Elena chekalova what is she doing now? Leonid Parfenov's wife fears for his career

Elena chekalova what is she doing now?  Leonid Parfenov's wife fears for his career
Elena chekalova what is she doing now? Leonid Parfenov's wife fears for his career

The birth of a media legend - the childhood of Leonid Parfenov

Then, on January 26, 1960 in the city of Cherepovets, Vologda region, in the family of the chief engineer of a metallurgical plant and a teacher, no one could have guessed that not just a boy Lenechka was born. On that day, a brilliant journalist, TV presenter, director, actor, producer and simply an intellectual of his time, Leonid Parfenov, was born.

Later, in 1966, another boy was born to the family - Leonid's brother Vladimir, who would become a well-known businessman involved in the purchase and sale of medical equipment. Leonid's father was very fond of fishing and hunting, for them, as soon as free time from work appeared, he often took his eldest son with him.

Coming to the profession

The formation of the journalist Parfenov began from the moment he entered the journalism faculty of one of the most prestigious universities in the country in 1977 - the Zhdanov Leningrad University, which Leonid successfully graduated in 1982.

After the institute, Leonid Parfenov served in the ranks of the Soviet army in Leningrad. There are people who come to the profession by accident, but it was really the right choice. As a journalist, he will try himself in a wide variety of publications, including Krasnaya Zvezda, Pravda, Moskovskie Novosti, Ogonyok, Vologda Komsomolets.

Oblomov, Sobchak, Parfyonov - Rap prayer in support of the faith

After experience in print media, Parfenov will begin to understand the significance and possibilities, and will gradually fall in love with the television space. The first experience in television refers to his work on the regional Cherepovets TV. He was the first, of the few journalists of that time, to start making friends with famous rock performers and music critics who just appeared in the Soviet musical space. Among them there will be such names as Alexander Bashlachev and Artemy Troitsky, whose meeting took place precisely with the light hand of Parfenov in 1984. With legendary personalities of that time, Leonid regularly held meetings in the framework of regional television programs.

The adult life of Parfenov

The growing up of journalist Parfenov began from the moment he came to Central Television in 1986 as a special correspondent for the youth editorial office, where he worked together with other fellow journalists on the creation of the "Peace and Youth" program. But this was not enough for Leonid Parfenov, and in 1988 he switched to work at Author's Television, where it was possible not only to experiment with the word, but also to look for completely new forms of presenting the material to the viewer. The result of work at ATV was a three-part documentary project "Children of the XX Congress" about the famous generation of the 1960s, jointly with Andrey Razbash. Then Parfenov will write about the process of working on his first documentary television film with special trepidation in the book “Vlad Listyev. An Intense Requiem. "

The collapse of the USSR, the arrival of glasnost in the country and the formation of a new Russian state became milestone in the work of a young, promising television personality. In 1990-1991, he became the author and host of the entertainment program The Namedni, but because of his razor-sharp words and conclusions, in early 1991 he was suspended from work on television. But this fact not only did not clip Parfenov's wings, it will give him even more confidence in his abilities and point the way to the creation of a new documentary project "Portrait in the background", which was created during 1991-1993 and consisted of six films. Then he will work on the release of non-political news on Channel One "Ostankino", and in 1994 he will start working on the NTV channel, with which he will have many good and not very events in his life. In addition to his special love and trepidation for television documentaries, Parfenov also tried himself as the author of such popular New Year projects in the early 1990s as Old Songs about the Main.

While working on NTV in the period from 1997 to 2001, Leonid Parfenov will be the permanent host and author of the historical program “The other day. Our era. 1961-1991 ", he will also own the idea of ​​creating one of the most ambitious television projects of our time" Russian Empire "," Living Pushkin "," Special View of Leonid Parfenov ", he was also their constant presenter. After leaving NTV in 2004, Parfenov switched to work on Channel One, which found in him the author and host of documentaries "Oh, world - you are sport!", "Lucy", "And personally Leonid Ilyich", " Zvorykin-Muromets "," Bird-Gogol "," Ridge of Russia "and many others. All of them became proof of journalistic talent and innate love for Parfenov's analyst. Since 2012 he has been working at the Dozhd TV channel.

Leonid Parfenov's speech at Bolotnaya Square

Work is not just television

... Leonid Parfenov from 2004 to 2007 was the editor-in-chief of the Russian Newsweek magazine, and at the end of 2007 he began work on his long-term project - writing the book-album “Namedni. Our era ", which at that time was supposed to consist of four books - decades. But already in 2010, Parfenov began writing the fifth volume of the book, the first half of which he presented in 2011, and the second half in March 2013.

Leonid also tries himself as an actor dubbing cartoons and feature films, he worked as a member of the jury of the television programs "Minute of Glory", "Higher League of KVN", "Voting KiViN" our years! " together with the presenter Tatiana Arno.

Professional recognition

Over the years of work on television, Leonid Parfenov has created about 38 projects, many of which are a series of television programs or television films. His activities were awarded five Teffi awards for programs created at different times, he was awarded the prizes of the Union of Journalists of Russia, Vladislav Listyev's personal award, telepress prizes, and is also a permanent member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society and human rights.

Personal life of Leonid Parfenov

Like many successful people who have realized themselves in the professional field, Leonid Parfenov is also successful in family matters. His only wife since 1987 is Elena Chekalova, who is also a well-known journalist, author of numerous books on television.

The family has two children - son Ivan and daughter Maria, who were educated abroad and in no way connect their future life with journalism. Parfenov's son has an economics degree from the University of Milan, and his daughter wants to connect her life after graduating from the Italian School of the British Council with the restaurant and hotel business.

Of course, this whole story, which has already received publicity in both Russian capitals, can be attributed to the ladies' emotionality and subjective approach. After all, Parfenov's wife, Elena Chekalova, is a fairly well-known culinary specialist and restaurateur in herself. In Moscow, she owns an institution under the flashy signboard "Let's Go." Also, by the way, a restaurant, and located in the very center of the capital - on Petrovka, 30/7.

It is clear that the new restaurant of Matilda Shnurova, recently opened in the center of St. Petersburg at the five-star W St. Petersburg, Elena Chekalova set off with a certain amount of skepticism inherent in all professionals.

At least, this is evidenced by the entry left by Elena on her personal Facebook page. The mood from the very beginning was excessively zealous and even jealous.

“In St. Petersburg, friends advised me to visit one trendy restaurant,” she shared. Helena. - I called to reserve a place - they said that everything is full (from the English full - taken. - Approx. Woman’s Day). A little surprised: 7 pm, a weekday. Well, I think I'll at least sit at the bar and look at this miracle. I come: an almost empty room. They don't put me in prison anyway: they say, everything is booked. I almost force myself to sit on the bar and watch. After half an hour, the picture does not change. Meanwhile, Lenya rakes up (Parfenov is the husband of Elena Chekalova, a famous TV presenter. - Approx. Woman’s Day). I went up to the manager again - they put us in prison as a big favor. Like, someone refused. The ordered bottle of wine is carried for half an hour, then it turns out that it is not there at all. I don't even want to talk about food. All dishes were returned to the kitchen. When they left, a number of people pulled up, but there were still a lot of empty seats. Apparently, most of them refused)) In Moscow, alas, there are also such popular places. Friends, tell me: in order to go to eat well, you need to know that you can't get into the establishment? " - wrote the wife of Parfenov.

At the same time, Elena did not indicate the name of the Shnurovsky restaurant "KOKOKO" anywhere. Others would not have understood what he was talking about, but then Matilda Shnurova herself appeared on the page of Elena Chekalova. And it began!

"Dear Elena! - she turned to the wife of a famous TV presenter. - Since the comments in your settings are prohibited "not friends", I will answer you at home. "

And she answered. A lot and passionate, as they say, "on all counts." For the sake of completeness, we present the entire rather lengthy passage of Matilda Shnurova, the spelling is preserved.

“Elena, let's figure it out point by point:

1. Cococo Restaurant is really a very popular place. And all our guests know that you need to book a table in order to get to us for dinner, even on a weekday. But, unfortunately, no-show on reservation happens often, and when you see an empty table and you are denied it, it is likely that a guest is really expected for it. Waiting for up to 40 minutes. Then the guests are seated without armor. It's a shame that with your experience in the restaurant business, you don't know about such things. You came without a reservation. You were transferred from the bar and pretty quickly to a free table. You made your order at the bar, and you already dined at the table. What does "as a great favor" mean? What is it like?

2. You have accepted an order for wine, which ran out at that moment. Here I apologize for the fact that the bartender did not know about this, you should have been warned right away. This is our fault. But the new wine was brought to you in 10 minutes. Half an hour is a big exaggeration. I looked at the check.

3. Have all the dishes been returned to the kitchen? You have not returned food to the kitchen. You didn't like the burger and didn't finish it. The restaurant manager came up to you and asked what was wrong. You said that you are not satisfied with the frying. You said about the flower that you didn’t expect it. But you ate the rest of the dishes. Beetroot with Adyghe cheese mousse, rolls with sprat mousse, smelt ceviche, burger, flower - your order.

Be honest. If you do not like the restaurant, just write - g ... o. A matter of taste. But why exaggerate and lie so much? "

Here is such a stern rebuke from a restaurateur to a restaurateur. But after such a showdown, I really didn’t want to go to Kokoko. Although beetroot with Adyghe cheese mousse, the rolls with sprat mousse and smelt ceviche sound delicious. Maybe Elena Chekalova was just unlucky? Still worth a try? We are waiting for a decisive male opinion from the strong halves of the participants in this story: maybe Sergei Shnurov will not keep silent? Or will Leonid Parfenov share his personal impressions of visiting the restaurant that outraged his wife so much?

In general, it is possible that the continuation follows. And this will be a male duel.

Elena Chekalova biography personal life


Find out everything - TV presenter Elena Chekalovoa now http: // site /

How tall is Elena Chekalova? Wives of Leonid Parfenov?

What man would not want his wife to be not only beautiful and clever, but also shine in the field of culinary delights both in his kitchen and from the television screen? The viewers of the "Happiness Is" program got the impression that Leonid Parfenov, a well-known journalist and TV presenter, and concurrently husband of Elena Chekalova, can be proud of his wife and her many talents.

Together, the spouses are already 28 years old, the daughter of Maria Parfenova is 22 years old. Despite the work that takes a lot of time and effort, the star couple carefully preserves their family hearth, sincerely smiling from any of their family photos.

Leonid Parfenov and his wife Elena Chekalova photo watch

It may seem that Elena Chekalova met her future husband on the set of a television program or in the editorial office of the magazine. This is not so, Leonid Parfenov was able to charm her in absentia, never meeting her in person. It was at that time when Elena was working in the newspaper "Soviet Culture" and she came across an article by a talented novice journalist from Cherepovets, who at that time was in Moscow on refresher courses. After reading the article and noting the non-standard style of the journalist, she became very interested and decided that she should cooperate with him. Leonid Parfenov wrote several articles commissioned by Elena, and they became friends.

Leonid turned out to be not only a gifted journalist, but also a bright extraordinary personality, a highly read erudite and just a pleasant companion. Once he invited Elena to go with him to St. Petersburg and simply stunned her with his deep knowledge of the history and architecture of the great city. They wandered the streets and parks of St. Petersburg, looked into cafes, got acquainted with musicians and artists, and suddenly Elena realized that she had fallen in love with Leonid without memory.

Elena Chekalova photo

Then Leonid returned to Cherepovets and the lovers began to correspond, impatiently awaiting new letters, which they entrusted to the conductors of the Moscow-Cherepovets train for their speedy delivery. A year later, Leonid made an offer to Elena, which turned out to be a little not romantic, with a simple, but such a touching phrase: "Let's get married?"

And they got married. By that time, Leonid Parfenov had already worked in Moscow in the youth editorial office of the television center, where he was invited by Eduard Sagalaev, having noticed an amazing professional potential in the talented journalist.

When Elena and Leonid had a daughter, it turned out that Parfenov had another wonderful quality: he became a wonderful father, ready to tell the baby stories for hours, ride her on a sled, or come up with funny games for her.

Perhaps in the life of Elena Chekalova and Leonid Parfenov, as in every family, there are roughnesses, irregularities and even serious potholes, but in general they are happy together and therefore easily overcome all life's vicissitudes.

See photos, biography and personal life of Elena Chekalova for free http: // site /
Source of biography and personal life of Elena Chekalova: http://muzh-zhena.ru

Elena Chekalova infects with her interest, thirst for life. Elena doesn't just cook - she studies where the dish came from, how to adapt it to our products - and talks about it with passion and pleasure. And Elena is the wife of the famous TV journalist Leonid Parfenov and the mother of 25-year-old Ivan and 21-year-old Masha. Therefore, we are talking about steaks, and about schools, and about politics.

- Cooking is only one part of life, I have many other interests. For example, travel is something you can't do without in life. I am also very worried about social life: it’s sad to look at what is happening now. Well, literature, history, my children - there is a lot in life besides cooking.

"Try a cheese pie, even a cottage cheese casserole," Elena fusses, taking out all the new dishes from the refrigerator. I agree with gratitude: "How delicious everything is with you!"

- In our house you will always be fed and even watered. This is probably why we have a lot of friends. Friends of the children also come, everyone is very fond of family gatherings around a large table.

- Young people now more often prefer to sit in a cafe.

- Yes, they go to some cafes where they can afford, but they never miss our gatherings.

- "Can they afford it"? So you don't spoil them?

- No. Of course, if you have a normal income, then creating artificial conditions, some kind of deficit in the life of children is strange. I believe that there should be a measure in everything. True, my husband and I have never spared money on educating children. Good school, courses are welcome. Some rags, clothes - it's not. But they are not rag-pickers either, they rather like to travel. The son first studied in England, finished school in Germany, and then entered the economics department of the famous Luigi Bocconi University in Milan.

Masha studied here in a private school, because she has a very severe degree of dyslexia - and she could not study in a regular school. After all, what is dyslexia? This is when a person does not master written language, when he can make 26 mistakes on one page. The teachers told me: "Your girl is mentally retarded, she needs to go to a special school." And the girl is wonderful. By the way, Leonardo da Vinci, Princess Diana were dyslexic. In the West, where it has long been diagnosed, every school and university has special programs for dyslexics. On exams, they are not limited in time, and spelling errors are not considered for mistakes - after receiving the opinion of the medical commission, such students are given special stickers that they stick on their work so that the examiners can see that the child is with disability.

Masha and I did a lot - with psychologists, speech therapists - and gradually pulled it out. She finished 11th grade here as an external student, and at the age of 16 she went to study in Italy. We felt that boarding school was too expensive for us, so we sent her to a day school, and she lived in the same apartment with Vanya. The son was of great help: he went to parent-teacher meetings at school, helped his sister with her lessons, and they only have 4 years apart!

Later Masha entered City University in London without exams. In May she defended her diploma, now I went to work - for now, for a very small salary. I don’t help her financially, but she has a young man, they live together. Vanya is also in Moscow.

With husband and children

- And you did not want the children to stay to work - and live - where they studied?

- My children are terrible patriots. They want to live here, to be useful, they just adore their country. And they think that it is dishonest to leave her at a difficult moment. They make me happy: they do not live exclusively by material interests, they are not ready to make moral compromises for the sake of comfort. Neither for us, nor for our children, the criterion of "circle", "useful acquaintances" has never been of great importance. As you know, my husband Leonid is in general himself from the village of Uloma, Vologda Oblast. His mother still lives there, the children always spent a lot of time there. And one of my Vanya's close friends is from there. For me, these "circles" did not mean anything at all in life. And those who pay attention to this are not interesting to me.

Here is our close friend, musician Vasya Oblomov - an unusually talented person, he writes amazing poetry, he still has no apartment in Moscow, nothing. He is from Rostov-on-Don, from a completely ordinary family - and how well-read, what wonderful poetry he is. Unfortunately, our system, including the educational one, is arranged in such a way that it is more and more difficult for people without connections to break through.

With daughter Masha and Boris Akunin at a rally in defense of Alexei Navalny

- Just when the Unified State Exam appeared, it was declared that this would equalize the chances and allow children from the provinces to enter the best Moscow universities.

- What is happening with the exam is a disaster. These shenanigans, these answers on the Internet, this rigging. My Masha passed the exam and got her grades - she is a sick (then) child, with dyslexia! But there were children who took absentee ballots and, together with their tutors, went to the village to take the Unified State Exam - it is also easier to "negotiate" with everyone there. And a boy with a C grade from a famous family received a very high score. Five years have passed since then - and corruption has become even worse. What do you want? The educational system, like a drop of water, reflects the situation in the country. If a lie permeates everything, if the main people - those who are considered - are officials, and all the rest are cattle - that is, you and I.

And it's not easy for my children. We taught them, as Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn said, to live not by lies. I think all the time about how to educate today? It is very difficult, because parents have no right to teach bad things.

Parenting mistakes and childhood talents

- What should parents do in the first place, in your opinion?

- The task of the mother is to find what is special in the child. Do you know what is the most common mistake? When you start comparing your child to others, this is the worst motherly trait. Here is Petya, he is ... And you, how lazy you are, but why can't you, you need to study. "At this moment, you ruin all the talents that are in the child! that is special, I am now 1000% convinced. And, basically, mothers and fathers make children wingless - because they tell the child: “Here you are - but you should be different!” to follow his abilities and characteristics. There are no untalented people, just one talent is mathematics, and the other is hairdressing. In every profession there are stars, it is just important to let the child find himself, to manifest himself as a person.

In Boris Akunin's novel "Aristonomy", which I love very much, there is just a story that a person must understand himself. And the task of parents is to help do this. For example, my son says to me: "I really wanted to go in for sports, but it always seemed unimportant to you." Yes, it seemed to me that this was nonsense, such a waste of time, I focused on science. And he confesses: "You made me learn math, which I hate."

And after all, only later, after a lapse of time, do you realize how much wood you have broken. Yes, almost all parents are very cruel towards children. You can't go to extremes. Now I understand that children should not be forced to study, but the advantages of education should be revealed: that it is interesting, that you can become a more meaningful person, that your life will be more versatile. We must offer them to do different things, because in our country it is very boring to teach in schools.

Kitchen and Science

- How do you think modern cuisine differs from what our grandmothers and mothers cooked?

- Now the kitchen should be lighter, simpler. If you offer a modern woman old recipes, where there are 12 steps, no one will do them. And I do not blame anyone - I just don't have enough time!

With famous chef Gordon Ramsay

- Why was it enough before? Is the rhythm of life different?

- Yes, and there was more time: people could have huge dinners, sit at the table for hours. Reading memories of the 19th and early 20th centuries, I am generally amazed at how much faster we are now living. I don't know if this is good or bad: people manage to do a lot of everything - but it is not always clear why.

Now there are a lot of technical devices, novelties, I like to experiment with them. I regularly cook in multicooker, and now I am making a series of recipes for them. I really like the low temperature mode - it's so healthy and delicious. For example, I bought a thick edge for a steak, made a marinade ... By the way, they used to think that the best marinade is an acidic environment. But now gastronomic chemistry has proven that acid (vinegar, wine, lemon) destroys and really softens the upper layers of muscle tissue a little, but at the same time it draws liquid from the meat and makes it drier.

It's a completely different matter if you use salting. Initially, "marinade" comes from the word marina - sea, that is, sea salt. How does salt work? Like warmth: it penetrates into the very depths of the meat - along with it, liquid also penetrates. If we weigh a piece of meat before and after marinating in brine, we will see that it is heavy. When cooking, less moisture is lost, and if we know the temperature at which protein coagulation already begins, but the muscles do not shrink yet, we get a more gentle cooking.

So, I take a steak, immerse it in the brine - the main thing is that the amount of salt and the time are correctly calculated - and then I cook it in a multicooker at a temperature of 60 ° C. If you need a beautiful crust, then I quickly fry it, turning the meat over the other side every 15 seconds, so as not to dry out the top layers.

- You have such a scientific, such a deliberate approach! But there are probably not very many chefs ready for this ...

- No, now more and more people are becoming ready to study and immerse themselves in this whole science. They perfectly understand that today this is not an explanation - "because my grandmother did it." And grandma could be wrong, after all!

- And what is the current culinary boom connected with?

- I am often asked about this. I answer with the lines of Yevgeny Boratynsky:

I've been deceived by my heart,
I have been deceived by reason,
But never again, friends,
I was not deceived by the stomach
Everyone must admit that
Lover, il poet, il warrior, -
Just a carefree deli
Worthy of the name of the wise.

I think this also happens because very few people have creative work. And man, by his very nature, needs it, it turns out, and it is important - to do something of his own, to create, to invent, to try. Especially with the advent of the Internet. I believe that the culinary boom and the Internet are intertwined because everyone wants a round of applause. If earlier everyone aspired to be an actress, now girls know that you can cook a delicious dish, take a beautiful picture - and they will applaud you, they will say that you are great. A person is so arranged, he wants approval, recognition, wants to feel significant - and it's great that people find all this by blogging. Sometimes, however, in the culinary environment, this takes on a very aggressive form. I am amazed when people start to insult each other, if someone fries or bakes something wrong. Although now it seems to me that it has begun to subside. In general, I am interested in being present on the Internet, I am ready to communicate there, only I am not technically advanced enough - but I would like to learn.

With mom Angelica Yakovlevna at the celebration of her 90th birthday

Diet and weight loss

- In the book "Hunger and Abundance in Europe" by Massimo Montanari it is written that it was always believed that a burly figure of a person was a sign of his wealth, and after the industrial revolution of the 19th century, it became fashionable, on the contrary, to be lean and active. How do you feel about this "requirement of the era"?

- Of course, you need to take care of yourself, but diets, in my opinion, are nonsense. Me and my friends tried very different diets - none worked. But the diet for me in general is like a red rag for a bull. One of my very close friends was barely rescued after she became addicted to this. After all, what happens when a person eats so much protein? Monstrous slagging of the body. I tell everyone that in the Middle Ages, when they wanted to kill a person with a slow, painful death, they put him on boiled meat.

The Ducan Diet does work for very young people as long as all the organs are in order.

I believe that there simply should be a healthy, correct, balanced diet. If you really want to eat in the evening, then you can eat a small piece of lean meat. I serve meat with vegetables in the evening. And for breakfast, my husband is very fond of cereals, smoothies with the addition of cereals.

It is very important to understand what to eat when. I eat almost everything, but little by little. But I don't eat sugar in its pure form. And I try to add not sugar or sweeteners to desserts, but to cook desserts with a lot of fruits and dried fruits, sometimes, if the berries are already very sour, I add agave syrup. If you put sugar in the filling in berry pies, then always add a little and try - we have lost the habit of the natural taste of fruits, we must try not to clog it, stop when this richness of taste, aroma, and not just sweetness, is still felt. In the classic cake, where the biscuit, cream - there is nothing but sweet. It seems to me that it is not so interesting - and that we are depriving ourselves of such a variety of tastes!

He was born on January 26, 1960 in Cherepovets. In 1982 he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Leningrad State University. Zhdanov. At that time, he was already an established personality, a journalist, his articles were published in Pravda, Ogonyok, and Moskovskiye Novosti. He worked at Vologda TV.

She graduated from the philological faculty of Moscow State University. She taught Russian for foreign students at the Geological Prospecting Institute. Later she became interested in journalism and plunged into it. In 1985 she started working for the newspaper "Soviet Culture". She became known as a film and television critic.

In 1987 THEY got married: Leonid PARFENOV, who was just starting his career at CT, and Elena Chekalova, who at that time wrote critical articles in the weekly Moskovskiye Novosti - that is, she criticized her spouse on duty. It was at that time that Parfenov, together with Andrei Razbash, shot his first documentary, Children of the 20th Congress, about the generation of the sixties.

Elena became for him not only a reliable support in family matters, but also an adviser and assistant, and also shouldered a difficult task - she took up the formation of the TV presenter's style, while remaining in the shadows. In his personal life, Parfyonov is a very private person - at social events it is easier to meet him in the company of fellow television workers than with his wife. Although it is to his wife that he owes much to the image of the polished dandy to which everyone has become accustomed since the days of "The Namednya".

In 1988, they had a son, Ivan, and in J 993, a daughter, Masha. The son studied in England, in Germany, where he graduated from school, then the University of Economics of Milan. The daughter is studying in Italy, is going to work in the restaurant and hotel business. In 1990, the couple published the book "Our Portrait is Returned to Us: Notes on Television", which was included in the compulsory curriculum of the "Fundamentals of Television Journalism" course and where the idea of ​​the "Old Songs about the Main Things" project was first formulated.

After that, Elena tied up with television criticism and switched to quiet family joys like raising children and cooking. She fell in love with cooking since her youth, her hobby turned into a new profession: when she was offered to lead the Food section of the Kommersant Weekend magazine, she happily agreed. Almost every issue of the column was vividly discussed by the culinary community - mainly because Elena skillfully shredded traditional recipes so that practically nothing remained of the original.

Since 2009, she has been leading a 4-minute column "There is happiness" on the First Channel program "Good Morning". And in March 2010 she became the host of the full-fledged program of the First Channel "There is Happiness!"

Countless fans of Leonid Parfenov, having learned the truth about the family life of an idol, are perplexed in their blogs: how is it, why the wife of the most stylish TV presenter is not an ephemeral blonde, but a completely earthly woman with a pot of borscht? And he affectionately calls her "Kysya" and confirms the old truth that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
She adores French and Italian cuisine, but she was the first to master Georgian. She loves to travel, and at the same time learns to cook from chefs from different countries, she has collected a huge collection of recipes.

Leonidas impressed her even before she saw him. At that time she was leading a television column in the newspaper "Soviet Culture". A friend, a teacher of advanced training courses for television workers, periodically showed the works of her listeners - journalists. And among these works Elena came across an absolutely amazing composition by some boy from Cherepovets about the Aquarium group, about Boris Grebenshchikov. I was struck by the stunning, unconventional style - light, cheerful, uninhibited. Once, when another company gathered at Elena's house, a friend came with Lenya. They met, she ordered him some material, He wrote, then there were other articles ...

“When I first came to visit you, I was so struck by the extraordinary aromas coming from the kitchen that I immediately wanted to stay in your house forever,” Leonid later admitted to his wife Elena.
When they became friends, he once said: "I can show you Petersburg, which you do not know." She agreed. This was the Petersburg of Leonid Parfenov, which included Gogol, Dostoevsky, Pushkin, and many other wonderful people, but there were also various cafes and clubs where rock musicians gathered, and some unknown parks, courtyards, alleys, canals ... This was his world, his life. She was dumbfounded. And I realized that ... I fell in love with him. He was somehow special: on the one hand, very natural in communication, on the other - ironic, with a European sophistication, in general, a completely non-Soviet person ... After the trip to St. Petersburg, they began to correspond and call each other at the first opportunity.

They are so different - in style, character, temperament. She is so homely, open. He is a closed, detached person. He believes that telling someone about himself, about his life is bad form. She says. As for the character, the opposite is true - he is a much more hot-tempered person. She can release any conflict situation on the brakes, he cannot do that. Many who work with him know his quick temper, and often harshness. But everyone also knows that these bursts pass quickly with him. Ultimately there was a period of adaptation of the characters. In some ways they did not understand each other, they quarreled, they were oppressed by lack of money and disorder. Gradually, both realized that living together, if, of course, you want it to be long-term, is a series of compromises and mutual concessions.
They have been married for twenty-four years, and this is practically a union of old-world landowners: it grows stronger under the smell coming from its own smokehouse, the noise of a mixer, the clink of table knives and the sound of skewers.