself a good career, but fate ordered otherwise.

TV presenter career

In 2008, Maria Ivkova decides to radically change the generation of the activity and begins to conduct a program about fashion. After time, she gets acquainted with many fashionable celebrities, including Robert, who helped with the organization of the show in Russia. So, she begins to guide the program "From the Hip" on YouTube, and after a short period of time, along with a friend opens my own atelier "The Tailor Shop".

In 2012, leads the program "Trendy". In 2014, it becomes a leading one of the most popular travel programs "Eagle and Rusk. Shopping "before closing the project in 2016.


Maria Ivakova was in a two-year marriage with a businessman Ernest Rudyak, but the married life failed and soon the couple decides on divorce. The main reason for such turn was Career Mary and Ernest, but despite this, they still remain best friends.

In 2015, there were rumors about Mary's novel with Anatoly Lavrentiev, a colleague on the TV show's film crew "Eagle and Rushka. Shopping, however, these rumors were refuted by the leaders themselves. After that, there were various guesses about the leading Ivan Chuikov, which later also became a lie.

Polina Ascery, Chief Editor Website: "Today's meeting is special, because our guest is not only a popular TV presenter and Beauty Maria Ivakova, but also - the new author site! I wanted to ask Masha a few questions about her career, life realities and future plans. "

Polina Ascery: Masha, we often see you on the screen, and we have a clearly formed your external image, and what are you inside, what do you think about yourself, what are you?

Maria Ivakova: First of all, I think that I am a person always in an active search. I try to realize myself at the maximum. Second: I am a public person - especially now, when the project brought me popularity, I feel great responsibility for how I look, I say, I imagine from myself. I actress, leading, business woman ... I am also a sure friend - 100%! And loving daughter ...

Polina Ascery: What is your brightest impression of childhood?

Maria Ivakova: I had a cool childhood! My father is military, and we lived in small towns, where the security issues never stood, where I was always granted myself, it was a happy time. I loved to walk very much, could one go to the forest, to naughnt out my story and exist in it: I am the Queen of the jungle, then the Fairy or someone else. I liked to organize games in the yard, and the guys were spent all the time on the street, studied nearby forests, lakes ... We had computer consoles, but fortunately, in the days of my childhood, no one spent a lot of computers as now, - All preferred yard companies. And when I was 13 years old, everything changed, - my family moved to St. Petersburg.

Polina Ascery: Do you have an easy character? Are you calm in any situation or can you easily freeze?

Maria Ivakova: If we are talking about work, and this applies to professional issues, it happens, I can express my opinion, for example, when the makeup artist does not understand what he does, then I will take a brush and show what and how to do. And I absolutely do not take offense when a colleague points to my shortcomings on the working platform. I believe that constructive criticism is extremely important, but I prefer any controversial questions only within the limits of decency - I am always respectful about colleagues, but also requires such a relationship.

If we talk about personal flaws, then yes, my close people sometimes suffer from my excessive straightness, but perhaps this is my only drawback (laughs). If my girlfriend is strangely combining things, and I see that it does not go to her, it is full of, for example, then I will tell her about it. Why do I do that? Because I like when with me my close sincere and straight. I am so much easier for me. I will listen to criticism, perhaps I will experience first, but in the end I understand that from the side is really visible.

Polina Ascery: Are you more practiced or theorist?

Maria Ivakova: It is difficult to say ... I think the theory is very important. I read a lot, so rather I am a theorist (smiles). But it happens that in some theory I strongly believe, and in practice it is not confirmed ... But until a serious disappointment happens, I will sincerely believe in it.

Polina Ascery: Funny, I graduated from school at the tax academy and work in the world of fashion and beauty, and you graduated from the Tax Academy and work on television.

Maria Ivakova: Yes? And I even worked on the profile (smiles). My youth had plans to become a business woman, to earn good, enter financial structures. But when I worked a little, plunged into this sphere, I realized that it was not quite mine, it's just a part of me. I achieved certain success, but as a result I decided to leave. The Academy gave me pragmatic knowledge that help to keep a business: I, for example, can easily support the conversation about the financial analyst and read the "Vedomosti" (smiles) with interest. And soon I was fortunate enough to learn from German Petrovich Sidakov. His school of acting skills for six months I transformed me. This is my real second education, although I realize that acting needs and you can learn all my life!

Polina Ascery: You said - "Business", what do you do, besides television?

Maria Ivakova: I have my own brand The Tailor Shop. This is a store-accessory, he has been for 5 years. But we do not stand still, - I have been working on the creation of a new fashion brand with the team, and the opening of the Show Room.

Polina Ascery: It's not scary to start your work in a crisis? Fabys are purchased in Europe, and prices are high ...

Maria Ivakova: Not at all. I have a belief that everything will be fine!

Polina Ascery: What clothes do you more often wear - Western or Russian designers, or prefer to sew to order?

Maria Ivakova: I often sew individually for myself what I like. On the other hand, a lot of good Russian designers have emerged lately, and I really like it. Yasya Midokhkina (Ukrainian designer, popular in Europe - editor), Dmitry Loginov - My favorites. Chapurin does not like the collection, and despite the fact that they are a little elegant for me than I prefer, I can put on his dress for the most solemn moments.

Polina Ascery: Who else?

Maria Ivakova: "Walk of Shame", I liked the puppet collection, it is in my style. I have a fur coat from the Amarov Zaza - very bright and funny: white-redhead of artificial fur. She produced a furor in New York - all, from vagrants to the guests of the hotel, I was interested in where I took it (laughs). I also love Arutyunov, Vissarion, Ruban - I like the unusual, exceptional things in kind.

Polina Ascery: Do you yourself want to look unusual?

Maria Ivakova: I do not win on what I'm dressed, and sometimes I can choose strange combinations. But it is in them comfortable. I have my own taste, which I trust, and the style that I hold.

On Mary: ASIAN SPIRIT jacket

Polina Ascery: If you explore your instagram, it is noticeable that you always have ideal styling and makeup in the photo, as if you do not go out to the street without cosmetics. Don't you think that natural beauty can also be popular?

Maria Ivakova: It's not true, I have shots without makeup, I was lucky that I could look good and without make me (laughs). I know it well, because over the years of work on television, I learned my face well: for example, on the set, which occupy three weeks a month, very often I am painful. I will say more, I can compete in mastery with an ordinary makeup artist (laughs). But if you seriously talk, then I love non-standard solutions, I like to paint in some kind, maybe even cool, and put an unusual make in instagram. It is interesting! The camera loves me.

Polina Ascery: You said, you have no makeup artist on the site?

Maria Ivakova: There is no makeup artist, no hairdresser, so I learned everything myself: I took lessons from different makeup artists and stylists, I looked carefully to Elena Krygina on YouTube. I know everything that happens on the beauty market, constantly watching beauty blogs and cosmetic sites, I spend a few hours in Sephora, and the cosmetics is more like a suitcase (laughs)!

On Polina: ASIAN SPIRIT Dress

Polina Ascery: How do you care for hair? What do you advise our readers to make your hair and grow rapidly?

Maria Ivakova: First of all, I think you need to eat right, sleep a lot and not nervous! I had a period of big stress - it fell so much hair that I became very scary, - I had to go to doctors. I drank three-month vitamins courses. After that, in order to activate the blood circulation of the skin of the scalp, used burning serum. I was very suitable for the means of Davines for hair growth - it smells very brightly mint, first unpleasantly burning, but then gives coolness. There is still such a Dixidox Deluxe brand - it is designed by tricholist doctors together with beauty salons: there are all the means are good, but you need to pick up with a specialist, what exactly will suit you, and what is not.

Polina Ascery: You said about special nutrition for hair.

Maria Ivakova: Yes, the diet affects the condition of the hair. First, in your menu, legumes are required, in particular lentils, and fish ... and remember, diet are contraindicated for hair, if you eat little, forget about beautiful hair.

If you are 20, then you have time for experiments, but if you are 30, or to you already by 40, then your mode should be permanent - the beauty is extremely transient. It is necessary to protect the skin from the sun in advance, do not go to the solarium, strictly follow the nutrition. I'm so happy that I refused five years ago from meat. Although fish and eggs eat. If I lived in India, I probably could give up from them, but I can not yet.

Polina Ascery: How did you come to vegetarianism?

Maria Ivakova: A friend told all sorts of horrors about the quality of meat that sells in our market, whipped with antibiotics, etc. At the same time, I began to do yoga and immediately felt as far as meat had heavy energy - as she landed. Fish, unfortunately, in Moscow, it is not often in Moscow, as it is possible to find it only in a good restaurant.

Polina Ascery: In addition to yoga, are you doing sports?

Maria Ivakova: You have to go to the hall now (sighs). It is necessary to follow your body, because I have constant flights, changing power modes, kitchens, time zones - all this makes a certain imbalance. Honestly, I sincerely hate fitness ... and at the same time I love him. I recently woke up with a disgusting mood - like the sun shines, the weather is excellent, and I have a decline forces - I had to go to download the press, although this is the most terrible for me, which may be in training, but the emotional mood that comes after the physical exertion is worth it!

Polina Ascery: Masha, you travel a lot, I saw almost the whole world. Tell me which country is closest to you?

Maria Ivakova: In energy - India, Nepal, Brazil ... Although I could not live in them constantly.

Polina Ascery: Well, India, it is clear, Nepal - too, but Brazil? Do you like impulsive fatal handsome handsome?

Maria Ivakova: Perhaps yes (smiles). I had a Brazilian guy, we met in Dubai and met for about a year. As a result, his expressiveness was even stronger than mine, and we could not get along together. There was a very difficult novel, passionate, like American slides.

Polina Ascery: What are your plans for this year?

Maria Ivakova: On television, as before, we fly, remove, take interviews, fly, remove, take interviews ...

In addition to television ... As I said, the plans to launch my clothing brand in September 2015. And I would also like to play in the movies ... or in the video of a good artist, not necessarily commercial. Ivan Dorn me, for example, is very pretty. I generally love music, this is my big sweat! I also really want to play in the theater, it pulls me to him ... since I am infrequent in Moscow, it is difficult to combine everything, but I hope that everything will grow and succeed - I know it for sure! But most of all I want to draw the attention of people to something deep, make them think about where they go where they hurry than they live, why they limit themselves all the time and believe that nothing will happen.

Member name: Masha Ivakova

Age (birthday): 16.06.1986

City: Temirtau, Kazakhstan

Education: Financial University (former

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With this article read:

Maria Ivakova is now at the peak of his popularity - she is a TV presenter, fashion designer and blogger. Fans fans are fascinated by simplicity, beauty and desire to communicate with everyone, many of it are called "from the people."

Despite the fact that Masha was born in Kazakhstan, she grew in other cities. Her father was a military man, so the family was constantly moved throughout the country.

And if many children such a way of life were inconvenient, then Masha is just a buzz - she had a lot of friends, with whom she then corresponded, she was allowed to walk alone, because military towns were always closed and safe, she sought independence, and parents supported her in that.

At the age of 12, Masha first raised his father
He made her assistant to the medical office.

The girl earned the vigorous penny, but the very fact of independence and earnings gave her impetus to the future.

Ivakova entered the Tax Academy, she studied well, but in the last courses settled in a large company.

Her purposefulness contributed to the rapid career growth - Maria appointed development director. Of course, on training, her employment influenced not the best way, she graduated from the institute with three.

In parallel with the financial activities of Masha managed to captivate with music and learn several dance directions. She also liked to draw sketches of clothing, but she could not imagine that one day will be a designer.

Despite the wiping of finances, the tight work schedule influenced a sharp change in Ivakova's life.

She earned well, she had great prospectsBut there was no happiness and satisfaction from activities.

Maria understood, you need to change something, and for the beginning she turned to the advice to Max Perlin, a good friend.

He made her leading his fashion world program. Then followed the Internet project "From the Hip", where the girl told about the trends and how to choose onions.

Fashion's passion forced the girl to leave work in the office and fully immerse themselves in a favorite business. Ivakova together with his sister created her studio, then a clothing line. In parallel, Masha led various presentations and events, and even managed to play in the cinema.

The greatest fame of Mary brought the project "Eagle and Rushka. Shopping. As soon as she saw an announcement of the upcoming casting, immediately went to him. Masha coped perfectly, and her portfolio played her hand.

But she herself believed that she had passed, already when he saw the plane tickets and the timetable schedule. The program format allows the girl to combine two favorite things to travel and engage in shopping in different countries.

Masha Ivakova managed to be married, her spouse was a businessman Ernest Rudyak. With him the presenter met even when he worked in the investment company.

Alas, the marriage lasted only two years, as young people were engaged exclusively by their projects, not paying attention to personal life.

Rumors that Masha married a co-lead Anton Lavrentiev
But they never confirmed, as well as talk about pregnancy Mary.

In fact, the girl is overly passionate about his career, and now she does not want to raise the family and give birth to children.

In her opinion, there must be a few more years so that it is ripened to take such serious decisions.

In 2017, together with Lero, Dergileva began to maintain the program "Perfect Morning" on the Friday channel.

Photo of Mary

Mary Ivakova has instagram, where more than 750 thousand subscribers.