Top most attractive actors. The most beautiful men of the world: the finest rating

Top most attractive actors. The most beautiful men of the world: the finest rating
Top most attractive actors. The most beautiful men of the world: the finest rating

Having prevailing earlier that men should be a little more beautiful than a monkey, today it is already a little relevant. After all, now the beauty of the representative of the strong half of humanity is rated somewhat differently. Statitude, brutality, well-groomed, beautiful actions, romanticism is all those male qualities that make a woman vulnerable and make her melt. So what they are, the most handsome men Peace? Let's try to figure out our article.

Throughout the time, different peoples have existed some "idols" in the physical appearance, which forced women in the literal sense of this word to be a man and go for the desperate acts for him. The rulers, artists, poets, dancers, singers could charming girls and make them languidly sigh every time at the sight of their secret beloved. Now, in the presence of media, television, the Internet we can observe our "idols" almost every day. So what is he, perfect in all respects a man? Maybe this is all the famous Brad Pitt, which for several generations has remained unchanged sex symbol? Let's figure out. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the top 10 of the most beautiful men in the world.

10th place. Colin Farrell

10 Place of our rating occupies a well-known actor named Colin Farrell. A beautiful and sexy Irish actor makes many women only to lose memory when one form. The kind of "boy's bad" has always attracted the attention of the weaker sex with its acting talent, a beautiful smile and male deeds.

Farrell was born in 1976 in Dublin in the family of professional football player. As a young man, Colin wanted to go in the footsteps of his father, but his sluggishness and irresponsible attitude towards life did not give a guy to achieve any success in this area. He lived, in one word, as I wanted. The proof of this was his round-the-world journey, which he made still in the youthful age.

Colin Farrell was married twice. The first marriage, he concluded with the Canadian model Kim Bardenev, who gave him the first son named James Patreign. The second wife of the actor is Alia Bakhled, who also gave birth to him. According to rumors, Colin even had an affair with a singer Rihanna, but later this information was denied. On the this moment Colin Farrell is not married.

9th place. Tyson Ballow

This handsome man is one of the representatives of the list "The most beautiful models of men of the world." Tyson Ballow is a real fashion icon. His photographs will die the most famous magazines in the world. Truly beautiful and sexy man Saw in the hearts from thousands of women. Tyson Ballow was born on November 14, 1976. I started my model career in Texas. And for 15 years this sex symbol has never ceased to please their luxurious body (and no less beautiful person) many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

8th place. Zac Efron

In the top 10 of the most beautiful men in the world included a young actor named Zac Efron. This man, despite his age, gathered around himself a multi-millionth army of fans. A piercing look, a sexy body and a charming smile is the minimum of those qualities that this beautiful actor possesses.

Zac Efron was born on October 18, 1987 in California. It began to shine with their acting skills since 4 years, participated in many school theatrical productions. In 2005, he starred in a famous film called "Class Musical". In 2007, it became known that Zack is found with the young actress Vanessa Hudzhes. Relationships them launched quite a long time. But despite this, in 2010 the couple broke up due to the problems of an actor with alcohol.

7th place. Cristiano Ronaldo

This handsome man is a representative of the list "The most beautiful athletes of the world." Men engaged in sports, as a rule, not only become ideals for women, but are an excellent example of how to succeed for young people.

Cristiano Ronaldo was born on February 5, 1985 in the Portuguese city of Funchal. The best football player of the world, the best scorer of the Portugal national team, the three-time winner of the Golden Ball Prize. He played as part of the English club "Manchester United", then became a permanent and unchanged leader in the Spanish team called "Real Madrid".

In 2006, it became known about his novel with Jordan frozen, the sister of the famous Brazilian footballer, who was older Ronaldo for 9 years. She herself and became the initiator of their parting. The next serious novel twisted at the football player with the Filippie's Letication, the famous Italian model. The woman was older Ronaldo for 7 years. Further, the footballer was attributed to the novels with Paris Hilton, a model of Raphaella Fico and actress Bipasha Bass. Latest large love The football player became the Russian model Irina Sheik. At the moment, according to the press, the young couple broke up.

6th place. Jams Statham

Our top most beautiful men in the world continues to be famous american actor Jams Statham. Brutal, sexy and mysterious man For all his careers managed to conquer millions women's Hearts.

Statham was born on September 12, 1972 in the British city of Sidenham. Started an actor from sports. So, since 1988, James was a member of the National Association for Water Jumping. Then the actor presented the model career. And in 1998 he starred in the famous militant "Maps, Money, two trunks ...".

In the personal life of Statham is a serious, responsible and constant. Probably, these qualities and scare away all women, because the attitude of the actor with girls has always ended with parting. So with the actress Cali Brooke. Having been in a relationship about 7 years old, the couple broke up because of another passion of the girl. At the moment, Jason's heart is engaged in the beauty of Rozy Whiteley. Couple meets since 2010. So fans can only hope and wait.

5th place. Ryan Reinolds.

The top of the most beautiful men of the world continues hollywood actor named Ryan Reinolds. Romantic, charming and sexual actor gained recognition of the whole world in 2002, when played in famous comedy "Party King".

Ryan was born on October 23, 1976 in Vancouver in a police officer. Career young actor Started more B. early childhoodWhen Ryan starred in a soap opera called "15". In 2010, he headed the list of the "most beautiful men of the world of 2010" according to the magazine "PIPL".

Today, the actor's heart is employed Blake Lively. In 2012, the couple played a wedding, and in 2014 they had a child born.

4th place. Alexander Ulyum.

This handsome man is a representative of the list "The most beautiful Arab men of the world." The actor, poet, photographer, a native of the Arab Emirates simply struck all women with her beauty. The 25-year-old actor is currently in active search and is still content. huge number Gifts who give him beauties from all over the world. So, for example, one unknown fan gave him a MERCEDES G55 brand.

3rd place. Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp - another representative of the rating "most beautiful Men Actors in the world. This charming man has been a global sex symbol over the years. The actor, producer, director, screenwriter and just a handsome man striking his endless talent and attractive appearance.

Johnny Depp was born on June 9, 1963 in Kentuki. The fate of the future actor was not balung. At 12, he began to drink alcohol. The death of his beloved grandfather influenced the problems with the psyche. Started his career Johnny in music group Under the name "Baby", for whom and threw training at school.

First serious relationship Johnny started up for another 20 years. He married the grimer Lori Ann Elisson. After that, the actor coited with Kate Moss, then with Vanessa Paradise. In this union they had two children were born - a boy and a girl. In 2012, the family broke up because of the Roman Depp on the side with the actress Amber Hörd. In 2014, the couple concluded a legitimate marriage.

2nd place. Jude Law

The rating of the most beautiful men continues the handsome Jug Low. Charming smile, low voice timbre, masculinity, romanticism - all his attractive parties can be listed very and very long.

The actor was born on December 29, 1972 in London in the family of teachers. Jud's debut in 1986, when he starred in the teenage program "Pocket money". In 1999, he was nominated for the Oscar and Golden Globe Prize.

The first marriage at Lowe took place with the actress Sadi Frost. He lasted a long time. Sadi gave birth to her beloved husband of two charming children, but in 2003 a couple, unfortunately, broke up. There were rumors that Judah at that time was a novel with Nicole Kidman. Also, the actor was in a relationship with a strong Miller, but soon the pair broke out due to the Suda's intrigues on the side. Subsequently, the media told that the actor changed his girlfriend with the nanny of their children. After that, the couple tried to live together again, but these attempts did not lead to anything. At the moment, Jude Low is free.

1st place. David Beckham

Our rating of the most beautiful men in the world approached the end. The first and honored place was taken by the famous football player David Beckham. Star of football, the conqueror of millions of female hearts, this handsome man does not get tired to delight the public with his charming appearance, an excellent smile, a deep look and endless courageous.

Baked Beckham on May 2, 1975 in London. He played in such famous clubslike Manchester United, Real Madrid, La Galaxy, Milan. At the moment, David is married to Victoria Beckham.. Favorite and caring wife gave a famous football player of four children: three boys and one girl.

Our men are no worse!

Next we will discuss what the most beautiful men of the world, the countries of our state. Our men, the most attractive and sexy, can easily felt with the Americans and Europeans and beauty, and in the acting talent.

Danil Kozlovsky

Danila Kozlovsky is the most beautiful man of Russia, according to most of the most beautiful sex representatives. Native of Moscow. The actor was born on May 3, 1985. Danila has been engaged in charity for a long time. He starred in more than 20 paintings, including in Hollywood ("Vampire Academy").

Alexey Chadov

Pissile, daring and very beautiful actor was born on September 2, 1981 in Moscow. He starred in 14 famous Russian films. He is married from 2012 on actress Agnia Ditkovskite. Couple has a son - Fedor.

Sergey Bezrukov

This conqueror of millions of women's hearts was born on October 18, 1973 in Moscow. Removed in more than 50 films. At the moment, married Irina Bezrukova.

Vladimir Mashkov

Brutal, attractive and talented actor came to the soul not only to our public, but also foreign. Mashkov has a reward in his arsenal, which positions him as the most beautiful man of Russia. The owner of a multitude of premiums, Vladimir Mashkov amazes with his mysteriousness and romanticity. At the moment, the actor is married to Oksana Shelest, who recently gave him a child.

The most beautiful men of the past era

Naturally, every woman has its own opinion on who they are, the most beautiful men in the world. But each will agree that style, charismatic, charm, masculinity and charm are the inalienable qualities that each representative of a strong half of humanity should have. Next, we want to offer you a list of five applicants for the title "The most beautiful men of the past."

Elvis Presley

The greatest performer of all times and peoples, the highest paid paid american singe, the owner of a variety of awards, including the "most beautiful male planets", Elvis Presley imitated millions of men around the world.

Elvis was born on January 8, 1935. The singer died on August 16, 1977 from overdose by reassuring agents. But, despite the fact that this wonderful singer is no longer with us, his songs continue to sound on the radio, and we never cease to admire them.

Alain Delon

Sex symbol of the 60-80s, talented and romantic Alain Delon was born in France in 1935. The actor, director, screenwriter, the artist of the theater and producer was madly popular not only in the West, but also in the Soviet Union. At the moment, Alain Delon is not married.

Robert Taylor

Robert Taylor is another representative of the list "The most beautiful men of the world of the past era". One who has never seen movies with the participation of this stunning American actor will not be able to understand how Robert Taylor in his role was talented, beautiful and romanticized. It seemed that he was born only in order to film and enchant women with his masculine and endless charm. The actor was born on August 5, 1911. Died from the lung cancer on June 8, 1969.

Marlon Brando

Sex symbol of the 50s, ideal for imitating millions, twice the laureate of the Oscar Prize, talented actor Born on April 3, 1942 in Los Angeles. He was always considered a rather mysterious and sophisticated person, that is why he did not develop on love Front. Marlon died on July 1, 2004 from respiratory failure caused by obesity.

Al Pacino

The greatest American actor of Italian origin, the owner of the Oscar premiums, the Golden Globe for the role in the famous Mushroom Father film was born on April 25, 1940. Al Pacino is currently engaged in directorial and acting work. Since 1977, cohesive with Martha Keller. He was never married officially, it did not prevent him from the date with the March to acquire on the side of two children.


The photo of the most beautiful man of the world will not be able to convey all sensuality and courage that our hero has. Every woman has his own. Just getting acquainted and communicating, you can understand whether the handsome are really as we see them on the screen. We hope you never disappoint in your an ideal man, especially if he sits nearby.

There are many selences of countries where the most beautiful women live, but for some reason similar lists about very little. But women also need to know where to go to accurately find attractive male representatives. That is why we picked up 10 countries where you exactly in the company!


On the island of freedom, tanned latinists live, which will give you an unforgettable vacation. Men in this country are dark, dark-haired, have a strong physique and beautiful eyes. You will not leave indifferent emphasis and hard character. In addition, Cuba is a great place to relax and romantic adventure.


Passionate Spain is the Motherland of the Toreador and the best players of the world. Local men have excellent manners and plasticity. After all, it is not for nothing in vain, the birthplace of Pasadobl - dance, in which the partners imitate the movements of the Corrida. To brighten the Spanish man brighter, just remember Enrique Iglesias, who many times recognized as the sexiest singer.


Sun, sea and temperamental oriental men - It is waiting for you in Turkey. High, carbonous and dark-haired handsome hands will be glad to your society and will gladly hold a tour of you. After all, the Turks are very hospitable, especially if it comes to beautiful woman. With such a man you feel safe!


Guys with a Hollywood smile and pumped torso - this business card American coasts. Remember the lifting rescuers of Malibu or your favorite actors! In the system of values \u200b\u200bof American men, the family in the first place, besides, they are very hardworking and persistent.

Puerto Rico

Next door to Cuba live no less beautiful neighbors - Puertoricans. Tanned, muscular and strong - they will conquer the heart of any woman. In addition, Puerto Rico is the birthplace of Martin Ricky, and this is one of the most beautiful men on the planet. You can safely plan holidays in Puerto Rico - a strong arms of real macho is waiting there.


In this country, not only an unusual and colorful culture, but also very beautiful men. They have big dark eyes in which you will venture to drown. Also, the Hindus are very smart and hardy. They will open you not only your country, but also a big heart!


Real gentlemen who know how to handle the lady live in this country. The Englishman never fails to meet with you and will definitely have a stunning look to fight you. In a word, it can be called English charm, which is safely acting on women!


The birthplace is not only the most famous women's models, but also men. They are enhanced by themselves - go to the gym, they feed correctly and follow the last fashion trends. You will be surprised by their charm and erudition!

South Korea

Korean music, food, technique - it has already entered our life, but Korean men are also worthy of attention! It seems that they are not aging at all. Even in the forty years, they have a boyish appearance. You can find out the secret of their youth, visiting South Korea.


Redhead handsome men with green eyes and an excellent sense of humor - this is so briefly you can characterize the Irish. In a bonus to a bright appearance, they are still hardy and hardworking. Maybe everything is because when Vikings have ever lived on the Emerald Island?

Of course, the taste and color of all markers are different, and it is impossible to evaluate the beauty of those or other men, but everything is in your hands! You can visit every country from this list and make sure your experience, where is really the most beautiful men.

They say "Beauty will save the world" - and it is partly the truth, but how to recognize, that thin face when beauty goes into sexuality and vice versa? All the concept of beauty is different, but when it comes to sexuality, everything converge on the same criteria, and this is: passion, desire and unearthly attraction.

Today we want to figure out and see what the most sexy men in the world. Our article is more addressed to the female floor, because in it we will tell about the most sexual men of the world, and women, as you know, not only ears, but also eyes. Men will also be interested to see who they should be equal.

To avoid angry comments as much as possible, let's say that this list is based on the annual ranking from the Glamour magazine.

Here we go?

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Will Smith

And first from the end in our list of the most sexual men of the world, the famous Hollywood Mister Hitch becomes and this is Will Smith himself. His dark skin shade, smile and self-confidence just drive the female sex crazy. Impeccable style And the manner of communication cannot leave an indifferent one woman.

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Gregory Breepord

British athlete, champion in length jump, record holder, and just Handsome Gregory Breepford, not in vain takes his honestly deserved 99th place in the top of the sexiest men of the planet. A British athlete enjoys women with mad popularity, and all the guilt of his red curls and a sunny smile.

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Kanye West

In the next place, the American reper was firmly settled, producer, and the designer, dizzying Kanye West, and free from music. And it is not surprising, because herself sowing lioness Kim Kardashyan could not resist such a seductive man.

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Gavin Rossdale

This place is rightfully belong to the British musician, the leader of the group "Bush" by Gevin Rossdale. And it is not surprising, because it is so sexy looks in your 50s with a tail of years, not everyone, with what congratulations and congratulations.

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Eric Dane

How about how? Yes, this is Eric Dane himself, the sexiest doctor of Mark Sloan from the "Anatomy of Passion". Yeah! What, and in the sexuality of this guy you do not have to doubt, it only uses it only on the screen. In the life of Eric Dane, a devoted husband and loving father Two beautiful daughters.

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Jason Momoa

At the next 95th stage of the top of the hottest men, an American actor, the legendary "Conan Barbarian", Jason Momoa settled. With such an exotic appearance, long curls and bottomless eyes, he just could not get into the top of the sexiest, and from his smile just you can go crazy.

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Sergio Pizzorn

Another representative of Britain is located in the 94th place of the Sexuality rating. This time this is a British musician, producer, founder of the Kasabian group, Sergio Pizzorn. The surname issues the Italian musician origin and answers the question where there is so much sexuality from it.

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Nicholas Holt.

English Handsome Actor Nicholas Holt, despite his young age managed not only to dream with Hugh Grant, but also conquer the sympathy of millions of girls around the world. And all the guilt of his cute face.

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Chris Martin

At the 92nd place, the musician, the leader of the ColdPlay group, as well as a vocalist and a part-time keyboard player. His extraordinary eyes fascinated not only ordinary women, but also such a beauty like Gwyneth Peltou, the spouse, which he is.

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James Franco

Well, who does not know the charming American actor with the surname like the surname of the great Ukrainian poet? Before us, James Franco - American actor, the role of a launched enemy Peter Parker - Man Spider. James is also a screenwriter, producer, artist, teacher and this is not the entire list of merit of this charming man.

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Dermot O'Lery.

British radio host, the actor and the lead itself is famous for the British show talents "X-factor" Dermot O'Lery, occupies an honorary 90th place ranking the most sexual men of the planet, and not in vain, because he is recognized as one of the most stylish celebrities in Britain. And, as you know, style and taste is essential satellites of sexuality.

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Johnny Depp

Even children know this handsome, because it is the legendary "Jack Sparrow and Edward's hands-scissors." Guess? Of course, this is all the favorite Johnny Depp - an American actor and musician, as well as one of the most designer men Not only women of America, but also the entire planet.

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Jeremy Renner

But at the 88th place was an American actor, nominee of such prestigious filmmakers as "Oscar", "Bafta" and "Golden Globe" - Jeremy Renner. The Irendian on the maternal line, and the German German, Jeremy radiates such magnetism and charm, which enchants women at first sight.

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Thomas Dale

Not only the actors and musicians boast of their sexuality, but of course the athletes, for example, a British jumper into the water, the two-time Olympic prize-winner Thomas Dale took the 87th place of our Top, not at all groundless. It is worth only with one eye to look at the photos of Thomas by the pool and his gorgeous body, as everything becomes clear.

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Ryan Kontenen.

At the 86th place of the male sexuality rating is the actor, not this time not from Britain, but from Australia and his name Ryan Kontenn. First hear? Then look at the film with his participation "home and on the road", I think you will like it.

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Richard Armiture

At the 85th place of the rating again, the British 45-year-old actor Richard Armitage, known as the executor of the role of Torin Torin Torun, King Dwarves in the film "Hobbit". The fans of J. Tolkien perfectly familiar with him. While this is his most famous role, but the most interesting is still ahead.

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Ryan Lohte

American swimmer, gold medals record holder, six-time winner olympic GamesYes, and also the owner of the 84th place in the top of the sexiest men of the planet - and all this is about one person, namely, Raien Lochta. That's lucky.

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Ian Somerhalder

At the 83rd step, there is a US actor who does not know how to "stay alive", because he is the same Bun Carlisle from the eponymous series, and in his life his name is Yen Somerhalder and he is one of the sexiest men of the world.

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Charlie Hannem.

English actor Charlie Hannem is distinguished by charismaticness and charm, it does not work out the 82nd place of our rating. And his character Nathan Maloni from "close friends" is crazy not only girls, but also older women, he is such a syphal.

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David Tennant

So the Scotland turn was made to be proud of his heroes, because at the 81st place of our rating Top turned out to be the famous Scottish actor and the movie David Tennant. This guy is known as the tenth doctor from the television series "Doctor Who" and other equally outstanding roles in the movies.

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Wentorth Miller

Wentworth Miller is an American actor and a screenwriter, known for the role of Michael in the TV series "Escape", and the uncommon how many women sighs hopelessly about him, because it does not interest him at all. And, let the actor orientation is not quite common, it does not deprive his sexuality and our 80th place.

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Tobayas Menzis

And you Brute? What are we talking about? And the fact is that at the 79th place the top of the sexiest men of the world, the British actor and cinema Tobias Menzis is firmly rooted, is known for the role of the traitor to Juni Bruut in the TV series "Rome". But really he is very sexy.

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Yuen McGregor

A wonderful Scottish actor, film director and officer of the Order British Empire Yuen McGregor. He is not only a sexy man, legends go about the scale of his charity. Well done, Yuen! Keep it up!

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Jake Jillenhol.

Jake Gillanhol is an American producer, theater and television actor, from 11 years old he was familiar with the world of cinema. And this year he celebrates the 25th anniversary on the screen. Despite this, he remains as an attractive and charming man in the heyday itself, and takes the 77th place of our top.

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Taron Edgerton

Taron Edgerton - famous actor From the UK, in its 27 years already is at the peak of its popularity, and all this thanks to the role of Gary Anvin in the movie "Kingsman: Secret Service. And our rating, well, could not do without this charismatic personality.

The most beautiful man in the world - how should it be? Probably, everyone asked himself this question, wanting to understand what kind of man's beauty should be, and trying to imagine the standard of male attractiveness and sexuality.

Men's beauty - It is truly true controversial issue to date. The attractiveness of a man depends not only on appearance - beautiful face and tightened body, but also from character traits, charisma, brutality, acute mind and sense of humor.

Many publications annually publish a list of the most beautiful men in the world, in which famous actors, athletes and the most successful representatives of strong sex today.

But also not the exception of famous handsome hands, who are exemplary familymen and consistent with long-term relationships of strong sex, which also occupied the honorable places in the rating "The most beautiful men of the world".

We have compiled our own list of "The most beautiful men of the world", which includes the top 50 most beautiful men in the world 2019-2020, which includes the most attractive representatives of strong sex, whose beauty and charisma will not leave anyone indifferent.

Top 50 rating The most beautiful men of the world 2019-2020: photo review

Top 50: Ashton Cutcher, American actor, producer
Top 49: Chris Evans, American actor
Top 48: Will Smith, American actor
Top 47: Matt Bomer, American actor
Top 46: James Franco, American Actor, Filmorezhissor, Writer, Producer
Top 45: Johnny Depp, American Actor, Director, Writer and Producer
Top 44: Jeremy Renner, American actor
Top 43: Ian Somerhalder, American actor
Top 42: Yuen McGregor, Scottish actor, film director
Top 41: Jake Jillenhol, American producer, actor
Top 40: Channing Tatum, American actor, producer, model
Top 39: Robert Pattinson, British actor
Top-38: Gerard Butler, Scottish actor
Top 37: Robert Downey (ml.), American actor, producer
Top 36: Bradley Cooper, American actor
Top 35: Matt Damon, American actor, producer, screenwriter
TOP-34: Daniel Radcliffe, British actor
Top 33: Brad Pitt, American actor, producer
Top 32: Justin Timberlake, American actor, composer, producer
Top 31: Leonardo di Caprio, American actor, producer
Top 30: Dave Franco, American Actor, Writer, Director, Producer
Top 29: Hugh Jackman, Australian actor
Top-28: Christian Bale, British-American actor
Top 27: Jason Statey, English Actor
Top 26: Josh Duhamel, American actor
Top 25: Deniel Craig, English Actor
Top-24: Jude Law, British actor
Top 23: Colin Farrell, Irish actor
Top 22: Benedict Cumberbatch, British actor
Top 21: Sam Worthington, Australian actor
Top 20: Chris Prett, American actor
Top 19: George Clooney, American Actor, Director, Producer, Writer
Top 18: David Beckham, English Footballer
Top 17: Liam Hemsworth, Australian actor
Top 16: Alexander Scrangord, Swedish actor
Top 15: Chris Pine, American actor
Top 14: Orlando Bloom, English Actor
Top 13: Scott Eastwood, American actor, model
Top 12: Michael Fassbender, Irish actor
Top 11: Zac Efron, American actor
Top 10: Ryan Gosling, Canadian film actor
Top 9: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, American actor
Top 8: Tom Hiddleston, British actor
Top 7: Jared Summer, American Rock Musician, Actor
Top 6: Chris Hemsworth, Australian actor
Top 5 The most beautiful men of the world: Teo James, English actor
Top 4 The most beautiful men of the world: Ryan Reynolds, Canadian actor, producer
Top 3 The most beautiful men of the world: Tom Hardy, British actor
Top 2 The most beautiful men of the world: Jamie Danan, British actor
Top 1 The most beautiful man of the world: Ben Affleck, American actor, screenwriter, film director, producer