Why Dmitry Khrustalev left the comedy Vumen. Why Dmitry Khrustalev left Comedy Woman

Why Dmitry Khrustalev left the comedy Vumen. Why Dmitry Khrustalev left Comedy Woman
Why Dmitry Khrustalev left the comedy Vumen. Why Dmitry Khrustalev left Comedy Woman

Dmitry Khrustalev - Russian actor and TV host. I remember the audience to participate in KVN, the humorous television shows Comedy Club and Comedy Woman. Also showman is a co-host popular TV show "Evening Urgant".

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Khrustalev was born in the city at the Neve on February 20, 1979, under the sign of the zodiac Aquarius. Mom Dmitry, Larisa, dreamed of acting career from his youth, went to a circle in the Tyuze, but one day she accidentally climbed the shirma finger of his head. Then the actress broke up with theatrical activity and began to work as a cook.

Dmitry grew in an incomplete family, he was raised only by mom and grandmother. By virtue of the circumstances, Dmitry became the only man in the family and from an early age felt responsibility for his relatives. With Mom, the Larisa Crustal Artist still supports warm relationships, converating every day.

Dmitry Khrustalev has never thought about the future profession and the choice of educational institution took it difficulty. After graduating from school, the young man entered the State University of Aerospace Instrumentation and even achieved certain success in this area. The work by the engineer quickly tired of the guy, and he tried himself in various professions: he taught ballroom dancing, he worked as a senior pioneer, giving preference to creative classes.


Who only Dmitry Khrustalev did not work, but, having participating in the game KVN, the young man understood - that's his business. The creative biography of the Russian artist began.

A significant part of the life of Dmitry devoted KVNU, being a permanent captain of the team of St. Petersburg. It would seem that a low growth of an artist (Dmitry's growth - 167 cm with weight 72 kg) will not be able to achieve success in this direction, but it happened otherwise.

Successful performances in the highest league, several televisers and participation in all sorts of humorous programs have made their own business - the guys from the northern capital became famous.

The pop stars could envy the joker, because the humorists from St. Petersburg had everything: endless tour, anthlagi, excellent fees, luxury hotels, limousines and expensive restaurants. During this period, 20-year-old Dmitry Khrustaleva struck a terrible disease - star disease. Glory and popularity spoiled a good-natured character of a humorist, but over time the man overcame this test and returned to the past life.

KVN National team Peter - "Crustalev on vacation"

As part of the Petersburg team, Dmitry Khrustalev won the Moscow Cup (1998), became the finalist of the Higher League (1999), the owner of Small Kiwin (2000) and the Vice-Champion of the Highest League in 2002. As part of the team "The USSR national team" received the Summer Cup KVN.

Dmitry Khrustalev and Victor Sukhorukov parody Lenin

A low bald showman with a white-taste smile caused sympathy from humor lovers due to sharp jokes and charm. Features of the appearance helped the artist to take part in the parody of the leader of the world proletariat, with which he was brilliantly coped with. But the present fame to Dmitry came than thanks to the parodies of the President of the Russian Federation.

Soon, Khrustaleva KVN was not enough, since the creative potential "beat the key". The humorist called Talented Directors Dmitry Sarvin and Ilya Mobreitsky, who were familiar with the artist, and were offered to participate in samples on the stage in Music-Hall. Combining employment and amount, Dmitry Khrustalev agreed. So the KVNCHAS became the actor theater - the cherished desire to play on the professional stage came true.

The novice actor played several roles at once in the play "Interview with Vampire". Dmitry painted, Dmitry, together with former colleagues, by KVN and played in the projects of "Krasavcheg-Prince" and "Threesome" in Music-Hall.

In 2007, a comedy club's humorous television show appeared in the actor's life. Becoming a star of a comic teleproekt in a duet with his friend Viktor Vasilyev, Dmitry Khrustalev fired tightly on the television field.

In 2008, a successful female show Comedy Woman started on television. Talented girls who previously spoke in KVN united and created an excellent team. Dmitry Khrustalev became a key figure in the "Comedy Vumen". The artist coped perfectly with the role of the lead - the only man at that time in a purely female show.

In 2013, the showman became coordinating in the program "Evening Urgant". In 2014, Khrustalev led the TV show "Leningrad Stand-Up Club" and "Theater of the Estrada". Parodiy show "Theater of Estrada" Dmitry Khrustalev led together with Viktor Vasilyev, and in 2015 the showman entered the jury of the Dance project.

In the same 2015, the Russian media reported that the TV host became a participant in the road conflict with the driver of the SUV in the center of the Russian capital. Portal L! FE has published the corresponding video of the incident.

The record recorded as the presenter comes out of the car, comes to the SUV and starts talking to the driver. Showman says for some time with the driver of the vehicle, but after a short conversation goes to his car. Soon, Dmitry returns to the opponent's car, opens the door and strikes the man several times.

Fight with Dmitry Khrustaleva

According to eyewitnesses, the TV presenter, seeking to drive around cars that blocked him the roadway, tried to integrate into the stream. This caused discontent of the driver of the SUV. The verbal sword has grown into short scuffle. Despite the actions of the artist, this fight did not happen.


Dmitry Khrustalev debuted into a cinema in 2004, fulfilling an episodic role in the "Allow Login" project. Then the actor went to the role of gambling KVN, in the series "Alice's dreams" (2006-2007).

Acting glory to Dima came with the film "The Best Movie 2" (2009), in which the actor played Dimimi, a friend of Major (role role).

Having received an offer to shoot, the artist agreed without thinking. According to Dmitry, he was picked up the attention of colleagues in "Comedy Claby", and the question of salary did not worry him. I wanted to make real parody cinema, because in Russia this genre by that time was practically presented. In the ribbon, the star of the St. Petersburg team KVN was sparking the character, which in the film "Heat" played. Khrustalevsky Dimimi - Rapper, which runs away from skinheads.

Dmitry Khrustalev in the film "The Best Movie 2"

The humorist was difficult to jump into the dirty Ostankinsky pond: usually there were bums there. But Dmitry Khrustalev overcame himself and jumped into muddy water, almost crying. The next day, the artist was checked in the hospital, but everything cost. In the financial plan of the tape "The Best Movie 2" became successful, but received negative reviews of film critics.

In 2011, Khrustalev fulfilled the role of Edgar in the comedy "Pregnant", and also played an episodic role in the film "Service Roman. Nowadays".

Personal life

Around the personal life of Dmitry Khrustaleev a lot of rumors. Since 2001, the civilian wife of the artist was a lawyer Victoria Dayachuk. Dmitry has repeatedly mentioned his immense love for Vika. Despite this, before the wedding and the birth of children, the case did not reach, and after 10 years, the couple broke up.

The parting catalyst was the car accident, in which Dmitry and Victoria fell. The girl received a serious injury, went to whom. Dmitry put every effort to save the life and health of Victoria, but the relationship was no longer the same.

In 2012, the media began to discuss secular events to which the humor was coming with a colleague on Comedy Woman. Lovers did not hide their feelings. But at the end of 2014 there was information that the artists decided to stop relations.

In May 2017, Russian media reported that Dmitry Khrustalev was first published with a new lover. Showman has long been considered a prominent bachelor, because a man to seize the heart is not so easy.

Previously, secular chronicles suggested that Khrustaleva is an affair with a soloist of the DINAMA group Maria Goncharuk. Reporters tried to find out what character is to communicate prominent representatives of the Russian pop, but it was not possible to do this, and the celebrities themselves refused to comment on any information.

It is assumed that a couple introduced Diana Ivanitskaya, a colleague Mary on the musical team. Referring to the source from the close environment of Mary, the Russian media reported that the secret novel Dmitry with Dinama soloist lasted about six months, while the couple did not decide to appear in the public.

The satellites appeared on the annual Prize of the Moda Topical magazine, where the Mistress of the evening distributed the eminent guests awards. By passing representatives of the press and without lingering at the press hall, Khrustalev and Goncharuk took place at the table, where they spent a solemn evening. Users of the Instagram network immediately began to discuss joint photos of the pair.

Dmitry Khrustalev is engaged in collecting glasses and stacks. Even in winter showman is inseparable with its bright glasses.

Dmitry Khrustalev now

In 2017, Dmitry Khrustalev took part in the advertising campaign of the Mobile operator MegaFon and the creative Agency Instinct. The possibility when buying one smartphone get a second gadget with a discount to 50% - the essence of the action. It is known that the new mini-film removed the director, and the company at the shooting of the roller Dmitry Khrustalev was the actress.

Ekaterina Zulkina and Dmitry Khrustalev in advertising "MegaFon"

Dmitry Khrustalev continues to active creative activity. In 2017, the showman became the TV presenter of the project "My mother is preparing better", the main characters of whose stars of show business as the basis of the story of the film was taken to the same name in April 2018 Dmitry Khrustalev became the hero of the next release of the Nevildition Man's Show Program, which Translated on the TV-3 channel. Extrasens needed to guess the person of the person hiding behind the screen. But the mediums went on a false path, originally calling the guest a full high woman.

Now Showman signed a contract with another international Honor brand of Huawei for shooting in advertising. The artist became the main hero of a series of rollers called "Caucasian Wedding". The project is devoted to new Honor 10 smartphones, which are implemented through MTS communication salons.

Dmitry Krustalov in advertising MTS + Honor 10

The video was created in picturesque locations - old cities, among the plains and the mountains of the southern region of Russia. Hero Dmitry Khrustaleva - a tourist who can easily create professional frames thanks to a new camera on a smartphone. A young man is asked to replace the sick photographer at the Caucasian Wedding. Dmitry Hero brilliantly copes with the task. He can even be imprinted on the Caucasian screen in black robe on a dark background.


  • 2007 - Comedy Club
  • 2008 - Comedy Woman
  • 2013 - "Evening Urgant"
  • 2014 - "Leningrad Stand-Up Club"
  • 2015 - "Petrad Theater"
  • 2015 - "Dance"
  • 2017 - "My mom is preparing better"

    Dmitry Khrustalev will now be co-host Ivan Urgant in the show Evening Urgant. He replaced Alexander Oleynikova, who left this project. Channel TNT and show wandom guts; Dmitry did not leave. Channel TNT confirmed that Dmitry does not go anywhere. He will continue to serve Comedy Woman. It will lead two projects in parallel.

    Rumors that Dmitry Krustalv no longer participates in the program of the Comedy Vumen appeared after he became the co-host Ivan Urgant in the Evening Urgant program on the First Channel. But in fact, the work in these two shows was in Dmitry parallel. The decision to leave the gum of Vumen, he had to accept after he became the leading new humorous program of the new show on the CTC channel

    Leningrad Stand-Up Club, in which the competition is held between comedians seeking to make up the audience. Probably, three programs have already become too difficult for Dmitry and he made a choice in favor of Evening Urgant and the Leningrad Stand-Up Club.

    In fact, he did not leave anywhere, he was just offered to work in parallel on two channels: on the first channel and on TNT.

    on the First Channel, he will co-host Ivan Urgant and on the TV channel TNT will participate in Comedy Woman.

    Former Dmitry Khrustalev, a former Knunster and Showman, from St. Petersburg, will be co-host Ivan Urgant in the TV show Evening Urgant. He will take place Alexander Oleynikov. The shooting of the show has not yet begun, and how Khrustalev is mastered in the new role, it will become clear in six months.

    Wonderful showman from St. Petersburg Dmitry Khrustalev left the project Comedy Woman Due to the fact that he became a partner of Ivan Urgant in the show evening urgant. He was replaced by Alexander Oleynikov. TV channel TNT He spoke that Dmitry would participate in both projects. But apparently he does not have the opportunity to do this due to the lack of time.

    I would like to note that rumors that Dmitry Khrustalev left Comedy Woman Because of a quarrel with Catherine Varbaroi, turned out to be the usual untrue gossip.

    Of course it is a pity that Dima does not participate in Comedy Woman . It is very lacking in the show.

    Dmitriy Khrustalev did not leave the comedy Vumen. Such rumors appeared after he became the second leading in the Evening Urgant On the first channel. Now Dmitry participates in both transmissions in parallel, the time to work immediately on two channels.

    Dmitry Khrustalev disappeared rubbing from the TV show Gum Vuman, but he did not leave him. He was offered to lead another show Evening Urgant. Dmitry is now required more time to manage to work for two shows at the same time.

    Dmitry Khrustalev began his telemarier in the team of the St. Petersburg University. He was the brightest person in the St. Petersburg team. Beautiful dancer, he infected; ballet all team. Alexander Maslyakov has repeatedly imagined them as the most dancing KVN team.

    After leaving the club, Dmitry wondered among KVV official ladies to Comedy Women on TNT.

    Its lightness and unique humor were sucking a huge number of fans among those who did not know him on performances for KVN. Therefore, the appearance of Dmitry Krustaleva on the first channel in the Evening Urgant As a second master, instead of the program, Alexander Aleinikov, caused such a stir and rumors about his care with TNT at Comedy Women fans.

    I want to reassure all loving Khrustalev: it is not going to leave with TNT, will work on two channels.

    Yes, Dmitry Khrustaleva was seen rarely in transmission Comedy Women on TNT, but he did not go anywhere, just now he is shooting back in a few shows, on the first channel- evening urgant And in the show Leningrad Standup Club On the CTC channel in which Dmitry is the leading.

    Dmitry Khrustalv did not leave the Comedy Woman show. The fact is that he was offered to lead another wonderful show - Evening Urgant. So now Dmitry will have to work much more, lead 2 shows - a difficult task.

Mitina Mother dreamed of the scene, wanted to shine and play romantic roles, but one ridiculous episode changed her life: when she studied in a puppet mug, based on the Tyuze, accidentally climbed his finger to his leader. So her unsuccessful career actresses ended. But thoughts about the scene did not leave her. Working a cook, she created all the conditions for his son, so that the crystal dream of her childhood became a reality, and the Mitya did not let down. He grew up a very artistic child, since childhood he adored to declerate poems, he himself painted them at 13, engaged in the school of ballroom dancing and was able to move extremely gracefully.


Already at school, the crystal was the soul of the company; Where he appeared, she was constantly heard the lacchats of laughter, even the teachers could not hold back the smile when he started to tell something. No school performances were held without his participation.

Mom had no doubt that her Mitenka would become famous. Now small, prude, but at the same time the insanely charming artist is known for the whole country, millions laugh at his jokes. True, he came to the stage with the original way ... In general, Mitya first entered the Agrarian University, and then, after a year, was transferred to the University of Aerospace Instrumentation. The crystal was terribly suffering from longing, studying the non-fulfillment of science, and he wandered on something bright, cheerful. He tried himself as a dance teacher, it was not that ... But the clever-fate led him to the KVN team and opened the doors to a big scene. Dmitry Krustalev, whose biography began with boring lectures in the unloved institute, was able to very soon to achieve popular recognition.

Star fever

He prepared her first speeches very carefully, the clock lost them in front of the mirror, he always had two to three version of the performance. Later, Mitya became even the captain of the team. And in 2000 could already compete in popularity with the famous scene masters. It is not surprising that the star disease struck the 20-year-old boy, because he went with tours across the country, collected huge halls and wandered the charms of glamorous life. The disease, however, passed very quickly (the education of an intelligent mother), and crustala lost interest in such parties, he began to work on himself and decided to make a creative career in his gift.

Just during this period, he received a flattering offer to play in the theater. The play "Interview with the Vampire" so captured Dmitry that he forgot about the stage for a while and rehearsed from morning to evening. Mitya was able to embody the dream of his mother. The scene fascinated, she absorbed Krustalav without a rest, and Dima even thought to completely devote himself to the theater.

Comedy Club.

The performance had a deafening success, and Krustalov Dmitry Yuryevich continued its activities. He was terribly glad that his like-minded person and friend Victor Vasilyev was invited to the next project. Already then the guys understood what new horizons will open them joint creativity, and soon witty friends were invited to Comedy Club on TV channel TNT. Their duo was very promising, they were given time in each program. The guys made a bet on the refining of the True Peters, their jokes were very witty: the artists were very acutely carried out the line between the cultural capital of Russia and Moscow. The duet was able to make a special note in the general background of the program, and after a few speeches, the editorial was filled with letters of grateful spectators. Yes, without unnecessary words, you can declare that Dmitry Krustalev - "gods" - actor from God.

Interesting offers from film directions soon fell. In 2006, Krustalev debuted on the screen in the television series "Dreams of Alice", and in 2008 it turned out to be in the Star Comedy "The Best Movie 2". A parody role has brought him true success, it was very funnyly managed by Dmitry to burling the famous Moscow referee Timati. Critics, however, spread the film in the fluff and dust, but the picture turned out to be very funny and found her viewers.

Comedy Woman.

In 2008, a new humorous project Comedy Woman was launched on the TNT channel. Dmitry offered the role of leading in a purely female team, and he gladly agreed. Still would! Work in such a flower garden of beautiful and talented girls. The project united the former KVNschsov and just beauties, the team turned out very harmonious and immediately loved the audience. Dmitry Krustalov ruled his "Malinik" wisely and decisively. Cute rebreaks with Natalia Andreevnoy forced the audience to laugh to tears. For Russian television, a purely female humorous project was an absolute innovation. The show passed on the channel and became so rating that now the year spectators are looking forward to the start of the transmission.

Star Hobby

Khrustalev loves to pin the public, about his collection of sunglasses there are legends, and he began to collect them still in student years. The collection was noticeably replenished during his constant tour, he brought one pair from each city. At the same time, all copies have their own history. In general, it is already impossible to imagine Dmitry without regular colored glasses. In each gear, it uses at least one pair, and no one knows in advance that Dmitry will duplicate this time. Later, he began to collect more stacks, today the collection has a huge number of cups of all sorts of shapes and colors. All friends know about his hobby and try to bring a friend interesting new copy.

Love affair at work

Comedy Woman show appeared as an alternative to a purely male Comedy Club and proved: girls possess not less humor, they are so ironically fooling over themselves and their rivals on the television workshop that the guys had to lie to fit the specified bar. All this magnificence rules the subdominic, ironic and sometimes stinging crystal. From the very beginning of the shooting between one of the participants of the show, Catherine Varnava, and the leading relations were formed, which immediately became the property of the audience. Initially, the scenic simplicity of an unequivocal nature was only amused by both, but very soon a couple could be noted outside the filming in various gold places of the capital. High Static Beauty and Little Slim Crystal Persons were a colorful pair.

As it turned out later, Varnaba has seen a low subtitle guy since the time of KVN and constantly went to all his performances. The public has become aware of the service novel of Krustalev and Varnava after they broke up. The high static beauty was the same as the object of her frills was headed below it. Lawless Heart. She even laughed in this regard and said that someone like Leonardo Di Caprio, and she was a crystal.

Explanation in love

The first acquaintance took place on COMEDY WOMAN Casting. Crustalev could not stay indifferent to the beauty and having fun after semi-annual acquaintance and collaboration on TNT, he finally decided to invite a girl on a date. They sat a few hours in a cafe, and after a while the novel said so seriously that the couple decided to live together. For Kati, a turning point was the return from the trip, when Dmitry Krustalev arranged her truly royal meeting at the airport.

Despite the close relationship, Ekaterina Varnava and Dmitry Khrustalev denied a love relationship, citing that they are just good friends who are comfortable to spend their free time. Journalists immediately began hunting, and very soon glossy editions were sent to the unequivocal photos of a couple in love. They even created several comedy miniatures at Comedy Woman when the crystal was "drunk" all the time to the subject of adoration, and Varnava, with her sorrodity, stuck in a short one, hinting constantly that, if he was higher and cooled, she would have thought. However, the service affair at that and the service that it is necessary to work side by side constantly. Over time, the couple is so accustomed to constantly be together that it began to strain, they began their disagreements, clarifying relationships, and when there were no strength after several days of constant shooting, they simply stopped talking to each other.


Two charismatic personalities are very difficult to get out in the same house, at some point both wanted freedom. They began to get tired of their own stars, there was no time to sit just calmly sit in the home atmosphere, talk to souls. But young people almost got married, even the wedding ring was bought. After the rupture, they still have to see every day, because no one has canceled the shooting. They tried to communicate easily, in a friendly, and over time, all roughness were smoothed, although there could be a speech about the resumption of love relationships. The fact that the couple was parted, it became clear at the shooting of the "Ice Age", where Catherine did not appear. I must say that Katya really liked Mom Dmitry, Larisa, she constantly supports relations with her and very warmly responds about the former girl of her son.


In general, Dmitry Krustalov, which is the subject of public interest, turned out to be very secretive by nature. So, no one knew that he had to journalists even managed to find out her name (Victoria Dyachuk). It turns out that marriage was already without a small 10 years, before Krustaleov met and fell in love with Catherine Warnow. Everything has opened when Dmitry Krustalev and his wife fell into a traffic accident, which almost ended tragically. The crystal himself was separated by several bruises, and his spouse, 26-year-old Victoria, was sent to the city hospital in the hardest state. When the couple broke up, according to the testimony of the mother of Krustaleva, he bought a good apartment in St. Petersburg former wife and gave the car. To the divorce Dmitry Krustalov and his family also lived in the city on the Neva. Former spouses broke up without scandals, since their marriage was outdating themselves, they continue to see them, Dmitry supports Victoria and solves many of her problems. Dmitry Khrustalev and his wife do not believe that their marriage collapsed because of Catherine Barnabas: they moved away from each other for a long time.

Victoria Dyachuk

Dmitry Krustaleva's wife - Victoria Dyachuk - is not a public person, and she is very unpleasant to the hype around her, albeit the former, her husband. It never appears in humans, and there is not a single photo on the network. She prefers not to mention about marriage with a star, and the details of personal life are known only to a very narrow circle of friends. She is a successful lawyer and was married to Dmitry since 2001. At one time, being still students, they accidentally met in a cafe, and Krustalev managed to charm to Victoria at the first meeting that the couple would soon legalize the relationship.


And although the crystal was a resident of Comedy Club for so many years, he does not confirm this term, because the Latin "remaining in place" is clearly not about him. Soon another theatrical performance will be released with his participation, rehearsals occupy almost all of his time. The previous theater experience made an indelible impression on Dmitry, he fell ill with the theater, besides, during rehearsals, the actors were able to improvise, and many replicas were entered into the performance in the final version. Freedom of creativity and improvisation - this is all Dmitry Krustal. The biography of the actor is full of creative plans, we hope that in the near future we will be able to see interesting projects with his participation.

"And flashes among the lights,

Like an endless show.

And the country rules the showman

Glitter Piara taking as a basis. "

V. Zadorozhnaya

Fashionable, recognized and successful. Such star personals are great familiar with the psychology of the viewer. How to hit the audience, intrigue, pin? Showman is the king of parties, from gray gatherings they create an enchanting show. We get used to them, strive for TV screens to once again enjoy the spectacle and relax.

And as a shame, it happens when the familiar presenter does not act in the beloved entertainment teleppetition. The viewer is disappointed and demands explanations - where is the star! The same questions arose when a loved one who beloved by many Comedy Woman lost his beloved lead. Why did Krutalev gone from the comedy Woman?

Biography Showman

Dmitry Yuryevich - Native Peterburst (he was born in the city on the Neva in 1979). Even at school, Mitya became the soul and favorite of the company. No performance, theatrical school setting did not do without it. But the Dima came to the big scene originally.

At the end of the school, the future star of the scene entered the Agricultural Institute, a year later, he was transferred to the aerospace university of instrument making and fully finished.

"How many years I remember, - said Mitya, - so much pulled me to jokes, laughter and fun. I was bored and uninteresting the institute, I wanted a bright, noisy and dazzling. "

He tried himself as a teacher of dances (as a child, Dmitry studied ballet), but it did not get fascinated. Fate left to him and led to the KVN team in 1989, the opening door into a serious business show.

KVN. By participating in the club of the Higher League, Dmitry was gave out in the Finalists of the contest "King Carnival", being in third place after Eugene Plushenko and Sergey Shnurov. Khrustalev, heading the university team, to popularity overtook the eminent stars.

KVN Tours collected alloclags in the country, the halls of the beat of the crowded by the people who love jokes and sparkling humor of CEVEENCHERS. In part-time twenty years, the leading command of Mitya has already drove on the limousines, stopped in fashionable hotels and led the crowd of fans. The test of glory collapsed on him - star disease.

On the press pages appeared stories about the rudeness of the waiters and the arrogant behavi's arrogant. But the smart young man managed to overcome starpask. KVNA Mitya gave for many years. Initially, participation in competitions was entertainment for the guy, but soon the project moved to the commercial basis and Dmitry got the opportunity to earn.

Work in the theater.Soon the cherished dream of Dima - to reach a real theatrical scene. SHOUND SHOUND The director Mochitsky and Sarvin invited him to participate in the "Interview with Vampire". All submission to the participation of Mitya was accompanied by a noisy fellow.

Khrustalev continued to participate in theatrical productions. On the account of the play "Krasavcheg-Spirk", "Love Threesomes", where his colleagues participated in KVNu - Victor Vasilyev and Polina Sibagatullina. At the stage of Music-Hall Dmitry acquired a Diploma of the pop artist.

Comedy Club.In 2000 Mitu and his colleague and friend, Viktor Vasilyev, called the Club commander's new youth show. Some spectators negatively perceive this project, considering it indecent, unleashed. According to Mitya "We did not appear on stage, armed with vulneracy. Every joke was worked out by trying to make intelligence and thin humor into it. "

Former members of the KVN team of Dmitry - Garik Martirosyan, Timur Batrutdinov, Garik Harlamov, Pavel Volya and Timur Rodriguez participate in Comedy Club.

Film engineer. The first movie took place at Mitya in 2004. He participated in the shooting of the humorous series "Allow Login". Two years later, the showman starred in the next television series "Alice's dreams". The success of the film actor came to Khrustalev after participating in the movie "The Best Movie 2" (2009).

Personal life Dmitry. Who is married to Mitya? Showman lived a civil marriage. His wife Victoria Dyachuk is a lawyer and has nothing to do with the scene. Having lived together for 10 years, they broke up. Dmitry's personal life is covered with a darkness, say about the novel with Catherine Woman (Comedy Woman colleague). But since 2014, the Mitya positions himself as a free man.

"Women work easier with women"!

So said Dmitry about the role of host in the popular Show Woman. Fate abandoned him to charming girls in 2008. The new project instantly became popular. What is the reason for stunning success? Participants of the group - NUN people, in Comedy Woman came bright, memorizing players:

  • Natalia Andreevna is a small "dandelion on curve rugs" ("Megapolis").
  • Maria Kravchenko - Puttov Gopnitsa ("team of small nations" and "their secrets).
  • Ekaterina Varnava - sex symbol ("its secrets and" team of small nations ").
  • Polina Sibagattulina is a secular St. Petersburg lady, poetess ("USSR national team").
  • Natalia Medvedeva is an inadequate and desperate maiden (Fyodor Dvinyatin).
  • Ekaterina Zkulina - "Descendant of Chingis Khan" ("Four Tatar").
  • Maria Fedunkiv is an eccentric woman from the people ("Dobryanka").
  • Tatiana Morozova - Russian Armchair Baba (Moon).
  • Nadezhda Sysoeva - Blonde ("Territory of the game").
  • Nadezhda Angarskaya - Yakut singer ("Deja Vu").

Dmitry Efimovich, the chief director of the show recalls: "Comedy Club gum from the style of Comedy Club. This is another genre of dazzling and noisy pop, where there are songs, dancing, reincarnation and magic! We endure a joke on stage, forcing the viewer to think. Girls work in the genre of clown eccentric.

Interesting fact. Although on the stage we see bright beauties, jokes for female cabaret come up with and develop men (the leadership of the Comedy Vumen is Male).

Over the years of work in the humorous show, Khrustalev played a huge number of roles. You can only sympathize, how much permanent lead made jokes and fashion in your own address, going to the female show scene. But looking, with what pleasure, Dmitry works, it is difficult to say that this state of things does not suit him.

During the work in the comedy Vumen, the girls had warm and trusting relationships.

As the showman remembered: "I always felt comfortable among the girls. After all, since childhood, ballroom dancing - the girl's round. Yes, and a schoolboy was friends with them. In general, with girls more interesting, man is a football, a bath and beer. But with girls, the brain turns on, other topics arise. "

So why not Dmitry? Did he go there, where they pay more? Judging by Mitya: "I changed the profession, as I love and respect comfort and convenience. And these two things reach with money. I went to the entertainment show business as soon as the work there began to bring me a good income. If something somewhere will bring more money - go there. "

Where to go Dmitry

The first rumors about the care of Mitya from the show crawled when the brilliant lead saw together with Ivan Urgant in the transfer of the "Evening Urgant" overlooking the Channel One. But Comedy Woman fans calmed down, learning that Mitya was not removed from the role of the host and combines both positions.

Fans got out when new series without Khrustalev came out in 2014. What happened to Dmitry? His expelled? Why removed the star? Will Mitya see the 6th season?

Care from female cabaret Dmitry had to be made because of the sentence to participate in the co-host new humorous show of the STS "Leningrad Club Stand-Up". The transfer is built on competitions and competitions of comedians, whose main task is to laugh in the public.

Combining three posts became physically impossible and Mity had to choose. Charming presenter chose. Comedy Vumen remained without Krustalev. Dmitry left the female project.

Because of what Mitya made such a choice, the audience accounts for only to guess. Maybe all the fault of a personal life? It is rumored that Khrustalev did not part with his Civilian wife Victoria. And life into two cities is too destructive for family life. And Dmitry tired of breaking between Moscow and Peter? For himself, he made the right choice.

Further Fate of Showman

Where is Crustalev now? Dmitry also works in two Petersburg entertainment programs. He did not forget about the film. In 2015, the comedic film was "temporarily unavailable", where Mitya played one of the main roles.

Together with each other, Viktor Vasilyev Khrustalev 4 months led the popular parody "Theater of the stage". Benefis had to be interrupted for participation in the dance show "Dance", where Dmitry came with a member of the jury.

Khrustalev is actively engaged in charity. Mitya is a trustee "Galkonok" (assistance to children with lesions of the CNS). He also cooperates with the Foundation "Give Life" (assistance to the treatment of children with oncology).

On the eve of the new 2015, Comedy Woman fans waited for a pleasant news - Crustalev returns! But the joy of fans was premature - Mitya returned to the show temporarily. So that in the New Year's release of the program to dance with the participants of the female cabaret famous, the legendary dance from the movie "Dirty Dances".

Where did Dmitry disappear? This is not a disappearance, but development. Life continues, new talents are waking up, addictive proposals and hobbies appear. People with such a warehouse of character are bright, incendiary, can not stand in one place. They go ahead, they need growth!

Good luck, Dmitry Khrustalev!

Member name: Dmitry Khrustalev

Age (birthday): 20.02.1979

City: St. Petersburg

Education: University of Aerospace Instrumentation

Growth and weight: 167 cm

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With this article read:

Dmitry Khrustalev has always been a hooligan boy, he did not dream about the career of the artist, as well as about the other. In contrast to Mom, he in principle was still, who he will become when he grows.

Mom dreamed of being an actress of the theater, but when during the next rehearsal, he accidentally nominated his finger to the project manager, it was kicked out. And the woman herself went to work as a cook, and without realizing the dream.

Dmitry graduated from school, entered the Agrarian UniversityAnd later I was transferred to the University of Aerospace Instrument Making. Having received a diploma, the artist even worked for some time by profession.

He reached certain heights in it, after which I realized that he was not interested. Then Dima taught the ballroom dancing, which he learned at school. Next was another round in the career - the post of pioneerweave.

Khrustalev changed a lot of professions, but they were all creative. Soon, fate gave the comic chance to participate in the selection of KVN team, and it was then that he understood that he wants to work in this direction.

In the shortest possible time, Dmitry became the captain of the KVN team of St. PetersburgTheir performances were bright and memorable, and Khrustalev himself instantly became famous. He managed both jokes and parodies, including Vladimir Putin, but success affected by artist not the best way.

In KVN, Dmitry Khrustalev was still with her hair (second right)!

In 20, with a small years, Dmitry so became interested in luxurious life and universal attention, which was just ill with "star disease". The guy began to coherely around others, refer to ordinary people as to the slaves, mock some professions (for example, over waiters and drivers).

About the ugly behavior they spoke all those surrounding, but Dmitry did not hear anyone. In this mode, he lived for several years, carried away by alcohol, but later took himself in hand.

Following the KVF, there was a sentence to perform in the theater.
Khrustalev agreed and still plays in Music Hall.

In 2007, Dmitry, together with a colleague according to KVN, Viktor Vasilyev united in the duet and became residents of the "Comedy Club".

Since the appearance on the "Comedy Woman" screens, Dmitry Khrustalev "headed" the female team, becoming entertained. He spoke for many years and played in the scenes of a female show, parallel to the movies. In the account of Dmitry more than 15 works in films.

From 2013, Dmitry works in the show "Evening Urgant", leads St. Petersburg booth up. He is invited to lead to various projects, and every time a talented St. Petersburg guy copes 100%.

Dmitry Khrustalev's personal life is not less saturated than creative career. In 2001, he married an ordinary girl by Vika, working a lawyer. Despite the fact that the couple broke up long ago, Dima does not get tired of talking about love and respect for this woman.

Since 2012, the humorist has been in relations with Catherine Varna, but in 2014 they diverged. Now Dmitry Lones, lives with his cat, but he does not feel anything to anyone. Khrustalev is confident, his girl has not yet met him. On the "Evening Urgant" project there was a mini-show to search for a bride to Krushtalev.

At the end of 2015, there was an unpleasant incident, Dmitry Khrustalev quickened with another motorist on the road, they say that there was a fight.

Dmitry has an interesting passion - he collects stacks and glasses, With the latter, it does not part even in the harsh winter cold. Loves to wear hats.

Photo Dmitry

Dmitry Khrustaleva is constantly riddled for its appearance: a small growth (1.67 m), a bald head. But his charisma covers all flaws.