The most incredible coincidences. The most mysterious coincidences in history (15 photos)

The most incredible coincidences. The most mysterious coincidences in history (15 photos)
The most incredible coincidences. The most mysterious coincidences in history (15 photos)

There are in the life of the coincidence

In 1848, Nikifora Nikiforina "For the Kramole speech about flight on the moon" was not sent anyway, and in the long settlement of Baikonur! There are in the life of the coincidence.

Hello from the moon

When American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped on the surface of the Moon, the first thing he said was: "I wish you success, Mr. Gorsky!". Child Armstrong accidentally overheard the quarrel of neighbors - family couple By surname, the skish. Mrs. Mascus drove her husband: "Rather, a neighbor boy flies to the moon than you will satisfy a woman!"

And no secrets

In 1944, Daly Telegraph newspaper published a crossword puzzle containing all the code names of the secret operation on landing allied troops in Normandy. Intelligence rushed to investigate the "information leak". But the made up of crossword puzzled turned out to be old school teacherPosted by such an incredible coincidence no less servicemen.
Incredible coincidences
Twins are twins

Two foster families who adopted twins, not knowing about each other's plans, called boys - James. The brothers grew up, without suspecting the existence of each other, both received a legal education, married women named Linda, both sons were born. They found out about each other only 40 years.

Would you like to get pregnant - arrange a job here

In one of the supermarkets of the English County Cheshire, as soon as the cashier sits down at number 15, it will pregnant in a few weeks. The result is 24 pregnant women and 30 born children.

His name was Hugh Williams

The fifth of December 1664 the passenger ship sank off the coast of Wales. All crew members and passengers died, except for one. Lucky called Hugh Williams. More than a century later, the fifth of December 1785, another vessel was crashed in the same place. And again saved only person by name ... Hugh Williams. In 1860, again, the fifth of December, here went to the bottom of Rybatskaya Schoon. Alive only one fisherman remained. And his name was Hugh Williams!

Forgotten scenario

Actor Anthony Hopkins received main role In the film "Girls with Petrokes". But in no bookstore London the book on which the script is written is not found. And on the way home in the subway he saw on the bench that was this, forgotten by someone book with marks in the fields. After a year and a half, Hopkins met the author of the Roman who complained that he sent his last author's copy with remarks on the fields director, but he lost him in the subway ...

Air battle from the past

Muscovite Pankratov in 1972 During a flight on a flight, I read a book. The book was about air battles during the Great Patriotic WarAnd after the phrase "shell got into the first engine ...", the right motor on the aircraft Il-18 suddenly sniffed. The flight had to interrupt halfway ...

Plum pudding

In childhood, the poet Emil Deshan treated new for the French with a plum pudding - returned only from England a certain filling. 10 years later, Dean passing by the restaurant, he saw that the dish was remembered there, but he was presented with the waiter that all pudding had already ordered another gentleman and showed on ... Fold. A few years later, being in the house, where a plum pudding was covered, the poet had spent the gathered story that only twice in his life ate this dish and at the same time only twice saw felting. Guests in vain began to joke, that now ... and the door called! Of course, it was filling, who, having arrived in Orleans, was invited to visit one of the neighbors, but ... confused apartments!

Fish day

That's what happened once with famous psychologist Charles Jung, within 24 hours. It began with the fact that he had fish for lunch. Sitting at the table, he saw the fish van passing passing past. Then his friend suddenly had a conversation about the custom of "doing April Fish" (so referred to propelle Raffle). Suddenly came the former patient and brought a picture as a sign of gratitude, on which a big fish was depicted again. A lady appeared, who asked the doctor to decipher her sleep, in which she appeared in the form of a mermaid and sailing a flock for her. And when Jung went to the shore of the lake to calmly think about the entire chain of events (which, according to his calculations, did not fit into the usual random chain of events), then he discovered the fishhead chosen to shore.

Unexpected scenario

Residents of the Scottish village watched the film "Around the World for 80 days" in the local cinema. At the moment when the kin heeroi sat in a basket of a balloon and wrapped the rope, there was a strange crack. It turned out to fell on the roof of the Sinematograph ... exactly the same as in the movies, balloon! And it was in 1965.
Hello from the Moon

Like snow on the head

In the 30s of the last century, Joseph Bigkel, a resident of Detroit, went down the street, and, as they say, did not touch anyone. Suddenly, from the window of a multi-storey house, literally on the head of Joseph fell ... a year old child. Both participants in the incident separated by a light fright. Later it turned out that a young and careless milf simply forgot to close the window, and a curious child climbed into the windowsill and, instead of perishing, turned out to be in his hands from his stunned involuntary Savior. Miracle, do you say? And how do you call what happened exactly a year later? Joseph went down the street, did not touch anyone, and suddenly from the window of a multi-storey house in the literal sense fell on his head ... the same child! Both participants in the incident again separated by a light fright. What is it? Miracle? Coincidence?

True song

Somehow Marcello Mastroanni In the midst of a noisy friendly feast, the ancient song "burned down the house where I was so happy ...". He did not have time to keep the verse, as he was informed about the fire in his mansion.

Debt good turn deserves another

In 1966, a four-year-old Roger Lozier nearly drowned in the sea near the American city of Salem. Fortunately, a woman named Alice Blaise saved him. In 1974, Roger, who was already 12, repayed the service for the service - in the same place he saved a sinking man who turned out to be ... Husband Alice Blaise.

Sometimes in life there is something that explained it is logically simply impossible. It seems that without mysticism did not cost. Most of these incredible coincidences cannot be explained, and why they have occurred, it remains only to guess.

In anals of history, information about a sufficiently large number of similar cases. So, for example, in the 30s of the last century, a resident of Detroit, named Joseph Bigkel, was quietly on the street, when a child fell on his head out of the window. Nobody suffered, and the baby, and the man was separated by a small fright. Later it turned out that the mother of the child just forgot to close the window, and the child climbed to the windowsill and fell out. Gradually, they began to forget this case, but exactly a year later, the same man went down the street and he fell back on his head. And again, none of the participants in the strange incident have suffered.

An incredible story has occurred with some Henry Sigland. In 1883, he quarreled with his beloved girl, who after that ended the life of suicide. The girl's brother tried to shoot an unlucky groom, and thinking that he succeeded, shot himself. But it turned out that Henry remained alive: the bullet went into the trunk of a tree, only slightly taped his face. A few years later, the man decided to cut this tree, but his barrel was too big. Therefore, Henry decided to blow it up with several dynamite checkers. When an explosion occurred, a bullet, which was in the trunk of the tree before that time, broke out and landed a man in the forehead. Thus, to circulate the fate around Henry Ziglanda and failed.

Many incredible accidents occurred in the lives of famous writers and artists. So, famous writer Edgar poked once wrote small story, which described the fate of passengers who managed to survive after the crash of the ship. For many days, they had to boil ocean waves for many days on a non-unreliable ship, until hunger forced them to eat one of the satellites. Yung was eaten by Richard Parker. A few years later, the boat was discovered with three people who went away from the storm. Later it turned out that the survivors were four, but one had to eat because of a terrible hunger. Adults killed and ate Richard Parker. The most striking thing is that none of those who survived, did not know anything about the story.

The famous portrait artist from Austria, who lived and worked in the 19th century, tried several times to commit suicide. For the first time, this happened at the age of 18 - he tried to hang himself, but he was stopped by Monk Capuchin, which is unknown from where it appeared. Four years later, the young man repeated an attempt, and a mysterious monk appeared again. After 8 years, the artist for political activities was sentenced to the gallows, but the intervention of the same monk once again saved him. And in 68 years old, the artist still managed to kill himself - he fired himself in the temple. Twisted him the same mysterious monk, whose behalf never learned. Moreover, the reasons for such a tremendous attitude towards the artist by Kapuchin remain unknown.

One more interesting story It happened with the writer Mark Twain. He was born in 1835, precisely at the time when comet Gallei flew in close proximity to our planet. The writer died in 1910, when this comet again appeared near the Earth's orbit. The most interesting thing is that Mark Twain predicted own death In 1909.

No less incredible case occurred with the writer Morgan Robertson, who in 1898 wrote a novel "the abyss." In this novel, the author told about the first and last swimming of the liner called "Titan". This ship was considered the most reliable in the history of mankind, but nevertheless, when a collision with Iceberg sank, having taken with him a large number of human lives. Thirty years later, in 1912, the Titanic transatlantic liner, which was considered unspecified, faced with Iceberg, sunk during their first and last navigation. Many people also died at the Titanic. It is noteworthy that Roman coincided with life even in small things: almost the same number of passengers and lifeboats.

And here famous writer Evgeny Petrov was fond of not quite ordinary hobby. Throughout his life, he collects envelopes of his own letters. And he did it as follows: he chose the country, and then invented the city, the name of the street and the house number, the name of the recipient. It is clear that the letter simply could not find his addressee, so in a month or two it was returned back to the writer, but it was already decorated with foreign multi-colored stamps. But one day in 1939, when Petrov decided to write in New Zealand, the letter back did not return. In a letter, Petrov expressed condolences to some Merillus due to the death of Uncle Peter. The letter was not returned, so the writer began to forget about him. But suddenly in two months he received an answer, the address invented the address was indicated on the envelope. In a letter, he was thanked for sympathy, and also recalled about those few days that Petrov allegedly spent their guests. In addition to writing in the envelope there was a photo on which strong man hugged Petrov, and on back side The date was indicated on October 9, 1938.

Petrov was bad, because he remembered that it was on this day that he was in an unconscious state to the hospital with inflammation of the lungs. For several days, doctors literally fought the writer's life, without hoping especially success.

Petrov decided to figure it out in this strange story, so I wrote another letter to New Zealand. However, this time he did not wait for the answer, because the war began. The writer himself became a military correspondent, closed in himself, stopped joking and constantly thought about something.

No less incredible stories about twins. Scientists suggest that the twins are able to feel each other at a distance, and if one is experiencing pain or joy, then his copy will experience the same thing.

For example, one of the stories that is especially impressive is the case that occurred with the twins from Ohio. When children were only a few weeks from the family, the parents died. Adopted boys different families. And since then strange coincidences. Both families who adopted children gave them the same name - James. The brothers matured, without suspecting that the twin lives somewhere, both received legal education, perfectly carged and dragged, and then married girls named Linda. The brothers were born sons, one of which was called Alan, and the second - Allan. Later life Both brothers did not hold down, and they left their families, and then recently married women who called Betty. Each of the brothers had a dog nicknamed that. When they were for forty years, the brothers met, and were somewhat shocked by learning that they actually lived for two alone.

Another no less interesting story with Gemini occurred in May 1975. Brothers Arthur and John Maufork lived with their families at a distance of about 80 miles from each other. On May 22, both brothers suddenly felt pain in his chest. Relatives almost simultaneously placed them in hospitals. And about the same time to take away from heart attacks.

One death for two was also some twin brothers. In 2002, seventy-year-old twins were killed on the same highway in Finland. The time difference between their deaths amounted to an hour. According to the police, on the site of the road of the incident were rare, so the message immediately about two accidents with a difference per hour was the real shock for them. When representatives of the law and order learned that the twin brothers were dead, then they could not explain it to others like an incredible coincidence.

An incredible coincidence occurred in 1858. The rival of Robert Fallon in Poker after Losses shot it, saying that Robert was a shoeler and $ 600 won dishonestly. When the place of Fallon behind the gambling table was released, the winning remained to lie next to the unfortunate place, but no one was in a hurry to take him. At the same time, it was necessary to continue the game, so it was decided to get out of Salun and invite to the game random person. Soon they returned with a young man who passed by. He was sat at the table and as elemental bet Gave the money killed. The police who arrived at the crime scene were surprised that the criminals were playing poker, and wins a new one who had time to win more than two thousand dollars. When the police figured out what was happening, and arrested suspected murder, it was ordered to give $ 600 of the deceased to the closest relative. They, of course, turned out to be the youngest man who led from the street, and who was the son of Fallon and did not see him for more than 7 years.

But the story that happened on Bermuda Islands, not only incredible, but also very sad. Local I rode on my moped, and he was knocked down a taxi driver. Exactly a year later in the same place died brother this person. The most striking thing he rushed on the same moped, hit his same taxi and even more so, in the cabin there is the same passenger.

Incredible coincidences took place in life historical personalities. So, for example, the Italian king Umberto I went on somehow dine at a small restaurant in Monza. The order of the ruler accepted the owner of the institution. When the king raised his eyes, he noticed with surprise that it was an exact copy of him. Such a stripping similarity was fought by men to start a conversation, during which it turned out that there was a lot of common between them. So, and the king, and the owner of the restaurant was born on March 14, 1844 in the same city. And in that, and in another wives called Margaritis. The restaurant was opened on the day of Coronation Umberto. But on this coincidence did not end. In 1900, the king reported that the owner of the restaurant died as a result of an accident from the shot. The king did not even have time to express his condolences, as he himself was killed from the anarchist bullet, who shot him from the crowd.

Such incredible stories around the world will be very much and very much. But no of these cases there is no logical explanation. How does this happen - no one knows. Therefore, it is possible that such an incredible coincidence may happen in the life of every person.

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It is said that accidents do not happen, there are patterns. In history, for example, a lot of things interesting coincidences. And one of them.

A month before the murder of President Kennedy Lee Harvey Oswald got a job in the Texas school book. Later, according to the official version, it was this place that he chose as shelter when he was aimed in the 35th US president.

Now the question arises. How would events rotate if Oswald did not receive this work?

Edwin Booth and Robert Lincoln

Before the death of Abraham Lincoln, his son Robert went on a trip to New Jersey. When the train moved, the young Lincoln unexpectedly fell down the platform and could not get back. Fortunately, it was stretched in time for a coat collar on the safe surface of the platform.

His Savior was not anyone else like Edwin Booth, american actor And Brother John Wilx Butt, who will later become the killer Abraham Lincoln.

Gavrilo Principle and Erzgertsog Franz Ferdinand

Serbian-Bosnian revolutionar Gavrile the principle shot at the Austrian erzgertzog, managed to carry out his insidious effect due to a pure chance.

The first attempt to reprisals over the ERCGERCOM ended with a complete failure, then the radical decided to take care of his hands. The car in which Franz Ferdinand with his wife was driving, did not come there, then the driver stopped to turn around. That's when the principle decided not to miss his chance and made several deadly shots.

If the driver of the Ertzgerce chose the right direction, then probably we would never hear about World War II?

James Dean and his car

James Dean was famous hollywood actor 50s of the XX century. In 1955, he died in a terrible automotive accident, crashing on his powerful sports cabriolet Porsche Spyder, which Dean was very proud of. However, the "little bastard" (such a nickname gave its iron horse actor) for many years continued to sow death around him.

1) Everything that remains from a gorgeous car was transported to the garage after the accident. A pile of scrap metal, unexpectedly collapsed down the trailer, crushed one of the car mechanics.

2) On the sports car, which was ruled by the surgeon named William Eschric, a motor was installed from a "little bastard". During the competition, the sports car lost control, and Espish was no longer able to get out of the car alive.

3) Many were eager to restore the poorly enjoyable Porsche. However, the garage in which it was repaired by a strange coincidence of circumstances burned down.

4) The car was then shown at the exhibition in the city of Sacramento, where he fell from the podium and crushed the thigh passing by a teenager.

5) In 1959, the damned car met his end when it was inexplicably falling apart on 11 parts.

Mark Twain and Comet Gallet

The writer Mark Twain was born in 1835, on the day, when a comet of Galley flew next to the land. And when he died in 1910, the comet again seemed about the Earth orbit, as the writer foreshadowed.

Over the years before "Titanic" met his fate at the bottom Atlantic OceanFrom under the pen Morgana Robertson came out the novel "the abyss", in which he described the ship, like two drops of water similar on a floating giant. Non-optimated "Titan" (this is how the writer called his ship) I came across the iceberg and went under the water, taking the lives of most passengers with him.

And the tragedy in the book occurred in the same month, in which the real "Titanic" went to the bottom.

Louis XVI and 21st number

When the King of France Louis XVI was still a child, the astrologer warned him to always be a year on the 21st day of each month. The gloomy forecast so scared the king that he never planned any affairs on the 21st.

The French revolution made him abandon her habit. On June 21, 1791, the king and queen were arrested when trying to escape from the country. Then, on September 21 of the same year, France was proclaimed by the republic. And on January 21, 1793, King Louis XVI was executed on guillotine.

Richard Lawrence and Andrew Jackson

In 1935, Richard Lawrence committed an attempt on the life of the then President of America Andrew Jackson. He acquired two flint revolver and one of them aimed in the back of the president. When Lawrence pressed on the trigger, the weapon gave a mischief. Then the criminal came closely, pulled out the second pistol and shot focus. However, this time something went wrong.

At this point, the migrant killer attracted the attention of the crowd and detained him. When the police checked Louuren's weapons, both pistols were in working condition.

In 1941, Joseph Stalin gives an orders to a group of archaeologists to open the tomb of the Central Asian conqueror of Tamerlane, which was buried in Samarkand (Uzbekistan).

According to rumors, in his grave was found inscription, which reads: "He who will open my grave will release free the evil spirit Wars, more powerful than me. " In two days, German troops invaded the territory of the USSR.

Stalin ordered to reburied the remains of Timur in 1942. Soon after it german army capitulated under Stalingrad, which became turnstanding torque During World War II.

These incredible coincidences are so implausible that if they were fiction writers, they would have risked to be accused of causing fiction. However, life itself has invented these so fantastic coincidences and no one can blame her to lie.

Forgotten scenario

When famous actor Anthony Hopkins received a major role in the film "Girls from Petrovka", then neither the store did not find the book on which the script was written. Upaying the actor returned home and miraculously in the subway he is found on the store of this someone forgotten book with marks in the fields. Later, at the set of the film, Hopkins met the author of the Roman, from whom he learned that a year and a half ago the author sent the last copy of the book with remarks in the fields director, and he lost it in the subway ...

Issued secrets

In 1944, a crossword puzzle containing all the code names of the secret operation on landing all the allied troops in Normandy was published in one of its rooms of the Dale Telegraph newspaper. In crossword, words were encrypted: "Neptune", "Utah", "Omaha", "Jupiter". Intelligence rushed to investigate the "information leak". However, the made up of crossword puzzle turned out to be an old school teacher, puzzled by such an incredible coincidence of no less military personnel.

Air battle from the past

Once, during a flight Moskvich Pankratov, I read a book about military battles of wartime. After the phrase read the "Projectile hit the first engine ...", indeed, the right motor on the aircraft Il-18 suddenly smoked. The flight had to interrupt halfway ...

Plum pudding

The poet Emil Deshan in childhood treated some flexion plum pudding. The recipe of this dish was new to France, it brought him from England. After 10 years, Dean in the menu of one of the restaurants saw this dish and, naturally, made an order. However, the waiter told him that it was impossible to order entirely pudding, but it is only part of it, because another part of it is already ordered. What was the surprise of the poet when he saw the man who was first made the order, which was filling. Even later, being a guest, where one of the dessert dishes was a plum pudding, Dean told the story that he had only twice in his life to try this dish and both of the same time at the same time at the same time. Guests joked that it can now appear here ... the surprise of all there was no limit when the door was called. Of course, it was filling, who, having arrived in Orleans, was invited to visit one of the neighbors, but ... confused apartments!

Fish day

A funny story happened to the famous psychologist Charles Jung, for 24 hours. At first, the dinner was fish. When I was sitting at the table, he saw the fish van passing passing past. Further, his one after the dinner did not have a conversation about the custom of "doing April fish" (this is referred to as the firstacial draws). Then the former patient came unexpectedly and brought a picture as a sign of gratitude, on which a big fish was depicted again. Then the lady came, who asked the doctor to decipher her sleep, in which she appeared in the form of a mermaid and sailing a fish for her. And when Jung went to the shore of the lake to calmly think about the entire chain of events (which, according to his calculations, did not fit into the usual random chain of events), then he discovered the fishhead chosen to shore.

Unexpected scenario

In the Scottish village there was a film session "Around the World for 80 days." At the time when the kinherogi sat in the basket of the balloon and wrapped the rope, there was a strange crackling. It turned out to fall on the roof of the Sinematograph ... exactly the same as in the movies, a balloon! And it was in 1965.

Hello from the moon

At that moment, when American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped on the surface of the moon, his first phrase was: "I wish you success, Mr. Gorsky!". But meant that's what. Another child Armstrong accidentally heard the quarrel of neighbors - a married couple on the surname of Gorski. Mrs. Mascus drove her husband: "Rather, a neighbor boy flies to the moon than you will satisfy a woman!" And here on you, coincidence! Neil really flew to the moon!

Like snow on the head

This story occurred in the 30s of the last century. Joseph Bigkel, a resident of Detroit, returned home, and, as they say, did not touch anyone. Suddenly, from the window of a multi-storey house, literally on the head of Joseph fell ... a year old child. And Joseph and the child fell into a light fright. Later it turned out that a young and careless milf simply forgot to close the window, and a curious child climbed into the windowsill and, instead of perishing, turned out to be in his hands from his stunned involuntary Savior. Miracle, do you say? And how do you call what happened exactly a year later? Joseph, as usual, went down the street, did not touch anyone, and suddenly the window of a multi-storey house in the literal sense fell on his head ... the same child! Both participants in the incident again separated by a light fright. What is it? Miracle? Coincidence?

True song

One day Marcello Mastroanni on friendly party I dug an old song "The house burned down where I was so happy ...". He did not have time to keep the verse, as he was informed about the fire in his mansion.

Debt good turn deserves another

In 1966, a four-year-old Roger Lozier nearly drowned in the sea near the American city of Salem. Fortunately, a woman named Alice Blaise saved him. In 1974, Roger, who was already 12, repayed the service for the service - in the same place he saved a sinking man who turned out to be ... Husband Alice Blaise.

Ominous book

In 1898, the novel "Stripping" was released, in which the death of the Giant Ship "Titan" was described by the writer Morgan Robertson after a collision with Iceberg in the first flight ... After 14 years, in 1912, the UK lowered the Titanic motor ship, and In the luggage of one passenger (of course, quite by chance) turned out to be the book "The vigoros" about the death of "Titan". Everything written in the novel was embodied in life, literally all the details of the catastrophe coincided: an unimaginable hype in the press was raised around both ships in the press because of their huge sizes. Both of those who are considered unspecified vessels flew into an icy mountain in April, having many celebrities on board as a passengers. And in both cases, the accident very quickly turned into a catastrophe due to the negativeness of the captain and the lack of rescue equipment ... Book "Breeding" with detailed description The ship drowned with him.

Ominous book 2.

In one of the April nights of 1935, Sailor William Rivz stood on a watch on the nose of the English steamer "Titanian", heading to Canada. There was a deep midnight, Rivz, being under the impression of the studied novel "Swimming", and considering the fact that a shocking similarity is observed between the "Titanic" and a fictional event. Immediately sailor realized that his ship in currently Crosses the ocean where "Titan", and "Titanic" have gained their eternal peace. Then Rivz remembered that his birthday coincides with accurate date Immersion "Titanic" under the water - April 14, 1912. With this thought, the sailor covered indescribable horror. It seemed to him that fate prepares him unexpected.

Being under a strong impression, Rivz filed a hazard signal, and the steamer cars immediately stopped. The crew members ran to the deck: everyone wanted to know the reason for such a sudden stop. What was the amazement of sailors when they saw the Iceberg, who came out of the night darkness and stopped right in front of the ship.

One fate for two

The most famous people-copies who lived at the same time are Hitler and Roosevelt. Despite the fact that they appeared very much, they were even enemies, their biographies were largely similar. In 1933, both received power with the difference of just one day. The Day of the Inauguration of the US President Roosevelt coincided with the voting in the German Reichstag to provide Hitler dictatorial powers. Roosevelt and Hitler Exactly for six years have taken their own countries from a deep crisis, then each of them led the country to prosperity (in his understanding). Oba died in April 1945 with a difference of 18 days, being in a state of an irreconcilable war with each other ...

We offer you incredible coincidences as well incredible storieswho occurred with people in different times, in different places The world is just incredible! These incredible coincidences are sometimes so incredible that they could not come to mind simple man, not a single science writer. Writers - science sciences, most likely would not dare to write a similar, having wandering reproaches from readers in causing implausibility.

Only life itself, it is entitled so bizarre and incredibly intertwined the threads human fate, by the way, no one has the right to blame lies. We offer you the most incredible stories and coincidences, from real lifewhat happened to different people In different historical times, in different places of our planet.

There are in the life of the coincidence

In 1848, Nikifora Nikiforina "For the Kramole speech about flight on the moon" was not sent anyway, and in the long settlement of Baikonur! There are in the life of the coincidence.

Hello from the Moon

When American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped on the surface of the Moon, the first thing he said was: "I wish you success, Mr. Gorsky!". The kid Armstrong accidentally overheard the quarrel of neighbors - a married couple on the surname of the skish. Mrs. Mascus drove her husband: "Rather, a neighbor boy flies to the moon than you will satisfy a woman!"

And no secrets

In 1944, Daly Telegraph newspaper published a crossword puzzle containing all the code names of the secret operation on landing allied troops in Normandy. Intelligence rushed to investigate the "information leak". But the made up of the crossword puzzle turned out to be an old school teacher, puzzled as an incredible coincidence of no less military personnel.

Twins are twins

Two foster families who adopted twins, not knowing about each other's plans, called boys - James. The brothers grew up, without suspecting the existence of each other, both received a legal education, married women named Linda, both sons were born. They found out about each other only 40 years.

Would you like to get pregnant - arrange a job here

In one of the supermarkets of the English County Cheshire, as soon as the cashier sits down at number 15, it will pregnant in a few weeks. The result is 24 pregnant women and 30 born children.

His name was Hugh Williams

Forgotten scenario

Actor Anthony Hopkins received a major role in the film "Girls with Petrokes". But in no bookstore London the book on which the script is written is not found. And on the way home in the subway he saw on the bench that was this, forgotten by someone book with marks in the fields. After a year and a half, Hopkins met the author of the Roman who complained that he sent his last author's copy with remarks on the fields director, but he lost him in the subway ...

Air battle from the past

Muscovite Pankratov in 1972 During a flight on a flight, I read a book. The book was about air battles during the Great Patriotic War, and after the phrase "shell got into the first engine ...", the right motor on the aircraft Il-18 suddenly snamped. The flight had to interrupt halfway ...

Plum pudding

In childhood, the poet Emil Deshan treated new for the French with a plum pudding - returned only from England a certain filling. 10 years later, Dean passing by the restaurant, he saw that the dish was remembered there, but he was presented with the waiter that all pudding had already ordered another gentleman and showed on ... Fold. A few years later, being in the house, where a plum pudding was covered, the poet had spent the gathered story that only twice in his life ate this dish and at the same time only twice saw felting. Guests in vain began to joke, that now ... and the door called! Of course, it was filling, who, having arrived in Orleans, was invited to visit one of the neighbors, but ... confused apartments!

Fish day

This is what happened once with a famous psychologist Charle Jung, within 24 hours. It began with the fact that he had fish for lunch. Sitting at the table, he saw the fish van passing passing past. Then, his friend suddenly had a conversation about the custom of "doing April Fish" (this is called the first-herrial draws). Suddenly came the former patient and brought a picture as a sign of gratitude, on which a big fish was depicted again. A lady appeared, who asked the doctor to decipher her sleep, in which she appeared in the form of a mermaid and sailing a flock for her. And when Jung went to the shore of the lake to calmly think about the entire chain of events (which, according to his calculations, did not fit into the usual random chain of events), then he discovered the fishhead chosen to shore.

Unexpected scenario

Residents of the Scottish village watched the film "Around the World for 80 days" in the local cinema. At the moment when the kin heeroi sat in a basket of a balloon and wrapped the rope, there was a strange crack. It turned out to fall on the roof of the Sinematograph ... exactly the same as in the movies, a balloon! And it was in 1965.
Hello from the Moon

Like snow on the head

In the 30s of the last century, Joseph Bigkel, a resident of Detroit, went down the street, and, as they say, did not touch anyone. Suddenly, from the window of a multi-storey house, literally on the head of Joseph fell ... a year old child. Both participants in the incident separated by a light fright. Later it turned out that a young and careless milf simply forgot to close the window, and a curious child climbed into the windowsill and, instead of perishing, turned out to be in his hands from his stunned involuntary Savior. Miracle, do you say? And how do you call what happened exactly a year later? Joseph went down the street, did not touch anyone, and suddenly from the window of a multi-storey house in the literal sense fell on his head ... the same child! Both participants in the incident again separated by a light fright. What is it? Miracle? Coincidence?

True song

Somehow Marcello Mastroanni In the midst of a noisy friendly feast, the ancient song "burned down the house where I was so happy ...". He did not have time to keep the verse, as he was informed about the fire in his mansion.

Debt good turn deserves another

In 1966, a four-year-old Roger Lozier nearly drowned in the sea near the American city of Salem. Fortunately, a woman named Alice Blaise saved him. In 1974, Roger, who was already 12, repayed the service for the service - in the same place he saved a sinking man who turned out to be ... Husband Alice Blaise.

Continuation of incredible coincidences and stories

Ominous book

In 1898, the writer Morgan Robertson in the novel "Freight" described the death of the Giant Titan ship after a collision with Iceberg in his first flight ... In 1912, 14 years later, the UK lowered the Titanic motor ship, and in the baggage of one passenger (Of course quite randomly) turned out to be the book "The futility" about the death of "Titan". Everything written in the book was embodied, literally all the details of the catastrophe coincided: the unimaginable hype in the press was raised around both ships in the sea because of their huge sizes.

Both of those who are considered unspecified vessels flew into an icy mountain in April, having many celebrities on board as a passengers. And in both cases, the accident very quickly turned into a catastrophe due to the non-sprinkler of the captain and the lack of rescue equipment ... The book "Breaking" with a detailed description of the ship drowned with him.

Ominous book 2.

April 1935, Seamor William Rivz stood on a watch on the nose of the English steamer "Titanian", heading to Canada. There was a deep midnight, Reeves, being impressed by the newly read novel "Swimming", unexpectedly understood that the shocking similarity was observed between the catastrophe of the "Titanic" and a fictional event. Then the seamen flashed the thought that his vessel is currently crossed by the ocean where "Titan", and the "Titanic" found their eternal peace.

Then Rivz remembered that his birthday coincides with the exact date of immersion of the "Titanic" under the water - April 14, 1912. With this thought, the sailor covered indescribable horror. It seemed to him that fate prepares him unexpected.

Being under a strong impression, Rivz filed a hazard signal, and the steamer cars immediately stopped. The crew members ran to the deck: everyone wanted to know the reason for such a sudden stop. What was the amazement of sailors when they saw the Iceberg, who came out of the night darkness and stopped right in front of the ship.

One fate for two

The most famous people-copies who live at the same time are Hitler and Roosevelt. Of course, they were very different outwardly, moreover were enemies, but their biographies were largely similar. In 1933, both received power with the difference of just one day.

The Day of the Inauguration of the US President Roosevelt coincided with the voting in the German Reichstag to provide Hitler dictatorial powers. Roosevelt and Hitler Exactly for six years have taken their own countries from a deep crisis, then each of them led the country to prosperity (in his understanding). Oba died in April 1945 with a difference of 18 days, being in a state of an irreconcilable war with each other ...

Letter with prophecy

The writer Evgeny Petrov had a strange and rare hobby: all his life was collecting envelopes ... from their own letters! He did it so - sent a letter to some country. All except the name of the state, he invented - the city, the street, the house number, the name of the addressee, so after a month and a half the envelope returned to Petrov, but already decorated with multi-colored foreign stamps, the main of which was: "The addressee is incorrect." But in April 1939, the writer decided to disturb the post office of New Zealand. He came up with a city called "Hyidbervill", Rytytbich Street, House "7" and the addressee of "Merill Okrain Waisli".

In a letter to Petrov wrote in English: "Dear Merill! Acceptance of sincere condolences in connection with the death of Uncle Piet. Soft, older. Forgive me, I did not write for a long time. I hope that ingreed everything is in order. Kiss your daughter from me. She, probably, is already very big. Your Eugene. " It took more than two months, but the letter with the appropriate note was not returned. Deciding that it was lost, Evgeny Petrov began to forget about him. But Augustus came, and he waited ... a response letter. At first, Petrov decided that someone was swirling over him in his spirit. But when he read the return address, he became no joke. On the envelope it was written: "New Zealand, Heidbervill, Rightbich, 7, Merill Odin Waisley."

And all this was confirmed by a blue stamp "New Zealand, Mail Hyidbervill". The text of the letter reads: "Dear Eugene! Thanks for the condolences. Veliad death Uncle Nather knocked us out of the rut for half a year. I hope you forgive the letter delay. Ingrid I often remember those two days that you were with us. Gloria is completely large and in the fall will go to the 2nd grade. She still keeps the Bear that you brought her from Russia. " Petrov never went to New Zealand, and therefore he was all the more struck when she saw a man who hugged a strong addition to a strong addition ... His Petrov himself! On the reverse side of the picture it was written: "October 9, 1938."

Here the writer almost did not happen badly - after all, that day, he fell into the hospital in an unconscious state with the hardest inflammation of the lungs. Then, for several days, the doctors fought for his life without hiding from their relatives that almost no chance of survival. To deal with these or misunderstandings, or mystic, Petrov wrote another letter to New Zealand, but the answer was no longer waiting: the second began world War. E. Petrov from the first days of the war was the Military Correspondent of Truth and Informbüro. Colleagues did not recognize him - he became closed, thoughtful, and stopped joking at all.

Letter with prophecy

In 1942, the plane on which he flew into the area of \u200b\u200bhostilities was most likely shot down above the enemy territory. And on the day of receipt of the news on the disappearance of the aircraft to the Moscow address of Petrova, a letter from Merill Waisli was received. Waisley admired courage soviet people And he expressed anxiety for the life of Evgeny himself. In particular, he wrote: "I was frightened when you began to swim in the lake. The water was very cold. But you said that you are destined to break through the plane, and not drown. I ask you, be careful - fly as less than possible. "


The fifth of December 1664 the passenger ship sank off the coast of Wales. All crew members and passengers died, except for one. Lucky called Hugh Williams. More than a century later, the fifth of December 1785, another vessel was crashed in the same place. And again the only person by name ... Hugh Williams. In 1860, again, the fifth of December, here went to the bottom of Rybatskaya Schoon. Alive only one fisherman remained. And his name was Hugh Williams!

From fate you will not leave

Louis XVI predicted that he would die 21 numbers. The frightened king of the 21st day of each month was sitting, locked in his bedroom, did not accept anyone, did not appoint any cases. But the precaution was in vain! On June 21, 1791, Louis and his wife Maria Antoinette arrested. On September 21, 1792, the republic was proclaimed in France and the royal power was canceled. And January 21, 1793 Louis XVI. executed.

Incasive marriage

In 1867, the heir to the Italian crown of the Duke d'Aosta was combined with a marriage with Princess Maria Del Potsodella Kisna. A few days later, the servant princess hanged himself. Then the gatekeeper cut his throat. The royal secretary was killed by falling off the horse. A friend of the duke died from sunshine... by itself, after such monstrous coincidences, the lives of newlyweds did not hold down!

Ominous book 3.

Edgar by wrote creepy story About how the victims of shipwreck and devoid of food seafarers ate a junior named Richard Parker. In 1884, the plot of horror was embodied. Schooner "Lace" was crashed, and the sailors devoured from hunger, whom he was called ... Richard Parker.

Ability to thank

A resident of Texas, the United States, Allan Folbi fell into an accident and damaged the artery on his leg. He will certainly die of blood loss if he had not been passing by Alfred Smith, who put the injured bandage and caused " ambulance" In five years, Fallbi was a witness to the car accident: the driver of the broken car lay unconscious, with a broken artery on his leg. It was ... Alfred Smith.

Issued secrets

In 1944, Daly Telegraph newspaper published a crossword puzzle containing all the code names of the secret operation on landing allied troops in Normandy. In crossword, words were encrypted: "Neptune", "Utah", "Omaha", "Jupiter". Intelligence rushed to investigate the "information leak". But the made up of the crossword puzzle turned out to be an old school teacher, puzzled as an incredible coincidence of no less military personnel.

Terrible date for ufologists

On a strange and frightening coincidence, many UFologists died on the same day - June 24, however, in for different years. So, on June 24, 1964, the author of the book "Behind the scenes of flying plates" Frank Scully died. On June 24, 1965, the film actor and Ufolog George Adamsky died. And on June 24, 1967, two researchers UFO - Richard Chen and Frank Edwards left at once.

Let the car die

Famous actor James Din died in a terrible automotive catastrophe In September 1955. His sports car remained intact, but soon after the death of the actor, some evil rock began to pursue the car and everyone who touched her. Judge for yourself: shortly after the catastrophe car was taken from the scene. At that moment, when the car was covered in the garage, her motor mysteriously fell out of the body, cutting the foot of the mechanics. Motor acquired a kind of doctor who placed it in his car.

Soon he died during a racing race. James Dina's car later repaired, but the garage in which he was repaired, burned down. The car was exposed to Sacramento as the attractions, fell from the podium and crushed the thigh passing by a teenager. In total in 1959, the car was mysterious (and completely independently) collapsed on 11 parts.


Henry Sigland was sure he was able to circle a fate around the finger. In 1883, he broke with his beloved, which, unable to transfer the separation, committed suicide. The girl's brother, beside himself from grief, grabbed a gun, tried to kill Henry, and deciding that the bullet reached the goal, shot himself. However, Henry survived: the bullet only slightly neglected the face and entered the trunk of the tree. A few years later, Henry decided to cut the ill-fated tree, but the trunk was too big, and the task seemed impossible. Then Siegland decided to blow up a tree with several dynamite checkers. From the explosion of the bullet, which was still sitting in the trunk of a tree, broke free and got ... right in Henry's head, killing him in place.


Stories about Gemini are always impressive, and especially this story about two twin brothers from Ohio. Their parents died when crumbs were only a few weeks from the family. They were adopted by different families and separated twins in infancy. From here takes the beginning of a series of incredible coincidences. Let's start with the fact that both foster families, not advancing and unaware of each other's plans, called the boys with the same name - James.

The brothers grew, not suspecting the existence of each other, but both received legal education, both perfectly sharpened and carged, both married women with the same name Linda. Each brothers had sons. One brother called Son James Alan, and the second - James Allan. Then both brothers left their wives and married the second time on women ... with the same name Betty! Each of them was the owner of a dog named that ... you can continue endlessly. At the age of 40, they learned about each other, met and were amazed by the fact that all the time forced separation lived one life for two.

One destiny

In 2002, seventy-year-old twin brothers died with a difference per hour in two non-other road accidents on the same highway in the north of Finland! Police representatives argue that there were no accidents on this site for a long time, therefore a message about two accidents on one day with a difference per hour has already become a shock for them, and when it turned out that the twin brothers became victims, police officers could not explain the incident nothing else like an incredible coincidence.

Monk Savior

The famous Austrian portrait artist of the nineteenth century Joseph Aigner has been attempted suicide several times. The first time he tried to hang around at the age of 18, however, it was suddenly stopped unclear from where the monk-cappuchin appeared. At 22, he again repeated an attempt, and was again saved by the same mysterious monk. Eight years later, the artist was sentenced to the gallows for his political activities, but the timely intervention of the same monk helped soften the sentence.

At the age of 68, the artist still committed suicide (shot from a pistol in temple). All the same monk sent him - a person whose behalf never has never found out. The reasons for the Austrian artist remain unexplained and the reasons for the Austrian artist.

Untile meeting

In 1858, the player in Poker Robert Fallon shot a rival loser to him, who said that Robert - Shuler and won $ 600 in deception. Fallon's place at the table was released, the winnings remained nearby, and none of the players wanted to take a "unfortunate place." However, the game was necessary to continue, and rivals, having consisted, left Salun to the street and soon returned with a young man who passed by. The novice was planted at the table and handed it 600 dollars (Robert win) as an element rate.

The police arrived at the crime scene discovered that the recent killers with Azart are cut into poker, and wins ... a novice who managed to pay $ 2,200 in the element rate of $ 2,200! Having understood in the situation and arresting the main suspects in the case of the murder of Robert Follon, the police ordered to transfer $ 600 who won the deceased, his nearest relative, who was all the same lucky young player who had not seen his father for more than 7 years!

Flew to comet

The famous writer Mark Twain was born in 1835, that day, the comet of Gallei flew next to the land and died in 1910 on the day of her next appearance near the earthly orbit. The writer foresaw himself and his death himself back in 1909: "I came to this world with Gallei's comet, and next year I will leave it with her."

Ominous taxi

In 1973, Bermuda Taxi shot down two brothers, rolling along the road with violation of the rules. The blow was not strong, the brothers recovered, and the lesson did not go to them. Exactly in 2 years in the same street on the same moped, they again fell under a taxi. The police found that in both cases the same passenger drove into a taxi, but completely eliminated any version of the deliberate road.

Favorite book

In 1920, the American writer Ann Parrish, who was at that time on vacation in Paris, came across in a buckiest store for his favorite children's book - "Jack Frost and other stories". Ann bought a book and showed her his spouse, told about how he loved this book in childhood. The husband took the book from Ann, opened it and discovered on title page Inscription: "Ann Parrish, 209n, Webber Street, Colorado Springs." It was the same book that once belonged to Ann!

One fate for two 2

The King of Italy Umberto I once came in a small restaurant of the city of Monza to dine. The order of His Majesty respectfully took the owner of the institution. Looking at the owner of the restaurant, the king suddenly realized that he was in front of him accurate copy. The owner of the restaurant and face, and the physique was very much like His Majesty. Men talked and found other similarities: both the king, and the owner of the restaurant was born on one day and year (March 14, 1844).

They were born in the same city. Both are married to women named Margarita. The owner of the restaurant opened his institution on the day of Coronation Umberto I. But on this coincidence did not end. In 1900, the King of Umberto notified that the owner of the restaurant, in which the king loved from time to time to be, died as a result of an accident from the shots. The king did not have time to express his condolences, as his very shot an anarchist from the crowd, surrounding the carriage.

Happy place

In one of the supermarkets of English County Cheshire, an inexplicable miracles have been creating. As soon as the cashier under the number 15 sits down the cashier, so after a few weeks it will prenten. It repeats everything with enviable constancy, the total is 24 pregnant women. 30 children born. After several completed "successful" control experiments, during which the researchers simulated for the cash register, scientific findings did not follow.

The way home

Famous American actor Charles Coglen, who died in 1899, was not buried in his homeland, and in the city of Galveston (Texas), where death accidentally found a touring troupe. A year later, the hurricane of an unprecedented force hit this city, blurred a few streets and a cemetery. A hermetic coffin with a body of Coglin for 9 years sailed at least 6,000 km in the Atlantic, until finally, the flow did not carry him as shore right in front of the house, where he was born on the island of Prince Edward in the Bay of St. Lawrence.

Thief unfortunate

The tragicomic incident recently occurred in Sofia. Milko Stoyanov, safely robbing the apartment of a wealthy citizen and carefully folded "Trofy" in the backpack, decided to descend on the drain tube from the window going on a deserted street. When Milko was at the level of the second floor, whistles of policemen were heard. Having confused, he released a pipe from the hands and flew down. Just at that moment, some kind of guy passed on the sidewalk, and Milko fell right on him.

The arrivals of the police on both were handcuffed and took them to the plot. It turned out that the guy on whom Milko fell was a thief-house, which, after many unsuccessful attempts, finally managed to track down. Interestingly, the second thief was also called Milko Stoyanov.

Unfortunately Date

Is it possible to explain by random coincidence tragic fate American presidents elected a year that ends with zero?

Lincoln (1860), Garfield (1880), Mackinley (1900), Kennedy (1960) were killed, Harrison (1840) died of inflammation of the lungs, Roosevelt (1940) - from polio, Harding (1920) suffered a hard heart attack. The attempt was made on Reagan (1980).

Last call

Is it possible to consider the accident documented episode: the favorite alarm clock Pope Paul VI, which for 55 years called at 6 am, suddenly worked at 9 pm, when dad died ...

The continuation of incredible coincidences and stories will, because we live!